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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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as during the grain agreement, that is, that the parties will not talk among themselves, but will talk through mediators who will moderate their agreement to stop the war. and there is an interview of the minister of foreign affairs, dmytro, to the german cdf tv channel, in which he says that he is ready to talk with lavrov at least today, if it is about peace, about the restoration of the country, and we will talk about... whether participation is possible at all of russia in the negotiations with ukraine, to what extent russia will generally join those countries that are now talking about peace, that is peace summit, kuleba believes that russia will join such negotiations, and that the main task is to change russia's behavior so that it stops issuing ultimatums and starts negotiations in good faith, what kind of trend do you think this is? what? well, in principle, in principle
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, since 2022, there has always been a corresponding lobby, which took a more pacifist position, this also applies to western politicians, who believed that the solution to the issue of settling the war between ukraine and russia could be a political one the way, that is at home and peace talks, but we see that russia, in the third year of the war, has not changed its general position, we hear this even from the lips of a war criminal who is wanted by the international criminal court, again, and also the president of russia, vladimir putin, about that , that he demands to stop hostilities on those borders that correspond to the line of hostilities, that is, i actually leave...
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having the occupied territories behind me, this does not suit ukraine, under any conditions, and russia, it continues to display these conditions, just such an ultimatum, she does not refuse them, and for now to talk about the fact that she is ready to refuse them, or to go to some solution of this or that issue, where ukraine would have its own profit, no, such... will not happen, russia is not yet ready for such negotiations, it will be ready for it precisely when it loses the ability to conduct hostilities and seize the territory of ukraine in full, and when it will be in a position, we can say that now it is approaching the age of the verbal position, because we were interrupted again. communication, unfortunately, with
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mr. oleksandr, well, this is the situation, you understand, the power goes out, the mobile connection is lost, there is nothing you can do here, we work in such conditions, i sincerely hope that you now have light, that you are watching this program of ours, and those who will watch it in the recording will also be congratulated, precisely because he did not have it at that moment, there was no light, and we talked with mr. oleksandr about these negotiations, and so... now the question arises why these conversations have become active now, and of course, where is the guarantee that russia itself will be ready to participate in such a process, because so far mr. oleksandr is absolutely right that the situation is connected with the negotiation process, it is one way or another completely far from ... russian
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wishes. these conditions, which were presented to ukraine by vladimir putin, were always conditions, conditions of surrender. mr. oleksandr, we have him again. you see, we live in such a world of technical problems. let's then talk about what is happening now in the theater of operations, how would you describe it, where is the most difficult, now the moment, the most your areas. you know, the situation is almost 50 to 50. we have a very difficult and problematic direction, this is the pokrovsky direction, to which turetsky is now beginning to join, that is, this is the avdiivka district, this is the avdiivsky bridgehead, west of the avdiivsky bridgehead on the left bank of the vovcha river and the karlivsky reservoirs, the russians continue to advance, for the past week they had advances in several locations, unfortunately. this concerns,
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for example, umanskyi, it concerns novosalivka first, it concerns the direction sokil-yugenivka, that is, the russians are fully trying to form and and in... after all, they have a combat task by the end of summer to form a full-fledged security buffer on the southern flank of the 0511 route in order to ensure further actions already in the northern direction. as for the northern direction, first of all, the northwestern direction from ocherino is novooleksandrivka, which they occupied, and now they have a goal - it is the uzdvizhenka. but the main goal in this direction is the 0504 logistics artery from pokrovsk to kostiantynka, and it is very dangerous, because it is the most convenient logistical artery for the material and technical support of our units, our
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groups throughout the bridgehead, and now we can already state that the russian occupiers have started hostilities. for turkey, that is, they opened the turkish direction, and at the time, as the turkish agglomeration, it was always considered sufficiently fortified, a kind of fortified region, quite powerful, in the last two weeks, we can state, well, such negative trends of the breakthroughs of the russian occupation forces troops, primarily through our rather fortified line to a depth of 2 km and more than 5 km, which simply would not be possible to do in a matter of days, but they did it with minimal losses, so there are a lot of questions, at least from this situation , the second most tense location is chasiv yar, but in the district of chasiv yar, the defense forces
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of ukraine still hold their positions quite firmly and in some locations they even knock out the russians, well, for example, from the central one. part and partly eastern parts of the kanal sector, as well as ivanivska klishchiivka and andriivka, the russians had no success in advancing, and if we talk about the successes of the defense forces of ukraine, then of course there is the terni district, and this is the srebyansk forestry, where the azov units continue to crowd the russians in this very enchanted forests, and again expanded. have expanded control over the positions once again and continue this movement , actually limiting the center group of troops operating in the liman direction, limiting it in further maneuvers, both in the siver direction and in the liman direction, and in their
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plans to exit to the left bank of the zherebets river, i.e. in terni, yampolivka, and so on. if we talk about... the further development of events, then these western weapons will come in greater numbers, it will be possible to align the front line and stop the russians, and this will be possible if enough is distributed, because we were just talking about the negative points along the line of battle and mentioned the turkish agglomeration, and in the turkish agglomeration, in addition to many other issues that arise in relation to defensive operations, another very important issue is the lack of firepower the mission, without defining it, lacks precisely the fire damage of the enemy, which carries out constant assault actions, while it should be noted that these are not the most elite units, this is the first army corps, the so-called dpr, the 132nd
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separate motorized rifle brigade, as well as some other formations of various types, therefore, these are not the most elite, not the most capable, but they have them. advancement, why it turned out that in addition to all other problems that existed on the turkish bridgehead, there is also a problem with the lack of means of destruction, especially the emphasis is placed on barrel artillery, as well as mortars, we are critically short of 120-caliber and 82-caliber mortars in the combat zone. thank you, mr. oleksandr. oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political observer of the information resistance group, she will. communication, we 're going to stop right now for a few minutes, we're going to take a break, but we're going to continue in just a few minutes, so please stay with us. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from
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the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews. we continue the politclub program with vitaly portnikov 850, the eighth day of russia's war against ukraine, and we will now talk about the european integration of our country, by the way, the acceleration of which was also, one could say, a result of this war, putin's desire to deal with our state. to prevent european integration, our interlocutor will now be the vice prime minister,
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the vice prime minister of ukraine for olga stefanishyna of european and euro-atlantic integration. she and i will talk about the historical event that took place just this week, the start of negotiations on the accession of ukraine and the republic of moldova to the european union, historically, one might say. actions, because many believed that this accession, it will be much longer, that there will be whole, i said, problems with the accession of ukraine to the european union, precisely with the negotiation process, that we will wait a long time for it to begin, that it will be a long audit ukrainian legislation, fulfillment of certain conditions that were set, do you remember when we were given candidate status in general, we were given certain conditions that could be fulfilled, otherwise ukraine could be... given candidate status, such was an unusual candidate status, and it must be said that it
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was the first time in the history of the european union, when we and the republic of moldova and georgia received this candidate status, we can say with the nomination of the necessary conditions that had to be fulfilled, and as we can see, the conditions have been fulfilled, the european commission advised the european council to start negotiations, and these negotiations have begun, this is such a first step is very important. then there will be a serious process of the negotiations themselves, and it will be necessary before during this negotiation process not only to implement the recommendations of the european union, but also to fight for one's own economic and political interests, this is also an important point, primarily about pro-economic ones, because it must be understood, and the situation in ... related to what is happening with european
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integration, this is also the situation of the post-war development of our country, as far as it will be now intensive is this negotiation process, protection of interests, fulfillment of demands, so ukrainian post-war recovery will be more intensive, because it will also depend on her what our interests will be in... in the european union, how they will be taken into account, how the situation will be change with the process of european integration, how the european union will treat our pace, these are all really serious, i would say problems that have to be solved one way or another in the near future, and... it is clear that when we start the process, then these are only the first ones the steps are related to the negotiations themselves.
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we must not forget the bilateral context of these negotiations. only on the eve of the beginning of this process, as is known, was it possible to persuade hungary to abandon the blocking of the beginning of the process of negotiations with ukraine by the republic of moldova. and hungary, in principle, fixed certain conditions. which should become part of this process in the near future, this will also be a serious test for ukrainian diplomacy, and later for ukrainian society, so in this regard, the european integration is always a real, serious challenge for the entire state, but if you think about it, only 10 years have passed since the association agreement was signed. and you remember that when this agreement was to be signed in 2013, the then president
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of ukraine, viktor yanukovych, who was on the path to solving this problem, one way or another , you can say, accelerated all these processes by his refusal to sign the agreement, a refusal that until thing was obviously connected with the talks between viktor yanukovych and vladimir putin, we now we already know that there were even secrets. during the negotiations, that vladimir putin was doing everything possible to prevent ukraine from signing this agreement, it was not hidden from the special advisor of president putin, serhiy glaziv, who, by the way, is a people. in zaporizhia, in fact, he was the curator of the ukrainian direction at that time, his task was to prevent the european integration of ukraine, he used to say that you did not read this agreement, if you read it, you understand how dangerous it is for your management of ukraine, he addressed to viktor yanukovych and another traitor of the time prime minister of ukraine and leader of the party of regions mykola azarov. well, in the end, as we
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know, this situation, it was resolved the way it was resolved. the ukrainian government refused the agreement from pro'. viktor yanukovych did not sign this document during the summit of the european union in vilnos, and the famous euromaidan began, after which the association agreement with the european union was also signed in two parts. the first part was then signed by the prime minister, arseniy yatsenyuk, the second part by president petro poroshenko. and the agreement began to work. and through it has been 10 years since we began full-fledged negotiations on joining the european union. despite the fact that the association agreement is not simple. the document that is signed is also a document that needs to be implemented, one way or another, and this is also quite a serious story, which must always be remembered that it was a fairly short process between the agreement and the beginning of the negotiations, which will be the process themselves negotiations, of course, it is difficult to say, because on this path there are still many real
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problems of some kind, problems related to the introduction. of ukraine in the negotiation process itself, in that each section of these negotiations will be difficult, in other eu countries dozens of people participated in it, hundreds, it's not just that a state delegation was approved there, and it conducts negotiations with eu officials there, because the european union is a huge, huge apparatus, realistically speaking, each department... deals with its own problems, works carefully, each department consults with all countries, members of the european union, the european union puts forward its proposals, each country that is part of of the european union, and it is clear that those countries that are far from ukraine, there are the countries of the iberian peninsula, let's say portugal and spain, they have fewer
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questions for us than the countries of central europe, on the other hand. are no less politically involved in the russian-ukrainian war, because it is very far from them, and when even our politicians carelessly say that ukraine protects everyone in europe and in nato from the russian federation, it is obvious that the people living in madrid or lisbon, statements act differently than on people who are in warsaw and budapest, but there are economic issues there, we already have ms. olga stefanichna, congratulations ms. olga. greetings vitalya, here is the beginning of accession negotiations, seriously, how do you imagine the process itself, how long should it take in an optimistic and pessimistic perspective, if we remove the military circumstances? well, the very beginning of the negotiations is very important, because this is already a legal decision related to the fact that ukraine will be a member of the eu, now it's really a question
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of the process, ukraine has certain advantages, we are not newbies, let's say so. in this case european integration is behind us for 10 years of the implementation of the association agreement, which was implemented with different dynamics, but also the opportunity to take advantage of the eu internal market, unfortunately, on a very large scale with the beginning of the war, because most of the decisions were made now precisely as an element of response to the consequences of the war . russian aggression, this is access to the labor market, millions of citizens who are currently in the eu, this is also customs liberalization, trade liberalization, energy liberalization, that is, this process will be much shorter for ukraine than for many other countries in previous periods, and we are quite capable as a government, civil
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society is with us, so for this year and the first half of the 25th year, our... task is to enter the list of our obligations yazan, and this is the work of the european commission, then it will be up to us, the fact that ukraine is going together with the republic of moldova, it means that we have this tandem of accession, can the two countries be separated in the future, and we are talking a lot about this was said precisely at the first intergovernmental conference, since ukraine had already overcome a number of obstacles difficulties connected with... our future accession to the eu, this is hungary's veto, and also, let's say, our difficulties at certain stages, regarding the fulfillment of our political obligations, because a... it was necessary to look for sufficiently serious consensus within countries, and we talked about the fact that the membership process should first of all be based on individual
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individual agreements with each country, but of course ukraine's progress helps moldova and all enlargement countries, and moldova's progress helps ukraine, ukraine. so far i don't see any negatives trends we work harmoniously with the moldovan side and have each other's support, help and do homework and work as one team. tell me, you are talking to european officials about how integration will take place if, at the end of the negotiations, ukraine and the republic of moldova will not be countries that will control their entire internationally recognized territory, how will it be? we know for sure that... the time will come for this, and such talks will continue, even in the conditions when the war is over, and ukraine will win victory on the battlefield, post-war
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reconstruction, post-war peace in europe, this will be a long process. at this stage, this is part of our negotiating position, and we already have a certain precedent, this precedent is ukraine, and the association agreement was already signed when crimea was annexed. when military operations began in the donetsk and luhansk directions in these regions, and this agreement does not contain any restrictions on territorial application, there are certain clarifications, but our country becomes and will become a member of the eu within its borders, absolutely all the cities, and i hope that we will be able to exercise effective control over each one at this point. their territories, even those that are currently occupied. these one-sided demands of hungary, 11 demands that are currently being cited by the media, are they an adequate description of the
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proposals that hungary put forward for ukraine? i can absolutely say that this is, let's say, the wrong approach in the negotiations, in fact, today the venice commission, the european commission with all member states confirmed that... ukraine fulfilled its obligations in part nasmenshin, and this is a commitment that is more than 10 years old, i would say, and it was very difficult for the hungarian side to scratch out as many as 11 points and present them to ukraine as an ultimatum. and ukraine's movement towards the eu in the form of such a position in the eu negotiation framework, but this... was absolutely not positively received by other member states, and we want, i want to personally draw attention to a certain nuance, which implies that we have to agree a list
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of common steps and only then speak about the implementation of certain points, this is the official position of the european commission and we will move in line with it, i hope that such an agreement will allow us to detox. our relations, and at the same time i want to note that bilateral consultations have been going on for more than 7 months and currently we have a fairly serious work on how we will proceed with these 11 points, but ukraine will certainly neutralize any attempts to cross what are not red lines , and the lines of common sense, this is a completely unconscious dialogue, although with... of course, the hungarian side continues and will continue to speculate on this topic for decades, we are also fully aware of this. and tell me, is it really
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possible for viktor orban to come to kyiv next week as the chairman of the european union, this is realistic information that also appeared in the media on the eve of our conversation? we have been waiting for viktor orban in kyiv for a long time, we invited him at the end of the 23rd year, i personally think that... it is very important that he came to kyiv, we have been working on his visit for a long time, and i am sure that it will happen. and tell me, ms. olga, if we return to the topic itself, integration, then integration is a street with such two-way traffic, on the one hand, there is a requirement of the european commission for each country that joins the european union, on the other hand, there is a need to protect national, primarily economic interests in the conditions in which ukraine is, in the conditions of financial dependence on western aid, how easy it will be for us to protect these national interests,
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absolutely, i think that... this is the unique case when economic independence and competitiveness of ukraine, this is , of course, our national interest, but also the first national interest of those countries that are the main borrowers or the main mobilizers of financial aid, this is in a certain way a truly unique situation in which this interest coincides, i want to pay special attention, and constantly to i hereby emphasize in communication with... our colleagues from the european commission that ukraine is in the ranking of the top 20 active participants in the internal market of the european union, and any myths or, let's say, fears, they are no longer relevant, because even in the conditions of a complete blockade of political parties and political speculations in poland, we persevered, we went through this difficult time fairly moderately and rationally.
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the way and did not lose their own, but their own, their interests precisely in the part that concerns the export of agricultural products, but also set certain requirements for partners who must comply with european regulations, we will implement eu rules dynamically enough, but our business, our the market is already reorienting itself to the european market, because it is a bigger market ambitious, and more large-scale. and in it you act accordingly exclusively in your business interests, and therefore it is more important for us to adopt european rules as soon as possible, because in my opinion, since for me the adaptation of legislation is a certain national sport, my own, i see that in this is the most effective tool of de-oligarchization, because these are the only rules for everyone, which operate both in ukraine and
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abroad, and this is so far the most ... niche weapon that we had, which we used, and tell me, you mentioned poland, can you? there will be some more bilateral negotiations, which slow down the process of ukrainian european integration, that not only hungary will put forward conditions, but other countries, i am sure that it will be so, and poland, in principle, is very, let's say, trying to convey its own. difficult experience of joining the european union and i believe that we have to go through a no less difficult path than them, and therefore it will be difficult in negotiations with poland, because it is the largest market in eastern europe, the largest, most dynamically developing economy, and ukraine is becoming very big a competitor, so we really have to be aware that there will still be such tensions, they
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will be possible with other countries as well. but for today, i want to draw your attention to the fact that it was germany that became the driver of ukraine's accession to the eu, in principle, they officially declare their leadership, and this is a great support for us, because germany is the main budget of the eu and the main employer, let's say that , of the european union, so as long as this formula is maintained, we are definitely in a fairly safe position. if we talk about myself process, what should happen next, the negotiations have opened, what next? we have 34 negotiators, and next week the government will approve a decision that will create negotiation groups, which will be about a thousand people, people's deputies, civil society will be involved in these groups, and from july 8 we
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will start the first... third parties negotiations in a number of areas, this schedule is already planned until the end of the year, and according to the results of these negotiations, ukraine will already have a complete list of its obligations, as well as a complete list of reservations, exclusions or transition periods that we will need in order to join the eu membership, then the technical process of opening the negotiating chapters, consolidation. agreements and doing homework, and each section will be closed, so to speak, as some legislative changes are adopted, etc., but in fact the most important stage begins now on july 8, because the negotiating section in any area can be opened only when both parties understand the scope of work, which means we...


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