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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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and this is what is happening now, in my opinion, it is all one chain, in these new ultimatums of putin, which he explains there, as he sees it, the negotiations with ukraine, you see something new, this is a continuation of the old story, that's all old, he is betting that trump will be, he is sending the same signals, he is... he is justifying how it will develop in the future, and he does not want to look like it is ukraine that does not want to negotiate there , he is there in moscow, he is always ready, well, you just have to be there constructive and all that, and for trump, of course, it falls on such a prepared ground, well, i think ... that it's not over,
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and even because of this debate that took place in the united states, the democrats there have started a search process a new candidate, and who knows, maybe it won't be biden as a candidate, but many people, i think rightly, say that if it's not biden, then he will one hundred percent win from trump, if he wins. will putin's position change? i believe he will be raising rates because he understands that biden, his administration, it is weak enough and it does not keep the pressure, i believe that he will increase various provocations in order to force the americans to put pressure there. it is up to us to
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negotiate, but of course, if it is trump, it will be such a restraining pressure, and if it is biden, it will be more gradual, but i believe that in moscow they expect that in any way, and the west will press to negotiate. tell me, in principle, how realistic these proposals of trump are your opinion, after the end of the war, to what extent putin is ready to listen to them, well, that's what trump is asking all the time, and he doesn't have any proposals right now, and he doesn't even have any ideas right now, he has only one idea , that he is as powerful as a negotiator, that he will put everyone at the negotiating table and everyone will agree, and that's it, he has nothing more , he has more or less there.
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terrorist activities, and he believes that he will also, he will lower oil prices, because there was no money to be invested there to stimulate production in the united states, and it means that putin will not have money to continue the war, he... believes that putin will be afraid of him, afraid that trump can actually put pressure there and there by armed means and all that, and that is why he will negotiate, but on what basis the position of agreeing where the front line will be, where the territory will be, well, he does not understand this at all, there is now a competition of various advisors, there are fink-tanks who want to push their concept there,
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yes, but trump, no, he didn't stop at anything now, and why did he stop at yours then the opinion says that he will solve all this before the inauguration, if he is elected president, so he believes that it will be restrained, he believes that he is so brilliant that he will do it, but of course this will not happen, and this is also we have a chance, because when he... sees that it doesn't work that way, i think he'll take a pretty reasonable position. in this situation, in which the russian elite is now, do you think that they still continue to have these attitudes that if they started a war, then it is necessary to win, is there already an understanding that is it such a protracted process from which there is no optimistic way out? on the contrary, unfortunately, the first, er, that is, from the very beginning. the russian
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elites were opposed, there was a negative attitude towards this war, and it remains, they still have a negative attitude towards it, but they do not see a way out, if there were some way of agreement with the west, which you reject putin, everything is forgiven, then of course they would have followed this path, but it does not exist, and that is why now the dominant position is simply to wait, and of course, until we are waiting, we must not lose, well, that is, in fact , solve all this now, putin decides by and large . as he decides, this is his version of development, they will perceive it, and likewise, they do not see any way of their influence on putin, it is his decision, and that is why for them it is simply a matter of survival. thank you, mr. ilya, ilya panomer, a russian
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oppositionist, a former member of the state duma of the russian federation, was in touch with us, and now he is in the near east. svitlana glas, a journalist, is in touch with us. congratulations, madam svitlano greetings, good evening. well, the new one. i would say that at this stage in the war in the middle east, when iran threatens israel with a war of annihilation, and israel responds to iran that it is ready for a war of annihilation , then only iran itself, do you think that a new, possible new front in the middle east is possible , what could be a real war in lebanon? if we talk about the fact that israel wants peace and to... always end the terrorist organizations that israel leads, which is hamas in the south and hezbollah in the north, which are based in lebanon, then of course it is said that most likely there will be a so -called third lebanon war, because there have already been
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two wars, it is possible that israel is already preparing, they are talking about it, they are shifting it to the north. israel of people, which military units, let's say, those cities and settlements that are on the very border with lebanon, and from which absolutely all the people left, let's say, the large city of kiryat shmuna, which had almost 25 thousand inhabitants, now there are a little more 2 00, 50 mobile bomb shelters were brought for them, and this suggests that israel is most likely preparing. before the war with lebanon, of course from the latest statement of the israeli foreign minister, israel katz, who said that, well, iran wants a war with us, then we know how to respond to it, i think that israel is preparing, and unfortunately, it probably will be. here's
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what you think about this recent decision of the supreme court of israel regarding the possible mobilization of ultra-doxical ideas. who until now might not have been servicemen of the israel defense forces, how is this perceived by society and how easy will it be to implement? i think that this will not be easy to implement, and there are many reasons for this, the fact is that at the beginning of the creation of the state of israel, the then prime minister bengorion temporarily issued such an order that 400 people studying in yeshiva. this is a religious school, they may not serve in the army that was organized in israel at that time, but you know, we have nothing more permanent than a temporary decision or a given word, and this is how everything works until now , and somehow society spoke about
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it, but loyally, but when such a difficult and long war is going on now, which has never happened before israel, it's been nine months. soon , people who serve in the army and reservists will also be involved in this war, that is, another 3,000 people were involved who left everything, their families, their jobs, their businesses and went to defend the country, eh, they defend, they it is well defended, and they die, unfortunately, this is a war, and there are deaths in it, more than, almost four... of our soldiers died, and of course, society, especially the families, and those people who once served with by these soldiers, they began to say, good people, but what about us we are at war, here we are losing everything and businesses and our whole lives, we have abandoned our studies, and there are
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a large number of israelis who also have the right to serve, but they do not do it, so there is no constitution in israel, religion is not separated. from the state, and this also causes its own difficulties, but they have a duty to the state, as citizens, they have a duty to fight, they do not do it and that is why the supreme court of bagaz passed such a resolution that ultra-orthodox people must join the army and serve. in addition, yeshives, yeshivas, or those schools where religious people study, are deprived of some funding. and they went to rallies, went to protests, we don't want that, we will die, but we will not join the army. and here at this time, when i was preparing for the broadcast. then in israel, a very, very large demonstration took place in jerusalem, where a large part
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of ultra-orthodox jews came out, there were only men, of course there were no women, and they already had completely different inscriptions, posters, and they were talking about something completely different, not just that we will not go to fight, we will die, but what the army protects the zionists, not the jews, because they don't associate themselves with the zionists, it's here... in israel, you have to do a little research to understand who are the zionists and who are the jews. well , it is obvious that the zionists want to have a state, and a jew who wants to, who is ready to live under any conditions on this territory, does not care whose government it is, what is to be understood here is that there are ukrainians who want for there to be a state, and there are people who are ready to live under russia, this is how it goes here, and this is now this, this, this kind of confrontation between some people and others, even though they and others are jews, and... and they profess judaism and they all want there to be, that there should be peace and that there should be no
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terrorists who are with us and have caused such a terrible, terrible war that is going on, you understand that we do not have only one front in the south, we still have a front in the north as well, because hezbollah is shelling the northern areas a lot, and the 150,000 jews who lived there are now also refugees in their own country, they live in a hotel, or what... hired apartments, then with their relatives, and they do not know how long it will continue, it has already been going on for nine months, and we are very restless in samaria and judea, where there are also terrorists who come from time to time, almost every day and attack the jews, the settlers who live there, because of that israel now, i can say that in israel now has three fronts in the army: the south, the north, and judea and samaria. people, what is called from an international point of view the west bank, yes, yes, of course,
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it worries you that, on the part of the jewish settlers, in this territory also now acts of violence against arab population living there? you know, by virtue of my profession, and when i worked for 17 years as an in-house correspondent of the national radio company of ukraine and had the opportunity to be there with foreign correspondents, we were always accompanied there by the police, the israel defense forces, and strangely enough it was the first time for me, that we were more protected from the jewish settlements, they were not so calm, they attacked us, well, they tried, that you do not spread biased information, absolutely exactly, absolutely exactly, and near arab settlements are standing... jeeps, our soldiers were standing, and i was very surprised and i will ask why, they say, well, it is not calm here,
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well, due to my profession, i have been in settlements and i have been in these in arab settlements, there and i will honestly tell you that i was without security, so maybe i see it differently, but it seemed to me that there was a very tense atmosphere, the situation was there, they practically do not perceive each other at all, there is not even a chance for compromises, this is the question , how do you... solve this problem, because it will become the main one later the end of the conflict in the gas sector? of course, you know, going back to the topic of recruiting ultra-orthodox people into the army, there is a very big problem here, and the army is ready to accept 300 this year, but how they should serve, where they should serve, and where they will live, where they will sleep where they have to pray because they have to pray, it's their food, it has to be kosher. is this the first, is this the first religious jews to serve in the israel defense army, it was always settled with the religious
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zionists, they also prayed, ate kosher food always, you are a little wrong here, because there are just jews who are very religious, they serve, they have so-called knitted tips, ugh, and these are ultra-orthodox people, as you already said, they do not perceive israel at all as state, but their menu is the same with these people who serve, whether they are serving or not, sometimes it is the same, sometimes not, but they have what... the most important thing is that there should not be female soldiers, girls, but we have women and girls everywhere in all the units that they were not top secret, our women and girls still serve there. but it is also very ugly for them that they are there they will also walk near them, well, in a word , there are a lot of problems with such people here, because they do not treat women the way ordinary citizens of israel treat them, well , they do not treat them like that, well, it was a politically correct answer, listen, what happened to the warrant international criminal court to arrest prime minister min netarnyakhov and minister
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of defense yulant, i understand that he somehow slowed down, he has slowed down so far and i think... that the reason here was great britain, which put forward its claims to this international, to this international criminal court, and to other countries, to other countries, they appealed with the fact that they also have the opportunity until july 12 to express their claims to the international criminal court with the fact that they, well, wrongly want to arrest the accuser as well. israel in what they did, they committed a war crime against the residents of the gaza strip, but i'm sorry, when you, you live, they come to you, you are attacked, then you have to defend yourself and defend yourself in such a way that you, well, enter into that the territory from which you were attacked, israel entered four
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times in the gas, was in the center, in the south, in the north, and usually die. peaceful people, as we say, but how can you distinguish them, are they peaceful or not peaceful, and when schools, hospitals, you know, were located in the underground tunnels, in those offices where the leaders of the terrorist organization hamas were located, how can you go on the same street, gas, a woman or a man or a boy walks towards you, as you know, he will wear civilian clothes, although, what does he... think, on whose side is he standing, who is he protecting, we cannot know that, in front of my eyes nothing is written, although you know, it is very, very difficult to introduce the israel defense forces, so that they are not accused of killing civilians, because the palestinian authority and the gaza strip do not have their own army, and
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all those people, people, this i said so, very figuratively, they belong to the terrorist organization hamas, they are all civilians, and when the israel defense forces destroys them, kills them, it turns out that they can be considered as committing a war crime against civilians, interesting circumstance, yes, thank you, ms. svitlana, svitlana glaz, an israeli journalist was in touch with us, thank you for participating in this broadcast, for the clarification, eh, the results of the first round of the national assembly have just passed. of the french republic, we expected it, so right, the radical party national unification, led by marine le pen is the leader of this first round, according to the exit poll, she has 34% of the votes, in the popular front, the new popular front, which united all left-wing forces of france
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with 28 percent of the vote, two in the party of president emmanuel macron. votes from the republicans, the right of the conservative party, which was created in support of sharly at one time , about 10% of the votes, well, that's basically all, all the previous results, we will return to them at the end of our program, and now we will take a break for a couple of minutes and after this break, we will start our conversation with the former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine vadym prystayk, who will be in our studio. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with the matryk stopper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order topper matrik for a comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in
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two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who to many, they became like-minded, as well as honored guests of the studio, events of the day in... hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in the new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time with a phone survey, turn on and turn on. "verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 8 to 10 p.m. we continue
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the politclub program, vadym prystaiko, former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine and ambassador of ukraine to great britain, is in touch with us at we are in the studio, mr. vadim, congratulations, good evening. let's start by looking for an answer to this question. which confuses me a bit, why exactly these days such serious conversations at the official level about models of transition with moscow have suddenly begun. president volodymyr zelenskyi said about this that the only model is this, the grain agreement model, when they talk through intermediaries, it seems to me that there is logic in this, because if zelenskyi does not recognize putin as a negotiating partner by decree, but putin does not recognize zelenskyi as a legitimate president, as they still have to talk, but there is still a statement from your successor as minister. the crown of affairs of dmytro kuleba, who says that he is ready to talk with sergey lavrov and that russia will be at the negotiating table in the future, well, in general
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, i don’t see anything wrong with the fact that dmytro kuleba is ready to talk, for this, in principle, the ministers of foreign affairs is paid and paid from our taxes, i am not asking about the bad, i am asking about the model, you know, it is a mystery to me why zelensky adopted this decree in principle, because having closed the door to possible negotiations in the future, maybe this is really what a diplomat is saying to me, who is always ready to sit down for negotiations in principle. bucha, it could have been an emotional reaction, it is a pure emotional reaction, but is it clear that this happened after the first stage, which is this peace summit, the peace summit is over, another convincing victory has not been achieved, but it is clear to everyone that it is necessary to move on , the normal step for our government to move on is to say that, well, it may not be perfect, but the next one will definitely be perfect, and so what will it be next, everyone heard the signal, starting from the swiss, ending with the south of this global south, that everything will be fine... talking to putin, it is extremely unpleasant for us and it did not fit into our plans, but it did not work out as planned, that is why, in my opinion, the authorities are looking for an option, how to explain to the ukrainians that there may be no solution now, well
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, there will be next time, wait, i want to gather peace this year or the next, that this year put putin at the table. why does he sit down? i honestly don't see it either special reason for putin to sit down, especially if we are just entering the summer, the summer is a normal period for large maneuvers, especially heavy ones, such as ... the russians conduct tanks and everything else, and what is not least, before the end of the war season they there is no point in negotiating much, and frankly, not the fact that it will be immediately after the end of the war season, the fact that it seems to me that it is becoming more and more obvious that both sides have reached an impasse, putin can tell there that he will release more and more, but both sides deadlocked, i i don't believe in peace negotiations, i still believe in the suspension of this war, which i basically talked about at the very beginning for years, well, this is the model that will speak. that this is a model through mediators, this is a realistic model, as far as it was possible with mediators, sitting at the same table to talk, i was just conducting negotiations in minsk on ours with our
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team, and that was already the case. difficult, obviously, each country thought that intermediaries were a little on someone else's side, not on your side, but it is possible to work through intermediaries, since it was done in agreement with the grain, but we have to remember the result of the grain agreement, it ended simply as a voluntary decision when we realized that it was not working, and in principle it was done correctly, it was a dead end and a step on our side before it led us to the collapse of our export component of our economy, we had to take steps, there was a certain risk, we did the right thing, that we did not agree to the sale... of these endless compromises and negotiations, something like that, i am afraid, in the end awaits and these peace talks. if we talk about changes in the political process that everyone is waiting for now, that's what donald trump is proposing, as realistic as it is. we need to see the plan proposed to trump by his advisers, and in general, i am sure that there will be more than one plan and more than one adviser, and you remember, we also
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had a lot of people who presented themselves before the election. advisors, there were many plans of all kinds of creative ideas, then i remember president zelensky saying that i don't know what they are talking about, i think that trump is the same, he is, in principle, as they say, what he saved nodded his head when the plans were presented to him, maybe he thought he had turned off the praska at this point in the house or something, but seriously, i can't believe that such a simple primitive lone walker even has a right to exist, i don't even you have to dig deep into the details, but the very idea that you sit down from... the negotiating table: if you don't sit down, we will give weapons, and if you don't sit down, then we won't give weapons to ukraine? well, this is extremely, very primitive, there is no next round here, relatively speaking, well sat down, and if nothing is achieved, we get weapons, we don't get weapons, and so on, and so on, and so on, but if we talk about the washington nato summit, in principle, what, what can we really expect from this whole story, they say that it will be
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a bridge, but no, i won't invite you. to membership, but such a bridge should lead to membership, what is it like in diplomatic practice to walk this bridge? i don't know, i've worked in diplomacy for a long time, but talking about a bridge to some organization, you know, we've been talking about a plan for a long time actions regarding membership, as the latter is the way to nato, and it is true, because this document on enlargement, which provided for the format of enlargement, it introduced such a thing as the map, in fact it was introduced to those eastern european countries that could not unite. . to meet high criteria, and as the decision in the alliance was traditionally made purely politically, no one particularly dug into the standards and everything, such a way was invented, but for certain reasons that are not completely clear to me, for example, we refused it the plan is up to date membership, we believed that in general there was just a door in front of us, not a road, but a door, now , in addition to the road, we are offered another bridge, a bridge, which we have to cross, well, i don't know, we had to look and understand
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how will look this bridge, but to be honest, i am not particularly optimistic about this summit, it is simply not very clear how the west sees these security guarantees for ukraine, which should lead to the fact that russia will no longer fight, if on the one hand there is no desire to accept ukraine in nato, at least in the foreseeable future, and on the other hand, they want to ensure some kind of peace in europe, congratulations, i am not sure that they see it at all, i am sure that these proposals for... the agreements were signed under the pressure of the ukrainian side, and everyone, sympathizing with us, just okay, well, agreements, you want agreements, there will be agreements, well, conditionally, what guarantees can north macedonia, with its population of less than 2 million, and many other alliance member countries give us. i heard that the agreement with slovenia was postponed because the ukrainian side did not like it the content, obviously, there was nothing out of the ordinary, it was purely ceremonial, so it's
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a thing, i know it's ours. our delegation took as an example the two agreements that were granted in finland and sweden, but they were given security guarantees until the moment of physical entry into the alliance, that is, the alliance was afraid that they had already been declared members of nato, but there is no formal mechanism of the fifth article, and that's why the fifth article was entered before the fifth article with the fifth article, yes, we liked this thing, well, cool, only we had to say to ourselves, this applies to two countries that, within a month, already find a place for them there, and seat their allies. there is also a round chair, they need to create their offices, they have to spread the command there, that is, they actually go in, and so on, they need to hold out for a month in case russia, they held out for two years, sweden held out for two years, well, nobody i did not think that this would happen, it could have been predicted, you are right with the turks, but no one saw it that way, as a result, they were given a normal fifth article, which was just introduced, by the way, in 2000, i think in the eighth year, we already tried ukraine to make such an agreement with the united states, we are just as a ministry.


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