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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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and viktor orban's ambition, viktor orban has a much greater idea of ​​himself than any prime minister or president of bulgaria, about his role in the world. why? you mentioned these 11 demands of viktor orban. at the same time, viktor orbán heads the country tomorrow, which the day after tomorrow, which becomes the chairman of the european union, and information has already appeared in the online edition of european truth that he will allegedly... visit kyiv next week, that kyiv will be the first capital, which he visits as the person presiding over the eu, despite the fact that he is still did not come here, however, he was not here once after the big attack, he was in moscow before the big attack, do you remember, and why is that, because if viktor orbán does not have time to jump into this boat, then george maloney will not take his party into its
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faction in the european parliament, and if it does not take his party into its faction in the european parliament, then hungary will not be able to get any positions in the committees of the european parliament and in the european commission, and viktor orban will get rid of his influence on bulgaria , because i understand that in bulgarians are not very worried about this influence in the european parliament of the european commission, but viktor orban is worried, and who is the commissioner for the expansion of the european union now? hungarian? well, viktor orban doesn’t want to lose such positions, and that’s why he’s just sitting right now, packing, packing, what will fit in there, what won’t fit in there, can you put a photo of zelensky, maybe his wife, he’s mad, but he’s leaving, which means that with all these it will also be possible to work in this way with the requirements, that is, according to your opinion, and conditionally speaking, we will have the opportunity, at least to level. part of these requirements because, because
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that if we talk, in particular, on the same european truth, i have now discovered, there are quite a few demands that are problematic for our country, there orbán also demands to change the constitution, to make a representative of the hungarian national minority a mandatory delegate in our parliament , that is, to be a deputy is mandatory, so there it is again. about the ukrainian language, well, hungary, after russia, is the number one, so, relatively speaking, a fighter against the laws concerning the state language, and there is even talk of giving those people who represent the authorities elected in the territories of the hungarian national minority, so that they can generally level, conditionally speaking, the status of the state language, there... a lot of
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things that relate to the actual recognition of transcarpathia as all hungarian, by the way, not hungarian, but hungarian national heritage, it is formulated like that there, not hungarian, there the question is that they want to raise this percentage qualification, so that not only berehiv district, there are also small areas of transcarpathia, in principle , all of transcarpathia is considered a region from which present, and what will it do? practically, tell me, please, well, let's say, we raised that it will be, there will be bilingual signs on well, and it bothers you a lot, maybe, well , if, if we talk about the population census, then the population of transcarpathia according to the data of 2001 12% of hungarians in transcarpathia, i think it's less now, i don't even argue with that, i mean, how much does it bother you, if even.. . at the entrance to
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settlements where there will be no hungarian population transcarpathian region, there will be a historical inscription of the hungarian language. well, i think that these are some approximate conditions that russia sets for us. that is, we have an analogue somewhere. no, we do not have an analogue. russia demands simple things from us, that ukrainians speak russian, that there is a russian language here, that the russian language is taught here in schools for ukrainians. by the way, there is a similar thing among orbán's demands, there it is about the fact that if even one. there is a class in the school, imagine, one class for the whole school, but we well understand that in a school can have 20 classes, 30 classes, 40 classes, if one class is hungarian, then this school must already be recognized as a hungarian -hungarian school, in fact a national school, but this means that the children who will be in this class will be taught the subjects of hungarian, including this school will be called the hungarian school ugors. well
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, you understand that, it's about justice, it's not quite fair, well, look, if, if ukrainian students want to learn, it's not about justice, it's about protecting interests, justice for us to enter into... here, but here the question is, where are our interests? our interests are that we become members of the european union, we can, like north macedonia, sit for 30 years, we understand that, for example, hungary can make 11 more such demands, then another 11, another 11, of course, if orban is not in power , if orban will be in power, then no, i think that it will not only be agreements, demands from orban, again, look, it should not be confused with russia, it is a simple thing in russia, russia wants a russian-speaking ukraine, orbán wants hungarians to... speak hungarian, to be taught in hungarian , but i think that hungarians are currently the most protected in those territories where they live compactly, and i do not argue with that and, by the way, if we talk about the statements of the hungarian national minorities who currently live in the territory of transcarpathia, then
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it is possible, can any of our viewers google it now, even look, they clearly say that they have no demands, no conditions for ukraine, because their rights... currently ukrainian the state provides fully, i don't argue with that, i argue with the fact that it will be with us if something so tragic suddenly happens, if we have bilingual signs in its settlements in the transcarpathian region, where there is not a large number of hungarians, well there will be these signs, what will change from this, and ukrainians still live there, moreover, you understand that the number of hungarian population will not increase, but decrease, taking into account. in the data that it is for 2021, now there are even fewer of them, of course, this it is logical, because taking into account the economic situation in ukraine, which is different and will be reflected in the worse economic situation of hungary, if you want a country whose territory is at war, then the number of the hungarian population will decrease objectively, and the body is simply making efforts to virtualize the problems,
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but what from this, you talk about justice, politics is not about justice, you again resort to this category, which all the time leads ukrainians into a deep corner, politics is about... art is possible, but i tell you again, i will return to north macedonia, is it fair that north macedonia changed its name to the northern one, as now, as its new president gordana silyanovska davkova is now saying, if there is a northern macedonia, where is a southern one, it is unfair, but it joined nato. will it be fair if some such articles appear in the constitution of north macedonia that the macedonians do not want to see. fair, but they can join the european union, or they can sit with their justice in the hallway for another 20 years, and we will sit with them and talk about what a terrible orbán, i'm not telling you that these demands are fair, listen to me, i
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'm telling you that in any case, a country that is a member of the european union has much more opportunities to prove itself than a country that aspires there. the hungarians simply had time before us, if we behaved like hungarians, then we would now set conditions for the hungarians. well, that's another question, here comes the question of what we were doing for 30 years, well, that's another discussion, in general, i think that what do you know, how the macedonians behaved, when the bulgarians told them that they needed constitutional recognition of minorities, the bulgarian minority, they said, we are doing it together with other national minorities, we are establishing a status. of all minorities in the article of the constitution, bulgarians, vlachs, albanians, well, albanians generally have a special status in the constitution of north macedonia, retro-romanians, there are many, that's it, roma, bulgarians are unhappy,
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but they can't say no, we forbid, you need such an article, where there would be no one else except bulgarians, that bulgarians. good, and these are not good, no, no real national minorities, are they forced to accept it? i admit that we can change the legislation in favor of all national minorities of this type, well, we have a law on indigenous peoples, we can absolutely calmly grant some rights to bilingualism in certain settlements, and they are now, i know, i i mean change the percentage huh. so that, let's say, not only hungarians would fall under this bar, but also poles, bulgarians, romanians, gagauzs, we have for gagauzs what percentage in the hauz villages, less than 15, true, or maybe if we had plates in the gagauz language, it was also absolutely correct, what makes the gagauz cars different from other national cars, it is not their fault that
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there are fewer of them, you see, we can go this way, leveling the requirements at the expense of constitutional changes, if at all we are talking about constitutional changes, some decisions we... can make, with which we can work, in some cases we can, like macedonia, demand international arbitration, so that this is a plan, let's say, that france and germany will offer. hungary and ukraine and both parties will then be forced to compromise. but just to say we don't like these demands, they are unfair, andriy. this is exactly the way to nowhere. justice never works in politics. in politics, the art of defeating the opponent always works. here the most important thing, what i am leading all this to, the most important thing is that it does not happen that the demands of the hungarians. didn't we fulfill it, we didn't join the european union, that's the bare minimum, and by the way, you talked about the fact that
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there is a whole series of obstacles, obstacle number one, we understand, it's war, obstacle number two, that's it is not only a matter of hungary, it may also be a matter of other demands of various sectors of our economy, of course, and those are no longer economic demands, but these are no longer economic demands, and the third question, which is clearly on this... because about what you and i are talking, in the upcoming parliamentary elections those forces will rise up who will say, no, i'm sorry, we are against this, and many people in ukraine will say, we will support them, well andrii, well, that's right, again just like the macedonians, like the macedonians supported these national parties, but i do this is what i'm saying, the main thing here is to find the golden mean for all sides, you don't need to look for it, you don't need to look for the golden mean. look, you don't need to look for a middle ground, you need to give people the opportunity to express themselves, if
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people decide that it is more important for them to have it written simply, relatively speaking, in one language in zakarpattia oblast, this is necessary so that not only zakarpattia does not accept it , all of ukraine, that for a person, let's say there in the lviv or poltava regions , it will be fundamental that this sign not be there, and she will vote for it, and the political party will get the majority there, which will say, when we come to power, there are no comps in north macedonia, so people need the european union so much. so, they will easily join the eurasian union later. but this is the choice of the people. this is not a problem, it is the choice of the people. if the majority of ukrainians want to join the eurasian union after the war with russia. she will get there. and by the way, there will be no plates. it will be easy for all zakarpattia oblasts to learn which language in hungarian, and which language they taught until recently , until recently. and there will be no orbán. do you have any complaints? can you imagine because there will be no
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claims from orbán. and orban can apply for transcarpathia in this case? why? transcarpathia will be or not? relatively speaking, orban, look at what, what, what is the whole, this, what is the whole story? orban , most likely, when russia dared a large-scale offensive on february 24, 2022, somewhere in his... deep dreams, don't make it up, andriyu, maybe he had in mind the occupation, it could be so, hungary is a member nato and the european union, is it utopia, utopia, fiction people who do not understand at all how politics is built, as soon as the first hungarian soldier enters the territory of the zakarpattia region, hungary leaves nato, the european union, and what kind of money does it live on, russian or chinese, that is, you think that this is a priori impossible in the future ? population in zakarpattia region? well, i think there are about 1.5 million as of now. what is
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the population of hungary? eight, probably. imagine that hungary decided that it did not need the european union of nato, and occupied the zakarpattia region. how many population in hungary, hungarian 8 million ukrainians? there are no hungarians in zakarpattia oblast. do you understand? it is you who gets the area with 15 million. foreign population, hungary has not lived in such a state since trianon, since 1918 . hungarians have already forgotten what international relations are, their last national minority, i apologize for the political incorrectness, was the jews, who were destroyed during the holocaust, there was no one else, and like hungary in principle. this is a classic example of a mononational state, as you imagine the government of such a country, which then
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will receive in the parliament, well, if someone recognizes this occupation, of course, some party of ukrainian landlords, which has 25 there, with such a number, it is clear that all ukrainians vote for one ukrainian party, and how much it has in the parliament 25%, well 20, at least that's possible, and without this party, you won't form a government or a president, you won't get a president. you have a marginal territory in the composition, oh, what, what. is also adjacent to the russian occupation zone and in galicia, you make this up sometimes, i don’t know, this is actually what people say, that is, i asked the question what people are saying, and i broadcast it to you, because probably many of our viewers are also interested, but you remember that you live in a country where most people lack logic as a class
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of thinking, lack logic, because they are people all the time, and by the way, you can't even thank them for this, because they are people with a soviet heritage, and they think that in such a situation they must have done so, you know, it's like that the idea that if the police came to a neighbor's house and took him somewhere, and the apartment remained empty, i will definitely go in and take his tv, if nothing happens to me, people do the same, but people in buch do that, well, not people, not people, russians, who in principle have nothing to lose, but orbán has something to lose, he... the prime minister of a country that does not join the european union, goes to and blackmails everyone there, and they all stand and say, how should we solve this issue, comrade viktor, can you imagine if all this is lost, who will it be with, vladimir putin will not be particularly interested in what viktor wants in this life orban, he has seen a lot of such viktor orbans, and by the way, what is interesting, the largest, for
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those who are interested in this issue, the largest national minority among... wrestlers is in two countries, in romania and in slovakia, in romania it is not the same that a small region in transcarpathia, like we have in romania, there is a whole region, a whole region, in fact, by the way, in the center of the country, not even near hungary, but separated from, from the conventional border, the one where the majority of hungarians live , the situation is similar in slovakia, but they are there. actually close to the border as well we have a situation with ukraine, but there with the hungarians, we see, well, we understand that both romania and slovakia, they are members of the eu and nato, and therefore, of course, orbán does not have so many questions about these countries, well, why not many, there are hungarian parties there, although there, although they
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influence the political processes there, the prime minister of romania, orban, remember, by the way, they set the quota for these settlements, and it is 20%, i before the program, not 10, yes, not 10, yes 20%, it concerns romania, well you know that romania always has a hard time with hungary relations, but the influence of these hungarian parties is very large both in romania and in slovakia, political parties, it's just that transcarpathia is small in our country, and there is a hungarian party there, but there is also a hungarian party there, and it is in the transcarpathian
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year and at the beginning of 2024 , that is, in fact, if we set aside these manipulations of orban, we understand that polish, romanian, bulgarian, zakar and hungarian national minorities are in ukraine, they are protected, we are not discussing that now, we discussing what we need if do you want checkers or go, we need to insist. that we have absolutely correct, reasonable legislation, with which i absolutely agree, by the way, i always asked another question, why people who protect the language rights of hungarians in ukraine do not understand that if our hungarian citizens do not know ukrainian, they find themselves in a certain conditional ghetto and cannot compete on an equal footing with citizens of ukraine who
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study in ukrainian schools, but we are talking about the fact that we want to join the european union or continue to defend... our absolutely correct position, if we want to join the european union, we will have to work with all these demands in different ways, some demands to be rejected with international support, some demands to be adopted, some demands to be leveled, as i told you, but if we follow the path of protection justice, what you said, we did everything anyway and everything is fine with us, so we are doing what orbán wants us to do, because he wants us to just stay at the door of the european. if i can't for much longer, and he will really invent a million conditions to hold us back, and this is an absolutely obvious thing for me, yes, therefore, in fact , the path to... we have to entertain ourselves with illusions that we will enter today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next year this path will be, but we are going fast, to things, the talks have been going fast,
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we've been going, we've been going fast, but it's not going to be as fast as some might want, a few minutes break and we're going to come back to another very interesting topic that's related to the debate, between biden and trump , by the way, is a very hot topic right now discussed in all. in fact, the countries of our planet, don't switch, there are discounts, they represent unbreakable discounts on psyla-balzamgel, 15% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. do you suffer from heartburn? i recommend izoto. isoto interacts with acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in heartburn symptoms. your water if heartburn bothers you. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is
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vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to find out about the war, about military, front, component, serhiy zgurets and what the world lives by. yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. hours to keep abreast of economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchavka next to me and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alina chechenina, our tv viewer, is ready to talk , good evening, presenters who have become familiar to many, already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, events of the day. in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. free
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political club, we are returning to the live broadcast, today we are talking with vitaly portnikov for two hours, discussing, discussing the most resonant and important topics for our country, debates, ba... and trump, it is no less important a topic for the world and for ukraine as well, because the fate of our country will also depend on the elections in the united states of america. mr. vitaly, we saw and the whole country, the whole world saw these debates. according to polls conducted by cnn, by the way, which is closer to the democratic party, de facto 67% of those people, again, who voted, they said
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they thought trump was the winner of this debate, and there was ancious survey was conducted yesterday, according to these surveys, 60% of citizens again, those who were interviewed, we cannot 100% confirm there. as far as this is a representative part, they said that it is worth replacing the candidate from the democratic party, and in addition to that, we also see all kinds of statements, statements from the editorial board of the new york times, from the speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson, we see this new cover of the magazine times, time, where, biden... is coming, and relatively speaking, supposedly the democrats are in a panic, yes, and here are these statements, they
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are rushing like a snowball two days in a row, what is this all about shows, it shows really that biden has a problem four months before the vote, i see a poll where 80% of pollsters said they didn't change their priorities after the debate. yes, yes, this, this poll as well and i think this is a completely real answer to all the questions, huh, because it doesn't matter who thinks who won which debate, what if 80% or 40% of people said that they changed their idea of ​​who they should vote for, we might think biden has a problem if 80% people continue to think that they 're going to vote for him for trump or for biden, they're not interested in the debate, so that means there's no... it doesn't matter what's going to happen there, and if we're talking about those swingers who don't decided, we know very well that in reality it is not even about 80 or 90%, i... i am more than
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convinced that those voters who are confident in their candidates, they will vote, some for biden, others for trump, almost nothing can convince them, if trump voters are not convinced by what he passes now there are a dozen different criminal ones, and what’s more, if we are talking about the fact that he has actually already been sentenced in a few cases , or is somewhere close to the announcement of these sentences, and still 90% will choose him... he says, well, we are not interested in that , we are not interested in that, and we want him to, but we understand very well that there is still a small part of the citizen voters in the united states of america, these are the people who are either undecided or who are wavering, and there are currently seven states, which, as a rule , determine the e-e election process, determine in the end the results of the election, can these
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debates not affect the few ... percent of people who are now critical, because the chances of both candidates as of today are 50 to 50, no, our mood of these people will be really affected by the performance of the candidates in these states , i want to remind you how george, how donald trump won over hilary clinton, he specifically dealt with those states in which the republicans could theoretically win the democracy, and hillary clinton did not deal with these states, because she was. it is certain that these states in her pocket, one or two states she lost she didn't even go to because she was sure she would take them, given the electoral system of the united states, whoever wins will calculate in which states a problem may await the candidate, that is, a simple level must be taken into account. and
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here i don't know how it will be, but this is really the number one issue: first, to work with voters in the so-called undecided states, and from the quality of the election campaign of biden and trump in these the states will depend on how they vote, not on the debate, and to understand which states are problematic for democracy in this particular situation, because again, if trump didn't ... managed to take several traditionally democratic states in what year was it in the 16th in the 16th year, he would not have become the president of the united states, in the 20th year these states already voted for biden. this is the main problem, the theme of undefined states and the theme of unexpected states. this is the electoral
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equation. does it affect? it's an equation, a debate situation, no, first of all, it's not the first debate, there will be more, secondly, by and large, all we've seen in this debate is that biden may be in dire straits physically. to be honest, i don't really understand why they organized this debate. look, biden was on a european tour, then at rallies, his donors, everywhere. fell, met, in normandy, the big seven, this rally is for fundraising, only recently, the truth is, why is it interesting that he and his advisers think that an 81-year-old man should work like a 25-year-old guy, but we would like you the pace of work, we looked happy at the debate, we are not 80 years old, but this is actually
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a person, yes, by the way... this person is still working as the president of the united states in between these trips, also the daily stress is incredible, we are at this debate they saw a simple thing that trump is more energetic than biden, it's not a question of age, they are the same age, let's imagine that trump wins the presidential election, how old will he be when he finishes his term, how old, well, even a year older , 82 or 83 years old, ugh. 83 when will graduate, yes, at the time of the election, he will be 82, at the time of the election, 79, and he will graduate, if he is elected, will be 83, 83, yes, well, well, well, well, right, right, 83, that is, not a boy either, and neither are we we don't know what he will look like at 81, because this is aging, it happens faster than we think, so i think that i...


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