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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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it should be conducted by professional people who are part of the official state and not the official state, that is, we need to explain our strategy for victory, that is, andriy borisovych is now in washington, maybe he is explaining, he is in washington meeting with the current administration, so i am talking about the fact that during the elections, well, we need to introduce a commune. tion with both parties, and at a certain point the republicans began to take offense at us and we received such messages that sometimes the communication of the president's office is perceived by the republicans as supporting only democracy, so we have to tread very carefully here so as not to be involved in these elections and not appear that we support one of the candidates. or
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one of the parties, so on and on and on have to do your work, prepare your victory strategy, so that regardless of what the new team will be, show: this is our plan, how to win, this is what support you need, and this is how we can make russia together, this is how we can defeat it together. thank you very much, darya kalynyuk, executive director of the anti-corruption center, we talked about the prospects of donald trump's presidency and his position regarding ukraine. thank you very much. well, next we will talk about the front. the russian military command wants to use the offensive on turetsk to further advance either in the area of ​​chasovoy yar or in the area of ​​avdiyivka, depending on which direction seems the most promising. at least that's what a current review by the american institute for the study of war says. the toretska district west of occupied horlivka has become one of the hottest in recent weeks. areas of the front, in
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in the briefing of the ukrainian general staff this morning, it was said that in the last day alone, russia attacked this direction 32 times, in particular in the turetska, northern, southern, and iron districts, in new york, in the donetsk region. our colleagues, journalists who work in the turkish direction, report that the advance of russian troops there is very rapid, russia took advantage of the chaotic rotation of the armed forces and broke through the ukrainian defense, diana butsko, a military correspondent of hromadsky, writes for example. according to her, if... the front line cannot be stabilized, neither turkey nor new york will be. meanwhile, the ministry of defense of russia reported on the capture of the chasovoy yar canal area. the authorities of ukraine have not yet commented on the situation, but the deep state project has confirmed that russian troops have occupied the channel. we can now see that this area has been completely destroyed by the fighting. well, after the loss of the channel, the loss of the time ravine is inevitable, at least this is reported by the military who are there. we are just now on well and also
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military personnel stationed there say that if russia now captures, for example, yar, toretsk, and new york, the operational situation in the donetsk region may change radically and the way to kostiantynivka may be opened for russian troops. our broadcast is joined by serhii krivonos, major general of the armed forces reserve, first deputy commander of the special operations forces 2016-19, deputy secretary of the national security and defense council 19 20th year, good evening, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i will be here now from some of these populations points i want to ask you, let's give it time, has ukraine already lost time or not yet? let me first reassure our viewers and say that listening to you and listening to those on whom you relied, i would not, you know, make dramas, from battles of local importance, there are certain threats, but for now, that's it. . which
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was carried out by your colleague, that regarding the failure and breakthrough, well, there is no need to say such things, yes, the order of rotation was violated, and the enemy took advantage of this, and this is not the first time, unfortunately, such a situation, but as for the battles on in the turkish direction, and they are quite active, as well as in the kramatorsk direction, and it is quite a difficult task to get these... territories, but for now they are being held and let's hope that the armed forces will use the potential that they have and due to the help we received, they will inflict damage on the enemy in a timely manner in order to prevent him from active combat operations on the front line, and nevertheless, if we look in more detail at individual settlements of the time, this is what is happening there from your point of view, the situation is difficult, the enemy is actively using the cabs and...
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talking today with those people who are there, i will say that the commanders do not panic, they understand what and how to do and they need it more. active use, they say we need artillery, we need more drones, they have these weapons, uh, let's not frame the people who spoke directly to me, we'll see tomorrow morning if they give them what they're asking for , but did i understand you correctly, that you are not support the point of view that was heard today by a number of military and military observers that... the loss of the kanal neighborhood means the loss in the near future of the entire temporal ravine, the kanal neighborhood i know very well, as i know, in principle very well i have been there many times, and for a long time i have studied this
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city well enough and i will say that everything depends on how the defense of the positions we have left will be organized and how... we will be able to resist this creeping attack of the enemy, concerning threats in the future for kramatorsk and konstantinovka, i said about this that it is so important for us to keep time, that with its loss, the enemy can gain a further bridgehead for the development of the offensive in two directions, well, a third direction, this can be done in parallel slavyansk, but it should be taken into account that the question is not about the name of the settlements, but... the question is about the dominant heights that are around the time of oyar and in this area in general, the question is not what the settlement is called, the question is how we we own the dominant heights and we provide ourselves with a mastery of the situation over
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the area of ​​the battle we are talking about, i understand that very often only civilians are guided by the names of settlements there , the military may be there... it is guided by other information, but nevertheless, these are really big cities , turetsk is one of the largest cities, which is already close to the front line in new york, just a week ago there was light, and now the cabs are wiping the settlement from the face of the earth. new york and toretsk, is it still possible to defend there, or is it already impossible? the battles are going on question, what price will we pay for the maintenance of these settlements? what price? what are you talking about what i'm talking about is that you can hold the settlement itself at any cost and lose a huge number of people, but there will be a commanding height on the outskirts of this city that will ensure control of this city even if we get out. here is the question,
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what is it about. let me then put the question like this: does it make sense to keep new york and turkey? of course there is, if we have the means by which we support actions. of our military units on the front line, and what means, once again, returning to what our colleagues said, and you also drew attention to this, that the defense of the russian troops managed to break through the defenses in the area of ​​turetsky and new york thanks to, not thanks to, contrary to, you can say, but the reason served chaotic rotation of the armed forces of ukraine, you say that this, if i understood you correctly, is not uncommon, this happens often and this time the same happened. precisely due to the fact that the enemy correctly, unfortunately, if it did not sound, the enemy correctly conducts reconnaissance in the front-line smuzi, including agent intelligence, including radio-radio-technical intelligence, and including directly using
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space aviation intelligence, all these things allow him to timely detect new clusters of units that arrive at the front edge and begin to prepare. before the rotation of those military units that need to be replaced, as a rule, the rotation of military units is carried out in three stages: a third is changed in one night, a third is changed in the second night and a third is changed in the third night, and in this way a complete replacement is carried out, well plus, before these thirds leave , reaction groups arrive, which study the situation, get to know the commanders of those military units that are on the front line, discuss in... issues related to the organization of interaction by rotation, and thus it is a prescriptive truth that were repeatedly made during this war during these years, for the most part there were never any problems, but there were failures, it must be admitted that there were failures, when
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due to failures, as far as the correct organization of this rotation is concerned, the enemy took advantage, realizing that i understood what the situation was, who entered and how and where it was necessary... this is firstly, secondly, it is still the most painful, which requires additional influence, it is constant, the problem is that the enemy, as a rule , strikes in the joints between. e-e combat units in the junctions between those units that are on the front edge, and due to carelessness, sometimes not being able to, sometimes with a violation of the organization of interaction with neighbors on the right, on the left, the enemy achieves certain results, because not knowing who to your right or to your left, and the enemy is right there advances, at certain moments, sometimes the movement of a certain group of people is perceived as the movement of their neighbors, in fact it is the enemy, but we have such examples of how the enemy
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advances quickly enough into the junctions of combat units using the same buggies, it was not so long ago in the kupinsky direction, where the enemy slipped through and right at the time, as we say in the time of the wolf, that is between 3 and 5 o'clock in the morning, when people are already tired, people, if they have not rested systematically, lose their vigilance, and just as the enemy took advantage of this, yes the same here... blows are delivered to those weak points, which are calculated quickly enough, and the task of commanders who lead the battle, lead their units, how to make it impossible to find these blind spots and draw their attention, often enough at the expense of low organization of interaction , your neighbors can move away, do not inform your neighbors about this, and you perceive that everything is normal there to your right or left, in fact, the enemy may already be there, due to these persistent attacks, you can already start accumulating your units and you are suddenly struck in
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the flank. thank you very much, serhiy krivonos, major general of the armed forces reserve, first deputy commander of special operations forces 2016-2019 and deputy secretary of the nsdc, 2019-20 . we talked about the situation in donetsk region and how the situation there may change in the near future. thank you. well, in dnipro tomorrow they announced a day of mourning, today russian troops attacked the city, as of now we know about five dead and almost five dozen wounded, we today, our journalists worked in dnipro today, we talked to people who witnessed the russian attack, listen and see what they say.
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when several rockets arrived at once , seven or eight rockets arrived at once, and there was such a strong explosion that i was hit by a wave and i fell, which means that it was already injured, so it was glass, the arm was broken, it cut the arm, cut the arm, and then sewed it up. here they were already stitching, fell on the floor with the phone and called my wife just to say that i love her, i i thought that these were my last words in life, the rocket flew at such a speed that, oh, how it banged, we all hid in the corridor, squatted down four times in a row. i have never felt this before.
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we have everything for today, our journalists work all over ukraine and even beyond it, so that you can quickly find out what is happening, we explain news and events and phenomena to you every day, like this broadcast, your questions, remarks, comments you can leave it in the chat under this video, and svoboda live will return to the air tomorrow. there
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are discounts representing the only discounts on penny steel hell 15% in the pharmacies plantain you and ochda . vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about... most importantly, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component, serhiy zgurets and what the world lives on. yuriy feder is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside ukraine. yuriy, dobryvechir. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with me and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. about
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cultural news. alena chekchenina, our art viewer, is ready to tell. good evening. leaders who have become many. on the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests studio mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care. espresso in the evening. a journalist who joined the armed forces, a political expert who became a special officer. appointed by taras berezovyts in a new project at espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to deal with anxiety news and to distinguish the truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso.
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your place is waiting for you, the light remains on, for dinner - what you like, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming. they are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we
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were surprised, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby. half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win, and we will do everything to make it faster to hug you, so when you are home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation. who united around you, congratulations, i ask you to help in the search for this girl, her name is tsviridova katya, she is 15
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years old, the girl disappeared at the very beginning of the russian invasion, nothing is known about her, actually since 24... february 4, 2022 . katya lived in the kherson region in the city of gola prystan, which is now temporarily occupied. due to the fact that, for obvious reasons, the connection with the occupied territories is complicated, and in some places is completely absent, then it is not possible to find out whether the girl is still in kherson region. but maybe this program will be seen on the internet by the inhabitants of the naked pier, so i am asking you if you know. if you have any information about katya sviridova , let us know on the hotline 11630. you can also write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. please do not remain indifferent. also in the kherson region and also at the beginning of the full-scale invasion , this guy disappeared, his name is kyrylo selivanov. he is
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17 years old and disappeared in the temporarily occupied hladkivka village. this is proper. not far from the bare pier, where katya sviridova, whom i told at the beginning, is from. i ask you to look carefully at the boy's face, maybe you will recognize him. unfortunately, there is no news about him since february 2022. of course, it is not excluded that kirill could be taken to russia, as unfortunately often happens with children in the occupied territories, but this is only an assumption, and in fact the boy may still remain in the occupation. therefore, i ask absolutely everyone, and still, especially residents of the occupied part of the kherson region, to be careful look at the photo of the boy, if you recognize him, don't hesitate and please. immediately call us on the hotline of the child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. if it is inconvenient or there is no
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possibility to call, you can write to us on the website or in the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. let's not be indifferent and let's do everything possible together to find the missing boy. i really hope that everything is fine with... sviridova and kirill selivanov, that they are alive, healthy, but with your help we will be able to find them, and by the way, it may well be that a girl and a boy, for example, together with someone from their relatives, fleeing from the war, ended up in one of the european countries. so please remember this number 11630. this is the only european missing children's hotline that works in 28 european countries, so if... you are in one of the european countries and you suddenly see a girl and a boy who look like katya sviridova and kyryla selivanov, immediately call the short number 116 30. let's go
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together we will do everything possible to find the missing katya and kirill. i have told only two of the many difficult stories of children who have gone missing. you can find information about all the boys and girls we are trying to find on the website of the children's search service. there are pictures of children who have gone missing and they need our help, so please look at their faces, if you know any information about any of them, please contact us immediately, children's helpline 11630 , calls free from all mobile operators in ukraine. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. anywhere, anytime,
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just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas taay is on the air. my name is natalia leonova. congratulations. the us provides ukraine with a new package of military aid. this was stated by white house spokeswoman karin janier during the briefing. the day before, defense minister loy still emphasized that the usa will announce an aid package to ukraine in the amount of more than 2.3 billion dollars. the new aid is provided within the framework of the program of presidential powers, the other part under the program of assistance to the security of ukraine. the
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announcement is the seventh security assistance package that president biden has signed to help ukraine since the signing of the national security act. it includes missiles for air defense systems of ukraine, ammunition for reactive artillery systems of high mobility. artillery shells and other critical means that will withdrawn from the us stockpile under the presidential authorization program. it also includes new funding that the us department of defense will use to purchase interceptor missiles for the patriot and nasams air defense systems to help ukraine protect its troops and cities from russian air attacks. thanks to the bravery of ukrainian forces and the delivery of weapons from the us and from our allies and partners, it is becoming increasingly obvious that the russian offensive on kharkiv has... been defeated. us secretary of state anthony blinken held a telephone conversation with the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine by dmytro kuleba. this was announced by state department spokesman matthew
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miller during the briefing. they discussed the situation on the battlefield and the strengthening of the united air defense of ukraine. the high-ranking officials also condemned russia's ongoing attacks on ukraine's civil energy infrastructure and discussed steps to strengthen ukraine's energy security in the region. preparing for winter. nato countries have agreed to collectively allocate 40 billion euros to finance military aid to ukraine in 2025. this is reported by the reuters agency with a link on two unnamed european diplomats. these financial commitments are part of a broader package of support for ukraine, which nato leaders intend to agree on at the alliance summit in washington on july 9-11. at the same time , nato secretary general jens stolton. however, it was not possible to persuade the allies to undertake multi-year commitments to support ukraine. stoltenberg's plan, released in june , called on nato countries to agree on a lot. annual
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support to ukraine in the amount of 40 billion euros every year, but the allies could not agree specific distribution of contributions. ukraine's future in nato and the us and allies are working to build a bridge to ukraine's entry into the alliance. defense department spokesman pat ryder said this during a press conference the day before. does minister austin believe that ukraine should be allowed to join nato? i think you heard how minister austin and others talked about the future of ukraine in nato, and therefore it is not the united states that decides to admit ukraine to nato or not? this is a decision of the nato alliance, i.e. 32 countries. but of course what we are doing now is to build a bridge for ukraine's accession to nato. and so part of that is working with ukraine in terms of looking at their military and defense capabilities, not just to make sure that they
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can sustain them in the future. but also to create interoperability for the day they become nato members. if nato leaders next week at the summit decide to admit ukraine to nato, will the us support it? again, i'm not going to prejudge what nato can or can't do to announce you know, we have very clearly stated that we see that the future of ukraine is in nato. at the nato summit, alliance members will discuss how to help ukraine protect itself from russia now, how to deter russia in the future, and how to prepare ukraine for nato membership. deputy chairman of the state department douglas jones said this in an interview with voice of america correspondent at the state department nike chank. so we're going to talk about the state of nato, and this summit is really also about the future, about how nato continues transformation and adaptation to future
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challenges, independently. from whether it is about supporting ukraine in its defense against russian aggression, whether it is working with partners, about ways in which we can build the resilience of allies to face threats and challenges from the prc, whether it is hybrid threats, cyber threats, the focus of the summit will focus on all these issues. is this path of ukraine to nato irreversible, will there be such wording in the joint statement of nato members? the united states and all nato allies said that the future of ukraine is in nato, and at this summit we will develop very specific ways in which nato can help ukraine in its current struggle against russian aggression. we will help ukraine in its current struggle, as well as help build the future forces necessary to deter russia in the future and implement the necessary reforms to make it a stronger candidate
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for... membership in nato. we describe all this together as a bridge to nato membership. so this assistance, which we are going to provide after the summit, will help accelerate ukraine's path to nato membership. is this path irreversible? the exact wording of the declaration will still be the subject of negotiations between nato allies, but the alliance has already said that ukraine will become a nato member. ukraine needs to continue on its reform path, and the more it does, the sooner the day will come when it will join nato. over the past two years, european nato member states have increased their defense spending by a total of more than 18%. such statistics were mentioned by the us assistant secretary of state for european and eurasian affairs james o'brien during hearings in the committee of the house of representatives on international relations. according to him, currently 23 of the 32 nato countries are spending on their own.
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defense budgets of two and more percent of their gdp, a commitment nato countries made in 2006. however, do members of congress believe that allies are fulfilling their obligations to support collective security properly, and how do american lawmakers feel about the prospect of ukraine joining nato. our congress correspondent kateryna lisonova spoke with them about this. she is now in touch with capital hill. congratulations. congratulations natalya. katya, military assistance to ukraine in defense against russian invasion will be one of the main issues on the agenda of the summit. you managed to communicate with legislators, representatives of both parties. what do congressmen expect from the nato summit in the context of ukraine and do they want to see ukraine as a nato ally? regardless of whether they want it or not, both democrats and republicans agree that ukraine's potential membership.


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