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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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those objects in populated areas, which are primarily related to the conduct of hostilities, and therefore on a fairly high long line of demarcation that passes through the zaporizhia region, this is within, as they say, the norm of hostilities, and i look, mr. serhiy, look, they say that fpv drones were very active yesterday in malatok machka, walk the field, well, this is not the line of contact, what are they hunting for? and small takomachka is directly almost the line of contact, it is a settlement immediately beyond the line of contact near orikhov, but there are no hostilities there, that there are hostilities, it is not a conflict zone, it is still just front-line settlements, when they work in small groups, they are hunting for something for the armed forces or it is simple. the military
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is primarily after those who are not in the front trench, let's say, but a little further from the contact line, but they are primarily hunting for the military, uh, what is the activity of reconnaissance enemy drones you have now, ah, they are , including flying to the city of zaporozhye, this happens regularly, and in principle, unfortunately, this is the norm, unlike other areas where drones fly. zaporizhzhia is so far, not so often, after all, 35 km from the demarcation line and long-range reconnaissance drones for them, in principle, this is not a distance, this is a normal area of ​​work, is there a possibility to ensure the reinforcement of the rebs in order to jam their signals, so that after these reconnaissance drones do not flew in, do you have such an opportunity now, well, as far as i know this... ugh, they wanted to ask you, a few
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days passed after the tragic events in vilniansk, there were five children, such information was, who were hospitalized, who, what is their condition, what, is there more information that you can share, well, as of today, the patients, as far as i know, have been stabilized, the treatment is ongoing... regarding , well, the threat to life of all those who were in critical condition, or as far as i don’t know , i know, it hasn’t passed, and that’s why the doctors are worried about their lives, and what will be the consequences of the treatment, i think, uh, about the occupied territories, we still want to ask how life is on the coast now, whether they are coming or taking a picture of them coming vacationers there, or vice versa, the removal begins. from these territories that
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what is there, well, in fact, for two years now, the network of recreation bases has been divided into two parts, and the first part is those recreation bases that are used for the accommodation of the military, for the stay, including their equipment, and other bases, these are those on which , which really continue to work as recreation centers, people come to them, and... as a rule, according to the information that is available, this year the largest number of residents come from other occupied territories, including the donetsk region, luhansk region even arrive, i.e. , a residents of russia are not very willing to go to this territory, but people come from donetsk, it is more convenient for them, and how does the state of the sea in the zaporizhzhia part look in general, because yesterday , eh... even the occupation public talked about
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the cholera vibrio discovered in mariupol, but it is not as far as they say, along the coast and to berdyansk and everything else, do you have this information, because san-epidko is so catastrophic in the mariupol area, it can be directly related to the very state of ecology, burials and and everything that is in mariupol, as well as in zaporizhzhia on the azov region. well, according to the information available in mariupol, this is primarily related to the critical state of the internal infrastructure, and therefore, after every rain , a lot of different waste is washed into the sea, as a result, we have problems with the sea, in berdyansk, in kyrylivka, there are a little problems with the sea others, the beaches have not been properly prepared for recreation for a long time, again a large one. some kind of jellyfish, and as
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a result, well, enough of such unacceptable conditions for recreation, with which no one forcibly is accepted and does not want or there is no possibility. get rid of, well, in principle, for no one, because there is a large amount. we were told by your colleagues and experts, ecologists in eteri, that now the situation is very difficult on the azov coast and in zaporozhye, in particular, and that due to the actions of the occupiers, the ecosystem is actually under threat, and the sea itself is changing. is the occupying power doing something to improve the situation, or are they just like that... left to fend for themselves and pretending not to see the problem? well, as far as i know, no actions directed at coastal improvement is not used. ugh. how is the work progressing with what we talked about a few weeks ago, that
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the first underground school is being built in zaporizhzhia. the work is ongoing, is it being built, the school is being built, the work is being done, the contractor promises everything. in the declared terms, and they were declared before the end of the year, well, that is, the academic year there does not start on the first of september yet, they don't have time, right? no, the academic year will not start, well, it is quite difficult, and to ensure quality work, what if the construction is actually carried out in two months, because only a few weeks that is why the work has begun, and it is necessary to prepare, adjust, set up furniture, etc., that is, in... a little more than two months to prepare to do high-quality work, it is problematic, well, the first priority was, in a mixed mode of operation, work will begin at the beginning of the academic year, training will begin in in a mixed mode, the underground schools will already
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start working from scratch, in general, what does the educational process look like, how do you plan it in the future and in the front-line zone and... where a little further from the battle line, we understand that it is not on six months and not on year is this situation, do you have a plan to make these processes more effective, because we understand that first there was covid, then a full-scale invasion, online education, and children, and their parents, and teachers say that this only lowers the quality of knowledge, that children they have less and less time to study, plus stress, are you planning something in that direction? well , today, in this direction, it is planned to do mixed education so that children spend at least half of the study time, corresponding to those subjects that are more, let's say, related to acquiring knowledge, ah, they could be conducted in offline education, in
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shelters, after completion in underground schools, respectively, and as a result have a higher quality education, although, of course, many parents. it is frightening, and this is precisely what is connected with the fact that this year there are very few children enrolled in the first grades compared to the enrollment of few children, and in the end, how is it filtered out, who will get into the first grades, who will not get into the first grades, or is it just the number the number of children of school age and primary school age has decreased, because parents have left, no one is singled out, everyone who wants to is involved in education, just how many... children have left, well decreased because the parents left, because if the child goes to the first grade, then the parents understand that such education is not very good, especially in junior schools, and leave with their children, unfortunately, to educate them in other schools, in other regions , where this situation is more
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stable, well, for understanding, this is the school my children went to, well, this year only two full classes were recruited every year, and even there it was necessary to fight to get into this school, only 20 children were recruited this year in the first class, zaporozhye for now, the situation may change, i'm here i am looking at the statistics, mr. serhiy, from the zaporizhzhia regional state administration , they will actually use the summer vacations here in this hot period, they will send money from the budget to the children, i see for... well, for vacation, there is even a foreign option, they call denmark, there are plans to send so much the schoolchildren, the only thing that surprised me is that the zaporizhia state administration reports, as well as the children will be sent to the artek international children's center, that's where, because
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about artek, it's some other artek, another artek or to... after the seizure of crimea, and administration and itself, relatively speaking, not an object, but a recreation camp was transferred to the carpathians and now. operates in the carpathians, and this is where children are sent. clear. and one last short question, regarding the story with the former official of zaporizhzhya regional state administration. it turned out that a person literally a year ago, this already full-scale invasion lasted more than a year. through chatvod, he transmitted data on the location of ukrainian military personnel. then it turned out that he was generally subscribed to various russian telegram channels, he was interested in this. and now he is eight years old. are there any such, i don’t want to call it purges, but basically
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checking people to see if they cooperate with the russians, because as we can see, everyone can turn out to be a traitor, mr. xie, the structure, let’s say this, of the managers, it’s the same height, it’s such ... precisely from society, like any other profession, and like any other profession, among officials, there are traitors, you can't get anywhere from there, and the zaporizhzhia region, unfortunately, is the region where in the elections of the opzh took up to 30% of the votes, so understanding that every third person can actually turn out to be a person who is inclined to the russian world, and accordingly, among such a number of people , a selection can be made, including... to
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reduce the scoundrels in these ranks, and last year there was a person in charge of housing and communal services, a driver, heads district administrations were discovered, this confirms the fact that it is discovered that something is not working, and it is good, it is good that it is working, it is a pity that there is someone to work with, that... that there are still such traitors, mr. serhiy, thank you, serhiy lyshenko, deputy of zaporizhzhya oblast council and a volunteer was with us, listen, well, every third person can turn out to be a traitor, absolutely, but the result, here mr. serhiy correctly said, there was once such a law of the kapranov brothers, so they also attached the appropriate, well, for example, the spread of reading ukrainian books to the results of the elections, and therefore it is good that they reminded, that third always voted for the party of regions or for their... deputies, which, as they were renamed, and here there is definitely a correlation according to kapranov's laws, i just wonder how it has changed ,
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changed during the three years after the invasion, the statistics do not have such, but we have information from psychologists, psychologists say that the heat is expected to reach 40° today in the east and south of ukraine, that the heat reduces mental activity, causes. irritability, spoils the mood, impairs cognitive functions, and if you stay in the heat for a long time, some people become prone to committing a crime, here i am such information, how to survive it, splash cold water, take a short break, sleep, and then come back with us and find out , what is made in the hot kherson region, but the report will collect information for you, stay with espresso.
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each of us, the country must get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guest. of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second trump presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. more analytics, more important topics, more top guests foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to monday prison from 20 to 22. we are coming back, yes, but we promised that
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we would first talk with hot kherson, we will first go to the north with... pay attention, especially since the day before there was a lot of unverified information that scared the people of sumy and and ukrainians about what is happening in sumy oblast a new section of the russian-ukrainian front may open, but we will talk about it now, ihor ganenko, producer of kordon media, is in touch with us, this is a media about sumy oblast, and we will actually welcome mr. ihor on our airwaves and ask about everything from the region, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, yes. what about sumy on the sumy-russian border now? actually, on the border, the enemy continues to regularly shell civilians and, of course, the military, so we regularly see reports that every day the border
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sumshchyny is under fire from the enemy, the enemy. usually uses mortars, uses fpv drones, and rarely uses mlrs, but unfortunately there are also such cases, but these are the border crossings themselves with manpower, which a few days ago they were afraid that they could do the same thing again, something similar, as in there is no such threat observed in the kharkiv region around vovchanskyi, or was this a theoretical model? specifically, such threats are not observed, i think you remember that recently such an information operation was carried out, the enemy carried out, entering the village of ryshivka, but again the defense forces quickly neutralized this threat, and now, unfortunately, the enemy drgs have become active again,
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there were cases already last week, and this week as well, when... the russian drg tried to go deep into the territory , but the defense forces detected and acted in time and prevented this from happening. and actually such events, they are also accompanied by an information campaign, because the russians actively talk about the fact that they will advance, that there will be another part of the front. as in ukraine, as a local border area does the population react to such news, or does it make people somehow... perhaps evacuate, or be more careful, how does it all look on the ground, in the border areas? in fact, the evacuation of the five-kilometer zone has already been announced long ago, and also the forced evacuation of families with children, and of course, the people who remain, who refuse to
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evacuate, i think, for the most part, they understand the risks involved their stay in this five-kilometer zone, and actually, well, at the moment there is no question about specific, well, or any specific information. about the increase of the enemy's forces or his attempts to carry out certain local breakthroughs, even when this information was available, it was more likely demonstrative actions in order to draw our defense forces away from other directions, but of course we should not forget that, unfortunately, next to us there is an aggressive neighbor who, even if today something is not... can plan for it tomorrow, so we just have to get used to living in this paradigm, and i think that the local residents who live in five in a ten-kilometer zone,
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they understand that and responsible for this attitude, mr. igor, and what does sumyshchyna look like in general, how many roadblocks are there in the region, how carefully people are checked, i am not talking about the tsk now, i am talking now... not about the police, about the military, who also control, lest the drg infiltrated, who are watching to see if there are any collaborators. we regularly receive information about the actions of the police, the actions of the sbu, which open proceedings or carry out some investigative actions against people who justified russian aggression there or collected and transmitted certain information there. so i'm sure this job is being conducted and, well, in my opinion, it is being conducted successfully, because such cases are becoming fewer and
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fewer, that is, people understand that even, not even, let's say, people who could go somewhere for some kind of cooperation with the enemy, they understand that the punishment will certainly come, and therefore do not go for it, sir. did you and your colleagues manage to find out about the restoration road works, because it was quite interesting yesterday to consider how, during such an aggravation of the frontline, the cabinet of ministers, our government allocates 2 billion 380 million for the restoration of roads in the pre-frontline regions, there are absolutely weird ones out there. roads and paths in donetsk region and kharkiv region, but sumy region also falls into those eight regions where it will be unsoldered for road works, do you know
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where and how? i mean, aren't there any cringe-worthy stories of actually rebuilding roads in the direction of the front line? we don't have that information at the moment, but from the point of view of logistics for the military, maybe it... it makes sense, of course, that no one is saying that there should be autobahns in the direction of the enemy, but i think that if there conditionally, an ambulance or a ukrposhta car, or some other social transport will generally be able to reach at least a five-kilometer zone there, i think it will be positive, but of course we need to study. details and understand what kind of roads these are, how much money is allocated, because usually all such nuances are hidden in the details, so we will
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study this issue in more detail. mr. igor, what is the continuation of the story of a resident of sumy oblast, who prepared to defend his native village, made weapons, that is, did what in in principle, many ukrainians did it then and it was right, here he is on trial. well , the ombudsman took over and took control of that story, but it was good headlines, how does this story really look now? this is quite an interesting story, because we started to investigate this matter in more detail, established contact with this man, and i think that very soon we will give a more extensive material on this topic, for now, unfortunately, i cannot disclose. i am convinced that he was not the only one who had like-minded people, how the population reacts, and to such a person history, sumushchy had options when the tanks
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were stolen. actually, do people continue to do the same now, because we understand that everyone must protect their own home. people in general, what about this story, people in general reacted very positively, because there was even a media campaign on social networks, on instagram, on facebook, that after all, free people have weapons, and therefore... this case is not subject to criminal prosecution there, so in particular the residents of sumy oblast support this man, at least informationally. in in which case are you ready to protest, protect, support a person, are there such sentiments? i think everything is ahead, we will see the development of this situation, a lot depends on it,
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because... what, if tomorrow the prosecutor's office withdraws its charges, then i think that it will, again, it will affect the reaction of society and to show will become a certain precedent, so we will see how, in general, it is already the second month of summer and vacation, how in general in sumy, for example, preparations are being made for the new school year, but in zaporozhye oblast they are building the first underground school well, this is the option, as in sumy, in particular, the student city, how are they preparing? actually, for students, this year is just beginning for many, because now many are taking entrance exams to pre-master's, pre-postgraduate, so i think that students are busy with it now, schools are of course preparing for the new academic year, and
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also. there is information that, after all , the shelters are being put in order more, where, where they, where they were still in an unsatisfactory condition, and therefore educational institutions are working as usual and are preparing for the new of the academic year, i.e. preparing for live training, i.e. offline, not hybrid form, not online, so you plan, and it will depend on... the security situation, because at the moment it is difficult to plan what the situation will be in september, or everything after all, the school year will start in august, so the institutions are preparing and everything will depend on the situation on the border and the security situation in general in sumy oblast. is it possible to evacuate some higher education institutions from sumy oblast to other regions? that's me
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no... information, at least, well, we haven't heard about it, i think that this decision will be if, if it will be, then after some extraordinary events, i say that for now, as long as the security situation allows, while educational institutions are working, on a mixed basis, some are trying to go online more, some are offline, but so far there is no talk of evacuation at... those institutions at all. thank you mr. igor for the conversation and for the answers. ihor genenko was a producer of kordon media with us. this is media from sumy region about sumy region. and we already have an answer to the statements on trump's plans regarding the fact that some pieces of ukraine should be taken and given to russia in exchange for this policy . so the president's office said that
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there will be no territorial concessions. more news about the latest and most important at the moment, anna eva melnyk is ready to tell you in just a few seconds, we will give you the floor and listen carefully. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team is working on the most important thing, let's tell this issue, i will start with the situation in dnipropetrovsk region, all the details, then stay with us. the french, the russians attacked with drones and artillery of the dnipropetrovsk region, the enemy hit the marganytsia community and the district center. a fire broke out in a private house, six houses, a power line and a garage were damaged, the head of the regional military administration, serhiy lysak prostra, informed.


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