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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EEST

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order light, powerful and reliable kors trainers right now from just uah 799. the offer is limited. call congratulations to espresso viewers, yana vamalnyk, and it's time to learn about the main events of this hour: the result of the enemy attack on the dnipro river is the death toll, mayor boris filatov said. the building of the hospital and the shopping center near the medical facility were damaged by the fire, smoke is visible in different areas. the russians attacked the city with drones and missiles, the air force said. local residents heard at least 10 explosions. on died as a result
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the village of borova in kharkiv oblast. rescuers retrieved the man's body from under the rubble of his house. a 50-year-old man and a 75-year-old woman were hospitalized with injuries. two people in the village of ruska lozova were also injured in the night attack. oleg synhobov, the head of the region, reported that a residential building there was on fire as a result of the shelling. and the previous evening , four people were injured in kharkiv. the russians from... dropped two aerial bombs on the city, among the victims a 12-year-old girl and her 15-year-old brother, the teenagers suffered concussions, as a result of the attack, the building of one of the enterprises was destroyed, two women aged 51 and 26 were wounded there. a 53-year-old woman was injured due to enemy shelling in the dnipro district of kherson. she received a shrapnel wound in her leg, the city military administration reported. also russian. they did not hit
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antonivka, four private and as many high-rise buildings, a hospital, an institution, an educational institution, kindergartens were damaged. in general, during the day, 10 people were wounded and one person died due to shelling in the community. a man was injured as a result of armed shelling in the pologiv region zaporozhye the occupiers shelled the village of malynivka, - said the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov. in total, during the day, the russians attacked eight towns and villages of the region, 14 houses were damaged. the usa will allow ukraine to use american weapons deep into russia if the invaders expand the battle front. this was announced by assistant secretary of state james o'brien. we are talking about a distance of more than 100 km on the territory of the aggressor's country. at the same time, o'brien said that russia is allegedly losing at the moment. strength and the ability to actively
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attack due to a lack of capacity. pensioner recruited adjusters of enemy strikes. in sumy oblast, the security service exposed an enemy agent. the former nurse scouted the locations of local defense industrial enterprises and tried to recruit workers to collect the necessary information for the occupiers. the law enforcement officers detained the perpetrator, she was sentenced to life imprisonment. and to operational information from the general staff of the zso. during the day, 158 combat clashes took place at the front. the defense forces repelled 51 enemy attacks in the pokrov direction, and also eliminated and wounded more than 350 russians and destroyed at least 11 guns and mortars. the occupiers are actively advancing on vozdvizhenka-yugenivka. zovatske and
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novooleksandrivka zagarbniki became more active in the turkish direction. there they tried to attack our positions 32 times. in the kramatorsk direction, the armed forces stopped 14 enemy offensives. they also repelled 18 attacks by the occupiers on lymanskyi. the situation is tense in kharkiv oblast as well. the enemy continues its offensive in the areas of vovchansk and hlybokoy. premature another 1,180 occupiers returned to the refia in garbage bags, and in general, initially full-scale russian invasion, already 546,270 invaders joined the ranks of the polyethylene troops. in a day, our defenders turned a lot of enemy equipment into junk, destroyed 16 tanks, 17 armored combat vehicles 57, 63 cars, a rocket salvo fire system, two
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anti-aircraft vehicles and 12 units of enemy special equipment. in the general staff, all data are indicative. new tranche over ukraine received from the international monetary fund. this was announced by prime minister denys chmygalal. the government will use these funds to finance critical projects budget expenditures, social benefits, doctors' and teachers' salaries, shmyhal added. mortality on the water continues to break records. 22 people , including two children, drowned in ukraine during the day. tragic incidents occurred in 13 regions. the highest number of drownings occurred in kyiv region and in sumy region, emergency personnel managed to save a person who was drowning, the state emergency service reported. there they urge to be careful while relaxing on water bodies. this year
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, 517 people drowned in ukraine. until lunch for 4 hours without light, and from noon to noon. at night, it can be 60. ukrenergo told about the current cut-off schedule for today. due to the high level of consumption associated with the heat, mandatory and possible shutdown hours may be applied at the same time, the company warned. military specialties for women. more and more of them are declaring to defend ukraine. what combat specialties are most often chosen by cadets. academies of the ground forces. we will find out. i wanted to become a soldier while still at school. anastasiya motyshina from vinnytsia, cadet of the national academy of land forces troops named after hetman petro sahaidachny. this year she finished the first course of the specialty of managing the actions of mechanized units.
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in this specialty, future infantrymen and infantrymen are trained. the first course was very straightforward, well, very interesting, very teachers give a very good foundation. very. especially teachers with combat experience teach very well, here at my faculty, in the infantry, our base is tactics, like in battle, how to be, how to act, when to attack, when, well, when to defend, i.e. this is it somehow yes, it is ours base, we need to know. anastasia entered the military college for the second time, for this she passed a medical examination, physical and psychological tests. and passed the entrance exam, training began with the course of a young fighter, then the girl first put on a military uniform and a bulletproof vest, it was three weeks, er, what, who gave us a base, but if we completed this base, and we simply already came to the academy as
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free people, we are already oh, well, there is nothing to be afraid of, like, we have already done exactly that, it was very interesting, there was an interesting moral psychological strip, on it my god. well and we were muddy, well, that was all. another cadet of the academy of ground forces, yuliya kravets from lviv, after february 24 , 2022, she dared to connect her life with military affairs, on the advice of her friends she chose artillery intelligence. artillery reconnaissance, why i chose it by name, in my opinion, it is a specialty that a woman, a girl can handle by name, it's simple for that. you need to really study and constantly improve both your practical and theoretical skills. military cadets academies study according to a clear schedule. i arrive at the academy at 7:30 a.m., we have line-up, separation class, i fully complete my pairs, after lunch it’s self-training pairs, and
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depending on what day of the week it is, it’s either sports oil, or weapon cleaning, whatever it may be, and after that 7:30 p.m. i live in retirement. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia , the number of women choosing combat specialties has increased at the national academy of ground forces, said the spokesman of the educational institution, anton myronovych. girls, as well men, they want to defend our country, not just in some humanitarian profession, in some specific positions, actually in combat units. therefore, they choose a profession as future officers, infantrymen, commanders of mechanized troops, artillerymen, engineers. troops, and a number of others. according to colonel mironovich, women make up 15% of the total number of cadets at the academy of ground forces. future female officers will be able to join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. kateryna oliynyk, andriy polikovskyi, espresso tv channel.
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the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are calling for participation in the collection of drones and components for art reconnaissance of the cell. armed forces brigades. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones. quadcopters are the eyes in the sky, burning safety and allowing you to move forward with confidence. and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our soldiers. the goal is uah 2.5 million. you can see all the details on the screen. china is producing drones for russia, the bloomberg news agency reports. shock drones will be similar to iranian shaheds and will be called sunflower-200. they are currently undergoing testing before being sent to moscow, several chinese defense sites wrote about it at once. there will be
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a quagmire in the white house, rumors about joe biden's illness have been denied. the president of the united states does not suffer from alzheimer's disease, said white house spokeswoman karin janier. such rumors appeared after the debate with trump, in which biden looked weaker than the opponent, according to jean-pierre, at that time the president was ... susceptible to a cold. joe biden too commented on the result of the debate, stated that he was overtired due to a tight schedule of international visits, and because of this he almost fell asleep during the speech. that's all i have, i'll see you at 12 o'clock, read more about the important things on our website espresso tv, subscribe to our channels on social networks, support our youtube channel and meet my colleagues, oksana vesochanska and armanachayaka.
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thank you ani for the news, unfortunately, the news is not good, there are now a little more, from the dnipro , reports that a commercial center in the center of the city after the attack, it is not the worst thing, the worst thing is that there are victims. at least three people were killed and 18 injured, among them a 14-year-old girl, cars and windows were also smashed, a gas station was hit, all the consequences are currently being investigated, said the head of dor mykola lukashuk. we will continue to talk about the affairs of local budgets, we will talk about what concerns local councils and local plenums. in a few minutes , rukslana the scoundrel will literally join our airwaves, let me know
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to me, who already has ms. rukslana in touch with us, so we congratulate on our airwaves , glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good day, so we know that for the first time, in a long time, in at least several years, the verkhovna rada has resumed medium-term planning of local budgets and the question, what is the role of this process in this now, why is it important for us for ukraine. during the war. here it is necessary to specify what has not yet been restored. so far, only the budget committee has recommended that the verkhovna rada consider this draft law in the first reading, but i have no doubts about because the verkhovna rada will still support this draft law and restore medium-term planning of local budgets. in general, the ministry of finance, the government and the council took a course to restore the medium-term. budget planning, you know that the government has approved and submitted to the verkhovna rada also
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a budget declaration, which concerns the state budget, and we have it planned for three years, that's it, and the bill we are talking about now is actually a signal for our international partners that we are planning our budget for the coming years, that in us, what we are planning. fulfill it and we also plan to fulfill all the commitments we have made, although for ukrainians who are watching us now on tv or online, it does not look like a big change, and nothing in their lives will change from medium-term budget planning, but for the donors of the ukrainian budget, who provide us with almost half of the money we spend, this is important, they... insist that the budget policy should be predictable and
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understandable even in the conditions of a full-scale continue ms. roxaliano, ms. roxanne, did you hear my question, actually, no, unfortunately, i did not hear it, i will repeat, actually, is this our return signal to the international monetary fund, which just gave ukraine a tranche to support the budget during the war, do we also solve certain problems that have arisen in addition to this signal? in connection with collecting, for example, the same taxes at the local level in communities, depending on their location, proximity to the front. this is undoubtedly related to the international monetary fund and our program, because after the fourth revision we signed an updated memorandum, which says in particular that we will pass this bill 1131, on the restoration of medium-term budget planning, but it is clear that we make an exception for temporarily occupied territories and territories in which active
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hostilities, because the local councils there either do not work, and frankly, what can be the medium term. this is planning if you have hostilities going on right now in your community. there will be an exception, but again, if we talk about the regions and regions that are in the rear, we can say that medium-term planning is important for them, because the citizens who cast their votes, well, there are no elections now, but who control the local government. they should understand what the plan is for both income and expenditure for the coming years, and do these plans and forecasts include, for example, support for the armed forces of ukraine? about the technical default, i still want to ask how realistic this scenario is for ukraine now, and if so, can we find
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another way to avoid it? our position and the government's position is that... there will be no technical default, we have until august 1 to reach an agreement with our creditors on the restructuring of the sovereign eurobonds, which is our sovereign debt, and the eurobonds that were two years ago, payments, which were frozen two years ago due to the start of a full-scale invasion, the ministry of finance has been negotiating for quite a long time to... to do this restructuring, it is about reducing the amount that will be spent on repaying and servicing ukraine's public debt of $10 billion, because ukraine actually cannot afford to simply take from the budget, withdraw $10 billion and give it to creditors,
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at the same time there is a second option, which is less suitable and less profitable for us, but still, we can extend the moratorium on payments on this debt for another year and return to these negotiations next year, but in any case there is no possibility of a technical default now, there is no high probability that this default will happen i think there will be some kind of agreement with the creditors. will be achieved, ms. rukslano, since the prospects for further, in particular, financial support from the united states after the elections are unknown, they are already openly talking about it, that perhaps by 2025 the main thing will be the actual support of this package of the group of seven regarding the loan of 50 million billion
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dollars based on seized russian assets, there is a complex formula. i understand that these are percentages of interest, as they say, but do we really have to consider budgeting and support in this direction in the 25th year, we can do it, here we are talking about the fact that we do not have confidence, just as the administration of president biden, the current president of the united states, does not have confidence that they will be able to include aid for ukraine in the budget of the united states of america for the next year . because they expect, let 's be frank, that the republicans in congress will resist as much as possible the inclusion of such aid for ukraine, as we have seen this year, but we must understand that, after all, aid from the european union, canada, japan,
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of the international monetary fund, it will remain for 2025, and we are talking about the fact that we will replace american aid, both direct budget aid and possible aid, which comes to us in the form of weapons, if it is really so, then 50 billion, let's be frank, a small amount, because we use a larger amount, this year we plan to receive a larger amount. aid from the united states, but there is also caution hope that not all aid to ukraine from the budget of the united states of america will be reduced, at least. yes, we can and will insist in our work with congressmen that at least military aid should remain in some amount, in this
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case, the funds that the g7 countries will confiscate from russia from the profits of russian assets are a little wrong, but it does not matter , they can be used for direct budget assistance, and this option is more... realistic and profitable for us. thank you for answers, for clarification. podlasa was with us, a people's deputy of ukraine and head of the budget committee of the verkhovna rada. now let's go to the plot we promised. we were talking about a plot about 10 years of war, actually not a plot, it's about a documentary. the novel has been, seen, recommended, and now from other viewers, please listen to the opinions and draw your own conclusions.
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10 years of war, 10 years of hardening the ukrainian nation. espresso tv channel prepared a documentary about the key events of our history and extraordinary people, which directly influenced its progress. it is here that the ten-year history from the maidan to the present day to the full-scale invasion is documented, there are many documentaries, but it is precisely such a clear, concrete chronology of this period, well, so far, everyone will see in this film what they understand or want to understand , and everyone will see something different, it was important to me in the context. er, a little bit of reduced attention of the western audience, to show what is really happening in ukraine, what happened in ukraine, why it is happening in ukraine,
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especially in the context of counter-propaganda from russian information aggression. prominent ukrainians became the voices of the ten-year history in the film. journalist and activist tetyana chornovol, founder of the volunteer corps. who helped tyra, the writer svitlana povalyaeva and her son, the fallen hero of ukraine, activist roman ratushny. all three named characters of this film, i.e. tyra, tatyana chornovol and roman, they are undoubtedly heroes, they are undoubtedly those people who sacrificed for their tribe... and the novel also sacrificed life. the film tells about triumphs and defeats, challenges and victories, achievements and transformations that happened to
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each of us during these 10 years. there are all the events, starting from the maidan and ending with the current state of the war, and the main life of these three people, the life and death of one of them, the real heroes of ukraine. it's on the one hand, yes... historical just retelling the events and on the other hand very emotional because these events are retold through people's lives, i think that's the key to understanding. work on the preparation of such a large-scale documentary work lasted almost a year. in the end, the film will be released in two versions: in ukrainian and in english, because, as the creators emphasize, the main goal is to reach the foreign audience and show the path that ukraine and... ukrainians have overcome during this decade. the more films there are about the war in ukraine, the larger their audience will be, because each work of art finds its own
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audience, and people who may not have been touched by another film will be touched by this one. and for those who have not been touched by anyone, this film will touch others, the main thing is that there is an author's point of view, that people see the war as a tragedy, that they see people in the war, and this is very important for the future. american became the director, scriptwriter and producer of the picture. director of slovak origin oleg garenchar, the espresso tv channel realized the tape together with the public organization all-ukrainian democratic forum with the support of usaid media program in ukraine, which is implemented by the international organization internews and the zmi development fund of the us embassy in ukraine. for us, it will be a film of memories, that is, we, when we will watch these frames, we will think where exactly was i, around which corner was i standing on the same? or when the boys were shot, so these are memories for us, but we did it not for the sake of it, only to remind ukrainians of these 10
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years. we did it to show this story and these stories to all ordinary citizens. the tape lasts for two hours and covers not only the stories of the heroes, but also the history of the formation of the state, the visa-free eu, the creation of the ocu, and the adoption of the law on language. the first viewers of the tape share their impressions, they were most impressed archival, never-before-seen footage. i, because i am everything. of ukraine, to say something so new, i discovered something for myself, something was affected, but i was very affected by the completely unknown, previously unseen footage with roman, when i began to remember his whole life and especially the year before the war, to be honest, even goosebumps, i sat, watched, i looked at all the beautiful people, at
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tyra, at... paevska, at the unconditional frames of roman ratushny's chronicle, and i realized that it has been 10 years, i experienced some of these events in the same crimea . on the one hand long, almost two hours, and on the other hand in one breath timing, our main task is to remember and never allow a repetition. the documentary film 10 years of war is planned to be presented in cinemas, at film festivals and, of course, on the air of the espresso tv channel. and first... a few more exclusive shows. do you want to wake up as if you were a child with your grandmother, full of strength and energy? then the new product from matrats market is just for you. meet perina dreamlight mattress. the perryina dreamlight mattress smooths out all the unevenness of old mattresses, sofas, folding beds. it can be laid down to sleep just on the floor. soft, comfortable,
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