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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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and the yard of the 54-year-old woman, so what, what, is it just some kind of realization of your silly fantasies or desires or something else? well, here it is absolutely impossible to understand, of course the woman will recover, but this is a constant practice, they throw explosives on civilian cars, on people in the yard, on people who are just driving on the road, well, in the kherson region on the right bank , unfortunately, this happens very often. 2 billion 3008 386 million uah was allocated by the government for drones, but not. for the restoration of roads in the border and front-line regions, i absolutely do now i'm not being ironic, because quite often roads are needed there in order to arrange adequate logistics, and this is understandable, but on the other hand , it is necessary to always keep under control the development of such money, so that there is no later creation of temporary investigative commissions. these funds will be used to build roads used for the needs of the armed forces and humanitarian purposes, the ministry of economy reported. kharkiv oblast will receive the largest tranche. 503 million. zaporizhzhia
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region - 350 million. donetsk - 325 million uah. again, here it is only worth saying that yes, these are really necessary roads. and i talked with people who are from those places, or there on the front line, and it is clear that broken roads, destroyed roads, damaged roads, well, this is always a minus of time, and sometimes a minus of life, so these roads must be repaired, but i will say again, here it is very important to control the development of these funds on the spot, so that it does not happen later as with the purchase of wood for defense fortifications, when wood was purchased three times more expensive than it was, than it cost. useful partnership, espresso tv channel and national forestry university signed a cooperation agreement. university students will have the opportunity to undergo training at the channel's television studio, improve their skills in the field of information and telecommunication technologies, and improve their professional competence.
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first of all, we are interested in our students, and they already participate and have the opportunity to do internships, to be in practice and have all the opportunities to replenish not only knowledge, but also practical skills that the tv studio can provide in various aspects, to us very nice to cooperate. to watch during the practices of young specialists and, in principle , to prepare for cooperation with them, the directions can be completely different, starting from financial and economic activities, ending with a more specialized branch of telecommunications, so i am extremely pleased that we signed this agreement today and we hope that we will find for ourselves young specialists who will be in our ranks. it's always very cool when there is a young change actually, and you pass on... some experience, you understand that
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when you go to do something else, or on pension, there will be people who will continue this work in the atelier, it is very cool, in fact, so only success to the young professionals, and further , the head of the business enterprise arena lviv, yuriy maiboroda, has been informed of the suspicion. the official is accused of purchasing equipment for the video monitoring system at an inflated price, according to law enforcement officers, as a result of which the state suffered a loss of uah 2,900. maybar has been suspended for the time being. and the lviv it-cluster handed over more than 1 million equipment to the zahid air command uah the military received computers, monitors and communication equipment as part of the skype project. the project is a joint initiative of the lviv it cluster of the lviv regional military administration and the west air command. the goal of this project
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is to help our air defense to be as effective as possible, obviously communication, this is the basis of cooperation between the military, that's why we have so many requests, and we try to fulfill them, we even joke that after the end of the war, our pmk zahid will be able to open some probably quite large it company, therefore, despite the difficult times, we... carry out both our main activities and, of course, our volunteer activities. in everyday life, everyone feels when the internet goes down, everyone feels when the connection goes down, it's the same with us, we need a connection, a stable connection with each group, with each division, in order to be able to was to prove the information and get exactly the data we needed from them. again, one can only congratulate such an initiative and wish it success realization the western air
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command and, of course, the lviv it cluster. military specialties for women a few years before the full-scale invasion, girls had the opportunity to enter... the academy of the ground forces, and even more of them volunteered to defend ukraine, which combat specialties are most often chosen by female cadets, let's find out in our story. i wanted to become a soldier while still at school. anastasiya motyshina from vinnytsia, a cadet at the national academy of ground forces named after hetman petro sahaidachny. this year she finished the first course of the specialty of managing the actions of mechanized units. in this specialty, future infantrymen and infantrymen are trained. the first course went very smoothly, very interesting, the teachers give a very good foundation, very well, especially teachers with combat experience, teach very well, here at the faculty, at mine in the infantry, our base is tactics, like in battle, how to be, how
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to act, when to attack, when to defend, i.e. this is how it is, this is our base, we... need to know this. anastasia she entered the military college for the second time, for this she passed a medical examination, a physical and psychological test and passed an entrance exam. the training began with the course of a young fighter, then the girl first wore a military uniform and a bulletproof vest. it was three weeks that gave us a base, but if we recaptured this base, and we just came to the academy as free people, we were already oh, well, nothing... we were, well, that was it. another cadet of the academy of ground forces, yulia kravets from lviv. after february 24, 2022, she dared
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to connect life with military affairs. on the advice of friends, she chose artillery reconnaissance as a specialty. artillery reconnaissance, why i chose it by name. in my opinion, this is precisely the specialty that a woman or a girl can handle, for this you just need to really study and constantly improve both your practical and theoretical skills. cadets of the military academy study according to a clear schedule. i arrive at the academy at 7:30, we have a line-up, a divorce class, i completely beat my couples, after lunch - it's couples self-training, and in... also depending on what day of the week it is, it is either mass sports or cleaning of weapons, whatever it may be, and after that at 19:30 i wear shoes in dismissal. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia , the number of women choosing combat
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specialties has increased at the national academy of ground forces, said the spokesman of the educational institution, anton myronovych. girls, like men, want to defend our country, not just for those with some humanitarian specialty, in some specific positions, actually killed. therefore, they choose a profession as a future one infantry officers, commanders of mechanized troops, artillerymen, engineer troops, and a number of others. according to colonel myronovich, women make up 15% of the total number of cadets of the academy of ground forces, future female officers will be able to fill the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. kateryna oliynyk, andriy polikovskyi, espresso tv channel. good luck in your studies, respect to all our military personnel and those who want to defend ukraine and are currently studying a military profession, this is very important. he has already learned his profession, which is why he works, talking about events outside the borders of ukraine, yuriy fizev, our international columnist, yuriy, good evening, please speak to you. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone
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who joined us at this time, and today the news will be interesting to include, in particular i will tell you about viktor orban, prime minister of hungary in... in kyiv, why did he come, what wants, what he talked about, how nato wants to help us, and again trump, my name is yuriy fizar, this is world about ukraine, and i 'll start in a moment. well, i'll start with this, viktor orbán, prime minister of hungary in kiev. the visit of the head of the hungarian government to kyiv became known, at least to me. early this morning, the head of the hungarian government came to us for the first time in 12 years, and the press secretary of viktor orban, bertalan havashi, said that the main topic of the meeting would be the discussion of the possibility of achieving peace in ukraine, although, he added
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, the issue of hungarian-ukrainian relations was also will be discussed, in the end it was all discussed. i will remind you that unlike most leaders of countries, members of the european of the union, viktor orban has constantly... spoken out against the provision of weapons to our country and called and calls for peace negotiations between ukraine and russia, and today he also called. to ukraine, what he wanted, what he could talk about and what might be hidden behind his visit, vasyl and i will talk about this and other things with dmytro tuzhansky, director of the institute of central european strategy, who joined us on skype, mr. dmytro, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good evening, thank you for... joining us today, me i am sure that you have already answered these questions about this visit
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of viktor orbán to ukraine on several occasions and answered precisely the question why he came right now, on the second day after the transition of the presidency of the european union to him, after he repeatedly said that there are many unresolved issues between ukraine and hungary , in particular, they are related to the hungarian minority in transcarpathia, and now he is coming, the topic of the russian war is on the agenda of the negotiations, the topic of bilateral relations is , but something to me it seems that after all, there must be something else hidden in this, and considering the fact that the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said in an interview with a western newspaper a few days ago that negotiations between ukraine and... and russia are possible, but only with the participation of a mediator, mr. dmytro, could viktor orban
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come as a mediator? viktor orbán would very much like to be a mediator, but fortunately for us he cannot be one, this is a good sign, because viktor orbán is not the right politician, no offense, hungary is not the right country. the budapest memorandum has a bad reputation, to sign something else in budapest, similar. here it is in the end... viktor orban is not ready, he knows bad ukraine, he does not feel it, he has one, he is loyal to russia, that is, it does not mean that he does not understand that russia is committing genocide in ukraine and so on, although he does not admit it publicly, but everything is the same, that is, viktor orban is an intermediary, why he came, yes, in fact, this visit was prepared for a long time, it was discussed in various formats, volodymyr'. invited viktor orban to ukraine at least twice in the last
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year and a half, in the last year. viktor orban persistently avoided a visit to ukraine, generally avoided full meetings with volodymyr zelenskyi. zelensky hunted him politically almost like that, and i will remind you, for example, their conversation and meeting in argentina during the inauguration of mr. miley, where in fact it was before the summit of the european union, where... the question of opening negotiations with ukraine was raised, orban wanted to block and volodymyr zelenskyi wanted to personally convince orban, by the way, this was such a very bold step, in my opinion, on the part of volodymyr zelenskyi. we we see that recently there was a meeting in brussels , and viktor orban and volodymyr zelenskyi spoke like that, as far as i'm concerned. and viktor orban came, why? because now is a good time for him. he does not come in a situation where you asked him... from the room, that is, humiliated at the eu summit. he is going
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from a position of strength as the leader of the presiding country in the european union. he goes on an agenda that is comfortable for him, or on the agenda of peace talks, a ceasefire, and it seems to me that this is such a gentleman's agreement somewhere between the ukrainian on the hungarian side, make sure that it's okay, viktor, you can say your mantra about the cease-fire in kyiv, we won't take offense at you. here. and the third, that such a pragmatic compromise is being established between kyiv and budapest, and the essence of that compromise is that hungary, at least in the medium term, will stop blocking ukraine at the level of the european union, and this is not only about ukraine's accession and the process of ukraine's accession to the european union, but to the example of the decision of the european union regarding ukraine. as of now, it's about 9 billions of euros through the peis facility fund, which will be spent on ammunition, weapons for ukraine, and this is the issue of anti-russian sanctions and other
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such decisions on macro-financial or other assistance for ukraine. hungary until now, well, it blocked, but rather delayed, i.e. postponed, bargained, blackmailed. it seems to me that orbán will not do this precisely during the presidency of hungary in the european union. again, he wants to show that he can be not only a bad guy, but also a good guy, that he can... be an effective communicator in european equal, probably better than the example of ms. ursula funderlajen, they have a personal conflict, that is, it is such a, you know, he-he- situation. well, look at how viktor orbán behaved in kyiv, the impression is that he was replaced, that's it, but it corresponds, if it is in the interest of hungary as well. another important point is that viktor orban has been increasing conflict with brussels in the european union for the past year. he wanted to run an election campaign for the european parliament under anti-ukrainian slogans
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, copying what the trumpists did in the united states, he didn't like it. to do, a now he has no resources, so viktor orbán needs to rest a little somewhere, try to unblock european funds and ideally wait for trump, if trump wins, and if not, then build some other relations already with the new european commission, which will start working somewhere in the end of hungary's presidency sometime in november-december of this year. this is how i understood that this is the compromise you are talking about, the kind of situational, pragmatic compromise that currently benefits viktor orbán. it is not the same with hungary maybe, by the way, viktor orbán is not a strategist, he is a tactician, he has such a concept, hussar vagazh, it translates as a sharp cut with a saber, it seems so, it is about that, this is classic populist behavior, you are looking at a specific moment, his you evaluate and determine the most beneficial behavior for yourself, but viktor orban did this and that is why he came to ukraine in the first days of his
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presidency in the radius. mr. dmytro, look, at least in viktor orbán's office they said that... one of the points of negotiation will be the conversation about the rights of the hungarian minority in ukraine, and they even said that ukraine made certain concessions, what concessions ukraine could make, if there is a clause in that clause, well, i would say, even in the demands that orbán voiced to us very recently, there is even a clause about hungarian traditionalism transcarpathia, see what concessions we could make, in this matter we have to be very careful and... careful, there is no demand to recognize transcarpathia as traditionally hungarian among the 11 points that the hungarian side announced in january of this year. this proposal, a very ridiculous proposal, arose from the hungarian side in the course these bilateral expert consultations. it is connected with what? it is now necessary to determine the actual places of compact residence
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of the hungarian national minority, where the hungarian national minority will be able to obtain additional rights, for example, the dubbing of the vyvi. in hungarian, and i want to emphasize again, it is normal. for example, if you go to the east of slovakia, along the border with ukraine, where the ukrainian minority lives, you will see signs and there the names of settlements in ukrainian, go to sighet, romanian, there you will also see there will be a lot of signs in the ukrainian language, the ukrainian council, the ukrainian language, that is, this is a normal european practice, not excluding it in hungary, it is also common there in places of compact living, and the leaders have agreed, by the way. that a ukrainian school will open in hungary, and maybe not even one, so the question was where these additional rights for national minorities, if they were to be applied, and the hungarian side in this debate about 10%, that is, where hungarians make up 10 percent or more , which again is typical european approach, there are usually 10-15-20%. they want to bypass it, because
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, for example, in such cities as mukachevo, khust, uzhgorod, even... in the 2001 census, hungarians did not make up 10%, and instead of looking for a more, let's say, adequate compromise, yes, they they proposed what they proposed, let's recognize transcarpathia as traditionally hungarian, which is absurd, and the ukrainian side will never agree to this and will not go for it, and this, by the way, i am not sure if viktor orbán even knows about this proposal, i would like to look at that hungarian expert or politician who proposed it in this working group, because it's nonsense, it's about... to be honest, that's why we have to be quite clear about these 11 points, there are really good things, european things, and there are, frankly , such points are very doubtful, that is why it is a subject of negotiations, mr. dmytro, and i have one more question, but please, very briefly, because there is no time, is europe threatened by orbanization, considering what orban is currently gathering around himself
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supporters, make some deals and will continue to collect, and yes and no, now. the greatest urbanization threatens france, here, but as we have seen, urbanization is not something catastrophic, as it stands now, so we look for france and cheer for the whole of europe, that is, yes and no, it is an interesting phenomenon, both dangerous and not very. thank you very much, mr. dmytro, for participating in our program, it was dmytro tuzhanskyi, director of the institute of central european strategy. we go further. nato countries have developed for... will be aimed at helping ukraine in the event that in the presidential elections in donald trump will win the united states of america. the wall street journal writes about this with reference to'. sources, among other things, the alliance will send a high-ranking civilian official to ukraine, who will be responsible for coordinating military supplies. in addition, the countries of the alliance have developed
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measures, according to which the alliance will send other, other high-ranking officials to ukraine, and a headquarters will be established in wisbane, germany, to coordinate the supply of military equipment and weapons, as well as to train the armed forces of ukraine. nato should think about your role in guaranteeing security in the world in general and in europe in particular, and stop shifting the responsibility for resolving conflicts to other parties. this was stated by the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs of china mao ning during the briefing. according to her, the leadership of the alliance should first of all think about what became the real reason for the war, although she usually called it a conflict, and at that. mrs. mao added that nato continues to defy the celestial empire, interferes in its internal affairs politics and discredits the domestic and foreign policy of the prc. the national committee
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of the democratic party of the united states of america is considering the possibility of nominating the current us president joe biden as the party's candidate in the upcoming presidential elections at an online meeting to be held on july 21. bloomberg wrote about it. the national committee has changed convention rules to hold a vote on mr. biden's nomination by july 21, according to information released by bloomberg, the party's convention platform committee. will hold a meeting on july 16, the committee on regulations on the 19th, the committee on powers on the 21st, and at these meetings the procedures for voting for the candidacy of mr. biden will be agreed, formalized, well, after all , they are preparing him... for the election, well, that's it the 45th president of the united states of america, donald trump, who is once again running for the highest office in ukraine, has partial immunity from legal
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prosecution. such a decision was made by the supreme court of the country the day before. as this document points out, for trump and other former american leaders full immunity from criminal prosecution extends to actions within the constitutional powers of the ex-president. is also entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all acts within the scope of the official authority, with respect to other acts, no immunity is assumed. well, here it is very somehow not completely clear for me personally, constitutional authority, official authority, doesn't the president have a benefit in his full official authority of the constitution - he has to use the constitution, well, but more about what is at stake. trump or what is not threatened by trump, you will see tomorrow, tomorrow an expert will join me and i will talk to him about it in detail. but you know, just then, and then what
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is democracy for, if there are people who are responsible for the smallest crime there, or a misdeed, and there are people who can do this and not that, and on the other hand, if you have some crimes and you are not investigated, so you become the president again, so how is that? yes, yes, where is democracy then, where is equality before the law, until the decision of the supreme court was criticized by the incumbent the president of the united states of america, joe biden, he said when he spoke that this decision shows that quote, today's decision almost certainly means that there are almost no limits on what the president can do, this is a completely new principle, and this creates a dangerous precedent, i only finished, the romans said to quot lycidians, nonvictedbs, so that what is allowed to jupiter is not allowed to taurus, well, we know with vasyl, about... what is not allowed to the bull, and therefore on this rubric the world about ukraine goes off the air espresso tv channel, i will meet with you
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tomorrow, but don't switch, because we still have a lot of interesting things on the air. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours. two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, morchavka poli with me and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news, our tv viewer. said good evening, presenters, who have become many movridnidenko is already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people,
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mr. mustafa is in touch with us. i greet you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening on espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine, we continue to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka, oleksandr, good evening, please, i congratulate you. greetings viewers, in the next few minutes you will learn about how much time is left before the possible default of ukraine, we will also talk about the sale of state property, which is exactly on the list of great privatization, you will learn all about it in a moment. i am oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money, during the war. therefore, the world bank included ukraine in the category
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of states with higher than average incomes. so, according to calculations, one person accounts for 5070 dollars. previously, this figure was $4,270. the rating increased due to the resumption of economic growth in 2023 and the decline in the population. here this was the conclusion made by analysts of the world bank. instead, the russian federation has now entered the category of countries with a high level of income. water is said to be caused by a significant increase in military activity, and this actually spurred the growth of the gross domestic product of the aggressor country. vasyl, well, in fact, the place is so optimistic that incomes in ukraine are above average, according to world bank analysts, but nina yuzhanina, people's deputy of ukraine, in her recent interview with mass media said that already more than 50% of ukrainians are below
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the poverty line. well, yes, because... on the one hand, i don't know how they calculate honestly, but we understand what kind of increases and what is expected of us, how prices are currently rising from services to consumer goods, and you understand that it is very necessary then , so that people's incomes grow very quickly, at the expense of what? well, it seems to me that the world bank modeled the following two indicators, that is, the population decreased due to mobilization, because men and women are now fighting a lot, someone went abroad, accordingly, the demand for jobs exists and is growing. salary, perhaps due to this factor , they calculated a little increase in incomes, but put everything under one plinth, as they say, that is, they showed the world that in ukraine incomes are as big as mine, but in reality , ukrainians continue to spend much more than they earn , and this is a fact, let's not, let's not argue with it, vasily, from absolutely all services, there are two months of the last, what to track, well, everything is more expensive, that's why i don't think that people
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wages are rising rapidly, i don't know. if they count, maybe yesterday, let's say, she received there conditionally 10 thousand or 15 00, and then she was mobilized, got to the front and , let's say, there she receives from 30, and maybe who is on the front lines up to 1000, maybe it is taken into account, i i don't know how they are there, but prices are not taken into account, which in fact are growing rapidly, well , the ukrainian debt is also growing, there is catastrophically little time left in our country to avoid the so-called default, there is less than a month to agree with creditors on restructuring of the external debt, if the state fails... this can undermine the confidence of investors in the obligations of the event and will mean great risks for the recovery of the country. well , let's talk here, vasyl, in essence, opinions are divided in half, there are some supporters of the fact that there may indeed be problems with foreign debt payments, but many such leading experts are now announcing that creditors can extend such a postponement for another year.


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