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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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i am a journalist, and i would like to talk to you about the olenivka pow camp, which you managed. who you are? my name is zhenya, i am a journalist. who are you, zhenya, where, give me your city number and who are you talking to? i am talking to kirill vladimirovich. give us your city number. now there is no city number at hand. the number is city, let's use russian. i am calling you from a russian number. we know the number of kirill popov, registered in telegram under the nickname fyodor konyukhov. it was under this pseudonym that he published the photo blood-stained chevron of the defender. in may,
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three ukrainian servicemen also confirmed that they saw kyryl popov in olenivka, he gave orders and coordinated the work of other prison employees. the totality of these facts allows us to conclude that it was kyryl popov who could have been one of those responsible for capturing the defenders of mariupol. july 2022, almost two hundred servicemen of the azov brigade were transferred to a separate barrack on the territory of the prison's industrial zone without any explanation. this barrack was located in the so-called industrial zone, it was a little far from the other barracks, about 100-200 m. in the evening, a new entry was made. from
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the russian services that guarded us, that no one goes outside the barracks after 10 p.m., our feeding troughs were closed at night, and everyone left, there was no one, all the objects they guarded and those towers that were there, they were not there was, there was no one, that is, they were somewhere in one specific place out of hiding. and somewhere around 11 p.m. we heard an explosion, it rained in our barracks, we went outside and there after a few minutes they already started to hear a wild roar, the russians, as i understand it, started to panic, all the guards fled somewhere, and this continued for about an hour, probably. the explosion occurred
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between 11:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. on july 28 in the same barracks where the soldiers of the azov brigade were transferred the day before. within an hour , yurik makerchan and several other captured military medics were allowed to the site of the explosion. we collected everything we had, here are all the bandages, minimal. there are a couple of solutions, a couple of painkillers, at that moment in i couldn't imagine that there would be so many wounded people, in my entire life, i think no doctor would ever come across such a one-time mass influx, we don't have light, but we cross the threshold of this fence and i see several guys lying there, i see one from a head injury, the other from a wound early on in the extremities, from bleeding, i raise... on my head, i see
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my senior officers, the hospital commander, i see that they are already starting to triage, yes, to isolate seriously ill patients, there is no light , i say to the russian, give me a flashlight some, he says, i don’t give, and at the same time he leads the rays of this flashlight in this way, and i just saw that this way and that until the end of how that flashlight shines, just everything is strewn with bodies, you know, all night long a team of prisoners medics... rescued wounded servicemen of azov. the russians did not provide either medicine or means for resuscitation of the seriously wounded. the employees of the colony did not even try to save the prisoners of war. since 12 midnight, i see that it is already dawning, they are not taking anyone away. at this moment, fathers already seriously ill patients, whom we could not help in any way, they begin to die. and one by one. we gathered them under the fence like this.
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they set up such beautiful flashlights and watched us work there, and i got the impression that people were watching some such blockbuster. they comment, laugh, perform resuscitation, i hear how dimon screams, another one approaches, i see that this one, if he has already stopped, i will not help him, i leave him again, i go to the next one, hoping that maybe i am with him i will do something, the same minus, well, how can you sit and watch midnight, as people die and nothing can be done, well, how can it be justified at all, more than 130 servicemen received. injuries, only at dawn some of them were transported to the hospital on trucks, 57 defenders of mariupol died. russia has not yet allowed
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any independent group of experts, including representatives of the un, into the territory of olenivka. the ukrainian prosecutor's office is conducting its own investigation into the mass murder of prisoners of war. we, in turn, also try to reproduce the entire picture of events, regardless of our lack of access physical to the place where it happened. we believe that a reactive thermobaric grenade launcher was used, but of course these are conclusions. are not yet final, we are also considering the version regarding the possible planting of explosives there. we have refuted the version that was immediately put forward by the representatives of the law enforcement officers of the russian federation regarding the attack by hymars.
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russian propaganda media also announced that the barracks were shelled by the american hymars system, which is in service with the armed forces of ukraine. however, this version was also denied by un experts. exact. type they did not install weapons, but according to the version of independent experts, the trajectory of the ammunition ran from east to west. according to ukrainian intelligence , the wagner group was involved in the mass murder of ukrainian prisoners of war. volunteers konstantin and yevhen after 100 days of illegal detention. were taken outside the prison gates and released. the men had a long way from the occupied territory to the eu. they now live in neighboring apartments in germany and have become close friends. in
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prison, the traits of people are very well manifested, very quickly goes from seeding. we have a group of people who volunteer here, collect funds, help their own. front, you want me to sit down, so beautiful, tetyana eldiab was exchanged, she returned to her hometown in the north of ukraine, is recovering her health and is looking for a doctor who can cure her leg. yurik mekertchan was transferred to another colony in the occupied territory, and later... exchanged, he works in one of the military hospitals of ukraine and continues to treat the wounded. this is my new crew we're working with, yeah but every time i come here and remember my people, you know, there are many of us here, and there were units, and these units continue to be
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in prison, doctors, not combatants, not military, who do not take part in the armed conflict directly. freedom to your colleagues and the seriously wounded who are there, there should be some minimal respect for the doctor, at least in the form of freedom, just release these people. serhii shevchuk was transferred from the deer park to a colony on the territory of russia, where he was brutally tortured. i had eight broken ribs, a broken chest, and a ruptured liver. hematomas of all internal organs, well, the knees should be beaten, during all this time he was saved by thoughts about his family, he spent three months in russia, he was exchanged for the new year, he wanted to see my daughter more, she is the
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youngest, four years old, a girl so blue-eyed, i was just waiting for her, i never thought that i would have a daughter, i'm afraid that she won't recognize me. maryana mamonova was nine months pregnant and was transferred from prison to a donetsk hospital to prepare for childbirth. but at the last moment with several hundred others ukrainian defenders, the russians still gave her for exchange. she overcame the path from the occupied territories through russia and belarus to the ukrainian border. the door opens, i don't remember who from the ukrainian military says that mariyash needs to get out now, he will have to get out of the car, it's all at home, right? ukrainian language, imagine, take off
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this bandage, yellow and blue chevrons, armed forces of ukraine, ukraine, i just wanted, you know, to fall on my knees and cry from happiness in my home. in a few
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greetings, i'm olga len, these are chronicles of the war, and first of all, i will say a few words about the event, which is now being discussed quite a lot, it has become so very resonant, well, on the first of july, the russians reported an iskander attack on the ukrainian airport myrhorod, located about 150 km from the front line, well, it was said that.. . managed to damage the su-27 quite badly, they generally said that they damaged a lot of things there, in fact it is not true, but the fact that the russians are hitting ukrainian airfields, well, this in itself is not news, literally every time we see some large, even just accurate shelling of ukraine, with missiles, we definitely hear about the fact that they tried to indoctrinate old constantine, then... myrhorod, then some other airfield, that is, by itself, it's not something like that, they
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're constantly trying to get through the airfields, but the more resonant news was that first of all, this video that you see, the russians filmed their russian drone, which crashed over that airfield for a long enough time, and it gave the opportunity to visit this iskander, well, that is, literally that's how he tracked it down. and hit, well, again, if you've been watching our show for the last couple of months, we 've been talking about this issue all the time, that the russians have been working with the technology for some time now, when they, well, they made this pretty good system where their drones they fly far enough into our territory, give an opportunity to hover, and in principle, well , this information is transmitted quickly enough to where there is an opportunity to strike with iskander,
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we discussed this constantly, our anti-aircraft defenses were destroyed there, certain installations, and the fact that sooner or later there will be strikes on some larger targets, such as the airport, well, it was already, you know, well, it’s a matter of time actually, that is, what it will be, and unfortunately, such cases will most likely be repeated , it is not necessary to say that this will not happen, it is not for everyone who is engaged in this, or is interested in general, what is happening with us on the front line and around it, this is not news, itself ... this technology, if previously very for a long time there, they agreed where they would shoot, but now they don't it's been more than a while, now they make this decision about where to hit pretty quickly, again, they don't have that many iskanders, so you know, just throw them anywhere, no, they don't just throw them everywhere , they drop them when they are pointed,
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when there is an opportunity to get a clear target, so there is only one conclusion: until we have some technical solution, how to counter this, if a russian long-range reconnaissance drone is flying, well wait , which means iskander is standing somewhere, waiting for a message from there, and you have to treat it like a drone is flying, wait for iskander, that's all i can say about it , and you don't need to, you know, say that no one knew about it, they knew , they waited, well, you see, misunderstanding that the iskanders were already... preparing, lead to some such unpleasant incidents, so yes, well , today we will not have a map of combat operations, but today we will have a guest, eh- uh, this is roman pohorily, one of the co-founders of this, well, uh project, which itself is a map of combat operations,
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deep state, and here with him... and let's talk about what is happening in our front line in more detail, directly and about everything, well , actually, what is happening there, so i congratulate you, roman, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, let's get started, today there was such a message, it seems, and you also confirmed it, well, your project that the russians have recently advanced in four directions. well , let's probably start from this, what exactly is at stake and, actually, which of these directions would you single out as those that need the greatest attention now from our command, all absolutely the entire front line does not need attention, because the muscovites press
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absolutely everywhere, have literally every day some kind of advance in... primarily due to these, this number that they use, pressure. the last changes were in many areas, there were so many changes saturated, and unfortunately, these are not all the changes yet. they were in the avdiivka area, they were in the chasovoy yar area, in the turetska area, where they started to become more active, so a lot of things happened here, in particular, if if we talk about the times of yar, then this is... the canal microdistrict, which came under the control of the enemy and essentially remained in the form of destruction, destruction of ashes, because the muscovites simply razed it to the ground, physically destroyed it, there were advances in the avdiivka area, in particular there in karlivtsi or in the direction of the progress of reeds, there were advances in the area
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of ​​turkish, this is a settlement. that is, there yurkivka, new york, the muscovites are picking up and had an advance there, and also in the area of ​​the coal mine, there east of mikilskyi, they are also advancing, they are trying to press go to the line of the voglodar vodyane kostyantynivka highway, and of course, a large amount of both human resources and equipment, and artillery, aviation, i.e. there is a lot of everything, is used there, but i also saw such a message today that.. . there is some kind of advance in the staromykhaivka area, that is at the junction of zaporizhzhia and donetsk regions, do you confirm that there are indeed some attempts to break through there, or is this a somewhat premature report? there were, there were advances, we had changes on the map, that is, there were very, very many of them
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lately, again, this is due to the fact that the brains don't stop pressing, they don't stop attacking, and here someone is distinguishing some phases of the offensive, there was, there wasn't, some kind of summer campaign started there, spring, autumn and the like, eh. .. i don’t know where these borders are, because they are always under constant pressure, and we see that whatever direction we are discussing now, the district, we see that there are constantly some hostilities, you know, let’s just, well, some such certain areas for let's single ourselves out, well, for example, let's start with vovchansk, because it was originally discussed there the fact that it seems to have already managed to be pushed back far enough there and literally on the outskirts of vovchansk, has now appeared. the message, as if the russians had some kind of advance there, what is it really about, can you somehow explain this situation in more detail, this is
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definitely not what we stated, because the situation there, if there are advances on a large scale, does not change at all, there hostilities are taking place, we described it on the channel, who is watching, he understands what is happening in that area, these are uninterrupted battles, our fighters. all use the opportunity to inflict damage, in particular with fpv drones, drops, our fighters, in particular and units of the defense forces, various brigades and the like, they use every opportunity to clear some area, there is a street where they are trying to gain a foothold , there were videos, ostensibly from the 36th brigade, which was clearing the outpost, but with... an example of how everything is dynamic, the next day, a group of muscovites at night, a little further west, also began to press, tried to gain a foothold there, retake
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positions, that is, it is all dynamic, just like us we are trying to move there, somehow repulse these positions, push the enemy, and the next day, after some time, they also start infantry, try to advance, gain a foothold, their main activity is shelling populated areas, in particular in... which they simply wipe out with the face of the earth, their typical tactic, they cannot take, then they immediately destroy everything, but this is all such activity that takes place there, here it is natural that our military forces try to move somewhere, use all the favorable moments to improve the tactical situation, but we can see that the line of combat has not changed significantly in recent times there, and how do you assess whether it is now possible to pull back some russian forces in this... direction, because, for example, a couple of days ago they in general, they said that we have collected something there and now we will make some attempt to make
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some kind of offensive there, some kind of advance, that is , does this part of the front now fulfill such a role, when additional russian forces are withdrawn there, only our forces are withdrawn, because they just have the means and resources to... attack, to open some new areas for advancement, to intensify combat operations. i don’t even know if the words are used here that they somehow withdraw their forces, they have them, they use them, but our forces are withdrawn, unfortunately, certain reserves that are forced to restrain the enemy, they do it successfully, i.e. we see that the muscovites did not succeed there, and the plans that they had already set for themselves, and in the terms that were planned there, they did not fulfilled, that's why this is the situation, well, if you go a little further south and look at kupyansk, this limansky whole shade,
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there is also enough, well , actions have been intensified now, well, at least they are even talking about the fact that in the area of ​​seryvyan forestry, it was successful to repel something, and how much do you assess the activity of hostilities there, is there any? she is now so tall, short, well , how, how to understand what is happening there? looking at what district, ugh, because the kupyan-lyman direction, a shade, let's call it that, it is in different places it has its own characteristics of battles, if we say, it is masyutivka over there, kislovka over there, krokhmalne over there, tabaivka over there, berkhivka below, these zones were active. they are very active all the time, just now they are becoming more active, because the muscovites have concentrated and dragged a certain amount of their forces there, they have been climbing without stopping and they are climbing
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. further and they climb into the foreheads of the damaged first in forestry or in general, there is no way they can get away with this son, our military is holding on there, although it is very difficult under constant with this pressure to be in such constantly dynamic battles, the same is true of berkhivka, a very difficult situation there, because the enemy has also become more active, there, after they had success there, they immediately start to press, as they always do, we know if we go down... the day is still there in novaehorivka, in the direction of borova, we remember the description of the situation, directly from the soldiers of the third assault division, who also hold back the onslaught of the enemy every day, who have concentrated a large number of forces, and these attacks occur constantly, if we speak in the area lyman, there is yampoliv, katerny, there the activation of the enemy has somewhat decreased, as they have erased their potential that they accumulated there, they have moved
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certain of their... divisions to other, to other areas, also, now there are brigades that have lost their combat ability, they are being replaced there, that is, of course they support the activity there, but not the way it used to be. serebryanske forestry is a separate area in general, which is very, very difficult, because it is wooded, of course, we saw a blue zone there and it is super difficult to complex superhuman simply efforts made by our fighters to have there advance, they again... this is a case where every opportunity is used to push back the enemy, to improve the tactical position, and this is one of those cases where they took advantage of a favorable situation, the environment and pushed back, recaptured certain positions, we will watch , i hope that this will continue, the blue zone will increase, but serbian forestry is a very, very difficult area, so we can expect that they will
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step up there after all. well, it depends on the situation, we hope that the fighters are strong defense, in particular the azov units, which are very actively engaged in hostilities there, he will continue his successes, will develop a tactical position, uh, well, a little bit, let's jump like that and maybe somehow like that. pay attention to what is actually happening in the direction of the postavdiyiv front, if you can say so, there is also progress there, which you also noted, but if you say in more detail, in what where, where exactly there is now the most hot, hot section in this direction, absolutely the entire branch in the avdiivka area, from
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arkhangelsk to karlivka. which is under active such activity on the part of the enemy, they press all along this line in different settlements in different ways, there i again, as i mentioned at the beginning, they had advances from the reed towards the progress of the railway, they are there they are also constantly climbing, and there were advances in the karlivka area, where they, with the help of infantry, even a few people, but they are trying to entrench themselves somewhere, hide, they test, in the area of ​​sokol constantly, and we see that they have already reached yevgeniivka, there they continue to develop their success, the situation there becomes very complicated, since they saw all these opportunities to advance further, they mobilize more forces there, activate, if for further advancement, and these are all attempts to attack, they take place continuously, all this with fire support from there is equipment, aviation, artillery. that
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is why very active fighting is going on there now, roman, and how do you explain why it is not possible to stop this advance there, to somehow stabilize the front, it is exactly in this direction, in what, in why is the problem the biggest, it is very difficult to cross out, single out all the problems here, because there are a lot of them, they are all interconnected, of course, first of all, it is a huge number of muscovites with... of course, in this ratio of human resources, there are also techniques, means of defeat, they are more in the brains, and even if we talk about means of defeat there, the same fvidrons, drops, they are all spent on simply a huge amount of infantry that climbs incessantly, and this is one of the main factors, which must be taken into account, there are also...


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