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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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the road to nowhere, how can the construction of a forest road destroy a historical monument? the unique vitaly portnikov about the impact of the war on ukrainians and the values ​​that unite the nation. the diary of the legendary nationalist mykola kokhanivskyi: the country is always at the forefront, look for it at the points of sale of the press or subscribe online. euro-2024 is just around the corner, football europe is ready to crown a new national team that will become the champion and go down in history forever. watch all euro 2024 matches exclusively on meago-go there are discounts are the only discounts on normoven 10% in travel pharmacies to you and save. do ordinary things become unreal? heavy bags are not for my sore back. for back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. doolgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. when buying a large package of 150 g, you save. up to 50% are discounts represent
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the only discounts on estazipin, 20% in travel pharmacies, pam and savings. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine. the world front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. as legislative
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norms change our lives, what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. good evening from ukraine. there is a great ethereal going on, and now is the time to talk about money, in a time of war. greetings to vasyl, greetings to the viewers, the harvest is indeed in rozpala, but there are problems, in particular in small enterprises, we will talk about this in detail with an expert, also learn about the important income international aid to the ukrainian budget, about everything in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr
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morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. i'll start with an important figure: the new tranche is already available. ukraine received more than 2 billion dollars from the international monetary fund. this was reported by the head of our government, denys shmigal. the cabinet of ministers will direct these funds to finance critical budget expenditures, social benefits, and salaries for doctors and teachers. well, this amount will be distributed to such, in fact, social. initiatives which need additional infusions now. well, vasyl, of course, you and i talked recently about the so-called possible default, which some experts are now predicting for ukraine in connection with the fact that in august it is necessary to pay foreign creditors a significant share of foreign bonds, that is, money for , that they gave us money, in a word, but here is this beacon, in my opinion, that ukraine received more than 2 billion
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dollars from... the imf, this is a signal that the creditors will, well, go for a certain restructuring, in my opinion, and they will write it off, so far we will not be to announce what share, but they will write off a share of the foreign debt anyway, well, you know, just a lot has been invested in this war and it’s not even about money, it’s about people’s lives, destinies, well, just now and this money, even if they told us not to return it , well, we gave everything, we defaulted, what made it easier for someone? life has become better, but no, i think that vasyl, experts are now saying that for ukrainians, here are ordinary ukrainians, even in the worst scenario, well, yure, default, nothing will change, because ukrainians are essentially already in are in such a difficult economic situation that it is much worse, and this is in fact and there are such signs of inflation, depreciation of the national currency, we are in fact in those signs of delivery of consumer goods, so absolutely, well, let's move on, we will have to support now... more foreign
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manufacturers, the kyiv cardboard and paper mill, which is located in obukhov, may suspend work. the company informed that this will happen in case of total mobilization of employees. we are talking about those specialists who cannot be replaced by women. currently, every tenth employee in the ranks of the armed forces, in particular, it takes about 5 years to become a machinist of a processing and/or card machine, since it is necessary to master a number of different staged works, the company says, consumers will be left without sanitary and hygienic products, and large manufacturers of ukrainian goods without cardboard containers, that is, in case of closing... the paper mill, which is known throughout ukraine, in obukhov. well, but today the government’s decision that it is necessary to expand the list of mobilized ranks, oops, reserved officials, well, maybe officials are important for the government, and
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goods are important for ordinary ukrainians, and in particular the money that ukrainians spend on them, it is clear that spending money on ukrainian goods is an increase in the gross domestic product. i don't know where the government is from. recently , he has been announcing the growth of gdp at a time when the consumer activity of ukrainians is really falling and the production capacity of ukrainian companies and enterprises is decreasing, well , i don’t have the math in my head, well just really, i think that whether today or tomorrow we will still talk about economic reservation, the question is that, relatively speaking, if we are talking about the survival of the state and about the payment of taxes, well, about the necessity and importance of these or those people in the life of the country. then the question of booking a football club whose match is watched by 500 people and booking individual employees of an enterprise that supplies the whole country with these sanitary things, so the question is, why is it possible there and not there, well, vasyl, you understand why i combined these
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two news, the first about money from the imf and the second about the fact that a large plant may simply not pay taxes and close, because we applaud the government, and we will. the word what i, well, yes, this, this fits perfectly with this story about the ubukhiv toilet paper, hop dances, because i, and there is such a very ukrainian good phrase, i will not quote it in full, it can be so, indeed, but what is the current situation in the fields, in particular
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, the harvest is actively going on in many regions of our country, denis marchuk joins our conversation, deputy chairman of the all-ukrainian agrarian council, we will talk about this in detail with him. good evening, good evening, mr. denys, today i saw a conversation on the information site of a certain small agricultural company, a small agricultural cooperative from zaporizhzhia, where at the moment there are only a few people left to work, and everyone is involved in quickly withdrawing from fielded grain, even the head of it... well , he carries this grain day and night on an old car, because he cries, even tells, that there is no one to work in the field. i don't speak now i am not asking you about large agricultural holdings, maybe they have a little more technological capabilities, but now with small
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agricultural companies, how is their harvest going? well , this is the personnel situation, it is relevant for everyone, starting from small, medium and large companies, because if... you look at the mobilization process, it is in the agricultural sector, it started from the first days of the full-scale invasion, it is understandable, because there are many specialists who were immediately suitable for driving military equipment, and the mobilization process continues, although agricultural enterprises are also assigned to a sector critically important for the economy of the country, but the process of mobilizing 50% in four steps, well, there were four consecutive directions of mobilization, there is no one to reserve this 50%, that's why such stories. when managers there themselves already work on tractors, when engineers work on dairy farms, when agronomists perform the functions that, well, they also become combine harvesters there, that is, there are a lot of interchangeable directions, and this, unfortunately, is an everyday situation in which turned out to be an agrarian business,
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but nevertheless, more than a million grains have been threshed in the fields today, active work continues, let's hope that the weather will help to obtain the yield figures that we hope for. have for this season, please announce, the harvest is already underway, is it possible to talk about more accurate expectations for this year's harvest, how much we will collect from the fields, in particular grain? the weather always makes its adjustments, it is very difficult to guess, but we have preliminary analyzes, to date, if we look at the grain group, we expect within 56 million, the oil group in in the range of 21-22 million, i.e. a total of 77-78 million grain oil crops, we will see, and therefore we will be able to fully provide ourselves with food, because in war conditions, taking into account the number of people who were forced to leave, we need no more than 15 million, we count more than 60 million - this is the total potential export, which we will be able to sell and receive foreign exchange earnings,
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accordingly, support the country's economy. well, here is an interesting question, forecasts regarding exports and the receipt of foreign exchange earnings, to what extent are these protests in the ukrainian-polish the borders of polish farmers affected , firstly, the sowing and then, accordingly , the forecasts regarding the sale of our grain abroad, whether there are certain disturbances. concerns or restrictions on the volumes of grain that will be sold specifically to third countries, in particular. well, we are not really afraid, although in reality the situation needs to be equalized and work in the interests of everyone so that both the poles earn and the ukrainians earn, because if you look at the flow, and no more than two dashes there, up to 5% at most left by land route through thanks to the work of our armed forces, we have fixed poland and other neighboring countries. logistics through the ports of great odesa, and in fact 90% of what we export there goes
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by sea, so we pay more attention to safety, the passage of ships, safety, their access to the port infrastructure to the territory of ukraine. now our partners turkey, bulgaria, and romania have started demining the black sea, and from the consequences of shelling and, let's say, the launching of water mines, which russia is doing, that's why we are preparing with our partners to export this as our main by logistic route, well... at the very end, quite briefly, in particular with regard to field demining, how far this work is now established, how far this service is already available for ukrainian farmers, how far companies provide this service, and how expensive it is, perhaps for agro-enterprises, small ones, for example, it is very expensive, conditional satisfaction in quotes, because official work for certified specialists, depending on the consequences of mined areas, littered areas. survey can occupy 1 hectare in cost somewhere more than thousands of dollars, if it is
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demining, it can reach 5-600 dollars per hectare, that is, these are very large amounts of funding, which are not available especially in the de-occupied territories, so we hope that this funding is partially in the form of 3 billion hryvnias, which states are allocated for the demining process, of which 80% should be covered by the state, and 20% directly by business, at least improve it a little. the situation so that the amount of fields for the winter company, let's say sown, could increase there. it is really important that farmers worked in safe conditions and simply engaged in their professional activities. thank you, denys marchuk was in touch, the deputy chairman of the all-ukrainian agrarian council, we are monitoring the harvest, we hope everything will be fine. vasyl zima's big broadcast will continue and he will tell a lot of interesting things, but i'll pass for today. wait, watch us, yes,
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well, thank you very much to oleksandr morshivka, i want to say that today from 8:00 to 9 o'clock we have a program, well, it will be a continuation of the great evening with vasyl zima, let's say, instead of two-hour verdict program, we will talk with our guests on political and international topics. politics, economic topics, a lot of interesting and important information, i ask you to also join, continue to join the collection, i am very grateful to you, because after my appeal to you at the beginning of our broadcast, you collected uah 16,120, and now we have 616 00, we need 630, and there are less than 14 00 uah left, let's close this collection today, we still have some time and... well, relatively speaking, your maybe uah 100, maybe uah 50, i don’t know, maybe uah 1,000, who can
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give how much today to cover this fee for a minibus for our soldiers who need to transport mobile repair groups to the contact line or to the gray zone to repair armored personnel carriers, tanks and bmp, maybe it is yours, your donation will be decisive, and we will put an end to it and the military will be able to purchase this minibus for themselves, i say 13,880 uah, and i think that we will be able to, well, within the next 16 minutes, this fee remains close, i will be very grateful to you, i am already to you grateful, but... what's more, well, let 's continue, sports evgeny pastukhov is ready to talk about the most important events, evgeny, good evening, please, good evening vasyl, i congratulate the dear viewers of espresso, so the busy sports summer continues, we are all watching the european championship in germany, the wimboldon tournament is also taking place in britain, the wimboldon tennis tournament, where our ukrainian tennis players participate,
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today we will also talk about the results of their performances. but those who have long noses do not have noses olympics, the olympic games will already start in july, and we will also touch on this aspect, because the expanded application of the ukrainian national football team for the olympic games has become known. we will talk about all this in more detail in a moment. let's start with the playoff matches of the european championship in germany, which were played the day before. and just yesterday , the austrian national team stopped its journey, its performances at the european championship, perhaps unexpectedly after such a confident result in its group. ralf rangnik's team lost to the turkish national team. the turks came forward on in the second minute of the meeting after merich demiral's goal, the goal was taken by a corner kick.
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the austrians squandered a chance to restore parity when the veteran austrian forward. marko arnautovic could not beat mert gunok. at the beginning of the second half, the turks scored for the second time, a double was completed by demiral, however, soon the austrians reduced the deficit thanks to the efforts of mikhail gregorich. rangnik's men continued to attack. in the last moments of the match, the hero of the turks was once again the goalkeeper. he saved his team after a close shot by baumgartner. so turkey is in the quarter-finals and austria is going home. and the day before yesterday, the last team of the quartet in which the national team of ukraine played, the national team of romania, yesterday suffered a crushing defeat in the playoff match against the national team of the netherlands. kryvniki of the ukrainian national team started with a good moment, denis man scored above the goal, but in the 20th minute
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of the match ronald koeman's wards opened the scoring. cody gakpo shifted. from the flank and hit the goal with a strong shot into the near corner. in the half, gak had an assist. from his transmission daniel malen doubled the lead of the netherlands. he had to aim at an empty goal. malen scored a double after his own solo pass in stoppage time. it is quite difficult, it is possible to understand, but for the dutch national team it is the first quarter-final of the european championship in 16 years. we remember. they played in the finals of the world cup, where spain lost, but they haven't played in the quarter-finals of the european championship for a long time. so, all the quarter-final pairs have been formed. on july 5, that is, on friday, the hosts of the championship are the germans in stuttgart will meet the spaniards. this match is probably worthy of the final, and it is a pity that the grid
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is formed in this way, spain, germany, a match that can become the decoration of the entire tournament already. at such an early stage, and also on friday in hamburg for a place in the semi-finals between portugal and france, another great match, at least according to the sign. two more matches are scheduled for july 6. on saturday in dusseldorf, england will play against switzerland, here you definitely do not know what to expect after the performance of the swiss, who were knocked out of tournament of the reigning european champions, italy, and england, we remember how, with what nerves, with what efforts. passed slovakia with jude bellingham's inexplicable gestures after scoring a goal, in another match also on saturday in berlin , the netherlands will face turkey. and really, i'll just add that you're watching four teams, portugal, france, it's like a repeat of the 2016 euro final, and even
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many of the same performers remained , spain, and spain, germany, but i don't know. it was taking shape, but to be honest, i want to to stretch the pleasure, well, but i know, maybe switzerland, relatively speaking, will knock out its england there, for example, well, we don't know, but just like that, now we actually already see the finals, semi-finals in this, well, in one part of this grid, in the other part, well, there will be battles, we will follow, we will definitely inform you about the excitement of these matches, and then we will move on to another topic, although also about football, the olympic games are approaching and today the main... coach of the olympic team of ukraine from football, ruslan rotan announced the expanded composition of those performers who will actually prepare for performances at the olympics. the composition of the team was formed by two. football players, 18 of whom will be included in the main application, already final, two football players will go to the olympics according to the age quota, they are seniors, 24-year-old central
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defender maksym talavirov and 23-year-old midfielder dmytro kryskiv. the full list of artists is now on your screens. i will only say that shakhtar got the most representation in this list with five football players. on july 7 , the olympic team of ukraine will go to france, where it will prepare for the games two friendlies against egypt on july 14 and against paraguay on the 18th. let me remind you that at the games , the ukrainian national team will play in group b together with argentina, morocco and iraq. blue and yellow will play their matches on july 24, 27 and 30. and about football: kyiv dynamo continues an active transfer campaign, the ranks of the white and blue team are full today. by the way, valentyn rubchinskyi is the olympic team member of ruslan rotanya's team. the agreement is designed for the next four years. the 22-year-old football player is a pupil of
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the dnipro academy, or that old dnipro we remember and love. and over the last two seasons in dnipro 1, rubchinsky played 72 matches in all competitions, scored three goals and provided nine assists. also , as i said, rubchinsky is a player of the olympic team of ukraine, so we are counting on him. hopes in france. he became kiyan's fourth rookie this summer. earlier, dynamo signed two ukrainian performers. we are talking about oleksandr pikhalonka and maksym bragara. and also took the colombian defender brian ceballus on loan. and then let's talk about tennis. low on wednesday ukrainian tennis players played their matches at the wembledon tournament. there are both victories and defeats here, so more about each one below. our compatriot elina svitolina won the victory over the polish magda linnet in an extremely difficult confrontation. despite the injury, elina was stronger in was stronger in the three-set
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confrontation 756763. the rivals spent 2 hours and 40 minutes on the court. the ukrainian needed a medical examination. daria snigur, a 22-year-old tennis player, won her debut match in the main part of wimbledon. lost the french woman ocean-daudin. the match lasted two sets 6:4-6:0. in the second round, snigur will meet the famous latvian athlete jelena ostapenko, who is the 13th ranked player in the world. but angelina kalinina finished her performances at the british major. in the match of the first round of the competition, the top racket of ukraine lost, unfortunately, to the neutral lina avanesyan, the 77th racket of the world. account with 26 36 kalinin was eliminated for the first time in her career after the very first round of wimbledon. and this day turned out to be unsuccessful for kateryna bayndel as well. at
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the start of the tournament, our compatriot ceded to nimken, laurie siegemund. the game lasted two games 4-6-1-6. in the current season, beindel remains without victories in grass tournaments. we will conclude with this. sports column, i 'll say goodbye to you until friday, then the big broadcast on sraz, of course, will continue, and vasyl zima will continue it in a moment. thank you very much to yevhen pastokhov, well, i will once again call to finish this collection, to close it, we were able to collect, you were able to collect more than 200 uah during the time while yevhen was talking about the news, we have 17.5, we need to collect 630 uah for so that our soldiers fighting in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions could purchase a minibus in order to
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transport mobile repair groups to the conflict line or to the gray zone, where it is necessary to urgently repair, bring to order, as they say, start armored vehicles, we are talking about tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, of course, and also delivering hydraulic jacks. for the repair of foreign equipment that is supplied to the defense forces, to the armed forces of ukraine, and for this minibus you need to collect uah 630,000, and you actually great job, we are in two less than two weeks, since last monday we have already collected 118 00, we are moving so fast, and i think that maybe we will close this collection today, but in any case, i think that this week for sure we have to put an end and our soldiers can get this microcar. thank you, really, thank you very much, understanding the difficult situations you and i are in, well, almost all of us may have simpler situations, but i say that and thank you for every
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hryvnia you donate, it is very important . it is very valuable, now the weather is from natalka didenko, and i will meet with you at 9 o'clock and we will continue the great evening, be with us, synoptic greetings to all, dear ukrainians, today we are talking about the weather that is expected tomorrow, july 4, and july 4 independence day of the united states of america, so we will look at its climatic features. of their country, more precisely, therefore, the united states of america is located in different climatic zones, zones, conditions, the territory is strewn with mountains, well, from such extremes, the highest air temperature is observed in in the united states in the valley of death, it is an intermountain depression in the states of california and nevada, somewhere up to +56°, scary, almost all
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climate zones are represented in north america. in addition to the equatorial type of climate, most of it is located in the temperate climate zone, and of course significant areas and the north are occupied by cold zones, subarctic and arctic, but alaska itself lies in subarctic and arctic climate zones or zones, the southern part of florida and hawaii in the tropical zone , in the north of the pacific coast, a temperate climate with cool summer and warm winter without permanent. of snow, the southern part of the pacific coast, the mediterranean climate, this is familiar to us, well, in principle, we have subtropics, for example, in the south of crimea, the southern part, or rather, the climate of the atlantic coast is continental and cool summer, warm winter and also snow, ee the appalachian mountains have a continental climate, warm summers, cold winters, permanent snow cover, the cordilleras - extreme climatic conditions, very cold winters and very
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warm. summer, well, in the usa there are deserts, and mountains, and as i said, practically all climatic zones are represented, except for the equatorial one, we will study, as usual, the climate and land of all countries, and each country in particular, it is incredibly always interesting, and it can be done almost endlessly. we are moving on to the whole earth itself, that is, we will talk about its magnetic behavior tomorrow. is expected in the coming night, well, such a tangible, tangible, tangible activation, so please listen to yourself, to your well-being, i warn you, and actually the weather, the weather is very diverse, therefore, we start from the western regions, it will be the coolest there, and short-term rains and thunderstorms, somewhere 20-24°, in places 18-20, well, rain +19, of course, tourists are not very happy,
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but at least it is not 38. in the north, on in the north, the weather is varied, in zhytomyr oblast it is cooler, in kyiv oblast tomorrow it will be hot again, and in chernihiv oblast, in sumy oblast it is 33-34° above zero. in the zhytomyr and kyiv regions tomorrow there is a chance of short-term rain with a thunderstorm. in the east of ukraine, the weather conditions are difficult, intense heat, 33-38° above zero, sunny, dry, high fire hazard. in the central part of ukraine, in vinnytsia region, there will be a little, so to speak. the weather is more merciful, but finally the central territory is very hot, 32-37° above zero, in the southern part of ukraine it is also dry, hot, 30-35, in places up to +37°, high fire danger, and in kyiv tomorrow it is not 38, but everything it's hot, about +30°, but there is a chance of short-term rain with
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a thunderstorm tomorrow in the capital. this is the nearest synoptic perspective, very heterogeneous, variegated, it is not easy to make a forecast now weather, so we carefully and together monitor any changes and updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. thank you very much natalka didenko, we are continuing and this is within the framework of the verdict program, i will be with you for the next hour, but we will not collect now, i just want to thank you, we were able to collect, well, almost 622, i hope that by tomorrow we will close this collection with your direct help, or you can just search there on the espresso website, rewind and watch on youtube somewhere there is a link to the bank and to donate.


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