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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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in fact, this experience cannot be used mechanistically, because despite the fact that even in such a small country as latvia, almost half of the population was the so -called russian-speaking, i.e. non-native population, some of these people, after integration into the european union, became absolutely loyal citizens of these states, learned the appropriate language, received citizenship and are working today. but a huge number of people, for various reasons, including with some kind of soviet principle, they remain people with limited rights, and today it is also a certain challenge, a certain problem for these small countries, well, that is , they cannot go to the elections there, elect someone there, and even go to public positions , they live like this, but they live there, well, but they live there, and this by the way, there was a demand from the european union, that is, that there should be no forced deportation of these people. a certain
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part of these people do not have passports of the countries in which they live, but they are there and form a certain such, well, political environment, and emotional environment, and well, that is, in fact, these are people, which, if they do not adapt to the state policy, to the state formation of the state where they are, they automatically become the so -called fifth column, that is, they are a certain danger for the future. of this state, for crimea, the same situation will be the same, but it is still an element of instability, even if that, even if people are part of society, but have not changed their views, we know the story with latvia, that the mep from latvia, tetiana zhdanok, as it turned out, she was an fsb agent, they chose her russian-speaking, that is, she represented their interests in the european parliament, given that ukraine is also going to become part of the european union and... we will also have
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deputies, people who are not loyal to ukraine, but live on its territory, again, can delegate someone to the european parliament and in fact influence all european politics in general, this is such a trojan horse, in fact, that is introduced into the body of ukraine, that is, this problem is deeper than it seems, it seems to me that it is deeper, and you still have a solution it is definitely deeper, well, at the level of the expert network of the crimean platform today. we discussed that after deoccupation, crimea should be deprived of the right to elect its representatives to electoral authorities, that is, to the ukrainian parliament or to local elections, for five, preferably 10 years, well, there is such a historical experience, for example, with hitler's germany, yes , yes, yes, yes, and, and then a political situation, a political struggle, and in particular the members of the european parliament, will be formed, if by that time we are already as part of the european union, well that is... first
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military, then military-civilian administration, well then we will move on to traditional forms of governance, there should be cultural and educational programs that bring the ukrainian context into the information environment, and as far as i understand, administrative reform should take place, because despite the fact that the heads of the military military administrations will be appointed, it is still necessary to build a decentralized one. a system of self-government, such as that which operates in free territories of ukraine, and do you understand the final design, that is, sevastopol, akyar will be a part, a separate administrative unit, will be part of the crimean peninsula, there are various scenarios that are being discussed, it will definitely be part of the crimean peninsula, i would very much like that firstly , it was akyar, not sevastopol, secondly, we need a political solution. the constitutional
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decision, in my opinion, to deprive sevastopol of its special status, that is, it should be the same city as all other cities in ukraine. moreover, taking into account certain political component, which we see today in sevastopol akyar, his status must be definitely not special, absolutely ordinary. how it will look in the future construction is a question that can be discussed. from the fact that it will be a city. of the bakchasarai district of crimea, can one of the cities, like yalta, be part of the actual united territorial community, but this issue today, of course, is not resolved, it is being discussed, it is a problem for communication, experts, government officials, but in any case what conditions do we need today to see such a new governmental construction of crimea. today there is a decision regarding the formation of united territorial communities, instead of those districts that exist in crimea today. well, now you
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said about akyar and the so-called sevastopol, and i'm wondering if we will see a change in the toponymy of the crimea in the near future, is there any work being done on this matter? there are developments, in particular , the crimean tatar resource center has done a lot to make these developments public, there are new names, new old names, let’s say, that everyone can see returned names and toponyms of crimea. but it requires a lot of work from us with the deputy corps so that the renaming takes place at the level of our parliament, and it is not an easy process, well, plus such a decision is during wartime, during wartime there are restrictions on this matter, because we still have two oblasts are also in mainland ukraine,
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which should have been renamed a long time ago, i mean dnipropetrovsk and kirovohrad oblasts, which in fact are already szechslavska and the constitutional court has recognized that such a renaming can be done. ljavka region and kropyvnytskyi region, and despite the fact that there is a war, these regions are still called that in our country, well, it's just that we must be ready even before the deoccupation of crimea, and when we enter crimea, so that we already have all work, so that all draft laws, everything is ready, the only question is to accept and implement it in crimea, there are two more important issues, well, i am on one issue. infrastructural, so that we are ready for the liberation of crimea, we are liberating crimea, it is clear that the energy bridge, which was laid by russia and together with the kerch bridge will be destroyed, and it is clear that the supply of water to crimea is already a problem due to the fact that russia
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blew up the kokhov hpp. what are we going to do, where are we going to supply power to crimea, where are we going to get water from? and we will find or restore kakhovskaya and whether we will be able, excuse me, i will add, to restore this northern crimean canal, first of all, we will not be able to restore it, and there is no sense in it today, it is standing dry, and after many years, when it will the fate of the kakhov reservoir has been decided, i am, in particular, a great critic restoration of the kokhov reservoir, we have an absolutely unique ecosystem there today, which must develop... live there and solve the problems of water supply in that part of ukraine, we must look for other engineering solutions, i think we will find them, as for the canal to crimea, this is again after all , the issues are very debatable, because, first of all, you can build a closed channel, not
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an open one, because, well, from an open channel , evaporation was 50%, or even more, that is, in fact, we evaporated this water completely without reason, changed the climate, yes slowly yes. well, if you remember what this north crimean canal looked like, it is swampy terrain around it for several meters, and it was generally such a structure that needed serious repair and renovation even before the annexation, but climate changes, lack of water from of the north crimean canal and the increase in the number of the population, i.e. in crimea, water consumers became from 2 million to 3 million, i.e. this is a huge number of added water consumers, at the same time, let's pay attention to the fact that not a single serious water communication facility was updated in crimea, everything remains in such a rather complicated state, we studied the water communication systems of crimea for the 13th year, for example, when there were still ukrainian objective statistics, there the level of wear and tear of funds in relation to water supply and drainage
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reached 80% in certain administrative units. in other words, nothing better has happened during this time than anything else. and the second problem is that, something... today, the authorities in crimea, the russian authorities, raise underground water from underground horizons and run it into communal water supply systems, this the uncontrolled flow of such underground water, first of all, it is from the actual dehydration of these horizons, the water changes its quality, it becomes very salty, it needs additional treatment in order to make it safe for consumption, and the most important thing is that now this water is not will be, and when we... we return crimea, we will see this water crisis in all its aspects, as they say, and the situation that will be very difficult for ukraine. as for energy, this is a difficult issue, but today we do not have enough power, and this deficit is very glaring for ukraine, if
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b, conditionally speaking, to annex crimea to ukraine tomorrow, we physically do not have the possibility to provide energy supply to crimea today. of course, russia will not supply anything there, that 's obvious, i.e. electricity, water, and gas supply, these will be challenges that we need to prepare for, that's what we mean. at the meetings of the expert network , they talked a lot about it, what mechanisms are there to involve our partners in the black sea basin, to create a system of extra-tax local generation so that people do not end up in a disaster, well can you imagine the situation one happy day for ukraine, the last russian soldier leaves crimea, after that the russians turn off all the generators of the entire energy supply and the whole situation crimea stops in a state of disaster, and we have to have an answer at that moment... moment, we will deliver now some local power supply systems, we have to solve the problems
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of water supply and drainage, and we have to provide the basic needs of crimeans so that life remains there, despite the fact that we do not yet know under which scenario it will be implemented de-occupation, and at the same time we still have problems , we have problems, it is just possible the experience of solving these problems, which we are experiencing now, when mobile power plants are created, when it is created... just some autonomous energy sources, it could be used after the liberation of crimea , in order to provide crimeans with electricity, the power of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant will not be enough, or we cannot predict what will become of it at all, we have a couple of minutes, as nuclear energy experts say, including olga kosharna, on today, the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is in such a state that it is technically possible to put it into operation. it is impossible, it is a long way for the plant in a safe state to be included in any power grid, it
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has been in the state of so-called cooling or cold idle for too long, and therefore we cannot count on the power of the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, even after we we fully restore our control over this object. thank you very much, mr. evgeny, choksago, for coming to our studio, even khlobistov, professor. this is a joint project, well, we, the presenters, andriy yanitskyi and gulsum khalilova, conducted this program together, see you in a week. there are discounts that represent unbreakable discounts on troxevzing 15% in pharmacies plantain for you and
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save, turn it on well when everything is as you want , click and now you are managing the game of birds and you are in the tv show what you need to turn on hundreds of channels , thousands of movies and sports. vasyl zima's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, it's a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, me and my colleagues will talk about the most important thing, for two hours, to learn about the war, about the military, frontline, component, serhii zgurets, and how the world lives? yuriy feder, already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine, yuriy, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about... money during the war oleksandr morchivka with me and news sports, i invite yevhen pastukhov to a conversation for two hours in
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the company of favorite presenters about the cultural news of chechnya, our art viewer is ready to say good evening to the presenters that many they began to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, have a good day. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, about... as for the intelligent and those who care. espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and tune in, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. congratulations,
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friends, the saturday politclub program is on the air, andrii smolii and vitaly portnikov, today we will have a slightly different format, two hours today, we studio, yes, we discuss, discuss. we talk about all topics that concern you, that are important for the country, these are , in fact, military affairs and the affairs of the european there will be a union. about the debate between biden and trump, ideological matters, in short, everything will be, so now get ready for the fact that we will be with you for two hours, so let's start, mr. vitaly, yes, probably, military affairs, this week another statement by putin ,
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he talks again about missiles, about the production of shorter, short and medium-range missiles, ... his scaremongering is that they will produce them, maybe they will place them somewhere in other countries of the world, he probably compares this to something as the north atlantic alliance does, as they do the united states of america, because they often place their own missile complexes in allied countries, but the question arises, where can putin place all this, except for which countries we know. well, nowhere else, in this there is a limitation in principle of putin’s resources, because the only european country in which he can deploy his own weapons is the republic of belarus, he has already deployed nuclear weapons there, he can deploy missile weapons, there is one more, essentially a territory that is not a country, but which is an important staging ground for intimidating the west, the tselinigrad region of the russian
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federation, consider this essentially another country, well, if we talk about... not about politics, it is officially part of the territory of the russian federation, but it is an exclave that is surrounded on all sides by nato member countries, but at the same time it is not just controlled by the russian federation, but is part of the russian federation. and you know, i remember once, i came to svitlogorsk. and it was the beginning of the 2000s, some first attempts had already begun. to civilize the kaliningrad region, because in soviet times there were none of these there were no attempts, it was just a completely neglected area, even compared to the neighboring baltic states, which were also then soviet. question, but for the audience to understand, we understand that keninsberg, which was the real name before that, is kaliningrad,
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in fact, it was at one time quite... quite a prosperous city, and quite a prosperous region, why then soviet the union was so indifferent to this region, compared, for example, to others, to lithuania, well, compared to those regions that it controlled, that's how you can answer this question, they did not believe in the permanence of borders, well, until 1975, approximately before the signing of the helsinki act. the soviet leadership, of course, they didn't say it out loud, but they weren't sure that it was all theirs forever, and that's why the kaliningrad region was like a springboard for them, by the way, you asked andrii a good question, because it's exactly relevant and crimea and donbass, they will never believe, even if they control it for a long time, that it is theirs forever, and if it is not forever, then they need it, let's say
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yes, to use, not to develop, if you look at ee moscow and. kyiv, these famous high-rises, they were built from the stones of königsberg, they literally dismantled the old city center, it was in ruins, but many german cities, as you know, were in ruins after the second world war, next to königsberg is gdansk, the old danzik , which was completely restored by the poles, the central part, everything... was literally collected stone by stone, why? because the poles treated gdańsk as their own city, yes, of course, they were neighbors there with the germans, with other peoples, but for them it was a part of their, one might say hearts, they restored it with joy and satisfaction, and when you come to gdańsk now, you see an incredibly beautiful, ancient, medieval hanseatic city. when you come to
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konniksburg, you see khrushchevki in the city center, these are some new cheryumushki. in the center of königsberg, and even before the 70s , the ruins of the royal palace were in the center of the city, it could be restored, it could be made into a medieval center cities, the russians first wanted to destroy all, i would say, such signs of the german presence, the only thing they did not destroy was the cathedral where the khan was buried, because it would have been completely blasphemy even for them. remained in the center of this absolutely soviet terrible city, the medieval cathedral on the island where immanuel kant is buried, everything is always in the kaliningrad region, if you like... interestingly, all the people who wanted to restore something were persecuted, silenced, explained to them, that it is not necessary, i remember, even in the 90s there was a schoolboy who drove alone
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on old german kirks, and the guy himself tried to restore them, because he understood that this was just something catastrophic happening to civilization, and the people who came there were completely out of their minds, they were not at all understood where they were, and that was also important, but why did i start talking about it... because when i came to this svitlogorsk, which was the famous german resort of rauschen, where the entire znats rested, and now in the center of this svitlogorsk such a big poster that, svitlogorsk forpost of russia, forpos, well, forpos, such a resort, and i was traveling with a person who took care of some hotels, apartments there, i told him, well , listen, you must be glad that you now have resort guests appeared, as in neighboring lithuania, where simply... there is no place for an apple to fall in the bunkhouse in the season, and he tells me: listen, it would be better if we had rockets, and i tell him, why do you have a rocket, you rockets to make us afraid, this is an ordinary person, what
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business is it that she has to rent out hotel rooms and apartments to tourists, but she needed rockets, that 's why when i hear from donald trump that he can explain something to vladimir putin, i would like to buy him a flight ticket to gdansk and that he drove from there to cali to svitlogorsk, found this person and first tried to explain to her why hotels are better than rockets, if donald trump succeeds, and i think he will not succeed, he will have a heart attack, he will die in svitlogorsk, there will be a beautiful memorial to him, so if he succeeded, he could then go on his way to vladimir putin, but through svitlogorsk, and this is also the place where they can place these weapons, because it just makes the west very nervous, and here... cuba, no, some latin american countries, others, that is, no one, no, they do not have such an opportunity, well, you
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have heard something from cuba over the past 2.5 years, that cuba would like to help the russian federation, that it is in solidarity with it, that they are trying to do something to improve the situation of the russians, that they are against these american insidious actions against russia, although they say something, they keep quiet sit because they understand that they need to balance. not even between the united states and russia, but between latin america and china, they need a more or less calm development, even the current cuban leadership, because the days of the infamous fidel castro, who was ready to place missiles in himself, are over, this is a completely different story , we know an absolutely specific number of countries that are countries that accept the status of exiles in the international arena and are ready... to cooperate with russia on such a level, this is the so-called democratic people's republic of korea , north korea, it is essentially the lpr, the dpr on the korean peninsula, it must be said honestly,
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it is the islamic republic of iran, but look, iranians, even half of iranians do not come to the elections, and those who do, the majority of they vote for a person who advocates improving relations with the united states of america, it says something, about the mood in society, that is. this is the second such country, it is, say, myanmar, but it cannot host russian weapons, but it ready to cooperate there with russia , that's all, all other countries that have good relations with russia, they can perform some acrobatic figures there, what about the countries of central asia, let's say, and belarus, of course, we forgot about belarus , well, in belarus they have already deployed both nuclear weapons and iskander installations, and this is also in... but i don't understand why you are so worried about it specifically from the point of view of deployment, don't forget that russia is very big, the united states place their armed forces in allied countries, on other continents, therefore
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that they themselves are in north america, in north america, and in order to provide some opportunities in the asian region and in eurasia, they need allies, and russia itself is in eurasia, and just right, as you say, they need allies in latin america , but they are not very. to deploy something now, that time has passed, by the way, about another deployment, north korea is allegedly sending its engineering troops to ukraine, or its engineers, yes, to deploy them, supposedly they will be on the territory of the occupied donetsk region, yes, the so-called lpr, that's what testifies to this, and you believe that it will be engineering troops, and not people? no, well, we say that, engineering troops, because at least this is official data, yes, but we well understand that these can be other types of troops, they can
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be a cover for engineering. it may be so, conditionally speaking, some administrative staff, and moreover, let's be honest, analysts have already recorded in the territory occupied by russia, ukraine, our territory, they have actually already recorded north korean workers who came, who worked, then they actually have a workforce there in order to carry out some certain things, construction, some auxiliary functions for the russian troops, for the russian, as, for the russian occupation regime, as the personnel are, yes, this is what is the so-called engineering troops, supposedly, well, they can be called differently, this is already the implementation of these agreements that were made during putin's visit to kimchynin, or is this a policy after all. two such terrorist
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states, agreements, what were there before? no, i think that agreeing on the fact that the north korean military can enter the territory of ukraine must be negotiated personally with putin, no matter who you are, it cannot be negotiated through the ministers of defense or through some advisers, it must be discussed personally, and by the way, i i absolutely admit that putin could go to north korea with two goals: the first goal is to provoke. in this way, for some kind of war with south korea, perhaps hybridly, but for the constant maintenance of tensions, this is an absolutely real thing, and the second is also absolutely the real thing is that he could arrange for some part of the korean military, north korean, of course, to enter the occupied territory of ukraine, and by the way, there is logic in this, because you
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understand, this whole kim dynasty... she constantly trades north koreans, as if they are her slaves, they send them somewhere to work all the time, and by the way, in the soviet union, in the russian federation, these people receive pennies, most of their money goes to the state budget of the dprk, and that's it the use of slave labor, it is not even migrant work, because these people are not migrants at all, they are essentially just prisoners in the places where they are sent to work. and by and large, and these military men who arrived in ukraine, if it happens at all, of course, no one will ask them either, but he can get money from russia for it. he has now realized that he can receive, let's say, rough money, which may not be an alternative, but an important addition to the money that the people's republic of china gives to north korea, i.e.
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the people's republic of china and... built economic relations with them so that they could just survive, because it knows that they are not going anywhere anyway, nobody needs them, when, by the way, again , donald trump tried to negotiate from kimchanin that the united states will provide serious economic assistance to north korea, he met with him twice, while kimchanin simply used donald trump, he did not agree with these proposals, what if he gave up the nuclear program in exchange for some american aid, this aid would make it possible to create some conditions for chinese -type reforms, he had a completely different country, but he doesn’t need it, you know, he needs everything to obey him completely, so that no one can, so there, even a butterfly could not fly anywhere from flower to flower without his instructions, do you know if they even control butterflies on the spot there, well, from this point of view, andrii, you can absolutely clearly say that the situation is simple in...
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putin-kimov all these negotiations are this is the plot that is important to both of them, troops for money, maybe a conflict with south korea for money, putin is going to pay for all this, the question arises, with what, this is already a good question, but this is such a story, and can we consider the participation of the north korean of the military directly in hostilities against ukraine. this can be, relatively speaking, like cannon fodder. now they are using a part of the russians as cannon fodder, but let's say in order to keep some part of the russians there, or at least to replenish these the losses that we see every day, in fact, now the losses of the russians there are more than 500 thousand, 541 thousand, as of today, can
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they use... 10,000 20 50.


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