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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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and the future is only theirs, because we were not people for them, i remember these words: you are not people, and you are not worthy to live, women constantly lived in cells on the second floor of the disciplinary isolation cell, there was a room on the first , where men were taken for so-called interrogations and... tortured for several hours, these girls were constantly banging on the door with their hands and shouting, you know, stop, stop, you just can't stand the way people scream, it was so hard for me at those moments , you know, i cried all the time, i didn't i couldn't control myself, not for 5 minutes, not for 10, but for hours, hours of one, the other, when at night you hear the sound of tape being opened, you... i understand that now everyone will cry,
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girls, they wrapped them with tape and they beat us very hard, we did not sleep then, we could not sleep, under this scream, screaming, under all this, we could not and all, three seriously wounded defenders spoke about the abuse in olenivka at a press conference. mariupol, who were among the first to be returned from captivity, also felt the blows, i too during the interrogations were beaten, they wanted me to sign all kinds of statements against my command there, i said that i would not do it, they started beating me with sticks, where i never signed anything, and there were always threats to my life, i see the boys were taken from us , the boys were brought from our barracks for two or three days, beaten and broken.
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mariupol volunteers kostyantyn velychko and yevhen malyarchuk also witnessed the torture. this is one change - it's kirill and yura. this change was the hardest, because people were brought to them who were either guilty of prison, or needed to get some information. we called it kortek's change, because no one called kirill kirill, not everyone even knew his name in general, why was he nicknamed kortek, because in the first days he carried a machete on his hips, of course he did not chop his hands, but he swung, swung , even the management of the colony had problems with them, here they were, these two guys were engaged in work with the prisoner of war, they brought.
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these people beat, someone who was from the barracks was taken away, carried away, someone was interrogated from on the second floor, from our cell we could see the corridor, because there was no second iron door, there were octopuses, this door with a feeding trough was made of fittings, and there was no second door, of course, when a person was lifted from interrogation, we could not look , there was a command for everyone to stand up, return to the wall, but when i didn't... i managed to look from the side, and here were these people who were being interrogated, they were crawling on their knees, and yura and this court, kirill, were walking behind. the team of matilda bogner, head of the un human rights monitoring mission in ukraine, interviewed hundreds of servicemen from both sides more than 90% of ukrainian soldiers said that torture was used against them, or they were treated cruelly. most of
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the torture took place during interrogations. this appears to be the most organized form of bullying. sometimes people were tortured immediately after being captured. these were usually beatings, generally less organized forms of torture. during interrogations, in some cases, people were tortured with electric shocks, they were also beaten, and sometimes threatened. and also used other forms of physical violence, using various objects, sometimes stab wounds were inflicted with the help of knives, sometimes they were shot, a whole range of tortures. un experts recorded the facts of torture against ukrainian prisoners in olenivka, including the most brutal ones. i can't go into specifics. about
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this case, what can i say, some of those who were tortured, electrocuted, we were looking for any. information that would help identify those involved in the torture in olenivka. one of our interlocutors said that he managed to get some internal ones out of the prison documents during the captivity, this person was involved in working with papers in the administrative building. we received these documents and it was thanks to them that we subsequently identified a number of employees of the colony. end of april 2022 . ukrainian troops continued the defense of mariupol at the azov steel metallurgical plant. the russian army besieged the plant.
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the plant itself consists of a very large area. you can say that this is a city within a city. more than 20 km long, tasks for the defense of the city were defined there. serhii shevchuk moved to mariupol from of the western region on the eve of the invasion, together with several thousand other soldiers, held the defense at azovstal. russian troops bombed the plant daily and tried to take its territory by storm. they were used. air bombs there, starting from a ton and in my case it was three tons, we miraculously survived there, we ran out of food, there was practically no water, and we simply drank technical water, for the last
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week and a half we did not believe that we let's keep them alive, but we knew that they would still remember us, they would still talk about us remember and we live with dignity. we stand for patriotism, we wanted to win back to the last drop, the defense of mariupol was led by the commander of the azov special purpose brigade, denys prokopenko. periodically, he contacted zazastala with short messages. the enemy broke into the territory of the plant, heavy bloody battles are taking place. i am proud of my soldiers, i thank the whole world for the tremendous support of the garrisons. mariupol, the situation is extremely difficult, but no matter what, we continue to carry out the order, hold the defense may 16, 2022. on the 82nd day of the defense of mariupol, the higher military
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command of ukraine ordered servicemen to leave the azov steel. more than 2,000 defenders of mariupol were taken to olenivka as prisoners. most were fighters. kady azov, a unit of the ukrainian army that was demonized by russian propaganda. with the help of fakes, manipulations and staged videos, since 2014, the russian right-wing media has created the image of neo-nazis from the military, and later, under the pretext of fighting nazism, russia began a full-scale the war then it turned out that they were very interested in us on the bus, whether we have a serviceman from azov? there we had one serviceman, they took pictures with him, they looked at him as if he was some kind of person from the sky, but for them it was a calling, that was all, then they talked to their parents on the video broadcast, well that was it it is wild to look at it, on may 27, 2022,
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a delegation of representatives of the occupation authorities and propagandists came to the prison to show the satisfactory conditions of detention of ukrainian troops. the rest of the barracks were simply trashed. when the big stages had already begun, a considerable number of metal beds with nets arrived there. half of the windows are missing, there are practically no doors, and the toilets are not working. despite
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demonstrative visits by russian-controlled officials, conditions in the prison remained unchanged. there were horrors in the toilet, although we got so used to them after that that it was for us. already, as usual, a crowd could stand there and 20-30 people filled it there, there were no clean systems, nothing, according to what was going on. but a few days before after the arrival of servicemen from azov , the flag of the russian-controlled occupation regime over olynivka was changed to the russian tricolor. almost all supervisors were replaced by russians on business trips. apart from a few people like kiryusha. and there are a few more people. the rest were already russians. the russian guards were corrections officers and changed every few weeks. kirill and
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yuriy's shift remained to work in olenivka. according to the testimonies of the military and civilians we interviewed, they continued the abuse even after by the orders of the russians. if they needed to get something, they sent these captives to dizo. they were no longer interrogated by the russians, but by the people of deneriv. we knew the names. these two people, we also knew that kirill had a tattoo on his shoulder with the image of a scorpion, and we also had a stack of documents from olenivka, some of these papers were not interesting to us, they were about lists of convicts from previous years or regulatory documents , however, in one of the drafts of the report, we drew attention to two names: shokurov kyrylo viktorovych and yuriy oleksandrovich dmytrienko. we identified the first supervisor quickly. he used social media. networks with closed access to them under a fake name, but we tracked down several of his photos. this is kyrylo
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shakurov, from occupied horlivka, donetsk region. before the occupation of the city in 2014, he worked as a supervisor in another ukrainian high-security colony. we also managed to identify other employees who worked in olenivka during the first months of the full-scale war. later, we will find out that some of them are also probably brave. in bullying from the military, but we could not identify kirill shakurov's partner named yuriy and began to doubt that this was the real name of the second supervisor. mariyana mamonova remembers in detail the months spent in captivity. my belly, by the way, appeared in the sixth month, so they started laughing at me because you said you were pregnant, you can't see your belly. you thought that if, well, a week or two they would change you, well, as if you wanted
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to deceive someone. months passed, but pregnant maryana was not sent for exchange. in the conditions of permanent malnourished, other women gave her their food, because civilians were recruited to work on the prison grounds, where they could get additional food. the girls brought me apples. went to work, and they were given more food there, and they brought it to the cell, shared it with me. there were days when we were brought breakfast at six in the morning, lunch at 50 in the evening, and dinner at night, in the cell there was only one topic about food, and who could cook what. maryana mamonova and tatyana. diap lived in the same cell for some time, and then in neighboring ones. one night, tatiana was injured
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legs i was injured because one of the girls at night when they got up to go to the toilet, someone stepped on them, they all slept on the floor, but some were luckier because there were wooden pallets, you know, and we slept on the floor. tatyana still does not know if she will ever be able to walk fully. my leg is swollen very much, but you are falling apart, falling apart, and for six months i have been walking only on my heel, i cannot feel my toes, my leg was constantly in pain and did not heal, but tatiana was not treated, like other servicemen. volyn residents also they kept wounded soldiers who were taken prisoner by the russian army in mariupol, some of them
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were seriously wounded, we had a separate bus with these wounded, you all saw that they were all coming out of it bandaged on castiles, i take that castile, that castile is still beating, well, why are you touching him, these are wounded guys, you know, there should be some minimal respect for them. yurik mykartchan, a military medic, is one of the volunteers who agreed to helico. to be deployed in mariupol surrounded by the russians. together with his colleagues, he rescued the wounded in an improvised one. military hospital on the territory of one of the metallurgical plants, later in captivity, without special equipment and medicines. we had a boy who had a wound in the lower leg as well, yes, and we, just being there on the concrete, our surgeons were able to visualize that vessel that was bleeding, yes, to tie it,
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why is it important, yes, this manipulation allowed save the leg, you understand, that is, we, being on the concrete, we are all equal... to provide the highest quality medical care, why am i telling this, because this guy a week before we were returned to the colony and the limb was already amputated, that is, we did our best to save it, and the russians simply cut it off and that was all, this is a demonstration of the quality of medical care, the wounded servicemen were kept in the same conditions as the rest of the captured defenders of mariupol. they gave us beds, but later i can’t even remember how many, these are wounded, they just throw themselves on the baton, and we are there as doctors, we walk, and i see that, for example, this wounded man has a mattress, i see another guy with the same blankets, i bump them together and between i put one more boy with them, we not only
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treated them, despite everything, we still somehow managed to take care of them. our presence there showed the russians that in addition to what they thought were nazis and fascists, there are banal doctors here, just a doctor who performed open brain surgery, this patient, that is , look who you heroically captured, there are discounts represent the only discounts on mikrolax, 20% in pharmacies of travel to you and savings. in the latest issue of the magazine. ukraine, exclusive interview with diplomat oleksandr haroyu why does russia have the right to veto ukraine's entry into nato. resonant investigation, the road to nowhere. how can the construction of a forest road destroy a historical monument? the unique vitaly portnikov about the impact of the war on ukrainians and the values ​​that unite the nation. the diary of the legendary nationalist mykola kokhanivskyi. the country is always at the forefront
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of mental activity. memo effect from dr. tys improves memory and attention, helps to think. are you suffering? for heartburn, i recommend izoto. isota interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in heartburn symptoms. your water, as what bothers heartburn. there are discounts representing the only discounts on non-trials, 10% in pharmacies, plantain, you and savings. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. the suspension of the back, the suspension of the guys, by... the cycle is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life on a quad bike for the 93rd kholodny yared brigade in the direction of chasiv. we had several dozen photographs of people we
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identified as olenivka workers. to confirm. their persons are our team met with kostyantyn velychk and yevhen malyarchuk in germany. we asked them to identify the people in the photos. here is the first one. do you remember the one who managed dizo? i remember exactly, major. he was a senior in a disciplinary detention center. oh, here he is, by the way. and here is kurnov, the first opera by vyacheslav mykolayovych. it's the chief of the opera division, not yolova, i see, it's the first deputy, dmitry valeriyovych, that's for sure.
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systematic abuse of the military. konstantin and yevhen also identified another person in the photo who may be involved in the torture. here he took part in beatings, here he was still running. he was still so short in height. i used to brag that i was so small, but my kick was so sharp. he wound the belt on his arm and stood with the belt. vasyl bakalinsky, a 33-year-old supervisor from olenivka. also local. later we sent his photo to another person who was in captivity. it was confirmed to us that he participated in the abuse
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of prisoners. the volunteers also recognized the head of the prison serhiy yavsyukov. yes, yes, that's him. there it is, it's 100%. here he is, here he is. head colony is probably the only person who was remembered for the rest of his life. as more than people, when an empty dummy from cassettes flew to the territory of the deer park, the territory of the colony, a person valued a much more completely inadequate comrade, his garden , when he arrived, the first thing he rushed to look at was whether his cabbage was whole, and that it had fallen 10-15 m away from the girls who were being worked on, no one cared at all. serhiy yavsyukov, former ukrainian police officer. who betrayed the oath and in 2014 switched to the side of the occupation regime a few months after our
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meeting in germany, the ukrainian prosecutor's office announced suspicions against the warden kyryl shakurov and the head of the colony serhiy yavsyukov. the head of this institution, who in fact ensured such conditions of detention. undoubtedly , all this happened with his knowledge, from his... time, we are convinced that this person could not have been unaware of what was happening on the territory of the so-called institution that he headed, and therefore, of course, he should to be held responsible for everything that happened during that period. there is another person an inspector who held the position of so-called inspector in the colony, and who was noted for the greatest cruelty to our boys. but no one knew the last name of kirill shakurov's partner. our team continued the search. in the documents from olenivka, only one yuriy happened. yuriy oleksandrovich dmitrienko. we
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were looking for a person with such a name among citizens of both ukraine and russia. but there were no coincidences. the only thing that the former olenivka prisoners remembered was that they really associate the name of this person. they have the ukrainian name dmytro, and that he is also supposedly from horlivka, a ukrainian city that was occupied by russian-controlled forces in 2014. we assumed that the documents were drawn up by russians and could be mistaken. our team compiled a list of all possible variations of the surname. and then, with the help of russian databases and social networks, they began to identify people who fit our criteria, there were many of them. several dozen we found out that a man named yury dmytrenko is registered in horlivka, although with a different surname. he had no social networks with his name,
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pages of close relatives were closed. but we still found a few old photos on his mother-in-law's page. three released prisoners confirmed that this is the same yuri from olenivka. we have identified another supervisor. i was a very good example for manipulation, you are sitting in a cell, right? you are constantly told that no one needs you, no one will exchange you, ukraine is no longer ours, half was given to poland, and half is still elsewhere, that is, it is all of russia, no one will take you, they told me that what are you for in ukraine, and women were told, well here... she is not taken away, so how do you want to be taken away, think about who needs you, nobody needs you. "we civilians were held
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there for more than 100 days, at that time i was sure every day that i would be released, not today or tomorrow, but they should be released. it was a shock for me that i was held there for 100 days, but actually now, monitoring telegram channels , which are related to the deer, i can still see the people who sat in the cell with me, they were also civilians, and it's been a little over a year." in the morning, these are definitely prayers, it's me there, honestly, not many people know, me two prayers, one of them, our father, ate, sat down, thanked god that there is bread, thank you for this, prayed, was baptized, it is not that some fear, but this kind of faith was spiritual, this faith gave, i i always covered her, i always said, everything will be fine. we identified
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more than 10 employees of olenivka, including the shift that was engaged in torture, but the question of who oversaw the work of the prison remained unanswered. june 8, 2022. russian media reported on the strengthening of cooperation between the prison systems of the occupied part donetsk region and the russian federation. and published a photo from donetsk, on it the head of the so-called penitentiary service yury doroshenko, the so-called law enforcement officers, and the person in uniform who is called the commander of the group of the federal penitentiary service of russia in the donetsk people's republic. nameless sources in human rights circles told us that this person looks like a high-ranking official from moscow, kirill popov, but we
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need to... popov was the acting head of the federal penitentiary service in moscow. we were able to get the list telephone connections and geolocations of the official. such information is often traded on the black market by russian law enforcement officers themselves. on may 13, 2022, two days before the mariupol defenders left azovstal, kirill popov left moscow for the russian city of rostov-nedono. on the same day, he had telephone conversations with the so-called minister of justice and the so-called head of the prison service of the occupied part of donetsk region. olenivka was officially subordinated to this illegal body. in the evening of may 16, the day of the release of the ukrainian...
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the military arrived, kyryl popov arrived at the ukrainian border. on the border with the occupied region, the official's geolocation data was interrupted for more than a month. on june 17 , 2022, he appeared again at the border and from there went to moscow. it is very likely that kyryll popov was in the occupied territory for more than a month. during this. period, we recorded his contacts with representatives of the prison system of the occupation regime, the top management of the federal penitentiary service of the russian federation, and the leadership of the prison special forces of the russian federation. we called kirill popov to ask about his role in managing olenivka. for this, we used a russian phone number and communicated in russian to get at least some information from him.
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give me your city number, i don’t have a city number at hand right now, a city number, come on, a russian one, i’m calling you from a russian number, the known number of kirill popov is registered in telegram under the nickname fyodor konyukhov, it was under this pseudonym that he published a photo of a bloodied chevron defender.


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