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tv   [untitled]    July 2, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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you see on the screen, and a little bit about the details of what is happening right now, let's remind you that the occupied crimea is still restless, and the crimean public is slowly starting to find out information, so far there are two, two, let's say, two potential places , where there could be an arrival, quite bright, it is either the area of ​​the height of the mountain in balaklava, or the karan plateau and heights. maybe in balaclava too, let's follow and move on to the events overseas, they were, oh, so bright, this week and remain so with the projection for the next week, right? igor eisenberg, professor of new york university, in direct connection with our studio, we will talk now about the debate between trump and biden, about the consequences of this debate and finally about the stream.
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the course of the election campaign, mr. igor, we are glad to see you, good evening, good evening, friends, i am also glad to see you, good evening to all viewers of espresso, mr. igor, if you are asked for your expert point of view, still, in your opinion , who won these debates and what are the current consequences in the united states political system. i think that none of them didn't win because well joe biden didn't look bad in them we know all that i mean he didn't win them but to say they were won by trump who lied more than 30 times made more than 30 false statements in those 90 minutes some . repeated the snide statement
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several times, to say that he won the debate, well, that would be, you know, funny, if it wasn't sad, i mean, nobody won it, they, they were the worst debates i've ever seen, i i been watching the debates since '92 , at least i've seen them all, that was worst, but to say that the debates play any decisive role at all in the electorate... in determining how they vote is absolutely impossible, because there have been so many cases where a candidate who did a bad debate won the election, i can you 'll recall, say, '16 hillary clinton definitely looked much better than trump in all three debates, and trump won the election. in '12, mitt romney completely beat barack obama in the first debate, obama won the election, in '84, ronald reagan... lost the first
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debate to walter mondel, but won the election, so that's it, they're in the debate, not so that the voters decide who to vote for, but so that the candidates can sell themselves, so to speak, to the voters, show themselves, well, in my opinion, both candidates showed themselves badly, independent voters, of course, trump voters liked trump very much, well, he was himself, what he was, what... he always was, what he continues to be. that is, mr. igor, as far as i understand you, donald trump is unlikely with his more, well, i don't know how to say it, definitely unsuccessful, but more verbose, even, perhaps, speech, hardly attracted the positive attention of the electorate, who may not have fully made up his mind, and he hardly looked more winnable than joseph biden, nevertheless, what about
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the democrats, in particular, how serious are the discussions now, the talk about whether it might be worth changing the candidate from the democrats? trump certainly did not attract independent voters, he galvanized, perhaps more of his supporters, well, him supporters for them it doesn't matter at all what happens, they will always support him, and joe biden has certainly disappointed his supporters, that's it... for sure, well, i'm a supporter of joe biden in this case, he disappointed me, how, how and all of his supporters, he, he has disappointed, and as for replacing the candidate, look at the calls for, let's say, replacing the democratic candidate, they are coming from journalists, well-known journalists, such as, for example, thomas friedman, a three-time winner of the police award, as david remnick, chief. editor
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magazine, as you the entire editorial board of the new york times newspaper, as well as in several other leading newspapers, there were such editorials from journalists on some on television, to sound. appeals, although where other journalists, for example, such well-known journalists as lorenzo donel, the host of the author's analytical program on the msnbc channel, or nika brzezinski, the daughter of bigny brzezinski and her husband jos scarborough, a former republican congressman, they host a very popular morning news program on msnbc, they call joe the opposite biden to stay, called to rally around him. that is, these calls are coming from journalists, there were no such calls from any politician of the democratic party, on the contrary, the leading democratic politicians, even those of them whom the journalists there consider as a potential replacement for biden, they say that nothing like this will happen, that biden has
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swamp that he will be the candidate, that the democratic party should rally around him and help him win the election, from no democratic politician for… i have not heard calls to replace biden in recent days. mr. igor, i wanted to talk with you, including about the statements of the two candidates regarding the situation in ukraine, regarding the war in ukraine, here both donald trump and joseph biden spoke about this. by the way, let's now listen to what trump said about ukraine, what biden said, and then we'll move on. for discussion, this should never have happened, i would have settled this war between putin and zelensky, as president-elect even before my inauguration on january 20th, i would have settled this war, people are being killed needlessly, so
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senselessly, and i will solve it, i will solve it quickly, even before i take office, and let's hear what... also said in the context of ukraine, joseph biden. he wants to restore the soviet empire, not just peace. he wants all of ukraine, and you think he will stop there. if he takes ukraine, what do you think will happen to poland, what will happen to belarus? what do you think will happen to nato countries. therefore, if you want war, you must find out what he is going to do. well, trump repeated his mantra that, allegedly, as soon as he is elected in early november, he will resolve all issues related to the war in ukraine by january 20, mr. igor, do you believe in these words, or is it
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so cheap populism? well, of course, this is cheap populism, because how can you believe in that, in that, in that, in what is exactly... zom, because how, how can he, how can he stop the war, so he, i think, never thought about it himself, maybe he sincerely believes that he is so completely, completely outstanding, and how he has one from his commercials, it says that god sent him to save america, and so on and so forth, maybe he still really believes it, maybe i don't know, but... of course that's populist statements, behind which there is nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing, no, no ideas, and how can he, well , suppose he is elected president, how can he do anything if he is not yet the president at all, that is, what levers does he have, what
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mechanisms is in order to do something like that, for example, to stop a war, simply, simply nothing like that exists, well donald trump, there is donald trump, all his... his statements, you know, on any topic, they are similar to this statement, that is, he says something, something, something, with such slogans, his supporters like it, well, actually his supporters these statements are calculated, mr. igor, but the fact is that those who are terribly afraid of the presidency of the second presidency of donald trump, had a kind of hope that their word would be true. can be said by the american courts about the cases brought against him, and the supreme court of the united states recognizes that the former president donald trump has some level of immunity from criminal prosecution, what does that mean in practice? i
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will tell you frankly, this decision of the supreme court today, in my opinion, it is terrible, absolutely, here i completely agree with ... the special opinion of three liberal judges, which was expressed by justice sonia sotomayor, that he is the president today, like a king , that he... can do anything above the law, can order the special forces to kill a political opponent, for example, she just wrote that in this document, and he will get away with it all, that is, he, he has immunity, you see, in the american constitution there is not a single word about the immunity of the president, no... there is no such thing, those who created the constitution, as they are called in
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the united states, the founding fathers, they didn't foresee that the president could have immunity, and what the supreme court came up with , with its super-conservative majority today, is actually terrible, because in effect the supreme court said that the president, whatever he does as president , he has immunity from criminal prosecution, he does not have immunity as being in the position of president, he did something that is not the duties of the president, that is outside the duties of the president, but there is no immunity from this, everything he does as the president is immune from all of this, actually that means technically that trump's three criminal cases through jan. 6 for stealing classified documents from the white house, for forcing the state of georgia to rig
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the 20th election in his favor that all cimina's criminal cases are postponed for an absolutely indefinite period, so that the supreme court returned the case to the district court on january 6, that the district court must consider what was in trump's actions, as in the actions of the president, as actions, what was, what of his actions were the actions of the president, what of the actions were the actions of a private person, well, imagine if the district court will consider this, let's say it decides not in favor of trump, trump will file endless appeals again, it will go to the supreme court again court and it will be considered for years, that is, in fact, the supreme court today the court defended trump in three criminal cases, against which he has several dozen charges, and these cases, the trials for these... they are postponed for an absolutely indefinite period, moreover, this is such a pandora's box, that is, now any
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the president, relying on this decision of the supreme court, will be able, as a judge, sonya sotomayor wrote in this special opinion that he can take bribes, order murders, do anything, and he has, because he is the president, he has immunity, in fact, in my opinion, a very, very unfortunate decision of the supreme court. court, but with this decision, the judicial system of the united states, which for a very long time, and in many places where there is at least some claim to democracy, was considered something of a reference, so this court somehow compromises itself with this decision, that is, is it we now have questions not only for american presidents, but also for american courts, absolutely. but it compromises, and this, i am sure that already today and in the coming days we will
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see many statements by leading lawyers that it was with this decision that the court compromised itself, because in fact the court invented what in there is no constitution, and it was made by the votes of six judges who consider themselves, that's what they call originalists in america, this is a conservative legal trend that believes that the constitution should be interpreted. only the way it is written, there is not a word in the constitution about any immunity of the president, that is, it was invented by the supreme court, and today, and this invention, it opens a very bad pandora's box, not only in relation to trump, but also in relation to future presidents, because this decision must be implemented, the court has compromised itself in the eyes very many americans, i think in the eyes of the world, because... that this decision is completely political, it was made in favor of trump, to help him avoid
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lawsuits before the election, it's, well, nothing else behind this decision to just be can not. mr. igor, will this eventually have political consequences for the election campaign, because trump's opponents talked about the fact that trump is actually under investigation. trump with convictions and trump without convictions - this may be a different trump, the interpretation of the voters, but now it turns out that the voters will say. and that trump is innocent, de facto? well, he has already been convicted of one criminal case, there are 34 episodes, that is, 34 crimes, on july 11, in 10 days, the judge will announce the decision that he will make about his punishment, that is, he is already convicted of a criminal offense, for what case, that is the case
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concerns the time when he was not yet the president, that is, the decision. the supreme court does not apply to this case, and what the voters, trump supporters think about this matter is of absolutely no importance to them, what will become known about trump, who there will be court orders against trump, absolutely, this is a cult of personality, you see, there are several tens of millions of people who look at trump as if he was sent by god and everything, and they will vote for him, it does not matter what, what is happening around and with regard to independent voters, it will be interesting to look at the polls, after trump was found guilty, by the way, he was ahead of biden in general national polls, and this gap narrowed to practically zero, or according to some polls, biden began to be ahead, we will have to look at polls
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in exactly those states that will determine the winner of the elections, these are six or seven states. at the most, i think we'll have to look somewhere closer to the end of july, when these polls will be done frequently, then we 'll see how it plays out in the opinion of independent voters, i just wanted to, just to be clear, go back to your first the question of calls for a democratic replacement, the point is that there are two major technical problems, even if the democrats wanted to replace. money, any new candidate should start raising money from the very beginning for the election campaign, because without a lot of money it is impossible to run an election campaign, and the time to
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raise it simply, i don't think, that's why it's so loud . was in touch with us about the situation in the united states, i would just like to remind you that we are conducting a survey on whether ukraine should agree to negotiations with the russian federation with the participation of mediators, and so far the vote looks as follows: 29% of our surveyed respondents believe that that's right and 71% that no, the voting continues, as does eter telekanal. there are discounts representing the only discounts on magnesium 10% in pharmacies of travel bams and savings. there are discounts representing the only discounts on estezifin 20% in pharmacies of travel stores and savings. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on enterogermina
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of 15% in pharmacies for travelers and savers. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing two hours to learn about the war, about military, frontline, component, serhii zgurets. but how does the world live? yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two o'clock. to keep abreast of economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchavka is next to me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alina chechenina, our tv viewer, is ready to tell good evening, presenters, what to many, they have become as if they are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa
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dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, the events of the day for two... hours, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. summer is a time of rest and recovery, and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and some peace for children, whose world was destroyed by war. these are the children of the dead heroes, father or mother, who, protecting us and you, our country, died at the front, and they, like no one else, need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children recover more quickly after a loss. children
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feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, and find new ones friends, the most important thing is that they will receive the help of qualified psychologists, and perhaps now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. i really liked the trip to austria, i liked the museums we went to every day. it was amazing and i really liked how we went to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz.
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this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments. we continue the live broadcast of the espresso tv channel and continue its project new week, a project led by us, andriy smoliy and khrystyna yatkiv, and now we have a traditional hour, or rather 45 minutes of our analytics, our discussions, those events. which are important for our country, which actually they are creating, they are creating politics and creating history not only on a ukrainian scale, but
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probably also on a planetary scale, so i will only add that i do not claim to be the truth, to some analysis exclusively from my side, after all, a journalistic point of view has a place here , but it is extremely valuable to hear andriy's opinion, and today we will talk with him... on such topics, of course, we will talk about the thesis of volodymyr zelenskyi, at least about the possibility of a model of negotiations with the russian federation, in which there are no direct contacts there is no ukraine and russia, but this process will be taken care of by some third party, who it may be, in what format it may or may not be, we will talk about that, and we will certainly remember what i would say now. worries, rumbles, perhaps even the entire european union, this is a certain trend that is very clearly recorded now in the actual election processes in france, so we have the triumph
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of the far right, if we talk about the european union in general, then the other pole is also not far behind and also has certain success, and so to speak, the most weighted position, healthy position and isn't the eu losing it at all? of all these turbulent events, we remind you that we have an ongoing survey, and it concerns your opinion on whether ukraine should agree to negotiations with the russian federation with the participation of mediators, if you think that it is worth speaking, if someone is between the warring parties, then please call 0800 211 381 free of charge if you think that... that under no circumstances, even with the participation of intermediaries , this cannot be done, then 0800 211 382, ​​although you know, she said and i understand that a little
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it is even possible that she has swayed our viewers to vote in the wrong direction, because there may be another position, there may be people who believe that it is necessary to speak without any intermediaries, so direct negotiations, yes, i do not rule out that in our country can still have such thoughts, although, although... they should be purely, purely legally now absolutely excluded, because, if i am not mistaken, from october 2022, the decree of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, which he actually puts into effect the decision of the national security and defense council that negotiations with by the russian federation, in principle, are not possible there until a certain moment, and in my opinion , we have not reached this moment, right? if we are talking about... about these statements of zelenskyi, yes, i already emphasized them at the beginning of the program, when we spoke with mr. mosienko, they are not isolated,
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that is... we have been observing a certain trend for the last few weeks, and this trend is that various bloggers, various political experts, various journalists, various youtube projects, that is, you feel that it is spreading in the information space, they, they started very actively discuss the topic of possible negotiations, and here actually, after that , this statement of volodymyr appears. zelenskyi, where he says that it may be, there may be negotiations with mediators, there may be negotiations of something like a grain agreement there, when it was, right? according to zelenskyi, i would not emphasize much, why? because there is really, well, nothing seditious. all the same, we understand that these negotiations will take place someday in theory, right? and all the same, you will have to deal with some mediators about
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something at home. tsya, conditionally speaking, in which it would be there would be no option, there would be no conclusion, but, for example, when mr. fesenko speaks with ms. mosiychuk, it was, by the way, an interesting conversation, and there both mosiychuk and fesenko said such things that related to the fact that we , which can be considered a victory. perhaps it can be considered a victory that there remains the capital of ukraine, the largest reggae, most of the regions, access to the sea, nataliya mosiychuk said this, by the way. president volodymyr zelensky said approximately the same thing in the same interview as, for example, for our key a partner of the united states, it is important to save us as a state, but there is no question of going to the borders of 1991, well, it is said that this is, for example, this interview, and
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a number of others. interviews, a number of other positions of various political scientists, they really start to suggest that it is possible for us, at least, if not to prepare, then to feel the information ground for possible negotiations. another interesting thing, by the way, zelenskyi said in the same interview that the united states of america does not see ukraine in nato at the moment, huh. is also very important something worth talking about, something worth emphasizing. before that, biden said that wait, nato for now, no? why am i talking about nato? because even if such a situation occurs that there will be a conflict or a war, or rather, frozen. what is the guarantee for ukraine? this is
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the first question to ask. what is the guarantee for ukraine that the war will not start with a new force at any moment, what is really interesting here are the so-called security agreements that we constantly sign with many individual countries and their representatives, with the european union, one of the last, and it is presented to us very often, as agreements that are supposed to protect us from... new aggression of the russian federation, yes, if this happens, i just wonder how we, as a whole the world will qualify, a new aggression is taking place, or is this a way out of the frozen phase of the conflict that began in 2014, gained full scale in 2022, we do not rule out that the intensity of the war may
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decrease, because well... there are certain natural processes and such an intense war can not go on forever, but can we say that this freeze will be seen by our partners as the end of this conflict, and that really worries me because the devil is in the details, we already have the experience of the budapest memorandum, where we thought we had there are certain guarantees from the signatories, but it turns out that we had in... there were not so much guarantees as, as the word is, if i'm not mistaken, assurances, assurances, something that they guarantee our territorial integrity and not only in exchange on our nuclear as such in a word, i would be very meticulous about all signed agreements, no, i would not hope that they will work as we expect in the answer.


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