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tv   [untitled]    July 2, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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biden. he wants to restore the soviet empire, not just peace. he wants all of ukraine. and do you think he will stop there? if he takes ukraine, what do you think will happen to poland, what will happen to belarus? what do you think will happen to nato countries? therefore, if you want war, you must find out what he is going to do. well, here trump repeated his... such a mantra that supposedly, as soon as he is elected in early november, he will resolve all issues related to the war in ukraine by january 20. mr. igor, you do you believe in these words, or is this such cheap populism? well, of course, this is cheap populism, because, well, how can you believe in what, what, what, what exactly is populism, because how, how can it, how can it stop. war, he, i think,
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has never thought about it himself, maybe he sincerely believes that he is so all, all outstanding, and how in one of his commercials it is said that god sent him in order to save america, and so on and so forth, maybe he still sincerely believes in it, maybe i don't know, but of course these are populist statements, behind which nothing, no... nothing stands absolutely nothing, no, no ideas, and how can he, well, suppose he is elected president, how can he do anything, if he is not yet president, in general, that is, what leverage does he have there are mechanisms for doing something like that, for example, to stop the war, simply, nothing like that exists, well, donald trump is donald trump, all his statements, you know, on any topic. they are similar to this statement,
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i.e. he says something, something, something with such slogans, his supporters like it, well and these statements are actually aimed at his supporters, mr. igor, well, the fact is that those who are terribly afraid of the presidency, the second presidency of donald trump, had a kind of hope that the american courts could have their say regarding the cases that ... brought against him, and now the supreme court of the united states recognizes that former president donald trump has some level of immunity from criminal prosecution, what does this mean in practice? i will tell you frankly, this decision of the supreme court today, in my opinion, it is terrible, absolutely, here i completely agree with the special opinion of the three liberal judges that you ...
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expressed it was written by judge sonia sotomayor, that from today the president is like a king, that he is above the law, he can do anything he wants, he can order the special forces to kill a political opponent, for example, she just wrote that in this document, and he will get away with it all, that is... he has immunity, you see, in the american constitution there is not a single word about the immunity of the president, there is no such thing, those who created a constitution, as they are called in the united states, the founding fathers, they didn't foresee that the president could have immunity, and what the supreme court came up with , with its super-conservative majority today, is actually terrible, because...
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in fact, the supreme court said that the president, whatever he did not, as president, he has immunity from criminal prosecution, he does not have immunity, if, while in the office of president, he did something that, that is not the duties of the president, that is outside the duties of the president, that is from this no immunity anything he does as president, he's immune from all of that, and actually that means technically, three criminal cases. trump on january 6, on his theft of classified documents from the white house , on the coercion of the state of georgia to rig the election in the 20th year in his favor, that all of these criminal cases have been stayed indefinitely, that the supreme court sent the case back to district court on january 6, that the district court should... what
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was in trump's actions, as in actions, as actions, what was what of his actions were the actions of the president, what of his actions were the actions of a private person, well , imagine if it will be... give the district court, let's say it decides not in trump's favor, trump will file an endless number of appeals, this will reach the supreme court again and it will be considered for years, that is, in fact, the supreme court today defended trump in three criminal cases against which he has several dozen charges, and these cases, the courts in these cases, they are postponed for an absolutely definite period, moreover, it's... that's it pandora's box, that is, now any president, relying on this decision of the supreme court, will be able, as a judge, sonya sotomayor wrote in this special view that he can take bribes, order murders, do anything, and he has like,
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because he's the president, he has immunity, actually, in my opinion, a very, very unfortunate decision of the supreme court, but this decision itself... the judicial system of the united states, which, for a very long time and many places, where there is at least some claim to democracy was considered something of a reference, so this court is somehow compromises himself with this decision, that is, do we now have questions not only for american presidents, but also for american courts, absolutely compromising, and i am sure that... already today and in the coming days we will see many statements of leading lawyers, that with this decision the court compromised itself, because in fact the court invented something that is not in the constitution, and this was done by the votes of six judges who consider themselves, that's what
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they call originalists in america, this is a conservative legal trend that believes that the constitution should be interpreted only as it is written, in the constitution there is not a single... word about any immunity of the president, that is , it was invented by the supreme court, but today, and this invention, it opens a very bad pandora's box, not only in relation to trump, only in relation to future presidents, because this decision must be implemented. the court has compromised itself in the eyes of many americans, and i think in the eyes of the world, because this decision is absolutely political, it was taken in favor. trump to help him avoid lawsuits processes before the elections, this, well, there simply cannot be anything else according to this decision. and, mr. igor, will this ultimately have political consequences for the election campaign, because
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trump's opponents talked about the fact that trump is actually under investigation, trump with convictions and trump without convictions are... trump may be different, the interpretation of voters , but now it turns out that voters will say that trump is innocent, de facto, well, he has already been found guilty of one criminal case, there are 34 episodes, that is, 34 crimes, on july 11 through in 10 days, the judge will announce the decision, which will praise his punishment, that is, he has already been recognized. a criminal, according to the case, which, this case concerns the time when he was not yet the president, that is , the decision of the supreme court does not apply to this case, and what do voters, supporters of trump, think about this, for them there is absolutely no the importance of what will become
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known about trump, what will be the court rulings regarding trump, absolutely, this is a personality cult, you see, there are several tens of millions of people who view trump as ... his god sent and everything and they will vote for him, it absolutely does not matter what is happening around, and with regard to independent voters, it will be interesting to look at the polls, after trump was found guilty, by the way, he was ahead of biden in national polls, and this gap has narrowed to practically zero, or according to some polls, biden has started to be ahead. it will be necessary to look at the polls in those swing states that will determine the winner of the election, these are six or seven states at the most, i think we'll have to look somewhere closer to the end of july, when these polls will be done frequently, then we
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'll see how that plays out in the views of independent voters, i just wanted to, just to not forget to go back to your first question about appeals to replace the democratic candidate, the fact is that there are two technical big problems, even if the democrats wanted to replace the candidates, first, biden himself has to refuse to bog down. with the president, and the second, uh, and the second is money, any new candidate should start raising money from the very beginning for the election campaign, because without a lot of money it is impossible to run an election campaign, and the time to raise it simply, i don't think, is there, that's why it's such a loud call, but, but how me, he is unemployed. he was in touch with us about the situation in the united states, i would just like to remind you
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that we have a survey going on whether ukraine should agree to negotiations with the russian federation with the participation of mediators, and so far the vote is as follows: 29 % of our surveyed respondents believe that yes and 71% that no, the voting continues, as does the ether tv channel. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive during the day, and with the matrik topper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface, order the matrik topper for a comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. during the day under... removal of the factory films, it can be used. a unique cover, in which you can hide
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in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima’s big broadcast, a project for intelligent and those who care, in the evening for espresso. great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. all most importantly, every thursday at 9:15 p.m., velikiy lviv speaks in the project, on the espresso tv channel. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the process. what is happening in ukraine and the world, want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch
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the saturday political club every saturday on espresso. we continue the live broadcast of the espresso tv channel and continue its project new week, a project led by us, andriy smoliy and khrystyna yatskiv, and now we have a traditional one. an hour, or rather 45 minutes of our analytics, our discussions, those events that are important to us countries that are actually creating for... are now creating politics and creating history not only on a ukrainian scale, but probably also on a planetary scale, so i will only add that i do not claim the truth, for some analysis exclusively from my side, after all, journalistic there is a point of view here, but it is extremely valuable to hear andriy's thoughts, and if we will talk with him today about such
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topics, we will of course talk about the thesis of volodymyr zelenskyi. about, well, at least the possibility of a model of negotiations with the russian federation, in which there are no direct contacts there is no ukraine with russia, but some third party will take care of this process. who it might be, in what format it might or might not be, we'll talk about that, we'll definitely mention what, i would say, is now worrying, disturbing, maybe even the entire european union, it's a certain trend that very... clearly fixed now in the actual election processes in france, so we have the triumph of the far right, if we talk about the european union in general, then the other pole is also not far behind and also has certain successes, but where is the most weighted position, so to speak, healthy position and whether the eu is losing it in all these
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stormy events. we remind you that we have an ongoing survey and it concerns: your opinion on whether ukraine should agree to negotiations with the russian federation with the participation of mediators? if you think it is worth talking, if someone is between the warring parties, then please call free on 0800 211 381, if you think that under no circumstances, even with the participation of mediators , then 0.800. 211 382 although you know, she said and i understand that it is even a little possible in the wrong direction, i swayed our viewers to vote now, because there may be another position, there may be people who believe that it is necessary to speak without any intermediaries, so direct negotiations, i do not rule out that in our country they can still to have such thoughts,
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although, although, they should be purely, purely legally, now it is completely excluded, because if i am not mistaken... from october 2022 , the decree of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, by which he actually implements the decision of the national security council and defense that negotiations with the russian federation are basically not possible until a certain point, and i don't think we 've reached that point by any means, right? if we are talking about these statements of zelenskyi, yes, they are at the beginning of the program, i... emphasized when we spoke with mr. mosienko, they are not isolated, that is , we have been observing a certain trend for the last few weeks, and this trend is that various bloggers, various political experts, various journalists, various youtube projects, that is, you feel that it is spreading in the information
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space, they, they started very actively to talk about the topic of possible... and here, in fact, after that, this statement of volodymyr zelenskyi appears, where he says that it is possible, there may be negotiations with mediators, there may be negotiations of something like a grain agreement, when it was, yes? according to zelenskyi, i would not emphasize much, why? because here really, well, there is nothing seditious, all the same we understand that these negotiations will someday be in... theory, yes, and we will still have to agree on something with some mediators, relatively speaking, in which there would be no option, there would be no conclusion, but, for example, when mr. fesenko talks with ms. mosiychuk, by the way, it was an interesting conversation, and there both mosiychuk and
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fesenko said the following. things that related to the fact that we won, what can be considered a victory, maybe the fact that the country has the capital, the largest regions, most of the regions, access to the sea can be considered a victory , nataliya mosichuv said this, by the way, about the same president volodymyr zelenskyi said in the same interview as, for example, to our key partner for the united states, it is important to preserve us as a state, but there is no question of going to the borders of 1991. and here it is, for example, here it is an interview, and a series of interviews, a series of positions of various political scientists, they. are really beginning to suggest that it is possible for us, at least, if not to be prepared, then to feel the information ground for possible
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negotiations. another interesting thing, by the way, zelensky said in the same interview that the united states of america does not see ukraine in nato at the moment. ugh. that's a lot too an important thing to talk about, to focus on. before that, biden said that... wait, nato is not. why am i talking about nato? because even if such a situation occurs, that there will be a conflict or a war, or rather, a frozen one, what is the guarantee for ukraine? this is the first question that must be asked, what is the guarantee for ukraine that the war will not start with... force at any moment, what is really interesting here are the so-called security agreements that we constantly sign with many individual countries and
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by their representatives, with the european union, one of the last, yes, and it is very often presented to us as agreements that should protect us from new aggression by the russian federation, yes, if this happens, only to me. i wonder how we, how the world in general will qualify, new aggression is happening, or is it a way out of the frozen phase of the conflict, which began in 2014, gained full scale in 2022, we do not rule out that the intensity of the war may decrease, because it is certain natural processes, and such an intense war cannot to go on forever. but can we say that ah this is the freeze our partners will consider the end of this conflict and that really worries me
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because the devil is in the details we already have the experience of the budapest memorandum where we thought we had certain guarantees from the signatories, but it turns out that we didn't have such guarantees as, as the word is, if i'm not mistaken, m... assurances, assurances, something that they guarantee our territorial integrity and not only in exchange on our nuclear as such. in short, i would very much was scrupulous about all the signed agreements, no, did not expect them to work as we expect them to at the appropriate time, and still would be very careful when it comes to any negotiations with the russian federation. we have a situation, i... i do not want to diminish in any way the status or importance of those memoranda that we are currently signing or treaties with other countries, i do not want to,
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why they, why they are wonderful, because it is still political support from our country, but let's be honest what their legal status, the verkhovna rada does not ratify them, neither the council, nor the national parliament of this state, nor the national parliament of ukraine, does not ratify them, that is, they cannot... be considered a classic, classic intergovernmental agreement, classic, classic something like, for example, the accession to nato, because joining nato involves a referendum and ratification by the verkhovna rada of ukraine, that is, it is an agreement on obligations, it is an agreement that obliges the parties to respond and comply in accordance with the nato statute. in this case of certain articles, if some country is attacked, we we help this country, if ukraine was attacked, they help, but here and here and here
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there is, let's say, not only the fifth, but also the fourth article, yes, if we recall the incidents with russian missiles over poland, well, let's to people who are not members of the north atlantic alliance, but are a little familiar with the charter, because we have a certain goal enshrined in the constitution. in the end it seemed, well, here it is, well, when the airspace of a nato country is actually violated by a russian missile, in which, we emphasize, there is no russian pilot, and that means that actually you don't go to a direct confrontation with a russian and still the missile doesn't go down, and what's more, when that missile falls in poland and causes destruction, if i'm not mistaken at the time, even to the casualties, yes , two people died then. all this in no way triggers the mechanism of intervention in the process, yes members of the alliance, all this triggers
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the mechanism of consultation. we will talk among ourselves about what happened in order to make a decision, how we should react to it, this is also interesting, this is also really interesting, and this talks about a certain political problem, that is , a political position, just as there is a political position, a political problem, which is that ukraine does not want to be a member of nato, at least some states, and this is also a political plane, it consists in , that even... "if the war conditionally ends, no matter how it ends, at the moment, i do not see that there is a political will to accept ukraine into the north atlantic alliance, and therein lies the biggest problem of what we started to discuss , we started to discuss negotiations and possibly a freeze, a freeze is also a very big risk. and
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in addition to the fact that, in fact, de facto, we lose our territories for a certain time, they are now controlled by russia, but this will mean that their liberation is delayed for a long, long time, but we do not have any guarantee of that , that there will be no attack on other territories if there is no accession to nato. i emphasize once again, the worst that the west can do. in this situation, it is not to give ukraine real legal even guarantees that there will be this security umbrella over it, and this actually helps russia in the implementation of its further scenarios, it throws ukraine into a possible scenario, for example, the so-called gray zone. we understand well. that
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the freeze and non-admission of ukraine to nato and the european union is actually putting ukraine in a gray zone. well, let's face the truth. this is a problem that we should already talk about today, that we should already articulate today, that we should now prove to our international partners, the united states of america, that if we now we cannot, conditionally speaking, militarily liberate these territories, if someone... thinks so, including in the west, then give at least security guarantees for, as blinken says, for ukraine to be an independent state, for ukraine was a sovereign state, so that in 3, 5, 7-10 years , russian troops will not go to kyiv or the dnipro or odessa again, there will be no guarantees of this , this is the first question, and the second question...
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and where are the guarantees that that in ukraine, which is not a member of the eu or nato, this political economic russian peace will not come again, and i'm sorry, i'm sorry, he is already climbing here, and there are no guarantees, russia immediately, after the end of hostilities, if we do not take, we and the west do not take appropriate steps, to meet each other, and will go here again with its hybrid scenario? well, i think that maybe it would be worth considering this statement of volodymyr zelenskyi in view of what exactly ended, this agreement on the so-called grain corridor ended, and this agreement ended, let me remind you, through the mediation of the un and turkey, that , that russia de facto left it, and she in principle, it was not followed, so provocations took place, shelling took place, and so
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on and so forth. this story was crowned by the fact that the real provision of civil shipping was achieved exclusively by the work of the armed forces of ukraine. i don't know if we can talk about the fact that this three-way story, the three-way format gave us some time to have the tools and to be able to cut our own and ours. ships and foreign ships with our grain by sea are expensive, but now civil shipping in the black sea exists in a limited format, but we can implement it and we can support it, and here, in principle, this is a three-way story, it had an exclusively temporary temporary effect, maybe volodymyr zelenskyy had something like...


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