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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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we invite civilian specialists from various fields, experienced commanders will ensure your high-quality training and education. fill out the questionnaire and choose the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in the team of tssoa asbu. together we will write the history of victory. details on official pages of the sbu. we return and join our conversation , a soldier of the armed forces of ukraine with the call sign sheikh evgeny ievliv is now joining our airwaves. mr. yevgeny, glory to ukraine. thank you for participating, for having the time and opportunity to do so. heroyum word, i wish you health. about horlivskyi direction. the surroundings of horlivka, we actually want to ask you. we see this on the maps, not a fist, but a pa. in the direction of yurivka, what is
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the situation there now, what is the situation? yes, it's actually a suburb of new york, right? yes, yes, yes, i'll tell you a little bit, because i've already put it up, it's not a secret, but i'll tell you that voroguvka has been around for more than one day, and unfortunately, this is the only place where they managed to fail a little defense, a unit of publicists who stand and rush, they have not yet taken all of vrymka, battles are going on there, and i will say that... well, what if it were not the neighborhood new york, this is the territory directly adjacent to new york and in new york there are also street battles, the enemy has been storming our positions for a week, but so far everything is unsuccessful, and these are our positions that our unit is holding, but unfortunately, here and there there are certain such local advances in them, and i can say that today lyub seyt does not draw even approximately all the directions where the enemy is trying to develop his assaults, because everything... the line
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along the entire line , which you see near horlivka, the enemy has been trying to sell the line for a week defended it is clear that for their purposes this is the turkish new york in the near future, and it is a little reminiscent, at least according to the map , of such an idea, to make some kind of, i don't know, encirclement of this group, which is currently protecting the line from, well, not from... let's say this, from new york and... and to the north, such a plan and what resources they are throwing into it, that is, it is an implemented plan, or there will be only such and such local breakthroughs, and you know, there i will personally express my opinion, there was no plan, the enemy is constantly trying to feel our defenses, and they felt an area of ​​the front where the front fell a little bit, so it's such a success, you know, i think it wasn't really expected for them, for themselves, that that's where our line of defense would sag a little bit, so i don't think it was from the rear that.. . the whole ring,
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what is there to cut off, if, even that battle at a distance, about which he tells you, he is going, and we are watching the enemy in aerial reconnaissance and hope that something will fall into his position, here i say, in part, it got a boost there locally, but today everything is being done to localize them there and not let them advance further, in this case , look, we would have heard for months from our defenders in this area, that it was quite quiet from the point of view of the front... the enemy was mainly operating in the northern direction, yes, that is, in that direction of bakhmut, chasoyariv , and further south, of course, this was the whole long epic around avdiyivka and so on, and this part of the front near horlivka has been held in the same place for the last almost 10 years, and we were also told by the military that they were monitoring the movement, relocation there some kind of heavy equipment, the transfer of weapons, i.e. it was large enough... what period,
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during which logically the second or third line of defense should have been built in toretsk new york along this line, dug in, i.e. how much of this component we have in this area is the front present? look, the lines are dug, but i don't really think it's appropriate on the air for me to voice exactly where they are, unfortunately, because of this advance, you can see that not yet where the enemy is today, but the yaro is trying to locate him, i will say . the throwing away of equipment began even when when the enemy had some success in avdiivka, because they had a lot of equipment , they were pulled up to avdiivka and they turned part of the equipment in our direction, because along the line of infantry digging in the defense, what does that mean, if these are fortifications, then they are a little not there, they are behind the enemy, i’m just saying, i can’t tell you on the air, we don’t need to tell you the geolocation , we don’t open, or in view of this, their unexpected... as you say, success, they
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started some other actions to to support him, yes, maybe some other than technology, even more personnel are brought there to make an attempt... they constantly try nothing new in our landings, they don't use any tactics to break through enemy groups of 6-7 people, it was a simple part of the front. we didn't do it, we, we, we understand very well the reason why it happened, but you understand, no, it is not very appropriate to voice everything on the air, there are certain, there was a certain conferot, unfortunately, at this time i made progress and was able to achieve a certain uskihu, nothing new, 6-7 groups, seven people, groups,
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rush to land, try to storm our positions, only specifically in our area of ​​the front, these storms have already been repulsed more than 15 times, so it had a certain success, there is nothing premeditated, no equipment, so they just create a bigger keel. personnel, they heard that it was a little weaker there, they saw that how, you know, where, where, where, well, where they broke through, there and began to develop, as it were, because as i say, it is not a planned attack there or something else, of course, they pull up the court, in the official public, from the head of the assyrian, in two weeks, in fact, his review, he drove through the combat units, which at zero, from south to north, drew conclusions, and in particular there was the phrase "about your direction, special attention to turkey and the need to have sufficient bc, or what glaucom syrsky wrote, you already feel that is, there is no shortage, well, let's be
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frank, the shortage is not felt from the point of view of artillery, if we talk about what we have, there is a theoretical minimum for holding the defense, but of course we would like more, we would like... we would like drones more shells of substitutions, it is absolutely obvious the story, ugh, the story about the robbery at the service station in druzhkivka was quite loud, the story about the fact that people simply make money from the fact that the military needs to fix cars, they write out for cloud accounts, they usually get money, because cars, so-called wrecks, are needed at the front , and then, first of all , they delay the task, they freeze their heads somewhere, drag it out with time, have you come across such stories, or is it because of... an isolated case, and in the front-line zone, those masters who can be useful to the military do not such shameful things how is that man, look, there are such as you call hapukh, they are full of them everywhere in the cities near the front, it is a complete accident, i will tell you absolutely definitely, but despite this i will tell
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you right away that there are people who are the exact opposite, we better drive the car repair there 30 km further to pokrovsk, how much will you use there, 5 liters of solar energy will burn. dnsto simply does not take money from us at all for work, we only pay for some spare parts there, that is, there are fully paid people who help quite well, sometimes even for partial money on gruront, in what way, actually, do you receive support from the local civilian population, from those who remain? listen, if you consider new york in the context of this issue, then i will not tell you that there is any kind of religious aid there, because these people have already lived for 10 years on the front line... the most adequate population has left, only those who remain who can't leave, that is, us, so that you understand, most of them are pensioners there, well, they themselves need help, they themselves need to try somewhere or something else, that is, about which help can be said specifically for the military, and if globally and take the cities there, not only
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new york, which is conventionally a kilometer from the front line, and the cities a little further, the same kostyantynivka, drohkivka, pokrovsk there, then of course there is help, help is not only there... and we can give help, that's what i'm telling you, there is a person who repairs cars for us for free, there is a person who fixes drones for us, absolutely free, that is , plus or minus people get involved in the agenda of war, let's say yes, that is, despite the shelling, people they also have time and desire, the main thing is that you volunteer and support, that’s good, absolutely, i look at the report of the general staff for yesterday, in fact half of all skirmishes are pokrovsky and turkish in... direction and at least one target, at least not chaotically, they try the enemy overcome exactly that, advance to and cut the road to this pokrovska konstantinovka, which
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is heard from the brothers, how much they say they have combat resources to hold back, because as far as we saw, it was 6-7 km to the road, and look. this is also no secret, and there are 10 of them now kept in action for two years, this is an orkroky unit, in the very direction where the enemy is trying to rush to the kostantinika pokromsk highway, there are a lot of them. and brothers and friends, i will say, they fight not, as you know, this phrase, maybe a little ridiculous, for life, not death, while everyone is alive, while they are still standing and quite seriously restrained, and i think you can see that even from the gate that there have been no critical rescues there in the last month, some local ones in terms of position, not even 100 m, but some positions, what position is the enemy today can take up, our boys are already there for the evening and are fighting, so this idea of ​​making a ring is about the passage of time. is located here and in
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turkey and so on, well, so far it is not considered possible. mr. yevgeny, one more short question about drones and about the rebs, or what, actually, we are now observing and hearing, it seems that the rebs are not powerful enough, there are not enough of them, and the russian drones simply fly quite deep in the rear, or on the front line in are you there too? such a feeling that this is lacking and it is necessary to develop and change faster, because they are also moving forward, then 200%, i will tell you that for the sake of understanding, and i have not once boasted to you that this is our weapon with which we destroy, so they have also developed very much in this regard, and so that you understand from the rebs, really them, indeed, of course , there are not enough of them, because today we all buy it exclusively with our own funds, that is , i...
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that is, it is not a hundred percent protection, it cannot be said that practically 200% of drones will not hit you while they are falling, but there are cases in other subdivisions, where even despite the inclusive ones. thank you, mr. yevgeny, yevhen ivliv, a fighter of the armed forces of ukraine, the callsign sheikh was with us about the situation about the rebs and drafts, should the military provide it for themselves so that they buy and drop them at the level of battalions and groups and. yes, volunteers write about it, i just don’t understand where are the million drones, where, where are the million drones and where are these
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programs that are reported every night on tv and in the official leaflets of the ministry of defense, it’s somehow two realities that do not match either in numbers or in facts, but from our fighters with the front line, there is a feeling that we live in two different statistical, at least realities, because transparently there are also some purchases where some drones finally went. they are purchased as part of public procurement, where they go, and why the fighters complain about their quality, it is also unclear. well, maybe we will learn this from our next guests, because we will now take a short break, after which we will generally analyze this situation with serhii sgurets. be with espresso. attention, a profitable offer. order a smart light bulb for. at a special promotional price of only uah 149, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price
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say, let's make better roads even better we will have a special look at events in ukraine at the border. there will be some katsaps in kyiv and beyond, what kind of world is he dreaming of, mr. norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war. atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we urge everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yar in the direction of chasivlyav. at this moment , there is an explosion in the dnipro, a new batch of shaheds from the kherson region, and two more groups are heading for
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the dnipro, in fact, this explosion is probably why they went south. zaporozhye, this is what the morning looks like, which shows that something has changed in the enemy, and daytime missile attacks and daytime drone attacks are something new, they mainly concentrated at night and in the morning, now we will ask the director of information about this and other things - defense consulting company express, serhiy zurets is in touch with us, mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine, ramslav, i congratulate you, i congratulate our viewers, i will probably start with the most resonant, because it is the most... they are still commenting and discussing, so for a couple of hours drones hang over myrhorod, after which iskander with a cassette, and the biggest losses among the air forces of ukraine, at least according to the version of the occupier, they put out a video, it says according to the formula 2 + 5, two destroyed su, five damaged, later a discussion about what is not true,
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not everything is so tragic, and not all planes were planes, maybe they were on... and then a repetition of the story with the mi-24 from our armed forces, the same iskander m, the same video, only now poltava, but again the story repeats itself, before that, a russian drone hangs for hours, and adjusts accordingly and directs these missile strikes, and here the important nuance is that this is not a line of combat, that it is a rather large piece of debris towards poltava, there is probably something wrong 200 km away and... why yes, such a philosophical question will work? well, actually, we understand, the situation is not easy, not pleasant, and it testifies to the fact that the enemy is slowly improving its reconnaissance and strike capabilities, this was predicted, the main emphasis here is precisely on the fact that the enemy’s unmanned systems, there orlan and others,
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are located up to 200 km in our airspace, and we have , as we can see, there are certain limitations. technical in order to identify and shoot down these reconnaissance drones, of which there are quite a lot, and in fact, this is precisely the consequence of this situation, which is then already the fact that this information is used by the enemy to launch missile strikes iskander, where we are talking about the resort in poltava, and the resort in myrhorod, where our su-20 heavy fighters are based there. the price, the command of the air force does not say about losses, there are different estimates, in any case , you can make a certain assumption that it is possible there. maybe one plane 127 was lost, one was damaged, but of course it is not five planes, as russian propaganda claims, but in any case, we have a certain tendency that
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the enemy is now increasing its intelligence and strike capabilities, and this is just right for us it hurts enough, because every lost plane or every damaged helicopter there is something that is extremely important for our overall potential and army aviation, frontline aviation, so the discussion here is not so important two or one damaged and destroyed, here it is important that forps writes in fact, if soviet planes can be destroyed in this way at open airfields, then will the story with the f-16 and other planes not be repeated, and this is what our partners are already discussing in the west, that is, we have some kind of solution in response, because if the allies start so consider the situation with peace. city ​​airport as a scheme of work with f-16, then will we feel bad? well, i think that in reality, in any case, all equipment is lost, there is no equipment that is 100% protected.
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we are talking about what should be the optimal strategy for the protection of our lithuanians, because this is an important prerequisite for receiving western aircraft and their operation on our land. i think that , relatively speaking, the issue of the destruction of the eagles, the hall and others, it was raised two months ago, how to... make it impossible stay of these drones in the sky. the ministry of digital information there set the task of developing certain countermeasures, now i think that this story will be significantly updated and options will be sought, whether it is the rap option to block them or using means of impression, using army means of air defense, i think that this is of course a challenge, it can be interpreted differently, but it means that the enemy has been perfected. our means of attack, we need to improve the defense system, starting from warehouses for the planes themselves to other means
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of covering our airfields, i think that this dynamic will continue, despite the fact that there are these isolated losses, i think that it will be an impetus for the adoption of a real adequate strategy of countermeasures, here actually also in experts commented on this whole process that in fact the picture that their... reconnaissance drones broadcast, that was published by the russian media, is very clear and very clear, here it indicates that there were no obstacles, respectively, that at that distance there was no the slaves were working, and so were we just now talked to yevhen ievliv from the horliv district, and he also confirmed that there is a problem with that, there are not enough soldiers, the military themselves on the front line are buying, is it possible to somehow fix this system and then in a short time, so that there is some kind of... one network , so that someone would be someone who understood where everything is, where it is not enough, and these gaps, these places that are not protected, should still be strengthened, well, actually,
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i think that the issue here is not specific, it is so systemic, we now we are talking about the fact that, on the one hand, we have to increase the means of reb of different levels, the parallel build-up of rep facilities sometimes contributes to chaos, because trench rep interferes... even the use of our sub-drones, the use of powerful reb at longer ranges, it is more or less coordinated, even clearly coordinated, there is a sufficiently high level of command, and when we speak about the situation with the means of reb for the enemy, here the situation is such that it really significantly complicates the interaction, and this requires the improvement of staff structures, planning and so on, when we are talking about the struggle there with ordlans... halls, here it is not only a question of military means, but a question of more systematic approaches with the increase of active means of destroying these unmanned systems, at
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the technological level, a number of meetings were held at the technical level, there are developments that should strengthen our anti-aircraft means defenses, focused precisely on the fight against ordlans, i hope that this will give a result, how quickly it will be possible to do it, so far it is difficult to predict, but in any case i know what it is... measures are being carried out, actually from with the same mr. yevhen ivlivy, we talked about the fact that unexpectedly, probably even for the russians themselves, they managed to advance near horlivka in the direction of new york through yurivka, and whether they can use this situation, what are your predictions, what can happen next occur? well, when we talk about the direction of hostilities around the... turkish, of course, let's say this, we understand that this is one of the directions where the enemy is now trying to carry out frontal attacks in the direction of the north,
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south, noises and so on. and side attacks of new york, in order to ensure progress in the direction of turetsk, all this agglomeration can then affect the situation to the south of the yar, and the exact situation in pokrovsk, now we have enough of such an attempt by the enemy to use all the accumulated reserves for frontal attacks on turetsk , this actually corresponds to the enemy's strategy in... entering the administrative borders, administrative, administrative borders of the donetsk region, and we understand that now the intensity of hostilities has significantly increased in this direction, we we are talking about more than 40 combat clashes over the past 24 hours, that's just about a third of the clashes along the entire front line, but in any case commander syrsky literally
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yesterday made that... report where he talked about all the areas, and he just spoke about the fact that pokrovsky and toretsk are such that now the ukrainian side is taking countermeasures with the use of artillery and additional forces and means, i hope that in fact, well, now everything will depend on how much it will be possible to find balance between the reserves of our forces and opportunities for the destruction of the enemy, although the enemy will also now raise reserves, so in any case this section, which... this is turetska, and pokrovska, and chasivyara, now they are all interconnected, and here we will be just see the greatest dynamics in the coming weeks. i would return to high-precision and long-range weapons, yesterday, the minister of defense omerov and the head of yarmak's office were in the pentagon, they spoke with lloyd austin, they tell us the result in the morning, there will be more and faster anti-aircraft missiles, but the state department. once
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again emphasizes that he will give permission to strike a distance greater than 100 km in the case of an expansion of the front line, and how to translate this into human language? well, in fact, we now have permission from our american partners to strike the enemy with hymars at a distance of 80 km, that is, ideally up to 100 km there, the issue of the zone up to 300 km using atakams, so far ... this possibility is not foreseen, the extension of the contact line and obtaining additional permits, us deshter's aide said in an interview, in fact, it is still difficult to predict how the expansion of the front line will affect permission, i think that these are more and more political limitations of the united states itself, but in any case, i am now rather waiting for a decision on increasing military
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aid packages, because it was said about... more than 2 billion dollars based on the results of the next tranche and the expansion of anti-aircraft means is not a matter of defense, because this is precisely the urgent component that affects, by the way, the use of those means of impression by the enemy, which we talked about at the beginning of our conversation, so in any case air defenses will be in this package so far we are talking about rockets, but i i expect that there will be such a decision on the part of the united states and on the transfer of an additional number of patriots, whether they will be israeli. and whether the patriot will be a reserve of the united states, or whether the americans will persuade the poles to hand over to us the poles to persuade, to hand over to us a battery of patriots, these discussions are quite lively and heated now. mr. serhiy, thank you, we also hope for an additional air defense system. serhiy tsgurets was with us, the director of the information and consulting company defense express, and now 9:00 is approaching. this is the time when we all the whole country every day
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we honor and remember the memory. to all fallen ukrainians and foreigners for our independence and because the invaders came to our land. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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