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tv   [untitled]    July 2, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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they plan to bring 150 drones to the zaporizhzhia and kherson directions. kateryna oliynyk, andriy polikovskyi, espresso tv channel. it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, and to your attention is a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. energy workers came under enemy fire in donetsk region. notified in the company det. at the time of the attack , workers were performing planned work near the front line. the repair crew was not injured. damaged working. car in
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the last two weeks, this is the third time shelling of energy workers by the russians, and two women died due to a hostile attack by the russians in nikopol in the dnipropetrovsk region - the head of the region, serhiy lysak, announced that there were also nine wounded in the city. during the shelling, the enemy caused a lot of destruction in the district center. local houses, educational institutions and a dispensary were damaged. shops and beauty salons were also affected. the occupiers injured a resident of bereslav in the kherson region, the russians dropped explosives from a drone when the 54-year-old woman was in her own yard, the military administration reported region the victim was taken to the hospital with a blast injury and contusion. uah 2,386 million was allocated by the government for the restoration of roads in the border and frontline regions. it will be furnished for these funds. ways used for
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the needs of the armed forces of ukraine and humanitarian purposes, the ministry of economy reported. kharkiv region will receive the largest tranche - uah 503 million, zaporizhzhia region - uah 350 million, and donetsk region - uah 325 million. espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and transportation by fire fighters. support donated by soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar, they win every day , they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield, so quad bikes are indispensable helpers for evacuation, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible off-road, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the soldiers of holodoyariv not only to successfully perform combat missions, but also to return from them.
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alive, so join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million. ukraine and hungary plan to sign a global cooperation agreement - said hungarian prime minister viktor orban during a joint press conference with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi. orbán called the war in ukraine the most important issue for europe today, but it was not without provocative statements. prime minister offered zelensky to cease fire at the front, emphasized that he is not against ukrainian plans to end the war, but considers them too long to implement. let me remind you that for the first time in more than 10 years, viktor orban arrived in our country. in general, the content of our dialogue from all today's issues can become the basis for the future bilateral. a document between
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our states, a document that will regulate all our mutual relations, which can be based on a mirror approach to bilateral relations between ukraine and hungary, which will allow our peoples to enjoy all the benefits of unity in europe. mr. president said that we held constructive talks, we are trying to close all previous disputes and concentrate. attention to the future. we wish to establish relations between our countries and to sign a global agreement on cooperation, similar to those that we have with other countries. reserve officials. the cabinet of ministers allowed the working group on organizing the conscription of conscript civil servants to submit proposals to the minister of defense on increasing the volume of reservations. the relevant decision was taken today by the government, that is, the council.
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officials reserved from mobilization will increase. a copy of the military ticket can be obtained in the reserve plus application, the ministry of defense of ukraine reports. from now on in order to create military registration document, you don't need to go to the central committee or the central committee. after the application in the application, a copy will appear in electronic format, it can be sent to yourself in any messenger. the ministry of defense notes that it can be used in all situations where it is necessary. lightning killed a 64-year-old man in the rivne region. during a thunderstorm, a local resident went to the meadow to take cover. at that time , lightning struck there. his mother saw the fire and called a neighbor for help. she found the man without signs of life and immediately reported to the police. a group of criminals who robbed a local
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resident's apartment were arrested in kyiv. 600 00 hryvnias and personal belongings were taken from the house, the capital police reports. the law enforcement officers looked for the thieves, and they turned out to be them. familiar women part of the money was found in the home of the accused. criminals face up to eight years in prison. a resident of vinnytsia will spend 15 years behind bars for working for the russian fsb. the court found him guilty of treason - the security service of ukraine reports. at the direction of the enemy service, the man was preparing a series of missile and drone strikes against ukrzaliznytsia and energy facilities. he tried to establish the locations of the hub stations through which the military echelons of the defense forces moved. he planned to transfer the received information to the russian curator for 100,000 rubles, but he did not have time, he was detained by law enforcement officers. they supplied cocaine, ecstasy and
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hashish under the guise of cosmetics. the national police covered the drug business from europe, organized by a 33-year-old kyivite. now he lives abroad, from where he used to send drugs to ukraine. to illegal activity dilok attracted six more participants. the estimated value of the seized goods at black market prices is more than uah 3,500. the head of the state-owned enterprise arena lviv, yury maiboroda, was informed of the suspicion. the official is accused of procurement. equipment for the video monitoring system at an inflated price. according to the law enforcement officers, because of this, the state suffered losses of uah 2,900. maiboroda was removed from duty. the legendary skivsk gold
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will appear in the exposition of the museum in kyiv this friday. it can be seen on the territory kyiv pechersk lavra. these are 565 exhibits in total. worth more than 10 million dollars. the unique artifacts were returned to ukraine from the netherlands last fall. the collection was taken to an exhibition in amsterdam from the crimean museums even before the beginning of the annexation of the peninsula. a beneficial partnership. tv channels from the press and the national forestry university signed a cooperation agreement. university students will have the opportunity to pass. educational practice on the basis of the channel's television studio, to improve their skills in the field of information and telecommunications technologies, as well as improve professional competence. yes, yes, after all, we are interested in the fact that our students, and
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they already take part and have the opportunity to do internships, be in practice, and have all the opportunities to replenish not only knowledge, but also practical skills that can to provide e-e tv studio in various aspects, we are very pleased to cooperate, to look around during the practices of young specialists and, in principle , to prepare for cooperation with them. these directions can be completely different, starting from of financial and economic activity, ends with a more specialized field of telecommunications, so i am extremely pleased that we... signed this agreement today and we hope that we will find young specialists who will be in our ranks. look for more interesting videos on the espresso youtube channel. be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts of ether, all news releases, programs and special projects that can
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only be seen here. also short videos on hot topics in the shorts section. share them, comment and be there. that was the news for now, i'm iryna koval, i say goodbye to you and say goodbye to you until tomorrow, let this evening be as quiet and peaceful as possible, and literally in a few minutes you will meet my colleague vasyl zema. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on entergermin 15% in pharmacies for travelers and savings. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. exclusive interview with a diplomat. oleksandr khara. why does russia have the right to veto ukraine's entry into nato. resonance
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you can express your opinion at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukraine. legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association, watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zama, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel, today for the next three
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hours we will have a big evening with vasyl zima, well, actually, i and my colleagues will talk about what happened during that day in within the framework of the great ether, then from 8:00 to 9 o'clock as part of the program of the continuation of the great ether, i will also be with you, all people need to rest, serhiy rudenko must will return to ateru soon, well, but for a while we will spend these evenings about... enter with you and i definitely promise that we will talk about the most important things. well, what could be the most important thing in terms of the fact that the war is going on, and the armed forces of ukraine need constant help from us. we continue to collect for a very important thing, a minibus for fighters who are fighting in the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions. this minibus is needed to deliver mobiles to the collision line or to the so-called gray zone repair groups, as well as hydraulic jacks for the repair of western equipment, well
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, western-style equipment, which is sent for the defense forces and the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, and this minibus requires uah 630,000 so that mobile repair groups can repair tanks, armored personnel carriers in a timely manner infantry, armored vehicles, transporters, actually everything that should not stand, but shoot, protect and destroy the enemy, we need to collect uah 630,000, and as of now we were able to... collect with you already uah 593,765. well, actually, us 307 remained, even there a little less, 36 uah. i think that by the end of this week we... will be able to solve this topic, we will be able to close this issue, and our soldiers will be able to purchase the necessary car for quality work in the interests of ukraine. yuriy fedorenko, commander of the achilles battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. yuri, i congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. i 'll be back today, it's me to our viewers,
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just explaining. instead of serhiy zgurets, he will also return to etero, but these are such conditional military eyes. results in my performance, we will today, i will ask in general about the situation in the kharkiv direction, and then we will talk in more detail in individual directions, let's say if you paint a picture and talk about the direction of kharkiv, from where the enemy can approach, where it is most difficult now, where the enemy is accumulating or uses the most forces and means in order to advance in the direction, in the direction of kharkiv, please. the goals and tasks of the enemy remain unchanged, this is the presence in the kharkiv region, in the direction of the enemy's arrowhead, it is important to maintain the dynamics and begin to obtain tactical results on the battlefield with the aim of approaching the administrative borders of the city of kharkiv itself. along lovchansk, the enemy is trying to cling to every shelter that is available and hold all
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the positions that are now behind him. it will be enough to actively monitor your actions at the expense. aviation support with guided bombs, this happens both on the lypka region and precisely on ochansk, uses a significant number of fire weapons, rocket fire systems, and the enemy has the opportunity to replenish the numerous losses that he suffers during his performance of combat tasks. as for the defense forces, the situation can be said to have been stabilized, i.e. the enemy has no further advances in the depth of our operational space, the positions of the defense forces all remain behind us, moreover, systematic... work is being done to knock out the enemy from the positions they occupy, sometimes various posts appear on social networks, referring to certain mass media, that the enemy seems to be coming out of the deep, i want to note that over the last year, fighting on the most difficult directions, i have never seen the enemy voluntarily withdraw from one or
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another populated place, the enemy breaks out of each position with a counter -attack, after establishing the defense forces there, one way or another the enemy tries to renew the state and position, that is, to knock out the defense forces from those positions that the enemy lost. accordingly, the dynamics of hostilities are very, very lively. er, the enemy is trying to replace the partially destroyed, light-armored-armored equipment, which was able to be significantly defeated by the scrap of the defense, with a highly maneuverable one. in particular, in the territory of the russian federation, during training, they undergo coordination regarding the delivery of personnel on two-wheeled motorcycles to the front line, buggies and other vehicles are also used. high-level, one way or another, the defense forces manage to detect and destroy them in a timely manner somewhere on the approaches, somewhere when these means perform a maneuver. as for the enemy's drones, there are quite a lot of them, both reconnaissance and, accordingly, strike ones, the enemy works with mavics, the enemy works with drones, day and night communications, and, of course, a high saturation of lancets, these are those
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wing-type drones that are aimed at knocking out our armored vehicles and artillery. first of all, despite the pressure of the enemy, on the dynamics, on the possibility of replenishing the loss, the defense force very powerfully fulfills its tasks with the support of the ukrainian nation, and over the last week, the 92nd assault division took a number of positions from the enemy with heavy battles, but managed to gain a foothold, today they all are restrained, that is, if the positive dynamics of internal mobilization processes will be preserved of the state, the additional inflow of military aid from our partners, the additional support of the ukrainian nation, i am sure that the situation will be able to be fully turned to the side of the defense forces on most fronts from the point of view of the tactical initiative, the ability to advance and occupy our territories, also very it is important that international partners respond to the establishment
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of ukrainian diplomats and to the literal cry of the ukrainian nation for... it is necessary that partners give permission for the use of lethal weapons on the territory of the russian federation, not at the distance that is now allowed, namely, to hit the opportunity in their lithuanian territories, from where the enemy removes his planes and guided bombs effectively not only on the representatives of the defense forces, hits on the front-line cities and villages and hits in places where the civilian population is concentrated. it is clear to the vorozha pilots that there can be no morality there at all. he clearly understands what coordinates he throws. this aerial bomb and they clearly understand that they are hitting residential areas, so the only way to calm this beast is it is by force, the force passes through the use of precision weapons on his. its facilities inside the russian federation, in this way we will have the opportunity to fight the cause, and not the consequences, and of course, the means of air defense are expected
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to be additionally in ukraine, which will help to close our peaceful peaceful cities, and in conclusion i will say , friends, you need to remember that the general cause of victory depends on each of you, you should not think that you do not influence the processes there, or that you do nothing does not depend, hryvnia to hryvnia, hand to hand. hand to hand, shoulder to shoulder, only together will we be able to defeat the executioner of the occupier on our land and protect ourselves from total destruction. here i can only support and also remind our viewers to continue those donations announced by the espresso tv channel, but not only the espresso tv channel, in particular the 92nd separate assault brigade, and other brigades, the ones you trust, you know that these are the people from there, they fight, of course, join in, and you have to do it, you know, no there is always such a possibility. which you want, and sometimes i know by myself that, well, you know this person, let's say he is fighting there, you know him well, and you think, i will now put some amount on the card, and i am ashamed that it is not 100 uah
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conditionally, and 500, well, as if, but on the other hand, you know, and someone has 100 uah, but in any case, you don’t need to be shy here, how much you can pay, you always have to pay, because maybe this money will be the one which were missing for the overall picture and in order to cover this or that need, i wanted... to talk about the direction, but you touched on this topic, i also want to develop it about the enemy aviation, which, as they wrote, is simply standing on the asphalt 200 km from the front line, from the border line, and between ukraine and russia, from the fact that what i know now, if nothing has changed there, we were allowed to strike 100 km deep, the weapons of our parterres, in particular the united states of america, well, with long-range weapons, here 200 km. i have a counter question, but what is really massed, let's say, if they allow us, our arsenal is provided to us, shelling our partners with high-precision weapons
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will give a much better and faster result than, say, drone attacks, and how much more difficult it would be for the enemy, relatively speaking, to intercept, well, for example, atacams or some other means, i don't know what else there could be , than drones, because you know, now someone can listen and say, well, we're asking our partners, we're saying give it to... let's say: but where is ours, and why don't we do it ourselves? just that you explain this difference, because the consequences of shelling and striking with similar forces and means in the crimea, we saw how effective it is in destroying enemy systems and means, please, the most about the distance, i will not divulge the information, but i will say that it will not be enough, this is what i am voicing from open sources, i am not giving out secret information, this is just what was written, and i understand that it is already publicly known, but nevertheless, we will not reveal it, i will say that the distance at which we can work, precisely western weapons are not enough for that , to overcome the cause, namely armed aviation,
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places of concentration, accumulation of ammunition, enemy personnel, other systems that the enemy can quickly and efficiently drop on the front line, we understand that the deeper we can destroy them, the longer the enemy has logistics, the longer the logistics, the greater the possibility of timely reveal. timely detection, timely impression, respectively. so, if we talk about drones, drones, as you can see, are quite effective in the military categories of targets in belarus, in general, and our heavy drones are quite effectively fight the petrodollar, namely the oil refining bases on the territory of the russian federation, but in order to inflict massive damage on the enemy and knock out such categories of targets as aviation, which is covered by air defense means, not... combined fire impact, it when uavs work together with high-precision, powerful weapons of our partners, accordingly, without the use of weapons in the shortest term, this problematic issue
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will not be solved, but at the same time, i believe in the ukrainian army, which provides the prerequisites for ukrainian diplomats, ukrainian diplomats are fighting for every decision on the international stage very, very powerfully, no one believed that they would give the opportunity to strike at all on the territory of the russian federation . the opportunity was delayed, now it is only a matter of time until we will be given the opportunity to objectively fight the enemy's aviation, in particular at its airfields and, of course , with additional anti-aircraft means to shoot them down during combat missions, from the air. you know, the mayor of kharkiv appealed to the united nations just that week to they saved kharkiv, because the city is actually an enemy, it cannot be said that it destroys everything there, conditionally, like bakhmud, but simply that... the headquarters of the city are much larger, so the enemy cannot do this, as in bakhmut or mariinka or in popasna or in another settlement, but he actually strives for it, people die, are injured every day, infrastructure is destroyed,
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and so on and so on and so on, well, actually. decision, it would be necessary precisely for the destruction of enemy aircraft, at least for those bases that the enemy today has, and the fact that ukraine is developing its systems, and the enemy will be surprised more than once, i absolutely know here, i am convinced of something, and i believe that it will be like that, but right now we have to buy time, because every day, every two days of delay means dead, injured, destruction, that's why we want to be given permission now, not because we don't have something, well, we... and as for anti- aircraft defense systems, i also support yours, your words, here was the statement of anthony blinkin, secretary of state of the united states america, that before the nato summit, which will be held in washington somewhere from the 9th, if i am not mistaken, in july, there will be new announcements regarding air defense for ukraine, so we are also expecting high-quality, good air defense so that peaceful, well, how to cover peaceful, rear cities, i won’t say, we don’t have peaceful cities in principle in ukraine, but
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we have to work on the front as well... this is the direction of the strelecha hlyboki lypivtsi, lypti, sorry, well, the strelecha is like that there, well no, it's not like that, i mean that there is the border of russia and ukraine, it's more difficult there, but here is this direction, it's actually then goes to kharkiv, if we talk, well , again, i will ask, and you know what can be said, what can’t be said, if we talk about this direction, about this road, which is actually over there behind the lypyki, further, further, then it goes all the way to kharkov, is it noticed that the enemy is accumulating forces and means in order to make serious attempts at... breakthroughs, and again this information about the strengthening of the work of enemy sabotage and intelligence groups in the kharkiv region, is it noticed in your direction in your direction or not, because the enemy he worked very actively in sumy region, now they say that he is active in kharkiv region. of course, the enemy, having unchanged intentions, will one way or another use intelligence groups, subversive intelligence groups, in order to understand what the situation is like in our
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fortified areas, what in general. along the front line, where there may be weak spots in order to potentially prepare further actions, the enemy retains the opportunity to replenish his group, which is already on the territory of ukraine and is now actively destroying its forces harrows, and also, of course, they consider the possibility of crossing the state border in another place, but after the possibility of using western weapons, the logistical arm of the enemy has become somewhat larger, accordingly, i repeat here for the second time, the longer the logistical arm of the enemy, the greater the opportunity to detect the enemy will definitely not be able to assemble it in a timely manner, accordingly, a strike group that could quickly and efficiently march in the direction of kharkiv, and there will be no easy walk on any other stretch either, because as the enemy carries out certain measures, and the defense forces understand very well the condition and position of the enemy, understand that he has reserves, where they can roughly accumulate, in which places to inflict damage,
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that is why the work is leading. in advance, i will frankly say that i sincerely believe that, god willing, help from our partners will continue, the ukrainian nation will help, i believe that the kharkiv region will not only be able to beat back the boundaries that exist, but in the short term to use measures for its maximum re-occupation. thank you very much for your work, especially your daily work and for finding time to join our airwaves, yury fedorenko, commander of the achilles battalion, 92nd separately. assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, we wish success to our fighters and men and women who are at the front every day and you know when you listen to people from the front, and you hear this faith, which may be lacking somewhere here in the rear, but it is very necessary and it is very important to hear and understand, although we also perfectly understand that people get tired of talking about the fact that there are all such automatic or electronic
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robots, no, of course they're living people, but these people... they give us a boost, well, we have to give what we can give, we 'll get back to our congregation, just don't forget about him, and i've got a plot now for your attention, and then we will have a guest in the studio, very interesting, by the way, so wait, without running around in offices and tons of extra papers , the premises of the center for veterans, active military and their families have been opened in poltava, they will provide , in particular, consultations on the preparation of documents and will be sent immediately to the necessary structure for a specific specialist, so the military and veterans will not waste... time on untethered bureaucratic mechanisms, untethered bureaucratic mechanisms, anna morozova attended the opening, her word, she will tell more. in this room with an area of ​​120 m2 , assistance is provided to military veterans, as well as to the families of fallen defenders. the state guarantees benefits to such people, and not everyone knows about them. it is necessary to hear unequivocally and help, well, for sure in some bureaucratic ones.


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