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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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specialists in the preparation of certain plans and their implementation, but here the question is that yes, maybe they trust president zelensky, i am ready to talk about it, but they will ask the question: wait, friends, how did it happen that your counteroffensive plan was in the kremlin on the table, and if we voice this plan, if it even exists, where is the guarantee that there is no one, it is not known who, who may also then this plan end up in the kremlin, again, this is not hypocrisy, these are real facts, if they are for... a lot, then such a question can to appear in people, if indeed, maybe for donald trump, maybe he is not sitting there writing in the evening, but maybe they are developing a scenario for him, i will not say the plan, the scenario is possible, please, you know, mr. vasyl, i think that exactly what i am talking about does not need to be secret, on the contrary, on the contrary, we must tell ourselves what we mean by our plan for victory, and tell it to our... well, look, now
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nato has come to a decision that we, at least for the next year, will receive 40 bln defense aid dollars, right? we can say, dear friends, in order for us to move forward, for example, to neutralize crimea and expel russian troops from there, and this will be one of the key elements. for our future victory, we need so many such and such weapons, so many such and such weapons, so let's give this plan and draw it up, in the end all our western partners today publish what they give us, it's not a secret, well, except for certain, separate moments, which you definitely don't need to talk about publicly, but 80% of the country is talking about... that they, what
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they give us, this is the plan, and we can then say, yes, if we get such, such, such, er, capabilities, for our armed forces , then we can guarantee you that after such and such an amount of time , crimea will be liberated, so why should this plan be secret, by the way, it will be a good signal for the kremlin as well, so that you don't paint for yourself there and no... they didn’t make it up, but it will mean that you won’t be in crimea after a certain number of months, you need to to prepare, then i think that here we do not need to hide these numbers and data, on the contrary, they should be public, well, those that should be public, i am not talking about all of them, so i think that here we, us, ukrainians , there is no need to hide if there are some super-duper secret plans in... in trump, which i honestly have very
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little faith in, because what he, the advisers, are announcing is not trump's, but moscow's, the kremlin's , putin's plan, that's why i think that here we don't really have to wait, we have to impose our plan, we have to own agenda, and not expect from some chinese there or. whether zyltsy or trump or whoever comes to us with their own plan, this is their vision of security, and we have our own, and we must impose it, because they owe us, no matter what anyone says , our guarantors owe us what we are going through today, we gave weapons to the giants, well, it turned out to be under pseudo guarantees, so now they have to do what they did as guarantors, that's actually... history, well, and
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the president says unequivocally, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, that the key issues of any plans are the issue of preserving the sovereignty of ukraine, ah, territorial integrity, in fact, that is also our priority, but again, we are talking about what is now, but we we have plans to restore territorial integrity, well, but the issue of sovereignty, free choice and the development of nato, the eu, this should definitely be left to kyiv, that is... it cannot even be the language that you refuse, disband the army, that is, there are things that are not discussed, the president is clear about this says, there is currently such a preparatory group in the united states of america, i would say andriy yermak, the head of the president's office, rustem umerov, the minister of defense, and also ms. stefanishna, the vice prime minister, if i am not mistaken, is there, there are meetings taking place, the day before the nato summit in washington, which will be held from july 9 to 11 this year, and please tell me, this preparation - what
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can really be prepared, we understand that the announcement of what we are inviting, well, there is ukraine in nato, for sure we will not hear this phrases, yes, but this work is such a game now. ukrainian politicians, she, who should give results in your opinion, what else needs to be convinced, what still needs to be presented? well, you know, if we are pragmatic, then from the fact that they will write to us that we will definitely be in nato, whether we are on our way to nato, whether we are there through some bridge to nato, that's all, sorry, as for practice, it does not matter, since 2000 we have received a formula that... one day ukraine will be in nato, well, we have been waiting for this day for 16 years, we have waited, as they say, so you know, for all these formulas , i have already, to be honest, a big allergy, i don’t know, and another phrase, and another phrase, the door, the door to nato is wide open for ukraine, well, absolutely,
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that is, well, wider or wider or longer, that’s it, it doesn’t matter anymore , because it has already filled the box, and it is already simply confused by common sense, so... to be pragmatic, i believe that the best decision for ukraine in washington will be a decision to provide us with a large number of weapons, because today the issue is not resolved through diplomatic means the end of the war, and it should be the same to understand clearly and not to engage in all these conversations about the diplomatic way of solving russia's aggression, for the time being. bring the aggressor to his knees, no diplomats can do anything, and this is an axiom, so if, as a result of the talks in washington, we receive immediately, exactly immediately, someday, but now everything we need, or at least the lion's
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share of what we need necessary, this will be the practical result, further, after the crimea falls first, and then the south, and then the east, and it will actually be you. to ask questions about all the following things, and then to the diplomats there will be something to do, for now they have to work on one thing, on obtaining the maximum amount of weapons for ukraine. this, it seems to me, is the key task for all our diplomats and politicians of any level today. now we still have a little time, but i want to talk about the visit of viktor orban, this is his third visit to ukraine, the first was in the 12th year during the time of the fugitive president viktor yanukovych, the traitor. then during poroshenko's time in the 15th year, and for the first time during a full-scale war, viktor orban came to ukraine, a man who had been to ukraine three times for such a long period of time, for 12 years, well , i definitely did not come, it is not andrzej duda, who came often, just to say congratulations, we will open a ukrainian school in hungary, but
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the real purpose of the visit, because here from what he brought, brought a message from putin, to the fact that it is just such a gesture, since hungary presides over the european union, well, they have arrived. well, you see, mr. vasyl, he was under pressure to stop playing his role, well, full, from the european union, so that he would finally counterbalance everything that is happening regarding ukraine, and i think that i heard, and in order for him to be less, let's say, not diplomatically harassed by the eu in the european union, and for him to have some certain dividends from this, he had to make this first visit really to kyiv, but what exactly
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did he come with, he came with a message from moscow and i think from trump, let's not forget that... not so long ago orbán was with trump, and i think one of the topics they discussed was precisely ukrainian, e, given that both orbán and possibly trump sit on the long e the hook of the kgb, the fsb, then i think that orban here performed exactly the function of this, the supplier. information from, first of all, from moscow, because what he brought, well, in fact, is no different from the main thesis that today, which putin seized today, he needs to stop the war on this border, then,
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as he says, diplomacy , well , we know very well what is called russian diplomacy, so i think that orbán as... a politician and as a dependent politician was forced to take this step, satisfying the dissatisfaction in the european union on the one hand, and with on the other hand, having fulfilled the... tasks that he received both in moscow and from trump, i think that he actually coped with this function, and there for the blizzard, as they say, to talk about ukrainian-hungarian relations, which we will prepare a new contract and so on, well, these are all obvious reasons to divert attention from the main thing, thank you very much for joining in, thank you for your comments, volodymyr orysko, diplomat, ex-minister of affairs of ukraine, take care, here, by the way, we have a chat room. such a forehead, well, as soon as we started talking about this digital security, appeared such spencer brown, writes a lot of things
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in english, actually translates everything that he writes, and such an interesting person, uh, i think that all the viewers there also read such, as soon as you start talking about digital security, about other things, such people immediately appear who start to publish in english some banal things that everyone has known for a long time or some possible theories about the language, well, but in any case, i swear. share, comment on the video, our chat is open to adequate people, those who are inadequate will obviously be removed from the chat, but we will continue the conversation and now we will move on to the conversation about the economic situation, nina yuzhanina is with us, people's deputy of ukraine, mrs. nina, i greet you, good evening, i will talk about economic reservation, prospects, justice and, most importantly, efficiency both for business and for the military, it should be here, i can't help but ask you, because this morning, but yesterday i read the posts of some, well, the posts of some, really
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experts, it's not that there are random people on facebook who said that ukraine is waiting default and if they do not agree, then everything will be completely terrible, on the other hand, this morning i read mr. fursa, who wrote that the situation is not so terrible, there will be no default, and we will somehow get out of all this and there is no need to panic , i would like a balanced opinion from you both as a person involved in business and as a person who actually works in the verkhovna rada and knows and understands a lot, should we expect a default, not should, at what stage these negotiations can be and what there are real threats today for ukraine in terms of debt repayment and external debt restructuring agreements, please, well, first of all , it was definitely necessary to react much earlier and much... more carefully approach proposals to private creditors, i.e.
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private individuals who hold our ukrainian bonds, and the fact that proposed by the government, hoping that during the war it would be possible to write off 60% of ukraine's debt, but it didn't suit private creditors, and i started promoting this topic many months ago. with the fact that for some reason, i thought that the current minister of finance would follow the path of ms. yares's restructuring at the time, and there were also much smaller amounts of debt to private creditors, but the situation was also extremely difficult, because, for example , there were 4.6 billion in debt for the time for ukraine was a crazy amount. now the debt to private creditors is somewhere around 20 mln. and it is clear that for the state budget of ukraine
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today this is a significant amount, so i am sure that some restructuring option will be found, but there is exactly one month left for all this, and for good reason, you know, even today i was looking there at the letters that were sent before the revision of our memorandum with the imf, which were signed by all the responsible persons, this is the president, the prime minister, the minister of finance and the head of the national bank, they told the imf even here that they were committed to reaching an agreement with commercial creditors by the end of august 24, and in the event that the debt prospects actually worsened, they would inform to take further measures, therefore, clearly say, as mr. fursa says, that in any case it is impossible to come to an agreement, there are
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obviously certain threats, otherwise, for example, such statements would be made, well, this is a document in which the most important thing is said before at the beginning of watching the program, so it 's indicated in the letter that all these people of ours signed, which is actually very important today, is that there is a dialogue. and for example, i read the comment of the first deputy head of the national bank, ms. kateryna roshkova, she notes that in general, with commercial ones'. the negotiations have always been difficult, but something will be achieved, but we will wait for this moment, it is very important, although you should all understand that, as another great modern figure wrote before this, that de facto we already have in reality such a default situation,
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well, i'm not afraid to talk about it, it's just that we don't have it yet, we don't have it at all. the debts are heavy, we have to work on them, and it may turn out that significant amounts will be allocated from the budget to service all these debts, which will cause a lot of stress regarding the expenses from the state budget of others, and ladies, we will literally have eight minutes, but here we are, by the way, i thank you very much for answering this question, because it is important for people to say such sober, professional things, as they say no by. engaged, it may be so, it may be so, but there are risks, because it is not necessary to say that we will all die tomorrow, but also to say that let's launch pink balloons, everything is fine, balloons are also not worthless, so thank you for that, well, there are eight minutes, and i want you to share your opinion and, most importantly, your perspective consideration of the question of economic reservation, again fairness and efficiency for both business and the army in this time of war,
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at this very time, how it should work, whether it will work, let's say now. today, i spoke together with all our regional organizations from all over ukraine and business representatives, and everyone says in one voice that this very topic of economic reservation, it should not even be discussed in society, it is such a painful topic, it is more painful than all topics, even more painful than the lack of electricity, for this terrible mobilization that does not correspond... none of them are included in any framework of civilized relations between the state and people, therefore, for some reason, economic reservation itself became such a trigger that divided society and led to , what people say, there cannot be in the country according to the constitution people who have the same rights and the same obligations to be bought off
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with money, this is how it is interpreted in society, and then my question is: as an economist, let's count, and what does it mean and who, what does it mean to buy off, how much additional income will this give to the budget, how much will we be able to provide, how much more will we provide for our armed forces, and what will happen next, and there is no answer to this question in any draft law, there is no economic calculation regarding what we are expecting, and that is why i am told there that some astronomical hundreds of billions were mentioned by the chairman of the pro... profile committee for economic policy, mr. natalukha, another chairman of the profile committee for tax says that we calculated it somewhere up to 50-60 billion additional hryvnias, and this is in the best case, if everyone concentrates their efforts there, i have a completely different question, please tell me, we understand how much
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this replenishment of the state budget and the possibility of financing will hit the that... we have a mobilization resource, unfortunately, we have to call it that now of people who are subject to mobilization, it will be significantly reduced, by what number, who gave this calculation, no one, so we have no concrete answer to such important questions , where her there is not even an approximate answer to this answer, so today i will share one more impression, in the regions they say that even if you make an economy reservation... then in 3-4 months we will be left without workers at all, and for them it is now important to attract foreigners to work at enterprises in ukraine, otherwise we will stop, and this topic is not popular, no one wants to talk about it, because it is economic mobilization, well, it is for some electorate, it is actually foreigners from which
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countries, because what is in the construction industry representatives of central asia, east asia, and even parts of the middle east work there, it’s already a fact, you mean, these are the jobs, i understand it at the lowest level, it’s not no, well, maybe a maximum of a foreman, maybe not, well, that is , the workers of the construction industry are already talking about it, that it already exists, a recent example to what you have already said, a recent example, this is the history of the obukhov combine, it is not that advertising, not advertising, it is just a fact that is voiced, because, well, their products are used by all ukrainians, let's say frankly, this is mr. vasily, there is one thing here. note that according to the legislation of ukraine today, if a foreigner is employed, then his salary should be paid if it is more than our ukrainian citizen. who is also employed at the same enterprise, and therefore basically, if we talk about construction, this is illegal employment,
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employment, these are not working people and business owners, directors and so on are responsible for them, so for now, if we want actually solve the situation if we we definitely see that our labor resources there will not return about 4 million. to ukraine in the near future, and the mobilization will continue and such people who are able to work will continue to be washed out of work, then we must understand that we urgently need to tackle legislation, and this is not a popular issue, because everyone believes that after that we open the door and a lot of people from other countries will come to us here, and we will not provide our own with jobs, so this dilemma still needs to be solved and... this entire complex of issues that we discussed with you says about one thing, the injustice in economic, in economic reservation, it is such that
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it is not perceived at all even by those workers who have such a salary, they will even be uncomfortable in this case, because in connection with the fact that they have something more than others. i have already heard different opinions on this matter, and i think there will be a question in the hall. it is not easy to pass, especially since the president himself has allegedly put this issue on hold, since he, together with the ministry of defense, is calculating the number of people who must be mobilized, and this may stop them process. not to mention demobilization, which is also very relevant when it comes to justice. well, the time, the duration of the war sooner or later can simply lead to... the fact that people will work in several shifts, there can be card systems, that is, we can come to where the countries came in the days of friendship, this is again about objective perspectives, and there is no need to be afraid of it,
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it is clear that everything has limitations in human resources, in the economy, in economic opportunities, in business opportunities, in everything there are restrictions, and somewhere it will be necessary to sacrifice everything in order to endure, endure, then it is possible to survive, and then it is possible to finish off the enemy, well, where is what you said about people who are outside the borders of ukraine and... barricade children, especially everything, but we understand very well what you know here, the worst thing in this story is that a fourth or a third of the population simply did not leave russia, they continue to be in russia and fight even on the economic front against ukraine, in our country despite everything therefore, there are significantly fewer of us, this is also a fact, well, please, if possible just a retort, because we have 40 seconds left there, you know, all these phenomena exist, just like a large number of pensioners, they are now... who are in the temporarily occupied territories, receive a ukrainian pension, are essentially in cooperation with the russian federation, and we have
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a lot of such issues, but our country should build a policy by uniting, and then there will be no different, you know, political stretching of issues, that someone will build a political career on this, someone will bear the burden and decide truly. life issues for the country, so that this does not happen, we must work together in the verkhovna rada, not miss meetings, work together on politicians for our country, we are in such a state, thank you very much, madam, for joining at such a late hour, thank you for your expertise comments, i wish you success and wish you a quiet evening, nina yuzhanina, people's deputy of ukraine, about this topic, well, this topic will be discussed many times, but again in the war , the issue of efficiency is an important issue, and this requires wisdom and joint a... coordination actions and decisions, now the weather is from natalky didenko, i will return later.
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synoptic hello to all, dear ukrainians, today we are talking about the weather that is expected tomorrow, july 4, and july 4 is the independence day of the united states of america, so we will look at their climatic features of their country, more precisely. in... so, the united states of america is located in different climatic zones, zones, conditions, the territory is strewn with mountains, well , of these extremes, the highest air temperature is observed in the united states in the valley of death, it is an intermountain depression in the states california and nevada, somewhere up to +56°, terrible, north america has almost all climatic zones, except for the equatorial one. type of climate, most of it is located in a temperate climate zone, well, of course , significant areas in the north are occupied by cold zones, subarctic and arctic, well
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, alaska actually lies in... in subarctic and arctic climate zones or zones. the southern part of florida and hawaii in the tropical zone. in the north of the pacific coast , the climate is temperate with cool summers and warm in winter without constant snow. the southern part of the pacific coast, the mediterranean climate is familiar to us, well, in principle. we have subtropics, for example, in the south of crimea. the southern part, or rather, the climate of the atlantic coast, is a continent. and cool summers, warm winters and also snow, the appalachian mountains have a continental climate, warmer, summers, cold winters, constant snow cover, cordilleras - extreme climatic conditions, very cold winters and very warm summers, well, in the usa there are both deserts and mountains , and as i said, almost all of them are represented climatic zones, except for the equatorial one, we will study, as always, the climate
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and land of all countries, and each country, in particular, it is incredibly always interesting, and it can be done almost endlessly. we are actually going to the whole earth, that is, we will talk about its magnetic behavior, and tomorrow is expected to be the next night, well, such a tangible, tangible, tangible activation, so please listen to yourself to your well-being, i warn you, and actually the weather, the weather is very diverse , therefore... we start from the western regions, there it will be the coolest, and short-term rains and thunderstorms, somewhere around 20-24° in some places 18:20, well, rain +19, of course tourists are not very happy, but at least it is eight. in the north, in the north , the weather is diverse, in zhytomyr oblast it is cooler, in kyiv oblast tomorrow it will be hot again and in chernihiv oblast, in sumy oblast it will be 33-34° above zero. there is
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a possibility tomorrow in zhytomyr and kyiv regions. short-term rain with a thunderstorm. in the east of ukraine, difficult weather conditions, intense heat. 33-38° above zero, sunny, dry, high fire danger. in the central part of ukraine, in vinnytsia , the weather will be a little, so to speak, more merciful, but finally, the central territory will be very hot, 32-37° above zero. in the southern part of ukraine, it is also dry, hot, 30-35, in places up to... +37° high fire danger, and in kyiv tomorrow it is not 38, but it is still hot, about +30°, but there is a chance of short-term rain with thunderstorm tomorrow in the capital. this is the closest synoptic perspective is very heterogeneous, colorful, it is not easy to make a weather forecast now, so let's carefully and together monitor any changes and updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. thank you very much, ms.
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natal stidenko for the information about the weather, i have less than a few minutes, i want to thank you very much, today we actually almost collected the necessary amount for a minibus for our soldiers, we collected almost 625 00, we need 630, we have 5 00 left, if you will find these qr codes on the express website, our pages, social networks, facebook, twitter, x where we are telegram. 500 will be added and we will have 630 00 for a minibus for fighters, today you have collected more than 25 00 during our teru, i am very grateful to you, i am very grateful to you for this, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 18:10, well, in just a few moments, we will watch bbc news together.
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give part of ukraine to putin and forbid joining nato. the western press writes that this is how donald trump sees the way to end the war, provided he wins the elections. what they say about this in kyiv and how likely such a peace plan is, we will find out in today's edition of the bbc: i am olga palomaryuk. on ending the war against russia donald trump talks about ukraine in almost every speech, from the end of hostilities in 24 hours to the radical reorientation of nato and the complete rejection of ukraine's entry into the alliance. even at the pre-election debate last week, trump says:


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