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tv   [untitled]    July 2, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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in the dock, and then in prison. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to talk about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. greetings friends, greetings friends, on the air is the program subothiopoliclub, with you vitaly portnikov, two hours about the most important events of today, about the events of the week, about trends, we will start with a conversation with the military-political viewer of the group information resistance by oleksandr kovalenko. congratulations, mr. oleksandr, good evening, but first of all i want to start our conversation from a new point.
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the bombing of kharkiv if the new post terminal in kharkiv was hit, it is already known that there are dead, there are nine wounded, nine people are being sought, that such a new tragedy, how to protect kharkiv without this, from this barbarism, is quite a difficult task, because the answer to this question, well, it would seem to be very simple, and if we are talking about the strikes of adjusted aerial bombs on kharkiv, then this... there should be protection against front-line bombers that use these means of attack, this is the su 34, especially if we are talking about the fact that now the russians have started using the fap-3000 with universal planning and correction modules, but what is needed for that, we temporarily stopped communication with mr. oleksandr, by the way, there is still news from
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kyiv... it just arrived that a high-rise building was damaged by rocket debris in the ukrainian capital, this is also such an event, because the missiles were flying at the ukrainian capital from the north, it has already happened fire, ot so far there is no report of possible destruction or casualties from this impact, however, one more... hitting a residential building, as you can see, not really, i would say, sunday evening, here with these tragedies that we are seeing now, and this is very important, it seems to me a moment, here it is clear that the situation in...
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what we are observing today indicates that russia is ready for any barbarism in relation to what it wants to achieve in ukraine, i.e. now the first shots of this fire are appearing in this residential building in the ukrainian capital, the emergency services have not yet broken through, i think they will already, people are trying to... put out the fire themselves in this building, and there is an absolutely obvious, as we can see, tendency of the russians, they just want to frighten the civilian population, he wants people to feel frightened in this situation, we already have oleksandr kovalenko on the phone, you saw, mr. oleksandr, that there are still seizures in kyiv. someone else besides us, mr. oleksandr,
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is calling, mr. oleksandr, yes, yes, i am you i hear, yes, of course this is what the russian occupiers are constantly implementing, in relation to ukraine, it concerns the civilian population, it concerns infrastructure facilities, the energy structure, it concerns even logistics, again it was in a new way. i would like to remind you that in odesa , the russian occupiers also had an iskender 9-m723 ballistic missile at the new post office, so we can talk about the fact that ukraine, as of today, in order to protect itself from russian terror, which it implements with the help or tactical aviation of the 34th . or
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ballistic weapons, three main elements are absolutely necessary, and these are, firstly, means of anti-slow defense, with a large radius of action, such as the drc patriot. or from mt. f-16 aircraft with long-range aircraft complexes of the aim 120 bm ram or 120c type, that is, in any case, so that they significantly exceed the capabilities of the russian aviation, russian air defense systems, so as not to overwork. and there is a third very important element, which is talked about a lot even in the usa. that's it. permission to use atakam ballistic missiles in the territory of the russian federation up to 10 km, that is, to be able to hit russian airfields, such as baltimore, such as morozovsk, such as shaikovka, and thus destroy russian
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carriers of the same kap or carriers, their bloody missiles and so on, while they are still on land i wanted to ask you about these conversations surrounding the negotiations with russia, which have now become active again, perhaps not so much on the initiative of the ukrainian leadership, but because foreign journalists are asking questions, here we have several statements of president zelenskyi in an interview with a columnist of the philadelphia inquirer publication, and here zelenskyi says that there should be a single model of negotiations with the russian federation. related to the fact that there can be a model like during the grain agreement, that is, that the parties will not talk among themselves, but there will be a conversation through mediators who will moderate their agreement to end the war, and there is
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an interview of the minister of foreign affairs of dmytro koli, the tv channel of the german cdf, in which he says that he is ready even today to talk with lavrov, if it is about peace, about restoration. and is it even possible for russia to participate in negotiations with ukraine, to what extent will russia join those countries that are now talking about peace, that is , a peace summit, kuleba believes that russia will join such negotiations, and that the main task is to change russia's behavior, so that she stops issuing ultimatums and starts negotiations in good faith. what do you think this trend is? well, in principle, in principle, since 2022, there has always been a corresponding lobby, which took a more pacifist position, this applies to western politicians
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as well, who believed that the solution to the issue of settling the war between ukraine and for russia, this could be a political path, i.e. home and peace talks, but we see that russia, it has not changed its general position in the third year of the war, we hear this even from the mouth of a war criminal who is wanted by the international criminal court, again but also the president of russia, vladimir putin, that he demands to stop the hostilities actions on those borders that correspond to the neutralization line, i.e. actually leaving behind the occupied territories, this does not suit the conditions, and russia, it continues to set these conditions, just like ultimatums, it
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does not give up on them, and for now there is nothing to say about the fact that it is ready to abandon them, or to go to some kind of solution to this or that issue in... ukraine would have its own profit, no, it will not happen, russia is not yet ready for such negotiations, it will be ready for it precisely , when she will completely lose the opportunity conduct hostilities and seize the territory of ukraine, and when it will be in a remote position, we can say that it is now approaching a remote position, because... again, unfortunately, we lost contact with mr. oleksandr, well, such is the situation , you understand, a power outage, a mobile connection is lost, there is nothing you can do here, we work in such conditions, i sincerely hope
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that you now have light, that you see this program of ours, and for that, also congratulations to those who will watch her in the recording precisely because y he was not at that moment. it was not daylight, and we talked with mr. oleksandr about these negotiations, and now the question arises, why these conversations have become more active now, and of course, of course. where is the guarantee that russia itself will be ready to participate in such a process, because so far indeed mr. oleksandr is absolutely right that the situation is connected with the negotiation process, it is one way or another completely far from any russian wishes. these conditions, which were presented to ukraine by vladimir putin, were always conditions, conditions capital, this mr. oleksandr has appeared again, you see, we live in such a world of technical problems, let's
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talk about what is happening now in the theater of operations, how would you characterize it, where is the most difficult moment, the most difficult areas, you know, the situation is almost 50x50, we have a very difficult and problematic direction, this is the pokrovsky direction, to which they are now beginning to join. also turetsky, that is , this is the avdiivka district, this is the avdiivka bridgehead, west of the avdiivka bridgehead to the left bank of the vovcha river and karlivsko reservoirs, the russians continue to advance, for the past week they have had advances in several locations, unfortunately, this applies, for example, to umansky, this applies to novosalivka first, this applies to the sokil-yugenivka direction, that is... the russians are fully trying to form and and sooner than all of them have a combat task by the end of the summer
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to form a full-fledged security buffer on the southern flank of the 0511 route in order to ensure further actions already in the northern direction. as for the northern direction, firstly, the north-western direction from ocheretino is novoaleksandrivka, which... was not occupied and now they have a target - it is the uzdvyzhanka, but the main target in this direction is the 05 04 logistics artery from pokrovsk to kostiantynivka, and this is very dangerous, because it is the most convenient logistics artery on the material and technical support of our units, our groups all over the plot, and now we can already state that... the russian occupiers started fighting
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for turkey, that is, they opened the turkish direction, and at that time , like turkish agglomeration, it was always considered sufficiently fortified, a kind of fortress-rain, quite powerful. in the last two weeks, we can state, well, enough of such negative trends, and the breakthroughs of the russian occupying forces, primarily through our... fairly fortified line to a depth of 2 km and along the front more than 5 km, which simply would not be possible to do in a matter of days, but they did it with minimal losses, so there are a lot of questions, at least from this situation, the second most tense location is the time of yar, but in the area of ​​the temporary ravine, nevertheless , the defense forces of ukraine hold their positions quite firmly and in some locations even knock out some... they knock out the russians with this, well, for example, from the central part and partly
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from the eastern part of the canal sector, as well as ivanovska klishchiivka and andriiivka, the russians did not succeed in advancing, and if we talk about the successes of the defense forces of ukraine, then of course the terni district and the serybyansk forestry, where the azov units continue to wipe out the russians, is precisely that. in the enchanted forest and again expanded upon expanded control over the positions once again and continue this movement, actually limiting the center group of troops, which operates in the liman direction, limiting it in further maneuvers, both in the northern direction and in the limansky direction, and according to their plans to exit to the left bank of the zherebets river, that is, in terni district, i... olivka and so on, if we talk about the further development of events, then when these
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western weapons come in greater numbers, it will be possible to align the front line and stop the russians, and this will be possible if enough is distributed, because we are now spoke the turkish agglomeration was also mentioned about the negative points along the line of hostilities, and in the turkish agglomeration, in addition to many other issues that arise in relation to defensive actions, there is another very important issue: the fire mission is not enough, it is not determined, it is precisely the fire damage to the enemy that is not enough , which carries out constant assault operations, at the same time it should be noted that these are not the most elite units, this is the first army corps, the so-called dpr, the 132nd separate motorized rifle brigade, as well as some other formations of various types, so it is not not the most elite, not the most capable, but they have promotion, why? it turned out that in addition to
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all other problems that existed at the turkish bridgehead, and there is also a problem with... with a lack of means of destruction, especially the emphasis is placed on barrel artillery, as well as mortars. we are critically short of 120- caliber and 82-caliber mortars in the combat zone. thank you, mr. oleksandr. oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political observer of the information resistance group, is in touch. we will now literally stop for a few minutes, take a break, but continue in just a few minutes, so please stay tuned. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with
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anton borkovsky at espresso. we continue the politclub program with vitaly portnikov 850 , the eighth day of russia's war against ukraine, and we let's now talk about the european integration of our country, by the way, the acceleration of which has also become, we can say, the result of this war, putin's desire to deal with our state, will not be allowed. of european integration, our interlocutor will now be the deputy prime minister, deputy prime minister of ukraine for european and euro-atlantic integration, olga stefanishyna, we will talk with her about the historic event that took place just this week, this is the start of negotiations about the stupa of ukraine and the republic
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moldova to the european union, historical, one might say, events. because many believed that this entry, it will be much longer, that there will be whole, i would say, problems with ukraine's accession to the european union, namely with the negotiation process, that we will wait a long time for it to begin, that there will be a long audit of the ukrainian legislation, fulfillment of our conditions that were set, do you remember when we were given candidate status in general, certain conditions were set for us that could be fulfilled, otherwise ukraine could deprive candidate, this was an unusual candidate status, and it must be said that it was the first time in the history of the european union, when both we and the republic of moldova and georgia received this candidate status, one can say, with the nomination of the necessary conditions that had to be fulfilled, and as we can see, the european commission advised the european council to start negotiations, and these
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negotiations have begun, this first step is very important. then there will be a serious process of the changes themselves, and it will be necessary before time of this negotiation process, not only to implement the recommendations of the european union, but also to fight for one's own economic and political interests, this is also an important point, primarily about pro-economic ones, because it must be understood, and the situation is connected with... what is happening with the european integration, this is also the situation regarding the military development of our country, how intensive this negotiation process will be now, the protection of interests, the fulfillment of demands, the more intensive ukrainian post-war recovery will be, because it will also depend on
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what our interests will be in... the european union, how they will be taken into account, how the situation will change with the process of european integration, how the european union will treat our pace, these are all really serious, i would say problems that are otherwise, they must be resolved in the near future, and it is clear that when we... start the process, these are only the first steps related to the negotiations themselves, we must not forget the bilateral context of these negotiations, just start on the eve. this process, as is known, was managed to persuade hungary to refuse to block the beginning of the negotiation process with ukraine, the republic
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of moldova, and hungary has in principle fixed certain conditions that should become part of this process in the near future. this will also be a serious test for ukrainian diplomacy, and subsequently for ukrainian society. so. that in this regard , european integration is always a real, serious challenge for the entire state, but if you think about it, only 10 years have passed since the association agreement was signed, and you remember that when this agreement were supposed to sign in 2013, the then president of ukraine, viktor yanukovych, who was on the way to solving this problem, he somehow... you can say, accelerated all these processes by his refusal to sign the agreement, a refusal which, by the way, was obviously
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connected with negotiations between viktor yanukovych and vladimir putin. we now already know that there were even secret negotiations, that vladimir putin did everything possible to prevent ukraine from signing this agreement, and they did not hide it. advisor to president putin, serhii glaziv, who, to things, was born in zaporizhzhia. in fact, ku was the curator of the ukrainian direction at that time, his task was to prevent the european integration of ukraine, he used to say that you did not read this agreement, and if you read it, you understand how dangerous it is for your management of ukraine, he addressed viktor yanukovych and another traitor, the then prime minister of ukraine and the leader of the party of regions, mykola azarov. well, in the end, as we know, this situation, it was resolved as it was, the ukrainian government refused agreement from on association. yanukovych did not sign this document during the summit of the european union in vilnius, and the famous euromaidan began, after which the
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association agreement with the european union was also signed in two parts. the first part was then signed by prime minister viktor arseniy yatsenyuk, the second part by president petro poroshenko. and the agreement began to work. and 10 years later, we are already starting full-fledged negotiations on joining the european union. despite the fact that the association agreement is not just a document to be signed. this is also a document that needs to be implemented, one way or another, and this is also quite a serious story, which you always have to remember that it was a fairly short process between the agreement and the beginning of the negotiations, what the process of the negotiations itself will be, of course, it is difficult to say, because on this path, there are still many real problems of some kind, problems related to the introduction. of ukraine in the negotiation process itself, in the fact that each section of these negotiations will be difficult in other eu countries
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, tens of people, hundreds, it's not just there the state delegation has been approved, and it is conducting negotiations there with the officials of the european union, because the european union is a huge, huge apparatus, realistically speaking, and each department deals with its own problems, works carefully, each department consults with all countries, members of the european union, the european union sends out its proposals, every country that is part of the european union has proposals, and it is clear that those countries that are far from ukraine, there are the countries of the iberian peninsula, let's say portugal and spain, they have less to us issues than in the countries of central europe, on the other hand, they are less political. involved in the russian-ukrainian war, because it is very far from them, and when even our politicians recklessly say that ukraine protects everyone in europe and in nato
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from the russian federation, it is obvious that people living in madrid or lisbon , these statements have a different effect than on people who are in warsaw and budapest, but there are economic issues there, we already have ms. olga stefanichna, congratulations ms. olga. greetings vitaly. well, that's the beginning of the accession negotiations. how, if seriously, how do you imagine the process itself, how much should it take in an optimistic and pessimistic perspective, if we remove the military circumstances. well, the very beginning of the negotiations is very important, because it is already a legal decision related to the fact that ukraine will be a member of the eu. now it's really a question of the process, ukraine has certain advantages, we are not new, let's say, in this... we have 10 years of implementation of the association agreement behind us, which was implemented with different dynamics, but also
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the opportunity to take advantage. of the eu internal market, unfortunately, very much on a large scale with the beginning of the war, because most of the decisions were taken now precisely as an element of response to the consequences of the russian war, russian aggression, this is also access to the labor market of millions of citizens who are currently in the eu, this is also customs liberalization, trade liberalization, energy liberalization, that is... this process will be much shorter for ukraine than for many other countries in previous periods, and we are capable enough as a government, civil society is with us, so for this year and the first half of the 25th year, our task to enter the list of our obligations, and this is the work of the european commission, then it will be up to us. the fact that ukraine is joining the republic of moldova means that we have
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this tandem introduction. can the two countries be separated in the future? ah, we talked a lot about this at the first intergovernmental conference, since ukraine has already had to overcome a number of difficulties related to our future accession to the eu, this is hungary's veto, and , let's say, our difficulties at certain stages in the implementation of our political commitments, because a... it was necessary to look for sufficiently serious consensus within the country, and we talked about the fact that the membership process should first of all be based on individual, individual agreements with each country, but definitely the progress of ukraine helps moldova and all the enlargement countries, and the progress moldova helps ukraine ukraine. currently, i do not see any negative
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trends, we are getting along. we work with the moldovan side and have each other's support, help and do homework and work as a team. say, here you are are you talking to european officials about how integration will take place, if at the end of the negotiations, ukraine and the republic of moldova will not be countries that control all of their internationally recognized territory, how will that happen? we know exactly what to do. the time will come, and such talks will continue, even in the conditions when the war will be over, and ukraine will win on the battlefield, for military recovery, for the military establishment of peace in europe, this will be a long process. at this stage, it is part of ours the negotiating position, and we already have a certain precedent, this precedent is ukraine, and the association agreement was already signed when crimea
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was annexed, when the... military operations in the donetsk and luhansk directions in these regions began, and this agreement does not contain there are no restrictions on territorial application, there are certain clarifications, but our country is becoming and will become a member of the eu in its borders, absolutely all cities, and i hope that we will be able to exercise effective control in each of our territories at this time. even those that are currently occupied, these one-sided demands of hungary, 11 demands that are currently cited by the media, is this an adequate statement of the proposals that hungary put forward for ukraine? well, i can absolutely say that this is, let's say, the wrong approach in the negotiations, in fact, today the venice commission, the european commission with all member states, confirmed that their
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obligations... ukraine has fulfilled its obligations in terms of national minorities, and this is an obligation that, well, is more than 10 years old, i would say, and it was very difficult for the hungarian side to scratch as many as 11 points and present them to ukraine as an ultimatum. of course, we consider it bad that the hungarian side paid the price for the start of negotiations and movement of ukraine to the eu in the form of such a position in the eu negotiation framework, but it was absolutely not positive. adopted in our country by other member states, and we want to, i personally want to draw attention to a certain nuance, which provides that we should agree on a list of joint steps and only after that talk about the implementation of certain points, this is the official position of the european commission, and we are on track we will move on, i hope that such an agreement will allow us to detoxify
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our... relations, and at the same time i want for...


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