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tv   [untitled]    July 2, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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and there won't be such special sanctions, well , there are a few sanctions, well, you can be more calm about it, you might not supply parts for russia, and all the sanctions will go away over time. well, in general, to what extent is china interested in russia really gaining some serious advantage there in this situation, or does it just want to cook it on such a slow fire, like a frog on this fire, there is a very popular opinion in ukraine that russia is of interest to china only as a raw supplement, raw materials, and if ... to topple russia, then join the parts, well, i think that it is possible in there are some particularly hot-headed people in beijing who have such a vision, but in reality, i think, everything is done much more simply, they do not want anything so special for russia to lose, they do not want to invest too much in the victory of russia, they simply do not have such resources, they have slightly different interests, but to have their partner, they are all there in the security council and especially people like russia, again they understand that from a military point of view russia is a serious opponent...
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china is still not at the level of technology, especially as for mass impression, that is, in a war between them, china still does not feel confident, and why not have the russians, well, at least, at least on their side? in principle, if we return to the very idea of ​​the negotiation process, do you imagine holding the second peace summit with the participation of russia this year or even next year, what should happen for this, well, key? what did you say about the participation of russia, if we show even in theory that it is possible and can be assembled , we always say that the whole point of the second summit is that russia will be there, by the way, we have not been saying this all the time, we started recently, after the first, yes, all the time after the first summit, yes, yes, yes, and before that, we somehow, well, we saw for ourselves, do you remember what the idea was, that we will present like this, we will offer russia such a platform, we will put them such conditions that they will be forced to recognize the legitimacy of this platform and agree to the yoga languages, not only that, but how it differs from the un, it is difficult to understand, you can also sit
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on the un security council, no one invites you to belgium and in brussels at the table of the north atlantic alliance, but the un would be sufficient for this, but there russia has the right of veto, indeed security, we do not necessarily, firstly there are different formats, secondly, it can use this one, formally, it is a platform for negotiations, well, no questions, austria, switzerland , it does not matter at all, of course, if putin believes that he can achieve success and do everything he thinks, then it still makes no sense for him to eat for negotiations. we will see his readiness for minimal negotiations, not that he announces, because the list that he threw out, well, it is obvious that he is just mocking us and is not going to conduct any negotiations, it is the same as offering nato to withdraw to the line of 1997, well, it is simply unrealistic, maybe someone with a weak mind will believe that he is looking for a compromise, but there is no compromise here, the only thing i understand is that we are forced, for the sake of the dynamics of our domestic political process, to conduct constant , constant, wave after wave of such negotiations about... searching for and finding a peaceful
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solution to this issue, and putin cannot simply raise the stakes in order to make his negotiating position look better there seriously, in real negotiations, whenever they start giving in to some of their proposals, each country puts forward the so-called inviting positions, and each time they are obviously overstated, but analyzing the inviting positions , one can roughly imagine where the real positions lie, well, if you put them aside, you know in statistics, if we reject the extreme ones ... then it can already work internally, as well as the position, for example, where ukraine must admit that zaporizhzhia will leave russia, this is obviously a position that we will never accept, in their opinion we can to swallow something simpler, well, i don't know that there are any political demands, but we have serious problems with you that we have to solve not only for the sake of future generations, that's right, it sounds good, but we have to solve it right now, the war does not stop, if we want to stop it, to be honest... and the german and korean
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options in the current situation can be wanted or not, but they are approaching us at the speed of a steam locomotive, well, this is again, if russia agrees to the korean or the german version, these versions happened precisely because the soviet union agreed to them, that's right, but you remember how even the korean one developed, it was in one direction, then in another direction, then in one direction again, landing in pusan, in a small bridgehead like under the leadership of the so-called uganan forces. chinese volunteers are threatened with the use of nuclear weapons, that is , there were stages, we actually have, you know, a very short, in short, this reserve of mental energy, we suffer a lot from the fact that it is not developing in our direction now, and the war - these are events, right now, it will be better, there will be better leadership, there will be better resource provision, positions will be weakened, it will be on our side if we eventually find a position when both sides are already completely blocked, and modern weapons are...
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it's so new that we don't even have ukraine yet , no one knows what to do, they're so new, it's all just like the appearance of a tank on the first fields somewhere under verdan somewhere, that is, it's so disruptive that there is no recipe, how to proceed if... parties for to find a recipe for how to act, they will be forced to take a break, there will automatically be a certain stop, but a certain stop is politically formalized in this case, not necessarily, korea has not formalized, there is not even a cease-fire agreement, and conflicts arose, remember you see, there were negotiation groups that were cut down by the so-called villagers, worried there some submarines poisoned with full crews appear, some people are kidnapped, someone is shooting at someone, that is, unfortunately it is possible, this is not yet the israeli model where people they really sit and think... there is a bomb shelter in the house, but on the streets of silo you can often see civilian patrols with machine guns, well, in israel there was a cease-fire agreement on the island of rhodes, i am calling, and it was formally formalized in the same way in germany , but remember, it was formalized, and then the soviet union began to dig there
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, to cut off the communication routes around berlin itself, that is, it is all a process that did not stop for one day, i don't want to fidget, you know the question, we have to we must... no, just us, we must to stop the war, it is not necessary for us, if it is recorded, if someone needs it to be recorded, well, yes, it is good, it is important, but the main thing is to stop the war, but to stop the war without returning the territories, it means betraying the sociological citizens' expectations, if you talk about it as a diplomat, as a politician, they will tell you, look at sociology, we have to fight until we reach the state border, and even as a diplomat i am not calling to stop now and lose... territories, it's a discussion about what we actually have record that these are our territories, and like the balts, who never recognized the annexation by the soviet union, wait until the political situation changes, we will not liberate the territories, this is a good idea, you can go that way, you can raise the stakes like this,
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say , that we do not stop, it is an endless war, there were wars in europe for 100 years or more, but they were not called wars, because it was such a traditional time to pass the time, just to fight a little. year to fight, friends even had a calendar, where there were certain periods of war, well , unfortunately, we will have to exist for a certain time in a situation of such continuous war, i know the concept that you are promoting, and you believe that it will be cyclical, there will be periods when there will be less intensity, more, maybe even some peaceful periods, with the way of decreasing and increasing some periods we will manage to cut out such, long peace, short war, this is middle eastern life, very similar to some. udarvinu or someone else such an evolutionary promotion at each stage no, why does the middle east live like that, it's not korea and not germany, it's just the middle east , and i didn't just make this up for you , this model seems closer, closer to me , the korean model seems closer to me, when the country continues to develop, the koreans tried it, do you remember they had the sunshine policy that is, as it is very
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poetic sunshine or warm politics , they opened some tourist groups drove some enterprises invested made a free economic zoning zone made. themselves gained access to some mountain that is important for them, for everyone, conditionally, the kyiv lavra, there according to our standards, that is, they tried something, nothing happened, and now even the leader of north korea says, no, no, that’s it, we are two different peoples, it’s a danger that we can to reach the moment when the nations will become such that some conditional leader there will say that we are different nations, this is the problem, it is difficult for the germans so far, thank you, mr. vadim, vadim prestak, we had him in the studio, we thank him for participation. there are discounts representing the only 15% sudokrem discounts in pharmacies travel you and save there are discounts representing
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the only discounts on esteef 20% in pharmacies travel you and save. vasyl zima's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, it's a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component , serhiy zurets, and how the world lives, yuriy fizer is already with me, and it is time to talk about what happened outside ukraine, yuriy dobrovecher, two hours to to be aware of economic news, it's time to talk about... money during the war oleksandr morchuvka field in winter and sports news i invite yevhen pastukhov to talk for two hours in the company of favorite presenters cultural news chechenina our tv viewer is ready to tell rome good evening presenters that for many have already become along with me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished
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guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, in touch with us , mr. mustafa, i wish you a good day, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. see this week in the collaborators program. leaders of putin's youth organizations in the occupied territories. today, the entire zaporizhzhia region celebrates the day of reunification with the russian federation. but what prospects do the rashists offer teenagers for betraying ukraine? i advise you to contact the ministry of youth policy. watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on espresso tv channel on tuesday, july 2 at 5:45 p.m. pick up the wounded. on time from the battlefield, that means to save his life, a ride bc, a ride boys, quad bike - this is the way from zero
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to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yat. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on espresso tv channel, studio zahid program, we will analyze the most important events of this week and, of course, we will try to predict what the weeks will bring us the following today's guests of zahid studio are the legendary american general wesley clark and the famous political scientist who is in washington, andriy pionkovskyi. now the legendary american general wesley clark, ex-commander of the contingent, will work on the espresso tv channel. of the euro-atlantic alliance on the european continent. greetings, dear mr.
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general clark, and thank you for the opportunity and honor of speaking with you. the key story is the scenario of the subsequent war. we in ukraine experienced extremely unpleasant things, not just disturbing, literally unpleasant feelings, when several months were given for putin, when we are talking about the delivery of american large-scale aid. we spent half a year in ukraine. that everything could end badly for us, but now there is a feeling that the war is taking on new additional dimensions. i would like to ask you to describe them now. it is very good that ukraine is finally getting weapons from the west, and i am very happy about the support from the united states. despite the six-month delay and misunderstanding in the congress. however, it is very important for ukraine to define its concept of victory. and used this concept to guide her demands. it is not
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necessary to do this publicly, but there should be a clear plan for what this weapon is needed for. without a plan, people will say: well, the front has stabilized, there is nothing left but to defend and despair, but this cannot be allowed. in 1940 , british troops were pushed out of the european continent. it took them four years to cross the english channel with american help and enter france and free her important geostrategic initiatives do not happen in a couple of months. this is not just a matter of two more batteries or artillery battalions, or hundreds of thousands of 155mm shells. while everything is necessary for defense, you need a concept of victory without which your supporters in the west will have a hard time formulating demands for... supply and reinforcements. so the point is to develop a winning concept. dear mr. general,
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we understand that the concept of our victory, the formula of our victory and the scenario of further war depends on resources, and resources depend on specific political will, including president joseph biden. and we understand that some things in the white house were put on hold, just because putin threatened, perhaps, the use of tactical nuclear. weapons, maybe putin threatened something else, but we see that putin is inadequate, that is, the very beginning of the war demonstrated putin's inadequacy and all the atrocities that accompanied this war, when we talk, in particular, about the shelling of our peaceful cities, well, accordingly, there are you have the feeling, when we talk, for example, about tactical aviation, yes f16, which should arrive this summer, that there will be enough of them , and how will the states behave, if putin really dares to use tactical nuclear weapons, because
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this is all very, very serious. you asked two questions: the first is about the f-16. it is related to the following question: how many f-16 can be considered a sufficient number? do you need 15, 50 or 500 of these fighters? it depends on your concept of winning. what is missing at least. in public dialogue, although i don't know what is being said behind the scenes, these are concepts of victory. what it is? this concept forms the basis for addressing issues of adequacy or inadequacy. military supplies you receive. as for the united states, you have very strong popular support, reflecting both your determination to fight for your independence and democracy, and the willingness of americans to support those who fight for freedom. this strong sympathy spans both political
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parties. if putin decides to apply nuclear weapons, the united states will have to respond. appropriately, although i don't know what that response will be, i hope the us has an appropriate military response package as well. this war will end when putin realizes that he cannot win and cannot hold the parts of ukraine that he claims are part of russia. this is how this war should end, we often hear that it should end with a diplomatic settlement. ah... after all, all wars usually end with some kind of written agreement, but the question is what will be the basis of this agreement? the basis for it should be the results of the ukrainian concept of ousting the russians, the demands that this concept generates and the determination to fulfill them in the process of implementing the plan, as soon as this starts to happen, i think that putin will be
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overcome, and i am sure that he will definitely not resort nuclear scenario. "i ask you about this for a reason, because at one time you restrained not only serbian aggression in the balkans, you also restrained russian aggression in the balkans, you were among those people who were not afraid to bring the situation to the level or, or, yes, we remember this case very well in ukraine, yes, and you managed to stop the crimes of the serbian fascists who were under milosevic's gun, but on the other hand, there was no action there." nuclear weapons, if we are talking about seriousness putin's intentions , how far do you think things can go and do you feel the readiness of the euro-atlantic community to fulfill its obligations if, for example, putin starts one or another form of aggression against one or another nato member state, whether it be estonia or it will be lithuania
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whether it will be poland. conflicts can be ended in two ways, one of them is a dominant escalation, when your adversary recognizes the hopelessness of his position and seems like this is how we fought the serbs in 1999 . milosevic was a rational man, but he was also somewhat exhausted by five years of war. his resources also went to zero after he faced multiple pressures. milosevic agreed. mistakes in trying to end kosovo. he hoped that nato's position would be influenced by the fact that kosovo was part of serbia. however, taking on itself specific obligations, the alliance could no longer retreat. milosevic did not correctly interpret the political calculation at the highest level in nato. we then started with
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airstrikes, which could turn into an invasion of ground troops into kosovo and possibly into serbia. as soon as milos. understood this, he compromised and withdrew his troops. the situation in ukraine is distinguished by a nuclear component, however, this trump card is not only in the hands of russia, because the usa, france and great britain also have nuclear weapons. waving the nuclear card, putin must recognize nuclear potential of the other side. if he declares that he wants to go to the end, then he must remember what happened to adolf. let's not be satisfied with putin's fantastic idea that he is ready to go to war, sacrificing his mother russia. putin, like any leader who leads a war, wants to win and is willing to sacrifice his forces, but only to a certain extent. even hitler in 1945
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was looking for a way out, hoping to save germany. he wasn't ready. until the end, until this end became a reality for him. so putin must understand that there is no reason to continue this war. they weren't there from the beginning. ukraine has never been a military threat to russia. the people of ukraine simply wanted to be able to choose their own path. if putin had a clear head and understood schedule 21. ukraine and russia were already partners today, instead he chose the wrong path based on false history and the allure of russian imperialism. which has no place in the 21st century. nato leaders understand this well, and that is why they are meeting for the 75th time this year
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anniversary of the alliance. democratic countries were never in a hurry to intervene, even in kosovo, the conflict lasted for years. before nato began to act. in the case of ukraine, a full-scale war has been going on for more than two years, and ... continues to watch the action, but this is no reason for putin to think that the west is tired. the heroism of the ukrainian people, their incredible technological competence, innovativeness and determination to set their own course in europe, as an independent state and democracy, are admired by the whole world and the west. however, the burden of navigating the path to success rests primarily on the shoulders of ukraine. this means that ukraine needs a concept of victory, it is about a military concept and a political concept that would determine certain requirements. this
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concept must be approved and supported by western partners, in order to ensure the fulfillment of these requirements. dear mr. general clark, we understand that this war is not just a war. putin describes it as an existential war. and just a couple of weeks ago, when putin had the opportunity to remain silent, no, he publicly lashed out the ultimatum, when he said that there can be no talks about anything and began to demand the withdrawal of our ukrainian troops from our ukrainian territories, this is putin's position, and we understand that they are heating up the concept of an existential war, and we understand that putin is ready to pay our price, at the same time, on the other hand, we understand that the russian army has not shown anything... except the willingness to sacrifice its soldiers, that is , they have not offered anything particularly new on the battlefield, and when we talk about
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the peace formula, i completely agree with you , must be the clear position of the west is confirmed by resources, and if we talk about military goals, what do you think putin would like to achieve, because it was not for nothing that he met with the north korean dictator kimchenino, so putin ... begins to hysterically look for countries where he can add gasoline to the fire. turning to north korea, china and iran, putin is making a huge mistake. this coalition will only push the west away even more, and will also internationalize ukraine's struggle to repel russian aggression. stimulating western countries to provide even more aid to ukraine. this is a big mistake. from his side. ukraine must do what it must. when british troops were pushed out of france in 1940,
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prime minister churchill made an incredible statement. he said: we will fight them on the beaches, we will fight them on the farms. we will never, never, never give up. it was british determination. churchill did not have an american ally at that time, as america was not yet at war. these were scary times for britain. the country was bombed, and its fighters were not enough, to prevent airstrikes. many historical parallels can be drawn. this is a historic moment for the truth of the ukrainian state. this is a test of arms, and this struggle can make ukraine powerful. and a leading state on the world stage. dear mr. general, we understand that the current situation can change rapidly in the fall. there's going to be an election in the united states, right? and we don't know in
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ukraine, to be honest, what to expect from donald trump, right? we don't know what to expect from his team either, but in any case he gives very different signals, and these signals sometimes frighten me because they are too primitive, that is, if you believe the former advisers of trump, yes, who... spoke today about the way in which trump would conduct certain negotiations with kyiv and with moscow, this is it it is disturbing, in fact, we understand that putin and in the kremlin, putin's analysts, are counting on certain events this fall, and we in ukraine are extremely worried about this. before turning to the political situation in the united states, i want to say something to the ukrainian soldiers and their families. a lot of we in the west are watching what is happening in ukraine, and our hearts are with you. we greatly admire your courage and what you are doing. we understand what it's like to be in
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the dark cold. we also went through it, not in your circumstances and not in such realities, but we know how difficult it is for you, our hearts beat in time with yours, we admire your devotion, patriotism and self-sacrifice. i also want to say that those of us in the west who follow the war closely admire the flexibility and speed of the response to the invasion of the area kharkiv, which was demonstrated by general syrskyi and the leadership of ukraine. hoped that she would be able to break through and capture kharkiv, but the quick response, powerful leadership, and self-sacrifice of the soldiers prevented this from happening. winning a war requires good leadership at the highest level, as well as strong will and determination at all levels. in my opinion, the flexibility demonstrated in the response to the invasions in kharkiv and sumy shows good top leadership. as for the presidential
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elections in the usa, we cannot change... to see what the result will be. the fight will be fierce, because everything depends on how many americans vote. it is important that the issue of foreign policy during the election campaign is not given much attention. the focus is usually on domestic issues such as the price of gasoline, inflation, food prices, and the unemployment rate. that is, there are many conversations about everyday things, and not about the complex matter of foreign policy. when trump speaks. about what he is going to do in ukraine, i think he is this way expects support from putin. he wants more help from russia to win elections. however, my friends from the republican party strongly support ukraine and have no intention of abandoning their position if trump is elected president. therefore, you should not worry about his statements. you just have to understand who he is addressing when he delivers his speeches.
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in 2016, during a debate with hillary clinton or during one of his speeches, trump said: "russia, if you hear me, he knows that russia played an important role in him becoming president, and therefore wants its support again. the skill and character of ukraine itself will determine the further development of events. if president zelenskyi and others say that they are not going to " negotiate or give up their territory, then so be it. there is no way trump will be able to force you to do this. that is why i would not worry so much about our elections. on the other hand, as much as possible, focus on strengthening your strength, on preparing for next winter, on recovery power supply and work on the concept of victory. just so you understand, the concept of victory is not just a few soldiers standing
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by a card board. it requires sincere devotion to its people, but i believe that there is a way to win, and i believe that ukraine can do it. mr. general clark, and finally, i would like to ask for your advice, perhaps we could address it to one of the ukrainian generals, perhaps to the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, perhaps to colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi, what in your opinion should be done, for what should you pay attention? i can't answer that question, that is, i can't give such advice, especially in public: being the supreme commander-in-chief, which is general syrsky, is an extremely important mission, advice, information and pressure pour in from everywhere, you can't imagine what it's like to be in his place, it is up to him to make all important decisions and do everything correctly, whether he acts correctly, only time will tell, often the results need to be waited for not a day, not two or
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even. not a month we are in the vicinity of kharkiv have seen an instant result, but in general it is a long-term struggle that, unfortunately, will not end in one, two or three months. it was the same with great britain. there were hopes that the war would end within weeks of dunkirk in 1940. or when the allies crossed the english channel in 1944 but didn't. because wars don't end quickly, that's why you have to tighten your belts, roll up your sleeves, accept that this is an existential struggle and move forward only to victory. and why do you think putin did not open the northern bridgehead when we we are talking about the republic of belarus. yes, because it is an extremely serious threat, but there is a feeling that putin is afraid of it.


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