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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EEST

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on espresso - a weekly summary information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into a new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andriy smoly, every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. big. of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become kind of like to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring, in the evening for espresso. see
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this week in the collaborators program. leaders of putin's youth organizations in the occupied territories. today, the entire zaporizhzhia region celebrates the day of reunification with the russian federation. but what prospects do the rashists offer teenagers for treason of ukraine? i advise you to contact the ministry of youth policy. on tuesday , july 2, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on... the espresso tv channel continues its information day, and the security service of ukraine detained the provocateurs who were preparing riots in kyiv after the constitution day. the goal of the pseudo-activists was to seize power, the press service of the security service of ukraine and the prosecutor general's office reported today. so, as noted in the sbu, a group of people conspired to spend june 30. in kyiv
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, the so-called viche, to which they tried to attract ngos. the group was headed by the co-founder of a public organization known for its anti-ukrainian actions since 2015. well, under the guise of holding the so-called vich , the perpetrators planned to announce the removal from power of the current military and political leadership of ukraine. then they hoped to seize the building of the verkhovna rada and block its work. however, when organizing the data of all shares. er, most of the participants did not reveal their true intentions regarding such provocations. well, the informational support report was planned provide through domestic and foreign information resources, and the main organizer involved several accomplices who represented public organizations in kyiv, dnipro and other regions. well, that's it. well, in the meantime, there was another flight in kharkiv, yesterday they attacked the nova poshta terminal. unfortunately,
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the dead and injured, more details about the situation in kharkiv and kharkiv region, we will ask bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council. mr. bohdan, congratulations and glory to ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. well, unfortunately, we have one more arrival, we have the destruction of the new post office, and, unfortunately, the driver also died. at least this information was provided by the sma. new post. many workers managed to avoid this blow because they left their workplaces. what is happening at the site of the flight and how many people have been injured so far? well, the numbers haven't changed: eight injured, one person died, and another is in a serious but stable condition, the others are recovering or have already been discharged, there are five people, it seems, still in the hospital, among them the boy is 16 years old, well, this information, about the new post office, what can i add, this is not the first... attack on this organization, in short
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, their sorting and large enterprise is located, there have already been two flights there, there were many deaths last year, and i also understand that the management of the new post made conclusions and concentrated, let's say , their powers, and the workers really went down to the shelter, so none of them were injured at that moment, well, not just. that happened with such a fright, people who passed by, as well as drivers, were injured of cars that were being unloaded or loaded at that moment and were not in traffic, and what else can be added in this regard, and you indicate the approximate location, this is the branch of the new post office, in which area it is approximately located, well, if we say north, east, west, how big was the branch in general, is it a local branch, or is it some kind of center... well, this is a local branch, no, not
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a central one, the central one is in a short, well, it was there at least before it was hit twice, and this slobitsky it is east and north of the center it stretches along kharkiv and there is this location, these are former warehouses or enterprises, there are many of them, and one of them from these buildings was used by the new post office for, let’s say , transshipment, sorting and other such incoming transfers by forces, well, you see for yourself, it is not not so big, where the trucks arrive there and unload, it is more local, so district or some branch, where it then disperses to small, small branches of the new post office, well, this is the situation, if we are talking about this case, in general -then i just saw the information that igor terikhov announced shelling in the month of june,
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a total of 92 people were injured, and six were killed in kharkiv. this is the main result. bohdany, look, they were attacking from the north, it means from those bridgeheads that they had just captured, or from some direction of vovchan, well, it’s cabs, it’s aviation , but from where, where, from where, whether it’s the kupinsky direction or the vovchan direction , from where the aircraft flew, well, of course, the nearest, the nearest, let's say, where it is easiest to attack, is the direction of volchan, it is belgorod region, and from there they always come to us... these cabs fly, or from, let's say, from the east, it's very far there, they simply won't reach, if it's about the ammunition of the kaba, let's say, there was a modified ammunition that flies quite far , he's got an extra engine there, i think, if i'm not mistaken, and he flies to the center of the city, and again, it's
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all aviation, ah, with which we, well, have not yet learned enough to fight, if we remember the s-300, then we haven't heard about them for the second month. what kind of attacks there are it seems that they broke something in the belgorod region, burned this division, and that is why they do not use it, the aviation bombards, as well as the city of kharkiv, where it flies, and also the contact line there, they work very, very seriously on our guys. if we understand correctly, only modern petrio systems will allow us to somehow fight against these guided aerial bombs, because the decision of the western partners to... strike the territory of the russian federation, they partially solve the problem with shelling of kharkiv region, but do not solve this problem completely. we will hope for our diplomats who will press this issue. mr. bohdan, we also wanted to ask you what the current situation is in the north of kharkiv, we do not yet understand that
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the fighting continues, the russians are trying to gain a foothold, we do not know whether they are currently making any attempts to advance, or whether it is more of a defensive tactic that now it comes from there, what is the situation there now? well, the front line on these two bridgeheads has not changed, the russians are trying to attack without equipment, let’s say there in small groups to a platoon, which they are already doing several weeks after, well the main assault attack did not succeed in liptsi, not in vovchanchansk, and that is why they are not just sitting on the defensive now, but are moving into attacks, trying to beat back some of the streets of volchan, or in liptsi they simply go on the attack on... they are there to repulse any defenders or landings usually incur losses, because first, because they attack, they usually incur losses, they lose a lot from our drones, artillery, that is, where they are, the situation is not very, not very good, but they
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still try drive their immobilized and the marines are already there some other units were transferred and they came to... replace those that had already suffered losses and lost combat capability, they were withdrawn, so the situation is like this, how long are they going to dispose of their people in such, let's say, in such a number, and conduct such battles, well, it's hard to say, mr. bohdan, well, i wanted to ask you in general about attitudes and perhaps certain manifestations of the so-called pro-russian attitudes, we understand that in the public sphere , hardly any of the kharkiv residents would voice all this matter, but news arrived that... 30 in june, serious riots were being prepared in kyiv, just after constitution day with the seizure of the verkhovna rada building, and it is reported that representatives of various regions were involved, the main agent
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provocateur, and public organizations in kyiv, dnipro and other regions of ukraine, well, the press service does not clarify, perhaps there are certain outbreaks of what we call pro-russian... such activity in kharkiv, well, i will be honest, i have not heard of such outbreaks or such, shall we say , movements, perhaps there is at the level there closed information on the services, on service levels without... of the security of ukraine, but, let's say, in everyday life, in communication, somewhere that someone i know, or someone i know, somehow voiced such theses that the organization should go to a rally there, do some kind of picket there, all the pickets were the last ones we had, this those who held the office of the president all over the country, there under the buildings of the city hall, there in kyiv, in others, yes, all the money for the armed forces, this was also... no other manifestations, let's say, of such public activity in quotation marks for to
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change something there somewhere, let's say politics inside the country, there, i did not hear the president or the verkhovna rada, even in conversations and hints, that is, they sit quietly, and thank god, in the end they still wanted to clarify what the electricity situation is, how it is transferred not at the individual level, but how the kharkiv city manager functions, that is, what with generators, and in general... how often do they turn off the lights? well, i can say for my district, and for the city, in principle, i can say that they do not turn off often, if we compare with other regions of ukraine, kyiv, then they do not turn off often, not even every day, this morning there for an hour it seems that the lights were turned off in my house, before that on the weekend, saturday, sunday they were not turned off at all, that is, we only have a problem when a global, very serious one is already underway throughout ukraine, because we are 100% dependent on... . electricity that goes in transit from other regions, we don’t have any of our own, except for those generators
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that you just mentioned, which are rattling on the streets, that’s all the electricity that we produce, so maybe they pity us, or maybe just well, such a region, where shelling and fighting are going on anyway, and he is trying ukrenerga, other structures should minimize, let's say, blackouts in the city of kharkiv, well , that's my opinion, whether it's true or not, who knows. thank you, bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council, was on espresso live. now we will have a short break, but i want to remind you about our collection, you can now see a qr code on the screen in the corner, which you can use right now, and information about the bank card number has also appeared, which you can also use. so, i remind you that the spresso tv channel and the charitable fund are ours colleagues of iryna koval, we are currently collecting 2.5 million hryvnias in order to purchase quadcopters, which are very helpful on the battlefield, they can be used to deliver ammunition and
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inflict damage on the enemy, that is, it is very multifunctional, and the more drones there are, the better , so we ask you to join this gathering to the best of your ability, we know that everyone now has difficult, so difficult financial circumstances, but we also understand that without our support and help, our defense forces will not be able to continue to... defend our state therefore, please, i am asking you to join our gathering as much as possible. we're going on a short break now, after which we'll continue with the espresso information day, so stay tuned. do you want to wake up as if you were a child with your grandmother, full of strength and energy? then the new product from mattress market is just for you. meet: perina dreamlight mattress. the perryina dreamlight mattress smooths out all the unevenness of old mattresses. sofas, folding beds, it can be laid out for sleeping just on the floor, soft, comfortable, beautiful, and so profitable, everything from
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the activation of the enemy in the turkish direction. we understand that taking into account the activity of the enemy in the direction of ocheretino. it creates appropriate grounds for the excitement that it is now the activity of the enemy in the turkish direction, with what approximate forces are they trying to advance and in general would you like to describe the operational situation in this region? well, at the moment, i can say that the enemy has intensified its efforts in that direction recently, in particular in the last week, because in the previous weeks, in the previous months, it was relatively calm there, let's say, in the previous week there were 31 enemy attacks in that direction repulsed, and last week to date 114 attacks were recorded, it was the enemy who attacked areas of settlements of shuma, new york, toretsk, enemy attacks, of course, were all
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repulsed, and in the past day , our defense forces have already been in that direction. seven enemy attacks were repelled, these are southern, northern and in the area of ​​turetsk, of course, there the enemy maintains its active combat operations, uses aviation, which carries out air strikes with guided aerial bombs. colonel, as far as we understand, the activation of the enemy is observed in a kind of triangle, yes, it is ocheretyne, toretsk and chasiv. i would just like to clarify the situation regarding time. yaru, or them now they are trying to bypass it, are they focused on trying to storm this settlement, or are they trying to act just within the limits of that three-vector direction, you know, lately the enemy, of course, is also storming head-on, all of them, tell me , let's say, active hostilities
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are repulsed by our defense forces, from time to time they try to go around on the flanks. in the time of yar and take him, let's say so, in such a situation, but all his attempts fail in him, and in that direction the enemy also suffers considerable losses, and i must voice statistics that over the past day in that direction, the enemy used more than 1,400 mortar and artillery shells, almost 270 shells arrived in the loyar area, and the enemy also carried out all that direction. 25 assaults, five of which were just in time, and the enemy aircraft is working in that direction, made 19 airstrikes, dropping nine cabs on chasivyar so far. that day there was no enemy aircraft, but there were artillery mortar attacks, well , about 70 occupiers were destroyed in the direction,
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127 were slightly wounded, one occupier was captured, this is over the past 24 hours, and over the past week, the enemy army has shelled there a lot, almost 1,300 shells, defenders' positions, there were different types of weapons, and in a week, the enemy army has shelled 44 pieces. at the time of vier, there were about 30 assaults, mr. spokesman, and what is happening now near the serebryan forestry, there are also some reports that can now be announced in this direction, units of the third assault brigade are currently located there, units and not only third assault, we will not voice all the units that are there and that are actively and adequately responding to the enemy, in particular i will say that the forces... the rons are standing bravely there, resisting the enemy, trying to push him back in that direction as well, the situation, of course, there from time to time becomes more difficult, because the enemy is trying not
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to give in there and, let's say, is trying to break through in order to probably cut off the northern salient, they also have such a, let's say, probable desire to push our troops behind the line of the black stallion river, to get out just to siva... who donets, well, however, our defense forces bravely resisted the enemy there and pushed him back in that direction. lieutenant colonel, did you mention the black stallion river, speaking of how full of water it is, how serious an obstacle it is to uh enemy action? well, i will tell you that a crossing can be made on any water... on any body of water, therefore, if the enemy tries to make a water crossing and its defense forces, of course, they will destroy
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both artillery and mortars with accurate fire, they will not allow the enemy to cross to one or another bank of the river. i would also like to clarify with you about the situation near borova , there was also information that the enemy could accumulate considerable resources there, is there a certain revival of the enemy in this direction and what kind? and now the situation is happening there? well, in that direction, the enemy had the possibility of capturing the forest in the kharkiv region for further exit, perhaps to the luhansk region. of course, the enemy there continues to make certain actions, movements, but, well, assault actions, but the enemy, well no, he cannot do what he originally planned there, and every day he is there... he has a certain number of personnel, of course, the interest of the russians in this direction appears, well, the availability is explained by the fact that there are heights there, and they will provide
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just a great fire advantage and control over logistics routes, so the enemy tried to be active there, but the defense forces oppose him and correct all his fire actions, so... let's say so, and in that direction the whole situation is controlled, what concerns active enemy personnel, yes, whether they, to what extent they increased the number of their servicemen in offensive actions in your direction, and i would like to immediately clarify what the situation is with artillery shells from our side, yes, because positive signals were received from representatives of various groups armed forces of ukraine, which has become better, but perhaps we could also improve this result. i will say immediately from the last one, i will answer that at the moment we
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do not have a shortage of shells, of course, there are positive reviews all over front line, however, is appreciated and thanks to international assistance to foreign partners, we have artillery ammunition in the appropriate amount, but it is expendable material. let's put it this way, and we would like more of them, because in order to provide an adequate response to the enemy, to outnumber him , as in counter-battery combat, they are of course necessary in large numbers, but the gunners, as well as drone operators and drone pilots, work day and night and at night, let's say, around the clock, and you can talk about how they work to see that we don't have such a, let's say, hunger for ammunition, because over the past day our guns fired more than 3,500 fire missions at the enemy, and for this day they have already fired more than 500 fire missions.
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carried out artillery units on enemy targets and enemy equipment and enemy dugouts, that is, this may indicate that, of course , shells are needed, shells are used, but they are needed in large quantities, mr. speaker, we would also like to clarify with you about the mariinsky direction novopavlivskyi, it is probably more correct that way to name what is happening there now, or is the enemy there now also actively... rushing to advance and using everything he has at the same time? well, i will say this, if the enemy tries to advance somewhere in some direction, the defense forces control all the movements of the enemy, try to destroy them, provide an adequate response, and all movements, of course, are known to the defense forces, and wherever the enemy is advancing or defending, of course we
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have the situation under control. thank you, mr. spokesman, we were contacted by nazar voloshin, the spokesman of the operational-strategic group troops of khortyts, lieutenant colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, talked about the most important directions of the front, well, they tried to predict what we should expect from the enemy, so the key story is not the desire of the enemy, but the capabilities of the enemy, and there is an important message from the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine yevlash , so yevlash reports about yesterday's attack on kyiv. both iskanders were shot down in kyiv, there are consequences due to falling debris, well, the key story is that the iskanders were shot down. so, yevlash's direct speech. last night approx at 7:30 p.m., the enemy fired iskander-k cruise missiles at kyiv. it was possible to shoot down two missiles. unfortunately, infrastructure was damaged as a result of falling debris. yesterday's attack did not have any significant changes, except that the terrorists attacked the capital in the evening, when people were present on the street. and
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also an important warning from the power industry, today there will be the largest amount of blackouts from 4 p.m. to 12 p.m., we understand that more blackouts will be applied in an hour, ukrenergo relates this to the increase in consumption caused by hot weather, thermometers in some regions reach over 30°c during the day, accordingly, consumption is expected to be... almost 5% higher than it was yesterday on a day off, so we urge you to take this situation into account, to take into account that there will be a greater volume of outages to use actually from the period from 16:00 to 24:00, well, let's now pass the word to our colleagues, iryna koval is already ready to share more news with us as of this moment, so iro, we congratulate you, we pass the word to you, and in general
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i wanted to... ask you if the power goes out often in your house, in particular, because we see that ukrenergo is warning ukrainians about the increase in the number of these blackouts, and i think our viewers are interested in understanding what happens in the houses of the presenters of the tv channel, ira, share, oh, marta, i congratulate you, i congratulate all our viewers, well, in my house there are blackouts both according to the planned schedules and outside the schedules, and, for example, tonight there was such a very strange blackout for the whole night and just half a city plunged into darkness, it was quite unpleasant and scary, but we all understand why this happens, and therefore, by the way, in my issue there will be good news about this, now this happens not only in our country, wait.


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