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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week, the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andriy smoly, every monday at 20:00 on espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place. in ukraine and the world. vitaliy portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts give based on facts his assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch saturday's political club. every saturday at espresso. big ether.
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hours to learn about the war and what airtime is all about, two hours of your time, two of the world, two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-for-like to many, as well as respected guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. continues information day of espresso tv channel. well, in dnipro they have already shown the consequences of the morning attack by the russians near one of the shopping centers. yes, i am now quoting lukashuk, the head of the dnipropetrovsk regional council. the enemy hit the dnieper with missiles and uavs. yes, now, if our editors have the opportunity, i would ask you to pull up the video now. so, this is what one of the shopping centers of the city looks like now, broken cars, windows, gas station. all the consequences are currently being clarified. well. it is already
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known that more than five people died, and important information about the injured 34 people, among them a child, units from the state emergency service are currently working on the spot, yes, according to president zelensky , only two things can stop russian terror of a similar plan: modern air defense systems and the long-range of our weapons, determination should be the norm of security in... . of terror, that is, the enemy struck near the shopping center and damaged the shopping center itself, smashed cars, windows, hit the gas station, the consequences are not yet fully understood, how serious this barbaric attack is, although the number of victims is very eloquent, well, now we will find out what the situation is in kharkiv, oleksandr skoryk, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council is already in touch with us, mr. oleksandr, we welcome you.
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congratulations! well, the news arrived from the kharkiv military administration, maybe you can share it with us, maybe you know something more: contractors who built fortifications are being actively checked in the kharkiv region, more than 200 examinations have been scheduled as part of anti-corruption measures. what is known about the fortification of mr. oleksandr, how are the law enforcement officers working now, has there been any movement, did all those who were involved in this begin to rustle, as they say in the people, or have they already begun to... go after one or another of the beneficiaries of all these arrangements? well, you know that this is an ongoing investigation and that the investigation is secret, so we do not have access to public information about abuses during the construction of defense structures, but what we know for sure and what our military says that quality, quality, quality... the placement is very
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important also the history with the placement and the execution itself is extremely low level, especially our military at one time was very concerned about how exactly the algorithm, the algorithm for building fortifications in this particular place, why in this particular place, because we see that there is no. approach, when fortifications are built in lowlands, or places that are not strategically dominant, and for combat operations they definitely will not, will not help our military, that military, that is why our military is very, very carefully discussing this issue now and very carefully they want that during the construction of the following
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the algorithm has been changed, taking into account the placement of these structures, taking into account the fact that specialists, namely military specialists, must precisely determine the places where we build them, because it is a very big, very big waste, and strategically, there is not quite a vision, people do not quite have a vision of how they should be done, well, there is a lot of public publicity, constant information that comes in that the price was inflated for the purchase of wood, the price was inflated for the purchase of construction equipment. and now that they have opened tender documents, it turned out that there are very high overcharges, and everyone understands that there is a market price, the cost of certain processes and construction techniques, and those construction materials, concrete, metal and wood, and
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now the socialist society is outraged by the fact that it's simple, if the abuse is proven, then it is an abuse that is in the blood, that costs the most, the most expensive, it is the life of our military and our people, who simply could not defend themselves due to the fact that it was done poorly. mr. alexander, i would like to ask you about how this night went, in particular, the enemy hit borova around 5 in the morning, yes, they hit the center of this settlement, and there is information about damaged about 10 residential buildings, farm buildings, shops, etc. . and so on, a 48-year-old man died, and a 75-year-old woman suffered an acute stress reaction. we would like to ask you to clarify that perhaps there is already some additional information on what borova is, this is a settlement, when we are talking about
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the defense of the kharkiv region. borova in us, on today it is a strategic, strategic city, and... the russians have greatly intensified their offensive actions there. this is the northeast, the northeast, and we have there, i believe that the russians strategically dream of approaching the river in order to make the border along the askil river, precisely along the river, so they intensified, intensified offensive actions there, well, accordingly. they are constantly shelling, they are constantly shelling this settlement and there are, well, like yesterday, for example, victims, and there we have one of the main groups, this is the third assault brigade, strongly opposing them ours, which does not give them an opportunity, no
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chance for them to advance there, but the situation along the entire demarcation line is quite difficult, because they attack in the deep as well. the lipetsk direction and vovchansk even have elements of advancement there in the street battles for vovchanchansk, and tonight they are in the middle of the night , an unmanned reconnaissance vehicle flew over kharkov, then there would have been an arrival , it has been a long time since the s-300 class missiles came to us, the s-400 has been confirmed that in russian lazovi. and in the morning, there was still an arrival in the morning kabom, too, the village of ruska lazova, and there was damaged, 20 houses were damaged, and six were completely destroyed, and we, the population, well,
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kharkiv stayed up almost midnight, because we heard the work of our air defense forces, which shot down these drones, and then was heard at because this village, the village is located right behind the ring road and all the people heard this explosion, so we at night today, i think that everyone, everyone did not sleep, because it was very, very noisy and very loud our guys shot down these unmanned, unmanned aerial vehicles and they are very loud there, directly... they made several rounds around the city until they were knocked down, i also want to state the fact that our cabs are constantly, constantly because of the cabs we have alarms, and practically the line of demarcation in the area of ​​lybtsiv, hlyboky, vovchansk,
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kupinsk, an incredible number of guided air bombs fly by there every day, it's just dozens, dozens of bombs. and they destroy just about the line of defense, whole settlements, whole streets are demolished, right at home they are demolished along straight streets, so that - this is for today for our... territories he accepted such a strategic importance for them, they calmly raise their planes and hit us almost in a free form, even local residents of kharkiv, when a cap flies, it is seen by a very large number of people, heard by a large number of people, we just visually see it , as it flies, and we have two or three minutes there so that we can do something with our safety, but in two or three minutes it is very difficult to do something with safety in these conditions. thank you, mr.
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oleksandr, oleksandr skoryk, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, about the situation on espresso directly in kharkiv oblast. we are moving on in a few minutes. back to our studio, we're on a little hiatus right now, but stay tuned because there's a lot of fun stuff to come, so stay tuned. attention, detail. sale of garden trimmers from unpack tv with a discount of only 799 uah, only 799 for a reliable tool, high power, ease of use, very profitable, minimum effort, maximum result, order in time while the video is being broadcast, trimmers are light and very powerful, mow with gas near fences, along path lines, next to the sidewalk, curb, around trees, cut bushes and even branches, simple and easy, leave the big heavy mowers in the past, choose three measures. classic or with lawnmower function, call now to order at a special reduced price, just
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means saving his life, a bc ride, a boys ride, a quad bike is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we invite everyone to join nato in collecting from zero to life on a quad bike for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yat. the information day of the tv channel is going on, so what are we going to talk about now about our beautiful domestic ukrainian policy and not only about it, taras zahorodnii, please contact us. political technologist, managing partner of the national anti-crisis group. glory to ukraine, mr. taras, glad to see you. good day, glory to the heroes. well, it is extremely, so to speak, interesting news. this is about the publication itself and the person to whom it is dedicated, which is symptomatic. so, i am quoting, now, a small,
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small nusyk on the ukrainian truth. as of today, quoting the headline: sources in zelenskyi's team say he's tired of the back-and-forth. interlocutors in zelenskyi's team informed ukrainian pravda about this. i quote further the ukrainian truth, he doesn't really listen to it anymore. this is something that is even more emotional than the bill. zelenskyi constantly wants some creative solutions and proposals, and shmygul wants to grow up in recent years, but he cannot completely change, and according to another high-ranking interlocutor of ukrainian pravda, this is already the second move to release shmygul in the last two months, as if would have to replace the shmigali with the vice-prime minister yulia sviredenko. so, mr. taras, we
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understand, so to speak, if maryana bezugla voices certain things, so to speak , so someone needs it, well, accordingly, if the appearance... such publications without surnames, without sources, you know, this is a kind of slightly unhealthy american tradition, yes, well, but , but, but, so you have a word, how serious is everything about the swindle, or such a publication should simply, so to speak, raise the tone and level of adrenaline in the blood of our tireless prime minister, i think that he is one of the record holders, so by quantity. how is a man of hours? well, look, in reality they are rumors are circulating and they have become more like that - uh, well, how to say, already similar to the fact that in reality something may happen, in reality it is about sviridenko, including, but it is not known yet whether she will remain in
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an acting capacity , and then there will be another prime minister, and here evil tongues are talking about mr. chernyshova is still here, or sveridenko herself, this option is also not excluded. well, i personally, i personally am also tired of mr. shmyhail, because the person basically does not want to work, well, just basically does not want to work, does not engage organization of arms production in our country, but we don't know the impression that mr. shmegal doesn't seem to have anything on his mind, but he lives as it were. nothing is happening in the country, right? all his skill and everything is to drive, beg for loans instead of organizing, for example, production, including in our state in order for there to be more taxes and many other things, well, for example, the issue with the light, yes already today 03:07, so it's the third of
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july, questions about how it will be, for example, importing equipment for... ensuring energy supply in our country has not yet been resolved, that is, it usually comes from the cabinet of the minister, there are no draft laws. taking into account the fact that the parliament will not work in fact for another two weeks, well, consider, half of july, half of july this issue will not be resolved, although it is already burning, there will be a grove, because in order to start the equipment, so that who wants what kind of drive there, yes , there is no simplified liberalization of this market so that businesses can invest money, build their own... build their own generation, who whoever wants, let them build solar panels there, whoever wants , let them build a small hydroelectric power station, well, whatever, unfortunately, i do not see such activity regarding the organization of the production of defense plants, we constantly talk about it, i also do not see active movements, there are there is
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a positive, here thank god, together with the parliament, they at least made a decision that according to the 579 program , the military-industrial complex can... be saved, but it is not known how it is, i am with you, just a small clarification, so we understand that shmyhal, well, he is not the prime minister, you know to the beautiful british crown, yes, that is, he is the prime minister in a very specific ukrainian schedule, and we understand that he is on several stretches at once, that is, on the one hand, these are our wonderful, kind , generous with advice and money, overseas partners, this not easy relations with our european partners, plus the presidential office, which is extremely productive in terms of generating ideas, well, so to speak , the existing composition of people who... act in ministerial portfolios, well, as the classics said, very often the second one is not, well, they can to be the second de jure, but de facto they may
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also have their own position, which may not coincide with the position of the prime minister, that is, here shmygal somehow miraculously managed to maneuver between very different points of strength, come on, let's not be sorry, so mr. schmiheil still has the weight of power, at least to organize. some processes, what, why, what prohibits, for example, allowing the export of ukrainian weapons abroad, so that our gunsmiths support production production chains, to bring currency into the country in that including, ah, to organize financing for them under various schemes, this can be done if there is no money in the budget, so that they produce, for example, abroad and at the same time can provide for the ukrainian troops. give them securities there, for example, it would be possible for the government to solve this issue, therefore , mr. shmygan could handle many organizational issues and could have done so for a long time, so you know
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how he suffered in his position there, i do not accept such a maxim in that many things, many things he could do or to simplify these things, at least in this way, and not to pretend that it does not exist in the country, so in this case, well, the work of any prime minister is the organization of work , including the cabinet of the minister, despite, taking into account political interest and so on, here you are the british, british, british model, and what do you think, there is no, that the prime minister is sitting there just looking at what is around him, are there ambitious ministers, there is, but the task of the prime of the prime minister to organize, including the work, of course, that we do not have the british model, because after all anyway... we have more of a presidential, parliamentary republic, because our society is built that way, we elect the president, and therefore we believe that the president is executively responsible for everything, and therefore in this
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case the office of the president, well, the administration of the president under past presidents always had an influence on the executive body, this applies not only to zelenskyi, it applies to all presidents who were in office, so in this case i believe that if more conscious people come, well, i am ... at least sveredenko's activities , well, she has at least there is already an understanding of how yermak is needed there, for example, mr. taras, i would agree, yermak would agree to head the government, so to speak, so that it would not be necessary to go far, hold consultations and so on, well, you should ask mr. yermak, yes, but i don't see the logic in him resigning from the post of chairman o... president, because in principle we have, well, the weight of the office of the president in our country has always been higher than that of the prime minister, so i
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don't think , that mr. yaermak, at least i think so, maybe he has other ideas, will leave this position mr. taras, about one more stretch that the ukrainian authorities may have to go to, on the one hand, we understand that ukraine has its own peace formula for ending the war. on the other hand, some signals are coming from the republican candidate donald trump, who says that if he wins, he will be ready to talk to putin about some territorial concessions, and accordingly threatens not to give ukraine weapons if it abandons some model , which putin and trump will offer. well, so are we we understand that this is a kind of stretch, because without western aid we will not be able to fight, this is the first moment, and the second moment is indicative - it is yermak's own reaction to trump's statements. he said that he does not know what to do in this case, i want to quote directly, answering a question from reuters, how ukraine evaluates the statements of the presidential candidate donald
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trump on ending the war irmak said: honest answer, i don't know, we'll see , would like your reaction? well, look, you know, to judge future politics by pre-elections slogans, this is what if we had, you know, everyone thought that this is what is being said at the elections. it will be implemented as it should be, we must understand that mr. trump is saying this, on the basis that it is possible to come to an agreement with putin, ah, theoretically, but putin himself, putin himself, when he made this historic his hysterical statement on the eve of the peace summit, he actually exposed himself and showed that he was bluffing wildly. see what putin said. putin actually demands from ukraine. for ukraine to leave zaporizhzhia, kherson, and everything else there. the next question he asks is this holding a conference that will record all this
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on paper, including from the side. international partners, look at what putin is proposing, de facto, putin is proposing a repeat of munich in 1938, when the british, french empire, together with hitler, tore czechoslovakia apart when it was forced to surrender the sudetenland. i will tell you, never in my life, never in my life, will neither the europeans nor the americans do this, because, of course, putin, when he made such unacceptable demands, actually blocked it for himself. all moves not only from their lobbyists now the united states america, and there are some, including in the trump administration, who also say that something can be agreed with putin, and including in a rather ugly situation in china, which had its own position, so look, we must understand one thing , in relation to trump: it is safe to say that trump will do 99% and 9, he will remove... regarding
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oil and gas production, which biden imposed on american producers, this means that it will make it much more difficult in reality for russian oil in the world markets because they will work, they will work in order to fill this gap, this is the first, second, again, trump already, trump already in one of his interviews, often with us, you know. like to quote, including the stories of democratic members who have never lied about trump. he said: what will happen if putin does not agree with him? he clearly said: then we will give ukraine everything it needs. after what is needed, this is also a very abstract question, everything that is needed is abstract, not abstract, but here to demand, look, no, look, we, we, too ukraine should be active in this, as it is now, but now ukraine pushed through strikes
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on... the territory of the russian federation, yes, they did not give us consent, and ukraine pushed through because it did not listen, you know, to all these scraps about what is being revealed refineries, this is a civilian infrastructure that has been heard, including from the united states of america, the cries that the missile strike monitoring stations have been hit, there is a great escalation and it is of great concern, ukraine has hidden this nuclear black, and here look, you have to to understand that... this is on america's ken, so ukraine will have to demand more missiles, more attackers in order to hit the territory of russia, including, and if this does not happen, well, then ask whether you are undermining or have conspired with putin in this case, here the american reputation will suffer more, and the europeans support us, so in this case we must understand that the pressure on us is allied, it is from eastern europe, first of all, europeans who are open. already said
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unlike the biden administration that they want to see the restoration of the territorial integrity of ukraine, from the biden administration, we have never heard that, as well as from china, yes, and the europeans understand that there is such a, you know, a double game going on between the americans and the chinese in relation to europe, they want to create such a you know, a wound on the targets of europe on our territories, and then sell your peacekeeping services, which in principle are not needed, so we ... we have to understand that life is much more difficult, of course there will be a lot of talk, but that does not mean that frankly it will be as you want, to many, including the kremlin, again, we should not, why do you know, the key here is the issue of the defense industry, the main, main sponsors of the republican party are the real sector of the economy, it is oil, it is the defense industry, including, yes, enter into cooperation with the defense industry, become
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a part american it can be done with such steps as there are, i assure you, they will popularly tell trump what and where to help. taras zagorodnyi, political technologist, managing partner of the national anti-crisis group buvteri espresso, we are moving on, it's time for news on the spresso tv channel, so we pass the floor to our colleague iryna koval, iro, i congratulate you and pass the floor. thank you marta, well, i'll tell you about the situation after that in just a moment. and daytime shelling in various regions of our country, then there will be information about why the ex-mayor of vovchansk was informed about the suspicion and about the explosions in belgorod and much more. wait.


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