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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EEST

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thank you for your attention, goodbye, i'll definitely see you soon, all the best, success and victories. summer is a time of rest and recovery, and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and some peace for children, whose world was destroyed by war. these are the children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who died at the front while protecting us and you, our country, and they, like no one else, need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children recover more quickly after a loss. children feel emotionally better. i am asking you to support our. we are planning
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to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, and most importantly, they will receive the help of qualified psychologists. and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key. the key to hope, dreams and support for those who have lost a loved one, after all their parents went to defend our ukraine. i really enjoyed the trip to austria, i loved the museums we went to every day, it was amazing and i really liked how we went to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you very much for such an incredible. the trip, it will never
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be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments. congratulations, friends, the program is on air svobodyopoliklub, i congratulate you. portnikov, two hours about the most important events of today, about the events of the week, about trends, we will start with a conversation with oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political viewer of the information resistance group. greetings, mr. oleksandr. good evening. but first of all i want to start our conversation with the new bombing of kharkiv. to hit the new post terminal in kharkiv. it is already known that there are dead, there are nine wounded, they are looking for them.
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from people that such a new tragedy, how to protect kharkiv without this, from this barbarism, this is quite a difficult task, because the answer to this question, well, it would seem that it is very simple, and if we are talking about strikes with corrected aerial bombs on kharkov, then it should be protection against front-line bombers that use these means of destruction, it is su34x , and especially if we... are talking about the fact that now the russians have started using the fap-3000 with universal planning and correction modules, but what is needed for that, we temporarily lost contact with mr. oleksandr, by the way, there is still news from kyiv, just that i heard that a high-rise building was damaged by rocket debris in the ukrainian capital, this is also the case... because the rockets were flying at
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the ukrainian capital from the north, there was already a fire, but so far there are no reports of possible destruction or casualties as a result of this impact, but still one hit on a residential building as you can see not much i would say sunday night. with these tragedies that we are seeing now, and this is very important, it seems to me that the moment, here it is clear that the situation in what we are observing today suggests that russia is ready precisely for any... barbarism in relation to
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what it wants to achieve in ukraine. the first images of this fire are now appearing. in this residential building in the ukrainian capital , the emergency services have not yet arrived, because they will be right now, people are trying to put out the fire themselves in this building, and it is absolutely as obvious as we can see the tendency of the russians, they just want to scare the civilian population , wants people to feel themselves. we have already seen oleksandr kovalenko on the phone, mr. oleksandr, what else is there? hitting and in kyiv, someone else besides us, mr. oleksandr, is calling, mr. oleksandr, yes, yes, i hear you, yes, of course, this is what
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the russian occupiers constantly implement, with regard to ukraine, it concerns both the civilian population, this concerns. infrastructure facilities, the energy structure, this applies even to logistics, the threat was again in the new mail, let me remind you that in odesa, the russian occupiers of the iskender ballistic missile, 9723, were also in the new mail, so we can talk about the fact that in ukraine as of today in order to in order to... defend against russian terror, which it implements with the help of either tactical aviation 134 or ballistic weapons, three main elements are absolutely necessary, these are firstly means of long
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-range anti-slow defense, such as the patriot air defense system or smt, aviation , f-16 with long-range aviation complexes of the type aim 120dmr or... 27, that is, in any case, so that they significantly exceed the capabilities of the russian aviation, russian air defense assets, so that they do not work out in anticipation, and there is a third element that is very important, about which there is a lot say even in the usa, this is the permission to use atakam ballistic missiles on the territory of the russian federation up to 100 km. that is, to be able to strike russian airfields such as baltimore, such as morozovsk, such as shaikovka, and thus destroy the russian carriers of the same kap or carriers, their cruise missiles and so on, while
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they are still on the ground. i wanted to ask you about these conversations surrounding the negotiations with russia, which have now become more active again, perhaps not... so much at the initiative of the ukrainian leadership, so much because foreign journalists ask questions, here we have several statements of president zelensky in an interview with a columnist of the philadelphia inquirer, and here zelensky says that any single model of negotiations with the russian federation is connected with the fact that such a model can be as in the grain agreement, that is, that the parties will not talk among themselves... but will talk through mediators who will moderate their agreement to stop the war. and there is an interview of the minister of foreign affairs, dmytro, to the german cdf tv channel, in which he says that he is ready to talk with lavrov at least today, if it is about
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peace, about the restoration of the country, and whether it is even possible for russia to participate in the negotiations. from ukraine, to what extent russia will generally join those countries that are now talking about peace, that is , a peace summit, kuleba believes that russia will join such negotiations, and that the main task is to change russia's behavior so that it stops issuing ultimatums and starts making good faith negotiations, what kind of trend do you think it is, well, in principle, in principle with in 2022. there has always been a corresponding lobby that took a more pacifist position, this applies to western politicians as well, who believed that the solution to the issue of settling the war between ukraine and russia
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could be the political way, that is , peace talks, but we see that russia, she did not change. for the third year of the war , we hear this even from the lips of a war criminal who is wanted by the international criminal court, he calls it his general position. and also the president of russia vladimir putin that he demands to stop hostilities on those borders that correspond to the demilitarization line, that is, actually leaving behind the occupied territories, these are not satisfactory conditions, and russia continues to put forward these conditions, just like ultimatums, it is from them does not refuse, and for now to talk about... about the fact that it is ready to refuse them, or to go to some kind of
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solution to this or that issue, where ukraine had a huge profit? no, this will not happen, russia is not yet ready for such negotiations, it will happen is ready for it exactly when it loses the full opportunity to conduct hostilities and seize the territory of ukraine, and when it will be in a desperate position, we can say that... that now it is approaching such a permanent position, because we have been interrupted again communication, unfortunately, with mr. oleksandr, well, this is the situation, you understand, the power goes out, the mobile connection is lost, there is nothing you can do here, we work in such conditions, i sincerely hope that you now have light and that you can see. this one our program, well, those who will watch it in the recording will also be congratulated, precisely because
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he did not have it at that moment, there was no light, and we talked with mr. oleksandr about these negotiations, and now the question arises, why have these talks intensified now, and of course, of course, where is the guarantee that russia itself will be ready to participate in such a process, because so far... but mr. oleksandr is absolutely right that the situation is related to the negotiation process, it one way or another, it is completely far from any russian wishes, the conditions that he put forward to ukraine, vladimir putin, these have always been conditions, conditions of capitalization, mr. oleksandr has appeared again, you see, we live in such a world of technical problems, let's talk about what... is happening now in the theater of war, how can you characterize it, where is the most difficult, now the moment,
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the most difficult section, you know, the situation is almost 50 to 50, we have a very difficult and problematic direction, this is the pokrovsky direction, to which turetsky is now starting to join, that is , this is the avdiivka district, this is avdiivskyi springboard, to the west from the avdiiv bridgehead to the left bank. of the vovcha river and the karaliv reservoir, the russians continue to advance over the past week, they have had advances in several locations, unfortunately, this applies, for example, to umansky, this applies to novosalivka first, this applies to the sotil-yugenivka direction, that is, the russians are fully trying to form and and sooner than all of them have a combat mission to the end. summer to form a full-fledged security buffer on the southern flank of route 0511 in order to
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ensure further actions already in the northern direction as for the northern direction, first of all, the north-western direction from ocheretino is novooleksandrivka, which they occupied, and now they have a goal - it is a lift, but the main goal in this direction is 05 04 logistics. from pokrovsk to kostiantynka, and this is very dangerous, because it is the most convenient logistical artery for the material and technical support of our units, our groups, precisely throughout the bridgehead, and now we can already state that the russian occupiers have started hostilities for turkish, that is, they opened the turkish direction. and at that time, as a turkish agglomeration, it was always considered sufficiently fortified,
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such a fortified quite powerful. in the last two weeks, we can state, well , enough of such negative trends, breakthroughs of the russian occupying forces, primarily through our rather fortified line to a depth of two km and along the front more than 5 km, which simply would not be possible to do in the future. days, but they did it with minimal losses, so there are a lot of questions, at least from this one of the situation, the second most tense location is the time of the yar, but in the area of ​​the time yar, still ... the defense forces of ukraine are holding their positions quite firmly and in some locations they are even knocking out the russians in some positions, well, for example, from the central part and partially the eastern part of the kanal sector, as well as ivanivski klishchiivka and andriivka , the russians had no success in advancing, and
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if we talk about the successes of the defense forces of ukraine, then of course there is the terni district, and this is a... serebryan forestry, where units the azovs continue to squeeze the russians in this enchanted forest, and once again expanded their positions, expanded their control over positions, once again, and continue this movement, effectively limiting the group of troops in the center, which operates in the liman direction, limiting it in further maneuvers, as in the northern direction, as well as... lymanskyi, as well as according to their plans to reach the left bank of the zherebets river, that is, in the area of ​​terni, yampolivka, and so on. if we talk about the further development of events, then these western weapons will come in larger quantities, it will be possible to level the front line and stop the russians, and it will be possible to do this
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if enough is distributed, because we are now. they talked about the negative points along the line of battle and mentioned the turkish agglomeration, and in the turkish agglomeration, in addition to many other issues that arise regarding defensive actions. there is still a very important question: the fire mission is not enough, it is not determined, it is precisely the fire damage to the enemy that carries out constant assault actions that is not enough, at the same time it should be noted that these are not the most elite units, this is the first army corps, the so-called dpr. and 132 a separate motorized rifle brigade, as well as some other formations of various types, so they are not the most elite, not the most combat-ready, but they have promotion, why? it turned out that in addition to all the other problems that existed on the turkish bridgehead, and there is also a problem with the lack of means of destruction, especially the emphasis
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is on barrel artillery, as well as mortars, we are extremely... critically short of mortars 120- th caliber and 82 th. thank you, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr kovalenko, military-political observer of the group information resistance, she will be in touch. we 're going to stop right now for a few minutes, we're going to take a break, but we're going to continue in just a few minutes, so please stay with us. oh, i remember, you see, even though they say that... with our hands our memory weakens, but i am attentive and remember everything. we take the memo effect from dr. tice and feel the difference. the active substances of memo effect improve the functioning of the nervous system and contribute to the normalization of mental activity. memo effect from dr. tice improves memory and attention, helps to think. do you suffer from heartburn? i recommend izoto. isoto interacts with acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in heartburn symptoms.
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vasyl winter's big broadcast. airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to find out about the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep abreast of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zimi's big broadcast , a project for smart and caring people, in the evening over espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko from. now in the new two-hour format there is even more analysis, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and vice versa. connection, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from
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tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. we continue the politclub program with vitaly portnikov, 850. the eighth day of the war in russia against ukraine, and we will now talk about the european integration of our country, by the way, the acceleration of which also became, one could say, the result of this war, putin's desire to deal with our state, to prevent of european integration, our interlocutor will now be the deputy prime minister, deputy prime minister of the church of ukraine for european and euro-atlantic integration, olga stefanyshyn. we will talk with her about the historical event that took place just this week, the start of negotiations on the accession
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of ukraine and the republic of moldova to the european union, historical events, one might say, because many believed that this accession, it will be much more long, that there will be whole, i would say, problems with ukraine's accession to the european union. union with the negotiable the process, that we will wait a long time for it to start, that there will be a long audit of ukrainian legislation, the fulfillment of certain conditions that were set, do you remember when we were given candidate status in general, certain conditions were set for us that could be fulfilled, otherwise ukraine could be deprived of the candidate status, this was an unusual candidate status, and it must be said that it was the first time in the history of the european union, when we, and the republic of moldova, and georgia received this... candidate status, one can say with the submission of the necessary conditions, which had to be fulfilled, and as we can see, the conditions have been met, the european commission advised
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the european council to start negotiations, and these negotiations have begun, this is the first step, a very important one, then there will be a serious process of the negotiations themselves, and it will be necessary before, during of this negotiation process not only to implement the recommendations of the european union. but also to fight for one's own economic and political interests, this is also an important point, primarily for pro-economic ones, because it must be understood, and the situation is connected with the fact that what is happening with european integration, this is also the situation of the post-war development of our country, how intensive it will be now... this negotiation process, protection of interests, fulfillment of demands, so ukrainian post-war recovery will be more intensive, because it will also depend on what
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will be our interests in the european union, how they will be taken into account, how the situation will change with the process of european integration. how the european union will treat our pace, these are all really serious, i would say problems that are so or so otherwise, they must be resolved in the near future, and it is clear that when we start the process, these are only the first steps related to the negotiations themselves, we must not forget the bilateral context of these negotiations, but only on... on the eve of the start of this process, as is known, it was possible to persuade hungary to abandon blocking the start of the process of negotiations with
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ukraine by the republic of moldova. and hungary, in principle, fixed certain conditions that should become part of this process in the near future. this will also be a serious test for ukrainian diplomacy, and later also for ukrainian. society, so in this regard, european integration is always a real, serious challenge for the entire state, but if you think about it, only 10 years have passed since the association agreement was signed, and you remember that when this agreement were supposed to sign in 2013, the then president of ukraine , viktor yanukovych, who was on the way to solving this problem, he... in one way or another, we can say, he accelerated all these processes by his refusal to sign the agreement, a refusal which
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, by the way, was obviously due to zaza with negotiations between viktor yanukovych and vladimir putin, we now already know that there were even secret negotiations, that vladimir putin did everything possible so that ukraine did not sign this agreement, it was not hidden at all, president putin's advisor serhiy glaziv, who, by the way, was born in zaporizhzhia, was actually the curator of the ukrainian direction at that time, his task was to prevent the european integration of ukraine. he said that you have not read this agreement, but if you read it, you understand how dangerous it is for... your management of ukraine, he appealed to viktor yanukovych and another traitor, the then prime minister of ukraine and the leader of the party of regions, mykola azarov. well, in the end, as we know, this situation, it was resolved the way it was resolved. the ukrainian government refused the association agreement, viktor yanukovych did not sign this document during the summit of the european union in vilnos, and this famous euromaidan began, after which it was also signed
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in two parts. association agreement with the european union. the first part was then signed by prime minister viktor arseniy yatsenyuk the second part is president petro poroshenko. and the agreement began to work. and 10 years later, we are already starting full-fledged negotiations on joining the european union. despite the fact that the association agreement is not just a document that is signed. it is also a document that needs to be implemented, one way or another. and this, too, is quite a serious story, about which you must always remember that this... was a fairly short process between the agreement and the beginning of the negotiations, what the process of the negotiations itself will be, of course, it is difficult to say, because on along this path, there are still many real problems of some kind, problems related to the entry of ukraine into the negotiation process itself, because each section of these negotiations will be difficult in other countries of the european union that participated.
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tens of people, hundreds, it's not just that they approved the state delegation there, and it conducts negotiations with the officials of the european union there, because the european union is a huge, huge apparatus, realistically speaking, and each department there deals with its own problems, works carefully, and each agency consults with all member countries of the european union, and the european union sends out its proposals, and everyone has proposals. countries that are part of the european union, and it is clear that those countries that are far from ukraine, there are the countries of the iberian peninsula, let's say portugal and spain, they have fewer questions for us than the countries of central europe, on the other hand, they are less politically involved in the russian-ukrainian war, because it is very far from them, and when even our politicians carelessly say that ukraine is protecting everyone in europe and nato from
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russia. federation, it is obvious that on people who live in madrid or lisbon, these statements have a different effect than on people who are in warsaw and budapest, but there are economic issues there, we already have ms. olga stefanyshynna, congratulations, ms. olga, congratulations, vitaly, well here is the beginning of the accession negotiations, if you are serious, how do you imagine the process itself, how long should it take in an optimistic pessimistic perspective, if you remove in... well, the very beginning of the negotiations is very important, because it is already a legal decision related to with the fact that ukraine will be a member of the eu, it is now a real question in terms of the process, ukraine has certain advantages, we are not newbies, let's say, in this matter of european integration, we have 10 years of implementation of the association agreement behind us, which would be implemented with different dynamics, but also the opportunity...
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the advantages of the eu internal market, unfortunately , on a very large scale with the beginning of the war, because most of the decisions were taken now precisely as an element of response to the consequences of the russian war, russian aggression, this is access to the labor market, millions of citizens who are currently in the eu, this is customs liberalization, trade liberalization, energy. that is, this process will be much shorter for ukraine than for many other countries in previous periods, and we are capable enough as a government, civil society is with us, so for this year and the first half of the 25th year, our task is to enter the list of our obligations, and this is the work of the european commission, from now on it will be up to us, that ukraine goes together with the republic.


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