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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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the most effective. we are waiting for you in the csoo asbu team. together we will write the history of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu. greetings to all viewers of espresso, with you annayamalnyk and the news editors tell the main thing for this hour, at least six people were injured as a result of the attack on kharkiv, among them an eight-month-old baby, the russians hit the center of the city with guided air bombs, informed the mayor of the city igor terekhov. as a result of the attack, a fire broke out at a civilian enterprise, cars are on fire, and emergency services are on the scene. and they hit
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muscovites in residential buildings in the village of odnorobivka in the kharkiv region, where electricity has disappeared, the head of the selichna council viktor kovalenko said. the occupiers also raided a civilian enterprise in dergachy. information about the victims is being clarified. we will not be able to fight to the last ukrainian. the president of ukraine gave a detailed interview to a publication from philadelphia. in it, in particular , he talked about the losses of our soldiers in certain areas of the front. we got closer to us today, one ukrainian to six russians is dying. we had statistics around four o'clock times, and now in the kharkiv direction, in the pokrovsky direction, now the numbers are 1 to six. all these gossip about a large number of people, about millions. the russians, yes,
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they are right, but it's a different war, a technological war, and whoever is more technological can win. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, 90 combat clashes took place at the front since the beginning of the day. russians are actively storming the vozdvizhenka, yevgenivka, and sokol areas in the pokrovsky direction. also continues battles near the temporal ravine in the kramatorsk direction. the situation is tense in kharkiv oblast as well. the occupiers have increased the number of attacks near vovchansk and on the kupyansky area. defense forces are taking necessary measures to stabilize the situation. nato can take revenge on the russians for terror. the espresso tv channel calls for participation in the project from zero to life - it is a collection of atvs for the rapid evocation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support
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the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they choose victory every day, they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield, so atvs are indispensable helpers for evacuation. and they also allow you to move off-road as quickly as possible, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the citizens of holodoyariv not only to successfully perform combat missions, but also to return from them alive. join the gathering. our goal is uah 4 million. there is a result, thank you, our viewers, for your help in gathering for the military. not so long ago, you donated uah 2 million for fividrons for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets. the espresso tv channel together with the public organization baza ua have already handed over drones of their own production to our fighters. and they reported on their successful use and sent us a copy. the works of your donations, which have turned
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into means of defeating the russians. we added the remaining money to another fee and bought a quad bike. we would like to thank the public organization baza yua sprovit, the tv channel expresso, and all the viewers who joined the collection for these beautiful drones, which will bring our victory closer and will help destroy the enemy. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. we thank the tv channel, the baza yua foundation and the concerned citizens for the collection, we received fp drones that we will hit the enemy, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, a successful test in china, the launch vehicle went up in smoke and fell almost immediately after launch, it happened in the city of gunyo , near the residential complex, the previous reason is too much draft of nine oxygen. gas
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engines, space news reported. people were not injured, i note, this rocket is an analogue of the american falcon 9. 10 years of war - a documentary film created by the espresso tv channel with the support of the internews network and the us embassy in ukraine. our recent history from the first euromaidan rallies to the active phase of the full-scale russian-ukrainian war. a pre-premiere screening was organized in lviv about the film and the audience's first impressions of the material of my colleagues. 10 years of war, which actually lasts three centuries, the espresso tv channel presented a documentary film about a very difficult period of time, key moments of our history and heroes modernity, this is the struggle from the maidan of 2013 to the counteroffensive of ukraine against the russian
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occupation forces in 2023. the heroes of the film are the public activist and fallen defender, roman ratushny, his mother, a poet and activist. text, what happened during these 10 years and why today the russians are killing ukrainians. in the story, the fates of the heroes are intertwined with the key events of the recent history of ukraine, all in order to remind and imprint in the memory of the audience the difficult lessons of the past. every
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revolution, especially the revolution of dignity, is this transformation, transformation of people, transformation of society in general. history is forced to repeat itself, because no one will listen to it, if... we will constantly remind people and explain all the cause-and-effect relationships, i am sure, then the chances of war in the future will be much less. oleg garenchar, who lives and works in the usa, became the director and screenwriter of the film. he has produced a number of historical, documentary and feature films for the bbc, which have received awards from international film festivals. harinchar cooperated with the espresso tv channel from the first days of its creation, from the maidan, so to him.
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tape, so that as many people as possible could see and hear the value of the heroic resistance of our people in the war with the russian invaders, the film was translated into english. we have to be able to draw conclusions from mistakes, that's why the film tells about 10 years, and it also tells about 10 years because people have clip-on thinking, i really wanted people in other countries to see this film. much of what is here, we have seen, know, experience anew, and for many it will be a discovery, especially for those who don't know our history and haven't really followed what 's happening in our country, and of course, we tried to tell about it through people's destinies, this is the most important thing, because war is the destinies of millions, there are three destinies, well maybe a little more, parents, relatives, children, these are our friends and
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our acquaintances, and there are a million of such people, and i think that we will be able to reach the world, release 10 years of war for rent and... and the us embassy in ukraine. a delegation from poland came to the show, including the legendary founders of the polish and of ukrainian solidarity, public figures, politicians. i advise everyone to watch this movie. this is a film about how the ukrainian state was formed, what parallels were drawn with poland, and what we need to preserve at any cost, to preserve ukraine. romova is now talking about the existence of our state. screenings and meetings with the team of the film "10 years of war" will be held in ternopil, ivano-frankivsk and rivne in the near future. in addition to ukraine,
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the film will be shown abroad. subsequently, it can be seen on the espresso tv channel. and we have updated information. unfortunately, in kharkiv. there is already a dead person, at least eight more people are injured, among them an eight-month-old baby - informs the mayor of the city ihor terikhov. the russians hit the center of the city with guided air bombs, the city official informed. chairman and as a result of the attack, a fire broke out at a civilian enterprise, cars are on fire, emergency services are working on the spot, i tell you see you at 18 in the final issue , we will talk about the most important thing, then the project of proper names with myroslava barchuk. greetings, good evening, my name is miroslava barchuk, this is a self-titled program, a joint
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project of ukrainian foam and the espresso tv channel. today it is already clear that perhaps the main goal of the russian federation is ukrainian culture. it was ukrainian culture that was hit by the first bombs, it was ukrainian culture that was targeted when three missiles were fired at the kharkiv printing house faktor druk. it was ukrainian culture that was targeted when they hit the skovorody museum in skovorodynivka in the kharkiv region with a rocket. we understand this, and we understand that culture is a component of ukrainian identity, culture is what makes us represents the nation, and that is why it is so important to the enemy. today we will talk about the legendary ukrainian conductor oleksandr koshyts, and we will talk about... how culture can become a shield for the people,
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and how oleksandr kosyts and simon petliura, his friend, understood this, and at the beginning of the 20th century during the ukrainian revolution, they actually created the republican chapel of the ukrainian people's republic, which presented this culture in the west. my guest today is tina peresunko, tina is a researcher of cultural diplomacy of ukraine. is also the author of a wonderful book which it's called simon petlyura's cultural diplomacy, and tina is also the author of the same wonderful film shchedrik, which gained, i understand, more than a million against the russian, shchedrik against the russian world, which gained more than a million, yes, views, half a million in the first month of views, well we will become more than a million today, not to mention the fact that it was shown on tv channels, so... tina, good evening, i congratulate you,
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thank you for taking the time to come to us today, let's start with why, why you decided to do koshets, you know, i was impressed in the film that you start by going to the archive to work, by the way, it is called the central state archive of higher bodies. of the authorities and management of ukraine, that is even a conceptual name, and yes, and you go there and say that actually these volumes, volumes, a whole fund is lying around, no one has touched it, that is, you are one of the first or the first who discovered it at all, yes it was simply unprocessed, that is, several, in each case there are records of who reviewed these cases, of course, several surnames are known to be listed in these cases, but in principle they limited themselves to this. here is an introduction to this fund, because it is huge, that is, there are 145 cases, these are such
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folders, smaller, larger, well, where, in fact, is stored all this material that related to the fact that it was a project under the ministries, that it was project of state policy, so i immersed all these laws on the creation, well, also this entire list, of european criticism of these concerts, american criticism, in the original languages, because these are 12 languages ​​of the world, well, in which languages ​​were released reviews of these concerts, and it was simply extremely exciting, these posters, well , reviews in themselves, handwritten letters, correspondence is mixed with petliura, correspondence is mixed there with government officials, with diplomats, with top diplomats, which we all ... today should know, yakovliv, tyshkevich, that is, these are important figures, and all of them, in fact,
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when the chorus toured, it collected, as a state institution, according to its charter, they undertook to collect the archive of their journey, because they reported to the directorate, personally in front of simon petlyura, in front of the government, they were going to go back and bring this whole archive home, so they were collecting all these reviews, there was... a record of incoming and outgoing letters, and so i was able to count, in particular, their correspondence with the western world, there with the directors of music academies, with by the ministries of education of different countries there, i.e. this is what was actually 100 years ago, here is a book in front of you called 100 years of cultural diplomacy of ukraine, yes, i.e. this is what constituted cultural diplomacy then, in the 19th and 22nd years , right, and what was then interrupted, that is, this tradition was completely interrupted,
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so it was restored, as far as i understand, correct me, that's exactly what i wanted to say. to say that it has recovered, because in our country, when active discussions on the topic of cultural diplomacy as a state policy began, a special department and a department of cultural public diplomacy were created in the ministry of foreign affairs, but as of then, this is the beginning of 2015, 16- th, in the 17th year, conversations were held about how we could borrow foreign experience in this field, that is, then no one relied on the experience of the time unr, actually speaking, i went to this archive, and instead of... interpreting this project as a tour of the košice chapel, as it was known mainly to a narrow musicological circle during these 100 years, this phenomenon was known, but it was never interpreted in the categories of cultural diplomacy, so in 2018 i just came out with such a project shchedryk's world triumph, 100
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years of cultural diplomacy of ukraine, it was a few years before the film, so that was the first title, by the way, here not yet. shchedryk against the russian world, because we remember those years even before the beginning of the full-scale invasion, when we did not adhere to the concept of canceling russian culture, we did not loudly fight against the russian world, especially in the cultural sphere, that is, there was a concept of the image of ukraine in the world , and therefore, strictly speaking, i researched this history through shchedryk's brand, that is, through the brand of the fact that ukrainian cultural diplomacy has been for more than a hundred years, and here it is... this cultural diplomacy has such a fate that here it is, it was laid then, so in time of the ukrainian revolution of liberation struggles, and then its spine was broken, and then, even 30 years, even 30 years of independence, practically no one returned to it very strongly, and in the 18th year you returned - returned to
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the roots, yes, that is i wanted to remind you that we have heirs. with the era of the ukrainian people's republic, and what is very important, i emphasized not only this as a musical phenomenon, but reported it to our cultural management, diplomatic environment, i personally once worked in the ministry of culture in 2008-9, somehow it was not mentioned that we had a ministry of art 100 years ago, and when i got to the archive, i saw on the programs and on the posters the wording that this ukrainian republican chapel... was sent on a foreign tour by the ministry of arts and national culture of ukraine, and this is the year 1919, it became extremely interesting to me, and how is it that 100 years ago we not only had a ministry of culture, a ministry of arts, but the european press wrote about this ministry, that is, i looked
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at it from the point of view view of the state policy of ukraine in the field of cultural diplomacy, and really emphasized the fact that it was a project, that this band, these singers were full-time employees of the ministry of arts, that they were also coordinated by the ministry of foreign affairs of the ukrainian people's republic, that is, somehow in behind this concept of the ukrainian revolution, this state-institutional phenomenon of this era was lost. yes, that is, we all the time looked at it within the framework of what was the defeat, yes, what was the defeat of the revolution. european press and even at first in in europe, then in america, look, ukraine , what i was personally fascinated by these reviews , created the ministry of culture, initiating such a project, then the term cultural diplomacy was not yet used, but i even
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printed some concepts in this publication as propaganda. or cultural and national propaganda, well, not only in ukraine, this term was not used in the world at that time, it basically appeared in the middle of the 20th century in the 50s, but it is interesting, interesting that you keep returning in the film, in you striking parallels with today, i'm not talking about red viburnum, a song that was being performed at that time . of the republican chapel of košice even now, but here, for example, the opposition of the russians, as the russians saw this success and tried to oppose it, yes, or you deliberately use it. the word that the choir donated to the ukrainian army, then it was not called that either, but in
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essence it was the same. how did you know it, where did you learn it, it's all also exclusively archival materials, i.e. the memoirs of oleksandr koshyts were known, this is the only source. he mentioned in his memoirs that he saw with his own eyes in geneva that our posters were painted lengthwise and crosswise with russian abuse of the mother, well, this is an important source, but when you find so many confirmations of these efforts and failures of the russians, well, disrupt these tours, not only in memories in the memories of other smokers, and then you finally find these posters, well , without these, without this swearing, but... well, as it was seen in the film, it is in blue and yellow colors with the trident of the poster, it is obvious that they caused this irritation on the part of russian immigration circles, and especially there are many
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cases, in particular, one when there was one collaborative concert of ukraine in bern in switzerland, that is, khur has already acquired such an artistic status that he jointly on performed on one stage with respectable musical groups, for example, with the bern symphony orchestra in bern. and accordingly , on the posters, it was a charity concert for the benefit of wounded swiss citizens, and on the poster the goat was depicted together the ukrainian trident and the swiss cross, yes, that is, the coats of arms of ukraine and switzerland, and also in the memories of the choristers there, it seems that the russians were very annoyed, because in such informal circles it was equated to the informal recognition of ukraine by switzerland and so on, that is, really these concerts , they were the first to bring ukraine into status. of the object not only on the cultural map of the world, ukraine began to appear, but also in symbols in these national colors, because the problem
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was that ukrainian diplomatic missions, they were not recognized in these european countries, and there is even such a precedent, it is not covered in the film in particular, that our ambassador to belgium, the netherlands, andriy yakovlev , was not allowed to brussels for a long time as a representative. not a recognized state, but after our choir performed there in january 1920, and here, by the way, is the image of oleksandr košyts in the belgian press , hold on, this is from the belgian press, yes, exactly, january 1920, and then andriy yakovlev was allowed to brussels, well, to his diplomatic destination and... there are memories that he approached the choristers and said: listen, it seems that thanks to you i was allowed to brussels to fulfill my already official diplomatic mission, so it
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was really cultural diplomacy, like diplomacy. listen, after the film, i had such a double feeling, on the one hand, of admiration and on the other hand, such great sadness, because you see how petlura is to the last. he invested so much, made efforts, even the paris conference, they don't recognize us anymore, that's it, he continues to encourage them, yes, he continues to ask, tries to speak in all interviews about ukraine, about the fact that we are a separate nation and so on, and then, and you understand what it is like, and the europeans already recognize it, and then it all resets to zero, and actually it is very, very... somehow disturbing and and it all sounds sad, and i can clarify what was reset, because not only the political recognition as
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the name of the state was reset, but all this cultural capital, when they toured, there are many testimonies, as there, for example, in spain the catalan choirs were so fascinated by these performances that they said: that's it, we're going to see you in kyiv to perform, that is, these cultural exchanges were planned, as we say today, so and so... they say that we will gain independence and are waiting for you in kyiv, that is, there were a lot of these artistic developments, with top musical groups, with top directors there music academies, directors of musicology institutes there, belgium, vienna, france, spain, it was really supposed to be such an exchange of cultural delegations, which they hoped for, that is, they would come. when i got home, i counted 650 reviews in the european press in the archive for these ones one and a half or two years, then i went to america.
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i also counted, er, more than 200 reviews were published in the american press, that is, this is a huge resonance, er, and these publications were not only about admiration for ukrainian art, but i return again, about admiration for the phenomenon of ukrainian state policy in the field of cultural diplomacy , that 's why i so persistently promoted this phenomenon in our circles, and it really remains to understand all this gain, which must be assimilated into our portfolio, and about... you know, there is still such a very bitter moment, you very somehow so sensitively reduced the death of lontovych, the author of shchedryk, to the heap, just right, that is, his murder by an agent of the nkvd, and at this time he is speaking. sang in
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paris, they performed like that in paris, and this is such a great metaphor for what happened to ukrainian culture, and these are all also archival materials, that is why it is really important to work with primary sources and precisely with archival materials, because we managed to find a poster, on to which it was stated that the choir performed at the champs-élysées theater, and this is the top theater and concert hall then and today, january 23, 1921 of the year, and it was a concert of matinee, and indeed you... you actually insert these dates for the first time in the history of the eye, and you know that in the morning there was a murder, at noon there was this concert, that is, it is not just a metaphor, but, let's say, well, day by day this tragedy happens, and of course you build this drama, this historical drama, on this contrast, which forces us, of course, when a metaphor ceases to be a metaphor, i also want to ask you about this environment from which
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i... vera geeva nothing is not born from nothing, yes, that is, obviously, this is contact petliura's kosice, it was not accidental, yes, that is, there was a certain environment, yes, which later gave petliura, lysenko, kosice, well, what kind of environment was it where they met, and when they, they, as i understand it, that they were friends somewhere in the kuban, i also had to immerse myself in that way. already in the biography of simon petlyura, specifically in his cultural biography, and find many very interesting facts, indeed, first of all, that he crossed paths with oleksandr košyts, well, i did not manage to establish that personally in kubania, but he wrote about oleksandr košyts, when that on behalf of mykola lysenko, he made folklore expeditions to the kuban, this is the year 1903-5, and at that time simon petlyura was also in... the kuban, where
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he began his journalistic career, and it is interesting that as a journalist he began to write precisely from the cultural subject, and he dedicated one of his first publications to oleksandr kosheits, who is currently collecting ukrainian folklore in the kuban on behalf of lysenko, and also, i managed to find, one might say, the first autograph of simon petlyura, which was on the greeting letter. to mykola lysenko, it is 1903, ot also sent from the kuban, that is, simon petlyura , indeed, from the very beginning of his public activity and journalistic work, he was especially interested in the cultural and artistic life, well, as a factor in the formation of the ukrainian people, the ukrainian nation, well, before the condition in general, yes, there was some kind of political independence, and that's why they really
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knew each other, i understand correctly that what koshyts collected then in the kuban, it was in these cossack villages, he - he made records, yes, and they too, they lost this archive, unfortunately , too, all of them are almost lost, that is , he managed to find about a thousand songs there, and he compiled such a collection, which even won a certain award at that time, in such... awards, but since these were all competitions organized by the russian side, this was still the time of the russian empire, that collection was lost somewhere, and oleksandr koshyts, when he was in exile, wrote that he reproduced these works from memory, and literally several of these sutokuban songs are preserved today in the archive of his winnipeg, but unfortunately, unfortunately, lost.


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