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tv   [untitled]    July 2, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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the publication in the extreme west of ukraine, not far from the border of the two countries, obviously means transcarpathia, these agreements are to be announced today as a success, this publication quotes its unnamed source in budapest. in general, informing about the plans of orbán's visit to ukraine, the guardian refers to three sources in the circle of the hungarian prime minister. in addition, this information was allegedly confirmed to the publication in kyiv. the ukrainian authorities did not officially announce orban's arrival, but there are already many messages on various telegram channels and. which are associated with the president's office there that orbán will indeed come to kyiv, there is no information about that, in this regard, there is currently no official resources of the prime minister of hungary, i note that viktor orbán, known for his consistent criticism and blocking of many initiatives of the european union to help ukraine in the war with russia, orban is called an ally of putin in the eu. the hungarian prime minister does not hide and is even proud of the fact that he continues the commune. with the kremlin even after the start of
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russia's full-scale war against ukraine. he calls it communication for peace. oleg shamshur, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine. in the usa 2005-10 years and in france 14-20 years join our air. mr. oleg, i congratulate you. first, let's talk about the relations between ukraine and hungary. so, let's start with this visit of orbán, so somewhat mysterious, he will learn. about him from the western media, yes, but the fact that orban arrived in kyiv for talks with the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelensky, what does this show, what will they talk about, why did he come here, in your opinion? to be honest, more than the financial times knows, i don't know, i looked at the program of the hungarian presidency and... in this program there is also about expansion, although
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there is, although more is said and emphasized on the expansion of the western balkans, at the same time, in that part, which is about enlargement, and in general the program talks about the rights of national minorities and, in particular, that these rights should be respected by countries. date, it is no secret that orban has been concerned about the position of the hungarian minority in ukraine for a long time, and it is clear that this is part of his policy, regarding the de facto, well, influence on the former great hungary, and obviously, first of all, he will... discuss this issue,
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you pointed out absolutely correctly that he is a friend and i would say a leader of special relations with russia from various reasons, i do not rule out that this issue of peace at any price, this is the position that orbán takes, it can also be on the negotiating table, but it seems to me that he himself... first of all, there will be a conversation about the rights of the hungarian national minorities and if he goes, well, obviously there were there are some negotiations and obviously there are some compromises, we need to understand that no matter how unpleasant it is for us, of course we have our own, there should at least be red lines, obviously we need to look for a compromise, because hungary is not only in its capacity...
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chairing the council of the european union, it can create very serious obstacles to the negotiation process with ukraine. well, look, european truth has written several articles, it seems, on this topic. it was noted there that in january, when the hungarian minister of foreign affairs peter sijarto came to ukraine, in transcarpathia, he met dmytro kuleba and andriy yarmak there, as if before. this list of 11 demands for ukraine, and that these demands are essentially, well, we do not know publicly what it is about, european truth wrote about it, and the main story is actually about recognizing that ukraine has traditionally recognized in hungarian, the entire territory of transcarpathia, and that there they do not want to count how many hungarians currently live in this territory, because this number has changed, and they want extremely large ones there... that it is generally very
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big demands from ukraine, in your opinion, compromises are possible here, and well, how can we come to an agreement with hungary, and what can ukraine give up, or is satisfaction even possible? such an agreement, well, it’s hard to say, that is, a compromise, as i said, still, no matter how painful it is, is necessary, given that it is ukraine that is joining the eu, that is, it is forced to take into account the demands of all, well, in fact, all members who have formulated their own, well i'd say yes, sometimes tiffs within the framework of the negotiation process. well , of course, you have to, i would say so, stand absolutely to the last, and i think that, well, let's say, the creation of some special bath for the hungarian minority would be wrong, because we have other national minorities, and you
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just have to go out and insist on the observance of, well, let's say, the wording of these rights , according to those requirements, to those documents... that exist both within the european union and within the council of europe, that is, we should have an argument, i believe that we really have to ensure and we do ensure these rights, but in accordance with those fundamental and documents and documents which concern the rights of national minorities, but i do not think that it is necessary to create some... special conditions for the hungarian minority, this is a very, i would say, a very dangerous path, ugh, well, today we will really learn, probably about these points, what agreements were reached to achieve, mr. oleg, stay tuned, because next we will talk about the elections in france and what effect they
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will have on the support of ukraine. in france , a new parliament will be elected, the first round of extraordinary elections took place this sunday, ended with the victory of the right-wing forces, in which pro-russian reputation. the bloc of the current president emmanuel macron is in third place, such a result of willpower is called by many as historic. zoryana stepanenko, rfe/rl's correspondent in the eu, will tell all the important details. according to the plan, these elections would have been held in three years, but they became the most popular in the history of france in the last 40 years. yaavka is almost 70%. president macron dissolved parliament and called early elections after the right-wing's strong showing in the european elections. and they were able to win again. for the national association marine le pen and his closest associates were voted by a third of voters for the far-right in france, this is a historical maximum in parliamentary elections. the left forces are a little behind, having received almost 29%. and only
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every fifth voter voted for the presidential coalition. thus, emmanuel macron's bloc has slightly more than 20%. it is a form of great liberation for the... people, they are regaining their freedom and determined to defend themselves against the political forces that have hurt them, weakened them and destroyed them. the national association is the most famous a nationalist and anti-immigrant right-wing party that has not previously participated in the country's governance. its politicians promise cheaper energy sources intend to exempt young people under 30 from income tax and abolish french citizenship for foreign children. the party was considered pro-russian. determined, and its leader marine le pen, connected to moscow. the police supported ukraine after the invasion. jordan bardela, who is predicted to become the prime minister, advocated the supply of defensive weapons to ukraine, but against what he believed could lead to to the escalation of the conflict. he did not support
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strikes on the territory of russia. the other day, bardela said: he is ready to help ukraine, if it does not spoil relations with moscow. le pen said that in the case of appointing a brothel, the prem. there will be no french troops in ukraine and that her party will not allow this red line to be crossed. france is a presidential republic, so it is the commander-in-chief who makes such decisions, but the government is responsible for the budget, that is, the allocation of money for one or another initiative. if there was a government led by the extreme right, it could influence, for example, such issues as the budget, which in turn could have a negative impact on...ukraine and support for its efforts against russia. it would also likely affect france's position towards the eu and potentially the eu enlargement process. the kremlin, commenting on the results of the first round, said that the political advantages of the french are more or less
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clear. they will make a decisive choice next sunday, there will be a second round. public opinion polls predict the right from 230 to 310 mandates. they're aiming for 289. that's absolutely. the majority in the parliament. the current authorities are urging voters to prevent such a scenario, which experts say is quite possible. from power the goal is clear - to prevent the national association from getting an absolute majority in the second round and therefore ruling the country with the help of its disastrous project. reacting to the election results, several thousand opponents of the right-wing forces went to protests in a number of french cities. for now, the intrigue about whether a right-wing populist government will come to power in france still persists. from brussels. zoryana stepanenko, marek hayduk, radio liberty. let me remind you that oleg shamshur, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the usa, 2005-10 years and in
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france 14-20 years, in connection with svoboda ranok studio. so, mr. olezh, the question for you is, can the results of these elections really be such that marine le pen is there, she will really get a majority in the parliament, and is marine le pen equal to orban in his approaches to the ukrainian issue during the great war? well, let's start with the chances, the specifics. the french electoral system is such that it is a majoritarian system, and it is necessary to recruit accordingly a certain number from all registered voters in order to, if no one gets more than 50% in the first round, determine those who go to the second round, and it is possible that these will be two candidates, but it is also possible that there will be and. .. candidates, so the final balance of forces in the next
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national assembly, we, rather, the french will know first of all after this second round takes place. now it looks like there are several likely scenarios, one of which is that a national assembly or association, it will get absolutely the majority, absolutely, i'm sorry... the majority is a possible option, the second option is that, well, i'm talking about valid options, i don't think that the leftists from the new people's front have a chance, the second option is that no one will win a majority, and here then it will either be necessary to create a coalition that would be able to nominate... the prime minister and form the government, or there will be a situation of chaos, that is, we will know this
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only after july 7. now regarding the position of the national assembly on ukraine, it is indeed a party that was known as russophile, pro-russian, pro-putin, and in on the other hand, the report correctly states that lupin... well, in general, she conducted a successful policy of normalization of this party, that is, so that it entered french political life as a normal party, and this also applies to the attitude towards ukraine after the start of a large-scale war, that is, there is indeed a condemnation of russia, russian aggression, there is a condemnation of putin, together there is support for aid to ukraine. but here there are several buts, that is , the report says that
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it is written in the pre-election program that the red line is the supply of long-range systems that would allowed to carry out strikes on the territory of russia , the national assembly categorically opposes this, it does not support macron's latest initiatives, neither with regard to... mirages, nor with regard to the possible possible deployment of military units to ukraine, i also think, well, it is no less important that they are very cautious about the sanctions against russia, they did not support it at all, now, lupin assumes it, but does not oppose the main sanctions, against the energy one. capabilities and energy sector of russia, and it is very important
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that they categorically oppose membership of ukraine in nato and in the european union, that is, it is really such an ambivalent position now, and it must also be remembered that there are enough people in the national assembly who were just such exponents of... putin's pro-russian position, although one must give credit lupin, she cleaned up both her ideology and her staff, but that's possible... orban to kyiv and the impact of parliamentary elections in france on ukraine, we talked with oleg shamsher. thank you. this is
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for almost any chandelier or floor lamp. the light was suddenly turned off, it is necessary to light candles again or to search. a flashlight that unfortunately ran out of batteries, let there be light in your home, always a smart light bulb, for only uah 149, works even without electricity, the offer is limited, call! we return to ether, thank our colleagues, we also have a hot upgrade, orban, the prime minister of hungary, arrived in ukraine with an unannounced visit, his... cortege is already in the center of kyiv, you can see, er, they say that this the unannounced visit is a meeting with the ukrainian authorities, and according to orban's press secretary, they will talk about establishing peace and bilateral relations, bilateral relations are normal, establishing peace, it seems to me that orban has confused the capitals, he should go to moscow, in my opinion, his wish lies there,
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but this is all on the eve of the fact that hungary will soon begin the presidency of the european union. in the meantime, we will add to the conversation our next interlocutor and guest oleksandr kondratyuk, an expert in educational issues and the founder of the all-ukrainian educational company setsstat. mr. oleksandr, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. we see, from the first day, the rules change, the rules for students, new conditions in the 24th year, they say. that some three categories who study in higher educational institutions and vocational secondary education institutions can be mobilized to the army, so how will this algorithm work? well, here it’s just all those who only study full-time and get consecutive education, that is, you can’t go there
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twice, for example, to a bachelor’s degree and get postponement, then only they get a postponement, and this applies not only to universities. for example, colleges, in this way a person could finish school, then go there to get a diploma, for example, a junior bachelor, then there is just a bachelor, master, postgraduate, study for a very long time, but of course she must be such a real student, really study, and if well, you know, she already got a bachelor’s degree once before, so her path is only a master’s degree, she can’t get a bachelor’s degree again, she also can’t study by correspondence, because otherwise there will be no postponement, only full-time form, and... and of course, only consecutive education, there is a whole explanatory letter from the ministry of education, which is considered consecutive, which is not, there are exceptions, for example, from what i read, and there can not. if, for example, you studied at the bachelor's level, but did not study and will enroll again, then if you enroll again, for example, by passing the multitest again and
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enrolling again, then you will not have a deferment, because even though you did not graduate the first time, but studied, but if you continue after recovering at the university of your first education, then you will have a deferment, that is , there are many fine rules, there are clear explanations of what grants a deferment and what does not, and... well, of course, for example, only full-time students will now be able to study at a graduate school forms on the budget, that is , the contract was essentially canceled for graduate school, because there was such a demand that there were 140,000 people who applied for the 300 budget places that are usually there, who registered for admission to graduate school, because of this in such a roundabout way, like, how can it not be forbidden to study there on the budget or on the contract, how every day, then everyone has... that full-time and consecutive education, but they made it so that there simply will not be a contract on this form at graduate school, and in this way it will not be possible to get a postponement due to a contract and only
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there conditionally who is the best 7 00 places of them increased by 200 million, in essence, the expenses, if we count 50,000 per student , the state took over the burden, then they will receive a deferral accordingly, but i did not understand with the graduate students, the graduate students in here who went to graduate school at... even here with those 140,000 got to 3,000 places, then they do graduate students get deferred or not? yes, they receive it, if it is a consecutive education, if they study for the second time at some graduate school, then they do not receive it, if it is the first, then they receive it, and here it is important that, well , there was this big conflict about whether it is right or wrong, in essence, what happened should have been, well, 140 00, of course, they would not have passed there, the threshold score for submitting documents to graduate school was set at 100. 60 points out of 200 of the single standardized exam, the single entrance exam is standardized for the entire the country, that is, you know quite well, it is not corrupt, honest, as there is an external examination, like a multitest, but in fact it would be possible to take
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the same 300 state employees there, limit 10, 15, 20 thousand contract employees there and recruit more people for postgraduate studies, of course , let's say twice as much as usual, but not cut so hard, but they did it specially, they did it publicly. and there, for example, the burning of budget places for children there in the sense that 17-year-olds go to the bachelor’s degree and after school, the authorities very skillfully hid this there for 5 years, no one knew that according to the new system funding has been burning for 5 years now, but not all of them get, i.e. when they say 90,000 of the budget in the year before last, for example, 40,000 of them burned and no one actually got it, well, there are about 40, so i hide it well. here they did so publicly, which shows that this is not just such a clever mechanism, but such a public position that they say it will show how
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people will be treated at the moment, and this issue is debatable, because it is one thing when a person just wants to sit out, give bribe, escape through graduate school, of course, this should be stopped as much as possible, but if a person who, for example, once dreamed of going into science, such an elon musk, but... went into commerce, into business, because he thought, i don't want to do business with state structures, and i understand him, in principle, because things often go wrong there, and then he thinks, well, now there will be a point, then i will change my life path a little, i will combine both doing this and that, he is, you know, such a crowd, and among 140,000 people there will be someone there one hidden genius, and that's enough to make russia a black swan, when something completely unexpected happens, we invent a new gunpowder thanks to one scientist, and here it was ... cut, and it was okay, it's according to the law, the person had a right to change her life path, she did not want to just give a bribe, she really went to study, and here are these people, even if there
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are 10 thousand of them, but they were cut in vain, it will not make science worse than it was last year, but the chance to make a drastic better, such a cardinal jump, it is completely cut off, so far, yes, so far it has not been used, i am also talking about other students of ours, only younger ones. from july 1 , other rules regarding refugees in poland also began to apply, and there, among other things, it is indicated not only about certain financial costs, not only about the form of certificates that must be made, or the card of permanent residence, that is, which allows you to stay in poland for 3 years , but also the condition that the children of ukrainian refugees will leave first. in principle, you will be all those who are abroad, they are polish schools, that's what is written there, how it is mostly they went to polish schools anyway, i didn't particularly hear of cases where someone
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sat there and didn't go, often they went to... schools abroad, for example, like in germany, in germany they were always forced to go to schools and go to schools here further to get a certificate. in fact, there are mechanisms that you can only go to school there in europe, then pass the relevant exams in ukraine and confirm your ukrainian certificate, but mostly people go both there and there, and then also enter universities and back and forth, that's why often people who are in europe, they continue to enroll anyway, even for them a new form of education has been introduced, an official one... distance, that is, it's like they enroll in distance education all the time, they are there study in ukrainian universities while staying further in europe, so it is no secret for anyone that this is a big burden for them, and in principle it was the same in other european countries, so simply if it was different in poland, then it joined. mr. oleksandr, if you look at what, for example, in there are those who have been in poland for several years, it is clear that the children will go to
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polish-language, polish schools, but... is there an alternative possibility, for example, obtaining an education in ukrainian online, or is this not even considered at all, or for those who who studied, for example, for two years and will now return to ukraine, how will the transition from the polish form of education back to the ukrainian one be for these students, well, if we are talking about poland, then this is their question, what will they make people do there, what not, we have in principle there are certain invented mechanisms that if a person temporarily did not study in a ukrainian school due to some circumstances, but he can... renew and study, if he studied and even obtained a certificate, then he can submit his documents to a special center for so that her certificate would be recognized as valid in ukraine, that is, she there, if necessary , passes some small exams, and they compare there, because, for example, in europe, the subject may be science, not physics, chemistry, biology, but just science in general, they these are compared, all these estimates are translated and they conditionally give you what is considered
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a certificate for... in a ukrainian university, so this mechanism needs to be seen in practice, how people will pass, most likely there will still be many nuances to correct, but if they are not forgotten, they are thought about, therefore , there will be an opportunity to enter, the only thing that needs to be properly communicated here is everything in ukraine in matters of education, because there was often a problem with communication, now at least a little something is being told somewhere, but people in our country still think that the multitest is a simplified one there exam option, although there in ... or less time, the difficulty is already as you can tell, 150 questions under the woodpecker next year, well, that is, an extremely difficult exam, but people do not understand this, and when they open their eyes, that aha, then everything is not so simple , as i thought, often from people, well , maybe this is an impulsive phrase, of course, an emotional one, but i hear the phrase: well, who will enter here, if we better enter europe, of course, there is just a lot of talk about it, but if people have such thoughts impulsively, then we must be doing something wrong with communication at the state level in education,
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sir oleksandr, we have one more minute, but actually, we would like to hear your conclusions on this year's zno, what it showed, and we will see now the official results, but i was there, by the way, i compiled it myself, and first, the inconsistency with the demonstration version, what misled people, they thought that it would be easier than last year, it turned out not to be easier, because of that everyone was very nervous, secondly, they can ask, for example, in one subject you will have just complicated formulations, where this will be the most difficult , and... for a knowledge should not be completely specialized, in another subject you need depth of knowledge, and literally 20 different topics will be covered there, but very deeply, in the third there will be simple tasks, but extensive and intertwined, that is, you need to prepare not for knowledge of mathematics, history there and so on, and to the multi-test in these subjects, well, and thirdly, i will say that we will probably also see unsatisfactory results, as there were last year, when 2/3 did not even pass 140 there, and 180 there and
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100. the difficult reality of education in wartime , mr. oleksandr, thank you for being with viewers of espresso, oleksandr kondratyuk, an expert on educational issues and the founder of the all-ukrainian educational company setsstat. annayeva melnyk and the team of espresso journalists know more about what happened in the last hour, besides the fact that orban's motorcade passed through kyiv to the hungarian embassy, ​​probably tell a lot more. anna yevot at her word. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team is working on the most important thing, and i will start with the arrival of viktor orban in kyiv. all the details are below, stay with us.


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