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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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pak achilles 92 separate assault brigade. oles melyarevich was with us. it's news time. anna eva melnyk and the news team have already prepared a selection of the latest and most important information for this moment and are ready to share it with all of us. so annoyeva, we give you the floor and listen carefully. thank you, colleagues, for your work, my greetings. next, the news team will work. we will talk about the main things for this hour, in particular about the consequences of enemy shelling on our cities and villages. and about the losses in the enemy army, all the details are further, stay with us, seven people were injured as a result of an enemy attack on the dnipro, among them a 15-year-old boy, the enemy attacked the city with ballistics at night.
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the store, roofs and windows in the houses were damaged, serhiy lysak, the head of the regional military administration, announced. the russians also shelled nikopol, marganitska and myrivska communities with drones and artillery. five private houses, an outbuilding, a power line and a gas pipeline were gutted. a wheat field was occupied at the place of the attack. the fire destroyed more than 2 hectares of crops. in the meantime, it's already the second. a day in the dnipro are continuing to search for people under the rubble of a high-rise building that was hit by russian terrorists, two residents are considered missing, reports the state emergency service. around the clock, rescuers manually disassemble the ruins. 480 tons of construction structures and garbage have already been removed. cynologists also work with service dogs. and in kharkiv, 10 people have already been injured as a result of the evening enemy attack. it's middle of the day. they had an eight-month-old baby and
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employees of the new post office, they were sorting parcels, when the occupiers hit the terminal, a fire broke out, a 38-year-old man died, informed the police of the kharkiv region. the russians shelled the center of kharkiv with guided aerial bombs. and these bombs of theirs are one of the key foundations of putin's ability to fight, the sooner the world helps us to deal with the russian combat... aviation that launches these bombs, the sooner we can deliver quite fair strikes, by the way, on the russian military infrastructure, on military airfields, the closer peace will be, real peace, the world has enough power to force russia to peace, six victims of the russian attack on kyiv, injured an 11-year-old girl... a yard of women and one
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man. the occupiers fired rockets at the capital the night before. debris of one of them hit a 14-story building in the obolonskyi district, mayor vitaliy klychko said. previously , balconies on two floors were partially destroyed in the building, another balcony may collapse, a fire broke out. one injured per day in kherson region. the occupiers shelled the region nine times, there was a hit in kherson. antonivtsi and komyshanakh. nine private houses, a gas pipeline, a garage and cars were damaged, reported in kherson city military administration. our people are converted into donats due to enemy shelling. spressa tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are calling to join the collection for drones and components for art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that is planned.
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we will buy eight improved mavic models and five regular ones. quadcopters are the eyes in the sky, burning safety and providing an opportunity to confidently move forward. and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our soldiers. the goal is uah 2.5 million. join the collection, you can see all the details on the screen. and then about the losses in the enemy's army. the armed forces eliminated another 1,100 invaders, so... almost 544,000 russian soldiers have died since the start of the full-scale invasion of ukraine. also , our soldiers burned 19 enemy tanks, 26 armored combat vehicles and 70 vehicles. ukrainian positions are no longer attacked by 66 artists, one rocket salvo system and 36 drones, and muscovites will no longer be protected by one air defense system. the general staff notes that all the data... estimated explosions were heard in
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the temporarily occupied crimea, the telegram channels there reported the arrival of the plane in stolkin, kerch. probably near the energetik-2 company. after the hit , a large-scale fire started on the spot, the consequences of the attack are being clarified. and on the russian border they are fighting for a drone attack. at night, air defense forces. the occupiers were allegedly shot down by 36 drones over the kursk, bryansk and belgrade regions. according to governor bilgoro, the ministry of defense of the country was informed about the terrorists. due to the attack on gray voronsky district, a private house was destroyed, two households and a car were damaged, as well as a damaged power line. 10 years of war, a documentary film created by espresso tv channel with the support of internews
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network, usaid and the us embassy in ukraine. the latest history of ukraine from the first euromaidan rallies to the active phase of the full-fledged uprising. headquarters of the russian-ukrainian war, a pre-premiere screening was organized in lviv about the film and the audience's first impressions of what they saw next. 10 years of war, which actually lasts three century, the espresso tv channel presented a documentary film about an extremely difficult period of time, key moments of our history and modern heroes, this is the struggle from the maidan. and to ukraine's counteroffensive against the russian occupation forces in 2023. the heroes of the film were public activist and fallen defender, roman ratushny, his mother, poet and activist svitlana povalyaeva, journalist, politician and military officer
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tetyana chornovol and paramedic yuliya paevska, nicknamed tyra. for all of us with you, these 10 years were here, all of us experienced these events. we remember them well, we know them well, we passed them through ourselves, and for the western audience many facts of this film will be new, so the main purpose of this film is precisely to show this context, what happened during these 10 years, and why today russians are killing ukrainians. in the story, the destinies of the heroes are intertwined with the key events of the recent history of ukraine, all in order to remind and imprint in the memory of the viewer. hard lessons of the past, every revolution, especially the revolution of dignity - this transformation, transformation of people, transformation of society in general. history is forced to repeat itself because no one listens to it. if we constantly remind people and explain all
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cause-and-effect relationships, i am sure, then the chances of war in the future will be much less. oleg garenchar, who lives and works in the usa, became the director and screenwriter of the film. in... his work, a number of historical, documentary and feature films for the bbc, have the honors of international film festivals. harinchar cooperated with the espresso tv channel from the first days of its creation, from the maidan, so the bloody pages of our history are close to him. the fact that he involved politicians in the narrative, in the script, is the second story line, because the politicians, they are also the heroes of this film. and their decisions, how they... made them, those decisions that affected millions of people, it will be interesting for western diplomats, decision-makers, politicians, and ordinary citizens to watch. for more than a year , they worked on a documentary film so that as many people as possible could see and hear
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the value of the heroic resistance of our people in war with the russian invaders. the film was translated into english. we must be able to learn from mistakes. that's why the film tells about 10 years, and it also tells about 10 years because people have clip thinking, i really wanted people in other countries to see this film, a lot of what is here, we have seen, know, experience again, and for many it will be a revelation, especially for those who do not know our history and have not followed much of what is happening in us, and of course we tried to tell about it because of the fate of people, this the most important thing, because war is the destinies of millions, here are three destinies, well, maybe a little more. there are also parents, relatives, children, these are our friends and acquaintances, and there are a million of such people, and i think that we will be able to reach the world, release 10 years of war for rent, the espresso tv channel together with a public organization, the all-ukrainian
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democratic forum for with the support of the internews network and the us embassy in ukraine, a delegation from poland visited for the time being, including the legendary founders of ukrainian solidarity, public figures, and politicians. i i advise everyone to watch this movie. this is a film about how the ukrainian state was formed, which in parallel. were held both with poland and with neighboring countries, and that we need to preserve ukraine at any cost, we are talking about the existence of our state. screenings and meetings with the team of the film 10 years of war will be held in ternopil, ivano-frankivsk and rivne in the near future. in addition to ukraine, the film will be shown abroad, and later it can be seen on the espresso tv channel. i have everything on this otti, i tell you see you at 10 o'clock, the news editorial office is working, in the next issue
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we will tell about the main thing. we are coming back, reminding you about the collection for mavics and components for the art reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade , we are currently collecting 2.5 million hryvnias that need to be collected. card numbers, qr codes you see on the screen. choose a convenient method and the bank that is more convenient for you, that you like more. it is not the method or the bank that is important here, it is important that the money accumulates as quickly as possible, because the timaviks are needed for yesterday, if not the day before yesterday, at the front, and we still need them collect almost uah 1.5 million. so please be active and join. because it depends on us how quickly our defenders there will receive these mavics and be able
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to work with them, that is, the news that our colleagues voice, that we talk about on our airwaves, this is also a part, these are the topics that we discuss together with you we are working, because we collected funds, transferred equipment to the front, and news comes from there, and we listen to them and understand that this is also your contribution to this, from our drone operators... we learned from bpak achilles that they do not leave intentions to move to break through the front line and move towards kharkiv, as in the city itself, we will now ask the deputy of the kharkiv regional council, oleksandr skoryk, good morning, mr. oleksandr, what is known as of this morning after this, the attack of the new post office by kabamba and, as far as i understand , another supermarket, right? tell us more, good morning, about
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the strike that took place yesterday, traditionally, for some reason , the russians hit kharkiv on weekends, precisely on the territory of the city, and with significant losses for infrastructure, for human resources, because yesterday, yesterday's strike by fab 500 was specifically targeted on the territory of the enterprise. almost, it is a sorting station, a sorting station, and a large number of vehicles were there, it was those people who were engaged in logistics, all the employees of the new post office were in bomb shelters, because they clearly follow the instructions, but those people who were on the territory of the enterprise, this namely the cars that are serviced by the company. they were injured, cars were injured, one person died,
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and this is the driver, who was right at the epicenter of the explosion, and it is impossible to identify him there even it is impossible, because he tore it into pieces, and they will identify him by dna, well, by dna, collect his parts, also, nine people were injured and... there is such a, you know, dry figure that seven people are not is getting in touch, we understand that seven people are not getting in touch, that's most likely also people who will be found, and the probability of them being alive is very low, so terrible, terrible explosion, terrible story , this is in the middle of kharkov, there are no, no military facilities around there, this 100%, also suffered. the child who was just nearby, walking with his parents, very
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small, he received physical injuries, but no no no not significant, thank god, mr. oleksandr, but this is not no no no not the first blow to the new post office, you immediately see some logic here , lead, hunt, search, i.e. these are... strikes on warehouses and branches of the new post office, this was the goal, well , if it was programmed, unfortunately, lately they have been controlled. bombs, they are with an element of command and control, planning, they are accurate enough from what we can see and it was a targeted action against the new post because the russians believe that the new post is integral, an integral part of the logistics
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of our armed forces, well that's my opinion and that's why they well, they are openly hunted. mr. oleksandr, we have a figure, a summary from the president for the previous week, more than 800 cabs, in just one week, russia used against ukraine, we understand that a huge number, this is in kharkiv oblast, or in addition to these terminals of the new post office, we also saw residential complexes, where else are they bombs are dropped, you know, we have a line, a line of defense, which goes in july. in vovchansk, in the kupyan region, we just have a cap literally every hour. there is even a report from the russian side that they found five unexploded drones on their territory that simply broke off from the plane and did not simply fly to ukrainian territory, almost 90% of its air alarms
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are related to what is taking off and taking off. their aircraft and cabs simply destroy everything that, everything that is around. by the way, one of the bombs found on the territory of the russian federation - this, fab. 3000, this is just an incredibly powerful bomb, which, thank god, did not reach us, fell on their territory. this is an extremely powerful bomb, which can even be compared with a small one when it explodes. atom with a nuclear explosion, so this is an extremely terrible uh weapon that they are still going to use against our defense forces and our population. frankly speaking, today the cabal is such a big problem for the kharkiv region that we are just in constant motion with them
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we are, a constant air alert, constantly arriving and... we hear them in the city of kharkiv, when they, for example, for example, yesterday they still hit the city of dorgachi, they are constantly hitting the village with sticks, they are constantly hitting vavchansk, the number of these fabs, it's just incredible, and if we don't do anything about this issue, then the security situation on our territory, it just remains terrible, well... the military tells us that without the f-16 here, there are no other options to fight the coffees, and this means we don't know when yet they will fly, especially in the northern direction, are there any ideas to move a part, some other part of kharkiv life, well, to the subway and underground, well, you know, it’s impossible, just simply impossible, you
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know, i’m on the weekend, we went to coffee jarni and his family. and just, you know, this, this is the picture, when there is a coffee shop, when people celebrate birthdays, weddings, flowers, everyone is dressed in uh, well, festively dressed, and here nearby we hear the artillery firing constantly, there every two - for three minutes, the artillery exit, this is the lipetsk direction, and we hear constant the arrival of cabs, and we hear the arrival of the rszzo and... there is a wide variety of weapons, and it feels like we are already so used to war that we are already, it becomes simply scary when people simply do not react at all to what is happening nearby , it is impossible to move life underground, it is impossible to stop it,
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weddings are played, birthdays are celebrated, children are born, you are blushing, and this whole process is simply impossible to move underground, we need to make it possible for us to impress their aviation, because we know where they, their base, it is located there at a short distance from kharkiv, it is about 200 km there, voronezh region, kursk region, and its planes are standing in the open in an open area, the planes are constantly loaded with these cabs, then visually even we can see when they they go in for a blow with a kabom, it goes to... on the other side it turns 180° and we directly see this moment visually, even we see this moment when they throw this cap, well, immediately everyone
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understands that the cap flew and then we already have 3-4 minutes to follow up where he is flying and to warn our population that they should go down in the bomb shelter, but three or four minutes from this moment, they do not decide anything, because during this time it is impossible, impossible. quickly protect a large number of people, that is why the situation is critical, and the situation is critical with the cabs, because there is no way to fight them, every day we, well, i don't know how many, well, 20-30 reports that the cabs are flying, every day, to go to liptsi, to go to vovchanchansk, to go to kupinsk, to go to kozach lopen, that in the bogadukhiv district, that is, constantly, constantly, the entire... front line, the entire demarcation line in our country is under fire, and it is a catastrophic, catastrophic situation, but when such stories, yes, there is anxiety, there are reports that
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the cap flies, and there are literally a few minutes, we saw a really positive example of the new mail, when there is a rule, and the workers go to the shelter in the bomb shelter, accordingly, it simply saved the lives of these people, but we understand that when there are such messages, and all employees go down to shelters, whatever... all production ceases its activity, how the economy has changed now, how production, industrial life of the region has changed, maybe you can also tell us in numbers, because of these constant shelling, constant cabs, constant alarms, look, economic the situation in kharkiv has changed for the worse, significantly, it has changed for the worse, significantly, i cannot provide you with figures. but i can definitely inform you that practically there are no warehouses, warehouse stocks of any companies in the region, all the companies that had here
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production, the bulk of them have either relocated or intend to relocate, because it is impossible, it is impossible to work in such conditions, it is impossible... to beat warehouse remnants, because everyone understands that if it arrives as it did at the epicenter, then it is billions losses, and business simply does not want to take risks in this area, because if you drive 120 km from kharkiv to poltava, then the s-300 will not fly there, and it will be a completely different life, i will not i am talking about the central part of ukraine or the western part, therefore the economic situation in kharkiv is getting worse, at the same time i would like to tell you that the banking sector practically does not serve business, because we
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are in the so-called hundred-kilometer zone to the contact line, and we do not have the ability to maintain credit lines , no overdrafts, nothing from what they can receive in other territories, the situation is catastrophic, the state... does not participate in any way to help us, absolutely, er, in no way, and business is leaving kharkiv oblast en masse, this, this is a fact that may not want to talk, but this is a fact, and it is not impossible to work in kharkiv, and if you, for example, we are talking about the fact that during the period of air alert we go down, well, we do it. air alarm, since the workers of the new almost did it, then in may we had 20 out of 30 days in the air alarm mode, and
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everyone understands that 20 days of air alarm, no business, if it will work according to the rules, comply with all the rules, during an air raid , it is simply impossible to go down to the bomb shelter and wait there, it is simply impossible to do business. ago the situation is critical. thank you very much, mr. oleksandr, for participating in our broadcast. oleksandr skoryk, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, was with us. we will take a short break, then we will talk about the middle east, because there is also a war going on there, and not everything is so simple, wait. there are discounts representing the only discounts the court is separate. 15% baptak. travel guide to you and savings. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. exclusive interview with diplomat oleksandr khara. why does russia have the right to veto ukraine's entry into nato. resonance investigation.
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the road to nowhere. how can the construction of a forest road destroy a historical monument? the unique vitaly portnikov about the impact of the war on ukrainians and the values ​​that unite the nation. the diary of the legendary nationalist mykola kokhanivskyi. the country is always at the forefront . search at press outlets or pre-pay online. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on edem 20% in pharmacies plantain you and save. there are discounts representing the only discounts on psilo-balm 15% in travel pharmacies. to you and savings. new week on espresso. weekly summary information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion.
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spend final monday evening and confidently step into the new week, the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andriy smoly every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many. as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things:
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money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must end it and we must to win the most important thing - every thursday at 9:15 p.m., velikiy lviv speaks in the project, on the espresso tv channel. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage. atv war is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from the ground up. we call on everyone to join nato in gathering from scratch to life on atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv. this is the first day of the second month of summer, starting today on the day of the presidency in europe , hungary must take over, and the european parliament demands to be removed.
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orban and the orbanites from this mission, as they do not believe in the values ​​of the european union. after the first round of elections in france , revolutionary rallies with the demand to remove the lipen party begin under red flags in the suburbs of paris. in a word , it is boiling, burning, and we also saw the largest protest action on the streets in israel, it is not... ulyana druchkova in connection with israel from our studio, mr. ulyana, congratulations, good morning, good morning, what did you want so incredible the number of protesters at the intersection of amiad and upper galilee, respectively, so this action took place, in fact. was not
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the only one, israel is now returning to pre-war times, to those mass protests that were here until october 7, now on the agenda is the resignation of the government, early elections and the release of hostages, who are still in the ninth month of the war in the gas, in hostages, and their fate is unknown to most of them, because there are a lot of different testimonies that say that different... such information, that good some of these people are no longer alive, in fact, why i say that this is a repetition of what happened before the war, because for about a year before october 7 , israel protested against the current government every saturday and even in recent months, not every saturday, but almost every day , against the judicial reform that netanyahu's government tried to introduce,
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but because of the war with... understandably these mass protests that took place every saturday in all cities.


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