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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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to what extent they will succeed, we will see in the coming hours of this post-election night, i think all the main statements will be made, and this week will be, i would say, decisive in the political history of france and decisive for our support, also the french republic, like you you understand, they have already said that the party will win , there will be no french troops in ukraine, this is a principled statement, as you understand, thank you, thank you for being with us, stay with spressa tv channels, stay with our news and programs. and i say goodbye to you until the next meetings, good luck, victory and peace to you, friends, this is about politics, about the world, maria gurska, journalist of the ukrainian tv channel espresso and editor-in-chief of the eu sister portal, we are talking with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm and the head of the council sing'
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this is the most important thing that has happened in geopolitics in recent years, the european union is really starting to expand. the eu is showing putin that it is not afraid, this is really a ceremony, it will last a long time, because it is about 30. five sections for discussion, this is all true, but also the fact that on june 25, 2024 ye said yes, we want ukraine to be in the european union, like moldova, we are starting negotiations, and on the same day, the us assistant secretary of state for european affairs obrain said , ukraine will be in nato, so it looks like we finally learned something, i really like such moments when the west tells putin: stop, you won't succeed, putin likes the weakness of the west, its indecision.
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accession negotiations with ukraine should have started six months ago, at the end on the 23rd, but then hungary's position became an obstacle. you and i were then discussing the scene from the vote for the start of the negotiations, when charles michel had to take viktor orbán out for coffee so that there was an opportunity to vote in favor, despite his opposition. finally, the negotiations begin. but july 1 also marks the beginning of hungary's presidency of the european council. what to expect from the start of negotiations under such conditions? this means that everything is now in the hands of the officials, the hungarian presidency can have some influence on it, but not too much. and there is the good news is that hungary is followed by poland, so if hungary is delaying the talks, poland will try to speed them up because poland is the eu country that really. economically, there is
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a super synergy, because ukraine also wins, in this case it is important for both countries, it is also necessary that the negotiations pass quickly, it is important that they are deep and thoughtful, because from the polish point of view there will be several important topics related to , for example, with the protection of agriculture. poland, of course, is not the only one a country that will try to... which almost every western country is putting forward, they say, okay, let's expand, but the new treaty on the functioning of poland is not putting forward an additional, essential condition, the e.u. poland believes that the negotiations should not take place on the basis of the current treaty. in this sense, poland is the only such partner of ukraine among large countries. we believe that it is necessary to go through difficult negotiations and do it quickly. of large countries who do everything
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well and quickly at once, poland is a country that joined the eu and has experience, germany was not a member of the union, italy was not a member of france either, they were immediately in the eu, but poland was not, we were joining the eu, we passed it, we want ukraine to be in the eu as well, we do not nominate poland until... january will chair the european council. it is predicted that the first chapters of negotiations will be opened at the beginning of 2025. it will be either a section on justice, or on freedom and security, or public procurement. at the moment, in brussels , they say that the decision has not yet been made, but it will definitely be something.
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during the war, i wouldn't be afraid of it, and certainly not of the demands that are of the highest priority for ukraine is a secret, it's corruption, the issue of space for the middle class, the free market and competition, it's actually about these topics, if someone in the west criticizes ukraine or expresses various doubts, we hear exactly about...
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but i would also like to ask you about this a bridge that supposedly guarantees membership, when there will be political will, then when there will be political will and what is the point of bridges that do not work? this bridge will work, the current nato summit is special in that, on the one hand, it is an anniversary event, which means that everyone pays a lot of attention to the issue of anniversary, but also it is special because of the political uncertainty in the usa, this electoral context will be very important for the summit, let me hurry, it is known that
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it will not be possible to achieve as much as we would like, although who knows, the last we see some progress in the american declarations, let's... look at how dynamically everything is changing, of course i know that the poles are like that, and the ukrainians always want more and faster, but in fact what is happening today in ukraine's relations with the eu and nato, was unthinkable literally 3 years ago. the council decided to appoint mark rutte
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as the next secretary general of nato. rutte will take up the post on october 1 after the end of the term of office of jens stoltenberg, who held the position of general secretary for almost 10 years. from 2014, rutte will replace stoltenberg on october 1. and how will the new gensed change the alliance. i hope that he will open nato for ukraine. so far he has not made any mistakes. after the russian attack on february 24, 2022, the north atlantic alliance is in a very difficult situation. but emphasizing, he has so far... missed, so rutte has two tasks: no to be wrong, that is, to react correctly to putin's policy, to show the consequences and expand the alliance, to fulfill what can be said to be an obvious law of history. you
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say that nato should show putin the consequences when there are different options on the table. recently , the idiotic statement of the brexit ideologue nigel farage spread among the polish and probably the ukrainian media, who said that all the problems with the war happened because the west wanted to expand, but everything is accurate, on the contrary, the russians say this only when the event demonstrates inconsistency, my favorite example is the 2008 nato summit in bucharest, because the russians attacked georgia because georgia did not get a clear plan to join nato, but really wanted to. ukraine too, but then georgia wanted it more, but the western leaders succumbed to putin's arguments and there was a price for that, and there is always a price, if we are not consistent, and therefore clear declarations must be made, so ukraine will be in nato, and when the negotiations are over from the eu, to the eu. negotiations with the eu are negotiations
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with almost the same countries as in nato, very much so of a similar composition, therefore they cannot be completely separated, they are often the same governments, and therefore it is to be expected here. that nato will be somewhere in one package, one must be positive, however, i believe that it is important for ukrainians to understand the negotiations with the european union well, i sometimes see and hear in some statements that we will sit and think.
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but i do not like such an unambiguously positive view of the eu, as if it were some kind of entrance to heaven. the eu is a political organism, it also has its weak points, for example, when it comes to the production of weapons, as it turned out after putin's attack. or it can produce the same products over a huge territory, because the legislation is the
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same. if, for example, you set up a company in spain, you go there and you are evaluated according to the same rules as a local business. we have uniform rules for the movement and employment of people, i am talking about such practical things as, for example, the principles of insurance. whichever field we choose, the eu opens up huge opportunities, and that is exactly what i would pay attention to. candidacies of new future leaders were announced last week of the european union. the current head of the european commission, ursula fondeyan, may take this position for the second time. this is a political decision, it is still going to the european parliament. voting will take place during the session of the parliament. i really like when in this program we draw such political portraits, sketches, because a real portrait would require more time and effort. korsula fondelain, it should be said, at one time took this position a little by accident, because 5 years ago, not... someone else should have become the head of the european commission, we are almost it was forgotten. yes, but then it happened that
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weber wanted to head the european commission, but weber could not. then there was to be franz timmermans, finally , through various french games, the choice fell on ursula fondelein. you know, there were still some doubts then, it was somewhere in the background, they didn't talk about it out loud, that maybe she is not that strong, maybe she won't have enough determination to confront other countries, because she is dumb.
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documents and in the budget, found the money for it, she was not entirely right about the green so that it was embedded in all possible agreement, but was able to effectively implement its concept, today europe politically and economically thinks about reducing emissions and uses the principles of the green course, there are many advantages in this, after all, the green course is not only an issue. energy is a big module that deals with agriculture, a big program from farm to table, a certain concept of production and consumption of products in the close environment of the consumer, it is also a question of rebuilding cities to become more energy efficient, it is a question of changing policies, changing the whole style the life of europeans, as i say, i do not completely agree, but i admire the consistency of ursula fonden, who showed that she is a politician of a european scale, and the second thing is
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support, she went to kyiv one of the first, not later, she came quickly, so she is really building its position of political respectability and ability to manage the european union. challenges are facing the new head of the european commission at the beginning of the next five-year term. in my opinion, these are huge environmental challenges. the usa is friendly but determined, it has a plan and it is obvious that it is it will probably be expanded, she will lead it, probably during her tenure the expansion will not take place, because it will probably not fit in five years, but she
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has a chance to introduce a very progressive zaavannego stage. to develop the european industry and develop the production of ammunition and weapons is a big thing, she has serious tasks, maybe she will go down in history, maybe, who knows, she will most often be remembered as the leader of the european commission, if she fulfills these tasks in the near future. an important topic for our program 25 on june the council of the european union decided to extend the temporary protection for... poland usually adds something to this eu package, we also extended this support, so nothing new is happening, but of course there are things that cause discussions today, for
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example , payment of 800 plus with school attendance and compulsory education, here. tries to adopt solutions that already exist in other european countries, although they are also often controversial, where someone thinks that i don't know if you want to talk about it, i want to, and this is my next question to you, please, i would like to discuss a survey on the topic of public attitudes towards helping refugees, conducted in poland by opinya 24 and yu on behalf of the international rescue committee. this is a survey. indicates that while 79% of poles believe that ukraine needs humanitarian aid and 72% support access to medicine and education, almost half of poles, 44%, are against poland providing long-term protection to ukrainian refugees in poland, and only 42 % support it,
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this is the number of poles who believe that it is it is important, also for... the good of poland, who notice the investments made by the working part of ukrainians, and this is noted by 62% of ukrainian refugees who work in poland, add their taxes and contributions to the development of the economy, stimulate it. for the other half of the poles, this remains unnoticed. why? because here everyone has their own. i also think that there are many people in kyiv who wanted ukrainians to return from poland to ukraine. maybe i 'll talk about my approach. i believe that states do not have much influence on the decisions that people make, everyone makes today decisions according to our own understanding and our own ambitions, so if ukrainians are in poland, we are interested in them having good conditions, the same as poles. if a generation of young ukrainians is growing in poland, and it is growing because the war is going on, it will probably continue for a while, so it is in their interests as a polish citizen, a pole,
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that they have good conditions, that they have 800 plus for additional education, for studying of english, to a better school. i do not see a problem in this, it is in our interests as a polish state, because in the future they stay, pay taxes, have a better job, pay better taxes, it's obvious to me that if someone lives with the same rights as us, ukrainian and polish children, they should get the same opportunities and money, if ukrainians don't get it, it's not means that they will go to ukraine because they will find good conditions in germany or somewhere else, according to my boyish mind. our interest is that someone who has been living with us for two years and feels good here should not be deprived of these allowances. it is not known whether he will go to ukraine, most likely, he will go to some other country in western europe, where there are such benefits? but i, for example, am very surprised by this, because in a recent interview, the polish reformer professor lesak balcerowych told me
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that the contribution of ukrainian refugees to the polish economy is 7%. because there are many different ones, and secondly, fortunately, it does not happen that assessments, but first of all, ukrainians definitely contribute , there was such a large community of over a million people, suddenly they all went somewhere at the same time, some will return, others will not return, and others will go somewhere else, and more someone, on the contrary, will come from other countries, it is unknown, there will be some kind of sociological one. attitude and had access to what polish citizens have access to, similar professions. another matter is the discussion about political privileges. i think
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it's too early for ukrainians living in poland to start voting here when they 're not citizens, but when it comes to social benefits related to work, it's about fairness, and it's obvious that they should be. you know, it scares me when the contribution of ukrainians goes unnoticed. these positive aspects of partnership and neighborhood. the future madam editor, but it's like in sociology, some will return, others will not. we do not know how many ukrainians , especially if the war ends in the foreseeable future , will return. it scares me whether this sociology is the result of russian propaganda. if there are a million people here today, people make decisions inconsistent with politics, unfortunately, not even in accordance with the end of the war. someone falls in love with someone. it's just that people have different lives, it's been
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two years, it's likely that some time will pass, so we have to be honest and treat them that's right, those who work in our country and have children should have the same rights so that these children are equal, so i also believe that children should go to school, because of course there are many political discussions about whether ukrainians should go to polish school or not, if there is no other way out, let them go to... but i agree with you here, i believe that the regulation of these issues is a task for the ministries of education of both countries, but children must go to school, and this is very important, and for adaptation , and for socialization and to overcome the trauma with which a significant number of children come, especially and it is also good for polish children, because i can see it in my youngest son, he doesn't even notice if someone is ukrainian or ukrainian.
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previously, if a child went to school or after school , a ukrainian, hungarian, anyone, someone from another country, with a different nationality, with a different language would come to the house party, it was emphasized, but now it is natural, who is this friend of yours, he says you he likes you because you are loyal to ukraine, he is ukrainian and that's it. it doesn't work like that, it really doesn't work like that they will simply know an additional language, polish. for these ukrainians, it is also great, when they left ukraine, they went through this experience, the experience of the war, and now they will learn the polish language, they will have.
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i think everyone will benefit from this. i am glad that my children have friends who speak another language and spend the holidays a little differently. here we are similar, but at least there are small differences, they can discuss it, learn about this diversity, and it is very good for my son, because when he goes to school, for example to the west, he will already know that... not all people are the same. norman davies, a prominent british historian who writes a lot about poland, says that poland used to be square, because stalin drew borders where poles actually lived, and for
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half a century it was impossible to imagine that there would be someone of a different nationality in a child's classroom. even ukrainians find it difficult to understand, because ukraine is much more diverse internally. for example, it is probably normal for you that there are several children of different nationalities or different people in the class skin color we have it. we are building a responsible dialogue, this is the business of politicians, journalists, and civil society, in the next issue we will talk about trump's peace plan for ukraine and military cooperation between north korea and russia, what can we expect? it was a program about politics, about the world.
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final informational and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week . the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly, every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. in... the verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22.
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hello, congratulations, i am andriy yanitskyi and gulsum khalilova together on the bereber program, which is translated together, this is a joint project of the crimean tatar tv channel atr and of the espresso tv channel, which we make for viewers from crimea, as well as for everyone. who in mainland ukraine is interested in what is happening in crimea, if you watch us on youtube, please subscribe, like, bell and comment on this video, this is how youtube algorithms work, that we will only be seen if you are active. well, as usual, traditionally, today we will talk about crimea, about the deoccupation of crimea and about everything that happened there during
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this week, well, that is, we will... talk about the results and, of course, i would like to start with a the main news is the one that happened this week and it can be said that on june 23 the armed forces of ukraine carried out a very powerful strike against the russian occupiers, and after that manipulation, distortion of facts, speculation about human deaths and other methods to remove responsibility , moscow has launched a very huge propaganda... campaign blaming ukraine and even the united states of america for the deaths of civilians on uchkiivka beach in occupied akhyar during a rocket attack on sunday. how so please andrew. we will ask oleksiy hetman, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, a retired major of the national guard, to speak with us on this topic. mr. oleksiy. congratulations. i congratulate you. congratulations sir oleksiy, this
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is the story of the attack of the ukrainian military forces on the base in sevastopol, which resulted in civilian casualties, the russians say that it is as if the americans, the ukrainians are specifically hitting civilian objects, on beaches where peaceful people are resting, but at the same time i have... a conviction that this is not so. what happened actually? well, first of all, they saw other rockets in the air, not that we shoot russian rockets, could the fragments of the rocket hit the beach, well, theoretically it is quite possible, but to say that we deliberately attacked the beach, well, you know, if there was a desire to attack the civilian population, it would be possible to choose an object with greater losses if we had such a terrorist attack.


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