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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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dear, so how big is the risk of default, and then we will move on to restructuring and opportunities, risks, please, ukraine needs to solve the problem that currently exists with external private debt by august, namely, since the 22nd year, external private creditors have agreed to allow us us to suspend payments on this debt, actually this grace period ends already in august. and we need to decide what we do with this debt next. negotiations are currently underway between the government of ukraine and our external creditors. and we are talking about restructuring, that is, not about the extension of this grace period of the standstill, but about the restructuring, the approval of our future payment plan. ukraine insists that this is a restructuring plan that is quite profitable for us, so that in the next few years we can... reduce the volume of our
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obligations to foreign creditors and focus on defense financing, and our creditors partially agree with this, but for that counterproposal that became public on their part, they were not ready at that time to consider such a profitable an offer for us, and now there is an active process of these negotiations, and there are two important points: firstly, it is not clear whether we will have time to reach an agreement by august, this is very important, because if we do not have time to reach an agreement in time, but let's agree, ukraine will still need to suspend certain payments, purely technically, to declare a certain moratorium on payments, but this does not mean that we entered into default, since we agreed as creditors, and everything will be fine in the future, but it must be understood that such a possibility exists. er, is
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the possibility of a complete default possible, probably yes, but it must also be understood here that it is not beneficial for us or our creditors, so i personally think that an agreement will be found and everything will be fine in terms of our external debt, it has to i mean the debt, as i understand it, to the private structures that gave us money, and whether it is about the imf or not, let's go now. namely, about the aggregate debt that we have to pay for our obligations there at a certain specified time, with certain percentages, right? so, in general, our external debt can be conditionally divided into three parts: the first is the debt to the international monetary fund, it is a unique debt, since we are obliged to pay, repay, service this debt constantly, we currently have no deferrals, and even partially funds , which are provided to us by the international monetary fund
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, will be used to repay this debt. the second part of the external debt is the debt to official creditors, that is, for example, to the united states, to the european union, to the international big official banks, and this debt is currently there, we have an agreement with these official creditors until 2027 that we will not pay anything, since the official creditors, and these are the big... countries that support us with weapons, and financially, they understand that it makes no sense to give us money now from our own budget so that we return it back. so we have an agreement until 2027 that we will not pay this debt. and here is what i said earlier, this is exactly private, external debt. we had an agreement until august 2024 year, now it is ending that we may not pay for this debt and there are talks about restructuring. this is one
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of the parts of the external debt, it is far from the largest, moreover, we should not forget that our debt also includes internal debt, it is primarily ovdp bonds, military bonds, and the government pays for them skillfully, and this can it is easy to make sure of this by purchasing some bonds, and when their term comes to an end, every ukrainian who has done so and purchased such bonds receives a payment from to ukraine, therefore we service the internal debt, we service it properly, and we are talking about restructuring only about external private debt, and if we talk about, we are now talking about the debts of the state of ukraine to borrowers, and if we talk about the debts of national companies, private large companies that are well, in fact , flagships in one or another industry, depending on the work... it depends on them, well, let's say, the light in
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our houses, there are other things, electricity supply, we know such a company, or gas supply there or, but private companies, well, according to your information, they are calculated if they have pe'. debts now, because this can also have an impact, we will now move on to the topic of tariffs and so on, this is important, because the state of ukraine does not have extra money right now, so it is completely understandable, but with regard to such a total debt of the state, speaking about private debt, of private companies that have to repay it, here it is worth understanding that there is a division into state-guaranteed debt, and this can actually be the debt of certain companies, including ukrenergo, over foreign by the borrowers, in which case the government also negotiates this debt, because it is ultimately responsible for this debt, since it has guaranteed its repayment. if we are talking about private companies, then each company is responsible for
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itself and must understand whether it has the financial ability to pay for the debts it took on, which it took on from foreign borrowers. accordingly, these specific negotiations, which are currently taking place, do not include such debts, but that is clear, now let's talk about how things are negotiations, you know, people can think like that, why a month to agree on the restructuring of the debt, that is, either you want to restructure it or you don't want to, and it's very brief, but i'm just interested in understanding the... atmosphere of the negotiations, because we already know a little about politics and diplomacy somewhere, we understand, we have seen ramstein somewhere or how politicians, the army, the military leadership communicate there, but money loves silence, and from these quiet offices,
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they can think there, why in in these quiet offices, where they talk about money, a whole a month to agree, and what is agreed there, or whether it is possible to analyze certain risks, opportunities? why does it take so much time? well, that is, if you want it, let's do it, if you don't want it, let's do it differently. well, in fact, we are not even talking about a month, much more, since ukraine started these negotiations at the end of last year , 2023, that is, these negotiations will continue for almost the entire year of 2024. and the answer, why yes, is very simple, because it is money, and if we are talking about foreign private creditors. then they first of all want to get their money, which they lent us back, so now there are negotiations about the terms on which they will receive these funds, they, the foreign borrowers, understand that we have a full-scale war, we need to spend
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on defense, but still they are interested in receiving its loans back, accordingly, ukraine makes a certain offer of its own, which is beneficial for us. creditors make their offer, which is not very favorable for us, and further negotiations take place and the parties agree somewhere in the middle, so what is actually happening now the process of finding this middle ground that will be acceptable to us and acceptable to the creditors, since it is about money, so such negotiations do not take a certain amount of time, and we still literally have time and... questions, but i want to ask everything, you know, because i just then got into the economic topic, oleksandra morchenko will be back tomorrow, but today i want to ask, you know, this is a question, i understand why this question is not relevant, but it causes a certain concern in people
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reaction, why, i read today on our z you are the topic of conversation, various articles, let's say why creditors are writing off the debt, in particular 30% of the debt, well... what kind of debt is it, but let it be this year, and argentina was written off 40% in 2020, people are outraged, and, and i also have such a question, and this author of the article writes that it was necessary in the 22nd year, when the full-scale war began, when everyone was on the edge of emotions, under the impression that kyiv would stand, it would not, in general, that it will happen that it was necessary to ask for these debts to be written off then, maybe then they would have been written off, but now it is for sure, you are right, everyone wants it now. wants his money back, but it is still possible with, not possible, but with interest, please, why not write it off, well, take it and write it off, how else is it possible, why not us? indeed, the 30% write-off of ghana's partial debt actually set a very good precedent for us, because it happened
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just recently, and it affects the negotiations as well, and actually, it's a very good argument, if you can ghana, why not us, the government of ukraine . is negotiating a partial write-off of the debt and the restructuring should provide for a percentage of certain write-offs debt, the question is how big this percentage will be, well, if the ghanaians wrote off 30%, then... ukraine, which is in a state of full-scale war, is defending itself and europe from the russian aggressor, it would be illogical to write off less than 30%, so in my opinion, this is a very powerful argument. as for why we didn't ask in '22 to write off our debt in full or cancel it in one way or another, or if we didn't just stop paying and go into default due to a full-scale invasion, ukraine... still wants to preserve the reputation of a borrower who can be trusted, in the 22nd
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year we showed that this is how we have a full-scale war, it is very difficult for us, but we honor our obligations, we took these funds here with the calculation of them return, and we will return them, but please give us two years, we need to deal with the russian invaders, now these two years are coming to an end, it is already obvious now. it is clear that there is not enough time to sort things out and be able to repay our debts again, so now we are already we are talking about restructuring, please give us a chance, we will pay off all our debts, but we need to write them off a little, we need to stretch them a little, but we are such a borrower that you can trust, that's really important for our future, so that we can attract new loans in the future, literally. in a minute, but there are important questions here, the international monetary fund has published a new updated memorandum with
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ukraine, is there anything written there about tax increases for the population, for taxpayers taxes, actually by all taxpayers in general, in the program itself there is no requirement of ukraine's obligation to raise taxes in one way or another, but it is very important that in... quantitative indicators, that is, in such a large table that writes the international monetary fund, together with the government of ukraine for the following years, where the volumes of revenues, for example, and expenditures of the ukrainian budget are recorded, it is indicated that in the next few years tax revenues will increase, from a situation where growth, or rather economic recovery is very insignificant, no economic boom is foreseen, right away. what the tax increase will be, what exactly it will look like, you can find out
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not from the program of the international monetary fund, but from the budget declaration for 25-27 years, which was adopted just recently, it says, for example, that vat will remain unchanged, but excise taxes on fuel will gradually increase , on tobacco. the government also plans to introduce excise taxes on drinks with added sugar, talks may be underway. also about changing the format of the military levy, therefore increasing taxes most likely it will be, in any case, for all of us, i completely understand this, if you are not at the front, but you are now, well, relatively speaking, here in the rear, you just have to work harder, that's all it comes down to, another question is that in ukraine, well, at least before the full-scale invasion, there were about 11 million people of retirement age, i don't know how much these indicators have changed, many people left ukraine, but these are people who need to be paid. pensions, that is, there are a lot of problems from the fact that something should be raised, but if the end itself, the national income strategy until 2030
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year, it is possible somewhere to look for opportunities, to invest in business, to give opportunities, to give some preferences, to create conditions, because only by working can a business save the country, well, taxes still have a ceiling, you will not take more from people, here you are you won't take me more than you can give, than i can give, well where can i take, please, but it's true, it's very important that business has to... continue to operate and there should always be a reasonable line between raising taxes and business environment and creation in and so very difficult conditions with power outages, with russian shelling, creating conditions for more favorable business operations, but unfortunately, now it is not about having free resources to concentrate on business development, and we have to choose between... among the bad decisions in order for us to be able to continue to fund
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the defense, because money is very tight, as the war drags on, we have to pay the defense forces, we have to buy new weapons, so unfortunately we have to talk about raising taxes. thank you very much for your comments, i would have asked more, of course, but unfortunately, there is no time. maksym, samuilyuk was with us, an economist from the center for economic strategy, so we have a month. to agree, well, you have to agree, it's difficult, big money means serious conversations, and serious schemes, here it is, well, and now i'll tell you that at 20:00 the program starts a new week with khrystyna yatskiv and i andrii smoly, and now we have the opportunity to hear andrii, and he will tell what today is about we will talk about who will be the guest, andriy, please have a word, good evening, vasyl, good evening, good evening to all viewers of the espresso tv channel, a new week, new
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analytics, new events and, of course, new forecasts, that's all we will mother from... 20 hours for two hours, actually guests, our conversation with khrystyna yatskiv, but let's do everything in order. at one o'clock, you and i will discuss with our guests, our experts, precisely those events in ukraine and the world that concern all of us and, in general, all ukrainians. oleksandr musienko will be with us at skype communication, director of the center for military legal studies, let's talk about the latest enemy attacks. let's talk about volodymyr zelenskyi's latest statements regarding possible peace negotiations with the occupying state. we will also talk with people's deputy ivanna klympush- tsensadze. she is also the head of the committee on ukraine's integration into the european union. here it is logical that we will talk about the latest events that are related to the movement
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of ukraine to the european union, we will also talk about the elections in... sanctions, which are in fact, fateful for the whole of europe, for the european union, and it is quite likely that for our country as well. let's talk about orban's 11 demands, this is what worries ukrainians and what, of course, will affect our accession to the european union. most likely, we will not miss the meeting between zelenskyi and orban, which will take place literally tomorrow. and we will also have igor eisenberg, a professor at new york university, here we will certainly discuss with him the debate between trump and biden, how it will affect the elections in united states of america, what is the mood now, and of course we invite you to our
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discussion with khrystyna yatskiv from 21:15 after the news of those events. which are important this week, which will be important in the next few days, and which are fateful for our country, and how, as we have already said, an agreement with putin through intermediaries is actually possible, what mr. zelensky is talking about, it is most likely us we will also talk about the elections in france, we will also talk about new rules for ukrainians in poland, and... and very, very many other topics that are important for all of us today, so we are waiting for you in 10 minutes, a new week, new analytics, vasyl, and khrystyna yatskiv will also join him at 8 p.m. in the new week program, and now a new
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week in the euro also promises a lot of interesting things, yevhen pastukhov is ready to talk about this and not only this. evgeny, good evening, please, good evening, vasyl, greetings, dear viewers of espresso. so, the first playoff matches took place at the european football championship in germany, in particular over the weekend, and about the results of these matches, as well as the games that will take place today, and of course wimbledon, we will also talk in a few moments. so, one step away from shocking. sensationally, the england national team reached the quarter-finals of the european championship 2024 in germany, but they did a good job of shaking the nerves of their fans. the day before, in the play-off match , the englishmen met the slovaks, well- known to us from their performances in the same group as the ukrainian national team. gareth southgate's side conceded midway through the first half. slovakia
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took advantage of the failure of the opponent's defense, ivan schrans beat jordan pickford from close range. time was running out. the slovaks were approaching triumph, the english were approaching disgrace. foden's goal in the second half was rightly disallowed for offside. however, jute bellingham saved the three lions in stoppage time. the midfielder may have scored the goal of the tournament with a diving scissors kick. and already at the start of extra time, i mean two extra halves of 15 minutes each, harry kane scored the winning goal with a header. slovaks tried to their credit. to play back again and turn the match into a series penalty, but failed. in the quarter-finals on july 6, england will play against the national team of switzerland. the swiss. previously knocked out reigning european champions italians from the tournament, winning that play-off match 2-0. and also on the sunday before
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, the unhappy end of the georgian fairy tale came, the debutant of the european championship, the georgian national team was literally destroyed by the spanish national team. the georgians took the lead in the 18th minute, the ball into their own goal was cut by lenormand, but even before the break the spaniards achieved parity in... rodri didn't leave a corner mamardashvili's chances. the second half was a nightmare for the georgians, the spaniards attacked effectively and efficiently and scored three more goals. fabian ruiz put the fury roha in front, and later nico williams and dani olmo brought the score to a crushing level. the statistics of the confrontation are impressive, the spaniards struck 36 shots against four georgians. the pyrenean team possessed the ball for 72% of the playing time. carried out 108 attacks, and georgia - 13 attacks. however, despite this crushing one-goal defeat, the georgians wrote their history, they performed for the first time
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to the euros and immediately qualified for the playoffs, so i think they will remember this tournament in germany for a very long time, when serhiy rebrov, the coach of the national team, the head says that i don't have any questions for the boys, that's really the team for the boys, there is no question, this is the national team of georgia, they really did everything they could, they just ran out of steam at some stage. spain played the previous match with almost a reserve team, but now they have released the best, they can afford it, but the georgians, there is even a defender trying to block rodri's shot, but he just couldn't physically, because he was already injured, but he really just ran out of strength, but as long as the strength was there, as long as the georgians did what they were supposed to do, probably at every major football tournament and not only football, there is a team that impresses with its with her bravery, her dedication, no one can match her love for football in fact. somewhere is shooting, well, less, but that’s all, well, if there is still at least half of such a squad in georgia for replacement, i think that in the future they have good prospects, and then we will talk about the matches that
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will take place in the quarter-finals, we already have the first quarter-final pair, on july 5, not the first, but another quarter-final pair, on july 5 the german and spanish national teams will meet at the stuttgart arena, let me remind you that the germans won over the national team on saturday. by the danish team with a score of 2:0. and on the same day, july 5 , another quarter-final match will take place and the opponents are still unknown. as i already said, in the other quarter-final pair, the swiss will play against england. and in these minutes , another match of the 1/8 finals is taking place. more precisely, there is now a 15-minute break. france is playing against belgium and the score in the meeting is not open - 0:0. both national teams are star-studded. however, lebo and the red devils did not look too convincing in the group stage of euro-2024. belgium, as we remember, generally lost to slovakia at
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the start of the euro. we also remember the draw with ukraine, which deprived our national team of the chances to enter the playoffs, although the defeat against romania, to be precise and honest, rather deprived these chances. france, belgium - this is , of course, the top match according to the sign, so the second half will start very soon. and at 22. o'clock kyiv time , the meeting between the national teams of slovenia and portugal will begin. that's the end of the euro, but we'll talk about tennis later. on monday , ukrainian tennis players started at the wimboldon tournament in great britain. dayana yastremska became the first ukrainian woman to reach the second round of the competition. at the start of the tournament, odesitka defeated nadia podorska from argentina. two sets were enough for yastremsky, 6:1. 7:6 rivals spent an hour and 33 minutes on the court. the first racket started its journey in london with the victory of ukraine - marto kostyuk. marta advanced to
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the second round of wimbledon in two sets , defeating slovak representative rebekah shramkova 6-3-6-2. the match lasted one hour and 13 minutes. but lesya tsurenko was defeated at the start of the third grand slam in the current season. this year, in the first round , the tennis player lost to the barbarian, a representative of france. hrachova 36-16 and dayana yastremska will play against hrachova in the second round. that's all sports news, so i bid you farewell until wednesday and have a peaceful evening, but stay with the espresso. my colleague vasyl zama will continue our broadcast in a moment. well, thank you very much, yevhen. well, let's do it again... i once again invite you to join the collection, we are collecting for a minibus for our soldiers who are fighting the enemy in the solodarsk and zaporizhia directions, we need to collect uah 630,000. this minibus has to deliver.
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mobile repair teams to the contact line or to the so-called gray zone so that they can timely, quickly restore armored vehicles, and armored vehicles are restored and working on the battlefield, this is the death of the enemy and protection for our military, we need 630 00 hryvnias, we collected 586 thousand there, i understand that now there is no light somewhere, the applications are working in the kiosk, well, but in any case, let's finish this collection this week, we have less than 50,000 left, i think that we we will be able to do it, thank you for being with us at 8 p.m. to play a new week with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly, but now natalka didenko will tell us about what the weather will be like in ukraine this week. i say goodbye to you, goodbye, take care. synoptical hello to all, our dear viewers. well, of course, everyone is now talking about the heat, complaining about it, suffering, some are excited, by the way, and what will the weather be like in the coming days, and even... next
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week we will talk about it, of course, as usual, but a little later, and now, despite the fact that july has begun, such a basic, one might say summer month, we will talk about its symbols, signs, about vegetables and fruits, but not about any specific ones, but about whether there is always such a huge benefit from them, that is, of course, there is a benefit, but is it worth admiring them, and therefore to for your attention, a few such interesting facts, or assumptions, for example, well... they advise, at least they advise, you should choose fruits and vegetables that grow in your region, i think this is clear, in the warm season we usually eat raw, ripe fruits and vegetables, of course, it is better not to buy them fresh in the winter, but somehow thermally processed, but especially fresh in the summer and from our region, as the main food product it is really harmful to use fruits, then, for example, fruits are advised
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to be eaten between meals and. .. in general it is best not to eat them in the afternoon, at the beginning of the day, or even in the morning. well, it is clear that fruits should be stored in dark and dry places so that they do not deteriorate and do not oxidize, and you should eat a fruit or vegetable as soon as you pluck it, well, from a distance, of course, from the tree or take it from the garden , or if bought, the longer it lies, the more, of course, it loses its nutritional properties. well, for example, soon, the season has actually started. watermelons and it is not recommended to eat those who have kidney problems or diagnosed diabetes, lemon, now we make a lot of lemonade, obviously, and it is a very dietary product, but it, well, the fact that it destroys tooth enamel and is certainly not suitable for everyone's stomach, well, most juicy, ripe, beautiful fruits contain simple sugars of natural origin, but with excessive consumption, they can disrupt
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metabolism. in general, i read that nutritionists recommend consuming about 400 g of vegetables or fruits every day, well, it seems to me that they are bent, uh, what, for example, applies to cherries, we, me it seems that we eat it by the kilo, well, here's the thing about fruits and vegetables, everything should be in moderation. we move on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, and now for your attention is a forecast chart, from which it can be seen that tomorrow there will be an activation, not only heat, but also magnetic storms, so please be very, very careful and... be careful, and finally the weather forecast, tomorrow the heat will subside in the west of ukraine, an atmospheric front will visit there, short-term rains, thunderstorms will pass, during thunderstorms even heavy showers or squalls or hail are possible in some places, and the air temperature, as i already said, will drop significantly to 23, 27° is expected in the north of ukraine, tomorrow in zhytomyr region and kyiv region there is a possibility
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of short-term rain in the evening. i fear, an atmospheric front will reach there. chernihiv region and sumy region will be dry and hot, 31-34° above zero. it will be a little easier in zhytomyr oblast, and there is a hint of relief in kyiv. in the east, the anti-cyclonic nature of the weather remains, which intensifies even the heat. 33-37 above zero, tomorrow in the east, er, rain, sun and high fire hazard. in the central part of ukraine, only in vinnytsia, perhaps. it will be a little easier to breathe, finally the territories, high air temperature, precipitation is unlikely, dry, hot. in the southern part of ukraine , the heat is also strong, up to 35, in some places up to 37° without precipitation. well, in kyiv, in the capital tomorrow, there is a hint of the heat easing, not easing yet, but somewhere around 30° is expected in kyiv. in the evening there is a chance of short-term rain with a thunderstorm. july 3 in the west and north of ukraine, that's for sure. so to speak
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decrease in air temperature in the village


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