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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny: saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. dear friends, we are back on the air, these are our final 20 minutes, and in these final 20 minutes we will talk about social networks, we will talk about anonymous telegram channels. today is world social media day, and today, dear friends, is an important day. roman shukhevych's birthday. and if you haven't donated yet, because you didn't know what reason to find for it, you can donate a little on this occasion, to honor, so to speak to say, the memory of general khorundzhy upa , a man whom muscovites fear to this day, because even during a full-scale invasion, you decided to fight with what he left behind with some family relics, decided to destroy the shuche family house.
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i wondered what berman shukhevych was doing, if he didn't have to fight for ukrainian independence, because he was a successful advertiser, he had an advertising agency that worked quite well, they did all kinds of advertising campaigns, they did such, you see, they advertised all kinds of some swimsuits, yes swimsuits, swimsuit ads, or some kind of pasta ad. by the way, by the way, advertising of some cigarettes was allowed at that time, sholimit , smoker's viburnum, or something like that, it sounded like bees, bees, beelimit, smoker's viburnum, and there were also women's swimsuits, they also advertised, had, had, shukhevych and. that
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agency, had a car, booths, fashionable, you know, well, here is the weight, well, and then they came to the size of muscovites, and shukhevich had to throw out his advertising business and take up the fight for independence of ukraine. olesya said, i was struck by something about this, he was 43, when he, when he died in battle during the arrest, 43 years old, literally a few years older than me and younger than you, andriy, just such a short way and man has done so much, how much more could he do? for ukraine, actually, yes, this, this, this, but, but he remains for us a huge example and a hero, even he died as a hero during this arrest, we are glad, we are very happy that he, his daughter is alive with us , and, we remember that two rockets hit lviv, it seems, the one to destroy their family home, and... they damaged
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the piano itself, and the piano, which was still left by the shukhevych family, but it was either restored or, i say, they fight with shukhevych even long after his death, because he died in the 50th year, but the muscovites do not care, and when the muscovites fight with some ukrainian symbols, even after the death of those ukrainian symbols, then you understand that in reality these people for a reason... the rocks are a threat, and that these people were doing something very correct, although only now did some ukrainians understand what this struggle for ukraine's independence was about. now, nowadays , we have new heroes, and they're not exactly fighting for something else. this week there was a public investigation about the owner, as it turned out, of the anonymous telegram channel, the anonymous telegram channel is called joker, and we are talking about it on the day of social networks.
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let's talk with roman khimich, a consultant, an expert of the telecommunications market, we are adding him to our broadcast, mr. roman, you see, they talked about roman shukhevych, roman khimich, we are adding to ether. we welcome you. good day. what do you think, if twitter, facebook and social networks were around during the time of the shukhevychs of the ukrainian insurgent army, and what would it have changed? well, first of all, well, right away. here is very interesting, very good, well, let's try, try to simulate, remember how since soviet times and not only in the soviet union, for example, in nazi germany , radio receivers that could receive transmissions from abroad were banned, banned, that is , first of all, there was the question arises whether or not would cause the appearance of a powerful breed before the ban. the technical means that this resistance
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to resistance could use, i would not be surprised if, for example, to imagine that after all, people would have had little community... access to social networks in those days, then of course, one can imagine that it would have given a very , well, let's say, it helped a lot in order to spread the truth, in order to organize, mobilize people, well, that is, social networks are of course a very, very powerful tool, let's recall relatively recent events, such as about 15 years, the so-called, so-called arab spring. when it was social networks that led several, let's call it, revolutions, well, they were really revolutions, because since it was possible to overthrow the political regimes in the middle east, but we also see that
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social networks can work in the other direction as well, it's such a double-edged sword , is in the hands of miscreants, and we see that there in the united states they are banning tiktok, for example, fearing that ... collect data, through it they can also distribute some certain narratives russia is blocking, for example, youtube, because it thinks that there is too much western stuff on youtube and some are destroying theirs there somehow, and in the end we can say on our youtube channel that we are constantly getting some strikes from crimlebots, because they don't like it what we talk about here in our broadcasts. but, but here in general, returning to the topic, for example, this telegram of the joker channel. i think the problem is that it, it, it's like media and non-media at the same time, they're not responsible, and they, they, they actually undermine the trust of everyone in everyone, that is, we then have such a leviathan state,
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you know, where there is this war of everyone against everyone, and no one trusts anyone, and man-man is a wolf, well, you know, how about me, how about me... the desire for some simple quick solutions dominates here: let's ban the internet, or someone ran into a red light, startled a child, let's ban red lights and children there, well, i'm being ironic now, but often when it comes to the internet, internet- platforms and let's say so, more precisely, digital reality, then the basic, basic, well, fundamental ones are often densely ignored. the peculiarities of this environment, this, this environment, it is much more difficult to control than, than traditional offline media, so there is a temptation to ban there, i am any person who has been involved in ukrainian telecom for
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20 years, probably since the beginning of zero, times at times we observe attempts to ban one thing, another, let me remind you there... in late yanukovych , one of the decisions, the decision of one of the judges banned several hundred sites, problem number one, that, firstly, there is still no state in ukraine, well , the state in the ukrainian state, not only in the ukrainian state, in most countries of the world there is no possibility, technical possibility to implement the same type of decision, secondly, there is a second problem separately, the truth is in this case, what a... they often try hard to control the media field in general under the pretext of countering hostile narratives, and problems arise with our western partners, with european ones, well, that is, there are no simple solutions in this area, well, there are, there are, after all
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the difference between registered media, well , ukrainian pravda is like that, which from the very beginning was an online publication at the dawn of ukrainian online publications. and it was founded by heorhiy angadze, a great person for all journalists, ukrainians, and now this media exists, beautiful and wonderful, our colleagues, the question is that there is a big difference between the joker telegram channel and its owner, who now does not know what car , which european country to go to next time, we know that he the owner, after the journalists conducted an investigation, found evidence, therefore... and in principle there, now we know that this is roman kravets, a young man who there and for a huge amount of money takes money for advertising on this telegram channel, takes money for implementing some kind of, i don't know, media clergy or what it's called, when he simply deals with those who don't like him,
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or in this way also extorts money from businesses, for example, when he arranges to harass someone, and then i say, let's pay me, i 'll stop writing about you then, and it scares me related to power. by the way, there are 153 in the lists of servants of the people, he can quite realistically enter the parliament even in this term, i absolutely, look in the telegram and in... the digital environment to hell with much even more disgusting things, such as, for example, in recent years, the ukrainian, not only ukrainian , drug business actively uses the same telegram channels as a source of interaction with clients, coordination of efforts, that is, there are many, well, many things that are customary, well, i would applaud if someone knew how to suppress all this, but we we return to whether looking ahead, today the question of law enforcement immediately arises, well, there is no
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problem there, the nsdc will issue a decision tomorrow to ban telegram on the territory of ukraine, how to actually implement it, well, it is not a secret that even in china, which has extraordinary resources and very powerful, well, both technical and organizational, and there is an opportunity to do anything, by and large, even there this big chinese firewall works, well ... so-and-so, it is difficult to bypass it, but still people do it, but, but vkontakte classmates managed to ban and and people used to hang out there for a while, sneaked in there because of some problems, in the end they left this stupid occupation and forgot about it, they are no longer teenagers, we understand how much contact had an effect on teenagers who, for example, wrote there that they like the poetry of the bloc or some other russian ones because it was so popularly distributed, there they quoted, listened to yesenin somehow, and
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now, as we can see, our teenagers can perfectly listen to ukrainian poets, read ukrainian writers of the era of the shot revival, look, well, let’s go right now let's make an important remark, despite the fact that viewing, well, you mentioned classmates and vkontakte. significantly decreased, but did not disappear, i’m not ready now, i don’t remember until stemen, it decreased by one and a half or two times, but not ten times, that is, people continue to watch, because the same vpns remain a simple and, let's say, generally available way to circumvent the same type of restriction, this is the first observation, the second observation that unlike these these are... web resources, they exist as internet pages, telegram, this is an application, and
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and because of this, it can use much more complex technical solutions, i will not delve into them now, which are much more difficult to block, that is, in the case of telegram, well , it is simply physically much more difficult to block its traffic, there is such an extensive network of servers there, addresses change all the time . this access and so on, i.e. it is more difficult, well, let’s put it this way, look, my position is as follows, and it is necessary to counteract, ah, it is necessary to use technical means in order to counteract it, but you should not expect a miracle, that is, to reduce to zero no it will be possible, it will not be possible to reduce the consumption of such content tenfold, and it will be needed. very large resources, so you have to consider, well , you still have to consider what to do and what not
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to do, the fundamental problem with telegram is that it is not controlled by any of our friendly states, durov himself brought the management into jurisdiction, if i am not mistaken, dubai, what the heck, we know this problem, that many countries of the world in... in the current conflict have taken such a third, well, they avoid harassing our side and accordingly avoid, they avoid fulfilling, well, not fulfilling, listening to completely even legitimate requests, as in the case of combating the distribution of drugs and or there is russian propaganda. there are very significant problems, because of which there is no simple solution, well, it seems to me that
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the decision should be made here, like the americans , from the top, that is, if in our country, starting with the president and below, all the entire leadership fast themselves in a telegram, well it's just including, it's it if biden would start a page in tiktok from which he would say that let's close it, because you see it is too chinese. i, mr. roman, you know, at the very end i want to get into the useful business of debunking or confirming myths, mythbusters, and is it true that social networks. we are being eavesdropped on, i think we need to give people something useful like this, here is a literally fresh example today, at the previous studio i mentioned oleksiy kogan, a ukrainian musician and jazz connoisseur, and they basically talked about this avishai, cohen, who did not bury his decision to perform in russia , there are koine brothers, there is leonard koin, our trevishay, but we also have our own
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oleksii kogan, by the way, what is a bad jazzman for you, and i have never seen in my life, without facebook. pulled up anything from the publication of oleksiy kolin in the life of friends, is it really possible that mr. kogan literally appeared again on facebook, his page, his post, i’m talking about it, i’m talking about it, in principle, or is it after all, it is, there is not even a theoretical possibility, and that’s all, no, first of all, there is a theoretical possibility, because any application of the same type, if he asked, and they, unfortunately, they work like that... that time from, when from time to time there they ask us to give permission, so give permission, permissions, for example, to access the microphone, you often cannot even refuse, having access to the microphone, nothing prevents them from listening and sending, sending that, what will be interesting,
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the technology of voice recognition has now reached such perfection that even... a relatively small program can process smartphones directly, listen to us and by some keywords or choices, well, it doesn't matter, that is, theoretically, it is absolutely maybe, firstly, secondly, from time to time scandals break out when researchers prove that this happened, on these cif, digital platforms tear their hair out every time, they say that this is some kind of terrible mistake, you know, an unpleasant surprise, they promise not to do anything like that, until next time it is known for sure that any application, any operating platform, google, ios, facebook, tiktok, telegram and so on, collects a colossal amount of information about us, well collects a colossal amount of information about user behavior , or which, which we open applications, how we do, how
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we walk and so on, which allows, without even eavesdropping, without eavesdropping on what... a person is saying, to reproduce his behavior often and to find out what he was looking at, well there, for example, which sites she browsed, this is often absolutely enough, and in the end it has already been proven, repeatedly proven, that unfortunately, these data about the behavior of users, despite all the promises, despite all the prohibitions, in such cases end up on market, to the free market, at best. operators, more precisely providers, owners of these platforms do the so -called aggregation, well, that is, they say, we, we do not sell information about the behavior of roman khimich, no, in no case are we there, at most we, we can about we can sell data about a person of this gender, who
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lives in ukraine and so on, but not about data about a specific person, but it has already been proven more than once. that even from these supposedly depersonalized data, it is possible to extract, it is possible, it is possible to find those data that relate to a specific person, that is, unfortunately, a very big problem, every such application, this is a window into our lives, but my fears were dispelled, on the contrary, unfortunately, there is nothing, there is nothing to comfort you, i bought the last but... without a built-in camera, this is a good advice for you, thank you, curtain, i just purchased and just close to the camera, thank you, mr. roman, thank you for participating in our broadcast, roman khimich, consultant, telecommunications market expert was with us, dear friends, thank you for being with us during this day, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk worked in this studio for you, thank you
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they donated a little, honored the memory of roman shukhevych, added more. hryvnias and now only 200 hryvnias separates us from the mark of 1,400 thousand, which is why i grabbed it so much, and in order to at least , you know, finish this week on some such equal figure, i hope that you will do it right now, help us with andriy is in this meeting and also irina koval, because she is our presenter who conducts this collection, its charity fund, you know what a pity, we will leave for another week, the collection is already closed, i am just happy for that, dear friends. 2.5 million in general, we need to collect, we will have 1,400, if you donate another 200, now on your screens are the qr codes of monobank and the private bank, if you face... the monobank screen is on the right, the private bank is on the left, but in the middle is what we are collecting for , these are mavics and accessories for them, we want to buy 13 of these and
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give them to the guys at the front, the guys are beautiful, they deserve it, they need it, the muscovites need these mavics so that the muscovites can be seen and then they will fly there, tell me if we will have time show the boys, we'll have time, let's look at those boys for whom you and i will donate, offer or sacrifice. i wish you good health, we, the soldiers of the 100th brigade of artillery reconnaissance, are asking you to join our collection for drones and their components, which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. so, there are already less than 200 left, but i still hope that our viewers will do so, in fact, it remains before the collection closes. i hope that you... there is an opportunity, you will use these 20 seconds for exactly that, now there is actually another number on your credits cards, there is still an arcade appears, disappears, dear friends, these are the last seconds of our participation
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in the meter in the expressso marathon this week, we were glad to have guests this week with you, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we urge you to stay with espresso, because the ether continues and will continue to be interesting. do you want to wake up as if you were a child with your grandmother, full of strength and energy, then the new product from mattress market is just for you, meet the perryina dreamlight mattress . just on the floor, soft, comfortable, beautiful, and so profitable, only from uah 499. regular toppers cost one and a half. two and even 3000 uah, and we offer you an extra -quality down mattress for only 499 uah, the savings are incredible, soft, fluffy, hugs like
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they say, let's make better roads , we will have even better roads. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world mr. norban dreams of, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17. sunday 18:15 at espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what kind of news will be analyzed we will find out this week's guests of the project and actually who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. own names. with myroslava barchuk sunday 17:10 at espresso. a new week on
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espresso, a weekly, summary and... information and analytical program: a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, conduct with us the final monday evening and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly, every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. greetings viewers of espresso, i am artem lagutenko in the studio with you, and today we will talk about a very interesting topic, technology in war. we will discuss this topic with yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the achilles unmanned aerial systems battalion, a separate assault brigade of the 92nd named after ivan sirk. mr. yuri, i congratulate you.
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glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. yuriy fedorenko was one of the first to realize this war the importance of drones. its drones are one of the most effective units of unmanned aerial systems in this war. if our viewers haven't seen it, i highly recommend keeping an eye on this battalion's monthly stats, they are really impressive. as far as. i know, yury fedorenko, now his battalion is working in the kharkiv direction. mr. yuriy, you said a few days ago that a tactical initiative was intercepted in this direction, in particular in the area of ​​the city of vovchansk. tell me, please, what is the current situation in this direction? in general, in the kharkiv region it can be said that the defense force stabilized
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the situation in... you can see very active work on knocking out the enemy from the positions he occupied, i would say more, we work so much on the marksmanship of the sticky, the majority of the time, so we can say that it is not easy the situation is stabilized , the force defense managed, in particular, the 92nd assault brigade, to knock out the enemy from a number of positions he occupied, to regain two landings, when such actions are taken, the enemy goes into counter- battle, does not leave the position just like that, therefore... from every position the enemy knocks out, after occupation of its defense forces, the enemy is actively conducting counter-attacks, attacking assaults in order to restore lost positions, building military reserves, so when we say that the situation is stabilized, there may be a false impression that everything is supposedly okay, the defense forces have already you can not help on that thread, somehow it will be there, but in fact, when we say simple words,
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the situation is stabilized, then... we have tactical initiatives, this means that from the planning of obtaining combat tasks to the implementation on the battlefield, hundreds of representatives of the forces defense persistently in the mode of full afterburner , they perform combat tasks in order to be able to simply say: the situation is stabilized, we are taking the tactical initiative, in order for it to be preserved in this way, it is necessary to continue the system work, to press the occupier, beat him and push him back, for this. .. equipment is needed if we are on the defensive, for example, these are the same expenses, if we carry out shock assault actions, that is , knock out the enemy from occupied positions, the expenses of both uavs and the artillery of shells increase approximately three times, that is why help is very, very necessary, friends, the dynamics of hostilities are crazy, and the state is full, despite all the contracts for crazy funding, funds to the full extent, unfortunately
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, this need cannot... be covered and will not be able to in the 25th year, no because a bad state, because the dynamics would go away, and we must remember, we are fighting an extremely powerful army, once the second army in the world, which is also technologically improving, developing, modernizing, and has the ability to finance this military-industrial complex and the war against ukraine. mr. yuri, please tell me what changed the permission of western countries to beat with their weapons? on the territory of the russian federation, for example, on the same kharkiv direction, there is a technical problem. so, there are two extremely important components. first, the number of shelling in the city of kharkiv has decreased by the number of times the permit was issued, which means that the infrastructure and the main civilian population are less under the influence of enemy fire, fewer are buried, fewer are injured, i.e.


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