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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EEST

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regarding the adaptation of our legislation to the european one, but without a partnership dialogue with each member country, we also will not be able to go through this path quickly and efficiently, so this is such a big, big challenge that is growing in europe, growing in relation to ukraine as well. ugh, but if we are really talking about ukraine and the eu, about... this period of actual accession, when we already have real chances to join the european union in a few years, we now see that pitfalls are appearing in the form of of orbán's next demands, here are these 11 demands of orbán, and i would like to ask you, in your opinion, whether it is realistic to implement them or not , is it necessary to do it, or does some of them contradict the constitution? and
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the national interests of our country, and does some of them contradict the direct approach of the european countries themselves, certainly yes, and it contradicts both, and this, let's say, for us today, well, we understand that this ultimatum, it was orban's demand that he appeared and even at... said that ukraine will be somehow fulfill these 11 points, but at the same time, i am convinced that we will have the opportunity to find a compromise where there is a compromise option, and where it really concerns some unacceptable things, such as, for example, calling parts of ukraine historically hungarian territory. or other things that are in the 11
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points, regarding them, i am convinced that we will be able to convince all the other 26, six members of the european union, about the need to put pressure on hungary and the need to give up these desires of ours, but at the same time we we also see how orban is with you actively tries to show that he, well, somewhere extinguishes this to a certain extent. conflict with ukraine, we saw with you how he actively tried to talk to president zelensk, during the last council of the european union, i think that hungary, which today began to preside over the european union, will try to demonstrate that it is such a capable european player , trying to deepen the public. connections and contacts with
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ukraine, although you and i also know that all this is happening against the background of the fact that there have been up to a dozen times in these two years of full-scale the invasion of the highest leadership of hungary actively, actively communicates both with the russian federation and with its immediate allies, and iran, and belarus, and... and china, and we understand that in fact orbán is not pursuing the interests of national minorities at all, when talks with ukraine, and he certainly promotes the interests of these dictatorships. ms. ivanna, dad, a little bit about parie and the osce parliamentary assembly. your colleague
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in the parliament, iryna gerashchenko , wrote today that today is resolution day in the osce parliamentary assembly, most of them concerns ukraine, and a special event dedicated to the problems of migrants was also held. in their speeches with mr. gerasimov, they emphasized that housing and jobs remain the biggest problems for idps, they talked about our legislative initiatives, specific projects to support people, we understand what challenges the ukrainian state is facing, when inside the country on... so many big large-scale migration is taking place, nevertheless, a large number of our people are currently outside the country, are guests in in such countries as, for example, poland, and from today there are some changes in the rules of stay for ukrainians, among the changes is the mandatory, mandatory official, official placement of ukrainian children, regardless of whether they are online or study online in ukrainian schools , after all... buy
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polish in schools, in addition, there are a few more innovations that, well, so to speak , contribute to a higher level of assimilation of our people among the poles, that's mine... so a little, maybe sub objective opinion, ms. ivanna, do you see this as a problem or is it acceptable option, while the hot phase of the conflict continues, we, of course, see and understand these efforts of various countries in which ukrainians have found refuge today, and it is actually not only poland, which is changing certain rules, and unfortunately, the longer this will continue. the war and the children will be outside of ukraine for a longer time, if ukraine does not offer them something effective, then they will really not just integrate, but as you said, a large part can really assimilate, and this is
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a great challenge for us, and it is for us extraordinary a risk for ukrainians, but it also means that, for example, the ukrainian state should... pay serious attention to how, in what way to keep in touch with parents and children, and what to offer them, here in lithuania, well and primarily by individual efforts, and with a small, small involvement of the ukrainian state, the ukrainian school works, and it already has several... not only in vilnius, it has several branches all over several regions of lithuania, and i know that there were intentions to open such a school in poland and hungary, but i do i understand that
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there are obviously enough efforts, these enthusiasts, but for some reason the state does not prioritize these tasks, it seems to me that this is critically important in order to preserve our future. and to have this connection with children who could use ukrainian programs and then return to studying in ukrainian schools. and in addition to these innovations, we remind you that now it is necessary to obtain a pesl immediately upon arrival, previously it was given 30 days after arrival in poland, payments for poles for the shelter of ukrainians are canceled, such preferences could be had. citizens of this country, if they open their doors to refugees from our country, from september 1 , ukrainian children must go to polish schools, and ukrainians who have lived in poland for 365 days with a pesel document will be able to apply for a beaten card, and it gives the right
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to live in the country for another three years. please consider this, i know that a large number of our citizens are watching us right now. e borders of our country, ms. ivanna, i actually now believe you andrii, if there are still questions that concern, in particular, our european integration, so here is rather a short comment on the fact that the ukrainian state and our ukrainian citizens, and public figures should not divide ukrainians into those who are in ukraine and those outside ukraine, and this is very important, and here is probably the question, more to you briefly... ms. ivanna, what do you think ukraine should do, or should do now, so that we can return our citizens, more of our citizens to ukraine. well, you know, it's a whole complex of things, and i don't see it yet
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of this strategy or some concepts developed by the government, moreover, all these restrictions, when the deputies are in place. levels and people's deputies cannot interact with communities proactively, and cannot maintain this connection, cannot collect proposals, cannot translate them into legislative initiatives, this is simply an unacceptable thing, or when the state of ukraine refuses to refuse in the preparation of documents for young people. despite not even being of conscription age at consular institutions of ukraine today, it actually has nothing to do with it so that the state takes care of how, in what way, to return people home, in the future, when it is obvious that this is a question
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of security, a question of energy, now, i think that this is also an extraordinary, extraordinary challenge that can , unfortunately, cause additional, additional waves. ukrainians who can seek refuge abroad, and here the state should take care of it as well, but at the same time it should also offer it. communication programs for ukrainians abroad, and the state does not do this. ms. ivanna, we are very grateful for your thoughts. ivanna klympysh tsensadze, narodna member of parliament of ukraine, head of the committee on ukraine's integration into the european union, was in contact with our studio. moving on, we remind you, just in case, about our survey, whether ukraine should agree to... negotiations with the russian federation with the participation of intermediaries, you can
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vote absolutely free of charge from your phones or smartphones, if you think so 0800 211 381, if you think not, 0800 211 382, ​​you can see these numbers on the screen now, and a little about details about what is happening right now, let us remind you that in crimea so far... everyone is restless, and the crimean public is slowly starting to find out information, so far there are two, let's say, two potential places where the flight could be, quite bright, it is either the area of ​​the mountain height in balaklava, or the karan plateau and the height of kayabash in balaklava too, we follow and move on to the events across the ocean, they were, oh, so bright, this... week and remain so with the projection for the next week , yes?
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ihor eisenberg, professor of new york the university is in direct contact with our studio, let's talk now about the debate between trump and biden, about the consequences of this debate, and finally about the current course of the election campaign. mr. igor, we are glad to see you. good evening. good evening, friends, glad to see you too, good evening. mr. igor, if i ask you for your expert point of view, who do you think won this debate and what are the consequences for the politics of the united states of america after a few days, actually after these debates i think no one won them because well joe biden looked bad in them
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we all know that i mean he, he didn't win them but to say they were won by trump who lied more than 30 times made more than 30 false statements during those 90 minutes, repeated several false statements several times, then to say that he won the debate, well, that would be, you know, it would be... funny, if it wasn't sad, that is, nobody won them, they, they were the worst debates i have seen, i have been watching debates since '92 year, at least i saw them all, it was the worst, but to say that the debates at all play any decisive role in the electorate deciding how they vote is absolutely impossible, because there have been so many cases where a candidate who has done poorly debate won the election, i can remind you, say, in '16, hillary clinton definitely
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looked significantly better than trump in all three debates, and trump won the election. in the 12th year , mitromny completely defeated barack obama in the first debate, obama won the election. in the 84th ronald reagan lost the first debate to walter mondel, but won the election. so what is this, this is in the debate, they. not so that the voters decide who to vote for, but so that the candidates can sell themselves, so to speak, as a voter, show themselves, well, in my opinion, both candidates showed themselves badly, as an independent voter, exactly, well, of course, that trump's voters really liked trump, but he was himself, what he was, what he always was, and what he continues to be, that is, mr. igor, as far as i understood you, hardly donald trump, with his more... well, i don't know how to say it, definitely unsuccessful, but more
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verbose, even, perhaps, speech, is unlikely to attract positive attention from voters who may not have fully made up their minds, and hardly whether he looked more won than joseph biden, nevertheless, as far as the democrats are concerned, in particular, how serious the discussions are now, the conversations that it might be worth changing the candidate. date from the democrats? trump certainly did not attract independent voters, he galvanized perhaps more of his supporters, but his supporters for them... it doesn't matter at all what happens, they will always support him, and joe biden has certainly disappointed his supporters, that's for sure. well, i'm a supporter of joe biden in this case, he disappointed me, like all his supporters, he, he disappointed. and regarding the replacement of the candidate, look at
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the calls for, say, the replacement of the democratic candidate, they come from journalists, well-known journalists. such as, for example, thomas friedman, the third laureate of the police prize, as david remnick, editor-in-chief the new yorker magazine, as in the entire editorial board of the new york times newspaper, as well as in several other leading newspapers, there were such editorials, from some journalists such calls are heard on television, although where other journalists, for example, such well-known journalists, as lorenzo donel, host of the author's analytical program on the channel. or nika brzezinski, the daughter of bigniew brzezinski and and her husband joe scarbora, a former republican congressman, they host a very popular morning news program on msnbc, they are the opposite joe biden is called to stay, called to rally around him, that is, these calls are coming from journalists,
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there were no such calls from any politician of the democratic party, on the contrary, leading politicians. you are even those of them, whom the journalists there consider as a potential replacement for biden, they say that nothing like that will happen, that biden should bog down, that he will be the candidate, that the democratic party should rally around him and help him win the election, from no democratic politician called to replace biden, i have not heard all the last days. mr. igor, i wanted to talk with you , including about statements. two candidates regarding, regarding the situation in ukraine, regarding the war in ukraine, here both donald trump and joseph biden spoke, regarding this, by the way, let's now listen to what trump said about ukraine, what biden said, and then we will proceed to the discussion. this should never have happened,
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i would have settled this war between putin and... zelensky as president-elect even before his inauguration on january 20. i will settle this war people are being killed needlessly, so senselessly, and i will solve it, i will solve it quickly, before i even take office. and let's listen to what joseph biden said also in the context of ukraine. he wants. to restore the soviet empire, not just peace, he wants all of ukraine, and do you think he will stop there, if he takes ukraine, what do you think will happen to poland, what will happen to belarus, what do you think will happen to nato countries? therefore, if you want war, you must find out what he is going to do. well, here trump repeated his such mantra about
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that supposedly, as soon as he is elected in... early november, he will resolve all issues related to the war in ukraine by january 20. mr. igor, do you believe in these words, or is this such cheap populism? well, of course, that this is cheap populism, because, well , how can you believe in that, that, that, that, that is exactly populism, because how, how can he, how can he stop the war, here he is , i think i never thought about it myself, maybe. he sincerely believes that he is all that, all outstanding, and as he has in one of his commercials, it is said that his god sent in order to save america, and so on and so on, that maybe he still sincerely believes in this, maybe i don’t know, but of course that these are populist statements, behind which
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there is nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing, no , no ideas, and how can he... well, suppose he is elected president, how can he do something if he is not yet the president at all, that is, what levers does he have, what mechanisms are there to do something like that, for example , to stop the war, simply, nothing like that exists, well, donald trump, there is donald trump, all his statements, you know, on any subject, they are similar to this statement, that is, he is a major, that as of today... the president, as a king, that he is above the law, can do anything, can order the special forces to kill a political opponent, for example, she... just wrote that in this document and he will get away with it all
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, that is, he has immunity, you see, in the american constitution there is not a single word about the immunity of the president, no there is no such thing as those who created the constitution, as they are called in the united states the states, the founding fathers, they didn't foresee that... the president could be immune, and what the supreme court came up with , with its super-conservative majority today, is actually terrible because the supreme court actually said that the president, whatever he did not do, as the president, he has immunity from criminal prosecution, he does not have immunity, if while in the position of president, he did something that is not the duties of the president, that is outside the duties of the president, that is from this immunity there is no has, everything he does as president from he is immune to all this. what this actually means technically is that
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trump's three criminal cases through january 6 for stealing classified documents from the white house and forcing the state of georgia to rig the '20 election in his favor, that all of those... criminal cases have been dismissed for an absolutely indefinite period, so that the supreme court returned the case to the district court on january 6, that the district court should consider what was in trump's actions, as in actions, as actions, what was, what of his actions were the actions of the president, and which of his actions were actions as of a private person, well, imagine, it will be considered by the district court, let's say that it will decide on ... with trump, trump will appeal again in the end, it will go to the supreme court again and it will be considered for years, that is, in fact, the supreme court today defended trump in three
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criminal cases, against which he has several dozen charges, and these cases, these courts in these cases, they are postponed for an absolutely definite period, moreover, this is such a pandora's box, that is, now any president based on this the decision... of the supreme court will be able to, as judge sonia sotomai wrote in this special opinion that he can take bribes, order murders, do anything, and he can , because he is the president, he has immunity, in fact, in my opinion, the decision of the supreme court is very, very unfortunate, and this decision, the judicial system of the united states, which, for a very long time and many times... where, where there is at least some claim to democracy, was considered something of a benchmark, so this is this court somehow compromising itself with this decision, i.e. whether
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we now have a question not only for american presidents, but also for american courts, it is absolutely compromising, and i am sure that already today and in the coming days we will see a lot of statements by leading... lawyers that the court has compromised itself with this decision, because in fact the court invented something that is not in the constitution, and this was done by the votes of six judges who consider themselves, that 's what they call originalists in america, this is a conservative legal trend that believes that the constitution should be interpreted only the way it is written, there is not a word in the constitution about any immunity of the president, that is, the supreme court invented it. and this invention opens a very bad pandora's box, not only in relation to trump, but also in relation to future presidents,
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because this decision must be implemented. the court has compromised itself in the eyes of many americans, i think in the eyes of the world, because this decision is completely political, it was made in favor of trump, to help him avoid lawsuits before the election, it is... well, nothing more than that it simply cannot be a decision, mr. igor, but will it ultimately have political consequences for the election campaign, because trump's opponents talked about the fact that trump is actually under investigation, trump with convictions and trump without convictions - it could be a different trump , interpretation of the voters, but... now it turns out that the voters will say that trump is innocent, de facto. well, he has already been found guilty of one criminal case, there are 34.
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episodes, so that is 34 crimes, on july 11, in 10 days, the judge will announce the decision that he will make about his punishment, so he already recognized as a criminal offender, in the case that this case refers to the time when he was not yet the president, that is, the decision of the supreme court does not apply to this case, and what do voters, trump supporters think about this, for them there is absolutely no. .. what does it matter, what will become known about trump, what court decisions will be made regarding trump, absolutely, this is a personality cult, you see, there are several tens of millions of people who consider trump as if he was sent by god and everything, and they will vote for him, absolutely not the significance of what's going on around, and with respect to independent voters, it's going to be interesting to look at the polls, after
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trump was found guilty, until... he was ahead of biden in the national polls overall and that gap narrowed to virtually zero or in some polls, biden started to be ahead, you will have to look at the polls in those swing states that will determine the winner of the election, these are six or seven states at the most, i think you will have to look somewhere closer to the end of july, when these polls will be conducted often, then we're seeing how, how it's reflected in the views of independent voters, i wanted to, just to not forget to go back to your first question about the calls to replace the democratic nominee, the fact is that there are two technical big problems , even if the democrats wanted to replace the candidate, first, biden himself should refuse to run for president, and the second, and the second is money.
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any new candidate should start raising money from the very beginning for the election campaign because without huge money is impossible to conduct an election campaign, and i think there is simply no time to collect it, that is why this is such a loud call, but in my opinion it is not working, thank you, igor eisenberg, professor of new york university , was in touch with us about the situation in the united states. i would just like to remind you that we are conducting a survey on whether ukraine should agree to negotiations with the russian federation with the participation of mediators, and so far the vote is as follows: 29% of our surveyed respondents think so and 71% that no. the voting continues, as well as the tv channel's tv channel with the participation of our colleagues and partners, in a few moments they will pick up the bbc baton.
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the far right is one step away from power in france, where the first turkish parliamentary elections were held. marine le pen's party leads while the alliance is president. and macron in third place, what's next and how it will affect support for ukraine, the next 15 minutes of the bbc broadcast live from london. jefer umerov works in the studio. the first round of extraordinary parliamentary elections was held in france on sunday countries in which the far-right party marine le pen won the majority of votes, the second round will be held next sunday, july 7, then france, the second largest economy
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of the european union, will find out. will the far-right come to power?


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