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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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troops to threaten the north of ukraine. so. the minute of silence is approaching 9:00, the time when we honor the memory of all those who died in ukraine due to the russian occupation. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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one was shot, another was wounded, two men with machetes attacked the border guards in bukovina, we will tell you the details, and buses with men who were trying to illegally... leave the country, what are the prices and how much has the number of attempts to escape from ukraine increased? meanwhile, zelenskyi says that in the us neither republicans nor democrats see ukraine in nato and does not rule out a transition with russia, but through intermediaries. there are a lot of topics for discussion this morning, as you can see, so join in the comments, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we 're getting started. so, the defense forces pushed back the russian military from terni and yampolivka to limansk. direction in the donetsk region and
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established themselves in the vacated positions, about it reports the 12th special purpose brigade of the azo of the national guard of ukraine. the operation was carried out together with the 95th separate amphibious assault brigade and related units, after that the russian military continued to storm the lost trenches, so they say in azov. there they showed footage of the battles. meanwhile, analysts of the deep state project say that the azov military has pushed back russian units, also in srebyan forestry. the map shows that it is about... a plot near the village of hryhorivka, but the russian ministry of defense, on the contrary, says that it is their army took up more advantageous positions in this direction. instead, separate russian pro-war bloggers write about the advancement of the armed forces of ukraine in the srebyan forest and attempts to counterattack near terni. the latest report of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine mentions 16 attacks by russian troops in the liman direction and seven in the siversky area. we start this edition with news from the front, it is important to follow what is happening.
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directly at war, so in the comments you can write about whether you are interested details of the russian-ukrainian war, what sources do you read, watch, listen to in order to learn more, i will also remind you that the military correspondents of radio liberty work at the front in order to show what is actually happening, in order to show the work of the ukrainian of the military, and their comments, well, we also hear the comments of the military in the framework. including our broadcast, so we also talk about it, in the comments you can write about what exactly interests you, and now we will show you, and and we have a guest, so now we will start with a conversation, so volodymyr nazarenko, head of intelligence of the artillery of the 4th rubizh brigade, captain of ngu, joins our broadcast, i welcome you to our broadcast, thank you for joining, volodymyr, glory to ukraine.
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glory to the heroes, good morning studio, good morning tv viewers, thank you for the opportunity to join your broadcast. this is very important, i just talked about it and asked the audience about whether people follow the war, which is not tangential, of course, and how much civilians are interested in it today or not, so we we believe that it is necessary and important to talk about this, and we talked about the situation at the front itself and we are talking specifically about the fact that the russian army was pushed back in the direction of liman, i want to ask you about ... the enemy, analysts say, what details can you tell about the situation there, well, in general, what concerns the eastern front, several directions, where my comrades from the fourth brigade of the national guard are performing at these minutes, these days, the situation is again quite so dynamic , defense forces conduct a dynamic defense, in fact. in a certain way, the gray zone is expanding
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due to the high activity of drones, strike drones are active, we clearly understand that with the onset of good weather conditions, to... very good visibility, the duration of daylight is also quite long, and the enemy has much less opportunity to conduct logistics, to carry out rotation, replenishment, movement, transfer, including inconspicuously using some reserves, accordingly, the gray area is expanding, more and more daylight hours for the use of fpv drones, which are used by the defense forces, this in a certain way contributes to the success of the work of some units in general, and we clearly understand that ... every day the enemy in one way or another suffers huge losses or in the attempts of assaults in some directions of the eastern eastern front, we clearly understand that it is dozens and dozens of attempts to advance at the same time, sometimes in one place, then in another place, the tactics of the enemy, trying to storm, trying to look for weak points,
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trying to look for some chances of success here or there, but in most cases the enemy does not have these chances, moreover, the enemy really carries huge losses, both in manpower, and in equipment, and in ammunition, and in means, and in weapons, that is why in conditions of dynamic defense, in conditions when, in fact, battles continue for several tens of meters, when in fact more than one commander unit of the defense forces, in general says that quite often the fighting continues around there 100 m, 200 m, position from position, trench from trench and... and with that, in general, the pace, in general, the heat, makes it difficult to operate in general, but we clearly understand that somewhere the enemy may be losing ground, somewhere, unfortunately, the enemy may have success, but in in most cases, the situation and the fact that
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the front line does not fall, miraculously does not fall, is the effort of thousands and thousands of ordinary guys, my brothers, who in these hours, in these minutes, in these days, in these months perform tasks beyond the limits of human capabilities, more moreover, every day such attempts to advance the enemy, for the enemy, well, in fact, cost a lot of lives, and i am sure that sooner or later the enemy will run out of strength, in the comments under our broadcast you are writing words of support, our viewers are also writing their own resources, where they are are getting information about events at the front, and we want you. to be precise in order to orientate about the battles for the seryvyan forest, they continue from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, what is the importance of these positions, why is it so important for the armed forces of ukraine to control this area? well, it’s difficult for me to say, and i can’t divulge some points, in general, i can
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inform you that the tactics of the armed forces, and we clearly understand the defense forces, is generally to keep the defense on those profitable lines... on which it is possible, which are so or otherwise fortified, yes or else it is possible to carry out the tactics of actions, we clearly understand, if we have already figured it out, there is an enemy, there is the bakhmut ridge, where he is trying to advance from this ridge to the west in the direction of the yar time, to the southwest of ivanovsky in the direction there and including in in the direction of klishivka, the enemy is trying to advance north from the bakhmudsky ledge in... kusiversk, and we also understand that the enemy in one way or another seeks and is actively taking actions in order to improve his tactical position in the serebnya forestry in the direction siverska our comrades and our brigade
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are carrying out tasks a little further north and south, for security reasons i cannot name the clear areas of responsibility of our brigade, but believe me, the situation along... the entire eastern line, along the entire eastern line, both the lyman direction and the bakhmut direction, are very - a very hot enemy tries to advance every day, either in small groups, or using buggies, motorcycles, we have repeatedly seen in the mass media, on telegram channels, in other sources, how the enemy tries to attack as weapons, small or large groups, both with tanks and quite new tactics, the enemy tries to use it on buggies, motorcycles, cycles, and scooters of some kind to try to advance, but again, runs into school machine gun fire and in most of the enemy fails there is nothing to do, but look, kostyantyn myshovets, a military columnist of the information resistance group, wrote
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that the advance of the advanced units of the armed forces of ukraine in the srebyansk forestry is still delaying the possibility of liquidating the bridgehead of the armed forces of ukraine by the forces of the russian federation on the black stallion river, what can you say here, is it really... here the news columnist mr. mashovets is right, again , it is quite difficult for me to say, our brigade is already in such a tactical... in a tactical sense , the northern and southern ones perform the tasks of the silver forestry is carried out by our comrades of the defense forces in general, and in many moments i cannot comment on some moments in order not to harm, of course, in one way or another, for everyone, each position is valuable in its own way, has its own tactical destination, of course, if we are talking specifically. more about silver forest, we
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clearly understand that to the south of the silver forest there is such a natural barrier as the river siverskyi donetsk, and one way or another the advance into the silver, the threat of the enemy advancing in the silver forest may endanger the unit located on the southern shore from siverskyi donets, so it is still important to hold positions, moreover, to threaten logistics. the enemy to threaten the enemy's ability to move, as far as respectively, east of the silver forestry, east of lehmann, east of this front line in general, the demarcation line, which is clearly repeated with good weather, the gray zone is expanding, the enemy is clearly forced to pull his rear to himself deeper due to active reconnaissance conducted by the forces defense, and for the enemy. i repeat, logistics are complicated, both at zero, that is, all-round at
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zero, and more deeply in the rear positions, because the activity of mr. hymers, and other means of destruction and long-range artillery, of the defense forces, it is there, and the better it is seen, the more one way or another the enemy targets are scouted, on which the strike is carried out, and this zone of the possibility of striking blows, it expands, unfortunately, the enemy has tasemas, the enemy is actively developing eagles, halls, superkamas , actively uses high-precision projectiles of the krasnopol type, the one that actively uses lancets, although again about lancets literally even yesterday i saw how in the kharkiv direction fpv drone operators shoot down lancets with fpv drones when they are seen in flight, this is a certain technological step there in the fight in a general uav fight, when the fpv drone, which is not so expensive, knocks down
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the lancet, which is several orders of magnitude more expensive than the fpv drone, and actually, again, neutralizes the lancet, which can do some damage, so the tech war continues, the enemy is bound to have logistical difficulties one way or another, and as for the area of ​​silver. forest area in general in the estuarine direction, the difficulty of carrying out logistics on the zero line is critical for the enemy. wow, thanks volodymyr, these are interesting details, thanks for joining, finding them time, volodymyr nazarenko, chief of intelligence of the artillery of the 4th rubizh brigade, captain of the ngu, was a guest of svobodaranok. the storming of the village of kalynivka on the eastern flank of the chasovoy yar was repulsed in 19'. on june 21, soldiers of the 21st separate sarmat motorized infantry battalion of the 56th separate motorized infantry brigade of mariupol, kalynivka
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- an important point of defense of the zzu on the approaches to the temporal ravine, and here the fighters talk about constant bomb attacks, about the operation of russian drones and drones, and even the use of chemical weapons. serhiy will tell the details of the plot gorbatenko up to 200 personnel were involved in the assault, nine combat vehicles tried to break through. to wedge into our battle formations, they were also covered by s-60 tanks at the kraz base. artillery, unmanned systems. if we talk specifically about my unit, it all started with the fact that a tank drove in, which began to cover the approach of four combat vehicles, two combat vehicles, theirs were destroyed, their infantry, which was already trying to rush from the hit vehicles, was also destroyed, some personnel the warehouse began to run away, with resets. tried them to hit, the rest fled to the territory under their control, two cars, unfortunately, broke through,
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they drove straight down the central street and went to our rear, without support, without logistics, without anything, landing their infantry, some were captured , some were destroyed, one car was stopped by an fpv drone, then our tank finished this car, the second car, the mechanic driver drove it into the green and... and ran away, our reserve, which was already clearing this area, took him prisoner. their personnel really believed that the central street kalinovo, it is under theirs. control, therefore, most of their personnel, if they wandered in the forest, which is located to the right of kaliny, they went to my unit, which methodically destroyed them, those who remained alive, or did not manage to escape, into the depths of the forest, were captured and later told that we were going to
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ours, in our direction - 4 assault groups, together with... equipment, that's one hundred percent. the tank that entered the central street, it was destroyed a little in the depth of the populated area point bohdanivka, burned for quite a long time and well, as of now, not a single position of ours has moved even a meter, in all those positions the personnel was, as it was, and is, on the contrary, realizing that he repelled the assault very well, seeing the results of their work, the personnel has an increased morale and is ready to meet even for... at any moment five or 10 more such assaults without exaggeration. next, we talk about nato and possible negotiations with russia. one step forward, two steps back, that's it volodymyr zelenskyy described the us policy regarding the invitation of ukraine to nato. according to him, washington is not ready to grant kyiv membership in
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the alliance in order not to annoy russian president putin. he said this in an interview for the american newspaper deadelf. zelensky says that ukraine should get everything for self-defense against russian aggression. if america is afraid of annoying putin, and that is precisely why we are not invited there, then we ask the united states to provide us with everything that can protect us as much as possible. we ask patriot, we asking for enough f-16s. we ask for the opportunity to use weapons to protect ourselves. on july 9 , the 75th nato anniversary summit will begin in washington. that the alliance will assure ukraine of military, political, and financial support, and may also partially take over the coordination of security assistance, which is currently carried out in the ramshtein format. the meeting of the ukraine-nato council at the highest level is also taking place within the framework of the summit. the west must destroy
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putin's theory of victory, otherwise its appetites will grow, so say the american institute for the study of war. the june 30 report states that putin has formulated a theory of victory that analysts say means russian forces will be able to continue their gradual advance indefinitely, preventing ukraine from conducting successful counteroffensive operations and winning a war of attrition against ukrainian forces. putin and the russian military command likely view creeping offensive operations as a more guaranteed approach to success in ukraine. than large-scale mobile offensive operations and similar recognize the reality that russian forces may have to pursue individual operational targets for months, if not years. despite this, ukrainian president zelenskyi says that negotiations with russia are still possible, but according to the mediation model of countries, as during the agreements on the grain corridor. then
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turkey and the un acted as mediators. now, according to zelenskyi, the mediators in the peace talks... can be not only the usa and partner states from western europe, but as well as countries from different continents, including asia, countries of the pacific region, africa and latin america. through the mediation of different countries, a document can be prepared, if it suits ukraine, then it should be considered by the mediating countries already with the representatives of russia. oleksandr mosienko, head of the center for military and legal research, joins our broadcast. oleksandr, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. i congratulate you. and... tell me, in your opinion, ukrainians are being prepared for negotiations, because this topic comes up a lot often in recent weeks, the fact is that someday they may happen, the question is when and under what conditions, i will tell you that for today it is just going, you understand, we are currently in such and such a time post-summit, that is, post- the peace summit
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that took place and, accordingly, what is announced and what... the ukrainian president is asked: how should they take place, what should be the structure of these negotiations? from my point of view everything, you know how on the one hand it is complicated, as complicated as possible, on the other hand everything is very simple, i will explain, so that negotiations can take place in two cases: first, when we can win peace with the help of our partners and the strength of the ukrainian people, and on the battlefield actually ensure a result in such a way that russia will be forced to reckon with it and make concessions, and second - this is when we will look for a military-diplomatic way with an eye on diplomacy at some point, then it will mean that we will proceed from the fact that... that the maximum goal that we can achieve militarily as of now is the borders of the so-called 23 as of february 23, 2022
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year, and then the diplomatic way, this is the maximum position, the maximum, despite the fact that i see now, under scenario two, we have, let's say, a position is being formed to at least try to de-occupy the south, from here, by the way, the west even at the global peace summit about nuclear without... heat with the aim of liberating the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and so on, move to the south, energy donation and so on, try different ways, but liberate the south, and accordingly, what scenario will ukraine move and what will happen will become clearer closer to the end of the year, not earlier, it will depend on the situation on the battlefield, it will depend on the stability of our provision by our partners and our entry into the next year with a clear. the situation, to what extent we will be secured, it will depend on the extent to which there will be, let's say, confirmation that ukraine is preparing to conduct counteroffensive actions, and now i see such,
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at least indirect confirmations that ukraine, the ukrainian command may be preparing to offensive actions in certain areas, i am not ready to say whether or not the end of the year or in the spring of 2025, but i observe certain preparations, and in fact. we can state that the situation will depend on this further, and somewhere, say, in the spring of 2025, in the second half of the year, it will finally become clear which of these two ways is possible, no, i think not further, not longer, we will decide which road we will follow, how the conjuncture is formed, you see that the president of ukraine gives an interview and he says the right messages, this is an understandable position, an appeal to the west, but not... that's all here depends on us, a lot depends on how the international situation will develop, whether trump will win, whether
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biden will win in the united states, what will be the mood in support of ukraine, and how ready we will be to conduct offensive actions, how far we will will be able to choose peace, because if we cannot choose, then there will be a combined military-diplomatic nature, and then there will be plans on how to act in order to guarantee ukraine's security and conditions for joining the eu and nato , in fact, the territories that we control, and those that are occupied, no one will ever come to terms with this and will, let's say , support it, obviously, but we will wait for a political way to free them, as was the case with germany. these are the two scenarios i see, but, anyway, now most of this is decided on the battlefield, that is, all the same , further steps will depend on how the situation... develops on the battlefield, and this is also the possibility of our offensive, this and the possibility of ousting russia, this is also the possibility of creating unfavorable conditions for the enemy to stay in
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occupied crimea, first of all, what is very important is our ability to advance and advance the front line in our interests, and so on. oleksandr, but the situation on the battlefield is extremely difficult, and the analysts of the institute for the study of war say that russia wants to win a war of attrition precisely against. of the ukrainian forces, in your opinion, is this really the goal of the russian forces, because what is the point for them when they continue to press to simply retreat to the borders of the beginning of a full-scale war there, and for this the situation must be changed, that is, for this we must to stop the enemy and be able to dislodge them, that's what i'm talking about, that is, this is the desire to choose peace, and here the president, by the way , is absolutely right when he says that the us, the administration of president biden and the congress, they are able to do 10 times more, and this is even without europe, that is, there are prospects for this, and by the way, in the war of
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attrition, the west with ukraine is stronger together than russia, north korea, that is, it is clear, and china, from the point of view from the point of view of the economy and potential, another question is whether they are ready to invest in the future 5-10 years exclusively all in one's defense, there may be certain questions. which there are, but they are stronger in this war on the exhausted, russia, you see, despite all the trends, the positions of russia also do not look extremely certain from the point of view of the possibility of continuing the war for a long time, everything is not so good there, but what they have now successes on the front, this is definitely, unfortunately, there is some progress, but i can say that the trends in terms of the destruction of the enemy's personnel and equipment are improving, ukrainian capabilities are now better. provided with artillery fire, the enemy is suffering greater losses, which in principle is, our forces are already using very actively, sorry for
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the taftology, techniques of active. and this is noticeable in the kupinsky direction, in the kharkiv direction, somewhat in the lymansky direction, and it is clear that the russian troops will narrow the areas for conducting offensive actions, it will not be possible to advance along the entire front, well, there will probably be an emphasis on the donetsk direction, this is the pokrovsky, crematorium direction, well, that is probably where the main blows of the enemy will be, that is, already forced them to narrow the areas of this offensive, that's a good sign from a defensive point of view, the next sign is to have the potential to stop, and... but in order to stop, you need more weapons, you need more ammunition, because now you can see, the general staff gives statistics: 32,000 turned out to be the loss of the enemy in june, but they need to be increased, because they still compensate for 30-32 per month, it is difficult, but they compensate, and therefore then, after stopping, there is the next challenge, the next challenge which, already you can see now what russia is preparing
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certain actions in order to... set certain traps that if the war does not go in their favor and they do not have significant territorial gains, then plan b is included. plan b assumes that the war should go into a positional phase so that ukraine cannot seize the initiative in any direction. and now they are setting traps for us, that is why there are so many areas of the offensive where they are trying to carry out there, but we see, look, for a week or two... that is why we talked about borova before that the enemy could advance there, they they accumulated troops, they tried, everything did not work out, that is, nothing happened, but in this way, by creating zones of this tension for us, they try to unwind our reserves, stretch them along the front line, and what does this mean, it means that the reserves may not have time to form for actions there to intercept the initiative in one direction or another, they all go on the defensive, it also
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assumes. a certain exhaustion and so on, and thus russia is already trying to act according to plan b, they even already have a plan not to gain as much territory as possible, but still try to enter this war into a positional phase, where, as they think, which phase can be more profitable for them, because, as the russian command thinks, ukraine may not be able to go to counterattacks at least at the local level, well, our task is to convince them of that , what they thought was absolutely... wrong oleksandr, look, the president of ukraine believes that mediators can be used in negotiations with russia, as during the grain agreement there, he also said that the plan to end the war will be ready by the end year, and whether modern russia needs negotiations in the situation in which she is there on the battlefield. putin said that in order to end, as they call the svo, ukraine must refuse to withdraw to nato, withdraw its troops from the donetsk, luhansk,
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zaporizhia and kherson regions, well... they are quite ambitious, let's say, in he has his own vision of this situation, what is russia's interest in sitting down at the negotiating table, even with mediators. i think that you understand that russia somewhere already understands there, if not putin, then around putin, that the ultimatum they announced is to be implemented, that putin announced about kherson and zaporizhzhia, there is currently no military possibility, well , there are no such opportunities today, although i do not rule out that... he can hold certain demonstration and propaganda actions on the right bank of the kherson region and not only, that is, to demonstrate that they by military means are able to implement certain things, certain goals and that these are not empty words, this is the first moment, the second moment, here we enter, let's say, the paradigm of the second scenario, which i said, if peace is not won and russia is not forced to leave for concessions, in fact, not to force them
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to put them in the place that would have been before... with the international community, then the scenario of some mutual concessions, what they could be, it is difficult to say at the moment, there could be a lot of scenarios, so i think , the selected scenario is to wait until the end of the year, not to publish details, but to talk about general images about the general framework, because by the end of the year it will become clearer, the situation on the battlefield with elections and so on will be clearer, until then we have to adopt a wait-and-see strategy, repulse attacks in... the enemy and, in principle , try to unite as many states as possible to the position that russia must necessarily make concessions, and it must be forced to do so, and the question is the limit of these concessions, the limit, what to do next the event is ready to go, how to support and so on, it is still open, so there are quite a lot of unknowns in this, but what we will say...


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