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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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insidious and reconnaissance drones, they are very there so insidiously also fly around the city, absolutely calmly, and, well, well, of course yes, unfortunately there are also such unkillables, so well , yes, but it would be even worse if, well, it was b is still at a lower level, so in principle i thank the air defense forces, but we have what we have, so when it’s a big city, i was a witness, well, at least how the rocket was already in ruins there in... and smoke was rising, there on the other side of the dnieper i saw in kyiv on june 30, if i'm not mistaken, it was on sunday, a rocket was also shot down, well, i heard an explosion there, saw, and the debris fell into a house, and that house is 300 m from my mother's house, this is the oboloni district, well, four floors were damaged there, although no one was injured, people were admitted to the hospital there with some, well, heart, pressure, panic attacks the mood is understandable, but i am leading to the conclusion that it was shot down near kyiv, and it flew all the way to obolon, and obolon is located in the north of kyiv, it is supposedly not on the border of the city, but... still, the debris flies
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far, the speed is high, therefore there are risks, there are always risks, it is very important here, you know, and some time ago, the mayor of kharkiv appealed to the un to save kharkiv, well, that's it, it's not a cry of despair, i won't say that it's despair, because people continue to fight, but they understand that every day, every day, kharkiv suffers every day, and i don't know what the reaction of the united nations organization will be, but regarding the dnipro, famous people, stars who... in terms of business are the main thing, there is a prison guard, and polyakova and many others, called, recorded a video, and hryhoriy reshetnyk writes: "come to your senses, finally help stop and knock out these guys three dots from our lands, if it is again, it is not a cry of despair, it is just that people are really calling, turning to partners, and speaking specifically, if not about the ppu. only, and what can be done
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to help dnipro not only to repel attacks, but to function, to ensure the functioning of hospitals, infrastructure facilities, communal property facilities that support the city's activities, there are certain issues with this, and what is there could be concrete help, well, to say that it is very critical, somewhere something is not enough, and there is no such direction, because the work is really underway. everything is provided at a normal level, that is, i am not aware of any critical cases, but of course we all understand that many hospitals in dnipro currently work with military personnel who arrive not only from the territory of the dnipropetrovsk region, yes, and work with many wounded as a result of attacks, and this and blood transfusions and many operations, even after today's attack, many people are in hospitals and need many operations, which they will try. and that's all
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medicines, it's all there and other resources involved, because the first thing, if there is, you know, advice to the public, the first thing that you can call on ordinary people, how they can help, is to go to blood banks and donate blood, so that it is really very, very necessary now, this situation is not only in dnipro, but in dnipro the situation is also very acute, because blood banks accept, well, there are... rare blood groups there, which are really in short supply, and therefore really you can call for this, if you talk about such more there volunteer and some private structures, then of course medical help at the dnipro hospital, it will also be unnecessary, ms. kateryna, and i understand, well, in the main it is still highly specialized help, but i think that both the city hall and the regional government will work to a... look for these ways of supply, appropriate
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assistance, once again direct sincere condolences for what happened in the dnipro, for this tragedy committed by the enemy, a terrorist country, thank you very much, kateryna nemchenko , was with us, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, and here only once again, both dnipropetrovsk region and dnipro, and we will talk about other cities and settlements that suffered from enemy attacks today, and about how the enemy is killing people indiscriminately. just in the yards of their houses, i do not understand this, although i understand that this is the enemy, but today, again , there are many stories about dead people, but now we will talk about national politics to a greater extent and about the expectations, scandals and dissatisfaction of politicians alone one volodymyr tsybulko, political commentator and people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation, poet, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, hero. slava,
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today i paid attention to the news that appeared on several resources, and i thought that there is still a reason to talk about it, because such news does not appear so easily, and the news sounds like this: zelensky is tired in quotation marks, of course, but from shmyhal and he can be dismissed as a candidate, which candidates to replace, well, they write about the fact that it was conveyed by sources, that he does not particularly listen to denis shmyhal, zelensky, even now, so is it we can talk about the government crisis, or why suddenly zelensky is dissatisfied with shmyhal, what he is doing wrong, or what he should have done in your opinion. the fact is that zelensky himself has accumulated a large number of mistakes, he is looking for ways to blur them out, we watched the story of the opening of criminal cases against the officers of the 125th brigade, then we watched the story of the dismissal of general
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sodol, then we, well, we are always looking for the same thing , well, for example, they watched the story with the dismissal of kubrakov, nayem, that is, zelensky is trying to... dump part of his mistakes on his environment, then together with these mistakes he eliminates them, but he does not get rid of this whole mass of mistrust, which thanks to systemic, i would say, irrational decisions, zelensky is just like a ship covered with systemic mistakes. and it is unlikely that any trust in him can be restored, so the bank is trying to somehow transfer their mistakes to subordinates, then dismiss these subordinates, well, this is unlikely to help, the only thing is that, well, the idea of ​​replacing
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the government in general may float in the air and the formation of such coalition, but preferably without petro poroshenko, here... i have received information from several sources that the bank is not against creating a quasi-coalition of unity, if only not with poroshenko, but with poroshenko such unity, that is, without poroshenko such unity not work. here, the bank already caused a scandal when it convened a prayer breakfast of national unity, to which the opposition was not invited, that's a lot. looks funny, what then is the unity? well, you know, eh, jesus even invited to his last supper who betrayed him, judas iscariot, therefore, although no one here betrayed anyone, actually all those politicians who are in ukraine work and help the army, and pass laws, they
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work in the interests of ukraine, regardless of their political sympathies or antipathy, so of course i am, by the way, this story and i also read opposition deputies. who do not understand this, in the united states of america, this is generally an excuse to get everyone together and talk, because we are not global enemies, well, we shouldn’t be, we are all, we are all fighting against russia, for ukraine, well, what is our enmity, in different political views, one more point, religion is unifying, religion does not push the poles along the party camps, and it turned out that even the religious factor was used by the authorities. for confrontation, it looks strange, well here really, you know, and faith should unite, the only question is, maybe not all people believe, and also, well here, you know, i can't help but ask a question, it's now a not that there is to throw a bone in someone's garden or a stone in someone's
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garden, but simply very often talk about what is conditionally the head of the office of president andriy yermak, who is currently in the united states of america, on the eve of the start of the nato summit there. in six days the nato summit begins, he, rustem umerov, stefanishyna are in the usa and holding a series of meetings, that is, i understand that there is something to do, despite, again, despite different political views, i understand that the head of the office now took some position, and he is doing a certain job, well, let history be there later, you judge, and, but it was said that yermak should be made prime minister, for example, i don't understand to a person who already knows exactly what he is doing, has had this responsibility for a long time, legal, foreseen, not foreseen, we are talking in fact, and what if andriy yurmaku would like to now, so to speak, sit in the prime minister's chair and be accountable to everyone to whom you can be accountable and take all the negativity on yourself, or still look for candidates
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whom you would see as candidates, by the way, for the position of prime minister of ukraine, well, really, let's not talk about yermak , poroshenko, and another person, but really, what kind of person would that be? so that the president does not get tired of her, or what he expects from her, some kind of economic miracle, to explain to people why taxes should increase and where these taxes should be taken, to fill the budget, i understand that the problems of the economy, they are probably now... triggers for the president, because people will immediately react to any changes in tariffs, taxes, prices, well, that's clear, here the question is different, the question is how the government wants to continue itself, the fact is that this model , when the current prime minister shmegal was just a shadow of the bank and nowhere flashed one more time, therefore, under these circumstances , of course. the transfer of yarmak from the chair of the head of the office to the chair of the prime minister is essentially
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the transformation, let's say, of the state into a fully presidential state, because, well, this is an act without revising the composition of the coalition, because the single-party majority actually no longer exists. the parliament votes, let's say, to gather the necessary number of votes from deputy groups that are not subjects in the creation of a coalition, because the factions themselves can create a coalition, and even more so another example, the fact is that shmigal made it possible for the bank to exist without a government program, i.e.... in essence, the bank is not responsible for the government, which supposedly works without a program and depends
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on the parliamentary majority, the bank controls the parliamentary majority, makes all decisions, and the government only well, i would say, i voiced that, those decisions that are made at the bank, now many voices are heard that it is necessary to restore the effectiveness of the constitution, and as an option of transplanting the ermak to the chair. the premiere is one of the ways of recovery effectiveness of the constitution, but really in the sense of, well , assuming responsibility for the state of the economy and the state of the economy, well, this really will probably fall on yermak's head as a very big burden, but at the same time, the current model of managing the economy and managing internal politics, the internal life of the country, except war. she completely discredited herself, i completely agree with you, if there is a person who feels
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the strength to implement certain things, even if it is not provided for by the constitution, then really, it is probably worth holding positions, foreseeing the constitution, taking responsibility and maybe it will really be possible to do something, here i am speaking absolutely again without political likes and dislikes, well, about the fact that during war sometimes people have to take responsibility and implement something, if you can, if you think that someone can't, well only... and very briefly, literally, very briefly, i will answer the question as trump, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy, here i also completely understand him, but he wants to know he has the right to it, the head of the state that leads war against russia, declared that donald trump should present his plan for a quick end to the war with russia today, if he has such a plan, and he is actually ready to meet with trump, well, here i will say only one thing, that trump, in principle, owes nothing to anyone , except, as president zelensky said to his family, but in your opinion. what should trump answer? a post on the x network, should there be any response
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to the president? well, zelensky is absolutely right that he wants to know if you have a plan, what to drag there before the elections, come on now to speak, the point is that here zelensky caught trump in the crosshairs, really, and if trump has nothing to answer, then it is clear that the ukrainian issue is a factor of domestic american politics, and in the elections the ukrainian issue... is very significant, so in essence zelensky created a situation where trump must either say really effective things, and not the way he voices all kinds of projects, here we are talking about very responsible politics, this is probably the first time trump was forced to talk about responsible politics, because everything he is engaged, he is engaged in such, well , imitation of hectic activity, and you and you on this topic that you will end the war in 24 hours... eh, you are also going to power on this topic, so come on, please, yes, sir vasyl,
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i just need to remind you that trump was president for 5 years, four years and did nothing to return crimea to ukraine, if he says that he can return it, then why did he not do anything then, being president. thank you very much for joining, thank you for the conversation, volodymyr tsibulko, political commentator, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation, by the way, we would like to thank mr. volodymyr, and i just... wanted to say that here too i was ready to support, and mr. volodymyr blurted out that president zelenskyi in this story made the right counterattack , and how it sometimes works. such a move is made and you have to answer, well, obviously, maybe volodymyr oleksandrovich has read the book of negotiations in the style of trump, and there, by the way, exactly such moves are used by trump himself, well, now let him answer, and again anyway, here we are not talking about political likes and dislikes, who voted for whom, who did not vote, no, here you have to act in such a way as to force your partners or potential partners to act, let them
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be responsible, and if there is no plan, let's close altogether this topic, let's talk about something else, rather than wait until november. until december, until the elections, and trump will become the president, and we will find out that there was no plan, let's find out right away that there was no plan, well, for example, or let that plan be written, and literally in a moment the news, every week the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we
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did not start this war, but we must end it must win every thursday at 9:15 p.m. in the project, velikiy lviv talks about the most important things on the espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. for the first time in almost 30 years, the head of the un general assembly, denis frentsi, arrived in ukraine and met with volodymyr zelensky. the head of state thanked the foreign guest for the support of the first peace summit, all of which, let me remind you, was held in switzerland, he emphasized that one of the results could be a resolution on the nuclear security of ukraine, the draft document kyiv will soon be submitted for consideration by the general assembly organization of the united nations. francies also held a meeting with prime minister denys shmygal, and discussed, among other things, issues of food security and the export of ukrainian grain. by the way, i will say right away that today
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, oleksandr will talk about how much grain we will be able to collect, oil crops, other crops, today. wait, it's really important to understand what crops we can count on now, how much we can sell, the domestic market, domestic consumption, that an important topic indeed. previously, there were at least three kabama attacks in the kharkiv district of kyiv , the head of the region, olek synygubov, said, as a result of the enemy attack, two private houses were destroyed. units of the state emergency service rescued an eight-year-old boy from the rubble. thank god, and thanks to the rescuers. at the moment , six people are known to have been injured as a result of this attack. in addition , a multi-story residential building was damaged, the windows were broken, and now our utility companies are working, the employees of the state emergency service are working. of the national police, so that every day we have shelling. well, once again the occupiers attacked
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the neighbor from kharkiv oblast. in poltava oblast , a hit was recorded during an air alert in the region, the head of the military administration of the region, philip pronin, said. he promised to make the details public later. well, the enemy once again attacked kryvyi rih. ballistic missiles from the occupied crimea were aimed at the critical infrastructure of this city, the head of the dnipropetrovsk region, serhiy lysak, said. fortunately, there were no casualties. before that, the monitoring channels described that the russians noticed. a reconnaissance drone, he was probably correcting her, an enemy strike. well , the number of victims in the dnipro has increased to 53. unfortunately, five people were killed, reported the head of the regional military administration , serhiy lysak. the victims mostly suffered from shrapnel wounds, cut wounds, bruises and
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fractures, and as a result of the morning strike on the city, the hospital building and shops were damaged. center near the medical facility, there was a fire, the russians hit the dnieper with drones and rockets, local residents heard at least 10 explosions, a day of mourning was announced in the city tomorrow, when the explosions started, there was a lot of noise, the explosions were very strong, there was a puddle near me, a puddle of blood, a lot of blood, the glass hit my face, my arm was broken, i fell to the floor with on the phone and called... to my wife just to say that i love her, i think that these are my last words in life, it was very scary, and here the whole parking lot was shaking and all these pipes were also shaking and we were very scared , we had time... to get down here before the explosions, everyone was screaming, crying, well, really sympathy and not
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we are killing, tomorrow is the day of mourning in dnipro, let's also support it, because today is any kind of mourning, it is mourning throughout ukraine, dnipropetrovsk region, poltava region, kharkiv region, zaporizhzhia, kyiv region, it doesn't matter, we are all ukrainians, and for all of us it is it hurts, the gods are dumb, but no... espresso tv channel demands a return to digital broadcasting. the supreme court considered the cassation appeal of tov goldbury. i would like to note that in april 22nd , the radio broadcasting, radio communications and television concern illegally switched off our tv channel from the digital network. this happened despite having a license from the national broadcasting council. the supreme court adopted a resolution rejecting the cassation appeal of that. election and upheld the ruling of the appellate court, this ruling changed the motivational part of the decision of the first instance, they refused us completely, that is
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, not the first instance, not the second instance, not the third instance, to disagree that our rights and legitimate interests were violated . i will only remind you that many times our western partners of the g7 countries, their ambassadors, state secretary blinkin, are many. other people were always hinted at and they reminded us that freedom of speech, freedom of speech, freedom of speech in wartime, military censorship, please, but the espresso tv channel did not violate any censorship, did not work for the enemy, thank god, there is no reason to say that we are something we don't do it like that, why don't we, we say our tv channel, this is also your tv channel, and many people today can't watch espresso, have access to information, because someone somewhere once turned off the plug, and now... they refused, they refused, well, in any case, we will continue to work and believe that we will have the rule of law, common sense and freedom of speech, this is the actual thesis that we are fighting
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because we want to live in a democratic, free world, and not in such a world as russia is, and which destroyed independent media at the beginning of vladimir putin's rule, let me remind you, negligence or an accident, in the white church , a gate fell on a ten-year-old boy when he and his friends were playing in... on the playground. the child is now fighting for his life. this shocking tragedy caused indignation among many parents of the district, because in a similar one everyone could find themselves in the situation. all the details are in my colleague's report. an iron gate fell on a ten-year-old boy during a football game on the independence massif. they broke his skull and the child is now in an extremely difficult condition. makar is a student of the fourth grade of the bilotserki lyceum, gymnasium number 12. at the moment, his condition is unstable, and these few days are the most difficult, the child will have to have a plate installed, his frontal bone has been removed.
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the mother also recalls the chronology of the events of that tragic day. at first, makar was in local children's hospital, and later he was transferred to kyiv. a boy ran to my house and said that your makar fell. fell down, he is lying unconscious, i ran here literally in a minute, and soon came up, the gate was upside down, i don't know what he was like there, well, i understood that he was swinging on that gate, and they fell on him, well, they always, he walks there, he, well, they always play football there, often, i immediately got into the ambulance and we went to... to the hospital, the whole class of makarchyk was affected by this event, according to the parents' information, him classmates, this trouble did not leave anyone indifferent, so everyone united to save
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the child's life. the child has an open craniocerebral injury, he is currently being operated on at the okhmadit children's hospital in kyiv, and the child is in a very serious condition, let's say, a third- degree coma. here are the funds needed for his treatment. parents are indignant that the unfortunate gate has already fallen down more than once. the children picked them up and continued to play. it is still not known for sure who owns this site and why no organization is responsible for its security. of course, it is infuriating that it happened on a playground. the child did not go to play somewhere near the railroad or near some construction site. it was where it always was. these are children, and it could happen to any child, and of course, we want to stop it so that our children do not get injured, that our children play near the houses and we
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are sure of their life and health. according to parents, there are many such playgrounds in the district, and all of them are partially broken or worn out. the house where the playing field is located is on zheku's balance sheet number seven. the parent committee of the class immediately sent a letter to the office. in response, they were told that communal workers do not take care of children's and sports grounds. however , the youth and sports administration does not want to officially comment on the situation yet. the only thing, according to his boss. serhiy martynov, all sites are communally owned by the city. it is noteworthy that after the tragedy the gate was removed, but it is not known who did it. parents are excited, other children are playing on the field, and they are also at risk. i have the only question, who should be responsible for this unfortunate incident, who should supervise the playgrounds? after all, in the 26th house , our situation is not the best gate. they ask, i
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understand that children need sports, children need classes, it's summer, they are passionate about football, they want to practice, there are no conditions . children who were playing nearby at that time witnessed the shocking event. my friend and i were riding on these roller coasters and saw that the gate had fallen, at first we did not see makar, this one, those guys who were playing football with him. then they started calling everyone for help, and then, well, we got there, we saw that he was lying there, unconscious, and half of his head was bent there, our tv channel has already sent an information request to the city council, who should monitor the condition of the playgrounds and whether anyone will be responsible for such negligence . lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. really only the recovery
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of the child, of course, but there is the same soil, well , it was possible to at least put a little bit of concrete on those gates, they are big, the children wobble, that’s understandable, well, they shouldn’t fall here and there, and you know, they always try to put things in order when something happens. everything, the attitude towards children who need sports is not enough... the playground is full of dust and children fall and can get hurt, well, at least they would make a cover there. yuriy fizar is already with us, the world about ukraine, yuriy, good evening, please, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone, who joined us at this time. today , lukashenko is the one who calls himself the president of belarus, he still calls himself that, he diagnosed himself, the president of finland knows who can stop the russian war in ukraine, and the usa, it seems, can allow us
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to strike with their weapons. on the territory of russia. my name is yuriy fizar, this is world about ukraine and i will start in a moment. i do not start with this: the 45th president of the united states of america, donald trump, who has every chance to settle in the main house in washington on the next four years, as part of his plan for ukraine, is discussing with putin which part. purchased territories can be kept by russia. politika wrote about this with reference to two national security experts associated with trump. the journalists do not give details about the format in which these negotiations are being held and at what stage they are, as well as which territories, in particular, are being discussed. at the same time, according to the publication's sources, trump is considering the possibility of concluding an agreement with putin, according to which countries especially ukraine and georgia, could join
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nato. spokesman of the main. dmitry peskov, the ruler of putin's world, has already reacted to this information, saying that no, no, nothing like that, his suzerain does not discuss with trump. so does trump discuss things like that with putin, ultimately, does trump have immunity and more. about this and other things, i will talk with oleksandr kraev, an expert of the ukrainian prism foreign policy council, joins us on skype, mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you. to ukraine, heroes of glory. good evening to you. mr. oleksandr, please tell me please, have you heard the information that i have just given, do you think that such negotiations, the information about such negotiations can be true? in fact, it looks like these are indirect negotiations, that is, first of all, this is how they can be conducted, it is so obvious that trump's statements regarding the settlement, as they call it, of the ukrainian crisis.


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