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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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discussions, but the key story is that they are supporting players, other players in the european union will hold certain levers, unless there is a major political upheaval, well let's hope so, let's hope so, well i think it's time to pass the word to our colleague iryna koval and hear about other events that are currently happening in ukraine and the world, so iro, let's pass the word and share what we managed to find out about. thank you marta, what's up? the enemy is currently using ballistic weapons and firing missiles at to ukraine, i will tell you about this and much more in the issue in a moment.
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it's 4 p.m. in ukraine, bringing to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all viewers, and now i will tell you about the most important events. and let's start with the fact that the alarm is sounding in most of the territory of ukraine. rockets flew to poltava region, russia attacked myrhorod, local media reported explosions. this time, according to preliminary information, the enemy used iskander m missiles with a cluster warhead, he writes. monitoring channels. air force warn about the threat of using ballistic weapons from the northeast. so all people who live in the regions where the air alert has been declared, please stay in shelters. well, we move on to the situation in the dnipropetrovsk region, in the senelnikov district of the region. our anti-aircraft defense shot down the fortune teller of the dnipropetrovsk military administration serhiy. and at night, the enemy attacked the city
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with ballistics. seven people were injured as a result of the russian strike. the occupiers shelled nikopol with drones and artillery, marganetska and mirivska communities. a wheat field was occupied at the place of the attack. and the number of victims in the kherson region, in the village of nadniprianske, increased to three. a woman was hit by an enemy attack. she has a bruised chest and shrapnel wounds to her hands. and legs, also in the village of nova-vorantsovka , a local woman was injured by a russian attack, she suffered a contusion and brain injury, the regional military administration reported. let me remind you, earlier there was information about shelling in antonivka, there was also information about a wounded woman. rescue of people from the turkish community in donetsk region. in three days, law enforcement officers evacuated 711 residents, including 20 children. the city is located behind. 3 km from the
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battle line, the enemy drops up to 20 bombs on residential buildings every day. currently, at least 35% of the houses there have been destroyed, the regional police report. currently, there are about 10,000 residents in the community. many of them seek to evacuate, but the russians prevent them from leaving and target civilians. during this time, as many as 23 people have been injured, and in three weeks, six died and 17 you have provided assistance, we are trying to provide assistance to the locals who are also leaving on their own as much as possible, and also to bypass the landlord as much as possible to establish who is still staying there. unfortunately, the power supply has been restored in the russian city of belgorod, according to the local authorities. the blackout in the region lasted at least 12 hours. 90% of consumers were without electricity. also,
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a shortage of electricity was announced in the neighboring kursk and voronezh regions. let me remind you that the blackout occurred due to a drone attack on an energy facility in the city of stary oskol. tv channel espresso invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they choose every day. victory does not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so for evacuation, atvs are indispensable assistants, and they also allow you to move off-road as quickly as possible, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the holodoyarivets not only to successfully perform combat tasks, but also to return from them alive. so join the gathering. our goal is uah 4 million. turkey. romania and bulgaria
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have started anti-mine operations in the black sea , bloomberg news agency reports. the countries want to increase the safety of shipping, in particular for the export of ukrainian grain. let me remind you that in the winter of this year, the leaders of the black sea states signed an agreement on the joint fight against mines in the black sea. the local population is endangered. partisans discovered a russian anti-aircraft gun in the temporarily occupied sevastopol torv missile complex. the enemy placed it above the public beach. such a neighborhood is a very dangerous warning in the atesh resistance movement. this is most likely one of the last photos of it. of the complex, because the armed forces of ukraine constantly destroy enemy radar stations and air defense systems - the partisans note. 10 years of war is a documentary film created by espresso tv channel with the support of internews network, usaid and the us embassy in
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ukraine. recent history of ukraine from the first euromaidan rallies to the active phase of full-scale russian... ukrainian war the pre-premiere screening was organized in lviv. let's take a look at the tape and the first impressions of the audience from what they saw. 10 years of war, which actually lasts three centuries. the espresso tv channel presented a documentary film about an extremely difficult period of time. key moments of our history and modern heroes. this is a struggle from the maidan in 2013 to ukraine's counteroffensive against the russian occupation forces in 2023. the heroes of the film were public activist and fallen defender, roman ratushny, his mother, poet and activist svitlana povalyaeva, journalist, politician and military officer
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tetyana chornovol and paramedic yuliya paevska, nicknamed tyra. for all of us with you , these 10 years were here, we all experienced these events, we are good. we remember them, we know well, we passed them through ourselves, and for the western audience many facts of this film will be new, so the main purpose of this film is precisely to show this context, what happened during these ten years and why the russians are killing today ukrainians in the story, the destinies of the heroes are intertwined with key events recent history of ukraine. all in order to remind and imprint in the memory of the audience your. lessons of the past, every revolution, especially the revolution of dignity, is a transformation, transformation of people, transformation of society, in general. history is forced to repeat itself because no one listens to it. if we constantly remind people and explain all cause-and-effect relationships, i am sure,
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then the chances of war in the future will be much less. oleg garenchar, who lives and works in the usa, became the director and screenwriter of the film. in his work a number of historical, documentary and feature films for the bbc, has the distinction of international film festivals. harinchar cooperated with the espresso tv channel from the first days of its creation, from the maidan, so the bloody pages of our history are close to him. the fact that he involved politicians in the narrative, in the script, is the second story line, because the politicians, they are also the heroes of this film. and their decisions, how they make them. those decisions that affected millions of people will be interesting for western diplomats, decision-makers, and politicians to watch. and ordinary citizens. for more than a year, they worked on a documentary film so that as many people as possible could see and hear
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the value of the heroic resistance of our people in the war against the russian invaders. the film was translated into english. we must be able to learn from mistakes. the film tells about 10 years, and it also tells about 10 years because people have clip thinking, i really wanted this film to be seen by people in other countries, a lot of what is here, we have seen, know, relive , and for many it will be a discovery, especially for those who don't know our history and haven't really followed what 's happening in our country, and of course we tried to tell about it through the fate of people, this is the most important thing, because war is the destinies of millions, there are three destinies here, well maybe a little more, relatives, children, these are our friends and our acquaintances, and such people, and i think that we will manage to reach the world. the espresso tv channel together with the all-ukrainian democratic forum with
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the support of the internews network and the us embassy were able to release 10 years of war for rent. in ukraine. a delegation from poland came to the show, including the legendary founders of the polish and ukrainian ones. i advise everyone to watch this film as well, it is a film about how the ukrainian state was formed, what parallels were drawn. and that we need to preserve ukraine at any cost. romova is now talking about the existence of our state. screenings and meetings with the team of the film 10 years of war will be held in ternopil, ivano-frankivsk and rivne in the near future. in addition to ukraine, the film will be shown abroad. later his can be seen on the espresso tv channel. and such were the new ones. not for now, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to us on social
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networks and watch our unique content on youtube, we will see you at 5 p.m., then my colleagues, marta olyarnyk and antin barkovskiy, will continue the broadcast . thank you. we thank the news editors that the espresso tv channel's information day continues at 11:4. there was news from myrhorod, but for the russians, rockets were fired in the direction of myrhorod, explosions were heard, about this reported in the air force of the armed forces of ukraine. i quote, verbatim: a high-speed target for myrhorod from the kursk region. according to public information, local people reported that they heard explosions. the air force later reported that the missile had been relaunched. well, the information day of the tv channel continues, if marta doesn't have something unusual. of their news, we involve our star expert, valery ryabikh, military expert, director of
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development of the information and consulting company defenseexpress. glory to ukraine, mr. valery, congratulations to you, glory to the heroes, congratulations studio, greetings, dear viewers. well, good news from our designers, yes, i don't know what state our glorious missile program is in at the time, yuzhmazh, or south-mazh, yes, it had very powerful developments, but with drone systems, we are probably. we will soon occupy a prominent place, or one of the prominent places in the world rankings, more than 100 km, we are now promised, our miracle drones will reach. mr. valery, to what extent can this story significantly affect the course of the russian-ukrainian war? well, obviously now the ukrainian defense industry is focused on the production of drones, and here... we are talking about scaling up their production and this was announced at the end of
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last year about plans to produce about 1,000 such drones this year, which can fly for a distance of more than 1,000 km and somewhere around 10,000 drones, which have an average range of 300 to... 900 km, so in principle, we now see that, especially after those massive large-scale attacks on the territory of the russian federation, carried out by the defense forces, that this program is being implemented, and here , well, as it is noted, there is a great achievement of the state sector in establishing the production of drones of a particularly large radio judge, well, except... as far as can be judged from the reports coming from the management
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of the state company ukrainian defense industry, that the scaling of production is carried out thanks to the dense cooperation with private manufacturers and the distribution of the production of various components on many hundreds of enterprises, well, it should be noted here that... if we talk about the same achievements in carrying out drone attacks, well, we have seen that already according to the data that is spreading on the network and open sources that are available, let's say such cases when ukrainian drones covered distances of more than 1,800 km on the way to the target, so the indicator that is declared . it is now 1000 km, it is already exaggerated in fact and we
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have seen similar ones on the territory of the russian federation. well, it should be noted that in connection with the fact that more and more deep strikes are being carried out on the territory of the russian federation, they are making a kind of counter-propaganda, talking about the fact that as if drones can launch. not only from the territory of ukraine there, but also from other countries, in addition to that, there are also some subversive groups that, well, let's say, are located on the territory of the russian federation itself, well here you can... one can only be happy for such an approach of russian propagandists well, the country is probably already surrounded from all sides, and thanks to the efforts of the ukrainian defense industry, it is building up its own tools for use by the defense forces of ukraine and for launching deep strikes on the territory of
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the aggressor state. ugh. mr. valery, look here information appeared that russia accelerated. organizes su-30 sm2 fighters. and there are certain assumptions that this is being done to counter the f-16 when they appear on ukrainian territory. what is a su-30 cm2 plane in general, is it possible to modernize it and can it be opposed to a modern f-16 fighter? well , it is obvious that we are talking about... there is a small batch of 12 planes, which is currently undergoing a similar modernization at the base of the 900 929th vakhtubinsk state flight test center, and this is precisely the location to which we have already the fate of ukrainian drones, well, by and large
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, these are aircraft that can ... receive, let's say, more modern radars and longer-range missiles in order to be used in counteraction to the f16, in general, the ts-30 sm2 is a russian two-seater multi-role fighter of the fourth generation , why, let's say so, it may be that this, let's say... this plane is chosen, because the very fact that it is a two-seater, it expands the possibility for, say, the crew of this plane to observe the air situation and use a complex of weapons, so that it is precisely thanks to you the chosen path for that is due to the fact that
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the russian federation lacks the ability to do... automated control systems and achieve those parameters that allow fifth-generation aircraft, which do not need a dozen pilots on board the aircraft and electronic means do everything eh, in sparka with one pilot, so in fact it is such an extensive path that the rashists took, well, not because of a good life. and due to the fact that something needs to be done precisely against the background of this threat, that soon the words of ukraine may appear western f-16 aircraft and it is said that they will have quite powerful indicators, both in detecting the enemy and in
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striking, both in the air and on the ground . sir, we would like to ask you about the prospects that the enemy can strengthen its engineering units, north korean, i won't say mercenaries, but our enemy from north korea, maybe they will work for free, not in the format of mercenaries, in the format of russian allies. what do you think they are, in general engineering troops, engineering units of north korea, what specific tasks could they perform, on what basis? but equals and why did kimchenin and putin decide to limit themselves to purely engineering units, maybe some additional units will follow them, well, maybe it won’t be implemented at all, but we would ask you to analyze this rather unpleasant north korean dimension, i can be heard, heard,
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and seen and it sounds great. i understood your question, but i did not hear the question for a while when this news appeared in the information space about the possibility that the north korean dictator will send the russian dictator help in the form of engineering, well, it is mostly of a kind of informational and psychological nature and precisely... abandoned, including in the interests of co- development, let's say, and the implementation of those. plans that the kremlin has, and this is the creation of such, let's say, the appearance of an alliance to counter
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the west, but the effectiveness of such a plan, then it can be effective, and here most likely it will not be in favor of these two dictators, because well with all, let's say, big engineering units in north korea, and there are about six engineering brigades there, and the fact that, as they say, there may be work for them to restore the infrastructure and perform other works allegedly not related to military activities, but this is a military unit , these are combatants, and when they appear on the field... they will be regarded as participating in a large-scale russian aggression, so these, let's say, units, these military personnel
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who may appear, they will be the first target, that is, they will be flown in, sir valery, he will fly for them too, but just what are the specific tasks, i don't see much yet, see what specific tasks they could perform and what they could not perform. for example, i don’t know, construction units of our enemy, that is, as far as i understand, well, the concept of engineering troops of north korea, it may include some additional, i don’t know, units that would deal with means of radio-electronic warfare, or they would, on the contrary, come to so-called combat reconnaissance, that is, if those units had arrived, there would have been, i don't know, half of them personnel, who would be engaged in something like this with shovels, excavators, there would be some or other beacons, and others would act. and vice versa, maybe we could add there, i don’t know, just a structural one, the structure of the north korean engineering brigades, well, but there, i don’t know, for half
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the personnel of the engineering troops there could be some snipers or someone else, in any - in any case, the appearance of any subdivisions, if it happens, it will require more attention. in relation to the fact that it can be disguised there sub-engineering units and other units, including those that could gain experience of conducting real combat operations there, should not be excluded either, but still, well, for now, about the fact that they will literally all appear there in the near future, well the information is not yet confirmed, but in the event that, uh... there are similar units, then this should be the object of a thorough response from our partners, it seems to me that when such
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units appear on the territory of ukraine, not only there are nato instructors, like it was announced earlier, as well as other divisions, including, i do not exclude, possibly from the republic. korea too. thank you, mr. valery. valeriy rybykh, military expert, director of development of the information and consulting company defense express. the sound was a little bad with us. we hope that ah, we can somehow communicate with mr. valery, so that in our next inclusions, we will have a better sound, because it is important to hear what our guests are saying. well, but now we will go on a break, and i want to remind you once again that we are now we continue our volunteering, so now you see a corner of the qr code on the screen, which you can go to and donate. there is also a bank card number, so
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please join the collection that we are currently conducting together with the charitable foundation of our colleague iryna koval and are currently collecting 2.5 million to purchase quadcopters, which are very necessary for the hundredth brigade, which currently serves the eastern package direction. please join as much as you can, and now we have a break after. which we continue the information day from the press, attention, a profitable offer, order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light in... for only uah 149, take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in
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summary information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, an analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts for the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend a summary monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andriy smoly, every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the day of the day using the telephone survey, turn on and turn on. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from
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tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, one must understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. the military takes a reconnaissance drone into the sky. an enemy sabotage group was spotted on the thermal imager. the coordinates of the enemy were transmitted to the operator of the attack drone. impressive. target destroyed.
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this is how uav operators practice the destruction of enemy targets to train new pilots, instructors simulate a situation close to combat operations. here we already have the final stage of training directly on drones, before that we have about 40 hours of simulation in the office at the computer, anyone can complete the training. we believe that today it should be popularized as much as possible, because it is quite good, cool and promising. a profession not only in the army, but also in industry, the agricultural sector, and so on. on in the course, instructors teach how to control a drone, determine the coordinates of objects, work in the conditions of electronic warfare and perform tasks with various types of drones. free courses are held by the public organization for victory, together with the lev educational and training center. our course lasts until...


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