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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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greetings to all espresso viewers, i'm anna yavomelnyk and this is the news, the consequences of the morning attack on the dnipro river, three people died, 18 more were wounded. among the injured is a 14-year-old girl, reported the head of the regional military administration, serhii lysak. the hospital building and shopping center were damaged. there is a fire near the medical facility. smoke is visible in different areas. the russians attacked the city with drones and missiles, the air force said. local residents heard at least 10 explosions half an hour ago there were explosions in kryvyi rih, on dnipropetrovsk region, reports social consequences. find out,
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deploy the headquarters on the spot, emergency services are working on the spot, all communal services are working on the spot to eliminate the consequences, we continue to evict people from the place of a possible fire and the consequences that we are now seeing with you, everything was so loud, the walls are all friendly , yes, everything was broken, beaten inside , too, even the batteries fell out, those who were already in shelter, all these... previously, two russians were injured as a result of the morning attack on the village of ruska lozova in kharkiv oblast repeatedly attacked with guided aerial bombs, one of the men is in a serious condition, a private house is on fire, people are under the rubble, the occupiers shelled this village at night as well, reported the head of the region oleg synyogov, one person also died during the shelling of the village of borova, two more people, 50- a year-
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old man and a 75-year-old woman were hospitalized with injuries. in the morning, russian terrorists attacked ukraine with cruise and aircraft missiles, as well as attack drones. three iskander k-44 kh-59 and five shaheds were launched. ours air defense forces failed to shoot down two iskanders. the rest were completely eliminated. orland-10 reconnaissance drone was also destroyed. the main direction. dnipropetrovsk was the target of the russian strike, the air force said. two people were killed as a result of enemy strikes on donetsk region, nine more were wounded in a day, the regional police reported. the russians bombed selidovo, lymanovo, konstantinopol and otradny. new york and siversk were also shelled. as a result of the attacks , 49 residential buildings, an educational institution, a library and a store were destroyed. the field was burnt
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with wheat a 53-year-old woman was injured due to enemy shelling in the dnipro district of kherson. she received a shrapnel injury to her leg, the city's military administration reported. the russians also hit antonivka. four private houses and the same number of high-rise buildings were damaged. educational institution, administrative building, kindergarten and medical institution. in general, during the day , 10 people were wounded and one of... died due to shelling in the community. the us will allow ukraine to use american weapons deep into russia if the occupiers expand the battle front. this was stated by the assistant secretary of state james o'brien. we are talking about a distance of more than 100 km on the territory of the aggressor's country. at the same time, obrien stated that currently russia is allegedly losing strength and the ability to actively attack due to a lack of capabilities.
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china is producing drones for russia, the bloomberg news agency reports. the attack drones will be similar to iranian shaheds and will be called sonyashnik-200. they are currently undergoing testing before being sent to moscow. several chinese defense websites wrote about it at once. pensioner. which recruited adjusters of enemy strikes, the security service exposed an enemy agent in sumy oblast. the former nurse scouted the locations of local defense industrial enterprises and tried to recruit workers to collect the necessary information for the occupiers. the law enforcement officers detained the perpetrator, she faces life imprisonment. the spresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation invite you to join the for drones
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and components for art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight improved models maviks and five ordinary ones. quadrocopters are eyes in the sky that... provide safety and allow you to confidently move forward, most importantly, they help protect the lives of our soldiers, the goal is 2.5 million hryvnias. you can see all the details on the screen. ukraine received a new tranche of more than 2 billion dollars from the international monetary fund, prime minister denys shmegal announced. the government will direct these funds to finance critical budget expenditures, social benefits, salaries, medical expenses. and teachers, noted shmehal. mortality on the water continues to break records. in a day 22 people drowned in ukraine, including two children. tragic incidents occurred in 13 regions. the most drowning people were in kyiv region, in sumy region, emergency workers managed
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to save a person who was drowning. the state service for emergency situations was informed. there they urge to be careful while relaxing on water bodies. this year in ukraine. 517 people have already drowned. the mortal danger on the water does not scare dodgers. illegals who were planning to cross the tisza river and escape to hungary were again detained in transcarpathia. four men had a rubber boat with them. him and life jackets, they claim, were purchased from middlemen who planned the escape. they paid 6 thousand for it. dollars, however, fell to the border guards. until noon, there will be 4 hours without power, and from noon to midnight, there may be six. ukrenergo told about the schedules of power outages for today due to the high
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level of consumption associated with the heat, at the same time they can apply mandatory and possible hours of disconnection, they warned in the company the espresso tv channel demands a return to digital broadcasting. the supreme court considered the cassation appeal of tov goldbury. i i would like to note that in april 2022, the radio broadcasting, radio communications and television concern illegally switched off our tv channel from the digital network. yulia zubchenko will tell the details. she closely followed the court session. my greetings, my friend. is there already a solution? i congratulate anna eva, i congratulate the viewers of the espresso tv channel. for the third year already, our tv channel is suing the radio, radio and television concern, which unilaterally stopped the espresso tv channel's signal to
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digital television. this happened despite the fact that our tv channel has a license to broadcast on speech next to me is caldbury attorney veronika danylevich, mrs. veronika. why is this kind of unlocking illegal? and such disconnection is illegal, because the concern, as a basis for disconnection, refers to the decision of the national security council and believes that it is the sole executor of these decisions, however, according to these decisions, firstly, they are of a recommendatory nature, and secondly, the executor there is precisely the national council for television and broadcasting, which in turn informed us that they have no decisions on unlocking the tv channel was not accepted, thus the concern takes the decision to disable the action... arbitrarily without proper legal grounds. what was managed to be considered at the court today and what was its result? well, of course, after the regulated 3 minutes, it was not possible to say everything, but the main points were voiced, our position was voiced briefly, succinctly: unfortunately, the supreme court made
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a decision to reject the cassation appeal and leave the decision of the appellate instance in force, but we are waiting for a full text of the decision, we hope to restore our rights and we will lawyers tov golberi note that according to the current legislation, a license from the national council of television and radio broadcasting is the only legal basis for broadcasting and hope for the return of our tv channel to digital. anna eva, that's all the information, i'm giving you the ether. thank you for your work, espresso correspondent, yuliya zubchenko on the case of espresso being turned off from digital broadcasting. will run for office. the white house denied rumors about joe biden's illness. the us president does not suffer from alzheimer's disease, the spokeswoman said karin janiere of the white house. such rumors appeared after the debate with trump, in which biden looked weaker than his opponent. according to jean-pierre, at that time the president was
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sick with a cold. joe biden also commented on the result of the debate, saying that he was overtired due to a busy schedule of international visits and because... he almost fell asleep during the speech. look for more interesting videos on espressa's youtube channel, be sure to subscribe, because there is a lot of fun there. all news releases, programs and special projects that can only be seen here, as well as a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, share them, comment, be around. i have everything on this site, i tell you see you, i will be waiting for you tomorrow in this studio at 7:00 in the morning, you can always read more about important things on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels in social networks, all the best!
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this is the verdict, but i'm in the studio again, i remind you that my name is vasyl zima, serhiy rutenko will return to work in some time, and for now i 'll be here this hour. work together with you from 20 to 21:00, we will talk with ours guests, today we have taken up two topics for conversation, first we will talk about corruption, of course such a top topic is the story with tyshchenko and deputy prosecutor general verbytsky, who cannot explain who his girlfriend is, where they have such large sums of money, property on a large amount of money, how does this story continue, what are the decisions regarding the deputy prosecutor general, and in general the loudest... corruption scandals, scandals with the participation of representatives of the authorities, and
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the second topic is electricity, energy, and blackouts, prospects, opportunities , risks, how to actually prepare for autumn, and especially for winter, because you know, winter has such a peculiarity, it always passes somehow very quickly, especially when hot summer is outside the windows or doors, well, now iryna fedoriv, ​​journalist, is with us, head of public good day and also glad to see and hear and also oleksiy koshel, he is a doctor of historical sciences and head of the committee of voters of ukraine. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you. good afternoon, good evening. yes, we have such a fertile topic: corruption in ukraine, and especially corruption among government officials. and you know, i'll start. i was thinking this morning, i don't even know yet if we will have such a topic, but i got curious, i think, how many do we have? such big corruption stories, which later grew into certain processes, disturbed
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society, had some kind of reaction, as they say, feedback from the authorities, from anti-corruption bodies, arose due to the initiative or assistance of the state anti-corruption bodies, because i know the story with the eggs 17, this is an investigation of a journalist, and an employee of the tsk of odesa, who took there, how much he collected millions there, bought an estate in spain. this is again a message from journalists, from public activists, from public movements, and those that we have, well , even the story that happened in stychenko, it is in principle also the participants themselves who suffered in this story, well, this one the topic was stirred up, raised, and again we have a reaction, but just from memory, i am not asking you to give any statistical verified information, for in your memory, how many stories do we have when such big corruption scandals really arose . with the assistance of or from the presentation of the representatives of the authorities who should be engaged in the fight against corruption, mr.
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oleksiy, let's start with you, maybe you remember, because i can't remember anything, well, i definitely can't remember the number of facts, if we talk about trends, really quite a bit, well, you don’t remember, i don’t remember, that is, obviously the anti-corruption system in our country does not work properly today, i will remind... that during, well , at least for the last year, we regularly hear from our western partners the need to fight with corruption, actually the action plan for ukraine, which was proposed by our partners in september of last year, i will remind you, it was a detailed action plan with sequence and deadlines, later in may we also received several statements from the us secretary of state, from the united states ambassador to ukraine about the fact that... that it is necessary to introduce anti-corruption reforms, well, in fact, you need to at
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least listen to this, and now to ms. irina, in your memory there are such high-profile cases that were initiated by representatives of those bodies that created by the state, in order to fight corruption, because again, the loudest scandals that really caused such a public uproar, and they were'. certain investigations by journalists, investigators, or public activists who fight corruption on a public basis, or people who simply... read the reports of this property, which are submitted, and officials give, but where did you get such money a person in general, and whether or not it is possible, do you remember such a story, when certain bodies were really created by the state, funded by the budget, such cases were initiated, i mean really big scandalous stories, well, this is really a greater merit
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of journalists, investigators and the public sector, which investigates this, and i will tell you now more about the layer of these investigations by the journalistic sector and the public sector in the millet sector, for how many years have we not seen the declaration, they are only now opening the declarations, well, in fact, there has been access for less than a year, and people are starting to see, be interested and research, and one thing is that when we talk about the national level, believe me, when we look at the places, it's just that the public sector, it can't check every... community, it could be that one deputy of a simple city council has more than 500 apartments registered on it, well, there have been such cases, 500 apartments, so we will talk about apartments now, the property of the apartments there mostly concerns dmytro verbytskyi, the ex-deputy deputy of the general prosecutor,
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it is very difficult there, people cannot explain the origin of the property, and there is a story about the property by 15 million from the former deputy head of the president's office, there is also such a story, well, a little smaller, smaller scale, but in any case this, and other bodies also have such representatives, i again, when i say about certain bodies, let's say the security service, the general prosecutor's office, the territorial recruitment centers of the ground forces of the ministry of defense, this does not mean that all are bad, yes, because people always think that if you name some people, then they are all like that, and not all there are wonderful people who work professionally. but there is there are such and such representatives and different sums appear there, we will talk about them all, but the story that i want to discuss with you, because it is also very symptomatic, is the story of a people's deputy of ukraine, i even watched it specifically for myself, because it it is important, this is a people's deputy of ukraine who was elected in electoral district number 219, this is the city of kyiv, svyatoshynskyi district, that is, these are specific people, this person was elected to the parliament, well, obviously
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they thought that this person would change the country for the better, but we have backwards time this, well, the preliminary final of his activity, we are talking about mykola tyshchenko, of course, i will ask in general, first i will ask in general, he is now under house arrest 24 hours a day, mr. oleksiy, this should have happened earlier, and why this scandal that happened in the city of dnipro , it led to such a resonance, and why earlier, well, obvious actions that had a spectrum for... these questions did not raise questions in anyone, well, if we talk specifically about the story with mykol tyschenko, then in recent years there was a whole series of scandals , starting from thailand, there from visits in various semi -easy formats to prague, if i'm not mistaken, that is, he allowed himself such a rather
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specific way of life, which simply goes beyond the boundaries of common sense and beyond the limits. beyond the ethical framework during the war, well, this story gathered society, well , it couldn’t be any other way, you understand, that is, there was a military man with a small child in a stroller, they pushed him away, the military man was deprived of the ability to move, these are serious enough things, it should be criminal responsibility, according to the history with tyschenko, i i think that this story will end with nothing most likely, and actually this tyshchenko support group or a group of militants, i don't know which one... it is better to call it or guards, i think that we will see the old trick, when they take the blame, and more moreover, there they will even try to portray tyshchenko as a hero, because they say he said the exact opposite, and he simply did not give any instructions to deprive the possibility of movement, and here in fact, i would not like us to get the impression that
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we just sank in corruption, in fact, if you look at, let's say, over the last decades, it is in question. with corruption, we have done enough serious things ahead, well , let's see, iryna mentioned electronic declaration there, so now the public, now journalists have the opportunity to simply study the lives of high-ranking officials under a microscope. second, the reporting of political parties. again, i would like to remind you that recently, just a few days ago, nz, nazk suspended state financing of one of the political parties. next - the system is transparent. yes, not everything is simple, yes there are punctures, manual firms are chosen in manual mode, but we were able to solve the vast majority of problems, and therefore, in fact, in order for us to fight. with corruption, we need to introduce such fundamental changes, like the ones i just talked about, there is a problem with anti-corruption bodies, we are changing
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the legislative framework, strengthening the legislative framework, simplifying, changing the mechanisms for the election of supervisory boards, the election of management, these are the details around whom it is to whom, on whom a lot depends, and i will ask. what i will only say a word about the fight against corruption in general, then i will give mrs. iryna the opportunity to speak about the prospects of mykola tyshchenko's case, which i will now remind you under 24-hour house arrest, and the head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yermak said a phrase with which, by the way, i cannot agree that corruption is everywhere, in ukraine it is not the greatest, once in 2009, as a journalist of the ictv tv channel, i was on secondment in vilnius, lithuania. and talked with the minister. it's 2009, even yushchenko was the president in our country long ago, and he was then said, i think it was the minister of agriculture there, he said that
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young man, corruption is everywhere, it is also in the european union, and there was a further continuation of the story, so here i can only agree with the words of andriy yermak, that well to talk about the fact that there is no corruption somewhere, no, well, we see the story, let's say that angela merkel knew that putin wants to actually control europe through the nordic streams. but she did not say about it, well, these are signs of political corruption, signs, the ex-minister of the ministry of foreign affairs of the republic of austria, who actually worked for putin and lived there in russia, this is corruption, corruption, kurs, the former prime minister of austria, are also signs, and there are many such stories, it’s just that they may not be so large-scale, and there is no war in these countries, but again, i agree that corruption is everywhere, the question is to what extent and to what extent it undermines the state's ability to develop in general to... steals the prospects of this state, but potyshchenko, ms. iryna, what do you think, do you agree with mr. oleksiy, that this story will end in nothing, or after all, well, it is finally necessary to go to
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the stage when such stories should not end with nothing. well, look, the judicial system can issue different decisions in our country, we know that, if we take the case of the lviv judge, who was found with a russian passport, then when there was... the first instance they ruled in favor of the lviv judge, who was found with a russian passport passport, then the supreme court managed to defend this issue in an appeal, and lviv did not return to his position in the supreme court, so we would like to believe that justice still works in our country, and we can count on the fact that the case will be considered here according to the law and the culprits will be brought to justice. but here i want to remind you about the tyshchenko case that it's not just that our history escalated when a full-scale war began, let's remember
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the old times, the restaurant in velur, but then the responsibility did not come, remember, but then the party was so loud in the melyu restaurant, i’ll just remind you, and the one owned by mykola tyschenko there in the center of kyiv, they violated quarantine restrictions, let’s say so, so and so about this... the whole country, well , the political sector knew about it, well , everyone knew about it, that is, when the whole country is told to stay at home, don't go out, please, we have a coronavirus here, we have tyshchenko, it doesn't apply, whatever please, his restaurant works perfectly calmly, and when we don't have punishments immediately, when people violate policies that are basically approved by the state, well, then we have a long-winded problem. then we have a battalion of monaco, a battalion of thailand, and tyshchenko, as mr. koshel already mentioned, traveled to thailand and said that this
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meeting with the voters, you see, everyone is such an absurdity, society swallows him, responsibility does not arise, remember the elections in frankiv oblast, when tyshchenko came to the outer court, simply landed where the ballots were lost, won in that district. servant of the people, because the ballots have been lost, and it turns out that every time we have a question for tyshchenko, but the responsibility does not come, then i would very much like to put an end to this case somehow, and really, you know, here is such a story, when, well, let's even give it let's remember, for example, the old days, when i was in the united states of america with a panamanian passport somewhere in greece, if i'm not mistaken, the detained pavel ivanovich lozarenko, in my opinion, i did not confuse anything with the passport, and with the place of detention, and the almighty person, the head of the dnipropetrovsk clan, the so-called,
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which... had a huge influence in ukraine, well, he just became a prisoner in a prison in the united states of america, by the way, there were such stories in ukraine as well, when people who seemed to be somehow like that, well, with nothing should happen to them in the sense of investigations, very easily these bubbles blown away, absolutely easy, and you know, there is a period here, the question is that you need to take some step and step over, this is the moment when there are inviolability, i will literally take a moment, i watched it there and recently said... such a film was soviet , by the way, with a pro-putin propagandist, nikito mikhalkov in the main role, but he described himself very well there, by the way, in perspective, he came across an employee of the state auto inspection, who did not want to understand, and mikhalkov, who played some kind of boss, explained to him, what do you understand, he says, there are people alone, but there are people, there are people who cannot, and there are people who can, there are people for whom the rules are written, and there are people for whom the rules are not written, it was in soviet times, and it remains the same in russia now, and i really don't
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want it to be the same here. and this dii worker said that i will never understand this, no matter what, no matter what i manage to survive, i will be convinced that everyone should be equal before the law, but there is also such a struggle that one explains, well, man, okay , you live in the real world, well, not everyone is the same, i can, i can, and some people can't it is possible, that's how, as a simple mechanism, or is it a certain time that must pass, or something, so that it really becomes clear that there are no such people with respect to whom there are other rights. or for which the rules do not apply, mr. oleksiy, well, any government, it always tries to control there, at least part of the schemes, part of the corruption flows, but in any case, we perfectly understand that it is not about isolated facts, not about isolated cases, that is, it is obvious that 95-98-9% is corruption, which we simply did not notice, not according to declarations, not according to other things that are in the public domain, because...
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the one who is at least a little smarter, smarter, he simply does not write down expensive apartments there, expensive real estate there for his wife, or does not buy it on his own, or does not make fictitious divorces, that is, obviously there are many other schemes in which it is possible to legalize these funds through some fictitious business there, in the worst case, to register there for persons whom no one would think of, even to check, that is, the scale of corruption is actually extremely, extremely large, and for... in our country it is actually a huge problem, because in the conditions of the war, it is said that we are losing a huge flow of money, in the period of time when people spend thousands of hryvnias on drones, when volunteers work for the front, we really lose a huge amount of money, but i will give only one figure, that the figure was just literally a year before the large-scale invasion, said one of the representatives of the government bodies,
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he was talking about the fact that... according to his assessment, well , actually, it was a reference there to certain developed analytical reports, an annual, annual measurement of gray schemes at customs , i emphasize that is, not holes, namely gray schemes at customs, in the region of 10 billion dollars per year, here i am referring to the figures that were announced by government representatives. i understand that it is impossible to eradicate corruption, you know, this is how they say that we will not have a shadow economy, or we will not have corruption, certain. it will be necessary, but it can be overcome, at least to a large extent, it is absolutely real, we have a great example of georgia, which has solved corruption issues in certain directions, well, at least by 2/3, that's for sure, and now in the conditions of war, this is an opportunity for us to fill the state budget, including financing the army, but unfortunately, now the fight against corruption is perceived in our country as coercion from the west, so...
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if we go to the search engine and type in the phrase recommended by the ambassadors of the big seven, we we will see that in fact with a frequency of once a month, in recent years in the conditions of the harsh phase of the war, the ambassadors of the big seven are pointing the finger at us that, dear, in this or that draft law there is a possibility that there will be corruption holes in the case of adoption, there it is proposed to carry out certain schemes, and in fact it turns out: a paradoxical situation, when european states, through the mouth of their ambassadors, actually force under the stick , at least partially, to carry out certain anti-corruption steps. i am not talking about the issue of the state's reputation, by the way, these are also quite serious things, because when we see that the west is getting tired of ukraine, the west makes big pauses regarding financial support, including.


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