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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2024 11:00pm-11:29pm EEST

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how hard victory is given, and we will do everything to embrace you sooner. therefore, when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you. greetings, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. the ukrainian authorities offer to legally buy off the army, not to all, and the price of the issue is currently being discussed. one of the options is 20,000 military levy per month, the second option. reservation on the condition
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of a high white salary, the amount of which should be at least uah 36,000. all this is still at the level of ideas, legislative. appropriate draft laws have already been registered in the verkhovna rada. it is not clear when the vote will be held, but what is certain is that this issue has every chance of dividing the verkhovna rada, as well as society. the authors of the bills on economic reservation, as they are popularly called, are a group of people's deputies headed by the chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on economic development, dmytro natalukha. he is a deputy from the party of the president, the servant of the people. natalukha says that the idea of ​​economy booking appeared as a result of a very large request from entrepreneurs. he said, for them it is an opportunity to book really professional, professional and valuable people, from whom they, that is, the entrepreneurs themselves, are ready to pay military duty and pay a white high salary. we asked what the military at the front thought about such an idea. listen. it is somehow twofold, because in principle, employees.
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enterprises need them, if, well, without, wouldn’t all women go to work, if now, i don’t know, in principle yes, but i think that not all of them , depending on where these funds go, well , to the state, to the budget , well, if for development of the army, it was about or in support of the families of the dead or so on, well, i think it is appropriate, because it is necessary... well, we understand that the rear is there and always will be, and if this system is somehow normalized, then i i believe that this is a very good thing, i think that not everyone should go to the front, no matter what, but the same factories that are working, yes, someone should work there, i am not talking about the factories that are engaged in , for example, there is a motor car, yes, where. in principle
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, a woman can also come and twist the nuts, i am talking about some metallurgical plants, some metallurgical plants, where a man's strength is needed, it's just a woman, she is naturally weaker than a man, so you can't push a woman in there, not everyone should fight, someone should be there for the armed forces, someone should be here for their country, this is such a fairly moderate opinion , but not everyone actually holds this opinion, some deputies from the opposition and even some military personnel who also... spoke about it publicly, say that under the term economic reservation, they say, there is a loophole for legal redemption from the army, and that such an approach put under su calls into question the principle of fair mobilization, they say, whoever has money has a chance not to serve, but then who and how should maintain the army, the players or managers answer to them, who are convenient to the president's commands, ukraine finances all defense expenses from its own budget, if enterprises start to lose people, their incomes will fall, incomes will fall, taxes will fall. taxes will fall, where to get money for
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the army? natalukha declares that economy booking can bring from 200 to 320 billion hryvnias to the budget. mykhailo podolyak, an adviser to the president's office, literally a couple of days ago, said that he supports the idea of ​​economic reservation, saying that it is a transparent scheme, clear rules, and it is necessary to somehow finance the armed forces. and what position does the president himself take? well, volodymyr zelenskyy did not publicly comment on the bills on economic reservation, but he spoke about what provides the military... from civilians, he voiced earlier, in particular during his press conference in december last year, when it was about the prospect of mobilizing 500 thousand people, and that's what zelensky said when you do you understand what financial contribution is needed to support our soldiers, we must understand with you, i have spoken about this many times, their wages are paid by our population, our people, all of you. people who pay
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taxes, when we talk about that other mobilization, we have to know with you, one soldier, six people. that's six people in civilian life paying taxes, and so just take 500 thousand people and multiply by 6 and figure out how i, the government, all of us find plus 3 million to the number we have, plus 3 million taxpayers from in january, danylo joined our broadcast. this is a people's deputy, servant of the people and chairman of the committee on finance, tax and customs policy, good evening, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, you haven't been on our air for a long time, but you see, the topic is so relevant just for you, and i am i understand that in the president's team there is a consensus that economy
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booking should be, well, judging by the statements we hear from the players, managers of the president's team, or whatever you say, well, actually, let's talk about economy booking. actually i watched your plot just now, you placed the emphasis absolutely correctly, this is an issue that completely, to a certain extent, divides society, this is an issue that is ambiguously resolved in society, and it is equally ambiguously perceived even by members of our team, that is, there are different opinions about it, and directly about whether it should be done or not and about it, and what format, what format, what form it should be. of this decision, because the proposed solutions are also different. separately, i would like to note, regarding the draft law itself, to which you referred, there are several of them, by the way, this is a package of bills that were submitted, there are three of them, as far as i remember, there are three of them, yes, by a group of deputies, but you can at the beginning, after all,
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we, we will define the positions, you support don't support the idea of ​​economy booking in general, look, there are few questions i don't have a clear answer to, and this is one. on such issues, i believe that this issue gives rise to a whole series of discriminations, discriminations based on the place of residence, because we know with you that the front-line territories are not they pay such salaries as utilitarian or, for example, on the western, on the western border of ukraine, discrimination based on profession, because automatically large salaries, that is , employees of the financial sector, banking sector automatically fall under this reservation and it does not fall, for example, utility workers or some categories of agriculture or teachers or others, you see, this is even discrimination based on age, because a person who works and has less work experience, he earns objectively less than one or another person, that is, if
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i understood you correctly, there is no need to pass laws, the cabinet of ministers can do this at the level of some decrees, resolutions and so on, resolutions, resolutions, resolutions, ugh. moreover, we recently passed a bill on the white business club, and according to this bill there are absolutely transparent, clear criteria for businesses that must be classified as having a high level of trust in connection with honest, voluntary tax payment, and in fact, we proposed, did not oblige, but only recommended to the cabinet of ministers, up to 25% for military service workers such companies to book due to the fact that the company is a bona fide taxpayer, but this issue is also quite
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debatable, because look, here we are talking, talking about the fact that the company should pay white wages, we are like we encourage people. to pay white salaries, but i want to remind everyone that actually paying salaries in white is not some kind of feat, it is the duty of every ukrainian, everyone , which the constitution does not exclude, of course i agree, but it is possible, i am here i will bet, i will take hold of what you said that this is the prerogative of the cabinet of ministers, they should write a resolution and, based on this resolution , provide a resolution there. resolutions are regulated by the cabinet of ministers, the issue of reservations, look at us, which is regulated in this way, we actually have a very good example, because our colleagues visited odesa just a couple of days ago, visited a bakery there, an ordinary bakery, and there the director complained to the fact that
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they cannot book employees, because the resolution the resolution is rushing, one contradicts the other, and it is impossible to do it, it does not work, the salaries of the employees are not high at all, and there is talk of some kind of reservation... well, if we talk about salaries in the context of reservations, it is also unrealistic, so let's listen to this one fragment, because there is more to talk about, why the salary is low, because the work itself, which needs to be done, is not necessary. doesn't need any thinking, you just stand by the oven and stack the bread, yes, it comes out of the automatic line, and you just you compose, monotonous work that needs to be done for 11 hours, well, that is, in our country, in my opinion, a legislative collision took place, there is a law of ukraine, yes, on mobilization and mobilization training, which has just been modernized, and it has come into force, point three of article 25, specifically, he emphasizes that enterprises, employees of enterprises that are subject to good will... which are the executors
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of mobilization tasks, what does the law mean the executor of mobilization tasks, that is , the ministry of economy, issued an order to the regional military administration that it must determine in its territorial community those enterprises that will provide food for the population and the armed forces in the most difficult situation. of ukraine, well, other military formations, but according to the decree of the cabinet of ministers, those performing mobilization tasks are excluded from armoring, that is, a collision, yes, this is written in the law, but there is no such thing in the decree, how to perform such tasks, we write a letter, but to the tsc, for example, in the city of yuzhny, about the fact that we send you a driver, we send him with a letter, as required by law, to the city southern for renewal. military records, he comes, and we will all find out in the evening that he is already in lviv in the uchebta,
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that is, no one even talked to him, he was simply twisted, two escorts were attached to him, and her person was not even able to update them with those military credentials, well, if they had probably updated them, but they didn’t return to the company again, and other drivers found out about it, it was a precedent, they said, we won’t go anywhere else, i don’t have a single substitute driver, that is, you understand, yes, that it is people who work. 30 days a month, well, this is a violation of all norms, i officially say this on camera, well, unfortunately, i don’t care about anyone now, i still have to answer to me if something happens to him, and if i don’t deliver bread to the armory strength, i won’t take him to kindergartens, i won’t take him to the hospital, answer me again, well , i’m already alone, i’ll tell you honestly, when this driver was taken to the same city of pivdenyi, i even drove bread myself on sunday, i didn’t against driving, i already live here at this enterprise, well, i can't leave, that's why that there are still assemblers, right? there are also debuggers, there are operators, mr. hetmants, well, that’s the story, i think
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there are actually a lot of such enterprises, and they say, but your regulations don’t work, they contradict each other, there are disputes, and apparently the law should somehow regulate it, see , well , the resolution is working, this is evidenced by the large number of booked persons, but i would like to change the emphasis here a little, but look, it seems that, as if, well... some officials or the state as a whole, she has such a natural desire to mobilize someone and to mobilize as much as possible, to mobilize violently, and you understand, this desire to mobilize is in conflict with the interests of business, society and everything else, i want to remind you that the country is at war, and the need to mobilize - this is not anyone's whim, it is an objective necessity. without which there can be no victory, and so it is as burdensome to the one who
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decides to mobilize as to the whole society as a whole, and therefore indeed, if the work is mechanical, the man 11 hours puts bread into trays, well, this is probably unskilled work, and this person can be replaced, and it is according to this logic that reservation takes place, if a person at the defense enterprise of a high-class... socialist cannot be replaced, then he is booked accordingly, because everything is in the state, i want to remind you, during war, it is subordinated to a single goal, it is victory, it is confrontation, it is the stability of the state in the fight against the thief, and therefore this goal has priority over all others, unfortunately, we would not like it to be so it was us i wish we had already won and celebrated the victory and did not consider these issues at all, but the situation is as it is, and unfortunately, in ... resolved booking issues, will never be satisfied, everyone is 100% satisfied, because someone under the armor will not fall, and this
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is also an objective thing, and with this understanding you need to treat this discussion and the position of the authorities as well, but it turns out that a person who receives a small salary will not be able to in the future if these are adopted economic reservation laws to claim on on reservation if she will get less salary and if more. then the chances increase, you also ask me the same question in the same words that i used to tell you a few minutes ago why it is controversial, and now you are on it and... you will not support such a bill if it appears in to the verkhovna rada, look, i am you, i gave you a clear enough answer, i do not have an unequivocal answer to the question of whether to support or not, a very controversial question, probably during my term of office this question is one of the most controversial and one of the most debatable
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and, well, controversial, stay in touch, we are also adding to our conversation nina yuzhannina, your colleague, people's... deputy from european solidarity and representative of the committee on financial tax customs policy, i congratulate you , mrs. yuzhanina, what is your point of view, would you support, would you press the button, if bills are brought to the verkhovna rada, which of the three currently in existence provides for economic reservation? good day everyone, it's me didn't hear your whole conversation, but i understand what you're talking about now, i personally won't be voting for any of the bills. and it is a pity that the authorities did not decide among themselves before registering them at all, because, if you paid attention, mazurashu registered his draft law at the end of may, he provided for economic reservations for those who pay more than 800 uah of taxes, i.e. a person pays more than
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uah 800, he should fall under the reservation, and even then it was necessary to understand that around this question will be... discussed, and of course the specialized economic policy committee, debating for a long time, issued several versions, which is incomprehensible to me, because even if you carefully read their approaches and if the wording of this economic security and ensuring continuity activity, it looks a bit strange, because if you saw, the first... draft, it focused on introducing a new tax, a fee for the broling of conscripts, that is 20,400, then for some reason special conditions for the fop, although they also, if they have employees, they would pay the same money, but for them they wrote out more amounts, which they should have declared the amount of income for previous periods, and then switched to a different
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strategy, because the fee will no longer be there, but will simply be for... . and fops do not fall under such a reservation system at all? well, i understand that all options will be discussed and the best one will be chosen, as far as i understand. later they changed their minds again and re -introduced fops, and then they changed their minds again as to whether or not to introduce this new tax or fee, therefore, i would like to talk about something else: in the last days of the meeting of the verkhovna rada, i heard a discussion when the draft law on the white business club was being adopted, i will tell you frankly now that mr. danylo and i discussed the recommendation topic, norms, which one, which was in this draft law, where the order was given to take into account the non-appealable reservation of up to 25% of the military obligations for such
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enterprises, enterprises that work in white, correctly no. no, these are those that will be on the list of enterprises with a high tax rate burden, and it was written more professionally, this high tax burden, this is not what the committee proposed with great respect to them, but they worked for a long time, issued such a kind of incomprehensible product, but i want to tell you what the reaction of our colleagues from the profile the defense committee, they asked very much for this amendment to be shot down in... further, i will explain why, because they have their own discussion around this issue, around mobilization and demobilization, and they, working closely with the ministry of defense, have already developed a draft law on demobilization, and now, when the level of mobilization has more or less reached the standards required by the military, it is strange, but
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we say so, yes, that is, they also have their own necessity and they proposed and... here the specialized committee says: "please do not move the construction that we are building, because on the one hand we are right and the economists are right, but without the economy, after all, it is a war not only of strategies and military capabilities, but also of the economies of countries, but on the other hand, when we think, we still have conscripts and boys and girls, in general, military personnel who have been in hot..." points for more than two years and generally without and what do you mean by this, i did not understand what you want to say by this, by saying that we simply push this idea away, we push the project aside... which is currently being developed in the specialized committee on demobilization on demobilization, please explain how the bill on economic reservation or bills push away from
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the bill or from the development of the idea there of the draft law on demobilization, because now all calculations of people who can be mobilized are calculated without taking into account these norms, and by the way, in none of the drafts of the law, the same specialized committee prepared the law. there are no such calculations in any project, in general, water is written about the positives, about the fact that we already understand that, of course, the more working people remain in the economy, the more successfully the economy will cope with its tasks, but... there are no such calculations, and so this is another question, i.e. does it hurt the law on demobilization, whether it harms or gives a positive result and who will calculate this
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positive result, and therefore this issue is very debatable, it could not be passed without the settlement of all these issues, mr. hetmantsev, and without your such moral and ethical hesitation, yes, if we take into account only the numbers, do you agree that no one made any calculations at all? no, well, look, i don't know whether my colleagues made calculations or not, i wasn't present, i'm not a co-author of these, beautiful, these beautiful bills, but i don't agree, i don't agree with the figure of definitely 200 billion in the shadow, which will come out for god's sake, well, it doesn't correspond, it doesn't correspond to the elementary mathematics of what is now, so the figure there will be much smaller, we calculated that even with... the best coincidence of circumstances, it will be somewhere around 50-70 billion, no more, but another 250, even that look,
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look, you have chosen a bad prosecutor and a lawyer for this bill, by the way, i definitely will not , i will definitely not defend these bills, i think you have already understood, and mina petrovna will not defend them yes, that's why we have close approaches about them somewhere here and... about what she said about demobilization, i don't know if this bill exists and if it has been drafted, at what stage it is in the prohibition committee, but what you and i should pay attention to in this context, and if we are talking about economic reservation, we should talk about people who are at the front also, of course, absolutely, that is, that is, not only about those who are not summoned in connection with... weapons, but also about those who, for example, were drafted from positions where he received, well , some, and where possible employers, and where possible
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the employer is ready to return such an employee and pay for him, you see, you see, you see, you see what a complex and interrelated issues there are too controversial, therefore i believe that these issues at least need discussion, now i have a question for you two regarding taxes, you sir? hetmantse has already repeatedly stated that tax increases will definitely happen, as far as i understood your statements correctly, you do not rule it out, and already, as i understand it, deputies, some, including from your committee, are advising to prepare for the fact that taxes will be increased. please explain whether the increase in taxes is somehow related to these ideas of economic reservation, or they are absolutely two parallel stories, one does not depend on the other, because the idea of ​​economic reservation, as they say, must be done. so that there would be something to finance the army, and i then thought, well, that means taxes will not be raised, or can taxes still be raised anyway? come on, come on first, come on first of all, about tax increases, as such,
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you and i know the statement, well, first of all, let's take the minister of finance, yes, first of all, in addition to this, there were certain statements from the ministry of defense, i will close the curtain for you, we even had hearings on our committee is closed with the ministry of defense regarding the need for additional funding. security and defense needs by the end of this year, that is, expenditures, sources that are not foreseen, and it is actually hundreds of billions, that is, it is not even tens of billions, it is hundreds, that is, it is big and super big money, and if we talk about, let's say, theoretical sources of filling these or financing these expenses, then i have repeatedly said that there are actually not many such sources in the theory of finance, it is... or the devaluation of the hryvnia, regarding which we will refrain as much as possible, this is demonetization, which is already involved and we have good results there in 23 and 24 in relation to.
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the wall of the economy and this increase in taxes also as one of the tools for filling the budget, which of these solutions, which of these solutions will the cabinet of ministers propose to us, and this cabinet of ministers should have proposed we'll just see, i think in the near future if he finds some other source or some know-how how to cover it up, thank god, nothing will happen and we'll be cross with you. and we will, we will continue to work and thank, thank the cabinet of ministers, but i have doubts that there are other sources, so in no case am i not predicting, not demanding, not talking about the need to raise taxes, in in no way, i'm just theorizing about the basis of the problems of solving these issues, determines the ways that are real
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possible, of course. whether or not this is related to economic reservation, no, it is absolutely not related to each other, these are absolutely absolutely parallel things that must be discussed and implemented in parallel as well. mrs. yuzhanina, i will also ask you, do you see any prerequisites for raising taxes, again in connection with the war and the need to finance it? i would just like to make a general remark that in 99 cases it only talks about tax increases. danylo oleksandrovych, does not speak about this the government at all, and on friday, i think, an official statement was published on the website of the ministry of finance that the ministry of finance, anticipating the receipt of 50 billion, then listed 2.2 billion of all tranches, which are from the european union, from the imf, there and from some government of another country that helps us, will ensure a budget deficit not only in the 24th year, but also in 2025. this
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means that they have more information, by the way, than the committee, regarding the need to increase financing of all five commanders of the armed forces of ukraine, i.e. of all units that are part of the armed forces of ukraine, that is, in this way i conclude that somewhere, somewhere, some kind of incorrect information is leaking all the time, because this single message, that we have to collect several hundred... billions additional, because there is none, and to things, here is a fresh strategy, oh, the budget declaration for the 25th 27th year, pay attention, it also does not provide for the increase of these taxes, which they are talking about all the time, they have been talking about for the last several months, if there is an increase in excise duties on qiqiong products, on fuel to the level of the european union, there is some introduction of an excise tax on sugar-sweetened beverages, eh? regarding vat,
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for example, revising, or rather, bringing tax breaks and reduced rates in line with the european directive , nothing more, then excuse me, please do not carry out this policy all the time , because business is already leaving the country, there is no need for this to do, let's wait for the changes to the budget for 2024, because this is how it should be done, if there are calculations, submit changes to the budget deficit. i'm not talking about taxes in general, but about me it was interesting to understand in the context of the maintenance of the army, whether it is necessary, i have one last question for mr. hetmantsev, about the calculations, allow me, look, volodymyr zelenskyi on...


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