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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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everything he's doing, he's doing this, well, imitation of stormy, and you, and you on this topic that you'll end the war in 24 hours, you're also going to power on this topic, so come on, please, yes, sir vasyl, i just need to remind you that trump was president for 5 years and four years and did nothing to return crimea to ukraine, if he says that he can return it, then why did he not do anything then, being president. thank you so much for joining in, thank you for the conversation. volodymyr tsybulko, political commentator, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation, by the way, that's just the way to thank, let's thank mr. volodymyr, and i just wanted to say that i was also ready to support, and then mr. volodymyr blurted out the thing that president zelenskyy did the right thing in this story, such a counterattack, and how , and it sometimes works, such a move is made, and you have to answer, well, obviously, maybe volodymyr oleksandrovich read the book of trump-style negotiations, and there, by the way, just such moves were used. by trump himself, well
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, now let him answer, and again, here now we are not talking about political sympathies, antipathies, who voted for whom, did not vote, no, here you have to act in such a way as to force your partners or potential partners to act, let them answer, and if there is no plan, let's close this topic altogether, let's talk about something else, let's not wait until november, there are still elections until december, and soon trump will become the president, and we will find out that there was no plan, let's find out right away that there was no plan, for example, or let him they are writing that plan. literally in a moment of news. good evening, we from ukraine. for the first time in almost 30 years , the head of the un general assembly, denis frentsi, arrived in ukraine, met with volodymyr zelenskyi , the head thanked the foreign guest for his support of the first peace summit, which was held, let me remind you, in switzerland. he emphasized that one of the results could be a resolution on nuclear security of ukraine. project documents kyiv in the near future. discussed, among other things
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, issues of food security and the export of ukrainian grain. by the way, i will say right away that today it is about how much grain we will be able to collect, there are oil crops and others cultures, today oleksandr murchevka will talk about it with the guest, it is really important to understand what crops we can count on as of now, how much we can sell to the domestic market. internal consumption, this is an important topic in fact. previously, there were at least three stabbings in the kharkiv district of kyiv, the head of the region, olek synygubov, said. as a result of the enemy attack, two private houses were destroyed. units of the state emergency service rescued an eight-year-old boy from the rubble. thank god and thank you rescuers at the moment , six people are known to have been injured as a result of this attack. in addition, he suffered. is a multi-story
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residential building, the windows are broken, and now our utility company is working, the employees of the state emergency service, the national police are working, so every day we are shelled. well, once again, the occupiers attacked the poltava region, neighboring kharkiv region, during an air alert in the region, a hit was recorded, the head of the military administration of the region, philip pronin, said. he promised to make the details public. later, well, the enemy again attacked the crooked horn with ballistic missiles from the occupied crimea, targeting the critical infrastructure of this city, said the head of the dnipropetrovsk region serhiy lysak. fortunately, there were no casualties. prior to this, the monitoring channels wrote that they had spotted a russian reconnaissance drone, it was probably correcting it, an enemy strike. well
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, the number of victims in the dnipro has increased to 53. unfortunately, five people were killed, reported the head of the regional military administration , serhiy lysak. the victims mostly had shrapnel wounds, cut wounds, bruises, etc fractures, and as a result of the morning strike on the city, the building, hospitals and shopping center were damaged. there was a fire near the medical facility. the russians hit the dnieper with drones and missiles. local residents heard at least 10 explosions. by. a day of mourning was declared in the city, when the explosions started, it was really scary, the explosions were very strong, there was a puddle near me, there was a puddle of blood, a lot of blood, glass, i injured my face, my arm was broken, i fell to the floor with the phone and was calling to my wife, just to say that i love her, i think that these are my last words in life, it was very scary, and here the parking lot shook and all these pipes were so... also shaking and we were very
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scared, we managed to get down here before the explosions, everyone was screaming, crying, well, really. we don't call it condolences, tomorrow is the day of mourning in dnipro, let's also support it, because today is any kind of mourning, it is mourning throughout ukraine, dnipropetrovsk region, poltava region, kharkiv region, zaporozhye region, kyiv region, it doesn't matter, we are all ukrainians, and for it hurts us all, because we are goddesses, and not the espresso tv channel demanding a return to digital broadcasting, the supreme court considered the cassation appeal of toph goldbury, noted on april 22. in 2018, the radio broadcasting, radio communications and television concern illegally switched off our tv channel from the digital network. this happened despite the presence of the license of the national council for broadcasting by the courts, when the decisions of the first court were issued , the supreme court adopted a resolution
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rejecting the cassation appeal in the goldbor and upholding the decision of the appellate court, this resolution changed the motivational part of the first decision. they refused us completely, that is, neither the first instance, nor the second instance, nor the third instance will agree that our rights and legitimate interests have been violated. i will only remind you that our western partners, the g7 countries, their ambassadors, state secretary blinkin, and many other people have always hinted and reminded us that freedom of speech, freedom of speech, freedom of speech in wartime, military censorship, please, tv channel. express did not violate any censorship, did not work for the enemy, thank god, there is no reason to say that that we are doing something wrong, why don't we, we say our tv channel, this is also your tv channel, and many people today cannot watch espresso, have access to information,
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because someone somewhere once turned off the plug, and now they have refused, they refused, well, in any case, we will continue to work and believe that we will have the rule of law, common sense and freedom of speech. this is actually the thesis that we are fighting because we want to live in a democratic, free world, and not in such a world as russia is, the one that destroyed independent media, initially under the rule of vladimir putin, let me remind you. negligence or an accident in the white church , a gate fell on a ten-year-old boy while he was playing football on the playground with his friends. the child is currently fighting for his life, this shocking tragedy has caused indignation among many parents of the district, because anyone could be in a similar situation. all the details are in my colleague's report. an iron gate fell on a ten-year-old boy during a football game on the independence massif. they broke his skull and the child is now is in an extremely difficult condition. makar is a student of the fourth grade of the bilotserki lyceum
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, gymnasium number 12. currently, his condition is unstable and these few days are the most difficult. the child will have to put a plate. and the pubic bone was removed. the mother also recalls the chronology of the events of that tragic day. at first, makar was in a local children's hospital, and later he was transferred to kyiv. a boy ran to my house, said that your makar has fallen, fallen, is lying unconscious. i came here literally in a minute and soon drove up. these gates were upside down, i wasn't i know that there, like him, well, i understood that he swung on that gate, and they fell on him, well, they always, he walks there, he, well, they always play football there, often, i immediately sat down we went
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to the hospital in a hurry, the entire class of makarchyk was affected by this event, according to the information of his parents, his classmates, this trouble did not leave anyone alone... so everyone united to save the child's life. the child has an open craniocerebral injury, he is currently being operated on at the okhmadit children's hospital in kyiv, and the child is in in a very serious condition, let's say a coma of the third degree, we need funds for its treatment. parents are indignant that the ill-fated gate has already fallen down several times, and the children have lifted it up. further, it is still not known for sure who owns this site and why no organization is responsible for its security. of course it's outrageous that it happened in a playground, the kid didn't go play somewhere near a railroad or near some
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construction site, it was where there are always kids and it could happen to anyone a child, and of course, we want to stop it so that our children are not injured, so that our children are near the houses... and we are sure of their life and health. according to parents, there are many such playgrounds in the district, and all of them are partially broken or worn out. the house where the flu field is located. number seven is on zheku's balance sheet. the parent committee of the class immediately sent a letter to the office. in response, they were told that communal workers do not take care of children's and sports grounds. but the youth and sports department has yet to officially comment on the situation want the only thing, according to his boss serhiy martynov, is that all the sites are communally owned by the city. it is noteworthy that after the tragedy the gate was removed, but who did it is not from. at home parents are excited, other children are playing on the field, and they are also at
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risk. the only question i have is who should be responsible for this unfortunate incident, who should supervise the playgrounds, because the situation in the 26th house is not the best, the gates are shaking, i understand that children need sports, children need classes, now summer, they burn football, they want to play. there are no conditions . children who were playing nearby at that time witnessed the shocking event. my friends and i were riding on this swing and we saw that the gate had fallen, at first we did not see makar, this, those, those guys who were playing football with him, then they started calling everyone for help, and then, well, we arrived, we saw that he was lying there unconscious. and half of his head was crooked there. our tv channel has already sent an information request
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to the city council. who should monitor the condition of the sites and whether someone will be responsible liability for such negligence. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. indeed, only the recovery of dvitini, of course, but there is the same ground, well, it was possible at least somewhere to concrete those gates, they. big, the children wobble, that's understandable, but they shouldn't fall here and there, and you know, they always try to put things in order when something happens, i would really like to fix the gate a little now, but that's all - after all, it shouldn't be like that, because everything starts with this, the attitude towards children, which we need sports, it's not only that the playground is full of dust and children fall and they can get hurt, well, at least they would make a covering there, yuriy fizar is already with us, the world is about... lukashenko is the one who calls himself
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the president of belarus, he still calls it that, he diagnosed himself, the president of finland knows who can stop the russian war in ukraine, and the usa, it seems, can allow us to strike with our weapons deeper into the territory of russia. my name is yuriy fizar, this is a world about ukraine, and i will start in a moment. well, i'll start with this: the 45th president of the united states of america, donald trump, who has every chance to settle in the main house in washington for the next four years, as part of his plan for ukraine, is discussing with putin how much of the occupied territories russia can keep, a process referring to two of national security experts associated with trump, the publication wrote.
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the journalists do not provide details about the format in which these negotiations are being held and at what stage they are, as well as which territories, in particular, are in question. at the same time, according to sources edition, trump is considering the possibility of concluding an agreement with putin, according to which countries, especially ukraine and georgia, could join nato. the spokesman for the main criminal of the world, putin, dmitry peskov, has already reacted to this information, saying that no, no, nothing like that, i will not discuss his suzerain with trump. trump is also discussing things like this with putin, after all, does trump have immunity and much more, about this and other things, i will talk with oleksandr kraev, an expert of the foreign policy council, ukrainian prism joins us on skype, sir oleksandr, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, heroes of glory, good evening to you, mr. oleksandr, please tell me, have you heard the information that i just gave, what do you think... can such negotiations, the information about such negotiations be true ? in fact, it looks
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like these are indirect negotiations, that is , firstly, this is how they can be conducted, so obviously, trump's statements regarding the settlement, as they call it, of the ukrainian crisis and any actions of the future, potentially future american administration with regard to ukraine, they are now are under development, and they largely agree with what the kremlin says. if we look at ... the latest trump campaign strategy that they presented on ukraine, especially if we read their long foreign affairs article, almost 11 pages long, it's obvious that trump's plan is one way or another, but in many ways. points, it corresponds to what russia would be interested in, that is, it is a ceasefire, the beginning of direct negotiations, in principle a respite, which the russian army now needs to win, so if not in after all, at least in these specific positions, trump's plan corresponds to putin's plan. moreover, let's take into account the fact that when president orban, suddenly,
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prime minister orban, or rather artov, let's jump to hungary, came to kyiv and presented his vision of these negotiations. in many respects, he reproduced both trump's and putin's positions. and here we come to what i wanted to say at the beginning, that such negotiations are underway, but if they are, they are not proceeding directly. they can just happen through orbán or through anyone else mediator but agree, well, it cannot be a coincidence that key politicians of this level happen to have very common positions on one of the key crises of the modern international system. well, it really is. and are such negotiations possible? take place, not through intermediaries, already when trump, that is , will putin be interested in holding such negotiations with trump, when, if trump wins the elections, putin will clearly be interested in such negotiations, well, despite the fact that the russian administration, the kremlin, is now disabusing itself as much as possible from their influence on trump, they constantly say that you understand,
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we don't care, and everything else that piskov awards there, but still, if you compare the negotiations with trump, they are potential. and the negotiations that the americans and russians last had in january of 2022, then trump would be a much more interesting interlocutor for putin. it is not for nothing that trump said in helsinki in 1818 that he trusted putin more than his cia director. therefore, yes, from the kremlin's point of view, negotiations with trump would be interesting for them, and negotiations with trump, how minimum, allowed them to win this operational pause. if we look at it from trump's point of view at the same time, his main interest is to... it's over as quickly as possible. he has repeatedly changed his position on ukraine, but the only thing he has remained constant regarding russian aggression against our country is that he would like this aggression to end before the elections. he was saying this to sean hannity on fox news. he said it during the debate, he said it many times. therefore, it seems to me that trump himself is not like that it would be interesting to talk directly with putin, how
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to seat us at the negotiating table with the russians, and, accordingly, he wrote a lot of his strategies... he clearly wrote, now let’s talk about trump’s immunity, that is, does he have it or does he not have it, so what i will tell our viewers is that the day before, it wasn't even the day before, but two days ago, we had this information yesterday morning, so the chief justice of the supreme court, john roberts, said that trump has absolute immunity for official acts in the position of president, however, according to the words the head of the supreme court of the united states of america, he, that is, trump, does not have immunity for actions taken in private, and now the case has been sent to a lower court. yes, please tell me, mr. alexander, how immune is trump's immunity anyway? this is where you and i stumble upon classic american
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jurisprudence, here we recall all the american series about lawyers, of which there are just myriads, and this is ... just one of those cases that american experts very aptly call the word shinenings, this is what it seems, from the first point of view, to be legal, but at the same time it clearly distorts the justice system. what's up? if we turn to the text of the decision that was voted by the supreme court, it says that not subject to prosecution, any actions that, firstly, fit within the limits of the constitutional duties of the president, and those limits ... cannot draw more since the first year of the formation of the united states, in fact , the legal debate on this matter with the interpretation of the constitution is still ongoing, and secondly, such actions should be that the judges called an official act, that is, an official order, an official executive order, as you want to translate it, of the president of the united states. what is an official act? the court itself does not
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note at the same time? they say that only the courts of other instances should determine what is an official act and what is not... therefore, accordingly, whether trump has immunity, we cannot say so clearly, because what the supreme court decided does not give he has absolute immunity, but at the same time, what the supreme court decided gives trump the opportunity to manipulate the judicial system, that is, conditionally, even the same case about storm daniels, about payment to a porn star, if the court recognizes that what he did was an official act and accordingly violated the law, trump through appeal, cassation and then goes to the supreme court. a court where the supreme court can absolutely safely say that this was an unoficial act in the sense of the supreme court, and therefore trump cannot be tried, and the same story can be repeated with each subsequent indictment, that is... in short, it is not absolute immunity, but it is the most versatile weapon in the legal arsenal trump oh, how twisted it all is, and it's right in trump's hand, because he will
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use it as best as he knows how. well, i have one last question for you. mr. alexander, please tell us, let's go back to the unsuccessful speech of joe biden, the current president of the united states, during the debate with trump, not about the debate itself, but about the story that develops after it. so there is information that the democrats , even though the family convinced biden not to withdraw his candidacy, but the democrats high-ranking among them will somehow try to convince him to withdraw his candidacy, is this really possible, but if he withdraws his candidacy, who is for him? let's put it this way, even at the beginning of this day, i would have told you that no, biden is determined to continue his campaign, but literally within hours. before our broadcast with you, our online meeting with you, the new york times came out with quite interesting, sensational news, as they called it, that biden again went to secret talks with
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his advisers, well, as usual in new york sources close to the sources told the times that, and biden is indeed considering withdrawing, that is, compared to yesterday's position, compared to the post-debate position, the conversation is serious enough right now, so there is a chance that biden will withdraw right now. who but him? unfortunately, kamala harris is currently being considered as the key candidate. why unfortunately? because during her vice-presidency , we saw her as a completely passive politician who does not have her own full-fledged program, which even the minimum that depends on the vice president did not work out 100%. plus, we must state that she is one of the most unpopular democratic politicians of our time. therefore, in fact, the key option to replace trump currently looks quite weak. and, of course, there are alternatives, such as the governor of california, or the minister of infrastructure butidge, but unfortunately, they are hardly talked about at the moment. but regarding this, i also found information that they even
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talked about michelle obama, it's just that they say, does such an option also exist? this is an option was considered at the end of the 22nd, the beginning of the 23rd year, then the question of biden's age actually arose for the first time, then there were the first problems with his speeches, then he started talking for the first time, that is, then... this issue became relevant, about michelle obama was talked about, it was against this background that she had a book of her autobiography released, she had a wonderful long-hour interview with oprah, she had five projects on netflix in a row very randomly, and then these conversations had a basis. for now, unfortunately, talk seriously about what michelle obama has political future, well, none of the american colleagues, let's say, will raise this topic. of course. thank you very much, mr. oleksandr, for participating in the program. thanks as always. for your professional evaluations, it was oleksandr kraev, expert of the foreign policy council of the ukrainian prism. we go further. russia is now so dependent on china that one phone call to putin from xi
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jinping would end the war. if xi said it was time to start peace talks, russia would be forced to do so. the president of finland alexander stup said this in interview with the bloomberg agency. the finnish president's comments, according to bloomberg, reflect growing frustration among allies in... ukraine over beijing's alleged support for moscow's military efforts. they accuse beijing of providing the kremlin with weapons technology and parts to circumvent international trade restrictions. well, china immediately reacted to this statement of the president of finland. russia and china act as two large independent states and maintain contacts with each other regarding the ukrainian settlement and here again. crisis, this is what the official representative of the chinese foreign ministry maoning stated during the daily briefing, and in this way she refuted the statement of alexander stub that erephia is completely dependent on
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beijing. at the same time, the spokeswoman of the foreign policy department of the celestial empire emphasized that china and russia, as two independent great powers, will continue their contacts with each other. well, who could doubt that she would say something? let's move on to the rest: he, that is, volodymyr zelensky , had certain doubts about my proposal, he did not like it, and he said: "let's think about it, let's think about it." thus, hungarian prime minister viktor orban commented on the reaction of the ukrainian president to his proposal to cease fire and sit down at the negotiating table with the russians. viktor orban said this in an interview with dievelt vohe. at the same time, according to the head of the hungarian government, he had no goal. to fulfill mr. zelenskyi's offer, he only wanted to convey to the ukrainian president hungary's position on the peaceful settlement of the situation in ukraine. well,
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ukraine may conclude in the coming days another security agreement, this time with poland. the minister of foreign affairs of the republic of poland, radoslav sikorsky, said this on the air of polish radio z. according to him , it will be signed during volodymyr zelenskyi's visit to warsaw. at the same time , the head of the polish foreign policy department added that this will be a declaration based on the formula used in the so-called group of seven on long-term cooperation. in the field of security. well, if russia tries to expand the current front, then ukraine will be allowed to fire at targets on the territory of russia, which are further away from the border. assistant secretary of state for european affairs, james o'brien, said this the day before during hearings in the house of representatives committee on international relations. according to him, the priority of the usa was to provide weapons to ukraine and concentrate them in the regions of the most.
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urgent need, and now, says mr. obryan, russia has lost its offensive momentum and cannot sustain its offensive campaign. well, in conclusion, lukashenko, he warns ukraine so much. on the eve during a speech at a meeting, on the occasion of independence day in belarus, although it is stubbornly called independence day there, the self-proclaimed president of the country broke up again, they say. about how the ukrainians have become more active near the ukrainian-belarusian border, they say that we launch drones, and they shoot them down, because they have something and know how, that the ukrainians are deliberately going to escalate the situation, but that the belarusians, trained by the second world war, do not want this and do everything so that nothing bad happens, but if we, ukrainians, will do something like that, says hryhorovych, then he, then we will hear in direct language what he will do with us and what
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diagnosis he has come up with. we listen to lukashenka. and the ukrainians understand that we will respond, and as recently, some of my journalist friends in russia said that lukashenka has positive color blindness, he is color blind, he will not draw any lines, the response will be terrible, you know, if someone approaches that border, on whom i served, if he knows well what a border is, then i am not just good. we are waiting for the next diagnostics lukashenka, i say a good colorblind with chicken blindness, well, it’s simple, it’s just a bomb, well, that’s all i have for today in the world about ukraine column, that’s all only for today, there will be more tomorrow, and there will be more in our future ether, so don't switch.
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