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tv   [untitled]    July 2, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai is frank and impartial. you draw your own conclusions. greetings to everyone from espresso, i'm nayevalnyk and i'll start this issue with some good news. there is already official permission: the netherlands has agreed to export 24 f-16 fighter jets to ukraine, minister of defense kaisa olongreng reported in a letter to the house of representatives of the country's parliament. the first plane should be sent in the near future, although a specific date has not been given. details as noted. parliamentarians
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will be informed confidentially for security. let me remind you that earlier the netherlands announced that the first fighter jets would fly to ukraine before the end of the summer. prime minister of hungary viktor orban may come to kyiv today. he will meet with president volodymyr zelenskyi. the guardian writes with reference to sources. the reason for the visit is the agreement reached on the rights of the hungarian-speaking minority in ukraine. leaders can do it. proclaim it as a success, the publication notes. this will be orbán's first visit to ukraine after the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion of the president's office, information about the arrival hungarian prime minister orban refused to comment. defense minister rustem umerov will hold a meeting with his american colleague lloyd austin at the pentagon. the visit underscores the support of the united states, said deputy spokesperson for the us department of defense, sabrina. sing. the officials will discuss
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bilateral defense cooperation, regional security issues, as well as strengthening the partnership between the countries. and to the situation in the regions due to russian shelling. for the fourth day in the dnipro , they are looking for two women under the rubble of a high-rise building. they are considered missing missing after the russian attack on june 28. rescuers have already dismantled almost 65% of the collapsed structures and removed them. 750 tons of construction debris, climbers and dog handlers are also working, let me remind you that during this attack one person died, 12 were injured, and almost fifty residents of the building sought psychological help. they want to leave ukraine without bread. russian terrorists fired at a wheat field in the village of karasivka in the kharkiv region. the fields caught fire in order to save at least... part of the crop, the rescuers
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extinguished the fire as quickly as possible, they emphasized in the state emergency service. the russians struck ochakov in mykolaiv oblast. three residential buildings and seven commercial buildings caught fire, the emergency services reported. the fire also covered a recreational area with an area of ​​more than 3 hectares. the low-pressure gas pipeline was damaged, the fire has already been extinguished. fortunately, no one was hurt. several loud explosions rang out in the evening in occupied sevastopol. smoke rose over the city. in social networks, it is reported about the hit in the beloklav district, where the russian air defense forces are based. and also about an attack on a military unit near the village fleet. the russian authorities traditionally announced the work of air defense, allegedly over the waters of the black sea and in the area of ​​balaklava. four air targets were destroyed, and debris fell on the coast.
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strict schedules for turning off the lights, during the day there will be no current for 8.12 hours. zones of mandatory and possible shutdowns will be applied, - warned serhiy kovalenko, ceo of the yasno company. all because of a significant increase in consumption during the heat, energy companies are forced to tighten restrictions. the situation with the light. the situation will improve in august when they finish repair of some as power units. emphasized kovalenko. and about operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 160 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the hottest is in donetsk region. fierce fighting continues in the pokrovsky direction. the russians also continue to attack near chasovoy yar in the kramatorsk direction. our defenders stopped five enemy assaults in the districts of klishchiivka and novy. 16 attacks were repelled.
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in the turkish direction, another 12 in the limansky direction. the situation in kharkiv oblast is also tense. 17 times the occupiers stormed kupinsky bitynka. fighting is also ongoing in the area. vovchansk and lybtsiv during the day, our rocket launchers and gunners destroyed two tanks and two cannons, a mortar and armored vehicles of the enemy. before world ufo day, another 1,280 invaders went not to heaven, but to the afterlife. and in general, since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, almost 545,000 invaders have already become space debris. the defense forces also took care of enemy scrap metal, only yesterday they burned eight tanks, 16 armored fighting vehicles, 56 artists, 74 cars, three rocket launchers and four units of special equipment. the general staff is reminded that all data are indicative.
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poland resumed the passage of ukrainian trucks. so far, traffic has been unblocked at four points in shagina medica. zhinkovychi, malgovychi, ughryniv, dolgobychov and krykivets korchova. this was announced by the deputy minister of community development and infrastructure serhiy derkach. according to him, the polish side has settled the issue of crossing the border, so customs officers will not require permits for transportation. let me remind you that poland suspended the passage of ukrainian trucks that do not have permits for international transportation. at the same time, according to the agreement on the liberalization of cargo transportation with the eu, which entered into force on june 20, ukrainian carriers do not need any permits. yasser alsaidi, a doctor originally from palestine, lives and works in kharkiv. after the full-scale invasion
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, he did not evacuate like many foreigners, on the contrary, he became a volunteer, our correspondent told us about his motivation and what connects him to kharkiv. brought another shipment of humanitarian aid to the children's hospice in kharkiv, he is an active member of the international committee of the red cross, an ambassador of the world health organization. this rehabilitation center for children with various disabilities was created seven years ago on the basis of one of the city hospitals. we have a fairly powerful hospital, which provides psychiatric, neurological, and palliative care, and we also have a mobile palliative care team, where we try to go to safer places, but
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our mobile team even travels to the entire region, helping children who cannot reach us. to support children and theirs parents in a difficult time, dr. yaser, that's how he got used to it. name both small and adult patients, once a month he brings additional food and hygiene products to the hospital. according to the medical director of the hospital, palliative care around the world would not exist without the support of benefactors. this is the main principle of hospice care, palliative care, because it is children who need the most attention, and they always have everything. will be little parents or close relatives can stay with children in the kharkiv hospice. we have been here since birth. she is an orphan to me. i have been raising her since the first days of her life. they put her on her feet. she was premature with
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asphyxia, with trauma, in a word. we arrived without any. the institute of neurology, psychiatry and narcology is the next point in kharkiv, where. doctor yaser brought humanitarian aid, the man cooperates with this institution both as a doctor and as a volunteer, also for surgery, they, what they told me, what they need, what i am ibrinis. a young doctor, he has more than fifty thanks and certificates of honor not only from kharkiv doctors, but also from colleagues from other regions. he also actively supports.
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i am always ready, it is my goal to unite all these volunteers who are in ukraine and abroad. so that we can all help as much as possible, when they tell me that something is needed, i find it, i don't, i never refuse. yaser alsaidi studied medicine at the kharkiv karazin university, where he acquired his first medical skills, so it is very important for him to support the people of kharkiv, who are in danger every day due to enemy shelling.
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activist aidos sadikov, who was assassinated in kyiv, died in the hospital, it was reported his wife natalia. doctors fought for sadikov's life for 13 days. unfortunately, they could not save him. i would like to remind you that on june 18 in kyiv , an unknown person shot at a car in which a journalist, an opposition member and his wife were, law enforcement officers began an investigation into the fact of attempted murder of aidos sadikov. his wife believes that the president of kazakhstan kasy was involved in the attempt on her husband. zhomart tokaev, sadikov supported protests in kazakhstan in 2022. that's
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all i have, i'll see you at 10 o'clock, read more about important things on our to the spreso tv website, subscribe to our channels in social networks, and my colleague roman chaika will continue ateresa. be with us.
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we would like to thank ania and the team for the prompt information, well, you can see the weather, that is, rains and heat and fire danger in half of the territory of ukraine, and some of them are flogging everything they can from this in order to set the grain on fire, because they continue the harvest is also in ukraine. such a situation today can also be interesting for
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all of ukraine. putin's last ally in the european union, mr. orban, is due to arrive at kyiv. we will definitely follow this story. and the most important thing is that they will have time to agree, because it was hungary that began to preside over european structures. well, besides, today. we will definitely talk with our guests later in the program about this completely surreal moment when russia began to preside over the un security council, the one that kills ukrainians every day and every night, destroys their cities and fights on a long front line. we would like to remind you that we also encourage you to invest in our common security and future, we remind, collects. for drones, professional improved mavic profly drones, and also for
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mavic 3t drones, this is for our art scouts from the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, they go east, as you know, it's hot there, and such drones are powerful eyes on the battlefield and in the gray zone, which helps to deliver absolutely high-precision shots. it's according to the occupier, so don't worry, here are the qr-codes, below, card numbers for those who are more comfortable, simple, translations, so on e-e, that's what we're doing. and at the same time, we manage to collect information for our viewers. in connection with andriy demchenko, spokesman for the state border service of ukraine. mr. andriy, good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. good morning. what we have seen in the trend in recent weeks is that it is not individual evaders trying to pass through various parts of the western
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border, but now these groups are becoming more and more. in my opinion, the record is 40 people . at the same time yes or something else 47 47 what is the tendency that it is easier to break through the border with a large brigade, or what is the bet on? well, most likely just criminal organized groups that facilitate or promise people assistance in illegal crossing of the border, already have the audacity to gather large groups of violators, whom they promise to help and... in this way , to bring them to the border faster or closer, of course, most likely, in the future smaller groups, in order for them to be less noticeable, visible, making their way to the border, but this is the tendency to form groups of 20 people, 30 people, 40-47 people
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recently, well, despite the fact that criminal groups... in the desire to get rich, after all these are large amounts of money that people pay them to help them cross the border illegally, our task is to continue to identify these schemes, to identify organizers, to identify guides, and actually to detain such and such groups, or to prevent them from making any attempts even on the approaches to border, or not? there is also information from your colleagues on the other side of the border, there was this option, when they broke through the border with a bead, and then ran away like cockroaches in different directions, and then we never knew whether they were caught, returned to ukraine, or kept in myself, i speak hungarian history, well, actually based on what we reported earlier, the hungarian side did not return them to us,
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the hungarian side did not actually provide additional information either, the only thing then... was that they were also taking certain measures on their part in order to to establish the organizers and facilitators who contributed to such an illegal violation of the border, so while their actions continue, they cannot provide additional information, but about these illegal border crossings, somehow we hear more about the ukrainian-romanian, ukrainian-hungarian, and what about they don't even risk ukrainian-polish, no. of course, there are also attempts to illegally cross the border, but if we take the total number of attempts that we prevented and detained violators, then the most cases are recorded precisely on the border with romania and moldova, in other areas with hungary, slovakia, and poland,
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attempts at illegal crossing are also observed border, but there are significantly fewer of them than at the first. we will talk about other parts of the border from the point of view of even border troops and border guards, recently there was information that there is an attempt to make another border bridgehead, this time they started talking about sumy region, what is happening there now? well, fortunately , the enemy has not been detected in active actions in the sumy region with an attempt to enter the territory of ukraine, and we also do not see that the... enemy has enough forces for this on the other side of the border, because actually, without having the results that he might have in front of us the enemy in the direction of the kharkiv region, in the direction of lybtsiv and vovchansk, we see that on the contrary the enemy directs its main efforts there, but
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of course it cannot be ruled out that in any moment, even with insufficient strength. the enemy will try to expand some bridgeheads with active combat zones, including within sumy oblast or within other directions in kharkiv oblast, we must be ready for the development of any situations, monitor the actions of the enemy in order to counteract this. yesterday there was information that in fact shelling, mortars, artillery and... even lancets were fired across the border, this was a story from sumy oblast, from the sumy oblast military administration, where it is trying the most now, through heads border guards shelling the border communities, well, actually, shelling continues every day, which inflicts the enemy on the territory of chernihiv, sumy, and
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kharkiv regions. if we compare, for example, june, then perhaps the number of shelling has even decreased somewhat compared to the spring months, but in the last few days, or actually a week. the number of shellings is gradually increasing again, but if we compare the quantitative indicators by regions, then the majority of shellings occur in kharkiv oblast, including, of course, in areas where active hostilities are currently taking place , as well as sumyshchyna, less shelling occurs in the chernihiv region, although the enemy also uses, as a rule, mortars there. and artillery in order to inflict damage on the territory of ukraine, along the border, and, unfortunately, peaceful people also suffer because of such shelling, because a large part
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of the shelling falls precisely on populated areas, as a result of which people suffer, houses are destroyed, infrastructure is destroyed , and in fact, if we return to the direction of the kharkiv region, then there is also in erhonakh... but uses and aviation, and in general, in addition to artillery, the enemy also uses unmanned aerial vehicles of the strike type, which are used to strike the territory of ukraine. but at the same time, there is somehow less information now about subversive groups that cross the ukrainian border, have they really decreased? well, the activity of enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups in the sumy region, especially now. certainly diminished in some ways, of course the enemy continues to take action to try
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to sabotage, but again, activity, as it was before, is much less, most likely, he can simply use these groups in those directions that he considers more appropriate, in addition, if we talk about sumy region, all units of the defense forces are doing everything necessary to , in order to prevent such actions of enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups with an attempt to enter the territory of ukraine. enemy subversive and intelligence groups have also recently manifested themselves in the direction of kharkiv, in the direction of the settlement of sotnytskyi kozachok, when several... sabotage-reconnaissance groups tried to enter this settlement, but with battles, the saboteurs
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were knocked out by our ukrainian defenders, of course, the border guards located in this direction had a hand in this, and in fact , all the necessary more powerful means were also used to to inflict damage on the enemy, including on the approaches to our border, of course. we use anti-sabotage reserves in order not to allow the enemy to advance deep into the territory of our state, to gain a foothold or hide somewhere pending further action. you in belarus have been spreading hysteria for two days now, that lukashenko is about to again show four directions from which to attack them, well, it just looks like propaganda hysteria. about the fact that ukraine is preparing to attack belarus across the border, but at the same time monitoring groups say that both
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lukashenka's special forces, the one he likes to show at parades, and some russian special forces have approached the ukrainian-belarusian border, and that you you see and know what they 're cooking, well, it's not two days anymore, but something more, from the moment when they started there to check their... combat readiness since the 20th of last month, but you have to understand that belarus repeatedly tries to shift the responsibility to ukraine, saying that we pose a threat to them, but this is more of an informational influence , because belarus continues to be in such an orbit of russia, to support the terrorist country, but i would like to note that near... our border , the movement of equipment and personnel is not recorded there, of course, as before, for all this time, when
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a full-scale war is going on, belarus... kept and keeps certain of its units in the direction of the border with ukraine, including special units, uh, most likely, since the combat readiness check is going on now, they could not even rotate these units, and now, when - this is what they plan to do, they pass it off as army special forces. belarus went to the border with ukraine, so you should not believe everything that is trying to disperse, including the russian media, which play along with this information, in this informational influence influence of belarus, our task is to continue to build up our defense capabilities and to prevent any actions that could come from this territory. we are not a threat. but
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this direction remains threatening for us, because belarus, i note once again, fully supports russia in these wars that ukraine , a terrorist, has unleashed against our state. it is clear, that is, despite informational, or rather, such omissions, provocations are not observed on the belarusian-ukrainian border. thank you very much mr. andrii for clarifying the information for our viewers, andrii demchenko, spokesman of the state border service of ukraine, about the situation along the perimeter, as they say in ukraine. we will talk about the situation on the fronts later on our broadcast, our colleague and serviceman major of the armed forces yehor checherinda will be in touch with us, you will inform us during that time, a short pause and we will continue. euro-2024 only on mego. football europe is ready to crown a new national team, who will become the champion and
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yatskiv and invites. fact-based experts give their take:


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