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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format, even more. even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. every week, the saturday political club
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helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see saturday's political club. every saturday at espresso. information day of the tv channel in rozpala, well, it's half past five, yes, and now we will talk about the extremely important and symptomatic visit of the hungarian prime minister viktor orban to kyiv, serhiy geresimchuk, deputy executive director, director of the program of regional initiatives and society of the foreign policy council ukrainian prism, glory to ukraine, mr. serhiy, to the heroes, glory to, well, viktor orban. so to speak, as far as we are
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we understand, he tried to voice certain things that he had already communicated earlier with xi jinping and putin, in particular, well, in simple language, this is called peace in exchange for the territory, yes, and signals have already arrived from our official representations, yes , representatives of our government in ukraine, that no, such conversations are impossible in principle, on the other hand, we understand that orban is not by himself. orban, yes, he also represents a much wider circle of visible and invisible power centers, and here it is not only about the european union, where now, as a result of certain rotations, hungary hungary has received the right to preside, let it be for six months, well, but it doesn't matter who has the seal, it very often determines the agenda, but for mr. serhiy, we would ask you to sum up the visits, orban's visit , well, you are right that... it
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is the head of state in the european union who sets the agenda, in particular at ministerial meetings and during european union summits. and it is obvious that viktor orbán decided to take advantage of this temporary status in order to to advertise their possibilities in the matter of negotiations, in particular, negotiations regarding the settlement of the war between russia and ukraine. it is obvious that his proposal to cease fire resonates with those initiatives that were put forward as an alternative to the ukrainian peace formula, it is obvious that it resonates with the chinese peace plan and sino-brazilian initiatives, to some extent it resonates with african initiatives, in all these initiatives the question appeared cease-fire. so.
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was viktor orbán exclusively a legate from beijing, moscow and other moscow-oriented capitals, it seems to me that this would not be enough for him to feel confident, and orbán is clearly trying to use also his meetings with donald trump to emphasize that he consults not only with - with their patrons from moscow and beijing, but also... with the probable president of the united states of america. orban has a very high regard for trump. orbán is very hopeful that trump will become president again. and orbán is using opportunities, his contacts with trump, xi jinping and putin, and his presidency in to the european union, precisely in order to promote itself as a mediator, a potential mediator, or rather as a potential place where new negotiations could take place with the participation of the russian federation with an emphasis on ending the... but
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the ukrainian side clearly demonstrated its unwillingness to such an approach, the president denied the possibility of a ceasefire as the first step, which is quite natural and logical. so we cannot rule out that orbán will now take advantage of this opportunity and implement his plan b. it is obvious that it was thought out, it is obvious that plan b will consist in demonstrating ukraine's inability to negotiate, which is also grist to moscow's mill, because the russian leader putin clearly does not want to negotiate with ukraine on agreements with ukraine. not mentioned, his key desire is to demonstrate that russia is a superpower and can only talk to superpowers, and this is clearly a pass, again to presidential candidate donald trump, and a demonstration that putin wants to talk to
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trump about the fate of the world, about the fate of ukraine, and in this case, orbán simply plays his role, which is not a key one, and tries to take advantage of the circumstances that allow him to... well, sort of stand out, but he has no special influence. and by the way, your feelings, after you saw the footage of this meeting, i personally saw the not too pleasant faces of orban, zelenskyi, who were not very happy with each other, and we understand that this is rather a forced meeting, rather than a desire to really somehow warm these relations, but as i understand it, our authorities agreed to these negotiations, on this visit orban in order to demonstrate to our partners that, look, we are ready for any dialogues, for any platforms, and, relatively speaking, to create for ourselves this picture of what we are really trying to talk to everyone. however , when orban came to kyiv, he had
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his own plans for it, which did not coincide with the plans of our ukrainian government. how do you describe the mood of this meeting for yourself and did it seem to you that she was, well, stillborn, i will say so very rudely, but... well, yes, it seemed to me, for example, that i i think that it is necessary to talk about several topics that were discussed during the meeting, and if it was really stillborn in terms of orban's peace initiatives, then in terms of european integration, the situation is somewhat different, and orban and zelenskyi understand that it is still necessary to come to an agreement, because they understand in ukraine that hungary really has the opportunity to block the negotiation process regarding ukraine's accession to the european union, and orban even threatened to do so, he says. said that at each stage of opening and closing chapters negotiations, he can question ukrainian gains and thus block integration, and orbán, for his part, understands that the permanent blocking of ukraine by one country is very negatively perceived in the european union and is negatively perceived
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not only by member states, but also by its right-wing neighbors , representatives of the european, european conservatives, reformists group. parliament, which is quite influential, which includes kaczynski, which includes meleni, so orban also understands, that it is necessary to demonstrate friendship, but the main result of the meeting between our president and the hungarian prime minister was only an agreement to negotiate, they announced that the problems would be settled in a bilateral agreement, while the prospect of how long the preparation of this agreement would take was not announced, i i assume that in... in 2024, we definitely won't see it, because orbán believes that the conditions will change in the 25th, because trump will come. well, in ukraine, too, they hope that some leverage will be found on orban, for example, the seventh article of the treaty of the european union, no one has canceled it yet, but according to
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this article, many eu members initiate the deprivation of the right to vote. therefore , we have a situation when we agreed to negotiate, we have a situation when it was promised that there would be... an indoor ukrainian school in budapest, that 's good, but was it worth going for that? probably worth it only if you see it as an attempt to demonstrate a willingness to dialogue, well look, i think in plain language it's actually called shuttle diplomacy, and orbán is kind of a kissinger from the chinese peace on the minimum, we understand that he tries to talk about certain things sometimes not publicly, yes, well , we understand that... the clarity of our position, it is strengthened by the position of washington and not only washington. look, and if we talk about the parameters of what orbán could actually offer. we understand that the hungarian case, yes, when we talk about the normalization of ukrainian-hungarian relations - this is one story,
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and the story is connected with russian aggression and with the position of beijing and moscow, it is a little different, i think that orbán is going at the same time and a little invade something else, operating, as it were, from under the shadow of beijing? i don't think he's trying to intrude on anything specific. i think that he primarily wants to strengthen his position. in the eyes of both beijing and moscow, because hungary is an important state, like all states, but without a special potential for economic or political influence on the european union. now is the window of opportunity, when this potential exists, at least formally due to the chairmanship, and it is this chairmanship, together with the mediating functions, that he tries to to trade, however, as i already said, the main players here are far from viktor orban, putin is not ready for negotiations, and even if beijing were interested in negotiations, they also do not
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influence putin to the extent that the fire stops, and if the fire does not stop from the russian side, ukraine obviously cannot cease fire in the same way, because it will lead to catastrophic consequences for us. the topic of trading territories, for the sake of a ceasefire, really circulates on the sidelines, it was discussed especially at... the summit in switzerland, it is being discussed in the background of a possible new summit, but orbán just wants to jump on this train. he is far from the driver of this train and far from the key player who will formulate the terms of the ceasefire and the terms of a new round of possible negotiations between ukraine and russia. thank you, mr. sergey. serhiy geresymchuk, deputy executive director, director of the regional initiatives and neighborhood program, foreign policy council ukrainian prizna. extremely productive conversation, now a short pause, after that let's talk about the most important event that
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everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd kholodny yara brigade. time and day direction. continues information day of the tv channel. well, now we are adding to our broadcast oksana yurenets, professor of the national university of lviv polytechnic, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation, ex-head of the ukrainian delegation in the nato parliamentary assembly. glory to ukraine, professor, we congratulate you. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you. well, according to our information, you are currently in the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. ireland, in particular in london, and accordingly, would like to ask you about the internal british climate, about the temperature in the chamber, so britain is also going through the elections, we understand that the elections have all the prospects, now to change the generally positive climate for us, this is not about the united kingdom, for example, about france
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and not only about it, you have the floor, thank you very much, now... we are in cambridge, this is in cambridge college, in the very part of this town, these elections in britain do not really change anything, why, because all those who will come to power, even the majority of labor, they are absolutely pro-ukrainian and their leader, very correctly with, shall we say, an adequate attitude and understanding of the events taking place in ukraine, therefore the united kingdom. it's this established democracy that over the years, even if power is inherited, and it's 800 lords, yes, that is, they actually behave quite differently, we are in a constituency of conservative candidates, but because our political representatives there, which is in the ip in the european parliament, of course, what
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if there were no such, let's say, changes. why, because 34 years earlier the candidate won here, and of course now the new candidate from this political force will also win, that is, we are in the winning district and we are watching how it all happens, it is very interesting why, because after all , any election, they try to show the local residents that these problems can be thrown around in a populist way, for example, it was because of kovit, and now it is because of the war in ukraine, we are not receiving something, we have expensive energy carriers, this is of course dangerous, very important to be here and understand the situation, everyone is ordinary the british react to certain events, and it is important for ukraine that this support is always there, but i can tell you that there are a lot of blue and yellow flags, a lot of those who support ukraine, those who understand the processes, and very interestingly and the fact that, let's say, london is cambridge today, it has
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its own special permanent understanding, an active day, even today. although the elections in them are held tomorrow, thursday, which is unusual for ukraine, it is unusual for ukraine at all, because we have not had elections for 5 years due to martial law, and it is clear that these processes are very sensitive for us right now, but it is important that they look very far ahead, and what will happen in the united states, how france reacts, what is happening in italy, these are broad-minded people who in fact, if we talk to politicians who have a lot of experience, of course they are interested in all the processes, but there will definitely not be any, let's say, a return to the european union, that is, they have a consensus , in the state is accepted by consensus decisions, and the future fate of the state is determined by those people who take responsibility, you can say that such
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a national idea in britain is to take responsibility, and in general the conservative party, it has such a stable policy, and it has a lot of... populist things quickly decomposes into such, well, let's say so molecules, it's interesting, because they are all active, they have almost no external advertising, it's exclusively face-to-face, door-to -door, and it's very interesting, which is probably specific for us, if, for example, in lviv district plus or minus it was 160 00 there, for example, the 17th electoral district, then in britain it is clearly 75, out of 46 million. the districts are clearly divided here, everyone feels themselves in this regard, and it is a civic duty that, it seems to me that it is brought up from the malkus, because in fact, in their parliament, children attend kindergarten, professor. and rishi sunok, as a result of those elections, has prospects, so to speak, of taking up literary activities in retirement somewhere, or can he still be some kind of
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neutral figure, what are they talking about? well, it must be said that a large amount of garbage will be for the conservatives, of course, and that's why, unfortunately, it looks like the prime minister will definitely be changed in britain, which is interesting because that government has been operating there for more than two years, and as a rule, it is here until the day before. to take over power, this is how they prepare, and in fact it is very interesting that there is that heredity, that understanding of state institutions, responsibility, this is probably what we have, you know, so let's just change something there, here is a slightly different system, here is completely different system, professor, here we completely agree with you, i mentioned it for a reason about rishi sunyk, also another great friend of the ukrainian people, we also remember that about six months ago he came and solemnly signed the ukrainian-british treaty. an international security agreement, yes, but unfortunately it has not yet been ratified by the parliament of great britain, and this is not the last thing in what is called the provision of
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british guarantees. you may have heard something in the relevant pundits and political circles from the united kingdom that they are going to conduct a relevant agreement on additional, so to speak, levels of ratification, well, look, it will already be on thursday. parliament, and of course that the decisions will be made in the usual mode of the traditions of british parliamentarism, and what is interesting is that actually, if we talk about, well , let's say this, all these processes, there are not one, two readings in them, there are three readings and of course i think that these processes due to the fact that democracy needs to follow procedures and the elections that are happening now in britain, they are premature, i think that this is purely ... a technical failure , which happened through just the events that are happening in the country, and not because of any other problems, of course you are meeting here with politicians, we are talking about bilateral relations of ukraine, britain,
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we are saying that it is possible, trilateral relations, which could be, for example, britain, ukraine, poland, of course, with regard to the security sector, and as i already told you at the beginning, following the events and elections in other countries, that is to say, which are taking place in europe, now in france or in the united states. it's all very much clearly with them they take into account and different models so or different scenarios are considered for example. let's go, ms. oksano, let's talk about the scenario if donald trump wins the election, because in recent days there have been a lot of reports about his alleged peace plan, which represents the rejection of nato and the loss of certain territories by our country. and we understand that the nato jubilee summit in washington begins on tuesday. i think that nato member countries will. to discuss this statement by trump and these reports that appear in the media on the eve of the elections in the united states. first of all, how do you assess this summit in general,
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what should be expected from it, and do you think that these statements and peace plans of trump will be seriously considered there. you know, i would like to hope, the last 10 days, by the way, were very positive for us from the point of view of international politics, and those 10 days passed, and 1.4 billion were confiscated. confiscated russian assets came to ukraine and the election of a number of leaders in the european parliament, and again from the ninth to the 11th of this summit, which will be in washington, it is necessary to understand that our diplomats definitely do not need to wait for something or delay or worry that something is not happening, but simply work hard, convincingly and stubbornly, work in order to understand that no matter what our victory, our country is in our hands and... now there are a lot of different discussions, of course, regarding orbán's visit, and many of the moments that are happening now, of course, they are discussed, but - every time
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such a summit takes place , he summit, you you understand that it is partly designed for domestic politics, but this is the 75th anniversary summit that will be held in washington, and let's hope that we will work tirelessly to defend the national interests of ukraine, and of course... that there are plans that we are offered from different points, but there is a ukrainian plan, which i think has been discussed for a long time, and these things definitely cannot be postponed, and the violation of human rights in the occupied crimea, sevastopol, i think that there are many points, and here are all the international courts, who brought charges against, in fact, those who is making fun of ukraine today, i think that all these... points, arguments that were previous in the last 10 days, nevertheless , at the summit in washington will give their positive result in favor of ukraine.
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well, no doubt, but there is a gap between us...realists, we understand, there is the maximum program, and there is a program that will be adjusted in a few months, so we do not know whether the american elections can be completed, we want to believe in a miracle, but, well, but you also have to prepare, do you have a feeling that the united kingdom is preparing for some possibly unpleasant scenarios on the european continent, because according to my information , certain preparatory actions are already being carried out in lithuania, yes, in particular... the vilnius city council has already begun, so to speak, to implement preparatory , of course, insurance plans regarding, for example, the fortification of the lithuanian capital, respectively, or talk in the united kingdom about how they are going to help the eastern flank of nato if donald trump comes, and in the united states there may be a very unexpected shift in certain priorities, in particular
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and safe. actually. in britain , a lot of people also understand that something does not depend on one person, but there is parliamentarism, and in stable countries with stable democracies, absolutely teams and large parts of those in parliament make decisions, so here it is necessary to understand that decisions are not made by one person the fate of both the state and the world, and in this context, of course, as far as security is concerned, there are a lot of challenges that are discussed. so we got in touch with ms. oksana yurynets, the lights were cut off in cambridge, maybe, well maybe we we are mistaken, now the connection is stabilized, oh, everything in cambridge was cut off, ms. professor yurynets is back with us, yes, ms. oksana, we are listening to you, yes, in fact, people live a completely different life than where the lights are turned off, i agree with you you, that sometimes we laughed in order not to cry, but
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you know, the world lives according to its own scenario and understanding of threats, that world events are taking place in ukraine, this is not only a question of security in ukraine today for ukrainians, but it is also a question of security europe and the world, and it pleases, because we understand that we are not alone, but with us are these people who have been forming for many years, understand the processes more deeply and , once again, are looking for opportunities to still form - well... enough different ones to prevent various obstacles and threats, or to anticipate them , this is important, so let's hope that after all the washington summit is not a threat, after all it is another step towards the fact that we can understand who is with us and the coalition of the brave was more decisive and prepared what is necessary
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today for ukraine. thank you, ms. oksano. people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation of the former head of the ukrainian delegation in the nato parliamentary assembly, a professor of the department of foreign economic and customs activities of the institute of economics and management of the lviv polytechnic, was in direct contact with us from cambridge. but there is also a short message from zelenskyi. he told bloomberg that he is potentially ready to meet with trump and listen to his peace plan, if it includes the territorial integrity and independence of our state. that 's it, said zelensky, responding to... statements, which sounded from politico. for today, antin borkovskii and i are already saying goodbye to you, our colleagues will continue to work for you so that you are informed of the most important events, there will be news from iryna koval soon, and for today antin borkovskii and i are saying goodbye to you until tomorrow and we hope see you again tomorrow at the same time. keep yourselves.
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it's 5 p.m. in ukraine, and the news broadcast on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, is coming to your attention. i welcome all the viewers and just now i'll tell you about the most important ones. previously at least three stabbings in the kharkiv district of kyiv - reported oleg sinigubov, the head of the region. as a result of the armed attack , two private houses were destroyed. units of the state emergency service rescued the child. at this moment , four victims are known. and again the occupiers attacked poltavach.


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