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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as respected guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. we are back in touch with iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine and member of the verkhovna rada committee on national affairs of security, defense and intelligence, mrs. iryna, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good morning. the government's permission to increase the armor against mobilization for officials and employees of state-owned enterprises. we talk about it a lot. the question is how much it can actually solve.
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problem, because we often say that we need armor for truck drivers, and for farmers, and for other sectors, so that, on the one hand, mobilization is not blocked, and on the other hand, so that other state structures work, and on the third side, they do not raise the degree of social tension, this is also very important, you know, in the country, a large-scale invasion has been going on for the third year, and it would be very desirable if our executive branch... of power, that is, the government, would analyze the situation and clearly delineate those areas of industry and enterprise, that require reservations, determined the number of employees needed to ensure the operation of these enterprises and ensured their reservation. unfortunately, you and i are still faced with absolute chaos in the regulations of the cabinet of ministers regarding reservations, which leads to misunderstanding and creates, as you say...
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social tension. i am sure that booking should be clear and transparent according to the rules. it must be adequate, accepted and aimed at ensuring the vital activity of the economy, and most importantly, at ensuring the needs of the security and defense sector and the armed forces of ukraine. everything else, it comes from the evil one, is accompanied by corruption and introduces misunderstanding, creating, social. real tensions, there is one more in not one, we already have a lot of messages, we always communicate in the morning with our soldiers and officers from advanced, but there are absolutely some unexpected things that we have to either buy effective solutions with our own money, as we were told today, and this is the hottest turkish direction, or once again announce our meetings and appeal. to
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the volunteers for the effective drones that they need today, since those that come as part of the state order, from the moment of ordering to delivery, he says, there may be two or three. months and their quality is wildly dubious, so as not to use bad words here, that on the committee, what information do you have, because, in particular, in terms of slaves and drones, well , in particular, in terms of slaves and drones, unfortunately, technologies do not stand still and they really change in view of events, combat events in the war almost every month, relatively speaking, the drone that could be effective there in the fall. in the fall of 22 may be generally ineffective already now, that is, the technologies do not stand still, there are indeed a significant number of cases when those drones are purchased that no longer meet the needs and requirements of our defenders, in particular
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, units that are engaged in aerial reconnaissance or the direct use of combat drones, as for the reb, this situation is really problematic. and in a large number of cases it falls on the shoulders of developers and volunteers who directly purchase these rebs, but the problem is that we do not have a clear coordination between the divisions that use rebs, even there domestic production and divisions, who are engaged in aerial reconnaissance, because when, for example, a unit raises a uav there, there is no clear communication with those who is at ground zero, who see that something is flying and turn on the reb, then this leads to the fact that in a significant number of cases they sit on the ground, they interfere with themselves, we
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heard about this today in a story from a military man, in fact, this is such a desynchronization, this despite the fact that there are still catastrophically few powerful soldiers who could ... protect both infantry and equipment, because this is about a systemic approach, not about everyone for himself, about such a complex system solution, and that there should be someone who knew, had a vision of everything, what is happening and all that is? i think that the general staff would be obliged not to introduce the appropriate system, because if it is already in the public sphere, yes, that is, it is not closed meetings there, when it is discussed there at the specialized committee , etc., that is, it already exists. .. in public space and the general staff’s lack of response to the lack of establishing high-quality communication between the use of drones in the combat zone and the use of uavs to carry out either aerial reconnaissance or strikes leads to significant, i would say financial
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including losses and human losses. therefore, from my point of view, the general staff should immediately react and put things in order. absence as of today. of the automated control system in the troops leads precisely to such egregious cases. mrs. irina, is it already on your committee, i know that you communicate all the time, will you consider the sufficiently resonant events of the last two days , the myrhorod summer resort and the poltava peace, because this discussion has long gone beyond the limits of telegram channels and everything else, because here already the military talks about a certain logic and priorities, i.e. air defense in relation to critical infrastructure facilities and cities or in relation to airports, if there is one decision, then there must be another counter-decision, and the most discussed is why they allow both over cities and over airports for so long to work
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for russian reconnaissance drones, which actually lead these iskanders, in a word, a very resonant story, will the committee listen to someone in closed mode and search. decision as a controlling body, or so far such communication of the general staff and yours there was no committee? already several times at closed meetings the question of the need to close airfields was raised in order not to endanger our military and directly our equipment, our planes, our helicopters. we recently had a meeting with the leadership of the ppo. and i think that after these cases, tomorrow at the meeting the question will be raised again about the need for hearing in closed mode, what was done, in relation to your remark, in relation to the decision and counter-decision, that is, what should be closed in the first place, well
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in general, from my point of view, there should be a systemic solution without pros and cons, yes, because the military needs to close military facilities directly and they absolutely are. but argued in this matter, which concerns civil infrastructure, it is still preferable not to purchase, to continue to spend money on asphalt, as we see even now, to direct it, including separately. military budget, including the protection of civilian objects of critical infrastructure. mrs. iryna, and one more question, i ask you to respond, actually we have news from telegram about the fact that the nato alliance will require kyiv to take certain additional steps in the fight against corruption even before negotiations on membership, i.e., not on accession, proceed. only negotiations on membership and only their promotion
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, how literally they said to be told it's too corrupt to join nato, that is, in general, it sounds that in ukraine they will say that you are too corrupt to join nato, so that's the article today, well first, is there corruption in ukraine, yes, it is, it is scaling, and this is an obvious fact when it is actually blocked anti-corruption activities. infrastructure leads to the fact that it is maximally ineffective, then this will happen on the percentage ratio of the growth of corruption, on the other hand, in relation to this title and in relation to how the conditions for ukraine before the start of negotiations, let's say, or not negotiations of the process of ukraine's accession to nato , immediate resolution of the issue. from corruption, we know with you that as of today the alliance is not ready, there is
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a separate position of the key players of nato regarding the activation of negotiations for ukraine's accession to nato, and therefore various proposals will probably be put forward prerequisites, including corruption, this will be one of the easiest from the side of the alliance that they can use, i think that we need to do our... in the context of protecting the homeland and the approach of victory and overcoming corruption should not be postponed for a long time, but here you and i are hostages of the monomajority, which affects all institutions, including the institutions of the anti-corruption infrastructure, which does not contribute to their effective activity, so corruption becomes, once again, you know, such a scourge for ukraine that they will beat it with on everyone at the levels of the negotiation processes, whether it is joining the eu or joining nato. ms. iryna,
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thank you for the conversation, iryna friz was with us, a people's deputy of ukraine, a member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence. while we were talking, the country found out that we received an imf tranche of 2 billion and 200 million dollars. that's the amount. and actually, this is part of the funds provided by the if program, the total amount. the 16 billion dollars that this money will give us is financing, it is for the budget, it is social assistance, it is salaries doctors, these are teachers' salaries, that is , the social sphere, which will be partially covered from these funds. well, in the meantime, we will continue the conversation with the executive director of the institute of world politics yevgeny magda, in connection with our studio, mr. yevgeny, congratulations, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. yevgeny, a hoped-for, unannounced, but very necessary visit for orban to kyiv
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, as they say, not to uzhhorod, and to kyiv, this is the first time in perhaps 12 years, and we are talking about one hero who absolutely repeats theses, you just have to stop to shoot, and this is how he talks to himself about peace in kyiv, and at that time, i don’t know, his minister sierto is standing behind the wall and dials lavov, and... he says: we have very good hungarian-russian relations, we value them very highly and so on we are forcing ukraine to recognize the hungarian national minority, because this very much violates the rights of the russian minority. in a word, maturity in a duet, what kind of doublet was it, orban about one thing, and his sierto about the other, and what is it for us? well, first of all, we saw what the hungarian will bring to kyiv. and orbán's desire to defend far away is not new the hungarian language and culture in ukraine, well, it is
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ancient, well-known, and in principle there is nothing strange about it simply because he plays on it. the trauma of trianon is more than 100 years old, and hungary perceives ukraine as its weakest neighbor. and he is trying to play on us, but in this case it was a bit different, because orbán presides, well, as the prime minister of hungary, presiding over the european council. and he is making his first visit to kyiv to show that he is ready for difficult issues, he is ready to have a conversation about these issues, i i think it was discussed behind closed doors, and well, as far as i'm concerned, well, there was no such, you know, one hundred percent sincerity, visiting, as
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they often say, chemistry between politicians, that is , orbán, but i have a feeling , that orbán came to speak from a position of strength to talk about how, how it should be, and that these 11 points are known about and education in the hungarian language, and that zakarpattia is the historical territory of hungary, and so on, it's all clear , it's all obvious, but i don't think it's such a, well, straight... for him had success, as far as sijarto is concerned, it was done by the two-legged sijarto for a long time, you see, here he is talking with former coach ferenc varosha, who failed to lead the ukrainian national team to the next round of euro-2024, serhii rebrov, i think it could also be
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a domestic a blank, but already from kyiv, but in any case, sijarto for now... that he is basically on the short leg with lavrov, but this is not a big secret, but i don't think that it was anything more than a show gesture, well, just like that, international politics is not like that works, and that's how trust is not formed, but, well , maybe even he solves his electoral issues from the point of view that he is, oh, what a defender within the borders of hungary, maybe he solves his questions that the italian premier does not want... admitting him to a certain community in the european parliament, buying the ultra-right community is costly, time-consuming and expensive. we understand all of orbán's needs, we just don't understand one thing, why we still don't know those 11 hotels in budapest, at which our deputy prime minister stefanišna said that we have already given the go-ahead, because one of
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from those media interpretations of such a wish is that... the laws of ukraine regarding the quota of national minorities, which are recognized as national minorities, and ukrainian citizens of hungarian origin in kyiv, probably can be 2-3%, do not work, so according to this logic, not only transcarpathia and kyiv should be called the hungarian cultural autonomy as the hungarian sphere of influence, that's how it looks from those agreements, why we still don't know what 11 huts we signed, you know, mr. roman, the situation is actually a bit more complicated than you and i would like. we are not signed these petitions, we publicly declared that we will fulfill them, but how much we will fulfill them, how long we will fulfill them, for how long, well , it was necessary to start negotiations on accession to the european union for ukraine, and from this point of view, i approve of the tactical maneuver of the ukrainian authorities, although i have
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my own opinion about ms. stefanishyna's managerial abilities, but in this case... i will leave it to myself, there is one nuance that is unknown to our citizens since the early 90s hungarian legislation in hungary provides for the protection of the rights of national minorities, and, so you understand, there is a provision for the ukrainian, well , national minority, and the ruthenian national minority, and the roma na... national minority, for example, and the croatian national minority, and there the state ensures the creation of a certain cultural center, i was just there a few years ago, i saw it with my own eyes, there was a library, a radio station, and such a small concert hall, everything was there in this sense, that is, it is hungary, well so to speak, it acts with a certain logic,
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it requires a mirror attitude to... what it provides on its territory, and therefore the topic of the ukrainian school, it arose not by chance, because there was no ukrainian school, although thousands of ukrainian refugees today's moment is there, just a peculiarity is that here, hungarians in ukraine live compactly, almost all in the territory of one region, well, our refugees and our citizens even or... before ukrainian refugees appeared there, they were scattered all over hungary, and technically they could not even organize a sunday school to bring their children, i say this with such confidence, because i... saw this 5 years ago, now the situation has changed, the presence of ukrainian citizens has increased on the territory of hungary, but in any case it should be perceived
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not only, well, you know, acutely, let's send them all to the bad hungarian mother, it's true, but it should be understood that hungary in this case is the vanguard of the problems of ukrainian european integration, if someone ... thinks that without solving the problems of national minorities in ukraine, we will be able to really integrate into the european union, he is deeply mistaken, there is not only a hungarian national minority, you know, in principle, the largest national minority in ukraine, well, russian, for sure , yes, russians , our government, for example, says that we do not have a russian national minority, i have one, stefanishyna and stefanchuk are also talking about it, it’s scary to look for any other statements of government officials
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whose surnames begin with s, because also there will be something, something similar is said, but the issue is that we had one and only population census in 2001, then dubilet wanted to conduct it from space in 2019, but there were not enough opportunities for space, well... that's the point, you understand, if according to the population census we had millions of people who registered themselves as russians, then we have to show the world and the european union whether they went somewhere, whether they, they assimilated, whether we are creating a ukrainian multinational political nation, or we are creating opportunities for their satisfaction needs, and we have a damn constitution, it is written in the constitution that ukraine guarantees development. russian and other languages ​​of national minorities, the next sentence, after stating that the only state language in ukraine is ukrainian. well, you can't forget
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about such things, you have to approach it, i would n't say creatively, but, well, wisely, you know, just say that everyone around, europeans, one orban, as he is, well, yes, i tell you seriously that orban is just... the first swallow, and we just quoted you about it, exactly like that sierto's manipulation with lavrov was what they were talking about, in terms of the russian, hungarian minority, and how to force ukraine to do this, well, russia, you know, it also deals with belarus, is interested, says that piskov said that tension, only, you know, this, it's called , a classic example of a double. that when several hundreds of russian rockets flew from the territory of belarus in 2022, piskov
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did not care, it was just like a good day, you know, and now it turns out that they are interested and worried that ukraine can carry out measures strengthening of its state border, a what is strange about this, that ukraine is taking measures to strengthen the state border after tens of thousands of russian soldiers and thousands of military equipment entered belarus from the territory of belarus on february 24, 2022. what is strange about this? thank you mr. yevhen for your comment, but news time is approaching here, it was yevhen magda, the executive director of the institute of world politics, to whom we are grateful for the comment on the current moment, from dnipro disappointing news regarding this morning's attack, there are, unfortunately, dead civilians, message from the mayor boris phil. our colleague anna eva melnyk will share more news in a few minutes, so stay with us. there are discounts
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11:00 am
gas-mowers, grease or gasoline for ... editing only convenience and a well-groomed area, order now, light, powerful and reliable kors trimmers, only from uah 799. offer is limited, call. greetings espresso viewers, i'm anniyamalnik and it's time to learn about the main events of this hour. as a result of the enemy attack on the dnipro, there are casualties, the mayor of the city, borys filatov, said. the hospital and commercial buildings were damaged fire center near the medical facility. smoke is visible in different areas. the russians attacked the city with drones and missiles, the air force said. local residents heard
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at least 10 explosions. one person.


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