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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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with a loud bell that we just won't be able to, unfortunately, yes, i propose to stay in brussels, but now let's change a little, let's talk now about the war that the russians have been aggressively waging for more than two years, they are waging against us in ukraine, yes speaking in brussels after a meeting with the president, while still the president of the european council, charles michel, volodymyr zelenskyi said, i will quote now, now we need to develop a detailed plan, detailed... steps regarding all the crises brought to our country by putin's war. within months we have to make this plan, we don't have much time, we have a lot of wounded, killed, both military and civilian, so we don't want this war to last for years, so we have to prepare this plan and put it on the negotiating table to the second peace summit, if there will be any negotiations in the shadows, then they are not happening, then it is not about us, we want to do it openly, it is very important for us. taking into account the fact that
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recently, mr. volodymyr, very often from russia, putin himself repeatedly speaks about this, peskov speaks, lavrov speaks, there are statements that no, no, we are open to these negotiations, it is ukraine that does not want them, taking into account this, well, in my opinion, ambiguous statement of volodymyr zelenskyi, because earlier it seemed to me that he was about yes, yes no said, can we talk about the fact that something is being said on the sidelines about the end of the war and what... they are not agreeing to something or something, well, you see, the current or modern, current ukrainian government, it is critically dependent on public opinion, they are oriented social attitudes, and if in society, in ukrainian, first of all society, well, some, after all, the confidence in an immediate victory is slightly undermined, and everyone understands that the war is dragging on, there is fatigue and serious dissatisfaction, well , such a public demand is being formed, after all, well, let's finally somehow... let's end it with something , then
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a political one, well, i don’t know how to call them a class, but the group, at least the ruling group, without a negative connotation, i’m talking now, they, they too, are trying to communicate with the country and give signals to society that they are also working on it, that they also hold summits peace, that they are ready for negotiations, there is no longer such a categorical position as there was last fall, for example, but there is a problem here, this is all public communications, these are public statements, politicians talk about them, voters hear them, evaluate them, perceive them accordingly , this is an attempt to protect, preserve trust in oneself and gain support, but of course, somewhere behind the screen, behind the scenes, consultations, negotiations, exchange of ideas, all this happens, and we can
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read it from the events , if not not to take to pay attention to such general, general phrases, beautiful phrases, clearly said in public, but to read the facts, events, steps, well , at the swiss summit, president zelenskyi and his leader, the head of his office yarmak, told us in plain text that the next summit will be held until the end year, they want to hold it and that it should mark the end of the war, that's all. that everyone would like to hear good news, but i am critical of this, because i am critical from the point of view of the realism of the goal, i think that russia, the russians are not interested in negotiations with ukraine in general as such, a war in ukraine with ukraine, they started not by not declaring war on us, even, but by declaring war on a collective event, an actual announcement... on december 15, 22
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, which the russian foreign ministry sent not to ukraine , in the united states and to the headquarters of nato, that you immediately go there to the borders of 1997, this was a de facto declaration of war, and they themselves say that we are at war with the west, with america, with someone else there, just on the territory of ukraine , and ukraine as a negotiating partner or subject in general internationally, they do not see, because well, they denied our sovereignty, they are in... if ukraine is a subject of international law, then russia is a criminal, accordingly, they want to talk with the united states in reality, and putin will wait and wait until such a situation develops in america, when it wants to talk to putin and allows itself to talk, such a situation can and can change after the presidential election in the united states, or a little later after the new inauguration, or even after some events, perhaps unexpected for us or for the americans, but which can be provoked and... initiated by the russian special services on
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the territory of the united states or on some other territory, and then they can comprehensively talk about many, many all sorts of things, this is how the russians would like there about the division of the world, yalta yalta. the treaty, the second edition, the zone of interests and all that, i'm not saying that the united states will agree to this, but the united states must proceed from this, understanding this, that exactly what kind of negotiations vladimir putin wants, wants, wants, not from ukraine, not with volodymyr zelenskyi or andriy yarmak, they can maintain some visibility of this with shots, here you understand, if the public is considered the whole world there, or the global south even, not only. he, but including him, this is a wide audience, the audience is so wide, then all the actors try to give the impression that they are for peace, that they are adequate, that they are against escalation, that they are constructive, that they are ready for negotiations, this the ukrainian
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side is also showing it, and it seems that the russian side is also showing it side, they say we are ready for negotiations, but our conditions are unacceptable, and they understand that there will be no such negotiations, but they are ready for negotiations, this is... a pretend position. of course. yes, we have about 8 minutes left, i have two more questions for you. i really hope that we will discuss them. let's not leave brussels yet, let's talk about the new, not yet appointment, but the approval of the acting prime minister of the netherlands, mark ruta, for the post of nato secretary general. mr. volodymyr, i will tell you honestly, i am a lot read about mark ryuta after he was approved for the position. and from what i read, this is what immediately caught my eye, it is called a teflon brand, that is , something does not stick to it, it tries to find in any situation, and it can find a consensus, this he proved during his work as prime minister, that is, when he formed coalitions with groups that sometimes
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seemed impossible to unite, how do you think this teflonism of mark rutte will play in our favor, or at least in some moment... he can say that let's still sit down at the negotiating table, well, let's do it, here it is necessary to immediately understand and record that the position of the secretary general of nato is not the leader of nato, yes, it is not the head of the organization, it is the secretary, its work and function is to coordinate the interests of all members of this alliance of the organization, and accordingly work with all governments, because as we know, decisions are made by consensus and only when they are made. then the secretary general of nato goes out with these decisions to the general public, makes a statement, and his job is to carry out the policy that is produced and determined by the euro-atlantic council, that is, it is a gathering of governments, heads of governments, well, governments, or there are at the level of foreign ministers, at the level of ministers of defense, all of these are euro-atlantic councils, so bark
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rutte is very interesting in in this regard, i think that he will be very effective, very effective in this work, precisely in this functionality, he... it is possible that you said teflonovy does not stop anything, well, in principle, he does not do any such thing , to for him they accused him, yes, well, now we already know that he is, for example, unmarried, he has no children, that he is a robotaholic, yes, he is just himself, he rides a bicycle to work, because it is a habit, not because he does not have a car , and it's just so used to it, a person is so used to it, it's so convenient for them, and they don't go far, obviously, they can . to allow, well, holland is generally a cycling country, it is fashionable, popular, that is, this is a professional politician, and this, by the way, is a benchmark, an example of the fact that politics is a profession, not just anyone can handle it, it is necessary to be able to have skills, to have skills, and, accordingly,
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to use this experience for the benefit of the whole nation, the whole country, and not only there one's family or one's neighbors, one's friends, as is very often the case in other countries. that's why markerte can be such a reference secretary, and he is impeccable, what is it called, uh, well, but i repeat once again, the question here is that he copes with this task of coordinating and harmonizing the interests of all participants of this organization. the last stage, which is the approval of his candidacy, which he managed to pass, is still convincing prime minister of hungary viktor orbán to support his candidacy. well, many, many. would not have been able to do it, but mark ryuta managed to do it, of course, a lot of things, the credit goes to the current secretary, the previous secretary stoltenberg, who also worked with viktor orbán in the previous budapest there and so on, well, i think that mark ryuta
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may not be worse, marklut, as far as i remember, it was he who promised viktor orbán that hungary would not join any military there. aid to ukraine and in this way, he would incline mark viktor orbán to his yes, so it was, and here i would also like to say that it is interesting that it is naked, because the discussion went on, well, from which country should it be? secretary general, until now they were all from western europe, this time the current president of romania klaus iohannis applied for this position, by the way, i think that he would also be a very, very good secretary general of nato, because with the current one, for example, mircea juanne is now stoltenberg's deputy, he is a romanian politician, former foreign minister, he is the deputy general secretary now, in principle , the romanians could also be quite effective in this... role, or so claimed the prime minister of estonia, kalas, who
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is currently being nominated for the position of the high representative for security and foreign policy of the european union, i think that she will also have a great chance to convert, but what did i say that eastern europe wanted to have its representative, because the threat to nato comes from the eastern flank, and we are here in... eastern europe, it is better we feel, understand, and can, so to speak, expertly it is better to do this, but no, the key, key role, perhaps informal, of these reconciliations of interests, of the secretary general, is how to coordinate the interests of the united states with european states and countries, and when any contradictions arise between europe and america, mediators are invited, as the rule of holland, the most interesting. they are a trading nation, they know how to negotiate, they are open to the united
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states, because they are a maritime state there, and the mentality is like that, and they, and at the same time they are europeans, are in contrast to british people, they are not on the island, on the continent, and that is why the dutch are very, very often the general secretaries, but jaab defer was not so, not so long ago, he was also a dutchman, and in this role the danes perform well, as we do now the norwegians also saw it, norwegian women. general secretary stoltenberg was elected for two terms and continues even further, and there was no way they could let him go, mr. volodymyr, thank you for this opinion, i really hope that mark ryuty will still be in office, as you said, in the position of general secretary nato very much helpful for ukraine, we literally have two or three minutes left, i still want to talk to you, on thursday evening american time, in ukraine it was friday, thursday. in the morning in the united states of america there was a debate between the current president joe biden and
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the 45th donald trump, your impressions, because immediately after that cnn and not only cnn wrote that biden won, your opinion, not biden trump, trump, i'm sorry , yes, i read this opinion, i personally did not see all the debates fragment by fragment, well simply to emotionally read the information, unfortunately, it seemed to me like this. a demonstration of weakness, and not only a demonstration of the weakness of the current president, due to psycho-physiological reasons, or age-related limitations, voice, posture, body language, and so on, if we do not take into account the semantic argument, but simply observe according to the picture, well, trump dominated, was more confident, more impudent, allowed himself, well, they, by the way, two allowed themselves a lot, this is probably the first debate when the participants switched to personal
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insults, characterizing each other, and all this , unfortunately, showed us the weakness, the general weakness of the current american democracy, the fact that they held a debate even before the election campaign began, well it already looked like a test, let's test these two candidates , how are they doing, and it seems to me that the democratic party is... not happy with the way the candidate looked, they will, they're already talking about it, they're already thinking about it, but they've thought about it before, now if they showed graphically to the voters this problem that exists, but they will not be able to change it without his own personal decision, if joseph biden himself decides, so to speak, to remove himself and transfer someone. someone this baton or give the issue to be decided by the party congress, then this decision is possible, if he
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does not decide it himself, then, well, replace him, well, hypothetically, it is possible at the congress, but it will be a scandal and it will worsen the situation for the democratic party, so they won't go for it either, well, it seems to me that the inertial scenario was the most likely, but they will meet again on november 5. in the ballot papers. mr. volodymyr, closing this topic of debate, the answer is two or three words. joe biden 2:0 for ukraine is this and donald trump is this for ukraine. in case of victory in the elections, well , i am very, if it turns out pessimistically, then in one case it is a terrible end, in another it is an endless horror, of course, thank you, mr. volodymyr, for participating in today's program, we talked a lot about ukraine today, in particular what was happening related to ukraine in the european union, about destination, how all this will be for ukraine in
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the future, how to get noticed, well, we talked very briefly. about the american elections. mr. volodymyr, thank you. volodymyr horbach, executive director of the institute for the transformation of northern europe. eurasia, i'm sorry. well, that's the end of this espresso interview. see you in the next programs. my name is yuriy fizar. before meeting. your place is waiting for you, the light remains on, for dinner - what you like,
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a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings. and bathing, they are waiting for you at yours on the street, at school, in your church, because in your house they dream of you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we did not give up, because we knew that you... are already somewhere nearby, half the battle - is to know how hard victory is given, and we will do everything to hug you sooner, so when you are home,
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when we are together, we are more than a family, we are... a nation that is united around you. on february 28, 2022, the fifth day of a full-scale russian invasion, it is already clear that putin's blitzkrieg has failed, but fate kyiv has not yet been decided. under such conditions, ukraine submitted an application to join the european union. our goal is to be together with all europeans and the main thing is to be on equal footing. i'm sure that's fair. i'm sure we deserved it. i'm sure it's all possible. then the eu took an unprecedented step and granted ukraine the status of a candidate for membership under an accelerated procedure. our state received it already on june 23, 2022.
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and already in two years between ukraine and the eu , he started. formal accession negotiations. i have never seen such a strong desire make the country a member of the european union, as in the case of ukraine. i have never seen the process go as fast as in ukraine, never. the intergovernmental conference has already launched the negotiation process. if you compare the schedule of what is happening in ukraine with other cases, then we are running at the speed of light. josep borel, eu high representative for foreign affairs and security policy. ukraine's path to the european union began back in the 90s. then , for the first time, president leonid kuchma announced his intention to become a full member of the eu. however, it is reversible 2013 was the moment. under the pressure and threats of vladimir putin, viktor yanukovych at the last moment refused to sign the association agreement with the eu.
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euromaidan began in ukraine, which ultimately won. since then, the path to membership has not been a challenge. serious internal discussions, but encountered serious resistance from the outside. paris and berlin were extremely skeptical about the european integration of ukraine, even despite the russian occupation of crimea and donbas. however, after february 24, 2022, their position changed dramatically. now president emmanuel macron and chancellor olaf scholz are ardent supporters of ukraine's accession to the eu. when we talk about recovery. ukraine, then we are discussing the restoration of the future eu member. a few months after the start of the invasion of the russian federation , we gave ukraine a promise about ukraine's future in the eu. we will comply. scholes also confirmed his support for ukraine's european course in december 2023, when eu leaders
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were deciding whether to give the green light to negotiations with ukraine. the prime minister of hungary , viktor orban, was against it. as the leaders sat at the table and prepared to vote, the german chancellor sent of the hungarian prime minister, drink coffee. orban left the room. the decision was voted. from hungary, however, budapest, which will preside over the eu from july 1, will still have the opportunity to stick the wheel sticks in kyiv. on june 27, the european truth website declassified 11 demands that orban's government put forward in ukraine. they mainly concern the hungarian national people, and some of them have the appearance of outright blackmail, for example, the demand to recognize the entire transcarpathian region, the territory of traditional hungarian residence. it will be extremely difficult to find a compromise on some issues. we are wholeheartedly committed to the cause resolve and, on this basis, fully implement the 11
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problematic issues raised by the hungarian side to strengthen the protection of the rights of national minorities, and we will continue bilateral consultations with hungary in this direction. but negotiations will be difficult not only with hungary, but also with other bloc countries. first of all, those who have... interests in the agricultural sector. i still remember footage of ukrainian grain scattered on the polish highway, polish farmers still threaten to renew the border blockade from time to time. it it is not surprising, because in the case of ukraine's accession to the european union, ukrainian agricultural producers will claim the lion's share of european subsidies, and it will be extremely difficult for european farmers to compete with ukrainian agricultural companies. negotiation process. on ukraine's accession to the eu will be difficult and will require our state to maintain the current pace of reforms. we understand that, for example, from the point of view of the agricultural sector, these will be difficult negotiations. some
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decisions may be delayed, for example, because poland, germany, and france have their own interests adam szlapka, polish minister for european union affairs. but still not the greatest threat to european integration remains within ukraine itself. this is corruption. a problem that western partners remind time and time again, even against the background of a full-scale war, and which public activists constantly talk about, which does not always cause understanding on the part of the authorities. ukraine is not the most corrupt country in the world. corruption exists everywhere, and to combat it, we have created a large anti-corruption infrastructure. i constantly communicate with western partners, they always celebrate ours. level and success in overcoming corruption, but some people deliberately scale the problem, because otherwise the meaning of their work may be lost. thus, helping the russians, who
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invest millions in promoting the narrative in the west, ukraine is the most corrupt state. andriy yarmak, head of the office of the president of ukraine. how long can ukraine take from the start of negotiations to accession? it is impossible to give an exact answer to this question. the answer in the case of poland it was six years, turkey has been on this path for almost 20 years, the year 2030 often appears in public space in the context of the european integration intentions of ukraine, moldova and the balkan countries. in particular, the current president of the european council , charles michel, mentioned this date as one when a big wave of enlargement could take place. therefore, ukraine needs to hurry with reforms. no matter how difficult it is in the conditions. full-scale war. her discounts are the only discounts
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hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war, and what the world is alive, two hours to keep abreast of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, simulating ours the future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m., studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. this is a time of rest and recovery,
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and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and a little peace for children, whose world was destroyed by war. these are the children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who died at the front protecting you and me, our country, and they, like no one else... need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children recover more quickly after a loss. children feel emotionally better. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends,
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the most important thing is that... they will receive the help of qualified psychologists, and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help . remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who have lost a loved one, because their parents went to defend our country. i really enjoyed the trip to austria, i loved the museums we went to every day, it was... it was amazing and i really liked how we went to restaurants. i visited the cities of sasburg, vienna and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments.
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it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the tv channel espresso, in the studio of iryna koval, i welcome all the viewers and now we will start with the most important events. we know from the situation in dnipro, there the number of dead has increased to five, another 34 people have been injured, said the head of the regional military administration, serhiy lysak. the victims mostly had shrapnel wounds, cuts, bruises and fractures. also, as a result of the morning attack on the city , the building of the hospital and the shopping center were damaged. there was a fire near the medical facility. the russians hit the dnieper with drones and missiles.


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