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tv   [untitled]    July 2, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EEST

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to our soldiers who, despite all this, will continue, will continue to hold, hold our positions, yes, yes, now, one second, yes, now, i will read the information, and then i will call, invite a guest to a conversation with whom we will discuss this important topic, rescuing people from the turkish community in donetsk region in three days , law enforcement officers evacuated 711 residents, including 20 children, located 3 km from the battle line, the enemy drops up to 20 bombs on residential buildings every day, now at least 35% of the houses there have been destroyed, well here you are now watching the video, the police report oblast, currently there are about 10,000 residents left in the community, many of them want to evacuate, but the russians prevent them from leaving and target civilians, they left because they are being shelled a lot, it is generally bombed so that you stand up as if you are
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at home this and that is gone, a nine-story building, there is nothing alive in turkey, the infrastructure is broken, very loud, yesterday a woman died in the neighboring house, the house was destroyed, constant shelling, all day long, they do not eat cattle, yesterday there was a flight, it was completely destroyed our house, very strong, here is our district behind the central market, there in general a lot of houses were destroyed, on emotions, in tears, very scary, we will be safe now, thank you. well, here is a palette of emotions, facts, and we will talk about it with pavel dyachenko, head of the communications department of the main department of the national police of donetsk region. mr. pavle, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, afternoon, well, here is the humanitarian situation, the security situation, in general, well , let's start with storetsk, we saw the video, listened to people, but she died one person, and another managed to evacuate, 711 evacuees in three days. children, how
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difficult it is for us to understand the scale, and plus thousands of people remain, how to save them, let's start with this 711, that's how it is possible to implement it under shelling, constant enemy shelling on houses and on the very evacuation means, as i understand it, please, well , there are groups, police groups, emergency services groups, and patrol police groups working constantly on a permanent basis. volunteers are also engaged in evacuation, this figure is the majority evacuees and escorted people, that is, there are people themselves, well, this is in the first stages, in the first days, people who left by themselves helped them, here you are now broadcasting, these were the consequences, just that they were hit, there was a group of police, the white angel, and there were two cabs that flew right into the center of the city, and so almost every day they hit with cabs, hit with artillery, hit. mortars and evacuation, well, it is very
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difficult, very difficult, everything is in close cooperation with the military administrations, with all groups constantly in contact with the headquarters, so that understanding where you can go, where you can't go, in some way to provide help where people are injured, but the process continues, the evacuation process continues, and we constantly urge the locals to leave. on the humanitarian side, well, it should be noted that there is no electricity, no water, no gas, and there are simply no conditions to restore all this, that is, such a density of shelling, and it is simply even, it cannot be conveyed in words, i am so for the audience, maybe who somewhere is not very oriented in the geography of donetsk region, i just point out that turetsk, well, a little further west, there and new york is a little lower, it is actually between bakhmut and horlivka on the way to... and i
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understand that the enemy stubbornly wants to pass, to crawl further, and now the question of evacuating people is not a question of getting people out, because the enemy will pass through the city, the issue of saving lives, but also of effective fight against the enemy, because when there are no or minimal or no civilians, then surely fighting is somewhat easier, well, of course , it is a military component. our tasks are unequivocally evacuation, and there are such moments when people were simply in the city, even those you showed were civilians who were evacuated, already living in basements, that is, there is no way to just move freely on the street, there is no way to simply live, many people take with them only two or three bags with things. and
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pets and this is all that they have left after these enemy bombs, rockets and so on, well, today i read a big... material on ukrainian truth, the report was about how the enemies are killing civilians, well, in turkey and in a and in new york, and please tell me, well, thousands of people remain there, they haven’t been evacuated yet, i understand that it’s not easy, there is no train, there are no big shuttles that will come, load people, and go in a huge convoy, but these are all risks, this is all , again, the minimum number of places in those ... villages that work, but for those people who remain, is it possible to send them some kind of humanitarian aid, because people still live, you can't take everyone out at once , and water, food, medicine, whether volunteers are working and again, whether it is already brought the police, or who, or the military help,
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or some other people there, or the teroborona, i don’t know who is doing it, or whether volunteers can still come, bring something, is it already risky for life, and relatively speaking, take them there does not allow as at one time they were not allowed to enter other settlements, where there were already hostilities almost directly near the borders, please, but now the first issue is clearly evacuation, and simply with the number of messages received, that is , people no longer need humanitarian aid, they simply want to survive and leave, grandmothers, grandfathers, middle-aged, they just run from this hell. well, they themselves say that no, they don’t want anything, they just want to live, the humanitarian component is difficult, and there is no way to start a bus there, just to unload it somewhere on the street or in some central part, no, it's
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simply unrealistic, although the military administration is making maximum efforts, but everything is planned, everything is carefully done, based on the safety and the fruitful, it cannot be collected in one place. a large number of people and just something to hand out to them, on at the moment it is a priority, it is only an evacuation, but it is absolutely clear, in order to understand that there are up to 10 thousand people, if i am not mistaken, there was a number called how many people i leave in the community, yes , approximately somewhere in the community, and all these people are ready to go, well, approximately what resources are needed to simply understand, maybe we literally have a minute, but so that we can understand and don't talk about the available resources. i think it's not worth voicing any information, but globally, how serious and risky is this work and resource-intensive people, technically, so that these people can simply be taken to safer places, well, not all 10 at the same time, just now with the
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influx of requests for evacuation, all groups are coping, the work continues powerfully, and we continue this work, well, even then it would be very short, in general, it does not arrive, but where is there now such a situation that is tense, one way or another, tense to death, like in turkey, well, if it speaks there, let’s say about the times or maybe other inhabited points where the work of the police and the relevant ones is also needed services to evacuate people, to help people, to save civilians, please, all of donetsk, the entire front-line territory of the donetsk region, it is constantly under enemy fire, there is no such thing as... somewhere there was quiet, somewhere there was no flight, constant , constant shelling, if you take it more or less remote areas, these are guided aerial bombs, if you take it directly, which are on the front line, this is artillery, mortars, and there is no, there is no
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such thing, well, there is not a single day that the shelling does not take place , that is, as i understand it, if the forces defense had enough permissions from our partners, and the possibility, as i understand it already... to destroy enemy aircraft somewhere in the places of destruction, then basing, it would obviously be easier to work without the arrival of these guided air bombs. thank you very much for your work, first of all for saving people, but also for your comments, thank you. pavlo dyachenko, head of the communications department of the main office of the national police of donetsk region. you have seen, you have seen what is happening and what great work is already being done, and what work still needs to be done. oleksiy honcharenko. with us on president of the committee of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe on migration and refugees, mr. oleksiy, i greet you, mr. oleksiy, can you hear me, congratulations, welcome you, welcome you, and, well, the results of the session of the parliamentary assembly
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of the council of europe, i would like to you will hear the details in addition to everything else that gets into the news feeds, but ukraine is on the agenda, as far as it remains. relevant, how much effort do you have to make so that this relevance does not disappear? in fact, of course, the site of the council of europe very important to us, and we are a couple. in order to raise the topic of ukraine, the summer session of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe just ended, on friday it ended, and indeed, well, it was entirely under the sign of ukraine, and the topic of ukraine was the number one topic, and for me the main one, and in general, the fate of ukraine, and i very much hope, will have good consequences, the adopted resolution on ukrainian displaced persons, it is about... both internally displaced persons and our refugees abroad, and very important things,
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for example, well, all this was prepared by the committee on my initiative, which i have the honor to lead on issues of refugee migration, and here are the very important things - this is a call to the ukrainian government to pay and support idps, not the way it is now, when they are simply abandoned and they even stop... making payments, looking for any reason for this, and a very important call to all member states of the council of europe to support ukrainian refugees, including the initiation of programs for financial support of those refugees who will be ready after the end of hostilities actions to return to ukraine, and this is a very important story, firstly, it will increase the number of those who will return, and secondly, so that they do not return with empty... hands, this is really important, and the second is that our elderly refugees abroad had the opportunity
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to receive pensions in the host countries, also for our medical documents to be recognized, this is very important for people with disabilities who are there, because without it they do not have access to social support and a large amount of medical care and so on, that is, this is a very important resolution, and an appeal in ukrainian. to provide access to all ukrainian children to study the ukrainian language in order to preserve their connection with the homeland, with ukraine, and now such a resolution has been adopted, i would put it in the first place. i would also like to ask you a question about a very important decision that was adopted by the parliamentary assembly of the organization for security and cooperation in europe, osce, in bucharest, russia's actions were recognized. genocide of ukrainians, i just don't know now how much influence russia has on the osce, i used to be there once
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back when we had an anti-terrorist operation, an operation of joint forces, how important is it, this is the day of the opening of the summer session in bucharest, a resolution was adopted condemning the ten-year armed aggression of the russian federation against ukraine, which recognized the actions of the military-political leadership of russia and the armed forces in in the course of a full-scale genocidal invasion of the ukrainian people, what does it do, although again i can only applaud this decision, it's actually very... cool, but practically, what does it mean? this is an important decision, the couple has already made such a decision, but for us it is necessary to expand this, the osce includes other organizations, other countries, sorry, which are not part of the council of europe, so this expansion of this message is very important, and it shows that russia has completely lost its influence in the osce, and it is not for nothing that russia is already considering the issue . withdrawing from the osce, freezing their participation, freezing the termination of payments, well, this is the same path
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they took in the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, apparently it starts in the parliamentary assembly of the osce. it is good whether russia is less in international institutions, that is the better, the more the world recognizes the truth that russia is not a genocide, the better. well, yes , it is important here, the word genocide is important, we just spoke with... pavel ditchenko, head of the communications department of the donetsk region police, and how the enemy is destroying turetsk, just killing civilians, we saw vovchansk, where people were just killed, well, kharkiv he also experiences himself every day, and it is good that this word is such a terrible word, a word from the time of the second world war, and even before the second world war, but it was heard, genocide, that is, it seems, that it is very important, but here there are other words in this resolution, there they call on 50... three countries participating in the osce, let me remind you, it is an organization for security cooperation in europe, to make
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efforts for the de-occupation of crimea and all occupied territories of ukraine, and so on and so on so on, but to make such efforts, well, simply based on your experience, as a parliamentarian and a parliamentarian, a diplomat who represents ukraine, there are some prescribed things, or at least some commitments are made, or as simple as that, well, we will make efforts that well, let's just understand whether it is practical or necessary... then think about what efforts to make, mr. vasyl, look, unfortunately, there is no such body in the world where they decided that russia is responsible for aggression, and russia. .. would be forced to leave the territory of ukraine, no, it is neither the council of europe, nor the osce, nor the un. let me remind you that the un general assembly of 141 countries voted to condemn russian aggression against ukraine. therefore, unfortunately, all this is primarily of a political nature, a diplomatic nature, an opportunity for us, you know, every such step expands our
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opportunities to pressure and isolate putin, but unfortunately, direct consequences. and that they made a decision and left russia tomorrow, well, they don't exist, there won't be, and such an institution does not exist in the world. i would like to ask a little more about our domestic political scandals, and here i am reading the news, i don't always know where it is true, where it is not all true, well, at least if it concerns some political actions, statements, and regarding the conflict that has been going on for quite a long time, but now with the new leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, er... maryana bezuglai and the fact that she was allegedly denied access to those areas of the front where hostilities are taking place , and there may be some further actions, if this is true, well, confirm whether this is true or false, because some military personnel are writing, people's deputies are coming, well there not all of them are there, i just won't name their names, but all of them were found and arrived, and then it is forbidden to allow deputies, so how
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can we deal with this so that it is not just some kind of ban, and then it is possible to investigate the activities of... . the connections of individual deputies, because then why should they serve the people's elected officials the interests of ukraine, who swore to serve ukraine, suddenly forbid the military to approach their positions at all, even within a cannon shot. look, everything is not so simple with maryana bezuluyu here. it is obvious that maryana has an endless conflict with commander-in-chief sirsky, and now i think that these decisions regarding maryana may be related to this. yes, maybe not, but let's not forget that bezula, she continues to be the deputy chairman of the committee on national security and defense, this is a key committee, this is a really key committee, and people, who are in this committee, they have access to
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state secrets, well, of course, there is a certain level of access to state secrets. to which, say, the president of ukraine, the head of the security service of ukraine, the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, er, and the ministers have their own levels of access to this or that information, in any in any case, here i never like to say, well , you can write it on facebook, and if you value your reputation at least somehow, you don't always you will write what comes to your mind, you always need... facts and evidence, and mr. oleksii very correctly said that regarding ms. maryana, whom i know personally, we talked about what is going on, we need to check whether this, but you know, the conflict with the commander-in-chief, so there was the conflict with general valery fedorovych, and now the conflict with colonel-general oleksandr silsky, well, the combat general,
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the defense of kyiv, the kharkiv zyum operation, it’s different there... or are his operations different now again plus or minus even for the period i no, well, again, i'm not giving any expert opinions, i'm just saying what i follow, we see that yes, of course, at a great cost, but it is possible to stabilize something somewhere, to get out somewhere with the least loss of forces and means , with heroism very often and not often, but always with the heroism of those or other divisions, but somehow act and conduct. well, just a momentary change of the commander of the direction, there, if we are talking about this, when there was an attack on vovchansk, and of course, the enemy then jammed us, the enemy tried to do everything in order to go as far as possible to vovchansk, well, it did not work, but the people who were the commanders were quickly changed, and the situation was stabilized, and
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actually, well, the enemy did not achieve his goal, and we perfectly understand that his goal is the city of kharkiv, you probably don't have to be very smart here to... understand , that the enemy will not lay down tens of thousands of men for the sake of the conditional vovchansk, as he would not want to lay down tens of thousands of men for the sake of avdiivka or bakhmuta, but lays down because he can see slavyansk from there, he can see the heights from there, he can see kostyantynivka from there , then he sees the clockmaker, then he sees something there, kramatorsk, pokrovsk, he sees all of ukraine, but now at least he is trying to bite off something, and when a conflict arises here again, well, then it is obvious, well, it is worth finding out why... but mr. honcharenko does not have a conflict with oleksandr syrskyi, in petro poroshenko, as far as i know, also has no conflict with oleksandr syrsky, ruslan stefanchuk has no conflict with oleksandr syrsky. gerashchenko is not there, but there are many deputies, zheleznyak, kostenko, well, there are no conflicts with the commander-in-chief, because the commander-in-chief does his job and she it is very difficult, it is very difficult, because you
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are responsible for the entire front, for everything, you are simply responsible for everything, and you will be asked about everything, and after every death she will respond to you, but oleksiy returns to us, mr. oleksiy, and i am here for now, i continue to expand on this topic, but i'm sorry, i lost the connection. well, we literally have two minutes, just to finish this topic, but ms. maryana remains in her position in the committee, and should she remain in her position here, she is in favor, she remains the deputy chairman of the committee, we heard how she wrote statements about the exit of the faction, recalled them, and all this is a completely incomprehensible situation, it is obvious that she performs some function necessary for the president, his closest entourage, because otherwise why would they keep her, but... this function is somehow innocent and that too it raises questions for me, well, not only for me, but at first, we all remember
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, she led such a whole company there in zuluzhno, now it means in syriac, well, i don't know if this is the right way, it is obvious that she is used simply as such, or maybe she just broadcasts what is not said out loud from the office the president, but they all, well, the president is dissatisfied with all of them. well, it's hard to say, but there is nothing good in this, and at the same time with calls to all of us, so let's talk about unity, unity, it's somehow strange, it means that they are dissatisfied with us to the opposition, despite the fact that we are really working abroad everywhere as much as possible only on the state, but they don't like any criticism anywhere, but in relation to ms. maryana, they have some completely different approaches, and she does whatever she thinks is necessary there, no one has any questions, they are kept in positions, kept... in the faction and everything else, so of course it does not work in favor of the state, well, i think that the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine should really report to the president, at the level
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of the commander-in-chief, well, but definitely not oleksandr syrsky is not doing this, he is doing his job, but i really think that some work should be done here, i am very brief, we literally have less than a minute, but the deputies will have summer vacation this year, how is it is it who goes where he wants? and no, well, there is no such concept at all now, what are we talking about here at all, well, actually, i will be in ukraine, working in the district, well, how is everything, thank you very much, mr. oleksiy, thank you that despite what i said the connection is not perfect, but still we were able to communicate, and you gave us your time, oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, was with us. well, literally in a few moments with the main news, and i will be there again, wait. greetings , this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we are already
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approached the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. live news from the scene. drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from. you draw your own conclusions. good evening, we are from ukraine. the naval district of kherson is under fire, russia is attacking the city from the left bank, where the enemy forces are actually located, well, a little far from the shore, said the head of the kherson city military administration, roman morochko. and the number increased to three. of the victims in the kherson region , a woman was hit by an enemy attack in the village of nadniprianske, she suffered a bruised chest and shrapnel wounds to her arms and legs. also, in the village of novovorontsovka
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, a local resident was injured by a russian drone, she suffered a contusion and a brain injury, the regional military administration reported. let me remind you that earlier there was information about shelling in antonivka, and there was also information about a wounded woman. and in the senelnyk district of the dnipropetrovsk region, our anti-aircraft unit. the defense successfully shot down an enemy missile, the leader said serhiy lesak of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration. at night, the enemy attacked the city with ballistics. seven people were injured as a result of the russian strike by drones and artillery, the occupiers also shelled the communities of nikopol, marganetska and mirivska. a man involved in the murder of an official of the zaporozhye city council on june 11 was detained near the entrance of a multi-storey building. they shot the temporarily suspended director of the department of legal support maksym denshchyk, an unknown firearm, fired four shots, and then ran away
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the official of... is already in the hospital, the police have established the identity of this shooter and his classmate. currently, the accomplice is in custody , the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine reported, and strilkazh has been declared wanted. and illegally sold military ammunition. the director of the company is suspected of fraud with international purchases for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. this was reported again in the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine by the slanderer. brought 1,000 protective helmets and 3,000 ballistic plates for body armor to ukraine in the form of humanitarian aid, he sold the imported goods and did not hand them over to the military unit. law enforcement officers seized plates and helmets worth more than uah 40 million. the perpetrator was detained. the chief sergeant of one of the military units was kidnapped in odesa. the official took a bribe in the amount of
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more than from a military serviceman, instead promised to transfer the man from service on the combat line to the rear, the office of the prosecutor general reported, law enforcement officers detained hapuga while he was receiving the funds he demanded. and here i just want to thank and wish success, turkey, romania and bulgaria. our neighbors across the sea have started anti-mine operations in our common black sea. i hope russia will not be gone soon, reports the bloomberg news agency. the countries want to increase the safety of shipping, in particular for the export of ukrainian grain. let me remind you that in the winter of this year, the leaders of the black sea states signed an agreement on the joint fight against mines in the black sea. by the way, i looked up information about mining in the black sea, i won't say, but potentially in in ukraine, 100.44 hectares, that is
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, 144 thousand square kilometers, are mined, the total area of ​​ukraine, let me remind you, is more than 6000 km, that is , it is 1/5 of ukraine, so unfortunately, well, it is potentially, of course, but we understand that this potentiality can turn into potential energy can turn into real, put the local population at risk, the partisans discovered in a temporary... enemy in sevastopol russian anti-aircraft missile complex tor. the enemy placed it above the public beach. such a neighborhood is very dangerous, warns oproatesh in russia. most likely this is one of the last photos of this complex, because the armed forces of ukraine are constantly destroying enemy radar systems and anti-aircraft missile systems, - the partisans note. i will remind you once again that
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there are many beaches in sevastopol, actually. i spent my childhood in this city, and there, if the enemy wants, places where people can be placed and endanger their lives, well, many people from russia come there, but in any case, there are still many citizens of ukraine there, even if they took other passports, we understand that it is not for the enemy does it matter whether a resident of krasnoyarsk has come to crimea, or whether it is a local resident of sevastopol, who is there as it is, well, i will not say who i have there, but... but my relatives, relatives, that is why it is a threat, and of course the fact that the enemy absolutely does not care about the fact that people may suffer, well, once again proves that putin's words about the russian military, who will hide behind people's backs, are obvious, well, not obvious, but this is really the reality and the truth of the russian war poland, well, you see, was already like this there was a hum somewhere, and now she spoke again and...
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with such a hum turned back. poland suspended the passage of ukrainian trucks that do not have permits for international transportation. restrictions on entry and exit from the country also began at midnight - reported the state customs service of ukraine, deputy minister of community development, territories and infrastructure serhiy derkach said that no permits are required for ukrainian carriers in accordance with the agreement on the liberalization of cargo transportation with the european union , let me remind you, it also works it entered into force on june 20. so ukraine has already applied. as an explanation to the ministry of infrastructure of the republic of poland, chickpeas are really summer, well, you can imagine in those trucks, if there are no refrigerators, if there are any such products that deteriorate, even refrigerators, then you need gasoline for it to work or diesel, and how come there is none , it does not work, the product spoils, well, maybe for this one...


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