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tv   [untitled]    July 2, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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serhii rudenko is now in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from the border, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with help. survey, turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. leading
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lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. and we welcome to our studio stanislav zhelikhovsky, candidate of political sciences, international expert, one of the international news today, many, international, even came to us. we welcome you. so, in the first over the fence. years, the visit of the head of hungary, and we understand that there are definitely reasons for orbán to do this, to approach the president of ukraine zelensky himself, to whisper something in his ear, to come from cortege to kyiv, release the press secretary himself and say something about peace, because they are presiding, starting in the european union for six months, and some strange political players do not agree with orban in the european parliament.
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our data, given in the equation, this is what we see, what will come of all this and what kind of equation we have, well, indeed, as you know, the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban, has already arrived in the ukrainian capital, in kyiv, where is to hold a number of meetings with high-ranking ukrainian officials, here it is worth noting that orban's visit has been prepared for quite a long time, he was talked about for many months and the ukrainian side repeatedly invited him, but we see that only from time to time. viktor orban and the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi crossed paths at some events, recently it was on the sidelines of the eu summit leaders in brussels, where they exchanged words, and even earlier they had a meeting during the inauguration of the president of argentina javier millay, and there were also various so guess what they could talk about in those few seconds, but we see that so far this meeting has not happened before, only we remember a meeting was held in the city
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of uzhhorod between the minister of legal affairs, dmytro kuleba, and his hungarian colleague, peter siyarto, where they discussed further steps towards the normalization of relations between the countries and talked about the conditions that budapest is putting forward in ukraine, so that kyiv can continue to advance on the way to the european , to the european union, and accordingly we see that now there is a lot of talk about exactly that... hungary has put forward a number of conditions and there are quite specific ones that, well, let's say, not so will simply be carried out without any joint compromises between the countries, so now it is all in the process, but of course it is important for us that there was a positive shift in our relations, especially since hungary began to preside over the council on july 1 of the european union, and it must show results. positive leadership, to
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actually have, to leave a normal mark in history, and not just some scandals and the like, mr. stanislav, but here is an option, or should they show some of their own? success at the price of ukraine or whatever, because you already they mentioned these 11 mobile requirements, well, as requirements, they say, we are not requirements, we cannot interfere, these are our wishes, but such that you must fulfill them 100%, and here vice prime minister stefanishyna says: yes everything has already been fulfilled, we gave the go-ahead for everything, but part of those demands, well, let's say this, directly contradict the ukrainian legislation, well, let's say this, we have fulfilled some of these demands even earlier, when the authorities, in fact, made appropriate changes to the legislation , when we still wanted to get this green light to move to negotiations, regarding joining the european union, but there were, let's say, more or less healthy demands, and what is being proposed now is
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obviously not in the interests of kyiv, not in the national interests of our state and our people, and it is worth realizing that it is possible that viktor orban simply raised the bar. to still get, as they say, ask for the maximum, you will get what you want, this is an old principle and, by the way, it is exactly what vladimir putin often uses when he puts forward his demands for a peaceful settlement, it is also worth realizing, well, actually he has there is such a teacher and who accordingly tells him how to conduct foreign policy, but i think that it will still be possible to make some compromises. but such that they suit everyone and obviously not to the detriment of our state, because we must understand that if we take these steps now, countries like hungary will demand even more and more from us, and then others can join them states with their demands, and then we may not get
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any positive change in the context of our integration into the eu, nor will we have any normal relations with certain countries of the european union and... it is worth realizing that we should no longer allow the creation of such enclaves on the territory of ukraine, which would live their own lives, and we already know what this can do to turn around, so i think we hope that there will actually be some positive decisions, especially since there is considerable pressure on viktor orbán, in particular from the prime minister of italy, giorgi meloni, who has been trying for many months, let's say, to convert to... . and viktor orban's path is true, so that he after all, if he wants to be normal and feel normal in european politics, especially after the european race, he should go for some constructive, so we hope that for the sake of what he, if he wants to show that hungary
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can have a decent presidency in the eu , and also have the opportunity to carry out some initiatives in the european parliament, which is just what i mentioned. in the context of the fact that ms. maloney can help him in this, i actually think that there must be some points of contact, otherwise it's this visit again nothing normal will bring, it will simply be a visit for the sake of a visit and the parties will remain in their positions, well, you mentioned these certain demands from ms. maloney, but eh, won't it turn out that there will be even more blackmail for blackmail, because the day before, actually entering kyiv... what we see is that orban says that he will have the third, or maybe the second, most influential group of the far-right in the european parliament, for example, this group that entered the id, yes, well, this is the identity of democracy, they were supposed to have tomorrow inauguration, they cancel it, because
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orban is already luring a part of the report to himself, that is, he is creating his own separate association, that is, with one hand he is showing that i am not dependent on these demands and ultimatums from mrs. maloney, on the other hand. i am going to kyiv as someone, as a winner, who for the first time implemented territorial, cultural and autonomous demands, because similarly, hungary had claims to slovakia, to poland, to croatia, to romania, that is, they have problems along the entire perimeter, but only in transcarpathia they will be able to achieve, this is our land, even if there are 3% ethnic hungarians in this town lives, he already came with this to... and by the way, he didn’t go to poland, that’s why he didn’t nominate, because they don’t have a common border, but to serbia, yes, and the opposite with the poles, by the way, when he was the government of yaroslav kaczyński, law and justice, they had exactly the same correlations, they, they, on the contrary, they tried to create an alliance in the european
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parliament, and everything went to that, by the way, george moloney's party and the national ob marine le pen's union and some other far-right political forces are part of the union, but the full-scale invasion of the russian federation made its adjustments, and accordingly, when orbán remained with those positions and continued to relay the pro-russian one. and anti-european rhetoric, after all, yaroslav kaczyński began to distance himself from viktor orban, and on the contrary, his anti-russian rhetoric intensified even more, and they parted ways, it turns out that viktor orban is left alone and he needs to look for allies, so why i lead to your question that it is important for him to have like-minded people, because if... actually, he is not if he finds such people, then obviously he will not be able
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to realize his political ambitions in any way, and what he cannot do separately from lipen and after persuading other people to create his own group and become my own, well , it remains to be seen how they will agree, we will watch the elections for now in france, as the first round has already passed there, let's see how ready they will be to create some kind of coalition with him, it remains to be seen whether slovakia will also agree to create some? alliances with hungary within the european union, which, by the way, are so doubtful, since slovakia does not have such problems in the european union, like viktor orban and hungary, respectively, here, but we'll see, i think there will be certain games here, games both inside the european union and outside it, and the visit to kyiv is one of the elements of this policy, orbán wants to show that he is ready to talk, that he, that hungary is really interested in... in a progressive presidency, so that you actually talk about us, that we, you
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were afraid and said that it would not be a successful presidency, but here i am, for example, going, going to kyiv itself, and before he was even afraid to go there go, so far from, further, further so, well, actually, by the way, there were assumptions that the meeting between volodymyr zelenskyi and viktor orban will take place in uzhgorod or somewhere in the western part of our country, but not in kyiv, but... well , who is going to the ukrainian capital, and it would be nice if he, after all, so that this visit was full not only of meetings, but also if he was taken, for example, to bucha, borodyanka, gostomel, to show what is there done by the russians during a full-scale invasion, and i want to provide that viktor orbán was skeptical of those pictures that we showed to the whole world, all those shootings, he repeated about russian propaganda, but now, if he had visited these tragic places for our country, he
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would not have been able to say afterwards that it 's not true because there's a lot of ruins left, a lot left after the russians ruled there for a few months and that's worth realizing, i think it might be, although i don't know the actual details of the visit, we'll see how it goes it is watered down, but hope that it will be productive, well , it would be possible to take it on an excursion in the times of vovchansk , it would be more effective. the most important thing for us is that he does not leave as a winner at the cost of ukraine, there are guarantees that we will hold back, is this the reason for this visit? we hope that ukraine will not become a bargaining chip, although of course viktor orbán will try to show that he is a winner, that he was, visited ukraine, visited kyiv, at least, and that he did a lot, actually, both for hungary and for the european union as a whole, obviously something else... will speculate and, by the way, the demands that they set, i think that
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they will repeatedly hinder our european integration, it is far from a fact that now after the visit hungary will become softer in the person of orbán , but we hope that there will still be positive developments, because we see that everything is not stable in hungary either, they have political forces that are already openly challenging the dominance of the fidesz party, and it is possible that... here is the example of the magyar just exactly and absolutely he is his political power is the tisza, they show real results, and that is, it is not excluded that in the future the paradigm of political life in hungary may change, and by the way, viktor orbán will definitely go down in history not as a successful politician, so he needs to at least try now to balance and still prove that at least in something one can be positive for oneself. as well as for europe as a whole, so in fact that in this very interesting
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moment, this former european integrator, and now a eurosceptic, stood on such different tightropes, how fickle this orban is, but mr. victor was hanging on this tightrope, we will not follow the ukrainian peace formula, we have really liked the chinese one together with the brazilians, and then suddenly we start playing again, we hung up the rubik's cube and repeat. trump's formula, we love trump so much, we even went to see him outside the protocol of an official visit, just to get to know trump, who, in principle, does not have any status in the us political system so far, hence this game. between, between trump and shidzen piny, but one way or another it is a tightrope, because under different circumstances, trump never recognizes china as anything other than a competitor or an enemy. it is absolutely true, and for many years donald trump has been opposed to such pretensions, pretensions to the geopolitical weight and
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economic power of the people's republic of china, he is absolutely...against this country advancing the united states on the international stage, and he also opposes that american corporations are located in the heavenly territory and that he himself has long advocated for them to return to the united states of america, for new jobs to be created, for taxes to be paid and the like, and for america itself to become more powerful, just like that... in this sense, it is possible that if trump returns to power, it is unlikely that beijing should expect any improvement in relations, and with whom orbán will be then, with the chinese communists or with trump, we can imagine the situation, and only then will trump evaluate if viktor orbán will continue to travel to beijing and demand some
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preferences for himself, and we see that he constantly tries to balance between european who is the union and the west as a whole and the east, to which we can include russia, belarus, and china, then, accordingly , under president trump, he may have problems if he continues to gravitate towards china, because i want to remind you that exactly heaven is the main competitor for the united states for donald trump, and not only for them, look, shidzenpin has already arrived in kazakhstan today, these are the two. visits and there again meeting with putin, well, this is the game, when china is working more and more for russia, well , not yet like pyongyang, not like the gdr, but more and more openly and no longer hiding, but at the same time the rhetoric is the same, stop pushing china, we are peacekeepers, and we
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are not doing anything with russia in this war, as for kazakhstan, it should be understood here that it is a central asian country. which has considerable weight in regional politics, and it is worth realizing, and it is precisely for this region that such a competition between russia and china takes place, and the latter sometimes we just see that both leaders make visits to the countries of the region, this is important for russia in the context of preserving those influences that still exist from soviet times, so it offers... for the countries of the region various kinds of, let's say, benefits in the context of providing energy carriers, there at reduced prices and the like, and china is implementing its infrastructure projects there, that is, now there is this competition, who will win in this competition, and this is a local story, who will tear kazakhstan faster, russia,
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which will come to that summit in estonia or china, then they are tearing up kazakhstan or something? not only kazakhstan, in general all the countries of central asia, there is also kyrgyzstan and tajikistan, they are all, they are all oriented towards moscow and beijing at the same time, but who this kanand will drag his bier more will be decided in the near future, apparently vladimir it is not unprofitable for putin to have a direct confrontation with china, given the fact that it depends on it in many ways, so we see the first visit after his so-called inauguration he made to the heavenly one, but... but that's all however, china is watching putin's movements very closely, knowing that he is limited by his actions on the international stage, and he will still push his vision and try to turn these countries around, especially since he has much more attractive offers, even in in the context of the implementation of certain infrastructure facilities, roads,
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railways and the like, all this can be done by china, but russia is weak economically and it cannot do so much for... in the context of some innovations in the economy of these countries, but here is china very active, for example, it transfers a lot of different kinds of buses in one or another country, literally by the hundreds, and they are real in africa, but in exchange for oil and labor resources, they can do anything, but in this case it is important for us, why are such games dangerous for us, i.e., because china has a double diplomacy with words of one endowment. and in this case, this summit, these next negotiations between china and moscow, we saw that the result of the first visit was very weak. well, we accept you at the highest level equal, but you are a raw appendage, no, we are not a raw appendage, we are your partners, that’s how it was presented in russian propaganda, so
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as of now, after all, this is the case with the global division of the west, the collec collective and the east, and the their organization was the sco, remember, there was india, iran, kazakhstan, the one mentioned, and russia and china. there are, well, there are other states, it is more alive or more dead, china needs it now, russia is still playing something there, or is it already china using any formats in order to be able to to show that he is their leader, but for him so far the most ambitious project remains the one belt, one road, after the full-scale invasion of russia there was a bit of a freeze in this sense, especially on the northern branch. this road , which should pass through the republic of belarus to the european union, so it actually gives belarus the opportunity to have
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better relations with china, but in general , a full-scale invasion, it made a number of obstacles, and therefore, we see, now he is trying to establish relations with countries the eu, as well as countries such as serbia and hungary, should also understand this, by the way, it is profitable for china now, and... there is still something working, it is not so active now, because this is their summit, in fact, i want to understand whether it will play against ukraine or for us, well, now brics is playing against ukraine the most, just like that, and it is worth understanding that despite the fact that it was created at the initiative of volodymyr putin, china is there still tries to play the main violin, and russia is not very equal so far partner, to put it mildly, with china, and it was rightly noted that it is in... that russia mostly offers its resources, well, maybe it can also offer space technologies there, well, everything that it can still give is more or less what is possible touch and apply, let's say,
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in the economy of china, this is exactly how they are trying to put pressure on the western world in these formats, and we see even in the context of the global peace summit of switzerland that many countries that are part of the brics did not join or or. those who joined, they did not sign the final declaration, and it should be understood in this sense, as a matter of fact, we have to finalize in this case, but after all the events that will take place in kyiv, here in astana and around ukraine, we have a chance, i mean, to play right, this second peace summit, about which kyiv talks so much, even before trump's election, do we have any chance to play something serious here, we have a moment to think about it. now there is a lot of talk about the second peace summit, but one would still like, one would not like, that it would be a perfect repetition of the swiss one, after all, that the largest number of countries joined
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our peace initiative, and so that it would be possible to consider all the points of the ukrainian peace formula, otherwise this, well, let's put it this way, it will be a meeting for the sake of a meeting, well, unless we can check the clocks there, but we must understand , we need to improve our position on the international stage, because that's the only way. bring the situation closer to victory and today the entire espresso team will monitor the consequences of viktor orban's visit to kyiv, we will see what is being done there in we would like to thank astana and stanislav zhelikhovsky for the analysis of the current situation, thank you for being with espresso, we will donate, we listen to the news, subscribe to the youtube channel, i say thank you, see you tomorrow. there are
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plot. order simply for. only from uah 799, the offer is limited, call. it's time to find out about the main events for this hour, i congratulate all viewers of espresso, anna yavomelnyk is with you, i'll start with the situation in the kherson region. in kherson itself, two were injured due to morning shelling. a 54-year-old man was injured in the city center, another local was injured in the yard of his own house in the karabel district, - roman morochko, the head of the city's military administration, said. also, nine people were injured in the kherson region.


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