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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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of the european union, there is some introduction of an excise tax on sugar-sweetened beverages, and there is something about vat, for example, a review, or rather, bringing tax benefits and reduced rates in accordance with the european directive, nothing more, then excuse me, please do not spend this politics all the time, because business is fleeing the country anyway, there is no need to do this, let's wait for changes to the budget... for 2024, because this is how it should be done, if there are calculations, submit changes, budget deficit and move on to consider each point by point and the possibilities of covering this where is it you said to mr. hetmantsev and i understand that we are now i am not talking about taxes in general, but i was interested in the context of the maintenance of the army to understand whether it is necessary, i still have the last question to mr. hetmantsev, about the calculations, let me see, volodymyr zelenskyi at... the end of the year said that
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six civilians support one military man. podolyak said for a couple of days that five civilians are holding one military man. not that it super-urgent and important question, but i still want to understand, these are numbers from the air, are there really any calculations, calculations, statistics, how many civilians support one military man? well, uh, come on, yeah. civilians receive one military. it depends on, well... many factors from large calculations on large arrays of numbers that relate to the financing of the army, people who are in the reserve, who are in the front line, who are at the disposal of the combatant, that is, it is impossible to determine a constant amount and a constant, let's say yes, the number of people in the rear, who must finance the people at the front with their earnings, because this is to some extent
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an abstraction, although i can derive it and confirm the president's words about six workers, and this figure is close enough to reality. thank you very much, danylo hetmantsev, people's deputy of the servant of the people faction and nina yuzhanina, people's deputy of european solidarity, representatives of the committee on finance, tax and customs policy, we talked about bills on economic reservations and the prospects of these legislative ones. initiatives thank you very much. well, now to international politics. the first round of elections in france ended with a triumph for the far-right and a cold shower for president emmanuel macron. according to the latest data, marine le pen's party (the national assembly, it's called) came out on top and received more than 33% of the vote. the second is the new people's front - an alliance of left-wing political blocs, almost 30. and only in
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third place was the political power of president emmanuel macron. regeneration is just over 20%. political commentators are like that the result is called an absolute defeat for macron. the turnout in the first round, and by the way, there will be a second round, so the turnout was the highest, first of all, in the last 50 years, and previously it was almost 70%. and far-right parties, which is the national assembly itself, have never won in the first round of parliamentary elections. of france according to political observers, this is a historic event in the political life of france. what does it mean? well, first of all, at the moment, he has a very real chance of getting the post of prime minister this young man, 28 years old, is jordan barnela. he is the formal leader of the party, and the right hand of marine le pen. i have already said that in order for the project i am making for the country to be voted, i need an absolute majority. so, either the french give me this absolute majority. or they risk
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seeing a new popular front at the head of the country. i don't want that for france. i believe there are many french people who do not want this for france. and i even believe that today there are voters, including in the presidential majority, who were able to vote for emmanuel macron, who are embarrassed by this carp and rabbit alliance between mr. macron and mr. melenchon. alla lazareva, the editor-in-chief of the ukrainian weekly french, joined our broadcast. editors, i welcome you, good day. i think it will be very interesting for our audience to find out what is happening in france, given the fact that emmanuel macron has repeatedly expressed support for ukraine and even offered to send french troops there in the future. now, i understand, all these ideas can be put on hold. let's start from the beginning, explain why marine le pen's party received so much support, because there were times when this party... was called a threat to democracy, it
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was accused of racism, anti-semitism, and anti-islamism, in the 17th year they generally had only eight seats in the parliament, what happened, what is the reason for such a jump, huh? has the party changed or has french society changed? you know, not so much the party has changed, but its position in the political spectrum, because if before macron came to power, such a system of change was clear when to the authorities of the right and the left, moderate right, moderate left, they came one by one, one by one they changed, who was in power, who was the opposition, but macron declared himself neither right-wing nor left-wing, and accordingly he ate so little, one might say. .. he took republicans from these socialists to his political force and at the first stage in the first mandate it helped him a lot, but because of this process what happened was that these political parties
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are two, they actually became exhausted, they turned into marginal ones, and this one is such a moderate buffer he parted and accordingly radical eyes grew, two e. two wings, extreme right, extreme left, that is, it strengthened the radical, let's say, circles that could not reach macron. and accordingly, there is also a protest vote, a big protest vote, because macron, he is already in his second term, and it is clear that ukrainians now treat him with sympathy and gratitude, because he promises us weapons, and long-range weapons, and instructors, maybe french on our land, and we like it, but in... from another point of view, they complain that the prices are rising, he already to raise them, because he is in power for the second mandate, all the problems that are happening, of course, that the president is to blame, it is not only the french, it is the majority of the people , that is, it is all to the point of tiredness from him,
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as from an individual, let's say, such a certain reluctance to see him for a long time in the matignon palace, excuse me in... the palace, this also contributed to the fact that the public became radicalized and voted either for the extreme left or for the extreme right, and with regard to the success of the national union, it can also be said that this is success recognition of mr. bardela, because he is such a tik-tok star here, and his youth follow him, that is, support him in this, this is the effect of his popularity on the internet. who brought many young people who had never voted and did not want to vote to the polling stations and they gave him their votes. he, i understand, he is the formal leader of the party, now, yes, the right hand, the right hand of marine le pen, yes, yes, 28 years old, 28 years old, there since the age of 16, i think
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he has been in this party, he came so very young and actually grew up in it, and now this young man has every chance to become prime minister, i understand correctly, absolutely correctly. because they gathered 33% of the votes approximately, well, now the final calculations are still being made, but this way it will be a third of the parliament, and they now the question remains open, only it will be a relative majority or an absolute majority, but one way or another, translating , i translating into the language of ukrainian politics, it will be mono more that we will have to form a coalition, yes, yes, yes, absolutely the situation is the same in france, and accordingly there is a very good chance that macron will be obliged to offer ... to his political power this position, and his political power has already said that they want to see exactly this jortan bardela, bardela, i'm sorry, in the position of prime minister, so there is a big, big chance that he will become, and what to expect from him, do you have any ideas? well, if
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we go by what he himself says, then he really likes to express respect for the heroic ukrainian people, but at the same time he says that there are no sanctions against russia productive, that they are... and for the western economy as well, that they should be abandoned, that ukraine has the right to defend itself, but god forbid, it will use offensive weapons and strike on the territory of russia, that is, in essence, this is such a discourse light, i would say, pro-russian, not as it was before the full-scale offensive, a little so softened, but nevertheless, still... such an old, let's say, the habit of looking back at russia, this party is not from her refused, and therefore it is clear, that is, the right-wing political commentators who say that it is russophile pro-russian, almost a party there, friends of putin? well, there are politicians who
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are pro-russian, russophile friends of putin, etc., you can’t say that all of them are like that, because look, support for the ukrainian, ukrainian struggle and even support for the idea of... giving weapons to ukraine, giving weapons, sorry , it remains high, i.e. somewhere at the level of 60%, i think it was the last one, the last poll, so it turns out that part of... the voters of this extreme, extreme right, also believe that ukraine should be provided with offensive weapons, that is, it is not so unequivocally, it cannot be said that this is such a well -formed political force where everyone thinks the same, but yes, among the leaders, there are certainly leaders, well, at least they are very compatible with the kremlin policy and are used to cooperation with the russians, and so on it must be understood that now, for example, emmanuel macron will no longer be so free in... his actions if he wants, conditionally speaking, to send french, let's imagine hypothetically, instructors to ukraine, if
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the government headed by the prime minister if the minister says no, it means no, well, not that, in principle, it is external politics, it remains and remains the prerogative of the president, but it is clear that he must carry out certain processes through the parliament, this is a presidential republic, and he can certainly do some things, but not with such. it is clear that this ambitious policy of the european, let's say, a separate such, security, security policy of the european, is also subject to, let's say, great sadness, because in order for macron to be listened to, to be heard, he must be influential, his influence is now very lost a lot, that is, he, and that prime minister, whom he most likely will be forced to present, this prime minister does not want to send. neither instructors, nor long-range weapons, nor to carry out all these ambitious plans, then
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i have a question, it may be philosophical, but i can’t figure it all out, this french parliament, which worked, it was elected in 22, and he was supposed to work until the 27th year, in fact there before the presidential elections themselves, either there or immediately after the presidential elections, and only after macron's macro party was defeated in... the european elections macron dissolved the parliament and announced early elections in his country, but as far as i understand, no one forced him to do it, and he was not obliged to do it, why did he do it then, isn't it a shot in the foot, or from someone demanded it from him, nobody demanded it from him, but he took into account the fact that, after all, in france the president does not do everything he wants, it is not a monarchy, and he anyway, taking into account the results of the elections to the european parliament, where the extreme right scored so... 30 there with a tail of percent, forced was to offer, would have been forced
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to offer, well, to a representative of this political force the position of prime minister, he might not have done it absolutely precisely, but it meant that in the fall a very powerful, strong, large-scale political crisis could begin, if they wanted to both the far right and the far left at the same time, and he obviously hoped that if he launched these elections... the french would be spammed and would not support the far right so actively in this way, so he confused, let's say, that is, he believed that this protest a vote, and not a vote of support for the ideology of the extreme right, that is , it seemed to him that those people who vote for the extreme right are simply no longer satisfied with his politics, but in fact they do not share this idea, but this vote proved that there is something in us ? with the connection, it seems to me that the connection has been lost, our
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guest, the speaker, has disappeared, but she, hello, hello, can you stay with us for a minute, are you in touch with us, finish a minute, literally, yes , i interrupted somewhere, so the sound disappeared, probably because i was talking, talking, yes, yes, but we understood that, we understood that, after all, macron decided, despite the fact that there were certain risks for him, and we see that they were very realistic indeed. he decided to go to the elections and hold them, yes, he decided to go to the elections, because he predicted that otherwise there could be a big, large-scale political crisis in the fall, and to avoid it, he thought that the french were voting for the extreme thresholds more out of protest , out of indignation, out of unwillingness to support the government, than ideologically, but it turned out to be the opposite, because if it was only a vote, if it was only a protest vote, then the extreme right would not have gained as much, or even a little more. than in the recent elections to the european parliament, and as a result
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, france may become the first country in the european union where an ultra-right party will form the government, this is a challenge, including for ukraine, of course, thank you very much, alla lazareva, editor-in-chief of ukrainian week french version, we talked about, french edition, we talked about the parliamentary elections, the first round ended in of france thank you very much. that's all we have for today, i urge you to subscribe to the radio liberty page in ukraine, like this broadcast, in this way you will support our work, you can leave questions, comments, wishes in the chat. under this broadcast and until tomorrow, there are discounts representing the only discounts on sudokrem of 15% in pharmacies psyllium vam and oschad, there are discounts representing the only discounts on troxevs inn, 15% in pharmacies psyllium vam and oschad.
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presenters, about cultural news, alina chechenina, our art watcher, is ready to tell, good evening, presenters, what about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good man of the day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions. search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general , i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing - every thursday at 9:15 p.m. , velikiy lviv speaks in the project, on the espresso tv channel. every week, the saturday political club
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helps to understand. the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. take the wounded from the battlefield in time. it means saving his life, a ride bc, a ride boys, a quad bike - this is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating wounded compatriots. we encourage everyone to join nato to collect from scratch to life on quad bikes for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yara in the direction of chasiv. greetings, i am asking
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you to help in the search for this girl, her name is tsviri dovakatya, she is 15 years old, the girl disappeared at the very beginning of the russian invasion, nothing is known about her, since february 24, 2022. katya lived in the kherson region in the city of gola prystan, which is now temporarily occupied, due to the fact that, for obvious reasons, communication with the occupied... territories is complicated, and in some places completely absent, then to find out whether the girl is still in kherson region it doesn't work, but it's possible that this program will be seen on the internet by the residents of naked marina, so i ask you, if you know at least some information about katya sviridova, let us know on the hotline 11630. you can also
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write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. please don't... remain indifferent. also in the kherson region and also at the beginning of the full-scale invasion , this guy disappeared, his name is kyrylo selivanov. he is 17 years old and he disappeared in the temporarily occupied village of gladkivka. it is actually not far from the bare pier, where katya sviridova, about which i told at the beginning. i ask you to carefully look into the boy's face. you may recognize him. unfortunately, from february 2022. there is no news about him, of course, it is possible that kirill could be taken to russia, as, unfortunately, often happens with children in the occupied territories, but this is only an assumption and... in fact, the boy may still remain in the occupation. so i am asking absolutely everyone, especially the residents of the occupied part of the kherson region. look carefully at
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the photo of the boy. if you recognize him, do not delay and please report immediately to the hotline of the child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. if it's inconvenient or we don't have it. the ability to call, you can write to us on the website or in the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. let's not be indifferent and let's do everything possible together to find the missing boy. i really hope that everything is fine with kata sviridova and kirill selivanov, that they are alive and well, and that with your help we will be able to find them. and by the way, it may well be that the girl is a guy, for example, together with... some of his relatives, fleeing from the war, found themselves in one of the european countries. so please remember this number 116/3. this is the only
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european hotline for missing children that works in 28 european countries. therefore, if you are in one of the european countries and suddenly see a girl and a boy who look like katya sviridova and kirill silivanov, immediately call the short number 116 30. come on. let's do everything possible together to find the missing katya and kirill. i have told only two of many difficult stories children who have gone missing. you can find information about all the boys and girls we are trying to find on the children's search service website. there are pictures of children who have disappeared and need our help, so please look at theirs. face, if you know any information about any of them, please contact us immediately, the hotline number of the child tracing service is 116 30, calls
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are free from all mobile operators in ukraine. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against child in any city, at any time, just go to the site and... and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time is on the air. i am natalia leonova. congratulations. already in the near future, probably even before the nato summit next week, ukraine should expect new announcements regarding the strengthening of its air defense.
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us secretary of state anthony blinken stated this in an interview with the brookings institute. the official also emphasized that ukraine's success is based on her the ability to stand on one's own feet in the military, economic and democratic plane, as well as further integration with countries, countries with the west. for both its military and economic potential, it is necessary to ensure that there is an air defense to try to protect the territories in which investments have been made. we are working on it. i think you'll see more news on this in the near future ahead of the nato summit next week. and finally, to be a country with a strong democracy. the fact that the european union has opened... ukraine's accession process is the best guarantee that ukraine will continue to implement the necessary reforms to strengthen and deepen its democracy. the end result is a successful
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country, a country that is independent in these three areas, which will be the strongest response to vladimir putin. a bipartisan delegation of the house of representatives of the us congress, led by the chairman of the house of representatives committee on intelligence mike turner, met in kyiv with the president spoke about the situation on advanced and priority needs of the armed forces. at the meeting, they talked about further american assistance, in particular, additional air defense systems and missiles for them. lawmakers declared bipartisan support for ukraine in the congress. republican mike turner, answering the question about the permission to strike with american weapons deep into the territory of russia, said that he supports this initiative. we are here with a bipartisan congressional delegation to demonstrate our support for ukraine. obviously, the united states, while continuing
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to provide arms and financial support, respond to the challenge of russian aggression. today we met with president zelenskyi and expressed our support for his leadership and what we are achieving together. he continues to advocate to us for additional air support, air defenses, and for united states aid to come more quickly, and we share his concern. my position is broader than the position of the administration. that ukraine should be able to use the weapons provided against proper military targets, my position is the same as that of general secretary stoltenberg. stoltenberg said that he believes that ukraine should not fight with one hand tied behind its back, that it should be able to respond to attacks from russia, but also to attack military targets. one of the problems that we have, obviously, is the increase in the production of weapons in russia. this is
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a math problem. and i think it should be possible to use military force to answer this problem as well. it was amazing to hear firsthand from people who were on the battlefield protecting democracy from russia's illegal and unjust attack on this country and the brutality with which it abducted children and continues to attack the civilian population. we, as americans, as members of congress, support ukraine so that it can fight back. we are learning a lot, not only how to counter russian aggression, but we are also learning how democracies and nato can be together. an attack on the sovereignty of one democracy, in my opinion, is an attack on all democracies, so i am very pleased to say that i believe that the ukrainian people are on front line of the struggle for democracy, and let me conclude with what i saw on the poster today: bravery is in the dna of ukrainians, and today we saw that this is indeed the case.
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the supreme court of the united states on july 1 recognized that former us president donald trump has a certain level of immunity from criminal prosecution in the case of the storming of the capitol on january 6, 2021. this decision could significantly delay the trial on charges of trying to undermine the results of the presidential election. according to the decision of the supreme court and how it may affect on the accusations against donald trump on the eve of the presidential election, follow mick. colleague oleksiy kovalenko, who joins our ether from the supreme court. congratulations oleksya. oleksiy, explain what today's supreme court decision is about, and what reaction have we already heard from donald trump himself, as well as from lawmakers in congress? yes, natalie, right now, right now , we are at the supreme court building, where just a few hours ago, a split decision of the judges decided that
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that former... the president of the united states, donald trump , may have some level of immunity, particularly in relation to the case of the attack on the capitol on january 6 , 2021, and it is about those cases where what the former president did was within his constitutional authority, and the judges noted today that in cases where the president's actions correspond to the constitutional authority of what the president is supposed to do under the constitution, then the president in that case...has immunity, in cases that are not subject to the president's constitutional authority, accordingly, there will be no immunity for the president, this is a more complex decision than many expected, many expected that the supreme court might rule that the president does not have immunity for this specific case on january 6, others said that the opposite would be a different decision, but it was there was a lot of criticism in this process, there was a lot of criticism directed at
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verkhovno. the court that this process has been significantly delayed, because the charges against the former president were brought as early as last august, and subsequently this process was considered on appeal in the court here in washington, and there was supposed to be another hearing in march, but in the end donald trump's team filed, filed an appeal to the supreme court, demanding, demanding such a general, general immunity for the former president, according to which the ... taken all dismissed all charges of donald trump, as if he would be immune from all accusations against him. and in the end, the decision was so much more complex and we heard about it only today. there were already many comments about this decision. trump himself and his team perceive this decision as such a complete victory. moreover, trump believes that after this decision of the supreme court, all accusations are against him.


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