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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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you looked happy at the debate, we are not 80 years old, but this is actually a person, yes, by the way, this is a person still in between these trips, still working as the president of the united states, which is also a daily stress, incredible, we saw a simple thing at this debate , that trump is more energetic than biden, it is not a question of age, they are the same age, but let's imagine that trump will win the presidential election, how much. how old will he be when he finishes his term of office, how much, well , even a year older, 82 or 83 years old, 83, when will graduate, yes, at the time of the election, he will be 82, at the time of the election, 79, and he will graduate, if he is elected, at 83, 83, yes, well, well , well, right, right, 83, that is, not a boy either, and neither are we we know what he will look like at the age of 81, because that's aging, it's faster than... uh, than we think, so i
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think that i'm honestly surprised by the panic, well, let's even decide what you suddenly have everyone at the new york times, the economist, friedman, everyone else opened their eyes and you saw that biden is 81 years old, you didn't know that when he decided to run for a second term, and no one told you, no one said, mr. president, move, let's choose another. everyone said biden , only biden, only biden, now suddenly everyone turns out to be him, we thought that this was vasylytsa the wise, but this is a frog, well, well, it’s strange that you now saw that this is not a young person, but the democratic party had primaries , 95% of the participants of these primaries are members of the democratic party of the united states, supporters of this party, people. registered,
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voted for biden, not 60%, not 73, even, which for us is a record number, color the president, 95, well, of course, because the current president, but because there was no real competition, and everyone was for biden. imagine the united states democratic national convention, biden comes out and says, "i'm done, i'm leaving," quoting another president, and they say, so be it. well, it looks strange, not a single person nominated kamala haris from the party members for the presidency and did not vote for it, i am not talking about anyone else, it can have a negative effect on on the final result, of course , because i will, let's say, if i voted for biden and then my delegate to the convention of the democratic party came and voted for kamala harris, someone will not vote for kamala halosuvati, but for someone else, you understand what the fight will start at the check-in, why should i... be pleased at all, i
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will feel insulted. i went, registered, voted, and then my vote was trampled, so why should i even participate in all these elections where there is no candidate, who did i vote for? on the contrary, i would believe that such an outcome of the debate should lead to an even greater concentration of those who want donald trump to spend the next four years in prison, and not in the general office. this is the main task of all people who would not like to die in the ravages of the third world war, which is almost inevitable if trump is elected. instead, we see some kind of scandal, some collective letters, some statements of the editorial boards, what speaks of the degradation not of biden, but of the degradation of the american european political class, these people will lead us to the grave and their countrymen too. i'm rooting for president barack obama here. who in such a situation did not start
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hysterical, reminded that he himself had a failed debate, by the way, it was the first debate with mitt romney, and by and large this debate did not become any kind of problem for obama's election, obama won this election over romney, you have to remember that, too, this is a true story, and biden was characterized by obama in his ... statement after the debate as someone who always looked out for the interests of the american people, and trump was perfectly logically characterized as a person who only cares about his own interests, and in this debate it was obvious, of course biden was much less energetic than trump, but trump in this debate was also trump, a person who blamed , lied, made history, looked absolutely terrible, as she always looked. his entire time
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on this earth, because there hasn't been a day in the history of donald trump that he hasn't looked like donald trump. and here there is another question, not for americans, but for ukrainians. you notice that... the closer the presidential election is, the more likely it is that donald trump will be elected as the president of the united states, the louder the voices of those who believe that if the gentleman is suddenly like that, then you should be in time to kiss the gentleman in the ass, be the first in line, because then there will be so many people who want to, that no, no, mr. no... will understand that this is exactly your kiss, because he will be sitting and there will already be many people who will be, who are these people? well, i see it in social networks, in the comments of analysts, we must understand, trump must win, we must build relations with trump. well, first of all, you need to understand that it is impossible to build
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a relationship with someone who does not notice you. this is trump's peace plan, the so-called one proposed by his advisers, once again confirms the simple fact that ukraine is for donald trump. the subject does not exist, there is already a simple idea: you must force the president of ukraine to start negotiations with russia, otherwise we will not give him weapons and money, right? trump himself constantly talks about vladimir zelenskyi about khacha, who, well, even at the debate, he spoke, well, he repeated this thesis, yes, who all the time leaves america with 60 billion dollars, as if zelenskyi is a person who takes this money, because we just have problems there in the economy, we cannot help ourselves, and not because we have... a war and our infrastructure and economy are being destroyed by the enemy, fine, but the very idea is that ukraine should not decide anything, so we will tell her that she has to do, if she says no, we just won't give her money, not them to decide how they should live in this life, trump knows better, in relation to putin
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there is no such thing, however, no one says, that is , putin is offered certain such, i would say advantages, if he agrees, then we can. cancel the sanctions, we can agree to the fact that the russian troops remain in the territories they occupied, that is , they talk to ukraine like serfs in the language of the whip, they talk to putin like a partner, how do you want to build relations with him when he is against you to spit, was to spit when he was president, spit now and will spit when he is president, don't have any illusions, of course, this man, if he becomes president of the united states, can... will be pressured by american institutions and american public opinion, can will force her to make decisions that donald trump himself will not like, using the very american political system that responded to his actions during his first presidency, not
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giving him the opportunity to implement these intentions that were very dangerous for the ukrainian state as well, but it will be contrary to his true wishes, his true wish, and he has already expressed it today. that if i am a smart president of the united states, russia, north korea, and china will not be our enemies, but will do wonderful things, how is that? what should be done so that they become such friends of this unbelievably intelligent person, well, i have a question, you know, because you know, i would understand when the plan of trump's advisers was built on some whips for ukraine and russia? let's say, we don't give money and weapons to ukraine, we demand negotiations with russia, and for russia, we will emphasize for russia that if it does not negotiate and ends this war, we introduce american troops on the territory of ukraine, and the americans themselves will defend trump, allegedly for with this plan, he says that he will give more weapons
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or give more money, but here the question, as far as i understand, is not the withdrawal of russian troops from the territory of ukraine in general, that is, we are talking about freezing, about freezing the conflict, but now it arises question, why does putin need this freeze? i am always interested, and it is really important for me to understand why these people think that putin needs a frozen conflict in such a situation, will trump give more weapons to ukraine? well, biden is already giving, i generally think that biden should give more weapons to ukraine now, before it all becomes a reality, but putin doesn't... understand that ukraine can get more weapons, that it can hit russian positions, he is waging a war of attrition, and he this war of attrition will stop precisely because he will not be able to fight further, and not because trump will threaten him with something, so maybe first we need to give ukraine more weapons, more
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money, exhaust russia, then putin himself will want negotiations, trump will not propose negotiations with putin, and putin will offer mediation to trump to end this war, at least on some normal terms for... the kremlin , well, in theory , the united states of america now has such a position that in fact a war of attrition is taking place, that is, they they give us weapons now, they give us. now financial support in order to exhaust russia and push it to victory, well because that is the only way, the question, the question is simply that because of the previous events that we observed from november to april, we did not receive this help in time, and in fact , this rather large period of time was lost, i do not argue, but here it is also difficult to blame joseph biden for this and it is easy to blame donald trump for this, and already by those ... the behavior of trump and his clients, you can imagine how they will
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behave when they come to power, this is also a reality, you see, we remember how they behaved, but again, we and you, andrii, have to remember that there are no ideal situations in the united states anyway, we don't know how the election as such will end, i.e. president, senate, house of representatives, democratic president, well if biden wins, republican senate, republican... house of representatives, or no, republican president, democratic house of representatives, republican senate, and there can be different schedules, and each of these schedules, any of these, it's like a chessboard, you can sit down and play with each position, there are a lot of them, a democratic president, a republican senate, a democratic house of representatives, a democratic president , republican senate, republican house of representatives, democratic president, democratic senate, republican house, and on and on... so how many options is that? it looks like it's 18 if i'm not mistaken, or 24, you have to sit down
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count how many different options there can be, and each of the options changes american politics, and there is a clean option, when the president gets everything, but not for one and a half years, and then the situation changes again, well, then there are 19 options in total, that's a lot options, and it also doesn't give us the ability to say exactly what american politics will be, because ... it's not a monarchy, it's not even emmanuel macron's fifth republic, relatively speaking, french, when it is, it's a parliamentary election that's very important, but the president still remains a sovereign, and the american president is not a sovereign, as we can see from these six months of delay with help, if we are talking about the theoretical version of what is being discussed now, or you are considering, at least that. the possibility of replacing the democratic nominee, joseph biden said today that he's not
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going anywhere, i don't really understand how that's even supposed to happen, technically, the way it can happen technically, it can only happen one way, technically, no politically, joseph biden speaks at a convention before convention of the democratic party, even earlier, which i think according to the laws of the state of ohio, until august 7 , a candidate for the presidency of the party must be registered, yes. in three months, uh, that is , how many months are left, so during this time , biden has to give up the, uh, running, the national conference, uh, of the democratic party has to meet, because there will not be enough time for the primaries, and choose someone as a candidate for the position president of the united states, you believe that, it's hard, well, what's going to happen, that biden now said, "you know, i realized, that i will not pressure, his team will say that, well,
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mr. joe, it is necessary to change, well, that is, in theory, of course, that of course, that there is not much time left, and it is clear that with a probability of 3/4 or even more, or even 90%, say that the candidate will be replaced. difficult theories there are different candidates being considered up to michelle obama, well we have heard these stories, but to me stories, but it seems to me that after barack obama's statement it is clear that michelle obamach does not think for a minute, does not think about participating in this pre-election period fight, so absolutely if we're talking about statements. candidates at this debate, in particular , trump said that ukraine would not win a war
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against russia, yes, although on the other hand, trump said that he allegedly does not support putin's actions in ukraine, of course, yes, but if we are talking about these statements of trump, are these chaotic statements, or do they indicate after all that he has to abandon his previous ones. quite controversial statements and still support ukraine? trump is a chaotic man in his own right as a politician, but he sure is knows what he... wants, he wants to come to an agreement with putin, but trump's whole problem is that he lives in a fictional world, all the time, and he believes in this world that he can come to an agreement with putin, his he may be disappointed, by the way, putin also believes that he will come to an agreement with trump during trump's presidential term, well, nothing
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came of it, as you understand, so i understood trump's desire. to what extent it can be implemented, i don't know, i'm not sure about it, moreover, i think in principle that trump's second term will be very different from the first, because the trump of his first term was a man who reckoned with the interests of the establishment of the republican party, and this can be seen in the many memoirs of those who worked close to him during this time in the white house, during these four years before joseph biden's presidency, there was a situation of complete privatization, one might say, degradation of the republican party of the united states, that is, the great old party we knew before disappeared from the political arena. as well as this happened during such a short period of time, it is not a private political force, why
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such transformations took place from one of the oldest political forces in the world at all, but because the party that existed. relied on the electorate that can no longer bring her victory, uh, it was these, i would say, traditional americans, let's say, with conservative values, who are getting fewer demographically, we just have, now it's not about uh traditional america, with the new america, and there is such a phenomenon that the democratic party in this new america... has retained its traditional nuclear electorate, because the democratic party, in addition to people of, let's say, conventionally liberal views, is voted by representatives of various minorities, from national to political minorities, even, let's say, you know, left-wing, very radical people also vote for
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the democratic candidate, and their latin americans, representatives of the lgbt community. the jewish community, all over the world, all over the world vote for democracy, and these people are not decreasing, but increasing demographically, even there are more latin americans, people arrive every month in the usa, well, they don't get it, and they will become naturalized in the future, he wants to expel them, i mean, we understand why he wants this, because these people are naturalized, it is clear that those who arrived his candidates... were yesterday or last year will not vote, and those who arrived 10 years ago, of course, but what about the republicans, who always gathered at these traditional evangelical circles, from which mike johnson is a native , they are becoming fewer, the question arises, and how can the republican party win then, demographically, only if it becomes the party
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of populism, it has no way out, it can be either the party of trump or the party of eternal losers, and they don't... want, you understand that such politicians as mike mcconnell, who, or george mccain, is the past, there are no such politicians in the republican party anymore, john mccain is no longer among us, he has a match mcconnell, how old is he, also in his 80s, and all this elite, she is not young, but look on new people in the republican party, on taylor green, on mike johnson, even on mccarthy, it's absolutely and... that people without any big , i would say, political values, maneuverable, cynical, populist-minded, sometimes fanatical, that's another story, another party, that's what happened not in four years, it happened over a much longer period of time, but just in four years, especially after
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the storming of the capitol, there was obviously an understanding that the republican party could either win with trump or... or not win at all, that, by the way , wonder why, because we saw that nikki haley beats biden by a much larger margin than donald trump. but for republicans, it means betraying their own approach to politics, because the reason why nikki haley is winning is because as a minority person herself, she attracts attention from people who might traditionally vote democratic, so to speak ... a temporary victory, because everyone is considered, and where should we get haley's tunics again, it is temporary, but trump's course is a tour that promises success all the time, why all the other candidates except. the haleys were small trumps, you remember what kind of candidates there were, and there were even more radical, even more radical, desantis, this guy, i don't remember what his last name was, there was another
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candidate who was generally pro-putin, this such a republican party, and this, by the way, largely reflects the strengthening of the far-right, far-right political vector in the world in general. who is starting to win precisely on such wild populism, the former president of brazil, bolsonaro, is that trump? the new president of argentina, javier millay. is that trump? victor orban, this is essentially trumpism. the new reincarnation of marine le pen. this is trumpism by and large, here is this new one, not the kind of national unity that was before, but now this policy, you understand, marine lipen under
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the israeli flag, this is not jean marie lipen with anti-semitic statements, but why is she under with the israeli flag, an outpost of the west in the middle east, ugh, that's about how these far-right forces once supported the south african republic, turned a blind eye to something. but believed that this was their position, and there are many such examples, that is, when trump became the president of the united states for the first time, he had almost no allies in the world, now he can gather millais, le pen, orban, andrzej duda for his inauguration, because pidzha is now in the ultra-right faction in european parliament. you understand yaroslaw kaczynski, here's george maloney, imagine how many politicians have become who share
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trump's principles in latin america and europe, and this also suggests that the republicans have understood which way to go in order to maintain power, politics is there is always a struggle for power, and the means for this struggle are very often not yours. and so these people who, like mitch mcconnell, talk about the need to preserve values, they become marginal, because the republicans of the 21st century have different values, and the democrats can just find themselves in a difficult situation, because they are forced to play on several boards at once, here liberals, here left radicals, here biden, here sanders and everyone. they must be united, israel must be supported, and humanitarian aid must be provided to the gas sector, donald trump calls george biden is ridiculously bad at the palestinians, it
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's clear who to count on, well, here's the whole story in which these two parties found themselves, in 2024, the situation will only get worse, because the demographics will change in the future in ... the united states, the less so-called classical americans, the more radical the republican party of the united states, the right-wing, and the more radical the surrounding world will be, the less democracy there will be in latin america and the more populism there will be, the less there will be democracy in europe and more populism. in general, i think that european democracy in many countries is living out its last decades, that is, if we are talking about the european union, then the european union
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is living out its last days, i don't know how far the right-wing radicals will be when they are in power in countries like france, germany and italy will be able to come to an agreement among themselves if, because if we are talking about the fact that democracy survives, at least in some countries. the last decade or the last decade, then the european union comes into question, because the european union was created precisely, the european union was created so that europeans would not fight with each other, its, its pillars of the european union as of now, this is democracy, and yes, the pillars of the republican party are also democracy, that's all changes, there may be a union of autocracy, do not do not look, that is, just reformatting. values, so the european union. the question is whether these people will be able to get along with each other, but on the other hand, if the average european, just like the average american, there is a desire to expel migrants. ugh.
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since it is no longer possible to prevent new ones, then between this, say, the national association and the brothers of italy, george and melanie and fidesz can find a common language here, and here is the question, and for the christian democratic union of germany there will be a choice, or become such with a party like these, move to the right, or give... a wide street to an alternative for germany? i think that the cdu will move to the right, i really think so too, that is, this is the math, although, let's be honest, it was the cdu that applied for that, conditionally speaking, they let migrants to germany, and the republicans abolished slavery altogether in the united states, well, we are talking about the fact that these transformations are interesting, so what am i leading to, to the fact that
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the transformation is interesting, you can. to be including in germany, of course, and again if we are talking about the united states and we are talking about the struggle of two parties, one of which was the party of the slave owners, and the other party was the anti -slavery party, and now these parties have changed from the point of view political position of its liberal conservative roles, and we this perceive as a norm, then imagine what could happen with the transformation in europe, this is also a very serious problem, and you, i'm reading an interview with the french who are going to vote. "listen, but you're going to vote for the fascists, and they say what you're talking about, maybe it was once, but don't you see that the ultra-left melancholia, unruly france, these are the real fascists and anti-semites, it's different now , fascists and anti-semites, they are on the ultra-left flank, led by milanchon, and the socialist party france is united with them in the people's front,
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so if we do not want real fascists to come to power in italy, so that our prime minister is not jean luc mélenchon, we should vote for marina le pen. even emmanuel macron could not have dreamed of such a turn of events. well, by the way, when the left united, that's how emmanuel macron got scared, because he realized that many people would say the same thing when mélenchon's party, which is really ultra-left, and we know this scheme, it's the famous german choice between adolf hitler and ernst thelmann, well, what would you and i do if we had to choose between hitler and thelmann, you don't know? well , it might be easier for me, because i would be a jew, i could decide everything, what is good, if i choose between hitler and thelman, i can at least somehow escape from thelman, i will have six months to leave, and what about you did, you no longer have such a problem, and you are simply german, and you have hitler and telmon, what to do, even an arrow? well, this is
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the current situation, by the way, just by chance, when we talk about france, i am now looking at the latest polls, we discussed about three weeks ago, just during the elections to the european parliament, that the lippen party now has from 32 to 37%, in france and can win as of now from... under , well, let's say, on average, 260 mandates, well, let's see how it will be distributed, because there are many others, those who will not get in, well, you know this story, when even in our verkhovna rada, there are those who are not got in, are distributed, there it is important what will happen in the second round, the second round will be on beginning of july
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greetings to all viewers of espresso, i'm anna yavomalnyk and this is news. updated information in vilniansk, zaporizhzhia, with claims of property damage due to rocket fire. 75 citizens have already contacted the police. a mobile aid station continues to operate at the scene. let me remind you that the number of wounded as a result of russian shelling has increased to 38. they have shrapnel wounds, contusions, fractures and traumatic amputations. among the injured are a pregnant woman and nine children. russia killed seven people, three of them children - reported to the state emergency service. today in zaporizhzhia.


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