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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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to supply the gas sector, donald trump calls george biden ridiculously bad for the palestinians, it is clear who to count on. well, here is the whole story in which these two parties found themselves, in 2024, the situation will only get worse, because the demographics of the united states will continue to change. the fewer the so -called... americans, the more radical the republican party of the united states will be, the radical right, and the more radical the right will be in the surrounding world, the less democracy there will be in latin america and the more populism, the less democracy there will be in europe and the more populism, i generally think that european democracy in many countries is living its life. the last decades, that is,
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if we are talking about the european union, then the european union will live out its last 10, i know, i don't know how much, how far the right-wing radicals, when they are in power in countries like france, germany, italy, will be able to agree, if, because if we are talking about the fact that democracy survives, at least in some countries, for the last decade or the last decade, then then... the european union is called into question, because the european union was and was created. the european union was created to prevent europeans from fighting each other. his, his pillars of the european union, as of now, this is democracy, and the pillars, the feet of the republican party, too, this is democracy, everything is just changing, there can be a union of autocracy, no, no, don’t look, that is, just a reformation of values, so the european union, the question is whether these people will be able to get along with each other. but on the other hand, if
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the average european, just like the average american, has a desire to expel migrants, well, if i can't let in more and not let in new ones, then between this, say, the national association and the brothers of italy, giorgi melani and fidesz can find a common language here, and here the question is, will you be for the christian democratic union of germany? or become a party like these, move to the right, or give way to an alternative for germany? i think that the cdu will move to the right, i really think so too, although, let's be honest, it is the cdu and made an effort to, conditionally speaking, allow migrants to enter germany. and the republicans abolished slavery altogether in the united states, well, we are talking about the fact that... these transformations
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are interesting, but i am leading to this, to the fact that an interesting transformation can take place , including in germany, of course, and again , if we're talking about the united states and we're talking about the struggle of two parties, one of which was the party of the slave owners and the other party of the anti-slavery party, and now these parties have switched in terms of their political position liberal conservative roles and we we perceive this as a norm, then imagine what can happen with the transformation in europe, this too. a very serious problem and you, i'm reading now an interview with french people who are going to vote for marine lipin, her party, and they say: listen, but you're going to vote for the fascists, and they say, what are you talking about, maybe it used to be, but don't you see that the ultra-leftists of melancholia, unruly france, these are the real fascists and anti-semites, it's different now, the fascists and anti-semites, they are on the ultra-left... flank on
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led by mélenchon, and the socialist party of france unites with them in the people's front, so if we do not want to allow real fascists to power in italy, so that our prime minister is not jean luc mélenchon, we have to vote for marine le pen. even emmanuel macron could not have dreamed of such a turn of events. well, by the way, when the left united, that's how emmanuel macron got scared, because he realized that many people would say the same thing when mélenchon's party, which is really ultra-left. and we know this scheme, this the famous german choice between adolf hitler and ernst thelmann. well, what would you and i do if we had to choose between hitter and thelman, don't you know? well , it might be easier for me, because i would be a jew, i could decide everything, what is good, if i choose between hitler and thelman, i can at least somehow escape from thelman, i will have six months to leave, and you?
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did, you don’t have such a problem, and you’re just german, and you have hitler, and you have telmons, what to do, even shoot, well, this is the current situation, by the way, it’s random just when we are talking about france, i am now looking at the latest polls, we discussed about three weeks ago, just during the elections to the european parliament, that the lippen party now has from 32 to 37% in france and can win as of now from well, let's say, an average of 260 mandates. let's see how it will be distributed, because there are others there, those who will not get in, well , you know the story, when even in our verkhovna rada, those who did not get in are distributed there, it is important what happens in the second round, the second round will be at the beginning of july.
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talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component, serhii zgurets, and what the world is about. yuri fizer is already with me, and it's time to talk about what's out there. two hours to catch up on economic news, time to talk about wartime money. oleksandr morshchevka is next to me and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. the news is cultural. our clairvoyant is ready to tell a good rhyme evening. hosts who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good afternoon, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends,
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politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on... the border between ukraine and poland, topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to sort it out. a project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. verdict from sergey rudenko from now on in the new
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two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and vice versa. communication, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. to take the wounded in time from the battlefield means to save his life. bc pick-up, boys' pick-up, atv - this is the way from zero to our life at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we call on everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd cold river brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. salam aleikum, congratulations. i'm
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andriy yanitskyi and gulsum khalilova together on the bereber program. what kind of is made together, it is a joint project of the crimean-tatar tv channel atr and the espresso tv channel, which we are doing for viewers from crimea, as well as for everyone who is interested in mainland ukraine. wondering what happening in crimea, if you watch us on youtube, please subscribe, like, bell and comment on this video, this is how youtube algorithms work, so you will only see us if you are active. well, as usual, traditionally, today we will talk about crimea, about the deoccupation of crimea and about everything that happened there during this week. well, that is, we will talk about the results, and... i would like to start with the main news that happened
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this week, and we can say that 23 in june, the armed forces of ukraine carried out a very powerful attack on the russian occupiers, and after this manipulation, distortion of facts, speculation about human deaths and other methods to throw off responsibility, moscow began a very huge propaganda campaign, the accuser. or ukraine and even the united states of america in the death of civilians on uchkuivka beach in occupied akhyar during a rocket attack on sunday. how so, please, andriy. we will ask oleksiy hetman, a veteran, to speak with us on this topic russian-ukrainian war, retired national guard major. mr. oleksiy, congratulations. i congratulate you. congratulations mr. oleksiy, this is the story about... the attack by ukrainian military forces on the base in sevastopol, which resulted
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in civilian casualties, the russians say that it is as if the americans, the ukrainians are specifically hitting civilian objects, beaches , where peaceful people rest, at the same time , i have a conviction that this is not the case, what happened? in fact, well, first of all, they saw the links of another missile there, not the one we are shooting russian rockets, could the fragments of the rocket hit the beach, well, in theory it is quite possible, but to say that we deliberately attacked the beach, well, you know, if there was a desire to attack the civilian population, it would be possible to choose an object with greater losses, if we had such a terrorist target, because it actually happened there, it's hard to say, but well... it's hard to say from the point of view that it's very unlikely that it
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was our missile, because we only attack military targets , it is necessary to look at the military objects that we attacked and what is the distance to of this beach, where civilians died , well, civilian people, to understand what really happened there, and once again, well , none, well, listen, listen, russians don't respect themselves, well, the question is, you literally mentioned it there, so which one is there? military facilities are located, really close to this beach, literally 3-4 km from bilbek airport , military units are located, that is, it is obvious that the attack was primarily on military facilities, how does russian air defense work and why does it shoot down ukrainian rockets hit the beach, and this is a question in the first place to the russians, well, in general, if there was no occupation, i understand that there would be no reason. i have lived in crimea for 22 years and there have never been any excesses, well, except for
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some excesses related to the black sea fleet of the russian federation, when they hit somewhere during exercises there and civilians die or pollute the sevastopol bay, and in general, ukrainian times in i remember crimea as a peaceful time, but now it is clear that during the occupation by the russians , combat operations take place every day, this is a theater of... combat operations, what can be done to advise the residents of crimea, who are there, how to behave, whether it is worth going to these beaches, or maybe someone will look even from russia, and they will finally understand that there is a war going on there, and that you should not go to the occupied territories, well, what is not worth it is clear, but what, how, how to save yourself, well, stay away from military facilities, and not because we might not hit a... military facility and get wet, the point is that we use weapons that are
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highly accurate. the russians used and have used weapons that are not highly accurate. well, for example, this x22 missile, it can deviate up to half a kilometer, well, for a few minutes, therefore, from the target where it is flying. there was information about this attack on the airfield that the russians boasted that they somehow changed the trajectory of the missile. well , this means that they, well, their anti-aircraft defense was working, but uh, well, it is hardly possible to assume that these are the wreckage of our river, most likely they are wreckage. anti-aircraft missile of the russians, who, well, on the other hand, it seems quite strange to me, because such a distance as 2-3 km to the beach, where did this tragedy happen, and uh, well, a missile, an anti-aircraft missile, well, it would have, it would have only been on a combat course at such a distance, that is, there are
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many questions, what flew there, well, we heard, we were shown the ulankas, eh... . after this attack near this beach, the russians themselves filmed everything, took pictures and identified that it was a russian tor missile, that is , the russians were already blowing up their buildings, they were already dropping bombs on their own cities, it is quite possible that it was a provocation from russians, it is very similar to them, that they are deliberately killed, this is not the first time they have done it, they killed several of their fellow citizens in order to blame ukraine for this, our missile will get there again. she could not, because it is highly accurate and she hardly wanted to, although looking at the map from the sea side, they attacked not with cruise missiles, they attacked with ballistic missiles, the ones we can use, and the ballistic missile in circles, along the ballistic trajectory, she could, she could have flown from
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the opposite side, so here if you just spread out everything along the shelf, it will lead to... well, the situation is really very strange, because for the first time the russian ministry of attack reported that the ukrainian armed forces there attacked the akhyar and so on, and almost the russian occupiers were very successful there. but they were shot down and so on, and while they were reporting about it, ambulances were already on their way to ukchkoivka, on the other hand, two hours later, and we saw how the russian ministry of defense had already reported something else, and said that ukraine had carried out a terrorist attack there acts and so on, and that is, we see that russia simply
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did not understand what to say, how to say it, how is it explain and so on, and two hours later the propagandist is there. again , ukraine and even the united states of america were accused of this, but at the same time, there was no anxiety, no anxiety, nothing in crimea, and even the crimean propagandist publics, they, even there razvazaeva, and gaulleiter akhyar, just wanted, well, they had a lot of complaints against him and even said that he should be removed from the post of gauleiter ahyaro, so i have a question, why? there wasn't this anxiety, why didn't anyone say anything and so on? well, not at first to announce an alarm, because they think that in this way they are treating the local population, because there should be alarms all the time, well, but really accusing russia, well, they didn’t come up with anything smarter than trying to tell that we want to attack the beach, you
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know, unconscious people, well, with the exception of some russian pasipaks. they perfectly, perfectly know the situation, our partners, the civilized world in general, how difficult our situation is with weapons, how much we are saving the means that we can attack, those the missiles themselves, they are delivered to us with interruptions in small quantities, so to allow ourselves to shoot a missile on the beach, which does not cost 1 million dollars in order to kill four civilians, well, well, that's right. you know, it is pulled by the ear, but the russians come in, they, as they say, even if it stings in their eyes, it will be, they say that they will say, well , don't spit there, they will say that it is god's dew, that's why, mr. oleksiy, and such question, well , in fact, occupied crimea has been occupied for 10 years, and it has been full-scale for two years
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invasion, well, for more than a year , ukrainian missiles and... drones have been flying over military facilities in crimea, and there is still no system of shelters for the civilian population, that is, the occupying power deliberately does not spend money, the government does not equip public places with these shelters, that is only after the events of this week, when it became evidently clear that the civilian population was in danger from the occupying... from the actions of the occupying authorities, first of all, they also announced that they would create in public places some, well build mobile shelters. but isn't this just some kind of reassurance, if they could not build a full-scale invasion of such ukrats in two years, then why should
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the locals suddenly hope that they will appear now? well, you know, to build some kind of mobiles, well, i think it’s self-reassuring, i think that there could have been, and funds were allocated for some shelters, but they were scared in russia and so they didn’t build anything, you know, if they start i will, they are trying to explain to the population inside the crimea that the crimea has come to its harbor there dear, that there are at least stones from the sky, that there is no reason to worry, that everything will be fine, but to start spending constantly turning on the war alarm, constantly starting to paint bomb shelters so that people know where to hide from shelling, this is definitely a moral state the population will not rise, and for the russians it is very important that people continue to, well, i don't know who to compare with, even, to believe that the russians, well, that crimea can be
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protected, that they are in danger, that this it's just rare cases that something flies by, well, it's easier for them, that's how their propaganda works, to start telling them that there are bombaskovichs, that there are air alarms there and they have to go off every other day. well, even there , people are worried, let’s say so, especially those who came from the russian federation, and in such situations, in such anxieties and constantly painted krych, skovycha, i think that many people will start to leave crimea, the russians already have to , that there would be russians there, that crimea would be russian there, well, that's why it's easier for them that dozens or hundreds of people die there than that this propaganda doesn't work. that they are fine there and everything is under their control, well, plus, the alarm is not all over the crimea, and they announce the alarm only in akyar, as they call it
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sevastopol, and in other areas, corners of the crimea , well, there is never any anxiety at all, there wasn't, there isn't, even if you look at the fact that the armed forces of ukraine, well, are carrying out strikes on all corners of crimea, where russian military facilities are located, well, this is our legitimate goal, that's right. well, because this is a preparation for us, maybe this year, maybe in the next, they already started the process of not preparing for de-occupation, but directly de-occupying crimea, so all, well, all of crimea is under our, let's say, missile control, and our targets are military objects, lithuanian targets, our communications targets, our radar targets stations, ports, of course, that's why this preparation for the liberation of crimea has been going on for... well , at least a year, and i'm sure that these strikes that we are making will only intensify, we have to destroy almost the entire military infrastructure of the russian
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of the armed forces in the crimea, well, then, then we understand, well, then the attack, it could be landing, it could be from different directions, it could be from the side of the well, it could be shadovsk, armyansk, it could be in another direction, well , here i think that in our general staff. well, i don’t think i’m sure, there are already plans, but only right now, well, they can’t be applied yet, because we have to focus on those attacks that the russians are making against the russians on the eastern and northern fronts, uh, and about crimea and the southern direction in general , well, there are forecasts that by september, maybe by october in a month, we will be able to intercept a tactical initiative in these directions, well , let's see, there will be more, one more message from crimea. this week the space communication center in crimea was destroyed, what is the significance of this cotton, why are these space
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communication targets so important that we choose them over others, as you rightly say, the missiles we shoot with, they are not cheap and we can't exchange them for any small targets, well what is this, most likely it's a ground base that er... directly has contact with gonnas, that is, it is navigation, it is the navigation of russian missiles, it is with these means, it is guided missiles, these means are used to explore the air space, it is controlled, including the guidance of russian planes, this is not the connection that we can it seems to someone that something like mobile communication, communication is simply left there without mobile phones, no, this is a system, this is a system, like our missiles, they work using gps navigation, in russia the glonass system, they, this is also a satellite system, i use them, and it is she who uses them for guiding missiles, let's say, on... thank
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you very much, mr. oleksiy, choks, especially, for taking the time to join our broadcast. oleksiy hetman was in direct contact with us, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, a retired national guard major. and let me remind you that you are watching the berber together program in ukrainian, hosted by us, andriy yanitskyi and gulsum khalilova, and it is a joint project of espresso and the atr tv channel. now we have a short break, after which we will talk about other topics, there are discounts, the only discounts are on penistyl 15% in pharmacies, plantain, bam and save, there are discounts represent the only discounts on normoven, 10% in travel pharmacies pam and save, there are discounts represent the only discounts on sudokrem, 15% in travel pharmacies, pam and saver. every week, the saturday political club
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helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. summer is the time rest and recovery, and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and a bit of peace for the children, whose world was destroyed by the war. these children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, protecting us and you, our country, died at the front, and they, like
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no one else... need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that traveling helps children recover faster after a loss, children feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning two trips this summer for the children of fallen heroes. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, and find new friends. and the most important thing is that they will receive the help of qualified psychologists. and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. i really enjoyed my trip to austria.
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loved the museums we went to every day it was amazing and i really loved how we went out to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments. we continue our joint broadcast of the first crimean tatar tv channel atr and the beraber tv channel together in the studio i, gulsom khalilov, and my colleague andrii yanitsky work for you. and we want
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to introduce our guest, this is... yevhen khlobistov, professor, dean of the faculty of natural sciences, kyiv-mohyla academy, as well as head of the track, head of the track, eco-economic and ecological expert network of the crimean platform, mr. yevhen, congratulations, yes, good afternoon, we discussed with you as a military expert everything that happened on june 23 in crimea and the attack of the armed forces of ukraine on russian military facilities and the shooting down by russian air defense systems. of these rockets over beach, over people, and we all saw all these videos and so on, after which even the occupying administrations began to say that a lot of people canceled their trips to crimea and even their tourist trips, these tourist operators began to say that that people simply do not go to the sanatorium, there are camps and so on. how does it all affect the tourist season in crimea, this year in particular, if
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you look at the latest attacks by the armed forces. it's just a different reality, russia.


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