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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EEST

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congratulations, mr. oleksiy, this is the story of the attack of the ukrainian military forces on the base in sevastopol, which resulted in civilian casualties, the russians say that it is as if the americans, the ukrainians are specially hitting civilian objects, beaches, where peaceful people rest, at the same time. i am convinced that this is not the case, what happened in reality? well, first of all, they saw the debris of another missile there, not that we shoot russian missiles, could the debris of the missile get on the beach, well, theoretically it is quite possible, but to say that we deliberately attacked the beach, well, you know, if there was a desire to attack the civilian population, it would be possible to choose an object with greater losses, if we had such a terrorist. the target,
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because what actually happened there, it's hard to say, but well, it's hard to say from the point of view that it's very unlikely that it was our missile, because we attack exclusively on military targets, you have to look at military targets that we attacked, and what is the distance to this beach, where civilians died, well, civilians, to understand what is there actually happened, and once again, well, none, well , listen, listen to the russians, this is not self-respect. well, the question is literally there, you mentioned what military facilities are located there, in fact, near this beach, literally 3-4 km away, bilbek airport is located, military units are located, that is, it is obvious that the attack was primarily on military facilities, how does the russian anti-aircraft system work and why does it shoot down ukrainian missiles over the beach, and this is a question primarily for... the russians, well
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, in general, if there was no occupation, i would i understand that there would be no reason, i lived in crimea for 22 years and there were never any excesses, well, except for some excesses related to the black sea fleet of the russian federation, when they hit something there during exercises and civilians die or pollute the bay i remember sevastopol, and generally ukrainian times in crimea as peaceful times, but now it is clear that during the occupation. and russians, there are, well, hostilities taking place every day , this is a theater of hostilities, what can you advise the residents of crimea, who are there, as themselves to behave, is it worth going to these beaches, is it possible that someone will look even from russia, and finally they will understand that there is a war going on there, and that it is not worth going to the occupied territories, well, that you should definitely not, but that how how to save yourself, well, stay away from...
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military facilities, and not because we can not hit a military facility, but get wet, the fact is that we use weapons that are highly accurate, the russians used and use weapons that are not highly accurate, well, for example, this x22 missile, it can deviate to half a kilometer, well, for a minute, so the target, where it was flying, had information about this attack on the airfield that the russians had abandoned. it's because they somehow changed the trajectory of the missile, well, it means that they, well, their butt was working, but , well, it's hardly possible to consider that these are the fragments of our rocket, most likely the fragments of an anti-aircraft missile of the russians, which, uh, well, on the other hand , it seems quite strange to me, because the distance is like 2-3 km to the beach where it happened. this tragedy and well anti-aircraft missile
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, well it would, it would only be for combat kursla at such a distance, that is, there are many questions, what flew there, well, we heard that we were shown the ulanka, but after this attack near this beach, the russians themselves filmed everything, took photos and identified that it was a russian tor missile, that is, the russians had already blown it up their buildings, they were already dropping the bomb. in their own cities, it is quite possible that this was a provocation by the russians, it is very similar to them, that they killed on purpose, this is not the first time they have already done it, they killed several of their fellow citizens for to blame ukraine for this, once again our missile could not get there, because it is highly accurate and it hardly wanted more, although looking at the map, these parts of the sea were not attacked by cruise missiles, they were attacked by ballistic missiles, those that we we can
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use, and a ballistic missile in circles, along a ballistic trajectory, it could, it could fly from the opposite side from the well. so here, if you just tell everything off the shelf, conduct research, not even by examining the wreckage, just by those open photos, the videos filmed by the russians, you can investigate that this is definitely not, not our truth, well , the situation is really very strange, because for the first time the russian ministry of attack reported that the ukrainian armed forces there attacked akyar and so on. and almost the russian occupiers there very successfully shot down everything and so on, and while they were reporting about it, ambulances were already on their way to ukchkiivka, and on the other hand, two hours later, there we saw how the russian ministry of defense had already reported
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otherwise, and said that ukraine is there committed terrorist acts and so on, and that is, we see that russia simply did not understand what to say, how to say it, how to explain it and so on, and two hours later the propagandists again accused ukraine and even the united states of america of this, but at the same time, there was no anxiety, no anxiety, nothing in the crimea, and even the crimean propagandist public there, they, even there entertainingly, and gaulleiter akhyar, just wanted, well, they had a lot of complaints against him and even said, to have him removed from the post of gauleiter ahyaro, that's why i have asks why there was no alarm, why no one said anything and so on? well, first of all, they try not to announce an alarm, because they believe that in this way they are treating the local population, because alarms should sound
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constantly there, and about the accusations of russia, well, they did not come up with anything more reasonable than trying to tell that we want to attack the beach, well, you know, unconscious people, well , with the exception of some russian pasipaks, they know the situation very well, our partners, the civilized world in general, how difficult it is for us the situation with weapons, as far as we are concerned, we save the means that we can attack, the same missiles, they are supplied to us with interruptions in small quantities, so we can afford to shoot a missile on the beach, which does not cost 1 million dollars in order to... four civilians were killed, well, well, it’s true, you know, it’s been pulled by the ear, but the russians are coming, they say to them, at least spit in their eyes, i will, they say that they will say, well , don’t spit there, they will say , that this is god's dew, that's why, mr. oleksiyu, and such a question, already
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well, crimea has actually been occupied for 10 years, and it has been two years of a full-scale invasion, well over a year. indeed, ukrainian missiles and drones are flying over military facilities in crimea, and there is still no system of shelters for the civilian population there, that is, the occupying power deliberately does not spend money, the government does not equip public places with these shelters, but only after the events of this week, when it is already obvious it became clear that the civilian population is in danger from the occupation, from the actions of the occupation authorities, first of all, they also announced that they would to create some kind of mobile shelters in public places, but isn't this
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just some kind of reassurance, if they were not able to build such shelters after two years of a full-scale invasion, then why should the locals suddenly hope that they will appear now. well, you know, to build some kind of mobiles, well, i think it’s self-reassuring, i think that there could have been, and funds were allocated for some shelters, but they were scared in russia and so they didn’t build anything, you know, if they start i will, they are trying to explain to the population inside crimea, that the crimea has come to its home port, that there are at least stones from the sky, that there are no... things to worry about, that everything will be fine, but to start spending constantly, to turn on the air alarm, to constantly start drawing it where there are bomb shelters, so that people knew where to hide from the shelling, that's for sure, the morale of the population will not improve, and
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it is very important for the russians that people continue, i don't know who to compare it with, to believe that the russians, well, what about crimea ... to be protected, that they are in danger, that these are just isolated cases, that something is out there flies in, well, it’s so easy for them, that’s how their propaganda works, to start telling that... that there are air alarms there every other day they have to be turned on, well, people there are worried, let’s say so, especially those who came from the russian federation , and with such situations, with such anxieties and constantly painted kretches, buskovyshche, i think that many people will start to leave the crimea, the russians already need the russians to be there, for the crimea to be russian there, well, that's why it's easier for them to. .. dozens or hundreds of people perished there, as if to this propaganda about the fact that
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everything is fine there and everything is under their control did not work, well , plus, the alarm is not all over the crimea, but they announce the alarm only in akyar, as they call it sevastopol, and in other regions, corners of crimea, well , there is never any anxiety at all, there was, there is none, even if you look at the fact that the armed forces of ukraine, well, carry out strikes in all corners of crimea, where they are located. military facilities, well, this is our legitimate goal, that's right, well, because it's a preparation for us, maybe in this year, maybe in the next one they have already started the process of preparing not for the deoccupation, but directly for the deoccupation of crimea, so all, well, all of crimea is under our, let's say, missile and fire control, and our targets are the military object, the targets of lithuania, our targets are communications, our entire radar stations, ports, of course, that's why... this preparation for the liberation of crimea has been going on for a year now, and i'm sure that these strikes we
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're making will only intensify, we have to destroy practically the entire military infrastructure of the russian armed forces in crimea, well, then we already understand it, well, then already an attack from below, it could be an amphibious assault, it could be, well, from different directions, from the side of the well, it could be shkadovsk ar'. it can be different, well here, i think that in our general staff, well, i don't think, i'm sure, there are already plans, but only right now, well, they can't be applied yet, because you have to be focused on those attacks that the russians are making on the russians on the eastern, on the northern front, yes, and regarding the crimea and the southern direction in general, well, there are forecasts that by september, maybe by october a month in these directions, we will be able to intercept a tactical initiative even at the machete, well , let's see, further... another message from the crimea this week
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, the space communication center in the crimea was destroyed, what is the significance of this cotton, why these goals of the space communications are so important that we choose them among others, as you rightly say, the missiles we fire are not cheap and for any small purpose, we cannot exchange them, so what is this? after all, it is a ground base that directly has contact with gonnass, that is, it is navigation, it is navigation of russian missiles, missiles are guided by these means, airspace is explored by these means, russian planes are controlled, including guided ones, this is not the communication that we have, it may seem to some, something was wrong with the mobile communication, it just stayed there without mobile phones, no it's... a system, it's a system, how our missiles work using gps navigation, in russia
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, the glanas system, they, it's also a satellite system, they use, and this, it's used for missile guidance, let's say, guidance aircraft rockets. thank you very much, mr. oleksiy, for taking the time to join our broadcast. oleksiy hetsman was in direct contact with us, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, a major of the national guard in... the battalion, and i would like to remind you that you are watching the bereber together program in ukrainian, which is hosted by us, andriy yanitskyi and gulsum khalilova, and it is a joint the espresso project and the atp tv channel. now we have a short break, after which we will talk about other topics. tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs occur spontaneously and are disturbing you. special complex. helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system,
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more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts. from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday through friday from 20:00 to 22:00. to take the wounded from the battlefield on time means saving his life, bc ride, boys' ride, atv - and the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. congratulations, we
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continue. our joint broadcast of the first crimean tatar tv channel atr and the beraber tv channel together in the studio i, gulsumy khalilova, and my colleague andriy yanitsky work for you. and we would like to introduce our guest, yevhen khlobostov, professor, dean of the faculty of natural sciences of the kyiv-mohyla academy, as well as head of the track, head of the track, economic and environmental expert network of the crimean platform. mr. yevgeny, congratulations. all that happened on june 23 in crimea, and the attack by the armed forces of ukraine on russian military facilities and the shooting down of these missiles by russian air defense over the beach, over people, and we all saw all these videos and so on, and after that even the occupation administrations began to say that
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a lot of people canceled their trips to crimea and even from... their tourist operators began to say that people simply do not go to sanatoriums there camps and so on. how does all this affect the tourist season in crimea, this year in particular, if you look at the latest attacks by the armed forces? it's just a different reality. russians are in a different reality, there is no war for them. that's why they go to crimea, as if they are absolutely there safely. i want to note that there was no air raid alert, by the way, meaning people were on the beach without even knowing there was a potential one. danger, on the other hand, crimea, today is such a source of tourism only for russians, and it is such an artificial tourism, because russia very much dates these tourist services, there are free tours, there are discount tours, various such, that is, it is such an artificial reproduction of this function, i hope that after the return of crimea to
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the state borders of ukraine, when we will develop the economy there and in particular recreation then we will face, first of all , a safety problem, that is, how safe it will be to rest there. the second problem is the quality of services, well, by that time ukraine will most likely be exhausted by the war, and we will not be able to invest in quality tourist facilities and services. therefore, i am quite skeptical about this, in my opinion, crimea will remain a tourist region for many years to come, mainly for crimeans, and such a future tourist... then probably he will still remain in that region from the side of turkey and adjara, but probably not yet with ukraine, not for the first time, that is, if we are talking about tourism, now, of course, we do not advise anyone to rest in crimea, because it is a theater of hostilities, after the liberation, we will also probably have to wait until it's safe there, that's right
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, and plus, i understand that the people of ephesus and their families go to rest. fighters or some representatives of the russian administration there, etc., who are under sanctions and simply cannot leave anywhere else, as the occupiers recently said, that even there in akhyar, the daughter of the mayor of magadan was injured there, or something like that, by the deputies of ramagadan, well, that is , the thesbians rest there and here are all these people who simply cannot go to other countries, as far as i'm concerned, not only the thesbians are there are resting, there are still a huge number of russians who are in... their own reality, they are in their own information bubble, there is no war in this bubble, and that is why crimea is such a soviet nostalgia, resort, vacation, our crimea, finally they can go there ... to go, though no one forbade them to go there until the 14th year, that is, even in 10 years, they did not find out what was really happening, this information curtain was so created in
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russia that people who, as far as i understand, live in the north of russia, are not very interested , what is happening in the european part, they imagine that everything is fine, there are no hostilities, missiles are not flying, and they do not expect such an arrival, not only is everything fine, people buy real estate, crimea from siberia, for example, from the northern regions, sell there, they buy in crimea, they are sure of because this is their home forever, that there will never be any changes, and you know, recently this topic has intensified, when the russian occupiers nationalize the homes of even the ukrainian people's... deputies of the ukrainian singer recently, and after all, they nationalized her home and others, such as our singers safira, taara, and so on, and what
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the occupiers say, they nationalize it all, put it up for auction, sell it, and so on, and the colonizers buy it up again, and so on, and they plan to send it all to war against ukraine. this is how to evaluate this pseudo-nationalization of the russian occupiers, does it make any legal sense? next, what will we do with this and can we draw parallels, for example, with 1944, when all the crimean tatars were deported, the nkbd officers came again, and then the children of the nkbd officers and in 2014 simply burned ukrainian passports and shouted there crimea from russia forever, this is a deep question, because, first of all, if we talk about the economic profit from such entanglements, it is minimal, against the background of the cost. war, to say that it is somehow helps russia fight against ukraine more effectively, probably not. this is an information drive. russia is trying to show russians,
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crimeans and other russians that we have dealt with a potential fifth column of pro-ukrainian elements, and their real estate has gone to the needs of the svo. yes, well, but really, to say that it somehow now affects the situation in crimea, does it affect. in our opinion, does it have any legal consequences, unfortunately, no. russia does not recognize a huge number of international courts. that is, and even i gave such examples, russia is part of the signatory of numerous law enforcement conventions. but if she doesn't follow those conventions, she just doesn't follow them, without even explaining why she does. well, i don't do it, because there is no compulsion. the world is largely built on contracts. which do not provide for the enforcement of these agreements, and among the vast majority of civilized signatories of such agreements, there is not even an idea that it is possible to so impudently
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not fulfill something, without explaining your position, well, i don’t want to, if you have already taken it upon yourself obligations and your your your parliament there ratified this agreement, so after hitler no one imagined that a new hitler could appear who could simply enslave all international. absolutely, absolutely, and this, this still surprises our partners in the european union and nato countries, they keep trying to present some kind of problem with russia that should be submitted to some international body, try to find out some relationship with it through legal authorities, but it just doesn't happen, well this week please can i have one question, and then three, just we, when we talked about international conventions there courts and so on, you know, i will remind our viewers that... recently the european court of human rights recognized the obvious, and they finally after 10 years after ukraine submitted to the european court of human rights all
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the crimes of the russian occupiers, which they committed there, and russia violated 11 articles out of 18 possible regarding human rights, and there is already a court decision, and russia will not comply with it, i i understand, and then. for us it is means our movement in the system of international law. we, as a state, part of the world community that fulfills international obligations, support this general movement towards legal issues regarding our problems and regarding the russian federation, but there is again no coercive mechanism to force russia to comply with any international agreements. well. the second world war is really a very good example, when, well, what treaties did hitler's germany fulfill, or which ones were observed, but none, and as a result, this is
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new. a page in the history of europe, with russia the situation is more complicated, because today i do not see even in the ideas of any victory for us and our allies, relatively speaking, a parade in moscow, and a change in the political system in russia, we do not set this as a goal, which means, unfortunately, that russia and will continue to be in a state of hostility towards ukraine, and that is why i emphasized in my speech at the recent expert network forum that we need to... think about the formation of such a border frontier economy, unfortunately, modern russia leaves us no chance other than to be ready to further unfriendly actions. i actually also wanted to mention the echr, but, in addition, the latest news that was just spread by the media yesterday or the day before yesterday, er, that was announced at the forum of the expert network of the crimean platform, but you did not say,
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about... the situation around hersenes, i guess you heard, and some media interpreted that hersenes was destroyed in general, well, it didn’t quite sound like that, damage was done, and damage was caused by large construction near hersenes, uh, what will we see when we liberate crimea, will that museum still remain , what are we going to do about these illegal buildings because the illegal building, which is called the kerch... bridge, of course, will be destroyed, but all these buildings that the occupiers will build, and have already built during these 10 years, what will happen to them, what will happen to the people who work there, what will happen with the people who live there and residential buildings have been built, how will we act in relation to the russians who came to crimea, and in relation to all these infrastructural changes, this is really a very
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thorough question, because in... 750 to more than one million russians, these are people who had none the right to cross the borders of ukraine and stay in crimea, settle, buy real estate, etc. of course, crimea is filled with real estate, and the taurid highway, and other objects, and in the future, of course, that ukraine will not destroy them, well, i can't imagine that our government makes a decision to blow up such a number of residential buildings there. ugh. i think that we have someone to accommodate in crimea, in these buildings. we have many people who went through the war and are still fighting and protecting our present. and so i think this real estate should be distributed already through some state programs, some where it will be confiscated and or distributed, as for these people, the situation there is not obvious, because some of them, well 100% have to leave the territory
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of ukraine. ugh. but there are people who came there as teenagers, who became adults, who created their own families, when, relatively speaking, part of the family has a passport of a citizen of ukraine, part does not have this passport, they may already have their own children during this time, thus, this issue is not mechanistic, i.e. it must be formed there a certain policy, how to treat these people, how to deport them or? encourage to return to the territory of the russian federation. the only thing we have to understand is that if we leave this million, relatively speaking, new crimeans in crimea, we will never see either a ukrainian or a crimean-tatar crimea. and the recipe that was used in the baltic countries with gray passports, whether it works or not, what does the experience of these countries show? this, this is really, this experience cannot be used mechanistically, because despite
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the fact that... even in such a small country as in latvia, almost half of the population was so -called russian-speaking, that is, not the native population, some of these people after integration into the european union became absolutely loyal citizens of these states, learned the language accordingly, received citizenship and today work, but a huge number of people for various reasons, including with some, you know, soviet principledness, they remain human. with limited rights, and today this is also a certain challenge, a certain problem for these small countries, that is, they cannot go to elections, elect someone there, and even go to public positions, yes, but they live there, uh, but they live there, and by the way, this was a requirement of the european union, that is, that there should be no forced deportation of these people.


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