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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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baltsarovych, i agree with you 100%, i would like to say another example, that when saakashvili, when he came to the fourth year, in 2004, as the president of georgia, and his team made reforms, he had such a bulldozer of economic reforms, which was called, this is kakha bendukidze, and it is clear that they had a majority in their parliament, and in the evening they could talk about that other reform that needs to be done, simply, but for which a law is needed, already on... tomorrow there was a vote in their parliament of this of the law, and it is clear that there was, you know, they often say simply that there is political support for carrying out reforms, i think that i feel it, that no matter what anyone says, but we have such a desire, perhaps contrary to some trends, but all the same political will to carry out reforms, and today we have a lot going on, well, maybe manipulations.
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regarding that, well, for example, let's take the same law, literally signed, voted by the parliament, signed by the president of the economic security bureau, i remember how a lot of people said, that's it we will not carry out this reform, that is, there is no public discussion, because there are a lot of proposals from international partners and so on, and here the law comes out literally in the evening, and everyone raises their hands, yes, it was developed accordingly. the demands of international partners, what i wanted there, well, colleagues there, from abroad, that is, on the second day there is a vote, that is, you understand, thank you very much, yes, sorry, please, i have to interrupt you, vasyl furman, doctor of economic sciences, thank you , who were with us, i'm just talking about kaha i will remember, i spoke with him literally two, three weeks before his death, completely prematurely, he said that it was the judicial system that was the most difficult to reform, despite the fact that he was a bulldozer of reforms and had.
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president saakashvili and georgia showed outstanding results of reforms, but unfortunately, judicial reform is very difficult and took a very long time. we went to france, now denys kolesnyk, a political commentator is waiting for us there, we will talk about the elections, there are elections today, well, they are like this, i would, i would call them interim, in a week we will be to know what will appear in the new parliament as a result, and... this is the first day, the first, first day, of the elections, there will be a second round. good health, mr. denis, thank you for finding time for us, thank you very much, i have a tricky question for you right away, but it will be long, because the audience does not understand everything, they probably understand the importance of france, a large european nuclear country, friend of ukraine, but these elections, macron and so on, what do you think about these elections, because what i read. for the past two days, shows me
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that macron is not an idiot, a large number of my interlocutors say that macron is an idiot and there was no need to call any elections because he will fail, and as other experts have explained to me, they say that macron specifically caused the crisis to bring the extreme left to power and the extreme right, when they come to power, they will show their ignorance and impossibility. govern france, and then this, this desire of many french people to change something, in two, three, four years will return to what they will order, give us the macrons and the miterans, they are better than the lipenes, milanchons and other people, what do you say? good afternoon, if i understood the question correctly, you are interested in the logic of the dissolution of the parliament, right? yes yes yes. well, as you already
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mentioned, there are different approaches and visions, first of all, it is worth noting that there is a political crisis in france, and it has been going on since 2017, if not a little earlier, even, but the fact that the essentially right-wing forces of the republicans were destroyed, and macron, by the way, the president of the republic from this moment on was very happy once, because he made it possible to consolidate its forces and obtain very good results in those still former elections in the 17th year. but now people don't have a choice to vote for, say, republican, because their weight is pretty, pretty, pretty low, according to the latest polls, somewhere like 8%, so people, unfortunately or fortunately, will vote for who they will vote for whom, for whom they have a choice, now it is a question of logic, of course, firstly after the failure of the pro-presidential force in the european elections, they scored then the third. it seems
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second reading, second place 14.6%, but rnn gained 31-37%, there was a very strong gap, and in such a case, you still need confirmation of legitimacy, for this they were. the announcement of the dissolution of the parliament and the announcement of new extraordinary elections. the logic is, of course, that even, according to the latest polls, 36-37% can win the national assembly, they will most likely not have enough votes to form a government alone, we will have to look for some alliances, some coalitions, that's one thing. second, any reforms that they will carry out, with which there will be no the president of the republic agrees with this question. this is when the president does not have his majority in parliament, will be blocked, for example, through the constitutional council, and mammanuel macron will not allow, or will try to prevent , the national assembly from carrying out his reforms and will try to show, let’s
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say, their incompetence, although it is possible in they will have the competence, but the strategy, in my opinion, will be to show that they do not have the competence, that they cannot achieve reforms and... then, so that when they are presidential elections in 2 and a half years in france, so that marine lupine, for example , beaujard could not win there, well, that is , he has a logic, and it is strong enough, well, yes, as you told me, and when i was told about the same thing, that is, he, he went to the embrasure, he will burn, but he will hope, when he burns, that the next president will not be le pen or similar, i would say, populist groups, i understand correctly, and why he will burn, and why will it burn, it does not burn, he will still succeed, he will still not be the next president, that is, he will burn himself
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very easily, but he will open the way for other centrist forces, so i say, not because he will burn, he will not burn anymore, he will remain president, but also will not be able to be president again, all two terms. he left, but he risks if france, and my question is different, mr. denys, look, we are interested in the international work of the french, what they say about ukraine, how they behave in europe, unfortunately for many ukrainians, i will now ask a question about the french, and france has flown such sober political forces, calm, liberal, who understand what reforms are. france needs, and the most important is my question, a sub-question, but it may be in the first place, the british carried out reforms, the germans carried out reforms, many european countries carried out such anti-socialist reforms. i believe that
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france is a fairly socialist country, and this burden, it seems to me, of aid, social support, well, that's it, well, if only, that's it. yesterday is the day and something needs to be done, and macron wanted to do it, but everything is all kinds of yellow jackets and various people interfered with him, how possible are such libertarian, well , liberal reforms in france and who can carry them out, and and and and whether and whether the nation in general, well , understands the necessity of these reforms, or maybe not the necessity, i don’t know, tell me you, well , look, i do not agree with you about... what emmanuel macron wanted to carry out, on the contrary, for example, the republicans and right-wing forces, namely the rn, wanted to carry out migration reform, there were a lot of amendments from their side, which really had to put an end to this, let's say, uncontrolled migration in
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france, the age for obtaining citizenship should have been increased, in fact a healthy fool, yes, but emmanuel macron agreed with it, but then the constitutional council canceled all these amendments, called them... not constitutional, and the result was not a reform, but an impotent reform , so here you can argue about various topics, who wanted what, in my opinion, the role of emmanuel macron and his politics, it was to maintain essentially a kind of status quo, so that those who earned money could continue to earn it, so that the country did not there were no important big ones changes, that's what his first term and second term were, i'm talking about domestic policy, not foreign policy. now to say, if the society is french, i have no right to speak about it. different polls can talk about him, and i apologize, and when we talk about, for example, just such polls, here we can talk about polls, which are pre-election polls, and we see that his party is not gaining, it is third, third the place will be given to
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the ensemble, this already says a lot about its support, and what can it be next parliament, right? and then, what is the name of the future prime minister who will be appointed, as i understand it, i studied the legislation there a little superficially, i understand that no no... the president will not be able to prevent the parliament from creating a prime minister the prime minister that the parliament wants. what will it look like? nomination is done by the president, but usually with regard to which party wins or which coalition is formed. he will not be able to name his prime minister, of course, you will be the prime minister most likely, well, it is difficult to operate with names, but we have heard different names, for example, jordan bagdel. well, i think he himself said that he would not want to, this, this is the second person, he we
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just saw, this is his right hand, he said it wrong, he said that if the rn does not get his political party, together with marino lupine will not receive the entire majority of votes, yes, then he will not want to be the prime minister, and this is also logical from his side, because he clearly understands the obstacles that will be put in his way. and so then the uncertainty will not be unfinished holding elections, and this uncertainty will continue, we will enter into a parliamentary problem, there they will begin to create and will, i think, the macronites spoil the possibility of creating a coalition, and the coalition is also cunning, because there, for example, the leftists seem to have announced an alliance, but... they will continue to insult each other publicly, well, the left
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has always argued with each other and it is difficult to say that this is an alliance, it is impossible for them to vote equally in matters, the right is also lupine - it is one thing, and there are some other right, they are smaller, well, shorter, how could the parliament look like then, well, listen, in any case, one of the possibilities is the unification of the republic of moldova with... let's say they support hamas, a terrorist organization, what is this all about? therefore, in my opinion, of course eren will try to unite, the most logical for them is, of course, the republicans, because
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they are still right-wing, but let's be honest, many countries live in such small, let's say, parliamentary crises, there is belgium, for example, which is almost the crisis is in a permanent crisis, and in a year, if the country cannot, let's say, come to an agreement, if there is no opportunity for the parliament to function normally, emmanuel macron will be able to dissolve the parliament again, why not, he has such an opportunity. there are people who understand that this is not a superficial crisis, but a deep one, that somehow the french institutions have not groped, have not yet found any cure for these diseases that france is suffering from, that is being written about by major newspapers, intellectuals, that it is everywhere and now reflected, we see america, we see israel, we see... britain, with brexit, not brexit, we see france, there are some people who say, let's
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sit down, let's discuss, let's think, where did we go wrong, what can be done better, to what are the french people ready for, what are they not ready for, such conversations go on, of course, but the french nation, like many different nations, is colorful, fragmented, if you look, for example, at the voters of fi, melanchon, then i'm sorry, these people , who want an increase. they want to distribute citizenship more easily to migrants, for example, the republicans and the national assembly, on the contrary, do not want, on the contrary , they want to reduce migration, because france, she also, i apologize, has her own opportunities, and, let's say, when these opportunities are already working at a breakdown, something must be done, and the problem in because this problem has existed for not the first year, it's just that none of the governments wanted to approach it and solve this issue with a willful decision, or try to solve it. that's why, yes, and there are a lot of questions, there are questions of international, international relations, but i want
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after all, to say that the international agenda, after all, it was not at all, let's say, was quite a minority in this campaign, for example, there were issues like ukraine or israel, they, they were not high on the topic of discussions, they were more issues of, let's say, salaries, incomes, migration, health care, pensions, we can say that inside. after all, the agenda dominated, dominated these elections. thank you very much, denys kolesnyk, a political commentator, explained to us what is happening in france, france is an important country for... an orientalist, candidate of historical sciences, we will talk about the east, of course, and what else can we talk about with an orientalist, if not about the east, good health, mr. mykhailo, thank you for finding time for us, thank you, you often help us, and we you thank you, i personally thank you for
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helping us, so see how profitable you see the escalation on israel's northern front, that is, israel says that we are almost done with hamas, and now we are starting to fight hezbollah, well, that is north of israel, behind hezbollah is iran, on 120%, if iran was 100% behind hamas, then it is 120% behind bola's defense. so... then the fate of lebanon, the southern part of which borders israel, and accordingly, this hezbollah is there, and everyone says that it stands behind the question of the existence of lebanon, as just a state, because hezbollah, this is for the audience , it is a part of the lebanese establishment, it is not
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something different, foreign. it's a part, it's a political background that's made up, it's very motley, but there's hezbollah, as a part of it, that is, to cut it out, well, it's difficult, so it's difficult cut iran, how much do you believe that israel will attack, america will help israel, iran will join and the destruction of the middle east state of lebanon will begin, please, here. this will obviously not be the first war, if it is between hezbollah and israel, the same war of 2006, which did not bring good results to israel, i lead to the fact that this summer, such an escalation is unlikely, neither israel nor in that situation , neither hezbollah nor in that situation, but in the future
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preparations for such a war are now underway, israel needs support, constantly talking about the threat that. from the north, netanyahu also needs internal consolidation, he also needs, talking about these things, and thus forming a political field for himself, as a leader who protects the country, it is also a very important lever of influence for iran, and even more so here if not was by someone else's hands, especially since there is a houthi front, so to speak, a yemeni front, it is possible to block certain trade routes of the south and... the north, that is, this escalation is possible, but i would say in the middle and in the long term, not in the coming months, in the coming months it is worth expecting such mutual blows there, what has already been going on for several months, even i would say six months, but the parties are preparing for a big war, israel understands how it failed them in the lebanese part , that sooner or later these
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forces will force their proxies, particularly from hezbollah. iranians to work to the full, although lebanon was once a biz were, by the way, and israel itself did a lot to destroy the moderate movements in lebanon, the south hizbollah took over, that is, this policy of the west in relation to lebanon, in many ways it gave birth to pride itself, strangely enough, and now we have to deal with it. about netanyahu, i'm confused here, explain to me, please, it means there is a higher one. the court allowed the recruitment of orthodox jews who are in the knesset, in the parliament, as it were, whose interests are defended by the right-wing parties that are in coalition with netanyahu, and now
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this decision of the court is torpedoing the government, because as a sign of... test that the right-wing can leave the government, the government is collapsing, we need to start again new elections during the war is not very conducive to victories what is happening in israel am i right when i say that it can, this decision that orthodox jews can serve can entail the collapse of the government coalition, this decision is actually with him not everything is so simple, that is, it is obvious if it concerns the service. in the army, that it is necessary to mobilize everyone, the same discussions are held in ukraine, perhaps on a slightly different scale, but here it is simply used by some. forces, specifically, even partly by netanyahu himself, the fact is that even before this during the war, he had significant disagreements with the court, the highest court of israel, in fact
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a law was passed, according to which netanyahu could cancel, there were significant protests, the controversy continues, and now it has become a matter of internal political struggle in israel itself, that is, everyone understands that take these orthodox brothers into the army. there will be no one en masse there, yes, by the way, just like in ukraine, for example, the monks are still not mobilized from the monasteries, especially the moscow patriarchate, this can be compared, although by law there is no withdrawal it is added, but there are relevant informal instructions, this is how it will be done in israel, but they essentially put, i say once again, this issue hostage to such an internal struggle, and somewhere here now everything has coincided with these protests, that it is necessary to agree on.. . to make war, that is, it is one of the means to show the need for the consolidation of society around a strong leader, but on the other hand, those who support him also
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understand that netanyahu must stop somewhere at some stage, so this is really a measure of such an internal political struggle. between the right-wing forces and netanyahu himself, who are still supporting him, but at some stage they are trying to control and... show that netanyahu cannot be eternal, because he is essentially turning into a leader who has stayed far behind in his position , with such amounts of accusations, yet he manages to maneuver and be such a compromising figure for many, so now i will tell you, no, you will tell me about masoud pezeshkian and said. jalili, these are people who made it to the second round of elections in irani says about one of these people that he is like a reformer, but they say that he is
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a hard conservative. masoud is like a reformer, and said is like, so, such a conservative. what do you say, how important is it for the fate of iran, how important is it, for example, for the fate of ukraine, how much they will... the russian invasion of ukraine, help weapons and so on and so forth. please, mr. mykhailo, marsudan is the same reformer as dmitry medvedev was at that time under putin. this is a very clever technology, which was personally carried out by samela kmni, supreme leader the turnout at the elections is very low, less than 50%. every year it falls because people see that the elections are going on and nothing is changing. accordingly, it was necessary to push. some candidate, who is allegedly not directly connected to the government, and offers such democratic slogans, about the rights of women, the rights of ethnic minorities, he is
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an azerbaijani by origin, half iranian, then he was the minister of health, well, he fought in the iran-iraq war , that is, a veteran, a patriot, and why not appoint such a person to the post actually the president of iran, he looks very good, especially against the background of that jalili, who conducted these negotiations on the actual nuclear issue, who is very strongly connected with the government, that is why they put two candidates here, no matter who passes, in this case he will quite consistently adhere to the ayatollah's course, but the people paid for this masud pozashkiyan, who said that this is such a democrat, something is better for him, well, that is, better for him than for that pro-authoritarian dzhalini, that is, it is you... elections without a choice, in which you are going quite such a big fiction, tim it is more that at different times he demonstrated the same views, for example, loyalty to the guardians of the revolution, showed himself there in their
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unity and so on, without this there is no way, and accordingly now, when there will be elections, no matter who wins there, there will be no changes will be, iran is currently preparing a strategic agreement with russia, that is, they will work with russia in the same way as they have been working, the other question is what measures... pressure on iran will include measures, concretely these are sanctions, concretely these are physical operations in iran itself, which we took place once to prevent the creation of nuclear weapons, and other methods of pressure, including the issue with kizbola, but i obviously do not expect significant changes, because despite the change of faces, the system remains the same and quite stable. mr. mykhailo, let's go to the supreme leader then. and not so much to the supreme leader, as to his son. it was very often said after the death of the previous president, he
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died in a plane crash, let me remind you. there was a lot of talk about the fact that supreme leader khamenei is sick and old, and his son is taking the stage, and maybe his son will be his successor in the position, this strange position of the supreme leader who actually rules the country, but in fact there is no official one, if he is not the president, not the minister, not the prime minister, not the chairman of the verkhovna rada or the majlis, as in them it is... called, so what is happening now, how senior, sick, old khamenei is, how likely it is that he will retire either from politics or from the whole world, and how strong the chances are as his son's successor, and what is for a person, he very often sons are more liberal than fathers, very often, in this in this case, in this case to me... it seems to me
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that this is an example of the assad family of bashar al-assad, when the son turned out to be an even more bloody dictator than the father, who was not stopped in time, and moreover, the same russia and iran powerfully harnessed for him , despite the fact that a person supposedly has such a good education, the dprk is also an example, that is, in this case it can be different with dictatorships, but we see that khamenei still does not have a mutshtab. the title of grand ayatollah, in order to become the ayatollah of all iran, conditionally speaking, to choose the supreme leader rahbar, so-called, must first become a great mayatola, and he did not reach that level until he reached that level, that is, if we see that they began to move him through the appropriate legal councils and gave him such a degree, well, let's call it a conditional some analogue in the spiritual world there is a full doctor, a professor, yes, then in their... in
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the spiritual world, then it is obvious that they are preparing him, but at the moment he is only one of the options, and the candidate, by the way, can be a shadow of a shadow, just like this pazashkian they pulled out masud, that's how they can pull out someone new another issue is that significant negotiations are currently underway between the revolutionary guard corps and this clergy. the revolutionary guard corps wants to take power as much as possible, but the way they suffered losses in the case of, for example, suleimani there and other figures, it is obvious that they do not have such a candidate, especially one who belongs to this spiritual category, and they have her everything is understandable. therefore, they have not yet recovered from the loss of raisi, and it is possible that an option with someone in transit will be offered. that is, these issues are being discussed in iran, but the fact is that this council is revolutionary, the highest, as they call it, it, too,
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is a certain kind of, well... agreement of the elites, and even if they change someone there son, rude or someone else, this agreement will be maintained, it's about the same as with putin in russia, that is, putin controls a lot of things, but there is still a certain consensus with him, and this consensus of people with big money and big opportunities, until he was shown the door, so that they are not sexually affected, the same in iran, that is, they consolidated around the leader. and even if he wins, especially said jalili, he is one of these people, it is obvious that this system will be cemented even more, which is why it is very interesting, mr. mykhailo, mykhailo yakubovych, orientalist, candidate of historical sciences, that his last answer was about everything except the poor iranian people, because on the mountain there is a scavenger hunt, there are guards, there is a clergy, but what are the people doing there
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in iran? unknown, thank you for your attention, goodbye, we will definitely see each other in the near future, all the best, success and victories. summer is the time rest and recovery, and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and a bit of peace for the children, whose world was destroyed by the war. these children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, protecting you and me, our country, died at the front, and they, like no one else, need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children to recover faster after a loss, children feel better emotionally, i am... i am asking
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you to support our project.


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