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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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that she should rent hotel rooms and apartments to tourists, but she needed missiles, that's why, when i hear from donald trump that he will be able to explain something to vladimir putin, i would like to buy him a ticket for a flight to gdańsk, and that from there on drove to kali to svitlogorsk, found this person and first tried to explain to her why hotels are better than missiles, if donald trump succeeds, and i think he will not succeed, he will have a heart attack, he will die report. years heard something from cuba that cuba would like to help the russian federation, what... with it
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solidarity that they are trying to do something to improve the situation of the russians, that they are against these american insidious actions against russia, they say something, they sit quietly because they understand what needs to be balanced, even if not between the united states and russia , and between latin america and china, they need more or less calm development, even the current cuban leadership, because the days of the infamous... for castro, who was ready to place missiles in himself, they have passed, it is completely different history, we know an absolutely specific number of countries that are countries that accept the status of exiles in the international arena and are ready to cooperate with russia on such a plane, this is the so-called democratic people's republic of korea, north korea, this is essentially the lpr, the dpr on the korean peninsula, to be honest, this is the islamic republic of iran, but look. uh,
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iranians, even half of iranians don't go to the polls, and those who do, the majority of them vote for a person who favors better relations with the united states america, this says something, about the mood in society, this is the second such country, it is, say, myanmar, but it cannot host russian weapons, but it is ready to cooperate with russia there, and that's all, all the others countries that have good relations with russia, they can. to perform some acrobatic figures there, like the countries of central asia, for example, and belarus, of course, we forgot about belarus, well, in belarus they have already placed nuclear weapons and iskander installations, so that’s all, but i i don't understand why you are so worried about it in terms of placement, don't forget that russia is very big, the united states places its weapons in allied countries on other continents, because they themselves are in north america, in north america. and
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in order to provide some capability in the asia-texan region, and in eurasia they need allies, and russia itself in eurasia, and just right, as you say, they need allies in latin america, but they don't really want to put anything right now, currently passed by the way, about another placement, north korea is allegedly sending its engineering troops to ukraine, or its engineers, yes. they will allegedly be placed on the territory of the donetsk region, which is occupied by the so-called lpr, that is what proves this, and you believe that it will be engineering troops, not people, no, well, that is what we call engineering troops, because at least this is official data, yes, but we understand very well that it can be other types of troops, it can be, it can be so, relatively speaking,
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some administrative staff, and moreover, let's be frank, analysts have already recorded in the territory of ukraine occupied by russia, our territory, actually already recorded north korean workers who came, who worked, then they actually have a workforce there in order to carry out some certain things, construction, some auxiliary functions for russian troops. for the russian, as for the russian occupation regime, as the personnel is as such , this is what the so-called engineering, yes troops, supposedly, well, they can be called differently, this there is already the implementation of these agreements that were made during putin's visit to kimchynin, or has this become the policy of these two terrorist states after all.
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there were already agreements about that before, no, i think that agreeing on the fact that the north korean military can enter the territory of ukraine should be agreed on personally. that putin could go to north korea with two goals: the first goal is to provoke kimchinin into some kind of war with south korea, maybe hybridly, but to constantly maintain tensions, this an absolutely real thing, and the second thing that is also absolutely real is that he could talk about some part of the korean military, north korean, of course, entering the occupied territory of ukraine, and by the way, there is logic in this, because you understand, this whole kim dynasty, they are constantly trading north koreans, as
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if they are their slaves, they send them all the time to work somewhere, by the way, to the soviet union, to the russian federation, these people receive pennies, most of their money goes to... the state budget of the dprk, and this is the use of slave labor - it is not even migrant work, because these people are not migrants at all, they are in fact just prisoners in those places where they are forced to work, and by and large, and here are the soldiers who arrived in ukraine , if it happens at all, of course no one will ask them either, but he can get money from russia for this, he now realized... that he can get, let's say, rough money, which may not be an alternative, but an important one in addition to the money given by the north korea, the people's republic of china, that is , the people's republic of china has built economic relations with them in such a way that they
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can simply survive, because it knows that they will not go anywhere anyway, no one needs them. when, by the way, donald trump again tried to agree with the kimchuns that... the united states would provide serious economic assistance to north korea, he met with him twice. kimchenin just used donald trump. he did not agree with these proposals. that is, if he gave up the nuclear program in exchange for some american aid, this aid would create some conditions for chinese-style reforms. he had a completely different country, but he didn't need it. you know, he needs everything to obey him completely, so that no one can, so even a butterfly can't do it without his guidance. to fly somewhere from flower to flower, you know if they even control butterflies on the spot there, and from this point of view, andrii, you can absolutely clearly say that the situation is simple in all these putin-kim
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talks, there is such a plot, which both of them important, troops for money, maybe a conflict with south korea for money, putin is going to pay for all this... the question, what, it is already a good question, but this is such a story, and can we consider the participation of the north korean military in direct combat actions against ukraine, this can be, well, conditionally speaking, like cannon fodder, but now they are using a part of the russians as cannon fodder, but let's assume in order to keep some part of the russians there, or at least in order to to replenish... those losses that we have every day we see, in fact, now the losses of the russians there are more than 500 thousand, 541 thousand, as of today, can they use 10 thousand 20, 50, if necessary, 100, perhaps,
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in order, conditionally speaking, to use them in assaults, in meat assaults, so-called, which take place almost every day on the front line, well here... there are two options: or they will be participants in hostilities, but i think that this is also a very risky story for kimchynin, uh, because it can lead to a strengthening of the sanctions policy, even if not from the point of view of the council security of the un, but from the point of view of other states there, to increase the isolation, or these troops will formally perform non-combat functions, again, giving the russians the opportunity to release the dogs, and by the way, this can be such an idea as a response to. .. the proposal of french president emmanuel macron, think in this direction, emmanuel macron said that nato troops can be present on ukrainian territory, but not for military operations, remember, mine clearance, engineering work, that's all, after of how he is
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proposed, it began, as it always happens in the west, a long and so far fruitless discussion, and even this coalition of instructors that he was going to create... the french president, it is not working yet, i think that macron is now primarily busy with extraordinary parliamentary elections in the country, we will talk about it tomorrow, in particular in the program. we will talk about it on the espresso tv channel, as well as about the results of the first round of these elections, but while macron is proposing it, putin is simply doing it differently. he once again shows that his allies, unlike the west, do not think. ugh. so the west is thinking of allowing ukraine to fire on the territory of the russian federation , how many kilometers deep, how many times to do it and so on. but the west, along with that, just now in the... finally agreed to the possibility of such strikes, and iran and
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north korea never asked, right, what are they doing with their weapons? we saw the iranian martyrs literally immediately, as soon as they began to join the armed forces of the russian federation throughout the territory of ukraine, and they did not say anything in the morning, come on will be used only in the border zone, nor will north korea, no questions will be asked, and this is such a demonstration that dictatorships are unknown. democracy easily overcomes any red lines, we have to take a break, literally pause for three minutes, and we will return with this topic, do not switch to other topics. a journalist who joined the armed forces, a political expert who became a special agent. taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis. reportage of the main events, comments from leading specialists and experts, analysis from the major of the armed forces, how
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to understand alarming news and distinguish the truth from the enemy and pso. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. two hours to learn about war and how the world lives, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the saturday political club direct ether, we are back, today, i remind you, for two hours, we have a conversation with vitaly portnikov, we discuss, discuss, analyze, well, we return to our actual military such block of today's saturday political club, we still have one very interesting issue that needs to be discussed and needs to be discussed, it concerns the possibility of the transfer of ukraine. to the eight patriot systems that are now owned by israel, which
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are used by israel, but which are apparently not used, he wrote them off, if i'm not mistaken, they're 30 years old, and they, they 're in israel, but they're not armed, it is quite possible, and the united states of america is now conducting a diplomatic, political discussion with israel, precisely in order to these... new patriots, of which there are eight, at least up to eight pieces, to be transferred to ukraine, i repeat once again, the question is that they are 30 years old, they are either practically not used, or not used at all, but they can be modernized, but in such a way that they can, like any, any american weapon, be modernized, repaired, adapted to modern... give them the opportunity to use various computer technologies there, mr. vitaly, this is
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a large number , as you understand, it is essentially it is about the fact that ukraine asked for seven patriot installations, well, at least seven in order to close such key cities, key objects, we have now received two or three installations, well, parts of our military are now being trained, and... if we talk about this possibility, is it real and what is the time perspective? i think that if it is talked about in the media, then it is absolutely already real, if it were unreal, information about it would not appear, secondly, if it is the first, secondly, if it will happen, this is by and large a major change in policy of israel itself, because you remember that from the first days of this war, israel, fearing the reaction of russia... and possible destabilization of the situation on the syrian front, tentatively,
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tried to behave very cautiously precisely from the point of view of supplying weapons to ukraine, humanitarian aid so , hospitals, doctors, political support yes, but not weapons, and it was tough enough, and you know that the prime minister of israel and navtali bennett, and benjamin netanyahu with the exception of tomi lapid, by the way, these were people, who continued jairus lapid, i'm sorry, in such pleasant tones, but i spoke with him already during this great middle east war, which began after october 7 of last year, so if the israeli government agrees to provide these installations, it means that they have already understood that russia is no longer is their security partner in the middle east, even conditionally, because what they were afraid of in the first place, let's say that the russians would close the sky,
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the syrian one, and thus make it impossible for the defense army of israel. will create unnecessary problems for the destruction of certain objects on syrian territory of radical syrian groups and iranian object. you remember that israel in damascus destroyed one of the objects that was located next to the iranian embassy in syria, where one of the main saboteurs from the so-called islamic revolutionary guard corps, a known terrorist, died. ugh, that's it. but now it has become clear that russia will still not agree on anything else, that with it... it can no longer be counted, because it is not counted with israel, and this is a very important point, as you understand, connected with that , what is happening in the middle east and in the position of israel, but let's look carefully at the position of ukraine, this also needs to be analyzed, maybe you remember that when there was a topic about volodymyr zelenskyi's visit to jerusalem,
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after october 7, i was a strong supporter of this visit and ... said that it is not so much necessary for israel as for us to show the civilized world that we are in the same situation, so to speak, that we are in the same boat, that israel was attacked by a terrorist organization, we were attacked by a terrorist state , and americans at first this was also very much desired, but netanyahu, he was in no hurry then with this visit by zelensky, because he was afraid of the russian reaction again, and then zelensky himself was in no hurry to go, and statements began here that we don't... it is necessary to go to israel in such a situation, when the countries of the global south are offended by it, they will have difficult relations with us, and i remember that one of my colleagues even wrote an article, which said that it was zelensky, as an ethnic jew such emotions are beginning to prevail over national ones
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interests of ukraine, and i was very surprised by this, and now i have a good question for all these, i would say to put it mildly... unprofessional people in the ukrainian so -called international media, in the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, in the office president, why do we need patriot system weapons or beautiful photos for peace forums, who will give us weapons anyway? antigua and barbuda? venezuela, bahrain, qatar, oman? great, they came, their leaders took a picture with volodymyr zelenskyi, shook his hand, everything is great, but what do we need so that our infrastructure is not destroyed, we do not exchange a handshake for security, we exchange a handshake for a beautiful communique, which in itself means nothing in terms of
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the possibility of ending the russian-ukrainian war in the coming years, then they... and the question: what do we need besides these beautiful photos with the president of ukraine in the center, although i say again, i have always said, you too can testify to this, that the peace summit is diplomatically a very good thing, diplomatically, but ukraine can win only in one way, with weapons and money, weapons and money, this is the most important point that we always have to talk about, and we have to build relations with countries that can give us... weapons and money, some documents in whatever 150 countries of the world would support us, simply put, we don't need them, because these countries will support us even when ukraine will no longer be real on the political map of the world, when its entire territory will be occupied by the russians, and then the president
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of the émigré government of ukraine, let even volodymyr zelenskyy come to the un and everyone will applaud him. he will welcome everyone and everyone will vote for the fact that ukraine should restore its territorial integrity, he will have an office somewhere in avinya square. why is this necessary, why is it brought to this point? and by the way, it was the same with many countries of the world, well, they had international support, well , by the way , palestine is a wonderful example of the middle east, we even have an embassy in ivan fedorov, there is an ambassador, he is doing very well. feels goes to some diplomatic meetings, but the so-called palestinian president mahmoud abbas decides whether to go to the peace summit or not , he did not come. only there is no palestine, and it may never arise. well, most of the member states of the united nations organization, this non-existent virtual one in palestine, which
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the inhabitants of its arab part never managed to create after the famous un resolution in 1848, they receive the full support of the majority. so what? if there is no real political solution, it does not escape anyone. they are just so beautiful, they created an embassy for themselves, they put an ambassador there, some other person got himself. a city abroad, moved the family, feels great, receives a salary from the funds of the united nations organization, and there is no state, because it cannot be created, we do not want to be in such a situation, so it is more important for us that it is not it sounds strange, maybe for many, patriot installations, huh, and that's why we need countries that are allies of the west, not to the end they are the west itself, israel in principle is almost the west, but still it is not a member of nato, yes. there is south korea, it is really a country that is an ally of the united states, there is the philippines, the president of ukraine visited
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the philippines before the peace summit, often with president ferdinand marquez jr., i think it is more important than the peace summit, i will be honest, because it is another ally the united states, which has weapons, which can produce them, which can restrain some interests, you can mention a certain number of such states in the south. korea is also for us, we know, they bought weapons from her, supplied us, now they are ready, maybe directly even supply, here is the reality, those countries that can give us money and weapons are those countries with which we must develop relations, all other countries, as they say, the author, baron minghausen, once said, england can wait, antigua and barbuda can wait, venezuela can wait, qatar and aman can wait, everyone. can't wait, of course, if these countries participate in the release of our prisoners of war, this is also an important part of our track, it must be said that people who use these
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the possibilities of these countries for such a thing are mediocre, but this is just an exchange, here the russians themselves are interested, it is important, you see, even the holy see was released yesterday, nariman djemali, the deputy head of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people, by the way, i want to sincerely congratulate everyone . our crimean tatar friends with this release of other civilian citizens of ukraine who were in the prisons of russia and the republic of belarus, this is through the mediation, through the mediation of the holy see, that is , the pope may have a political position that we don't like it very much in the assessment of war, but this position helps precisely in such humanitarian matters, that's what is important, the energy of these countries can be used for exactly this purpose, but again in order to return somewhere... people who are in "prisoners of russia, belarus, need a state to which they can return, this is initially, and this state can be preserved
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only by closing the sky, building up the armed forces, producing weapons, recognizing russia, this is the task for the next ten years, that's all, by the way, at this very moment, an air raid alarm is sounding in the north, in the center of our country, in the east of our country, in kyiv, so... this once again reminds us that it is very important to have anti-aircraft defense systems, anti-missile defense systems, to cover our skies in all possible ways, and what we are saying is extremely important for ukraine to have, ukraine has all the necessary weapons from our international partners. if we are talking about this, the last question, probably in this block, regarding here... from these statements and regarding the position of ukraine, recently president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi stated that ukraine actually supports
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the existence of two states, israel and palestine, right? that is, such a statement was made about , well, a week or two ago. now, mr. vitaly, if we are talking about this, are such statements of the ukrainian leadership correct. should be resolved through the creation of two states, president biden and the leader of the country of the european union say this, this is simply a western position, the president of ukraine does not have any such special position, different from the position of our allies expresses, yes, this position may not be liked by many in israel itself, yes, because there are people there who believe that the creation of a second state on the territory of the former mandated palestine is wrong. by the way, these are usually representatives of right-wing political forces, and this is part of the internal political struggle in israel itself, how to solve this issue,
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but... at the same time, you and i are well aware that there is an international position, it consists in that there will be a real possibility of resolving the middle east conflict when two states emerge, each of which will recognize the other's right to exist, now, as you know, there are organizations that... support certain sentiments in the population of the so-called palestinian authority, why does the so-called palestinian authority exist, the palestinian authority enjoys their support, such as organizations hamas, they deny israel's right to exist, it must always be remembered that the vast majority of residents of the palestinian authority deny israel its right to exist, we forget this factor,
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very often, we reduce everything to... israeli internal political struggle, but there is still palestinian history, which in principle has not yet come to the fact that the vast majority of people who live on the west bank of the jordan river in the gas sector, they agree with israel's affairs for existence, but this is another story, this is the middle east history, regarding the statement of the president of ukraine, i have not seen anything that differs from the position of the united states of the european union, because everyone says all the time, we need to create conditions. in order for there to be two states, peaceful life, coexistence, but again, in order for this to happen, it means that these conditions must be created, so far they do not exist even in nature, and remember, after october 7, for reasons that are completely incomprehensible to me, many people said, this is now after this in history, a real situation arises related to the fact that, most likely, a palestinian state will emerge, because this is what happened, this is clearly
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clear. statement that a palestinian state should indeed be declared so that there are no more such excesses as an attack on the territory israel from the territory of the gas sector, well , they stopped talking about it, it’s true, because if and about which state it is possible to talk about which territory, when they have not even been able to agree on a cease-fire for several months in a row, and the hostages were released, and it became clear to everyone that the the idea of ​​the emergence of a palestinian state, even if a few new countries of the world appeared that recognized it, this is a completely virtual issue, and in fact, october 7 , 2023 is not something that put the issue of this state on the back burner, but maybe put it altogether full stop for the coming years in the discussions on this topic, let's put an end to these topics and move on to the next ones, i think we should talk about european integration, about euro-atlantic integration,
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the summit was held this week. in the european union , negotiations between ukraine and the european union have actually begun, a large summit of nato states will be held in the near future, where ukraine will also be discussed, our format is not accession, but further cooperation, the stop will also be discussed, well , in general... .if we are talking about european integration, many people call this day, when the negotiations actually started, historic, in reality this day is more of a legal date, since the negotiations will last more than one year and even ukrainian senior officials say that it will be at least 2029
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, someone is talking about 2030. that is, another 5-6 years, but it is clear that for this we still need to carry out a huge number of reforms, unify ukrainian legislation in accordance with the legislation of the european union, it is possible to discuss various topics regarding protection of national producers, and to pass , including those obstacles that are called hungary in our country, right? hungary also put forward 11 demands to ukraine. some requirements are called absolutely unacceptable, well, we will talk about that too, let's probably start with this date, eh, what we have to do in the next five years in order to really become members of the eu, well, apart from certain technical things, well, and the second the question is how many or which date do you consider more real, more...


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