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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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the air of our channel. greetings, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for everyone. and thinkers
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politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. your place is waiting for you. the light remains on, for dinner - what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you... always before
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eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we did not give up, because we knew that you are already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how hard victory is given, and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible, so when you are home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we, the nation united around you, are sabbatical. political club
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pryamiy ater, we are coming back, today, i remind you, we have two hours of communication with vitaly portnikov, we discuss, debate, analyze, well, we return to... actually our military such block of today’s saturday political club, we still we have one very interesting issue that needs to be discussed and needs to be discussed, it concerns the possibility of transferring ukraine to the eight patriot systems that are now owned by israel, which ones are used by israel, but which ones are apparently not used, he wrote them off, if i am not mistaken, they are 30 years old, and they are, yes... yes, it is quite possible, and the united states of america is now conducting a diplomatic, political discussion with israel, precisely so that these patriot installations, of which there are eight, at least up to eight pieces, so that
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transfer them to ukraine, i repeat once again, the question is that they are 30 years old, they are either practically not... used or not used at all, but they can be modernized, but it is clear that they can be, as well as any, any american weapons, modernize, repair, adapt to modern realities, give them the opportunity to use various computer technologies there, mr. vitaly, this is a large number, this is essentially what ukraine asked everyone. patriot settings, well at least seven for that in order to close such key cities, key facilities, we have now received two or three installations, well, our military is now training part by part, and if we are talking about this possibility, is it real and what is the time
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perspective? i think that if it is talked about in the media, then it is absolutely already real, if it were unreal, information about it would not appear, uh, secondly, if it is, firstly, secondly, if this is going to happen, this is by and large a major change in the policy of israel itself, because you remember that from the first days of this war israel, fearing russia's reaction and possible destabilization of the situation on the syrian front, tentatively, tried to behave very cautiously precisely from the point of view of supplying weapons to ukraine, humanitarian aid yes, hospitals, doctors, political support yes, but... just not weapons, and that was hard enough and you know that the prime minister of israel and navtali benet and benjamin netanyahu except for tomi lapid, by the way, these were the people who continued yair lapid, sorry, to communicate with vladimir putin, they had contacts, well true , navtali benet himself
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volodymyr zelenskyy asked to act with such a mediating mission, and no one asked betanyakh, he communicated with putin, no no no no not in very, i would say such pleasant tones, but... with him already during this great middle eastern war, which started after october 7 last year. so, if the israeli government agrees to provide these installations, it means that they have already realized that russia is no longer their security partner in the middle east, even nominally, because what were they afraid of anyway? let's say that the russians will close the syrian sky and thus make it impossible for the army to defend israel or create unnecessary problems for destruction. of these facilities in syrian territory, radical syrian groups, and iranian facilities, you remember that israel in damascus destroyed one of the facilities, which was located next to the iranian embassy in syria, where one of the main saboteurs from so the so-called guard corps of the islamic revolution, a known
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terrorist, uh, well, but now it became clear that russia would still not agree on anything else, that we could no longer to count, because she is not counted with israel. and this is a very important point, as you understand, related to what is happening in the middle east and israel's position, but let's look carefully at ukraine's position, this also needs to be analyzed. maybe you remember when there was a topic about volodymyr zelenskyi's visit to jerusalem after october 7. i was a strong supporter of this visit. and he said that it is not so much necessary for israel as... for us to show the civilized world that we are in the same situation, so to speak, that we are in the same boat, that on israel was attacked by a terrorist organization, we were attacked by a terrorist state, and at first the americans were very eager for this too, here is netanyahu, he was in no hurry then with this visit
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by zelensky, because he was again afraid of the russian reaction, and then zelensky himself was in no hurry to go, and statements began here that we do not need to go to... israel in such a situation, when the countries of the global south are offended by it, they will have difficult relations with us. and i remember that one of my colleagues even wrote an article in which said that zelensky, as an ethnic jew, has such emotions that are beginning to prevail over the national interests of ukraine, and i was very surprised by this, and now i have a good question for all these, to put it mildly , unprofessional people, in of the ukrainian so-called international media, in the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, in the office of the president, what do we need the weapons of the system at all. patriot or beautiful photos on the peace forum, who will
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give us weapons at all? antigua and barbuda, venezuela, bahrain, qatar, oman, they are great arrived, their leaders took a picture with volodymyr zelenskyi, shook his hand, everything is fine, but what do we need so that our infrastructure is not destroyed, we do not exchange a handshake for... security, we exchange a handshake for a beautiful communiqué, which in itself is nothing does not mean from the point of view of the possibility of the end of the russian-ukrainian war in the coming years. then the question arises, what do we need, besides these beautiful photos with the president of ukraine in the center, although i say again, i always said, and you you can also testify that at the muru summit it is diplomatically a very good thing, diplomatically, but ukraine can win those... only in one way: with weapons and money, weapons and
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money, this is the most important moment that we always have to talk about, and we have to build relations with countries that can give us weapons and money, some documents in which 150 countries of the world would certify our support, we simply do not need, because these countries will certify our support even when... when ukraine will no longer be real on the political map of the world, when its entire territory will be occupied by the russians, and then the president of the émigré government of ukraine, even volodymyr zelenskyi will come to the un and everyone will applaud him, he will welcome everyone and everyone will vote for the fact that ukraine should restore its territorial integrity, he will have an office somewhere in a drunken avenue. why is it necessary, for what? to prove this, and by the way, it was the same with many countries of the world, well, they had international support, well, by the way,
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a beautiful middle eastern example, palestine, we even have an embassy in ivan fedorov, there is an ambassador, he feels very well, he goes to some diplomatic meetings, but the so-called palestinian president mahmoud abbas is deciding whether to go to the peace summit or not , he didn't come, but there is no palestine, and it may not even exist. well, most of the member states of the united nations organization, this non-existent virtual palestine, which the inhabitants of its arab part never managed to create after the famous un resolution in 1948, they get the full support of the majority, so what if there is no real political solution, no one misses it they are just so beautiful, they created an embassy for themselves, installed an ambassador there, another person got a job abroad, moved his family, it's great. feels good, receives a salary from the funds of the united nations organization, and
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there is no state, because it cannot be created, we do not want to be in such a situation, so it is more important for us, no matter how strange it sounds, maybe for many, the attitude of the patriots, ugh, and that's why we need countries that are allies of the west, they are not completely the west itself, israel is, in principle, almost the west, but that's all only it is not a member of nato, but south korea is. this is really a country that is an ally of the united states, there is the philippines, here the president of ukraine visited the philippines with president ferdinand marquez jr. before the peace summit, i think it is more important than the peace summit, to be honest , because it is another ally of the united states, which has weapons that can be produced, that can restrain some interests, there are a number of other such states, let's mention south korea, we also know that they used to buy weapons from it. but for us, now it is ready, maybe even directly to supply, here is the reality, those countries that
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can give us money and weapons are those countries with which we must develop relations, all other countries, as they say, the author of baron minghausen once said, england can wait, antigua and barbuda can wait , venezuela can wait, qatar can wait for a while, they can all wait, of course, if these... participate in the release of our prisoners of war, this is also an important part of our track, it must be said that the people who take advantage of these countries for such but this is just an exchange, here the russians themselves are interested, it is important, you see, even the holy see released yesterday neriman djemali, the deputy head of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people, by the way, i want to sincerely congratulate all our crimean tatar friends on this release of other civilians citizens of ukraine who were in the prisons of russia and the republic of belarus, this is
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through the mediation of the holy see, i.e. the pope... there may be a political position that we do not like very much in the assessment war, but this position helps precisely in such humanitarian matters, this is important, the energy of these countries can be used precisely for this purpose, but again, in order for the people who are in the prisons of russia and belarus to return somewhere, it is necessary that there should be a state to which they could return is a preliminary, and this state can only be preserved by closing the sky, to build up the armed forces, to produce weapons. to recognize russia, this is a task for the next decades. that's all. by the way, at this very moment, an air raid alarm is sounding in the north, in the center of our country, in the east of our country, in kyiv. that is, it once again reminds us that it is very important to have anti-aircraft defense systems, anti-missile defense systems, to cover our skies
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in all possible ways. well, what we are saying is... it is extremely important that ukraine has all the necessary weapons from our international partners. what we are talking about is that the last question, probably in this block, about these statements and about the position of ukraine, recently the president volodymyr zelenskyi of ukraine stated that ukraine actually supports the existence of two states, israel and palestine, yes, that is such a statement. it sounded somewhere approximately, well , a week or two ago, mr. vitaly, if we are talking about this, are such statements correct, the middle eastern issue should be resolved by creating two states, this is what president biden and the leaders of the european union countries are saying, it is simple western
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position, the president of ukraine does not express any such special position, different from the position of our allies. yes this position may not be liked by many in israel itself, ugh, because there are people there who believe that the creation of a second state on the territory of the former mandated palestine is wrong, by the way, these are usually representatives of right-wing political forces, and this is part of the internal political struggle in the very israel, how to resolve this issue, but at the same time we are for... we are well aware that there is an international position, it is that there will be a real opportunity to resolve the middle east conflict when there are two states , each of which will recognize the other's right to exist. now, as you know, there
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are organizations that support... certain sentiments among the population of the so-called palestinian authority, why does the so-called palestinian authority exist, the palestinian authority is supported by them, such as hamas organizations, they deny the existence of israel's affairs, this we must always remember that the vast majority of residents of the palestinian authority deny israel the right to exist, we forget this factor, we often reduce everything to israel. political struggle, but there is still palestinian history, which in principle has not yet come to the fact that the vast majority of people who live on the west bank of the jordan river in the gaza strip, they agree with israel's right to exist, but this is another story, this is the middle east story, regarding the statement of the president of ukraine, i don't see anything that differs from the position of the united states
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of the european union, because everyone says all the time: "we need to create conditions for there to be two peaceful states." life, coexistence, but again, in order for this to happen, it means that these conditions must be created, so far they do not even exist in nature, and remember, after october 7, for reasons completely incomprehensible to me, many people said: "this is now , after this story, there is a real situation related to the fact that, most likely, a palestinian state will emerge, because this is what happened, this is a clear, clear demonstration that..." the state really has be proclaimed that there should be no more such excesses as an attack on the territory of israel from the territory of the gas sector, well, they stopped talking about it, it's true, because if it's about which state. it is possible to talk about which territory, when even a cease-fire cannot be agreed upon for several months in a row and the release of hostages, and
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it became clear to everyone that the very idea of ​​the emergence of a palestinian state, even if several new countries of the world appeared that recognized it, is absolutely a virtual issue and in fact on october 7 , 2023, it is not that the issue of this state has been put on the back burner, but it may even have been put period for the coming years in discussions on this topic? let's put an end to these topics and move on to the next ones. i think that we should talk about european integration, about euro-atlantic integration. a summit was held in the european union this week, and negotiations between ukraine and the european union actually began. a big state summit will be held in the near future. nato, where ukraine will also be discussed, our format, not accession, but further cooperation, stop will also be discussed, well
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, in general, if we are talking about european integration, many people call this day, when the negotiations actually started, historic, in reality this day is rather... just a legal date, since the negotiations will last more than one year and even ukrainian senior officials say that it will be at least 2029, someone is talking about 2030, that is, another five to six years, but it is clear that for this we still need to carry out a huge number of reforms, to unify ukrainian legislation, according to the legislation of the european union, it is possible to discuss various topics regarding protection of national producers, and to pass , including those obstacles that are called hungary in our country, right? hungary also made 11
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demands to ukraine, some demands are called absolutely unacceptable, well, we will talk about that as well. let's probably start with this date, what we have to do in the next 5 years in order to... become a member of the eu, well , apart from certain technical things, well, and the second question, to what extent or what date do you consider more realistic, more acceptable from the point of view of our realities regarding ukraine's accession to european union? well, the first question, the first thing we have to do is to end the war, if the war continues on ukrainian territory, there will simply be negotiations on accession to the european union, but there will be no accession, so let's go. again , let's not live in illusions that we can fight and be members of the eu at the same time , there can be no war on the territory of the eu, and joining the eu will, in principle, be a statement of the fact that,
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by and large, we are unlikely to have any real the possibility of ending the war there is very quickly and in such a way that the europeans have no doubt that it will not start again, this... on the issue of not european, but euro-atlantic integration, one, two, we will need to really close chapter by chapter in these negotiations, if you have seen all these documents about the accession of other countries to the european union, there is just a whole list of laws that need to be passed, and when the national parliament passes these laws, then this chapter is considered closed, but it is not only from the european side, it is also sign. from our side, because we have to have reservations about certain points that the european union will propose, and let's say this, the easier we will give up
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our own interests in favor of the european union's proposal, and the faster we will give up the interests of our own economy, the faster we will join the european union, the more seriously and professionally we will protect our interests, the longer we will join, there are simply countries that quickly joined because... they already had unified legislation, and they did not there was a lot to talk about, and there were countries, such as poland, which fought very seriously for the interests of their agriculture, as we can see, they are still fighting, yes, yes, well, with the european union, given that we are a country with a large agriculture, for now, i think that we will not just have this either, so this is the second such moment, the third moment, it is, er, negotiations with specific states that can at any moment block our entry into the european union ,
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accession negotiations, and so... you mentioned hungary, well, by the way, it must be said that hungary still behaves very intelligently, i can remind you about another country, about north macedonia, in north macedonia, first greece, and then bulgaria, did not give the opportunity to start the negotiations themselves, and none of these countries could convince. the process of negotiations with north macedonia never started. tion initially demanded that north macedonia, then simply the republic of macedonia, change its name. after the governments of greece and macedonia reached those agreements, this new one appeared constitutional name, north macedonia, then at this moment a new story arose with bulgarian, completely unexpected claims, claims of a historical nature. ugh. bulgarians began to demand
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constitutionally. changes in macedonia in order for this country to recognize the existence of the bulgarian minority and the bulgarian historical heritage and everything else, which by and large is to a certain extent, well, how do you explain it, virtual, why? because from the point of view of historical, i would say real, it is possible to consider either the entire population of north macedonia bulgarians, as bulgarians, by the way, or nobody, because it cannot be, if you... consider that it is all one people, you cannot demand from this one people that it is some group of people that still needs to be found , were considered part of the bulgarian ethnic group on the territory of macedonia, and in general, as you understand, this question is completely strange from the point of view of european standards, because of course the republic of macedonia has to ratify certain agreements on the protection of the rights of minorities and bulgarians there as well, if they are on the territory of the north macedonia, but definitely not
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bulgaria cannot demand from the country. in the macedonian constitution, and it requires, and despite the fact that other member states of the european union sought a compromise, because this compromise was proposed by france, regarding the constitutional changes in north macedonia, these constitutional changes have not yet taken place, instead, the macedonians, who feel deeply offended, and by the way, it can wait for us, they voted for the radical national parties, who now say that they do not want to talk about this with bulgaria, do not want any changes to the constitution, and this means that these negotiations will not start again, and we can... in principle, get into a completely similar situation, the only difference is that fortunately for us, i do not know what will happen with the claims of other countries, our problem, our hope in general, is viktor orban's ambition, but viktor orban has a much greater idea of ​​himself than any prime minister or president of bulgaria, about his role in the world.
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why did you mention these 11 demands of viktor orbán, along with that, viktor orbán leads the country tomorrow, which the day after tomorrow, which becomes presiding in the european union, and information has already appeared in the online edition of european truth that he will allegedly visit kyiv next week, that kyiv will be the first capital he visits as a person presiding over the eu, despite the fact that he he still hasn't come here, but he was never here during... a big attack, he was in moscow before the big attack, do you remember? and why is that so? and because if viktor orbán does not have time to jump into this boat, then george maloney will not take his party into his faction in the european parliament, and if it does not take his party into its faction in the european parliament, then hungary will not be able to get any positions in the committees of the european parliament and in the european commission, and viktor.
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will get rid of the influence, you will never put pressure on bulgaria, because i understand that in bulgaria, everyone is not very worried about this influence in the european parliament of the european commission, but viktor orban is worried, and who is the current euro commissioner for the expansion of the european union? the hungarian politician, well , viktor orbán, does not want to lose such positions, and that is why he is just sitting now, he is packing a suitcase, what will fit in there, what won't fit in there, can you put a photo of zelensky, can you put your wife, fuck off. but it goes, this means that it will also be possible to work with all these requirements in this way, that is, in your opinion, conditionally speaking, we will have the opportunity to at least level part of these requirements, because, because, if we say, here in particular on the same the same european truth, i have now discovered, there is quite...


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