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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EEST

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are satisfied with shmyhal, should the prime minister really prepare for his exit, but that's all for the next time, well , let's start with the program of military summaries of the day with serhiy zgurets, serhii, congratulations, please, take your word, congratulations, vasyl , i congratulate our viewers, today in our military section we will talk about the specifics of the enemy attack on the dnieper, and about promises to strengthen our anti-aircraft defense. on defense, and about what is happening on the front line with our defense industry, with our partners, about this in a conversation with our military experts, more on that in a moment. let me start by saying that this morning the enemy carried out another terrorist attack on our peaceful cities. the enemy struck with three land-based cruise missiles.
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iskander k, four kh-59 guided air missiles and five shahed-type attack uavs. dnipropetrovsk was the main target of the occupiers' strikes, and according to the air force, all means of attack of the enemy were shot down, except for two iskander k. iskander k is actually, in fact, such a generalized name for cruise missiles are used as part of the iskander otrk, as well as. in naval carriers called kalibr, and in fact it is such a cruise missile that has a range of 1500 km there, and when we saw this video of the strike on the dnipro, this is what we see on the screen now, the question arose, what exactly is happening with the warhead of this cruise missile, we asked for an explanation from the kyiv scientific research institute of forensic examinations, which analyzed all russian
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strikes and explained to us that this is indeed a kylata -caliber missile, and in fact this fiery one the pillar that we see in the video is actually an explosion of the combat part of a remote detonation, which speaks of precisely controllability against peaceful objects and citizens, but such a fiery continuation of this fiery strike is actually an explosion. engine from this missile, because we speculated that maybe the enemy had started upgrading those missiles and making dual warheads there, we were told no, that it was a standard caliber missile with an air -detonated high-explosive warhead, and just that explosion just caused casualties among our peaceful citizens, we have a significant number of victims, president zelenskyy said that the only answer to remove this terrorist threat is
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, first, to increase the number of air defense systems that we have to receive from our partners and to get the ability to strike deep into enemy territory, where the enemy accumulates certain types of weapons or manpower. regarding air defense systems, we know that defense minister umirov was currently in the united states, where, among other things, issues of providing military aid, umerov talked about the need for... the number of air defense systems, as a response to the terrorist actions of the enemy, we and actually then austin announced that there would be a significant package of military aid worth 2.3 billion dollars, where the main , including missiles for air defense systems, for nasams and for patriots, and in fact these supplies will significantly expand the capabilities of our air defense. from the point of view
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of the number of interceptor missiles, when we are talking about the supply of patriots from of the united states, so far this topic is being discussed, we know that, first of all , the united states is now trying to convince israel to share with ukraine those patriot batteries that israel is currently planning to withdraw from combat, it planned to withdraw it back in april, but now because of the actions of hamas is afraid to do so in view of the possibility ... of hostilities becoming more intense, so for now it is holding back the transfer of these rakes of these complexes first to the united states, where they can be repaired and then transferred to ukraine, so in principle there is the potential to strengthen our air defense at the expense of patriots, but it will take some time, and in parallel with this , the enemy is trying to increase the pressure on our defense line, is trying to use the advantage in manpower and aviation, and what is currently under.. . happening on the front line, how
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our partners act, what strategies are optimal for the armed forces in this situation, we will talk with our guest, we are joined by valentyn badarak, director of the army conversion and disarmament research center, military analyst and writer. mr. valentin, congratulations glad to see and hear you. i would like to start our conversation with the fact that the minister of defense of ukraine was currently in the usa, he spoke about the format of cooperation with ukraine on the eve of the nato summit, where in fact we are not invited to nato, but a slightly different format of prospects for cooperation between ukraine and nato is offered. i would like you to assess the current stage of cooperation with the united states, what can we expect, given the political changes that may occur in the united states? now valentin probably
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doesn't hear us, now we will probably redial and let's reconnect and... let me remind you that we are now talking about the situation related to the visit of the minister of defense of ukraine to the united states, where a significant package of military aid worth 2.3 billion dollars was announced, actually half of this amount is will be directed to the american defense plant, where weapons will be manufactured for ukraine, it will take some time, and... another part of this military aid, it will be taken directly from the stocks of the us department of defense, so that these weapons, which also relate to missiles, to certain systems weapons, both javelins and ammunition, are what will be taken from the stocks of
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the us department of defense and thus can be quickly delivered to the armed forces of ukraine. we are now resuming our conversation with valentin bodryk. mr. valentine, can you hear me now? yes, yes, congratulations, mr. sergey. yes. i would like to start our conversation with the fact that now the minister of defense of ukraine was in the united states, they were talking about directions of cooperation before the nato summit. and we all understand the political upheavals that can happen in washington. how do you rate? prospects for cooperation with the united states, what risks exist, what optimal strategy should ukraine choose in this situation? of course, the united states remains a key partner of ukraine and in fact the safeguard against all, let's say, a negative scenario, the biggest negative scenario, but at the same time, we cannot
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rule out such situations when we realize that in, for example, in 25 year, we will not be able to count on... the united states, although today it literally became known that nato as a whole agreed to 40 billion dollars already for the 25th year, but this is what we are talking about, that of course, if biden is elected president, or i will be, i would say so, if the next president of the united states, the next is not trump, then the situation can be very good , i don’t want to say that... the appearance of trump at the head of the usa will create the biggest problem for ukraine, a problem, but the risks are growing, i do not rule out that now we are talking not only about the open part of the transition, but also about such a certain
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the hidden part, under the carpet, and to it can relate, and this is what ukraine can get instead. invitation to nato membership, it may be about certain weapons systems, it may be about technologies, including defense-industrial cooperation, thanks to which we will be able to significantly strengthen our capabilities, which, in order to get the enemy, as a matter of fact, his defense defense-industrial potential and its more distant reserves, i mean. which may include the missile potential of ukraine, which could be based on components, certain components, and by the way, these are not very new technologies, and this is something that is at the company level, and it is well known that
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nortaprumen, the company that enters ukraine with ammunition, that at the company level there were already, so to speak, negotiations and the company did not against, and... and now it is important that there is a political decision of the state department, that there is actually a decision of the american authorities, this is a very good, very good reason and a good idea. another important point, in my opinion, is the development of opportunities for negotiations, and the fact that right now there are reactions, well, in particular, schultz, the chancellor of germany literally stated today that germany will not support such negotiations when they are capitulations, will not support such a peace when it is the capitulation of ukraine, namely, if we believe insider sources, various, various information that is now walks freely in various
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internet spaces, so, strictly speaking, right now there is a study of the question of what way ukraine can go, what compromises ukraine can make, and actually speaking, the vast majority, let's say experts, are experts in the field of security experts say that we are talking about a trap, a very big trap that will not solve anything, will be the first definite postponement of a new war, if under the conditions that are currently spreading, i mean along the dnieper line, the line of demarcation and the crimea there, under dual subordination, ukraine should have an army. peacetime and refuse to write in the constitution the refusal to renounce
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membership in nato. well, actually speaking, it seems to me that the rejection of nato membership has already ensured us at least the united states, and but the rest, the rest of the questions, the rest of the questions look very problematic in terms of their prospects, and they look like very serious. an attack on ukraine, an existential threat to the ukrainian state in general, so maybe these levels of compromises, levels of possibilities are being studied now, but for sure, i will agree, i will agree with the ideas that are now being heard about the fact that trump is... and biden are interested in ending the war, and biden is interested in
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doing so by the end of his presidency term, actually speaking, because he understands that he will go down in history as such a weak leader and a weak politician and open the way for trump to various manipulations, mr. valentine, then the question arises, how does this affect the political schedules the situation on the front line itself, because we now see there such pressures from the russians in all many areas, and then the question arises whether our enemies are in a hurry for certain such political changes in the united states, and therefore they are just so active, whether the enemy has their own schedule, their vision of how they should conduct combat operations in a certain period of time, what do you say about... the enemy and about the front, of course, that the enemy is in a hurry
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to use this window of opportunity, this is in quotes, well, for them it is for sure a window of opportunity, and here we can talk about certain signs, including the fatigue of the russian federation, well, in particular, i want to draw attention to the fact that literally the other day , russian bloggers began to talk about the fact that the training of personnel from mobilization to getting to the front, this is one story that was confirmed by one of the enemy instructors there, and it actually indicates that there is a lack of trained personnel and a lack of personnel in general, and now it can actually be questioned. the ability of russia to conduct an offensive strategic operation somewhere at the level
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of the beginning of september or the end of august, what we said that it is possible and that this period is the peak of the preparation of mobilization contingents, they are actually being drawn down, but of course, the problem here is also that... that ukraine is losing its sons and daughters, and it is very, very problematic, of course for ukraine to wage war. of such intensity and under such pressure, in particular, there are experts who believe that it has become much more difficult for the russians to maintain and maintain a bridgehead in the north of kharkiv region, and if there are no tangible results within a month, then it may
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even be a matter of withdrawing, withdrawing their units from... in the north of kharkiv region, that is, the pressure is on the defense forces of ukraine, but there are also signs that the russian groups are exhausted, and that now somewhere at the level of summer, at the level of summer until autumn, certain such events should take place that will actually be able to testify about... i do not even rule out the interception of a tactical initiative by the defense forces of ukraine, it is quite possible, and a lot depends here on the quantity and quality of weapons, as well as the distance at which the defense forces will be able to hit with these weapons, i mean definitely western weapons, hit with these weapons on
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groups or logistic centers or. accumulation of military equipment already on the territory russia, it seems to me that it is fundamentally important for ukraine to be able to carry out strikes at least 300 km away, which is exactly the distance where the first signs of a borderline begin, when the groups are actually forming and preparing to approach. approaching the front, if ukraine will have such an opportunity to shoot them at different lines, uh, there at 300 km, 200, 100 km, 20 km, from the front, from the border, well, from the front or from the border, then the situation will definitely improve a lot , and here, i think, it is still
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worth asking certain things, we remember that somewhere... a few, a few months ago , the bundeswehr, well, germany admitted that the bundeswehr would not be able to wage a war of such intensity, and just a few days ago, britain admitted that it was not ready for a war, on any scale, and against this background it is worth to say that europe will probably count on, as powerfully as possible... to strengthen ukraine in order to delay the moment, to delay the moment when, uh, putin will be able to attack, well, let's say, the eastern flank of nato, let's say that, yes , it may be primarily the baltic states, but it may not only, another goal may be chosen, so
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here, that is, in fact, you count on the fact that in the near future, first of all, european countries will... provide us with substantial military and technical assistance in order to protect ourselves from the risks of a war with the russian federation, therefore the nato summit should be quite positive for ukraine. can we make such assumptions? positive, of course, in the sense that we remain without guarantees, and for an indefinite period of time, we all understand this, but we also understand that european countries, which are... more feel the war, the atmosphere of war and its approach, it is much easier for them to make decisions now regarding armaments, proper armaments of ukraine. this is a very important aspect, which is now, well, actually gaining momentum, such, such a trend, so to speak, of increasing
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the strengthening of ukraine, which concerns the united states. then, of course, in the 24th year, we will expect to spend that 61 billion dollars, but we absolutely have to prepare for such a moment when we may find ourselves again without the united states, and here we are helped precisely the deployment of defense-industrial capabilities by european structures, defense-industrial and military-technical cooperation, these two... and in fact, which can become a safeguard against compromises in quotation marks, yes, regarding the surrender of territory, regarding agreeing to some... to some trump or trump-putin proposals, because i, for example, do not rule out that trump's people are negotiating with
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putin's entourage, or perhaps in some such way, well, it is more possible than veiled, but the fact that this is happening is obvious, and even now they say that during the meeting in the ou. it is quite possible that the russian official who arrived there will be able, or even has some, some additional proposals, which can already be discussed now, that is, in the next few days, and, well , actually prepare for some such scenarios of a freeze, a freeze of war, mr. valentin, thank you very much for inclusion, for your... comments, let me remind you that it was valentyn badrak, the director of the army conversion center, conversion and disarmament, military analyst and writer, the broadcast
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will be continued by vasyl zima, so stay tuned espresso channels. well, i thank serhiy zgurets very much, i thank his guest. the great ether continues and we still have a lot of interesting and important things ahead of us. information, in fact, all the most important, most interesting, still remains, as they say, ahead of us, but now, before we start talking about the situation in the dnipro, today the enemy hit both the dnipro and the dnipropetrovsk region, unfortunately, there are casualties , are wounded, tomorrow will be declared a day of mourning in the dnipro, but before we include our guest in the conversation, in which we will learn the last details, and in general, as it was, i will invite you to join the collection for... repair of armored vehicles. i understand that all of us feel people towards the enemy, hatred towards the enemy, and we ask these people, as they say, to convert them into
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donations. we are asking you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone in the open air in all weathers , day and night. so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield, damaged equipment, in particular tanks, combat vehicles, infantry, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed that will deliver mobile repair groups and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000, and i want to tell you that we, we almost succeeded, we have already collected uah 600,900, this is also during the big time, during the aters of my colleagues, who also urge you to join, we have 20... 9100 left uah, let's speed up as much as possible and let's close this assembly, actually you are great fellows, that we are almost, well, but as they say, in war
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almost does not count, we have to do what we have to do. kateryna nemchenko, with us, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, mrs. kateryna, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, sincere sympathy, because, well, to you as a community. and, of course, to the relatives and friends of the dead, injured as a result of the enemy attack on the dnipro. according to the information that i just looked at, the updated data of five dead and 47 injured. please tell me how it was in general, because these are the emotions, these arrivals of information, which is very important to understand, and then we will talk about the consequences, about saving people and helping the victims. please. yes, unfortunately, there is a small clarification, as of now, not 47, but 50. three people were injured, and yes, there were five people killed, there are great hopes that at least this list will not be updated in terms of numbers , but all day
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today we are watching how the number is growing, due to the fact that there were also blockages, and the information was also not completely known until the morning, because this is it became clear in the course of the day, if we talk about these consequences in general and about the state of people and... the situation in dnipropetrovsk oblast, then everything is very, very difficult, because the last days, the last week, for sure, these are just black days in dnipro and in the region, it is constant shelling, and unfortunately, they take the lives of ordinary peaceful dnipro residents, today it is five people, before that, when it flew into a high-rise building, it was already four victims who also died, and in the nikopol district due to shelling, we also have there are four for... dead in the last few virgins. tomorrow in dnipro has been declared a day of mourning, this is mourning, a great tragedy for everyone, and this is simply the price
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of the fact that russia... attacks the civilian population, this is ordinary terror, if we talk about the consequences of the arrival of today's infrastructure, then this is a hospital, this is a long-suffering district of yumz ours, it is a strategic infrastructure, of course, but what the russians want to destroy there, that when they try to hit it, and it also hits shopping centers, houses, and shops, well, to be honest, it is difficult to say, but this apollo shopping center , which in we opened there about two, 2.5 months ago, after an even greater destruction, well, it is destroyed again, there will be repair work again. yes, of course, business is trying to recover, well, the fact that people are restoring their buildings, either at the expense of the restoration, or at their own expense, or find money somewhere, of course, people need to live somewhere, business must also work, people also have something buy, he is recovering, but again, the dnipro is very close to the front line, and
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it is clear that the enemy ... continues to beat, beat, beat and beat, what is he looking for there, well, you know, today there were a lot of comments from different people that there is something somewhere, of course, they hit it, no one says where, how, and we won’t either, well, i definitely won’t i will ask these questions, if there are any landing sites somewhere and something is damaged or destroyed or something else, well, for this there are people who have to deal with it, to ensure production, especially if we are talking about strategic production, about military production, then ... we will not solve this on the air and we will not voice any information, again after all, there are appropriate bodies for this, which will deal with it and investigate, but the worst thing in this story is that people died, many people were injured, there were also kindergartens damaged, as far as i know, residential buildings, i don't know about the school, in my opinion the school was also damaged there, it was possible to shoot down 11 enemy targets, the enemy used iskander iskander-k land-based missiles.
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as far as i understand, and even there only one or something reached the target, what am i leading to, of course, when there is a mass shelling, even more so, this shelling is so diversified, that is, both shahed and missiles, and such and such missiles, it is difficult, but in any case, the fact that it was possible to shoot down 11 enemy targets, this indicates that it is obvious that the air defense forces have been strengthened, or some work has been carried out on... defense of the city, this is already a big plus, well , if you noticed it, you can really say, well, of course the air defense is working, thanks to the air defense, if there were, well, fewer crashes, yes, if there were more hits, then well, accordingly, there would be worse tragedies and more consequences of all this, well, as far as we can tell, after all, such an inclusion was too big
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sorry, but really. well, it causes the most destruction, but also the debris that just knocks it down, well, that's how it works, yes, it knocks down, and the debris, they also fly from many, many directions over a large area, so it's also very dangerous, and in principle a problem , well, not only in the direct hit itself, the problem is also in those fragments that simply fly in different directions, they are also very, very dangerous, and of course, the work is conducted in principle according to the... protective, let's say, situation in the city, well i believe that a lot has been done for this, indeed the local authorities are monitoring all this, but it is certain that it is simply impossible to repel such large attacks 100%, because, well, you see, one this percentage, it still remains to be shaken, and well, because these missiles, they are very insidious , and reconnaissance drones... not
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so insidiously there, they also fly around the city absolutely calmly, and of course, unfortunately, there are such unkillables, too , but it would be even worse if, well, it would be at a lower level than that in principle, thanks to the air defense forces , but we have what we have, so when i am a big city here i was a witness, well, at least as the rocket was already there, debris fell and smoke rose there from the other side of the dnipro i... in kyiv on june 30, if i'm not mistaken, it was on sunday, and a rocket was also shot down, well, i heard an explosion there, saw and the debris got into a house, and that house is 300 m from my mother's house, this is the oboloni district, well, four floors were damaged there, although no one was injured, people got to the hospital there with some, well, heart, pressure, before, well, panicky moods , it is clear, but i am leading to the fact that they shot it down near kyiv.


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