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tv   [untitled]    July 2, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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the verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime. i at all i think we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. every thursday at 21:15 in the project velikiy lviv talks about the most important things, on the espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine, we
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will continue the big broadcast, oleksandr morchivka will talk about money during the war, oleksandr, good evening, please, congratulations to vasyl, congratulations to the audience, in the next few minutes you will find out how much time is left before the possible default of ukraine, we will also talk about the sale of state property, what exactly in the great privatization list, you will learn all about it in a moment. i am oleksandr morshchenko, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. consequently, the world bank included ukraine in the category of states with higher than average incomes. so, according to the calculations , $5,070 is per person. previously, this figure was $4,270. the rating increased as a result. resuming
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economic growth in 2023 and reducing the population. this is the conclusion drawn by world bank analysts. instead, the russian federation has moved to the category of high-income countries. this is due, they say, to a significant increase in military activity, and it actually spurred the growth of the gross domestic product of the aggressor country. vasyl, well, in fact, the place is so optimistic. that in ukraine incomes are above average, according to world bank analysts, but nina yuzhanina, people's deputy of ukraine, in her recent interview with mass media, said that already more than 50% of ukrainians are below the poverty line. well, yes, because on the one hand, i don't know how they calculate honestly, but we understand what kind of increases and what is expected of us, how the prices of services and consumer goods are rising now, and you understand that it is very important then that people's incomes grow very quickly, at the expense of well, it seems to me
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that the world bank modeled the following two indicators, that is, the population decreased due to mobilization, because men and women are now fighting a lot, someone went abroad, accordingly, there is a demand for jobs and the average salary is increasing, maybe because of this factor they calculated a little income growth, but put everything, as they say, under one plinth, that is, they showed the world that in ukraine , incomes are as big as mine, but in reality, they continue to spend much more than they earn, and this is a fact, let's not, let's not to argue with this, vasyl, from absolutely all services, there are two last months, what to track, well, everything is more expensive, that’s why i don’t think that people’s wages are growing so rapidly, i don’t know if they count, maybe if a person, let's say, received there conditionally 10 thousand or 15 00, and then she was mobilized, got to the front and , let's say, receives there from 30, and maybe someone on the front line up to 1000, maybe this is taken into account, i don't know how they are there, but the prices, which are essentially steep, are not taken into account. are growing, and
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the ukrainian debt is also growing, there is catastrophically little time left in our country to avoid the so-called default, there is less than a month to agree with creditors on the restructuring of the external debt, if the state fails, it can undermine the confidence of investors in the obligations of the event and will mean great risks for the recovery of the country, well , let's talk to vasyl, in fact, opinions are divided in half on average, there are some supporters of the fact that... there may indeed be problems with foreign debt payments, but many of these leading experts are now announcing that creditors can continue here is another year of such a postponement, but in fact the mini ministry of finance of ukraine is already waiting for a certain model, they hope that 60% of the current value of the debts will still be written off, well, of course, the indicators of bond owners are quite large foreign... earthly bondholders do not want
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to lose that much, so far they insist on writing off 22%. well, these kinds of trades are going on now, you know, i'll just say briefly here, but yesterday, in my opinion, yesterday... when we talked with an economist there and about the fact that those people want a guarantee for the return of their money, maybe even with interest , well, on the other hand, i thought after that, i think, well, why are there people like schindler, like the famous amsterdam banker who financed the underground in holland during the occupation of germany, the loan lease that was paid russia as far back as the 90s of the last century, that is, for decades, well, that is, if you don't sacrifice in ukraine for the sake of wartime, well, it's also difficult to talk about victory, if you buy it. is giving now, on the other hand, there should be a clear understanding that there is no corruption, this money is not stolen, here too it is our responsibility, but we have to donate somewhere, everything will not be given so well during the war, unfortunately. let's go further. despite earlier rejection of the initiative of the international monetary fund to increase the share of
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state banks, the imf did allow ukrposhta create your own financial institution. therefore, the government plans to prepare a draft law on a new specialized and volume. banking activity, it should be aimed at quick access to financial services based on already existing post offices of the state company ukrposhta. well, the company has been insisting on such an initiative for a long time, and the international monetary fund has now written such a possibility in its memorandum. well, i think that the appearance of a new bank will balance the market, because the government is already hoping to find investors soon for the state-owned sensbank and ukrgasbank, and in this way it will even out a certain level of competition on the financial market on the part of state-owned and commercial banks. it is an interesting initiative, but the important thing here is that, for example, in the most remote corners of ukraine, especially in the front-line areas where there is a branch
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of ukrposhta, it will be possible to obtain, for example, a number of banking services, such as loans, deposits, and some insurance services. we will monitor this and when the department will be operational. we will definitely tell you in detail, but come to us the head of the state property fund , vitaliy koval, is joining us, and we will talk with him about large-scale privatization. good evening, good evening. mr. vitaly, well, here is an interesting initiative, which was recently announced by the state property fund, to start large-scale privatization during the war. what objects known to many ukrainians can now be put up for... sale, what are the expectations regarding the receipts of state property, from the sale of state property to the budget, and in your opinion, will this large privatization be successful, because even before the big invasion it was tried to start several times, but
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it didn't bring the expected money, thanks for the question, listened to your discussion before the inclusion, and wanted to chime in about optimism and about... finding an internal reserve, because we can just do nothing and watch, how state liabilities generate losses, and we can make efforts and turn liabilities into assets, because we do not have the right to accumulate losses today, if there is a non-strategic object in the state and it brings losses, then something is wrong in the efficiency of management, and he must find a new owner with this... filling the state budget and creating new jobs, and in this way we will not only receive funds from privatization, but we will start a new life for the object, well, for example, in relation to hotels, questions to you, what is the strategic role and
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importance of state-owned hotels, in my opinion there is none, because if accommodation service is needed, the state will buy this service from a private business and... and i will start with the large privatization of 24 - these are the objects which we have already prepared for the final stages, this is hotel ukraine, a pearl in principle of the city and of ukraine as a whole, the kozatskyi hotel is in the photo now, it is the object of small privatization, but we are sure that the price will increase many times, and we hope that it will be such a pearl of small privatization, hotel kozatskyi. 155 million from the price, this is the book value, and i am sure that it will increase during the auction, the hotel ukraine is the object of a large privatization, i will remind the audience that the difference between a small privatization and a large one is in the value of the assets, if the asset is worth more than 250 million per
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start, then this is a big privatization, and such we have 18 objects on the list, this year it will definitely be the hotel ukraine, it will be... a joint mining and chemical company that extracts titanium of the local kind, and several interesting objects on the sanctions list, that is, these objects objects that are nationalized by the state. and by the decision of the higher anti-corruption court were transferred to the state property fund. ms. vitaly, here is an interesting, interesting, you mentioned the sanctioned objects, and which lots specifically? this is interesting, once we talked with you that we are even talking about parking spaces somewhere in the capital, which will be sold now? yes, we are already selling such objects as nationalized apartments, two apartments were sold in odesa. the pentopak food packaging plant was recently sold, the fund for the recovery of the consequences of
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armed aggression received uah 103 million, in fact, these are the objects that fill the fund for overcoming the consequences, and in the future this is the state share of ocean plaza, this is the aerok aerated concrete plant, also from the nationalized actors, this is dymurinsky herny. or an enrichment plant, also a producer of titanium ores, i.e. a rather wide object of 788 assets, of various plans, from the parking commission, which you mentioned, to full-fledged factories of manufacturers, and our task is to prepare and launch them for privatization as soon as possible, the market will already evaluate whether it is worth it or not, the main answer to all skeptics of privatization during the war is that the object ... there is demand, it is no wonder that we have 20-25 participants for one
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object, and the competition really raises the prices dramatically, but it is interesting, mr. vitaly, the demand from ukrainian entrepreneurs, companies, legal entities , are there foreign investors, well, me i am sure that, for example, capital hotels can be purchased primarily by a foreign investor, so we have requests from foreign investors as well. as for hotels, they are interested in these assets, they understand that today is the time to enter the market of ukraine, and let's be honest, this is the time of bold investors, here we can note those international groups that are already present in ukraine, who will buy not the first asset, they already understand the specifics of the market, the mentality of ukraine, and they are already successful on the market, the ukrainian investor yes... also no behind the scenes, because we see that those who remained in the country, they are investing, because
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we understand that today the asset that will be bought in the privatization auction will be extremely more needed after the victory, because investments from abroad will go here, and today that asset that brings a loss, in good hands, will generate income, and i will ask one of the... questions, first, which ones, well, if we are talking now about hotels and ukraine and cossacks, which is next to it , actually there, and what investment obligations provided for the person who will purchase these assets, it is very important to understand how much the real estate object becomes cheaper, or does not become cheaper at all, in particular in a country over which missiles fly, the very fact that missiles can fly, well, it is just a fact , and we remember the story of getting into, let's say, a hotel near the palace of ukraine, there was a story, that is, well, these are risks, which again, while there are, while the war continues, they, they are, does it
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affect on value please course that investors weigh war risks, fund derzhmaina is constantly looking for options to cover these risks, for example, with military insurance, that is, insurance against military risks, today we already have success, for example, in cooperation with the government of japan. funds that will be invested by japanese companies in ukraine, in ukraine, will be insured by a state insurance agency, a japanese one, the same negotiations are going on with agencies of the hermes format, for example, this is german eco, in poland, that is, in fact, foreign investors want to protect themselves precisely by the presence of risk coverage military destruction, this is our main task, today we are working on it, but competition also works against fear, and people understand that
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after victory, the competition will be much greater, it's just that today we are clearly aware that, for example, the ukraine hotel generates a loss, and we cannot afford to constantly generate this loss, that is why the hotel is prepared for a big privatization, this will be the start, well, i support you here, it is really what is causing the loss at the moment'. has no right to exist, it must work, carry money in the treasury, and you are on the right track, thank you, vitaly koval, the head of the state property fund, was a guest of the column about money during the war, i will say goodbye, but... the big broadcast continues, there will be more, watch us! thank you dear oleksandr morchyvka, thank you to the guest, i believe that investors, after all, assessing the risks, will invest in ukraine. i will say that from 20:00 to 21:00
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i will be on the air, for an hour you and i will have a conversation with our, well, you, we always have a conversation with you. i will talk with the guests, we will talk about corruption, about the fight against corruption, about the loudest corruption scandals, this will be one topic of conversation, and the other topic will be power outages, tariffs, how to deal with this, what should be expected in the future, we will have a guest oleksandr kharchenko, we will talk with him about this topic, that is, corruption and blackouts, electricity, power outages and everything related to this, well , i'll also ask you to join in briefly. of our collection, now you will see a qr code on the screen, we are collecting for a minibus for soldiers serving in the sovolodar and zaporozhye directions, they need minibuses for in order to deliver mobile repair groups to the zone of combat clashes, or to the so-called gray zone, so that they could quickly and
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efficiently bring armored vehicles to power, these are infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and tanks, and there are also hydraulic jacks for in order to repair foreign equipment, we need to collect uah 630,000, i believe that today we will also collect the necessary amount, but during this week, let's close this collection, we have 594,000, there is not much left, thank you for joining us, well i won't thank you now, but i'll say hello right away, then i'll thank you, lina chechynina is with us, art viewer, good evening, please, good evening vasyl, good evening to our viewers, today i'm free of scandals, thank god, and in a second you'll find out which of our celebrities wants to mobilize. in general, among our people who are in show business or are
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public people in any spheres, they are very often mobilized, and this, well, this kind of thing is very positive. thing for the mobilization process itself, because public people set an example, they are very often there they talk about their experiences, and today we will talk about them, well, at least stanislav avseev received a shrapnel wound, let me remind you, this is our colleague, a journalist and writer, laureate of the shevchenko prize, this is what he wrote, he posted this photo on his twitter account, i.e. in the social network, which is now called x, and he wrote that a miracle happened to him again, then... because by all parameters he should not have been so lucky, he writes, i quote, this fragment entered his neck, no caught the artery and stuck in the soft tissues, and the shrapnel that got into the chest did not touch the lung, another one was removed from the ear, so everything is fine with me, he wrote and put such a smiley, a little one, that is, he made it clear
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that everything is fine with him, and in may, stanislav received con... dosion, and he also wrote then, which i will quote again: i am alive, although according to all the laws of physics and probability, i should have died, positions are unfortunately lost, now i am in the hospital with a concussion, well, in general, stanislav osyev is fighting in the right on the front line, where it 's hot, and well, actually, here's the one you see, stanislav is lucky, i really like his book, i will remind you that stanislav is from donetsk. and he was captured in this famous isolation concentration camp, which before the occupation of donetsk was an artist, very cool, very famous, and he wrote a book about it, i hope that he will write more than one book after our victory. well, also the intention, the intention to mobilize was revealed by a comedian, very popular,
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whose name is andrii luzana, because he is really very popular. was before the full-scale invasion and now, and if you know one youtube channel lions on a jeep, these are three comedians who are not only popular, but they also collect an awful lot of money, they can collect several million in one stream, that is, they are volunteers, volunteers who are constantly traveling, coming up with something somewhere , i am simply fascinated by how they can organize something from any event that will raise money, at the same time it is quite a lot, andriy is there, for example, with... his friend another comedian, they went to the forest there, they streamed a few and more there, i think they kept something there for a day talked and collected money, and now andriy said: that he, now he and the boys are on tour, and that after this tour is over, he will mobilize, let's listen to him, to be honest, i have 808 people here now,
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i have somewhere around the same amount on the broadcast, in a closed account, this is a closed account, this is the only place where i said that i was mobilizing on july 6, i went on this tour to just before... before mobilizing, they're getting high from ukraine, i'm here now, maybe i'm a little drunk, maybe i'm having a good time with you, but, well, you see, history, i will say that, in general, before the full-scale invasion, andrii luzan and his colleagues did not give the impression, at least to me, of people who are very concerned about the war there, or so nationally conscious, but after the full-scale invasion, they showed me an absolutely and simply perfect everything seems to have an attitude, so of course andrii luzan is one of the examples, i want
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to say that there are a lot of show business stars , they are leaving, recently a participant in the fairy tale also stated that he has already completed training and he already announced this on constitution day, and and finally i will also say good positive news, the collection of ostap slyvinsky, winters... the king made it to the shortlist, that is, to the last such list of the american derrick vaikot prize, this is a prize that is awarded to foreigners, not americans, not american writers, but who write in english, or books in translation, this is a prize specifically for poetry, and here, together with ostap slovynskyi, traditionally for such prizes that... are presented for translations , vitaly chernetskyi and iryna shuvalova, who translated this collection, are presented. i will say that ostap slovinskyi, he is such a writer
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who is engaged in many things, both prose and poetry, and essay writing, and translations from many languages. well, as for derek wolcott, well, if he wins, he'll get, first, $1,000 and a reading at the boston playwrights theater, and a lot of other bonuses, and where. kvorkot, i will remind you, is a caribbean writer who wrote in english, who was awarded the nobel prize for literature in 1992, and in his work he sought answers to the question: "and how does colonialism affect people, and countries and all, this is a topic very close to us, and i will also say that in the 21st year , serhiy zhadan received this award, and at the same time, natalka bilotserkivets got to. of the short list of this award, in october we will be announced the winner, we will of course cheer for our participant for stap slyvinsky. well
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, that's all for me, now in july there are not many events, cultural events, but you see, vasyl, there are still such wonderful, wonderful events like now, and now thank you, thank you, thank you. really thank you lina chen for the wonderful work and for interesting information, i wish success to those representatives of show business, well, in its various manifestations, and those who to one degree or another will be attached to the defense forces, to the armed forces of ukraine or directly in combat operations or in another guise, but only on the benefit of ukraine and our joint struggle in this fair war for us, but for the enemy. unjust reason, and so that those soldiers who are already at the front, and many of them not the first month, and not the first year, but fought
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easier, more efficiently, and they were more protected, more deadly for the enemy, we continue the gathering and i believe that we will close it this week, but now somehow today is not going well, well there is no light, people may not see, they may not hear, but i believe that we still let's do it, i know that you are well done, therefore, we are asking you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions, the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone, and in the open air behind in any weather day and night, so for emergencies restoration and return to the battlefield of heavy armored vehicles, these are infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, tanks, we need a minibus that will deliver to the combat zone, mobile repair teams and equipment, as well as pneumohydraulic... jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment, and ours the goal is uah 630,000. yes, we have already collected it with our joint efforts. i'm after, not now.
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i will tell you right away how much we have already collected, well, uah 595,635. thank you, actually, for every hryvnia you spend, everything is important, because it is your money, this the part of your life that you are now giving in the fight for our state. thank you. next, the weather from natalka didenko, well, we'll see you at 9 o'clock: wait. synoptic hello to all, our dear viewers. july has begun. the heat continues, but not everywhere, we will talk about this later, and now we will look at the statistics, what july is usually like in ukraine, and such a few, so to speak, dry numbers and facts, so july is the hottest, or rather the warmest month of the year with periods of unstable cargo activity and heavy rains, and of course these periods alternate with heat, average monthly
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temperature. the air in july is from 19 to 25°, this is the average monthly temperature, i emphasize, the absolute minimum of air is 1.9° of heat, in the south of odesa, kherson oblast and in the crimea 10-12, in the vysokohir of the carpathians even 0.1 frost happened. the absolute maximum air temperature is 34 -39.9, well, almost 40°, in the south, east and dnipropetrovsk region, in the crimea in places 40-40. the average monthly amount of precipitation ranges from 62 to 119° in the west, north and vinnytsia region, usually higher up to 170 mm in the mountains. well, for according to the ukrainian hydrometeorological center, the forecast of the average monthly temperature in july and the amount of precipitation, that's it. the average monthly air temperature is expected to be 20-26°, which is 1.5-2° higher than normal, this is the forecast. the monthly
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amount of precipitation is expected to be between 37-95 mm, which is within the normal range, this is how it is in july, this is how it happens, this is the approximate forecast of the ukrainian hydrometeorological center, and we will move on with you to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, tomorrow, now for your attention prognostic the chart will be observed small fluctuations, that's why we don't delay much here and move on to the actual weather forecast, today we start our forecast from the western regions traditionally: but here it will be almost the most exclusive weather in ukraine, so we actually have another reason to start precisely from the west, because here tomorrow , the lowest air temperature in ukraine is expected to be 20-24, and in some places +17 +19°, it is scary to say, and in some places thunderstorms, sometimes heavy showers. in the north of ukraine, rain and thunderstorms are expected in zhytomyr oblast tomorrow, so. chernihiv oblast and
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there is no precipitation in sumy oblast, in kyiv oblast, well, there is a chance of rain, but rather in the western regions of kyiv oblast. the air temperature is heterogeneous, 28-31 in zhytomyr region and kyiv region and up to 33-34, for example, in sumy region. the heat continues and will continue in the east. 33-37 above zero, dry-sunny-high fire danger. in the central part of ukraine, there is also a high fire danger, as well as dry weather. and the prevailing air temperature is 30-35° in dnipropetrovsk region up to 37. it will be a little easier in vinnytsia there is a chance of short-term rain and heavy rain and the air temperature is somewhere in within 30°. in the southern part of ukraine, strong heat 32-37 dry, sunny, high fire danger. well, in kyiv tomorrow the air temperature will settle a little, so to speak, it
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will fluctuate within 28, with precipitation it was very difficult to predict, i want to share with you and confess honestly that i am not sure today, there is a possibility of short-term rain with thunderstorm, but the front is literally approaching kyiv on forecast maps and seems to be freezing, so we will monitor together and, of course, monitor updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. this is the verdict, but i am in the studio again, i remind you that my name is vasyl zima, serhiy rudenko will return to work in a while, and while i will be working with you this hour from 20:00 to 21:00, we will talk with our guests, today we took two topics for conversation, first we will talk about corruption, of course such...
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the topic is the story with tyschenko from:


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