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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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to the prepared and lacking in general personnel, and now in fact one can already question the ability of russia to conduct an offensive strategic operation somewhere at the level of the beginning of september or the end of august, what we said that it is possible and that at this the period is the peak of preparation. mobilization contingents, they are actually running out, but of course, the problem here is that ukraine is losing its own sons and daughters, and this is very, very problematic, certainly for ukraine to wage a war of such intensity and under such pressure, and in particular, there are experts who believe that in the north of kharkiv region a... it has become
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much more difficult for the russians to hold, to hold the bridgehead, and if there are no tangible results within a month, then it may even be about withdrawing, withdrawing their units from the north of kharkiv region, that is, the pressure is on the defense forces of ukraine, but... there are also signs that the russian groups are exhausted and that now somewhere at the level of summer, at the level of summer by autumn , certain such events should take place, which will actually be able to testify about, i i don't even rule it out interception of the tactical initiative by the defense forces of ukraine, it is quite possible, and it depends here... a lot depends on the number and
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quality of weapons, as well as the distance at which the defense forces will be able to hit with these weapons, i mean here definitely western weapons, hit with these arms to e-groups or logistics centers or the accumulation of military equipment already on the territory of russia, it seems to me that it is fundamental for ukraine. to be able to strike at least 300 km, which is exactly the distance where the first signs of the boundary begin, when the groupings are actually formed and are preparing to approach, to approach the front, if ukraine will have such an opportunity to shoot them at different lines, there 300 km away'. 200, 100 km, 20 km,
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from the front, from the border, well, from the front or from the border, the situation will definitely improve a lot, and here, i think, it is still worth asking certain things, we remember that somewhere a few, a few months therefore, the bundeswehr, well, germany admitted that the bundeswehr could not. to wage a war of such intensity, and just a few days ago britain admitted that it was not ready for war, and on any scale, and on against this background, it is worth saying that europe will certainly count on strengthening ukraine as powerfully as possible in order to delay the moment, to delay the moment when uh... putin will be able to attack, well
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, let's say, the eastern flank of nato, let's say so, yes , it may be primarily the baltic states, but not only that, another target may be chosen, that is, in fact, you count on the fact that in the near future, first of all, european countries will provide us with significant military and technical assistance in order to protect ourselves from the risks of war with by the russian federation, therefore the summit... nato should be quite positive for ukraine, is it possible to make such assumptions? positive, of course, in the sense that we remain without guarantees, and for an indefinite period of time, we all understand this, but we also understand that the european countries, which are much more aware of the war, the atmosphere of war and its approach, are much more easier to take now
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the decision regarding armaments, the proper armament of ukraine, is a very important aspect that is now, well, actually gaining momentum. such this is a trend, so to speak, of increasing the strengthening of ukraine. as for the united states, of course, in the 24th year we will expect to spend that 61 billion dollars, but we absolutely must prepare for such a moment when we may find ourselves again without the united states, and here we will be helped precisely by the deployment of defense and industrial . european defense-industrial structures and military-technical cooperation, these are two whales, in fact, which can become a safeguard against compromises in quotation marks, and regarding surrender territory, in terms of agreeing
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to some trumpian or trumpian putin proposals, because i, for example, do not rule out that trump's people are conducting... negotiations with putin's entourage, or maybe in some such way, well, more likely veiled, but the fact that this is happening is all obvious, and even now they say that during the meeting at the un, it is quite possible that the russian official who arrived there will be able, or even has some ... some additional proposals that can already i.e. to discuss in a few days and well to actually prepare for some of these scenarios of freezing, freezing of war, mr. valentin, thank you very much for
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the inclusion, for your expert comments, let me remind you that this was valentin badrak, director of the army conversion center, conversion and disarmament, a military analyst. writer, then the broadcast will be continued by vasyl zima, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. first of all, i would like to thank serhiy zgurets, and thank his guest. the great ether continues and we still have a lot of interesting and important information ahead of us, actually all the most important, the most interesting still remains, as they say, in ahead of us, but we are now before we start talking about the situation. in the dnipro, today the enemy hit both the dnipro and the dnipropetrovsk region, unfortunately, there are dead and wounded. tomorrow the day of mourning will be announced in the dnipro, but before we join our guest in the conversation, in which we will learn the last details and in general, how it was, i will call you to join the collection for the repair of the battleship.
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i understand that all of us feel hatred for the enemy, and we ask these people, as they say, to turn into donations, we ask to join the collection for the repair of the heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solidarsky and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone in the open air in any weather day and night, so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield, damaged military equipment, including infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed, which will deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as hydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630. and i want to tell you that we, we almost managed, we have already collected uah 600,900. this is during a big broadcast, during the broadcasts of my colleagues, who are also urging
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you to join. we have uah 29,100 left. let's hurry up and close this collection. as a matter of fact, you are great fellows, what are we, we are almost. well, as they say, war hardly counts, we have to do what we have to do. kateryna nemchenko is with us, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council. mrs. katerina, i congratulate you. glory to ukraine. to the heroes, glory, sincere sympathy, because of, well, and to you, as a community, of course to your family and friends, those who died and were injured as a result of the enemy attack on the dnipro. according to the information i just looked at, updated data, there are five dead. 47 victims, please tell me how it was in general, because it is these emotions, these incoming information, which is very important to understand, well, and then we will talk about the consequences, about saving people and about helping the victims, please, yes, on sorry, there is a small clarification, as of now, not
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47, but 53 people were injured, and yes, there were dead, these are five people, there are great hopes that at least this list will not be updated in terms of numbers. it will be, but all day today we are watching how it grows a little, due to the fact that there were blockages, and the information was also not fully known in the morning, because... well, it became clear during the day. if we talk in general about these consequences and in general about the state of people and the situation in dnipropetrovsk oblast, then everything is very, very difficult, because the last days, the last week, probably, these are just black days, in the dnipro and in the region, it is constant shelling, and on pity, they are taking the lives of ordinary peaceful dnipro residents, today it is five people, before this, when it flew in... in a high-rise building, there are already four victims, also dead, and in the nikopol
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district, due to shelling, we also have four dead in the last few days. tomorrow in dnipro has been declared a day of mourning, tetraur, a great tragedy for everyone, and this is simply the price of russia attacking the civilian population, this is ordinary terror. if we talk about the consequences of the arrival of today's infrastructure, then this is a hospital. this is a long-suffering district of our umd, this the infrastructure is strategic, of course, but what the russians want to destroy there, that when they try to hit it, and it also hits shopping centers, houses and shops, well, to be honest, it's hard to say, but this apollo shopping center that opened in our country there how many two, 2.5 months ago after an even bigger destruction, well, it was destroyed again, there will be repair work again. yes, of course, business is trying to recover, well, the fact that people restore their
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buildings, either at the expense of the restoration there, or with their own funds, or find money somewhere, it is clear that people have to live somewhere, business also has to work, people also have to buy something, it is recovering, but again, the dnipro is very close to the front line, and it is clear that the enemy continues to beat, beat, beat and beat, that he he is looking there, well, you know, today there were a lot of comments from different people that there was something there somewhere... of course, they found it, no one says where, how, and we won’t, well, i definitely won’t ask these questions , if there are any landing sites there, damaged or destroyed or something else, well for this there are people who have to deal with it, to ensure production, especially if it is a question of strategic production, of military production, for sure we will not solve this on the air, and we will not voice any information, again for this there are relevant bodies that will deal with this and investigate, but... the worst part of this story is that people have died, many people have been injured, there are also kindergartens
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damaged, as far as i know, residential buildings, i don't know what to do with the school, - in my opinion, the school was also damaged there, it was possible to shoot down 11 enemy targets, the enemy used iskander iskander k ground-based missiles, cruise missiles, as far as i understand, and even there only one or something hit the target, what am i leading to, of course... air-conditioned shelling, moreover, this shelling is so diversified, that is, missiles, missiles, and such and such missiles are difficult, but in any case, the fact that it was possible to shoot down 11 enemy targets indicates that, obviously, the air defense forces have been strengthened, or some work has been carried out on protection of the city, it is already big plus, well, if you noticed it, you can really say, well, of course. then the glory of the pfo works, if there were, well, fewer crashes, yes, if
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there were more hits, then, well, accordingly, there would be worse tragedies and more consequences of all this, well, as far as we can say, after all, there was one such hit, unfortunately , but in fact, well, it causes the most destruction, but also debris that just crashes, well, that's how air defense works, yes, it crashes, and debris, they also fly in many ... many directions over a large area, so it's also very dangerous, and in in principle, there is a problem, well, not only in the direct hit itself, the problem is also in those debris that simply fly in different directions, which are also very, very dangerous, but of course the work is conducted in principle according to the protective, let’s say, situation in the city, well, i i believe that a lot has been done for this, and... the government is monitoring all of this, but it is certain that it is simply impossible to repel such large-scale attacks
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by 100%, because, well, you see, this one percentage, it still remains on wobble, and well, because these rockets, they are very insidious and reconnaissance drones, they fly around the city very insidiously, absolutely calmly, and, well, of course yes, unfortunately there are such invincibles. also, so , well, yes, but it would be even worse if, well, it, it would be at a lower level, so basically, thank you air defense, but well, we've got what we've got. yes, when a big city, i was a witness, well, at least, when the rocket was already there, debris fell and smoke rose, there on the other side of the dnieper i saw in kyiv on june 30, if i am not mistaken, it was on sunday, a rocket was also shot down, well i'm there i heard the explosion, i saw, and the debris fell into the house, and that house is 300 m from my mother's house, this is the oboloni district, well , four floors were damaged there, although no one was injured, people went to the hospital there with
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some, well, heart pressure, before well, there's a panicky mood there, that's understandable, but i'm leading to the point that they were knocked down. and it flew all the way to obolon, and obolon is located in the north of kyiv, it is supposedly not on the border of the city, but still the debris flies far, the speed is high, so there are risks, there are always risks, it is very important here, you know, but some time ago the mayor of kharkiv appealed to the un to save kharkiv, well, that's it, it's not a cry of despair, i won't say that it's despair, because people continue to fight, but they understand that every day, every day, every day, kharkiv suffers and i don't know the reaction of the united nations organization, but regarding the dnipro, famous people, show business stars, most importantly, there is a prison guard, and polyakova and many others, and they called, recorded a video, and here is grigory the jailer writes: "holy shamenis, finally help to stop and knock out these people, well there are three dots from our lands." if it is
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, again, it is not a cry of despair, it is simply that people are really calling, turning to partners. and if we speak specifically, well, if not only about air defense, but what can be done to help the dnipro in therefore, in order not only to repel attacks, but to function, to ensure the functioning of hospitals, infrastructure facilities, communal property facilities that support the city's activities, there are certain issues with this, and what could be concrete help here, let's say, which is very critical, something is wrong somewhere enough there is no such direction, because the work is really being carried out, everything is provided at a normal level, that is, i am not aware of any critical cases, but of course we all understand that many hospitals in dnipro are now working with military personnel who arrive not only from the territory of dnipropetrovsk region, this is how many work with the injured as a result of the attacks,
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including blood transfusions and many operations, even after today. attacks, a lot of people are in hospitals and need a lot of operations, and that's it medicines, it's all there and other resources involved, because the first thing, if there is, you know, advice to the public, the first thing that you can call on ordinary people, how they can help, is to go to blood banks and donate blood, because it is really very, very necessary now, not only in dnipro this situation, but in dnipro this situation is also very important. sharply, because blood banks accept, well, there are rare blood groups there, which are really not enough, and therefore you can really call for this, if we talk about, well , there are more volunteer ones, yes, some or there private structures, then, of course , medical assistance at the dnipro hospital, it
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will also be unnecessary, ms. kateryna, and i understand, well, in general, this is still highly specialized assistance. but i think that both the city hall and the regional government will work to find these ways of supply, appropriate help, once again accept sincere condolences for what happened in the dnipro, for this tragedy committed by the enemy, a terrorist country , thank you very much, kateryna nemchenko was with us, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, and here only once again yes, both dnipropetrovsk region and dnipro, and we will talk about other cities and settlements that... suffered from enemy attacks today, and about how the enemy kills people point-blank from drones, just in the yards of their houses, i don't i understand, although i understand that this is the enemy, but again, there are many stories about today about the dead people, but now we will talk about national politics to a greater extent, and about the expectations, scandals and dissatisfaction of politicians
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with each other. volodymyr tsibulko, political commentator and people's deputy of ukraine, thursday. convocation poet, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, today i paid attention to the news that appeared on several resources, and i thought that there is still a reason to talk about it, because it is so simple such news does not appear, the news sounds like this: zelensky is tired in quotation marks, of course, but of shmygal and can dismiss him as a candidate, which candidates to replace, well, they write that this was conveyed by sources, that of denys shmygal, he is not particularly is already listening, whether it is possible to talk about the government crisis, or why suddenly zelenskyi is not in... shmyhalem, what, what is he doing wrong, or what should he have done in your opinion? the fact is that zelensky himself has accumulated a large number of mistakes, he is looking for ways to blur them out, we
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watched the story of the opening of criminal cases against the officers of the 125th brigade, then we watched the story of the dismissal of general sodol, then we, well, we are always looking for the same thing , well, for example, they watched history. kubrakov's hiring, that is, zelensky tries to blame some of his mistakes on his environment, then together with these mistakes, they eliminates, but he does not get rid of this whole mass of mistrust, which thanks to systemic, i would say, irrational decisions, just, well, zelenskyi... like a ship with shells cut by systemic mistakes and no trust in him can hardly be revived, so on bankers are trying
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to somehow transfer their mistakes to their subordinates, then dismiss these subordinates, well, this is unlikely to help, the only thing that may float in the air is the idea of ​​replacing the government in general and... and the formation of some such coalition, but preferably without petro poroshenko, i have several sources have received information that bankovay is not against creating a quasi -coalition of unity, if only not with poroshenko, but with poroshenko such unity, that is , such unity will not work without poroshenko, here the bank has already asked for a scandal when it convened its prayer breakfast . of national unity, to which the opposition was not invited, it looks very funny, what then is unity? well, you know, jesus
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even invited the one who betrayed him, judas iscariot, to his last supper, so although no one betrayed anyone here, actually all those politicians, who are in ukraine and work and help the army and pass laws, they work in the interests of ukraine, regardless of their political sympathies or antipathies, so... well , sure, i, by the way, this story and, i read deputies from the opposition, who do not understand this in the united states of america, this is generally an excuse to gather together and talk, because we are not enemies globally, well, we shouldn't be, we are all, and we are all fighting against russia, for ukraine, so what is our hostility , in different political views, and please, one more point, religion is unifying, religion is not no pushes across the poles, across the camps. party members, and it turned out that even the authorities used the religious factor for confrontation, it looks strange, well here it really is, you know, and
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faith should unite, the only question is that maybe not all people believe, and also, well here, you know , i can't help but ask a question, it 's not to throw a bone in someone's garden or a stone in someone's garden, but it's just very often said that the head of the president's office is conditionally... yermak, who is currently in the united states america, on the eve of the start of the nato summit, there for six the nato summit is starting in a few days, he, rustem umerov, stefanishyna are in the usa and holding a series of meetings, that is, i understand that there is something to do, despite again, despite different political views, i understand that the head of the office has now taken some position , and he does a certain job, well, let there be a story later, evaluate it, and, but it was said that yermak should be put under... i, for example, do not understand a person who knows exactly what he is doing and already has a long time this liability, legal, foreseen, unforeseen, we in fact
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let's talk, yes, and what would you like now with andriermak, saying, to sit in the prime minister's chair and be accountable to everyone to whom you can be accountable and take all the negativity on yourself, or still look for candidates, which candidates would you see, by the way, for the post of prime minister of ukraine, well, really, let's not talk about yermak, poroshenko there. and yet another person, but realistically, what kind of person should it be, so that the president does not get tired of her, or what he expects from her, some kind of economic miracle, to explain to people why taxes should increase, and where are these taxes to be taken, to fill the budget, i understand that the problem of the economy, they are probably now a trigger for the president, because people will immediately react to any changes in tariffs, taxes, prices, well, that’s clear, here the question is different , the question is how the government wants to continue itself. the fact is that this model, when the current prime minister shmygal was just a shadow of the banker and did not shine anywhere, therefore... under these
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circumstances, of course, transplanting the fair from the chair of the head of the office to the prime minister's is essentially well, the transformation, let's say, of the state completely in the presidential state, since it is, well, it is an act without revision. composition of the coalition, because a single-party majority actually no longer exists, the parliament votes, let's say, collects the required number of votes from deputy groups that are not subjects in the creation of a coalition, because the factions themselves can create a coalition, and even more so another example, the matter of because shmegal gave the bank an opportunity. to exist
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without a government program, that is, in essence, the bank is not responsible for the government, which allegedly works without a program and depends on the parliamentary the majority, the bank controls the parliamentary majority, makes all decisions, and the government only, well, i would say, voiced the decisions that are made by the bank, now many voices are heard that it is necessary to restore the effectiveness of these and as an option to transplant ermak to the chair the prime minister is one of the ways to restore the effectiveness of the constitution, but really in the sense of accepting responsibility for the state of the economy and the state of the economy, well, this really will probably fall on yermak's head with a very large burden, but at the same time, the current model of economic management and management.
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internal politics, well, the internal life of the country, except for the war, it completely discredited itself. i absolutely agree with you, if there is a person who feels in himself the strength to implement certain things, even if it is not provided for by the constitution, then, really, it is probably worth occupying the positions provided for in the constitution, take responsibility and maybe something will really succeed to do, here i am absolutely, again, without political likes and dislikes, talking about the fact that during the war sometimes people have to take... responsibility and implement something, if you can, if you think that someone can't, well only, and very briefly, literally, very briefly, i will answer the question as trump, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, here i also understand him completely, but he wants to know, he has the right to this, the head of the state that is waging war against russia, said that donald trump should today outline his plan for a quick end to the war with russia, if he has one there is a plan, and actually he is ready to meet with trump, well, here i will say only one thing, that trump, in
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principle, is nothing to anyone... except, as president zelensky said to his family, but in your opinion, what should trump answer? a post on the x network, should there be any answer to the president, well, zelensky is absolutely right in that he wants to know if you have a plan, what to drag there before the elections, let's talk now, the fact is that here zelensky caught trump in the crosshairs indeed, and if trump has nothing to answer, then it is clear that it is ukrainian. the question is an internal factor of american politics, and the ukrainian issue is very significant in the elections, so in essence , zelensky created a situation where trump must either say really effective things, and not the way he voices all kinds of projects, here we are talking about very responsible politics, this is probably trump's first time forced to talk about responsible politics, because everything he
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does, he does such a thing... and you and you on this topic that you will end the war in 24 hours, you also go to power on this topic, so come on, be please, mr. vasyl, only it should be reminded that trump was president for 5 years, four years and did nothing to return crimea to ukraine, if he says that he can return it, then why did he not do anything then, being president? thank you very much for joining, thank you for the conversation, volodymyr tsybulko, political commentator, people's deputy. of the fourth convocation of ukraine, by the way, we just want to thank mr. volodymyr, and i just wanted to say that i was also ready to support, and then mr. volodymyr said something that president zelensky in this story did the right thing, such a counterattack, and as it sometimes works, such a move is made, and you have to answer, well, obviously, maybe volodymyr oleksandrovich read the book of negotiations in the style of trump, and there, by the way, just such moves were used .


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